Here’s How I Know You’ll Survive This

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Author of Be Ready for Anything and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course

There’s a survival secret that not a lot of people talk about, and it’s how I know that more than likely, you’re going to survive whatever is coming at us next.

It’s easy to get swept away by the doom and gloom and the pending disaster of the moment. At times like this, it feels like we have annihilation bearing down on us from every angle: the economy is almost kaput, nuclear powers like Russia and China aren’t our biggest fans, and civil war could erupt at any moment. And that doesn’t even take into account random natural disasters like wildfires and hurricanes, or horrific accidents like the train derailment in Ohio.

It’s enough to make you wonder how on earth you’re going to manage to live through what’s coming.

Suddenly there’s an avalanche of overwhelm, and it’s the kinds of questions that keep preppers up at night. Do you have enough supplies? Can you trust your group? Are you really ready? What if you forgot something vital? How can you get more money to get prepped? What if…what if…what if…

Let me stop you right there.

Spoiler: You’re probably going to survive it.

I have a lot of evidence supporting that. Here’s what you need to consider whenever you feel like you’re not going to make it.

Your ancestors survived.

First of all, you need to remember that you yourself come from a long line of survivors. It’s quite literally in your blood.

If your ancestors had not survived for dozens of generations, you wouldn’t be here. It’s not enough to simply have reproduced. Someone had to get the next generation to adulthood so that they, too, could procreate.

So while some probably died during horrible events in the past, plenty did not. Your ancestors have survived it all. They’ve survived big things like plagues, wars, the Great Depression, the threat of annihilation from various enemies, and natural disasters during times we couldn’t predict them and warn people using the news. They’ve survived smaller things, too, like floods, hurricanes, the S&L crisis, childhood diseases, the high price of gas, bad storms, hyperinflation, accidents, and governments running amok.

Enough of your ancestors got through such events that you are here: alive, well, and fretting about the future.

Look to the past, and you will see that you have everything within you to survive what’s coming for us, too. Survival is in your blood and in your bones. You, my friend, are the result of thousands of years of overcoming obstacles. You come from a line of people who avoided being killed by enemies, marriages, wars, pestilence, and love.

You are genetically wired for survival.

People regularly survive horrible events.

Another thing to consider is that people quite often survive terrible things. While some people do succumb to disaster, grief, or ill fortune, most people do not. Let’s look at some more recent history.

Sure, we can look back and say, “21 million people died from the Spanish flu.” But in 1900, eighteen years before that event, the population of the world was 1.6 billion people. So you could roughly extrapolate from that that one billion five hundred seventy-nine million people survived it. (1,579,000,000) Those are pretty decent odds, right?

And what about the Great Depression? This paper suggests that the only cause of mortality that increased was suicide, and this article says that the life expectancy of people actually increased during that time. In fact, it says that more people live longer during times of economic downturn, referencing the paper mentioned previously.

…historical research shows that during the 20th century, increases in U.S. mortality often occurred during times of economic prosperity, while decreases occurred during economic depressions or recessions.

In the first few years after the 1929 stock market crash, the only major cause of death that increased was suicide, says José A. Tapia Granados, a professor of politics at Drexel University and co-author of a 2009 research paper in PNAS about life and death during the Great Depression. While suicides went up, Tapia found that deaths from cardiovascular and renal diseases stabilized between 1930 and 1932, the worst years of the depression. Traffic deaths dropped in 1932. Deaths from tuberculosis, the flu and pneumonia also declined.

Around 100,000 people died during the Balkan War, and more than two million had to flee their homes to survive. The population of that area was about 4 million people, so again…while the death toll was horrific, more people survived than did not.

I’m not sharing any of this to belittle the horrendous things that have occurred throughout history. Any death that comes from a disaster or a war or a genocide or an economic catastrophe is a terrible thing. But the fact is that more people live through terrible events than succumb to them.

Some of it is out of your hands.

All of this is why we prep. We want to put ourselves firmly on the side of those who make it through to the other side. We want our families to suffer less from terrible events.  But even people who’ve never heard of prepping, who’ve never stacked up a five-gallon bucket full of food, and who haven’t read any books or articles about the topic still have a decent chance of making it through.

Of course, some things are completely out of our hands. If you happen to be at Ground Zero when a nuke hits, there is no amount of preparation that can save you. The same thing goes for a terrible accident at the workplace or a collision with a drunk driver. If there’s an extinction-level event like a giant meteor, we’re all done. Sometimes your ticket gets punched, and it’s your time.

There are also some personal circumstances that can prevent survival, such as reliance on daily medication or equipment. Again, this is largely out of our hands, and there’s only so much we can do about it.

We prepare to give ourselves the very best odds possible, and we are right to do so.  I feel much better knowing that I have skills and supplies put back that just might give me an edge during hard times. I will always be glad that I have taught my children vital prepper knowledge. Maybe we won’t just live through it but find a way to thrive in doing so.

Survival is how we’re wired.

But even without these things, humans are wired for survival. Even the silly ones. (Although sometimes you have to wonder about some of the folks you see these days – it seems like they can barely survive a  day at work or school without “safe spaces,” much less an epic disaster.)

Our operational objectives as human beings are to survive and to further our species by protecting our young. We can adapt to the most astounding things in our efforts to do so. We’ve done it since humans first existed, and we’ll continue indefinitely.

Things may be very, very hard. The world could change dramatically and for the worst. We may wonder how on earth we’ll do it if we lose our house, our car, our way of life, and our stability. (I’ve been there.) And you know what? That will really suck if it happens.

But eventually, we’ll come out on the other side. And even while things are bad, we’ll love people, we’ll find reasons to laugh, we’ll enjoy whatever it is we’re eating, and we will do our best to keep in touch with the things that make us human. We need to focus on those simple joys instead of focusing on what we’ve lost.

We just have to keep going.

If we do, we’ll probably survive.

You’re going to make it.

So if you’re wondering whether or not your going to be able to survive this, you know what? You probably are. The statistics are all in your favor. You were born to be resilient.

You keep on doing the best that you can. Prepare to the best of your ability and learn new skills to make it a little bit easier. Be ready to adapt to changing circumstances. Control what you can and let go of what you can’t control. Remember to find happiness wherever you can.

And don’t forget who the heck you are.

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.

Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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31 Responses

  1. What concerns me, is that during the great depression people had morality and more believed in God. They might knock on your door for a hand out, they took it and left. I believe now, they will knock on your door for a handout and come back with all their friends to take your handouts.

    1. Best people don’t answer door to strangers (even kids who could be with adults around the corner who will push their way in), even those you know may come knocking, just say you have enough for yourself or family, sorry.

  2. Lilmissy,

    I agree. When people take God out of the situation, it’s never a good outcome.

    Thanks Daisy for the inspiration!

  3. I couldn’t agree more Daisy. This is the attitude that is essential to overcome a very effective tool that evil uses against humanity all the freaking time – fear.
    Fear has led many to their end in one way or another.

    You can only truly control yourself and your reactions. You may not even know how you will react until you find yourself in certain situations but if you live in fear and worry you will not react well.
    You can be certain there will be some tough decisions to make along the way. Life isn’t fair nor is it easy.

    Daisy is spot on about controlling what you can and stop worrying about the rest. There is no possible way to prep for every possibility and that’s okay. Be grateful for what you do have – it can always be worse.

    The mundane things in life still need doing no matter what may be going on in the world. I do it one day at a time with an eye towards survival and awareness. The other eye looking at the present little miracles in my world (makes me smile).

    Daisy’s right, we are wired to survive. Humanity has survived some pretty horrible stuff. There is always hope and that is the ultimate prize to strip from your enemies. Don’t make their job easy. As long as there is life there is hope.
    Ok, enough rah rah, go seize the day????

  4. A positive attitude and a cheerful or good outlook on life will go a long way towards helping you survive. All the preps in the world won’t help you if you don’t make use of them. Depression is a killer in more ways than one. It also impacts your situational awareness that would otherwise help keep you out of harm’s way.
    Having Faith in God or (a power greater than ones self) often helps. When obstacles or problems seem unsurmountable; your Faith can carry you through and alleviate negativity and depression. This applies not only to everyday life but survival scenarios as well.

  5. I go back and forth on this one.

    During the Great Depression, most people knew and or had the skills to survive. Garden. Raise, slaughter process small, medium and even large livestock. They kept a jar of bacon lard in the pantry all the time. The 11 year old son would take the single shot .22 go out in the woods and bring in two or three rabbits.

    Nowadays, go into your local Wally-World and look around. How many do you think could survive if the power went out for two or more weeks? No means of heating, cooking, flushing the toilet, water purification. How many would be ignorant to the point to use the local water retention pond to crap in, or wash a soiled wash cloth in, causing a cholera outbreak? How many have the skill sets to survive? The wherewithal to have a well stocked pantry to get through the bottle neck?

    Daisy mentioned “safe spaces.” We have become a society where some will actually beakdown and cry if you dont use the right pronoun. Seriously. Do we really think people like that have the intestinal fortitude to survive?

    Then again, never under estimate the will to survive.

    1. Saw a meme the other day that said it all. “Our grandfathers fought a war – this generation can’t even fight anxiety!”

      Yep, as a species we have survived, but individuals have died, often in great numbers, because they didn’t have the will, knowledge, or even spiritual fortitude to survive. (I’m thinking Noah here) Truly we need to keep things in perspective. And just for a little humor we can add to this article. Yes, our ancestors all survived to bring us to this point, but lets remember that they all died too….eventually everyone does, even Methuselah. There is no greater reward than a life well lived!

      As for me, personally, I’m not to worried. I’m to stubborn to go out easy. Just ask my wife – she’ll tell you. LOL

      1. The Lone Canadian,
        “Our grandfathers fought a war – this generation can’t even fight anxiety!”
        While maybe a meme in jest, there is a legitimate concern there: When legal Rx anti-anxiety run out during or post SHTF. A number of people could be seriously affected.
        I have noted in past comments about how important it is for things like books, games, singing, even dancing are going to be important to keep friends and family from falling into depression.

        1. Hopefully basic Rx meds for chronic ailments usually for elderly won’t run out. One friend has a pacemaker implant, what if someone needs a joint replacement or surgery? let’s hope it doesn’t get that bad and medical facilities stay open. This is not a time to start a family with cost of living getting worse and women need to stay in workforce.

          1. I disagree about not starting a family, it’s even more important for your future to get going on that, and sooner rather than later. A woman wasting her most fertile and capable years droning away in some corporate office (where they’ll eventually fire you anyway) is IMO the height of folly. That transient lure of next week’s paycheck will ring hollow 30 years from now when you’re old, infirm and have no family to care for you. The main purpose of humanity is to survive; that won’t happen if we sacrifice our children for the god of mammon.

            1. I am 78, have several friends also retired, all of us are glad we worked and didn’t raise a family, they were career gals and spouses didn’t want kids. As the eldest of four, I have been there done that helping mom. My generation had choices, hubby said over population an issue even then. Husband is retired military and civil svc. I worked in sales and clerical. Young people have little hope for a decent life. Golden years are over since covid 2020. America is derailed big time.

            2. We are wired to survive specifically so that we can reproduce. Evolution tends toward survival of the species, not the individual.

    2. I agree wholeheartedly. I think that decades of government handouts has produced a major class of people who lack common sense, any work ethic, skills etc. They are used to being given handouts. We have morbid obesity issues in the US. We have far too many people who have been produced by parents incapable of and unwilling to actually provide for and parent their children, expecting the “government “ to do it for them. So yeah, these people are the descendants of survivors, but I think something has happened within our society that has drastically increased the number of those incapable of providing for themselves and dependent on others to do it for them.

  6. I consider myself an eternal optimist. Yes, I look around at the pronoun criers and wonder whether they have any survival skills. I only consider myself, my family and my well prepared neighborhood for planning. If the pronoun criers succumb, I cannot control that. Dog-eat-dog mentality in effect here. Our neighborhood has a thoughtful plan and we sleep at night knowing we have done the best we can to prepare. We all have strengths and we have planned to maximize them as well as protect against the weaknesses as best we can with available resources.

  7. Several of my ancestors survived not because of their struggle to survive in place … but because of their ability and willingness to get the heck out of “Dodge.” One early example was my Polish ancestor who became a POW on ship-board in the Gulf of Riga (offshore from Latvia in Sweden’s Great Northern War circa 1700. He escaped and by 1704 had made his way to New Jersey. All his grandkids fought in our American Revolution — but the one who was captured when Charleston fell to the British died aboard a British prison ship in New York Harbor.

    Another pair of ancestors told the US census taker in Illinois in 1860 that they were born in Ireland. That would put them in about the right years to have escaped the Potato Famine that starved millions of Irish because a British military blockade that stopped all relief food supplies from coming into Ireland — on contrast to Scotland where there was no such blockade so relief food supplies relieved all worries about starvation. Again the ability to “get out of Dodge” was lifesaving for the Irish.

    Another example were some ancestors whose exemption from the Russian military draft (aka slavery in uniform) suddenly expired in January of 1872 in Ukraine. By fall of that year three ships full of my ancestors and their community of farmers who would (and could afford to flee) made their way to New York city, and then to the midwest by train. In contrast, tho descendants of those who didn’t (or couldn’t) flee Russian owned Ukraine were caught up in Stalin’s murder by starvation operation (called the Holodomor) circa 1932-1933. Stalin confiscated their crops to sell for cash for his own military purposes … and even confiscated family pots and pans since Stalin intended those farmers to die. It was so bad that I found a letter to my long-ago hometown newspaper editor in 1933 that was preserved on microfilm today. The letter was a plea for help. One family had been forced to cut up a cowhide carpet to boil the pieces to create some minimal bits of nutrition. There were no followup letters on record. There were other stories of local farm people in Ukraine dying of starvation after which their bodies were left to rot in the streets for months. Again some of them were likely distant relatives of mine who either would not, or could not, get out of “Dodge” in situations where their ability or determination to survive in place was completely irrelevant — so they died a horrible death.

    A final story is about government’s obsession with lying to cover up blame for disasters. In 1917 a Rockefeller medical organization took advantage of the US Army’s 1911 activated program of mandatory vaccines. So the Rockefellers first sold a poorly test meningitis vaccine to the army starting at Fort Riley, Kansas. The GIs began to get sick immediately. Despite the sickness and a couple of subsequent mutations … that vaccine was sold to several foreign countries also. Because Spain was not part of World War I the Spanish newspapers were not subject to censorship. So when mentions of that vaccine sickness first appeared in Spain’s media, the ever dishonest Wilson government in this country saw an opportunity to disguise the vaccine’s origin and protect the Rockefeller origin by falsely labeling the ailment as the “Spanish Flu” of unknown origin. Estimates I’ve seen of the deaths caused worldwide ranged from 50 to 100 million — including more German soldiers than deaths caused by combat. That “Spanish Flu” lie continues even to this present day.

    Is there anyone here who doesn’t see the parallel between government lying about the “Spanish Flu” and government lying even today about the origin and actual proven preventatives and remedies for Covid-19 — the result of which has been to maximize the disablement and death rate?


  8. We just came thru a power outage for 5 days in our rural area in Pennsylvania. Thank goodness the weather was moderate in the 40’s, we experienced no internet and relied on our weather radio for news and updates on power returning.
    We were fortunate to have a Woodstove and generator to keep our lives fairly normal, however I have a 75 year old friend and neighbor that was underprepared who I invited to stay with us until power was restored. She has a Woodstove but doesn’t use it and had no alternative power source like a battery pack to charge her phone. To make matters worse, a huge tree fell across her driveway with no way to leave and go elsewhere. This was eye opening for her and us, will we be tasked with taking care of elderly neighbors as well as ourselves if the SHTF? We have made modifications after this last outage by getting a shortwave radio and an additional power source to help ourselves and others. Practice makes perfect!

  9. My husband and I had done our best with what we had back in 2008. We had built a house in 2007 and had 50% equity in it when the crash came. We then both were fired from our jobs so we couldn’t collect unemployment. My husband went to jail for nonpayment of child support for her daughter who was over 21 but in college. (We had a 6-year-old, go figure.) Our pastor helped pay to get my husband out of jail so that he could work. We worked as much as we could in what jobs we could find at the time and only made $3000 in 2008. He paid $4500 in child support. Our truck was stolen and wrecked. Our car was repossessed. We lost the home that we built when it’s value went below what we paid for it. We had to move in with relatives and our pastor gave us a clunker to drive. We were grateful.

    Fast forward to this year. We now own our home, land, and vehicle outright. We have a pantry full of food, chickens, an orchard, and gardens. I have the beginnings of a publishing business. (I started writing after we lost our house.) Yes, we are survivors and we know that even if we were to lose everything, we would bounce back.

    1. A brother had house repo’d,lived in it awhile as it was under water, he quit making payments as house devalued (pheonix area) he lived “free” in it for nine months, then rented ever since. This time there will be way more repo’s when market crashes and houses devalue.

  10. Here’s the big difference. Even if your Preps are a long ways from being completely where you want and need them, and even if you’re only part way through learning the skills you’ll need to survive or not quote adept at applying the skills. The fact that you’ve started the journey, already puts you at and advantage over a lot of the population with their heads in the sand.
    You are here and at similar sites. You’re reading the articles, asking questions and applying what you are learning. Networking with others that feel the same as you
    Don’t discount the steps you have already taken, and what you’ve already learned.
    Pat yourself on the back, because you’ve made great strides forward, and you deserve that pat on the back.

  11. My apologies for the misspells. My touchscreen is dying, and I can’t get spellcheck to stay off,, and I’ll be frank, replacing my phone isn’t on the list of priorities right now.

  12. Thanks Daisy, for a refreshing turn from the usual “Most of you won’t make it!!” fear-porn seen on a lot of platforms. It seems so silly when you realize NO-ONE is going to make it out alive. Our preparations aren’t so we’ll survive, they are so we’ll survive with minimal suffering.

  13. ok… enough of this positive/negative garbage…
    some will survive and some will not… stop with the 5 gallon bucket of food and be real….!! Lets begin:
    –100,000,000 invaders in the US and they keep coming – thats right youve been lied to for DECADES!
    –Decades of so called free trad shipping US jobs across the planet
    –Debt… 31,000,000,000,000 in unpayable debt with 100s of trillions in unfunded liabilities, as in the greatest depression ever…
    etc etc etc so go ahead and SUGAR COAT

    1. You sound like you’re already running around like a “headless chicken”.

      Doom porn is probably right up your alley.

      Pessimist much?

  14. My relatives survived the Great Depression/ WW2 but there was domestic violence, drug/alcohol abuse, parents died or abandoned their family. Those who left the area for govt work did better , but their Narcissistic Mom would ‘guilt trip” them to come back since she needed ‘help”.

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