Meanwhile, WW3 May Be Brewing While We’re Distracted

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Those who are paying close attention to the pandemic may have missed that another potential killer is brewing across the ocean. In Syria today, there is the real and looming threat of a third world war. Not only is Syria fighting Western-backed terrorists on its territory, there are many more players involved on Syrian soil – from the Russians and Iranians to the Americans, Turks, and Israelis and, with the recent Turkish actions, all of those players could very well come to blows.

It’s well-known to geopolitical scholars that the world is already in global conflict. With the United States, NATO, Israel, EU, and the Gulf States loosely united against the “multi-polar” world of Russia, China, Iran and a growing host of “target” nations that prefer the carrot over the stick, the globe is already in a quiet world war, though the major powers have yet to publicly declare it on one another. As it stands currently, the global conflict is more akin to the Cold War where color revolutions and proxy wars are the order of the day. However, the quiet war can only remain quiet for so long, until one side begins to see that it is the inevitable loser. Then the quiet war becomes loud.

When the Western powers initiated the war against Syria in 2011, it was largely expected and intended to go the way of the Libyan disaster that just ended. However, with the unity of Syrian culture, Syrian government leadership and, most importantly, Russia entering into the war on the side of the Syrian government, the quick destruction of the Syrian state has resulted in a nine year war that has seen Syria turn the tide on the largest and most effective military state in the world.

But while Syria has been defeating Western backed terrorists on its own territory, there are a number of players now involved in the country that could very well find themselves in direct confrontation with one another, leading their proxy forces into a larger much more destructive and global war.

Summation of events

After having dispatched troops to the terrorist haven of Idlib, Syria as the Syrian military engaged in a massive push to liberate the region. Turkey has since come to the rescue of the embattled terrorists, launching drone attacks, airstrikes, and ground forces into Syrian territory.

Turkey established a number of “observation points,” that the Syrian military, during the process of liberation early on in the Battle of Idlib, surrounded. The Syrian military did not disturb these posts or harm any Turkish soldiers.

However, that all changed when the Syrian and Russian air forces began bombing terrorist targets. Those airstrikes killed a number of Turkish soldiers who had been embedded with terrorist groups. Turkey then played victim and Erdogan sent more Turkish soldiers and engaged in airstrikes against the Syrian military. Later, another Syrian airstrikes killed yet more Turkish soldiers who were also embedded with terrorists, resulting in a forceful Turkish response of drone attacks and airstrikes and the further progression of Turkish troops onto Syrian soil.

Syria managed to shoot down a number of Turkish drones but other airstrikes have since avoided hits from the Syrian air defenses.

Israel has also stepped up its attacks on Syria, claiming to be targeting “Iranian” assets but really attacking forces assisting Syria in the fight against terrorism. In fact, Israel recently announced that it has a plan to remove Iran from Syria in the next 12 months.

Thus, with Turkey attacking from the North and Israel attacking from the Southwest and, of course, the American troop presence in the Northeast, Syria is now facing a “multi-front war.”

Moscow and Ankara have since agreed upon yet another “ceasefire” agreement in order to stop the erratic and possibly insane Erdogan from pushing forward any further inside Syria and resulting in a full-on direct war between the two. That ceasefire, however, even as I write this article is quickly unraveling as a number of the groups that are a party to it have yet to stop shelling and launching attacks upon the Syrian army and the latter cannot simply sit by while being fired upon by Turkey’s “rebels” nor can it continue to abide attacks by terrorist groups not even included in the ceasefire but who are continually launching attacks as against the SAA as well.
Possibilities – Turkey vs Syria /Israel vs Syria/ Israel vs Iran/ Russia vs Turkey/ US vs Iran/ US vs Syria/ US vs Russia/ WW3

So we now have yet another situation in Syria that could result in a third world war, potentially moving all the way toward a nuclear confrontation between Russia and the United States. This time, there are a number of possibilities that could see the spread of conflict.

Turkey vs Syria – With the Turkish invasion of Syria it stands to reason that both parties will see direct clashes. However, both of these nations have powerful allies and backers – Turkey has the United States, Israel, and NATO (of which it is a member) while Syria has Russia and Iran. While the threat of a Turkish-Syrian clash may be contained in and of itself, any attempt by Syria to defend itself against Turkey, particularly if that response is taken on Turkish territory, could then trigger the “mutual defense” pact of all NATO states, something Turkey has repeatedly attempted to implement. A full NATO response would then see NATO forces facing Russian forces in Syria, at least at first.

Israel vs. Syria – Ever since 2011 when the crisis in Syria began, Israel has not only been supporting terrorists via intelligence, weaponry, and medical treatment, but it has also acted as another wing of al-Qaeda’s air force, routinely bombing Syrian government forces and installations. Over the past few years, Israel has stepped up its attacks until strikes against Iranian, Hezbollah, and Syrian (often whatever target Israel chooses labeled as “Iranian”) are an almost weekly occurrence. Israel, whatever its claims may be, is already at war with Syria. Should there be a Syrian response, however, it is likely that the one-sided US-Israel relationship that allows Israel to fight to the last American will be triggered, bringing in US forces en masse, putting them at risk for a direct confrontation with Russia.

US vs Russia – All the possible scenarios (and there are many more than the two mentioned above, focus around the possibility of American and Russian troops clashing and thus resulting in a wider, third world war. While both Trump and Putin have proven to have cooler heads than many may at first suspect, there are nonetheless instances of brinkmanship that could very well have resulted in a crossing over the line.

In the past several months, Syrian soldiers have turned back illegal American patrols and refused to allow them to pass through Syrian military checkpoints. In response, US forces have turned back Russian patrols and Russians have done likewise. The situations have become increasingly tense, with some unconfirmed reports of a fist-fight breaking out between American and Russian forces. Ironically, this is the first direct clash of the two world powers if the reports are true.

The checkpoint tensions reached a tipping point when the US attempted to pass through a Syrian village and were met with Syrian protesters and rock throwers. American troops responded with gunfire resulting in the death of a Syrian teenager but also in the village engaging the troops in battle. Russian forces quickly intervened to end the fight.

Thus, the world is yet again held hostage to the possibility of global conflagration as a result of Western aims in Syria and an agenda that is attempting to march forward despite credible and capable opposition.

COVID19 and Spanish Flu

These clashes and potential clashes come in the context now of a global pandemic that is being used to justify the shutdown of entire nations and the world economy. There is, of course, precedent when it comes to world war and pandemic.

For instance, the 1918 Spanish Flu that killed millions of people worldwide came on the heels of World War 1 which left many places in the world ravaged with destruction, famine, and vastly reduced living standards. The high use of chemical weapons, particularly those which affect the human immune system,[1] also played a part in the virulent spread of the Spanish Flu. Although many theories have been proposed regarding the source of the pandemic (including the possibility that it was created on a military base in Kansas), it is without a doubt the living conditions of the world that provided a fertile ground for its spread and severity.

With this in mind, however, it is important to take a look at the conditions in which we find ourselves in the present day with respect to pandemics or, at the very least, the possibility of pandemics.

The United States and the world finds itself in an economic depression. For some countries, particularly the United States, living standards have been vastly reduced compared to those which previous generations have experienced. While technology may have advanced, the applications of that technology in most areas other than entertainment have been intentionally withheld from general society.

It is also an unfortunate fact that some parts of the world have never had high living standards to lose. Whenever the West catches a cold, Africa catches pneumonia. The Middle East is in the process of being destroyed and Asia remains a pit of slave labor, crowded living conditions, and inadequate infrastructure.

Regardless of what you might think of the COVID-19 hysteria and the responses to it, it is undeniable that the world is in complete turmoil, a situation in which war and disease are always ready to join hands.

[1] Tenpenny, Sherri. FOWL!: Bird Flu: It’s Not What You Think. Insight. 2006.

About Brandon

Brandon Turbeville writes for and his own website, He is the author of ten books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, The Difference It Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President, and Resisting The Empire: The Plan To Destroy Syria And How The Future Of The World Depends On The Outcome. His books can be found in the bookstore at and on Amazon.

Turbeville has published over 1500 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, civil liberties and, most notably, geopolitics and the Syrian crisis. His most recent release is a book of poetry, “Dance, Amputee.”

Picture of Brandon Turbeville

Brandon Turbeville

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39 Responses

  1. “While technology may have advanced, the applications of that technology in most areas other than entertainment have been intentionally withheld from general society.”

    What technology would that be? Most everybody has a computer, tablet and smart phone. While many are used for entertainment, by individuals and families, in the business world productivity has abounded. So what has been withheld? Science fiction proposes autonomous cars, flying cars, personal robots, personal spacecraft? Perhaps this technology has been withheld so successfully that we don’t know that it even exists. Immortality, magic, Stargates? Or maybe AI, heaven forbid that gets loose in the world in the sci-fi sense.

    So what does he refer too? His imagination, I guess.

    1. Agreed billybob, this guy knows more than our Military Leaders, NATO, and a whole bunch of heads of state too. Wow, just another Libertarian kook.

      What really troubles me is that too many great sites like this are filled with nut jobs that give Preppers a very bad name.

      1. I am afraid it is people like you who give preppers a bad name. What are you? Some kind of far left wing kook?

    2. Very shallow of you to post such a vapid comment. You have never heard of Nikola Tesla and his zero-point energy system? The one that Edison said he did not want if he couldn’t put a meter on it? You are completely unaware that the government seized all of his records hours after his death? You have not heard of prototype engines that run on water? 100 MPG fuel induction systems? Technology that was bought up and hidden away so multi-national conglomerates could continue to rake in record profits? Your post shows a breathtaking lack of awareness of the world around you.

  2. This is a great site but sad to have to read such dreck. Disappointed. Clicked on “About” near the authors name but it sent you back to the beginning of the article. So, he’s a nobody. Fits.

    1. You got that partially right. This boob has his prejudices and preconceptions driving his poor prose. While I have to wonder how we got into this mess – except that human societies tend to be aggressive and violent, because personalities so driven tend to take control of those societies – he belittles Israel and contradicts himself when describing Israel (“Israel … claiming to be targeting “Iranian” assets but really attacking forces assisting Syria… Israel recently announced that it has a plan to remove Iran from Syria…”
      More powerfully, his tirade totally ignores the real concept of self defense when it comes to Israel. She’s been attacked by various Arab tribes and nations (after they formed) since long before she existed as a state. Under any reasonable, normal perception, self-defense against any entity which has publicly stated its intention to wipe that group out and kill its population deserves our sympathy and assistance. Instead, from tendentious boobs like this, she gets unjustified and contradictory vilification.

  3. There is one player that isn’t mentioned. CHINA. China seems to have the most to gain from destruction of the US.

    Anyway it plays out we are certainly finding ourselves in dangerous times and there is much more going on behind the global pandemic…

    Hopefully, WWIII will not be the end result.

    1. Aileen,

      Well said! There was quit a bit of tension, espionage, corporate competition, trade agreements, military saber rattling, and legal battles (etc) with China that reached a peak in mid 2019 with 5G and Huawei issues. Likewise, there are plenty of pointers (reports, analysis, leaks, evidence, whistle blowers…) towards the idea that somebody in a 3 letter intelligence agency was responsible for the Corona Virus (bioweapon) release in Wuhan. It certainly addressed ALL of the above issues with one single event, yes? In other words, the most likely case is that China perceives COVID-19 was an attack by the US. Logically, our greatest threat of an attack at the moment would be China’s retaliation.

      Moving from research into brainstorming and speculation, I would expect a response in the form of a chemical weapon(s) attack supported by computer & internet & utility grid disruptions. In other words, not a military confrontation but an event or series of events that would target our economic infrastructure and food production.

      The optimal time to conduct such an attack would be in the next 12 days, to get American completely shut down by the end of April. Although I normally consider the mid-East as the world’s hot spot for war and terror, I’m much more concerned with events and developments with China right now.

      As always, I hope I’m wrong about any conflict with China. But it is a time to be vigilant, and look beyond social distancing and other distractions & manipulated events. Whatever the outcome, food production and food shortages are manifesting NOW. It would be wise to plan and prepare for this reality.

    2. @Aileen – Yes, if we have a WW lll. China will definitely be against us. The Chinese have always said, they are going to be the World leader.

  4. The author might be right in the long run bout a war because Syria is a Sshow without a doubt but the bias “Western backed “terrorist” “, no mention of Chinas role in Syria and ignoring the oil/land aspect of what that’s all really about makes this an incomplete picture.
    Saying there’s gonna be war is like saying there’s gonna be sunshine. Yup it’ll happen in fact it is happening as in continuous.
    Saying there’s a Cold War is a no brainer too because the old one didn’t end despite what “they” told y’all. I started service in 87 and it never changed and I’ll yell WOLVERINES till I die.
    Now back to the regular channel of preparedness lifestyle.

  5. There may or may not be a WW3. Look at the big picture. What’s the point of a WW3? Duke it out from hate between nations? Not at all. The ultimate end goal is more central control. The same can be achieved through a phony pandemic.

    1. Each world war is one increment closer to a global government. World War 1 produced the League of Nations so that we would “never do that again.” World War 2 produced the United Nations so that we would “never do that again.” So, since WW2 all the world’s wars are just at a simmering point. A pandemic, food shortages and interrupted supply lines raises the temperature closer to a boiling point. A few poke-in-the-eye assassinations turn up the heat a bit. Syria is the place where all the major players want a right-of-way: Pipelines, Silk Roads and other Jokers. There are plainly too many people in the way. But no one wants to be stuck with the blame for taking them out. It’s got to look like an accident or the other guy. In a huge sense, we may never get to the bottom of it. But our point here is to survive it, if we can, by being diligent ants preparing for winter. Jump out of the proverbial pot of complacent livinng before things catch us in the boil.

    2. Each world war is one increment closer to a global government. World War 1 produced the League of Nations so that we would “never do that again.” World War 2 produced the United Nations so that we would “never do that again.” So, since WW2 all the world’s wars are just at a simmering point. A pandemic, food shortages and interrupted supply lines raises the temperature closer to a boiling point. A few poke-in-the-eye assassinations turn up the heat a bit. Syria is the place where all the major players want a right-of-way: Pipelines, Silk Roads and other Jokers. There are plainly too many people in the way. But no one wants to be stuck with the blame for taking them out. It’s got to look like an accident or the other guy. In a huge sense, we may never get to the bottom of it. But our point here is to survive it, if we can, by being diligent ants preparing for winter. Jump out of the proverbial pot of complacent livinng before things catch us in the boil.

  6. Commenters on the sites never cease to disappoint. And while they love to insult authors, they neglect to study history. Perhaps they are sponsored trolls.
    Regardless, they all choose to ignore valuable admonishments by this nation’s founders.
    One of the most important was by Thomas Jefferson in his inaugural pledge: “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none.”
    We, as a nation, have ignored that advice. Brandon may just be pointing out the obvious.

  7. I enjoy this website , I believe you can do better with content writers that this guy that obviously has no idea of our history with Israel.
    Maybe he would do better writing speeches for a certain “pack”‘of congresswomen

    1. What history of Israehell? The part about the USS-Liberty 1967 when the Israehell airforce bombed the hell out of the USS Liberty! Is that by chance the one or was it the one that blew down the WTC, Or maybe the one that blew up the Ok. City building!!!

      1. @ Victor

        Your comment is rather offensive and belongs on 8chan or another dark web conspiracy theorist site; not here.

      2. I know more about the OKC bombing than you ever will or I wish on anyone. You need to tone that nonsense down.

    2. Anyone else notice a bounty put on the head of old nick maduro of Venezuela by President Trump a few days ago? Do any of you recall what happened after ghw bush, a rinos rino, put a bounty on old manny noriega?

      A timely “intervention” in Venezuela is much more likely than ww3 right now, but who knows, might precipitate it.

      In other news, we’ve had tp and other items of great value during pocalypses in stock at work!

  8. I think this is off base. The war drums from the media and intel mouthpieces are beating for China. This Covid fraud will daze the populations of both countries. The real depop plan will have to involve nuclear exchange between the two super powers that must be brought to heel for full NWO implementation.

  9. Ufta! That was 10 minutes of my life I won’t get back…
    …Back to hugging my family and staying prepared/aware in our current reality.

  10. It is too bad that we taught the author of this article how to write. We need same people writing. We have enough insane ones already.

  11. its to bad that websites like this have to post garbage like this just to fill in. shame on you daisy, you should read this stuff before you put it on your website

  12. Israel vs Iran? Israel has a secret alliance with Iran, Iran is a communist military dictatorship posing as an Islamic state, their alliance is not religious but political, economic and military. “Death to Israel” is just a fundraising slogan for the simple minded masses, make no mistake Iran and Israel both want to regime change Syria, the war itself is a mass human culling operation lowering the IQ of Syria and Iran while running up huge debts (credit) to Jewish and Iran political interests.

    War is a racket.

  13. Once again two Nuclear countries are not mentioned, India & Pakistan. at the moment a ramped up mode of target practice with each other. Artillery / ground sacrifices of many. Someone will get p*ssed off and lob the first nuke. BAM there you have WW3

    Remember David carried five stones – Goliath had brothers

  14. I’m not sure why your half-baked “analysis” of the situation in the Middle-East belongs on this site. Obviously, the site host chose to include it but this isn’t why I come here. i also don’t think you have a clue. (I’m trying to be polite actually).

  15. After reading this article, I have to wonder if China did not release this virus intentionally to “soften” our economy up, disrupt, kill, take our leaders focus away,etc. In preparation for a WWIII

  16. Will World War III come soon? I expect it, possibly even this year.

    But Mr. Turbeville seems strangely unaware of the true threats to the start of the war.

    I have been hearing for years, maybe even decades, desires from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for Lebensraum. The choice of the word “Lebensraum” is deliberate, as it reflects most closely the ideology that rules China since Deng Xiao Ping. National Socialism, just like communism, is a branch of Marxist socialism. The CCP has adopted National Socialism as its version of Marxist socialism, even to the calling for Lebensraum as did the last infamous example of National Socialism.

    I opposed Obama’s adventurism in Syria, from the moment I first heard of it. I opposed his support of ISIS. Especially in light of the disaster that is Libya that he facilitated. The dictators were no angels, but his “cure” was worse than the disease. It was Obama who set us on the path that Mr. Turbeville decries and nobody wants to pull the plug to stop the madness. But I would be surprised if the Syrian situation is the spark that sets of World War III.

    How would we prep for World War III? Would it be different from what Selco and Ferfal went through? How would armies marching through the land differ from societal breakdown? Any thoughts?

  17. In addition to this article the viewers of this may want to read/listen to the below to see how out of touch most of us are with respect to some things going on in our world that can greatly impact our society as they will eventually come out mainstream.

    The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content.

    Out of the Shadows

    This is an article that Mel Gibson did with EUTimes. Hollywood Is A Den Of Parasites Who Feast On Blood Of Kids: Mel Gibson

    JFK to 911

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