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Author of The Blackout Book and the online course Bloom Where You’re Planted
Panic over the coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China is becoming more widespread and people are frantically getting prepared in case this thing goes bad. Things like N95 masks and other PPE are pretty much sold out in stores across the nation and also on Amazon. (Here are some places you may still be able to find masks and PPE that are not yet sold out.)
In light of this, the most common question I’ve been asked lately by readers is, “What do I need to buy?”
Here’s what we know about the novel Coronavirus.
First things first, more important than purchasing a whole bunch of stuff is understanding the virus itself. You need to know how it spreads, what the incubation period is, and who is the most at risk. This article has information about what we know right now to be true.
Now, keep in mind that what we currently “know” is being filtered by the Chinese government. We have a lot of reasons to believe that they aren’t being fully open with the rest of the world. For example, the numbers they’re reporting don’t really align with the complicated and expensive steps that China has taken to quarantine people and restrict their travel. But – we do have a small set of facts to work with and as we get more information, we’ll be able to add it to our plan and adjust our preparedness strategies accordingly.
Here’s what appears to be true:
- Most of the people who are dying are elderly or had pre-existing health conditions.
- The symptoms are flu-like, but what kills people is when it turns into pneumonia.
- It is spread person-to-person – it can be airborne on droplets from coughing and sneezing.
- It has been transmitted to at least one person who has not been to Wuhan.
- The incubation period is anywhere from 2-14 days and people are contagious before they show symptoms.
- The death rate is around 3% if what we’re being told is accurate.
There’s a lot of information we can glean from the facts above, assuming they’re accurate.
The most important thing is that the best method to avoid becoming ill is social isolation, also called “lockdown” or “self-quarantine.” There’s a lot of information about that in this book written by best-selling author Cat Ellis specifically about this particular pandemic. You can also check out this article. The other most important thing is to wash your hands, thoroughly and often.
So, how do we prep for this? How do we get ready to go into lockdown?
What does it mean to go into lockdown?
If you are self-quarantining or going into lockdown, what does that mean exactly? It means no one goes out and no one comes in. Below is an excerpt from an article I wrote during the Ebola scare of 2014 that explains the rules of lockdown.
Avoiding contact with people who have the illness is the only way to prevent getting it. Isolating yourselves is the best way to stay safe and healthy.
This is the tricky part: How do you know that the time has come to get the family inside and lock the doors behind you?
Lizzie Bennett, a retired medical professional, wrote an incredibly helpful article over on her website Underground Medic, which unfortunately is no longer up and running. Bennett recommends social distancing as the only effective way to protect yourself and your family from an outbreak of disease.
How long you should remain isolated depends primarily on where you live. For those in towns and cities it will be for much longer than those living in rural retreats where human contact is minimal. Though those fortunate enough to live in such surroundings should remember that if the situation is dire enough, people will leave the cities looking for safety in less populated areas. In large centres of population there will be more people moving around, legally or otherwise, each of these individuals represents a possible uptick in the disease rates, allowing the spread to continue longer than it would have they stayed indoors and/or out of circulation. Even when the initial phase is on the wane, or has passed through an area, people travelling into that area can bring it back with them triggering a second wave of disease as people are now emerging from their isolation…
One hundred miles is my buffer zone for disease, of course it could already be in my city, but practicalities dictate that I will not stay away from people because hundreds in Europe are dropping like flies. Maps of disease spread look like a locust swarm moving across the country and this allows disease spread to be tracked on an hour by hour basis. One of the few instances where mainstream media will be useful.
Once you’ve gone into lockdown, how long you must stay there is dependent on the spread of the illness. Times will vary. Bennett suggests these guidelines:
Once the doors were locked we would stay there for at least two weeks after the last case within 100 miles is reported. A government all clear would be weighed against how long it had been since the last case was reported in the area I have designated as my buffer zone. There is of course still the chance that someone from outside the area will bring the disease in with them causing a second wave of illness. You cannot seal off cities to prevent this. Going out after self-imposed isolation should be kept to a minimum for as long as possible, and if you don’t have to, then don’t do it. Far better to let those that are comfortable being out and about get on with it and see if any new cases emerge before exposing yourself and your family to that possibility.
If the situation hits close enough to home that you decide to go it’s time to isolate yourselves, the rules to this are intractable.
No one goes out. No one comes in.
I know this sounds harsh, but there are to be no exceptions. If you make exceptions, you might as well go wrestle with runny-nosed strangers at the local Wal-Mart and then come home and hug your children, because it’s the same thing.
Once you have gone into lockdown mode, that means that the supplies you have on hand are the supplies you have to see you through. You can’t run out to the store and get something you’ve forgotten.
That means if a family member shows up, they have to go into quarantine for at least 2 weeks, during which time they are not allowed access to the home or family, nor are they allowed to go out in public. Set up an area on your property that is far from your home for them to hang out for their month of quarantine. If at the end of the two weeks they are presenting no symptoms, then they can come in.
Now is the time to plan with your preparedness group how you intend to handle the situation. Will you shelter together, in the same location, and reserve a secondary location to retreat to if the situation worsens further or if someone becomes ill? Will you shelter separately because of the nature of the emergency?
Decide together on what event and proximity will trigger you to go into lockdown mode. Make your plan and stick to it, regardless of pressure from those who think you are over-reacting, the school that your children have stopped attending, and any other external influences. If you’ve decided that there is a great enough risk that you need to go into lockdown, you must adhere to your plan.
Check out article. And grab this book for even more in-depth information about coronavirus lockdown.
A shopping trip to prep for the Coronavirus
I’m currently visiting one of my daughters and we went out to shop for a potential pandemic. In the area where she lives, the coronavirus isn’t really on most people’s radar yet, so we had our choice of supplies.
Here are the things you may need and the items we purchased ourselves. You probably have a lot of these things already, so check your inventory before going shopping.
While you want to have some personal protection equipment supplies, I recommend that instead of spending hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars on PPE, you focus the majority of your money on other things. PPE is only necessary for two reasons:
- If you have to leave the house in the midst of an outbreak, you’ll want PPE. (But your goal should be not to leave the house)
- If someone in the family becomes ill, you’ll want PPE for taking care of them.
If you prep carefully enough and manage to avoid contracting the virus, your need for PPE will be limited. That being said, having at least a few masks and gloves is a good idea in the event that you must leave the house or if you have a sick family member.
As far as PPE goes, obviously you want the best quality you can get your hands on, but remember that some protection is better than no protection. That isn’t to say you’ll be totally protected with a bandana – you won’t – but it’s better than going to some germ-laden place completely unprotected. Again, many places are sold out, but here are some places that still have PPE and masks available as of 2/3/20.
We did not purchase any additional PPE because we were already pretty well-set with pandemic supplies like gloves and masks. (We stocked up heavily during the Ebola scare back in 2014.)
Medical supplies
There are other medical supplies you may want to stock up on. We particularly focused on things that boost the immune system and medicine cabinet basics.
- Vitamins (a good multivitamin, B-complex, C, D3, and Zinc lozenges. Emergen-C is also a worthwhile purchase)
- Cold and flu meds – if someone gets sick, you’ll be able to treat the symptoms at home
- Cough drops or lozenges
- Peppermint tea and other herbal teas
- Basic OTC medications you might need over the period of a month without going to the store – think about what your family uses regularly (heartburn meds, ibuprofen, antidiarrheals, etc.)
- Wound care supplies – if it’s reasonable to do so, you’ll want to treat wounds at home instead of sitting in a germ-filled emergency room. Here’s an article about building your first aid kit.
- A couple of months’ worth of essential prescription medications.
So, you get the idea – things to keep you healthy and things to make you feel better if you do get sick. One of the things Selco noted in his article about pandemics is the breakdown in services and the system that can occur during a panic, and the scenes we’re seeing from China certainly back up what he had to say. Having the supplies to treat your own medical issues is very important.
Cleaning supplies
We also picked up some cleaning and sanitation supplies.
- Lysol spray
- Lysol wipes
- Bleach
- Hand sanitizer
- Antibacterial soap
Even if you never use things like bleach or Lysol, this might be the time that you’ll want to do so. Sometimes situations call for natural remedies, but sometimes they call for chemical ones or a combination of the two.
Particularly if a family member becomes ill, you’re going to want products that kill 99% or more of viruses and bacteria. During the outbreak, focus on wiping commonly touched surfaces like light switches, doorknobs, drawer pulls, and the refrigerator handle multiple times per day.
Food and other supplies
The next things you’ll want are the food and supplies that will allow you to stay home for one to two months if things go totally sideways here in the US. Longer is always better, but at a minimum, be prepared for 30-60 days. It’s most likely you’ll have power and water throughout this crisis, but be prepared for the possibility that essential services might not be available, just in case.
Choose things that are easy to prepare for several reasons.
- If you get sick, you aren’t going to want to slave over a hot stove for 4 hours before you have something to eat.
- If the power goes out, you’ll use less fuel if you cook items that just need some boiling water.
Choose items with a lot of nutritional bang for their buck. Remember, your goal is to stay healthy and keep your immune system ticking along. Make sure to include plenty of produce options to give yourself lots of nutrients. A few of the things we got (and this list is general – go with what your family will actually eat):
- Canned goods
- Crackers
- Peanut butter
- Pasta
- Frozen fruits and vegetables
- Dehydrated soups
- Jerky
- Meat for the freezer
- Powdered milk
- Granola
- Dried fruit
- 100% fruit juices
- V-8 or other vegetable juices (use these instead of water to rehydrate your dehydrated soups)
- Potatoes
- Sweet potatoes
- Carrots
Again, this is a starting point. Check out my PDF book, The Stockpile Cafe for more ideas on meals you can create with shelf-stable foods. We also have buckets of freeze-dried food to fall back on if we were to go through all of these supplies. If you’ve waited too long and the shelves are nearly bare, here are some ideas for the last-minute shopper.
Keep plenty of water on hand, too, just in case. If you go into lockdown, as you use up water, refill the container from the tap.
If you have pets, don’t forget to get at least a one-month supply of goods for them, also.
- Pet medications
- Pet food
- Kitty litter or other sanitation supplies they’ll need
If you have livestock, you’ll want to do a big run to the feed store for them too. Include bedding, food, hay, and any meds you might need for them.
And be sure to have any personal hygiene supplies you might need over the course of a couple of months. It would be awful to have to go out in the middle of a pandemic because you ran out of shampoo.
- Soap
- Feminine hygiene supplies
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Lotion and skincare products
- Toilet paper
- Razors
- Shaving cream
- Toothpaste
- Baby supplies
- Deodorant
And of course, add whatever other products your family uses on a regular basis.
How are you prepping for the Coronavirus?
The most important thing that I can express right now is how essential it is NOT to panic. This is the time to calmly prepare, to top up your supplies, and to be watchful.
Think of it like a hurricane watch. We first get informed it may be coming while it’s still safely out at sea. This gives us time to stock up, get the supplies for boarding up our windows, and prepare our property for a potential onslaught. Then, sometimes that hurricane turns out to sea or hits someplace else instead of us. And sometimes it comes straight for us. The thing is, we can’t know this soon which it will be.
So pay attention but try not to fall for the hype and the drama. When you’re scared, you can become paralyzed or make poor spending decisions. Find some reliable sources and focus on those. Zero Hedge has been my number one source for information on this outbreak.
What are you purchasing to prepare for the Wuhan Coronavirus? What do you recommend to people who are just getting started? Share your ideas, thoughts, and questions in the comments.
About Daisy
Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger who writes about current events, preparedness, frugality, voluntaryism, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, The Organic Prepper. She is widely republished across alternative media and she curates all the most important news links on her aggregate site, PreppersDailyNews.com. Daisy is the best-selling author of 4 books and runs a small digital publishing company. You can find her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.
110 Responses
N95 mask order cancelled by Amazon – no longer available
WM, Home Depot, Lowe’s, a mom and pop pharmacy, paint stores like Sherwin-Williams, (they also sell whole body disposable suits.
As Daisy pointed out, somoe protection is better than nothing. Since it’s barrier protection check at a hardware store for dust masks, disposable rubber gloves, and the like. Cleaning supplies, too. Fels naptha soap used to be made with benzine, but no longer is. It does contain juniper extract, so it may be a useful tool for cleaning/disinfecting. Bleach, ammonia, other soaps, some paper products can all be found at most hardware stores. Sometimes you can pick up random protective gear at thrift stores, but the key words are “random” “thrift”. Quality is likely to be sketchy, but again something is better than nothing. You can find scrub uniforms for sure – maybe make masks from them?
You may be able to get N100 masks which cost more but are better. If that doesn’t work I watched a video of a guy making a mask from a t-shirt. He cut off a strip the width of his hand from the bottom and cut out squares on the end for ties. He uses the left over cut out scraps for added protection inside. He tied the top strip/tie around his head just above ears and brought the other lower ties from under his chin and tied to the top of his head. Hope that makes sense.
I’m not sure masks will help much unless you also cover your eyes with sealed goggles/glasses since it can also enter through the eyes.
If you typically wear eyeglasses the full face masks that use a silicone seal will often not fit under the mask properly for a good seal so, contact Lenses would be needed.
The problem with DIY cloth masks is that they create a pathway for infectious agents to get into your mouth. I good respirator maintains an air gap between the filter and your face, but a simple cloth mask accumulates moisture from the breath, traps virus particles, and then brings them right to your nose and lips. CDC says “not recommended under any circumstances”.
You might get away with DIY filters for a full-face respirator mask, though.
By the way, N95 masks do not force exhaled air back through the filter. They either have a valve to equalize the internal pressure, or they vent around the edge of the mask. Either way, if you’re exhaling virus, the mask isn’t containing it. A cheap “medical mask” would work better. The N95 mask is for healthy people caring for the sick.
I just went to both Home Depot and Lowe’s yesterday. I picked up 3 packs of 20 N95 disposable masks and 4 P100 respirators. Topped up on some items also at Walmart and noticed that hand sanitizer stocks are also running low.
Epsom salt is another good item to store. Epsom salt baths help draw out toxins and the magnesium promotes sleep.
Did you really need 3 packs of 20 N95’s? Seems kinda like hoarding. Seriously. This is the problem when stuff like this hits. Humanity is so selfish.
It’s not selfish to purchase supplies to see your family through an emergency. Disasters are not a socialist event.
Bravo! I bought these masks for years. Keep extras on hand since we live in earthquake country (Kalifornia) and a natural disaster will create tons of particulates, most which will be harmful.
We already have most of these things already, but will be going to the store in a few minutes to get a prescription and will get what we don’t have while I’m there. I buy our vitamins when they go on sale for BOGO for 1 cent. I do check the expiration dates.
N95 Masks USELESS, Coronavirus Enters Body Through EYEBALLS, Warns Infected Doctor in Wuhan, China, Sunday, January 26, 2020 by: Mike Adams
Sooooo what you’re saying is no protection is better than some. I suppose you don’t think washing your hands is worth the effort either.
REALLY????? Did you read the article? Go back and look at the 5th paragraph. There you will read the following:
“Therefore, it is suspected that the virus first entered the conjunctiva and then spread to the whole body. If this speculation is true…”
The key phrases being: “it is SUSPECTED”, and “IF THIS SPECULATION is TRUE”, my point being they DON’T know. There fore better safe than sorry.
Yep, I noticed those same words too.
Another possibility is the Doctor touched (even gloved) something that had the virus on it, interacted with a patient, then touched his eye (aka mucus membrane).
I did not find anything on the CDC web site suggesting the need for full face mask.
I am awaiting for further details and or confirmation before acting on any information that is of the suspected nature.
Wow, you stupid fools that are soooo scared of this virus, you do you realise that there are 2 strains of this virus, don’t you? Wild strain, and lab strain…. Of course the strain that everyone is catching is wild, right….? Even if it is the wild strain, and not the lab strain, do you realise that this form of a virus, is 1 of the 1 hundred strains that are collectively called………….. the COMMON COLD. Oh im sorry, did the media leave this out?
“Stupid fools”, really? How about politely sharing information as many people have difference jobs, amounts of free time (to read about viruses and know their technical names). In general we rely on experts or amateurs (like you maybe?), who have useful information because they enjoy and have time to become “insta-experts” on something outside their field of expertise.
Lewis…….you are wrong, and natural news tends to be hysterical.
N95 masks are highly effective, and must be used in conjunction with goggles to protect eyes, and gloves to protect the hands.
You need to use all three.
You are correct. That is the latest information I have heard.
I went back and re-read the article.
I think there is a degree of implication that the coronavirus is floating around sick people making the air around them contagious via the eyes. If someone were to sneeze point blank in your face, while wearing a P95 mask, but you eyes were open at that moment those particles were ejected from the patient, I could see that as a more realistic possibility than someone sneezes into the air and 10-20 minutes later you walk through that same area.
I think my theory of touching your own mucus membrane with a contaminated glove is more plausible. But it is only a theory, based of EMT-B training.
A corona virus can live on surfaces from 3-12 hours. Viruses and bacteria are in the air as well.
N-95 mask, goggles, gloves are the best defense in public if the virus explodes in the US.
This is no ordinary corona virus. It was probably engineered in the bio weapons lab in Wuhan.
No it’s up to 28 days.
Zero hedge.
Ok, so would glasses meant for shooting work in a pinch?
Glasses meant for shooting don’t have a seal (at least mine don’t). I would say “in a pinch” swimming goggles would be better protection than shooting glasses.
Include extra hygiene products like toilet tissue, contact lens disinfecting solutions, denture products if applicable. And, buy extra bread (whole grain) & freeze it! Get bottled water in large, 5 gallon containers, as many as you can. Smaller ones for drinking are convenient, too. Remember that even bringing in the daily mail can be hazardous, too, so you may want to put a hold on deliveries through your local post office for a period of time. And, don’t even think about ordering future supplies from Amazon while you’re in lockdown mode, as that delivery person or anyone who’s touched your product could be infected.
Your food prep items are amiss. This virus turns to pneumonia. Sugar and carbs that are coverted to sugar are a no no. For Survival in a non viral pandemic yes these are essential. My wife is a master herbalist and herbal nutritionist. We have deep dived protocols for 15 years especially for pandemic. In our home state they came out with a Pandemic Ready Guide 13 years ago. Even there nutrition guide is wrong. See Yoichi Homatsu articles on rense.com. he tells how he overcame SARS and Fukishimi while being in the hot zone. Viruses have to have Sugar to replicate and mutate. Do your home work before you tell your followers how to help themselves. Eating your recommendations if they become infected will kill them
From the trenches in Idaho
…may kill them.
Didn’t mean to be so dogmatic…
Can you suggest some food items to stock? I’ve read that garlic and onion are anti viral and if sick a broth with those cooked into it is good. Plus green tea is anti viral. Any suggestions would be appreciated
“My wife is a master herbalist.”
Anyone who calls himself or herself a “master” is usually not.
If you contract pneumonia, sugar and carbs are the least of your worries.
With pneumonia you must have some way to clear the fluid and reduce inflammation.
People with pneumonia tend to be hospitalized.
If hospitalization is not possible, I recommend “Clean Air Teapills” for my patients with similar conditions. Available on Amazon.
The best prevention is colloidal silver taken daily, and up the dose if you become symptomatic.
N95 mask, gloves, and mask if it becomes to go in public during a pandemic.
I am a Licensed Doctor of Oriental Medicine, with over 30 years experience.
What do you think about structured silver & oil of oregano. We use this along with garlic.
So called “structured silver” is a marketing gimmick.
I have been in this game for over 30 years. I have seen just about every scam, hustle, con, and a vast array of fools, and pseudo experts, more than one could possibly imagine.
Garlic and oil of oregano is fine to fight certain types of colds, but it is not going to stop the Wuhan virus which, in my estimation, is a bio weapon manufactured in the Level 4 bio weapons lab in Wuhan, and which accidentally escaped due to lax protocol.
Chinese medicine works because it has been proven for thousands of years. The theories have changed very little over time. It is proven in the field and in the lab.
I do not worship Chinese medicine, I use it because it is the most effective form of medicine for many, but not all, conditions. Western medicine is excellent at trauma, but not much else.
The greatest invention in the west has been antibiotics. Before antibiotics, a scratch could be a death sentence.
The greatest weapons we have to fight this Wuhan virus bio weapon is colloidal silver, N 95 mask, goggles, gloves, hand washing, avoidance of crowds, and avoidance of symptomatic individuals.
Colloidal silver can prevent infection because it has been proven in lab studies to effectively fight virus and bacteria. It even fights antibiotic resistant bacterial infections.
Expensive to buy, but cheap to make if you have a colloidal silver generator and distilled water.
Good luck, we are all going to need it, because the rate of infection and death coming out of China is a complete fabrication.
The virus is growing exponentially. If the progression is not broken and soon, millions will be infected very quickly.
I would add ginger to the list of really good and helpful products to both avoid and treat illness. If I’ve got early signs of a cold etc I drink a lot of strong ginger tea which really seems to help.
And yes, TCM is great for a lot of things. I attended a school of TCM for a year. An amazing teacher(acupuncturist) there always said that if you’re in a car accident you want the best that a good trauma hospital ER can provide but TCM works really well for many other things.
Yes, Ani.
Western Medicine for trauma, and TCM for many other conditions, both acute and chronic.
I’m curious if you might recommend a good book to have on hand for alternative/eastern medicine in an emergency situation.
can you send me your protocol?
Thank you Daisy for that great article…the info there is spot on…being prepared and not panicked is half the battle..I have another recommendation for your readers…acquire a book called ‘Natural Cures for Killer Germs’ by Dr. Cass Ingram…it is extremely good….there are products he recommends which are antiviral and antibacterial: North American Herb And Spice…OregaResp, Oreganol caps and liquid, Oregabiotic, and Oregaspray..I have been using these for years and can attest to their quality and efficiency…I get mine at Vitacost.com but most are at health food stores. Also Health Masters with Ted Broer now carries a couple of these
.The book will explain how powerful these products are and how to use them. This book and products gives me huge confidence. May want to stock some ahead..keep in a cool dark place for longevity..
I pray this helps someone…this is ONLY in addition to what you have already said…keeping the immune system healthy is a huge key…
Thanks for all you do, Sue
“Natural Cures for Killer Germs.”
Cass, is good at pimping his products.
LOL. If anyone believes that Oregano is going to prevent and or treat the Wuhan Virus, they are making a very serious error in judgement.
After years of antibiotic treatment from lyme I developed C difficile. After many rounds of flagyl and vancomycin I was left to die. Oil of Oregano (Oregaresp) in high doses 10 pills 3X day killed it. It does have its benefits. I don’t know if it work on flu, but I wouldn’t hesitate to take it. Manuka honey also has medicinal properties comparative to some antibiotics. Yes it has sugar. Add to hot tea. Baking soda in water on an empty stomach might also help. Bone broth with sea salt can help with electrolytes.
Leia: Never underestimate the power of placebo.
Definitely NOT placebo. C diff was confirmed. Plant oils can have antibiotic properties. That is why the plants make them.
Leia said:
“C diff was confirmed”
Diagnosis has nothing to do with the placebo effect.
There is no placebo effect because c diff is deadly.
“C diff is deadly.”
Incorrect, and misinformed.
C diff is a bacterial infection that can lead to diarrhea and in more extreme situation a life threatening inflammation of the colon.
Many people have C diff infections and no symptoms.
Placebo has been shown to be nothing short of miraculous.
Now, I have given you more time and energy than I initially planned, but I feel it is important to correct misinformation.
This conversation is at an end.
Actually, in my case it would have been deadly since the “best” of conventional medicine did NOT work anymore. There was no more options for me if I followed conventional. And no, people can have c diff as a part of the gut flora, but it is normally in balance, hence, it would not be called an infection. And I say again there was no placebo effect for me because if there was I would have died. I was on that route I was going. The c diff produces a toxin that causes leaky gut, extreme pain, inflammation, blood loss, high WBC, fever etc. This toxin was also present in high amounts as tested by my Dr. So I say again that it was OregaRESP that helped me where mainstream medicine could not. Are there other answers? I bet, but I was thrilled to find what I did.
I ordered my N95 masks last Thursday and they haven’t shipped yet. The other stuff I ordered has shipped, even if I haven’t received it yet.
Unless you have goggles that don’t breath, masks are useless. The Corona virus can enter through your eyeballs.
Sooooo what you’re saying is no protection is better than some. I suppose you don’t think washing your hands is worth the effort either.
Swim goggles for the eyes. The kind that create a good seal around the eyes.
I have some good goggles that fit well. If goggles have holes you can always cover the holes with duct tape.
Shaving cream and razors???
That is the last thing I’m going to concern myself with if I go into isolation.
Otherwise a good article and good links to other articles. The supplies listed are pretty much standard fare for a prepper, none the less a good check list for a reminder of something overlooked. That being said my schedule for today has been put on hold until I can do a check for anything I may have overlooked. I did this on Saturday, but with your lists I spotted a couple of things I may need.
One thing I will be getting is oil for the generator.
As I move around today I will also be making sure any rechargeable electrical device and any rechargeable batteries I have are fully charged.
Maybe the razors are for a bearded person who wants to use a mask properly.
You must shave for a mask to fit properly. It will not work on beards.
Dear Daisy
Thank you for this valuable information. I think this self quarantine is the best way to avoid virus.You asked to share my thoughts.
I have started daily dosage of vitamins but besides that elderberry is a good idea. The flavonol called quercetin is the functional molecule that inhibits the corona virus. There are multiple studies about it.. google it. BUT heating over 120 F destroys quercetin so don’t boil it if you make your own syrup.. cold press it instead.
There are other good sources of quercetin (and similar quercetin based flavonols). Onions are the best (mg/100g).
Onions 300 mg
Peppers 200 mg
Cranberry 200 mg
Kale 100 mg
Elderberry 40 mg
Black currant 40 mg
Broccoli 30 mg
Apple 30 mg
Dark chocolate 25 mg
I take half of red onion daily.. they must be raw. There are also 500 mg tablets available.
for those not used to using chemical products…..DO NOT MIX BLEACH WITH AMMONIA PRODUCTS!
Thank you, Daisy, for making us think through isolation survival. We live in the country, thank God, and are prepped and ready. A few questions that I have not seen answers to anywhere yet: How long does the virus live outside of the body? My husband works for a global delivery company, and delivers multiple packages from China, daily. Scenario: If an infected person sneezed on the package or on its contents, and my husband handles it a few days later, is he in danger? Does it truly enter the body through eyeballs only, or other mucous ports (i.e.: nose, mouth, cuts/scratches)? Thank you folks, for your answers.
Be careful not to combine your disinfectants as harmful gasses result, In college our entire dorm was evacuated because someone combined bleach & ammonia. Also don’t rely heavily on hand sanitizers as many viruses are encapsulated which means the alcohol can’t penetrate them. They can only be washed away with soap & water. Remember the old kindergarten habit; while washing your hands sing the happy birthday song through 3 times.
Heads up in Tucson,Arizona. Rock and Gem show starts this week. Vendors from China and Asia have been in town for weeks. This was before it was discovered that the incubation period was 2 weeks,without symptoms. Don’t look for local or state news about this,you won’t find it.
I just saw an article that is now claiming 28 days before signs of infection.
wow I forgot about the gem show. right after comes the rodeo. i guess it’s time to hibernate as much as possible. Thanks for the reminder.
Very good, sensible and practical ideas that can be applied in a multitude of outbreaks. As I get older I tend to isolate myself from people with the flu, etc., anyway.
Great article Daisy.
As a prepper, I already have a huge stockpile of all this stuff, both foods and cleaners, so no need to leave my home for a shopping trip.
If you have Rx medications, check for where they are manufactured. Some medications will have them on the box. Many are manufactured outside of the US.
If there is a disruption in the system, like the manufacturing plant shuts down, some medications may not be available.
By playing the refill ‘margin’ (20-day grace for 90-day scrips), over a year or so I have been able to accumulate a 30-day rolling reserve of my chronic medications. It’s important to use the old reserve and create a new one with every refill, so that reserve medications don’t age out. Other than that, you could try and talk your doc into an extra scrip that insurance won’t pay for, but good luck on that – docs seem to think that stockpiling is a foolish idea.
Woody, I am intrigued about the refill margin & the concept of a rolling reserve but I have no clue what you’re talking about! Lol my brain doesn’t work that way. Lol can you educate me? I was recently diagnosed with dysautonomia & am on 4 blood pressure meds plus thyroid meds & some other meds that I really need to have a month or 2 put back. The Feds & insurance companies have really bec
Great and helpful article. I have been following this closely and believe the real
death rate may be 0.5-1% because I suspect there are many more infected people not being counted as their symptoms are more mild.
Very good article Daisy – thanks. During the winter we take a garlic or oregano tab to help build up our immune system. I guess the n95 are sold out, but not sure they’d be much good anyway. If I have to use them, I’ll sprinkle some drops of the “thieves blend” essential oil on them. I guess we’re in “those” times as described in Daniel’s book of truth.
This pandemic has been going on since the first week of December, when the first journalists were jailed for reporting it. A former FBI official’s contact from inside China said about 112,000 were dead as of Jan 23. Other sources say 13 million are dead. Other source who had incinerator operator sources said 110,000 had come through their facility. Death certificates are noted as “pneumonia” rather than Coronavirus. This doesnt surprise me, because Influenza kits used to get back-ordered a lot here (USA) during bad years.
Due to the method (not my favorite) used for Corononavirus, I would not be surprised one bit that people wouldn’t be tested.
Also odd, is that Wuhan is the home to TWO BLS4 and/or bioweapons labs. And the home lab of at least one scientist booted from Canada’s BSL4 facility for biological espionage involving an unauthorized package sent to China. Interestingly, a scientist was quoted as noting 2 previously unseen viral traits of coronaviruses: symptom-free infections, and unusually high infectivity rates of a newly animal- to- human jump.
Call me a paranoid (retired) microbiologist..but I think this one might be a special problem.
Oops.. in the last 5 minutes, something came up about it hitting Africa. Maybe the February models are right.
Daisy, you consistently hit the ball out of the park with your articles. Please keep up the good work. I would only add that locally purchased unfiltered raw honey is also good for your immune system–especially if you have allergies. We have a local beekeeper who sells raw, unfiltered Purple Sage honey and it’s the best honey I’ve ever tasted.
We’d be okay if we had to go into a two week lockdown but I’d sure hate having to reschedule all my wife’s missed doctor appointments if that happened–but doctor’s offices and hospitals would be very good places to avoid if this version of Coronavirus comes calling in your neighborhood.
Well, let see,
Got about half to 3/4 of a hog still in the freezer.
About 50-60lbs of ground beef and chuck roasts in the freezer.
2 roasting chickens. If this thing were to be a worst case, lockdown for more than a few months, there are about 10 stew birds I could slaughter. In new batch of chickens have a few roos that could go into the pot/freezer. Could put down a goat, that is another 50-60lbs of meat.
Stocked up on flour, pasta, dried beans, canned fruit. Already had about a dozen cans of soup on hand. Got another 8cups of home made chicken stock in the freezer.
10lbs bag of spuds. 2 boxes of instant spuds.
Already had a large box of powered milk. But the Amish up the road sell raw milk if need be. Might be able to trade with him for a chicken or pork.
Got a good assortment of seeds left over from last year to start gardens. Got a ton or two of well composted cow/goat manure. Does wonders for a garden.
Already had the N95 masks on hand, but I did pick up a few extra filters. We use the respirator types for cleaning out the chicken coop, chimney sweeping, high dust conditions.
Always have medical supplies on hand.
I have a stash of Sea to Summit all purpose soap on hand.
Got a straight razor and solid shaving cream on hand.
Think we still need to stock up on toothpaste and chapstick.
While in the toothpaste aisle, get some toothbrushes, mouthwash and floss. You should replace your toothbrush after every recovery from any illness and you don’t want to need a new one and not have it on hand. You don’t want to need a dentist while in lock down either.
Might want some body lotion to keep your hands from getting chapped if you are putting on gloves regularly too.
I have one of those olive oil misters (refillable/reusable/fill with your own oil) ordered from Amazon, which I use if I want a really fine mist spray of bleach and water mixture. No point in buying many cans of Lysol when I can stock pool shock (from which I can make bleach, with which I can refill my own sprayer).
Per “John Roberts
Lewis…….you are wrong, and natural news tends to be hysterical.”
Mike Adams at Natural News is only echoing what several other news sources around the world are also saying. Here is just a sampling:
If a person can contract the disease via infected moisture droplets that contact one’s eyes, what does it matter how well-constructed (but irrelevant) an N95 mask might be?
Lewis, I thought I made it clear that a mask is to be worn in conjunction with goggles.
Mike Adams is always pushing the panic button. Go back through his posts and see how often he is wrong.
However, please feel free to use whatever sources you wish to use, and good luck.
I have a feeling in 2 weeks we’ll all be talking about something else. Life goes on, you know.
A big spoonful of raw honey every day may help and it sure does wonders for the sweet tooth.
Emergen-C has aspertain, which is a horrible substance. Powdered ascorbic acid is cheap and in high doses a proven anti-viral. Its is vitamin C. It does so much more. Anyone wanting more info- Dr. Saul on youtube. 9 I have absolutley no affiliation)
This is a crazy overreaction. I am a nurse. I have taken care of pt with the flu in a year the flu vaccine didn’t work. I have never had the flu. I have taken care of pt that have had sars and never contracted sars. All these with standard and airborne precautions (a yellow mask and gloves). Wash your hand frequently and try not to touch you face.
We have a know case less than 70 miles from where I live and work. Duke announced today they would not reporting new cases to protect privacy. I work the medical floor of the local hospital and a little concerned but nowhere near the panic I see in the prepper community.
Stop reading fear porn.
“Crazy overreaction and fear porn.”
Really? The Wuhan virus is growing exponentially and the numbers reported out of China are a complete lie.
This is not just a virus, the greatest probability is that it is an engineered virus produced in the level 4 Lab in Wuhan.
Given the current rate of infection we are looking at millions infected shortly.
The Chinese government does not lockdown 50 million people for no reason.
Russia does not close the border to China for no reason.
Once this virus gets into the lungs, there is fibrosis and it is irreversible. Even if you survive, your lungs are crippled for life.
I suggest you rethink your myopic perspective, because you will be overwhelmed shortly.
If this is a weaponized virus, why is the mortality rate only two percent? I should think boosting it to at least 30-40% would be a much more effective weapon, don’t you think? And why pick Coronavirus as the stock from which to create your weapon? Ebola has a much higher mortality; extend it’s asymptomatic incubation time to, say a week, then you’d really have a weapon to be proud of!
I read where they eat some very odd, sometimes uncooked animals in China. Maybe someone was careless preparing their bat brain soup?
Super Tonic
3 quarts Organic raw apple cider vinegar
4 Habeneros
4 Jalapenos
4 Cayenne Peppers
6 to 12 cloves Garlic
2 Red Onions
4 Ginger Root
1 large Horse Radish Root
Fill 1 gallon glass jar half full with vinegar
Cut up components in 1/2 inch chunks
Put in the jar.
Top off the jar with vinegar
If using a metal lid, put wax paper between lid and jar.
Put in the fridge, turning upside down several times for 30 days. This becomes your stock solution.
Put half to full tablespoon in glass and mix with 3to 6 ounces of warm water. Gargle then drink the rest. If already sick do 3 times a day until well. Otherwise use when you start to feel punky. I have used this for 15 years, has never failed for colds, flu etc. You will never need antibiotics again. Yes it strong, but consider the alternative. Be sure to wear gloves and don’t rub your eyes. From the Trenches in Idaho.
My heart just breaks for all the frightened people in China. Yes, I’ve heard the story about the wild animal market. Who knows if that is the real cause of this since the biolab is close by? I’ve heard so many stories that it is way worse than what the Chinese government is saying so no one on the outside really knows. A story on Brightbart says China has not accepted a U.S. offer of CDC aid.
So, it gets in through your eyes? I saw a story about people in China making their own face shields out of plastic juice jugs or whatever they can find. Some were wearing motor cycle helmets with a full face shield or encapsulating themselves in clear plastic trash bags. Just in case we get to the point of actually needing a face shield in the U.S., I bought one of those thick, clear plastic table protectors and I will just make my own. I can do anything with duct tape and clear plastic, right? I have all the other stuff.
I’m very thankful to live in an extremely rural area and thankful for the articles and comments I read here.
While not disposable masks are selling out, I’ve seen reusable filter masks disposable filter cartridges actually coming down a few pennies over the past 4 or 5 days. It’s a bit of a pain to find something that will keep a virus out as everything is marketed for industrial use but (correct me if I’m wrong please) an n95 or a p100 rating is what you’re looking for.
I would need to stock up on animal feed. I normally keep two months of dog and cat food, but the chicken, duck and turkeys food is bought monthly. Peppermint, thyme and basil are growing well in the green house. My husband and I have been canning beef, stew and broth. Chicken is next. My goal is to can most of my foods and reduce my freezers. As far as lock down, gas would be my biggest need. I live off grid, but use a generator. I have propane to last up to six months. I only fill twice a year as needed. I don’t use all of my propane. I probably need to stock up on more lamp oil and wicks. My well is run on solar so water is okay.
Actually, except for the fuel and animal feed I could go into lock down for several months with no problem. I live five miles to my nearest neighbor. I try and buy bulk to last a year on most things. I don’t live near any big cities. I go weeks without seeing anyone.
I admit I did buy another full face respirator and some new multigas organic acid p100 filters.
(Kind of pricey but they work for everything including welding). This was mostly because they were a good deal and I needed some new ones for after I get done painting a car.
The respirator went up 50% and the filters went up 40% since I bought them two weeks ago.
In reality, if you don’t live in a third world country or aren’t only alive because of the miracles of modern medicine… It’s just like a normal cold/flu season.
New cycle will move onto something Trump, Warren, or some random other idiot said did within two weeks.
Quarantine area somewhere on my property? This being a 650 sq ft flat, it might be a bit difficult. Not that my Chinese family members will be coming to Hong Kong anyway as the Mainland has stopped issuing travel permits for them. However, the advice on stocking up in advance is important as people have started panic buying certain foods, meaning you have to be in the supermarket early. Fresh vegetables are now expensive. Masks and hand sanitizer are in very short supply, so I’m glad we got some before Chinese New Year.
I’m so sad that The Underground Medic is closed. So much good information! I wonder what happened? Daisy, do you know if her content was moved or shared with another blog?
Per John Roberts:
“Mike Adams is always pushing the panic button. Go back through his posts and see how often he is wrong.”
So in your opinion, Mike Adams is pushing the panic button when he cites the same news stories that are being carried in country after country about the need for eye protection. (He also frequently quotes TheOrganicPrepper as a valued information resource. Does your obvious contempt for Adams include those citations as well? Is this some kind of professional jealousy because of his incredible scientific expertise and accomplishments?
So Adams is in favor of eye protection, you are in favor of eye protection, and I am in favor of eye protection — but you can’t stand him. Your private war with Adams (whatever it’s really about) has no place here on TheOrganicPrepper!!
On the eye protection issue: I’m not sure what’s available for mere mortals without access to fully sealing goggles — especially for people who wear glasses! For such people the military provides prescription lenses in small frames designed to fit inside gas masks. (I remember that from the tear gas training I went through long ago.) This would be a worthy question to be researched.
Lewis said: “Your private war with Mike Adams had no place here.”
I didn’t realize you were the forum police. Have you been triggered?
Over the last three days, I have spent a lot of time posting valuable information drawn from my 30 years in the medical trenches.
I have asked for nothing in return. If one person is helped that is my reward.
Now, about Mike Adams.
I do not know the man personally nor have I ever spoken to him.
If you don’t like what I have to say, don’t read it. Simple as that.
Now, my conversation with you is at end.
Another good idea for having “fresh” produce on hand during something like this is those organic baby food squeezies. You can get varied forms of produce from them, and it’s easy to eat without making a mess. My husband takes one to work with him every day, so I keep stocked up on them. They last for up to a year–perfect for self-quarantine.
Everyone needs to look at what the China Governments and other governments are DOING INSTEAD. of what the China Governments and other countries’ governments are SAYING. The few videos that have leaked out show people collapsing to the ground wherever they happen to be standing in the hospitals and the attending staff are wearing completely-enclosed Level 5 Ebola contagion personal protective clothing–absolutely nothing is exposed. The Chinese central government did not order this lock down at the height of the most celebrated holiday of the year due to over reacting creating economic loss into the tens of billions of yuan losses. Many death certificates have cause-of-death listed as “viral Pneumonia” not
Corona virus which is EXACTLY how Corona virus kills.. Also something else to consider–nearly everything is now manufactured in China and last week I ordered 3, 10,000 lumen LED corn bulbs at $20 each at work. Today I ordered 20 of the same thing from the same Company, Rural King, and the PRICE IS NOW DOUBLED IN A WEEK. best get what you need for the next 3-6 months and do it as soon as possible.
Dennis, you are right on every count. Congratulations.
I think the problem may be that we are just not getting enough usable information as most of the experience with treating large numbers of those infected with this virus are in China and they are notoriously bad at providing timely accurate data.
Many people online keep pointing to the flu stats and asking why we are so worked up about the new corona virus when so far this flu season in the US, the CDC estimates that between 19-26 million people have already been infected with the flu, 180,000-310,000 hospitalized for it and 10,000-25,000 have already died from it So on the face of it, that there are 6 confirmed cases of the new virus in the US, as I write this, many people are rightfully confused by the attention being paid to the new corona virus when the flu has impacted so many more.
I suspect that the new corona virus has the potential to have a higher mortality rate and should it spread widely in the US or other countries besides China, to cause significant sickness and deaths, beyond the seasonal flu. But as this has yet to occur(and may well not) many people are perhaps rightfully puzzled by the attention and fear. As well of course there is no vaccine so vulnerable people have no protection.
This is not the flu. This has the highest probability of being a weaponized bat sars virus/ neo corona virus created in the level 4 bio weapons lab in Wu Han, China.
A modeling study (not yet peer reviewed) out of China this morning puts the R 0 infection rate at 4.0. If accurate, this is devastating and shows that the outbreak will NOT be contained.
We already know that the mortality rate vs recovery rate of individuals infected is about even.
This means that if you contract the virus there is a 50/50 chance you die.
Those who develop pneumonia as a result of the virus are being left with fibrosis in the lungs.
I too suspect this virus came via the Bioweapons research facility although it might well have been an inadvertent release and not deliberate. Again, we need good data(accurate RO, accurate number of infected vs mortality etc) and we’re just not getting that, partly I suspect due to the usual resistance of China to share info and their desire to “save face” and also the overwhelming disaster this is fast becoming for them.
But I look at what they are doing(over 60 million confined to their cities, closure of tourist sites, transportation etc) and that gives me significant cause for concern. Their actions speak to how serious they are finding this.
This was an accidental release from the Wuhan bioweapons facility. The Chinese would never release this on purpose.
The researchers were engineering a virus to fly under the radar of the immune system and give a long latency, so that you get maximum spread of infection.
The current accepted R 0 number is 4.0 or higher. This is a devastating number.
I studied in China in 1985 when it was still very much a communist country. I like to think that I understand the Chinese mind as well as any Gweilo.
The reaction of the Chinese government tells me that this is an unimaginable disaster.
You don’t quarantine 60 million people because of the flu.
60 million is equal to quarantining all the major cities of the US at once.
The WHO is guilty or criminal negligence. The doctor in charge of the WHO looks like a diversity hire.
They are trying to protect the global economy, rather than the health of the people.
If the rate of growth continues in it’s current trajectory. We will have millions infected very soon.
Agree on all counts. It’s scary too as pretty much all countries acted too late to secure their borders, China concealed(and probably still is) much crucial information, we are ill prepared for this in general etc etc. Meanwhile in the US at least some MSM is still providing info but the impeachment circus, Kobe Bryant’s death, the Superbowl etc gets more attention.
Re: protecting the global economy, I’m not sure why the powers that be don’t see that if this becomes a pandemic(which is likely) the global economy will be severely impacted anyway, so why not act decisively to protect the health of your citizens?
It’s interesting reading online comments such as on the NYT website; some are clearly expressing concern, others are chiding the NYT for covering this and “fearmongering”, some dismiss this as “just another flu”, others are using this to bash China for what they eat, consumption of wild animals etc.
In stores I’ve seen some displays of hand sanitizers and cold meds but it is winter and flu season. I suspect that in the US, if this gets bad here there will be massive panic and stampedes at the stores that make Black Friday at Walmart look like a siesta. We shall see……. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
Watch the Movie “Contagion.” It is available on Amazon. You will see that those in charge do everything possible to conceal the truth in order to give themselves more time to prepare. They know the panic will ensue once the public grasps the reality of the situation. They are using concealment as a delaying tactic.
Today the Dr. who is the head of the WHO, again praised China and criticized travel restrictions. The global stock markets are being inflated to calm the masses. They are conning the public to buy some more time.
“…not sure why the powers that be don’t see that if this becomes a pandemic(which is likely) the global economy will be severely impacted anyway, so why not act decisively to protect the health of your citizens?”
Is the objective of the globalist PTB to protect or to reduce the population? And what is their economic objective? Stable, sustainable levels of prosperity for the citizenry or total hegemony enabled in part by fake money machinations and an “everything bubble” followed by an engineered collapse?
While price gouging and hoarding of N95 masks are happening P95 masks are still available at hardware stores like Lowe’s. They are N95s that also filter out oil based particles. Like $8 for 2 with very good quality.
Does anyone know if P95 masks are as good as N95? Saw N100 masks but at $16/pc. The P95 were $5. The only thing I could find in my search is that the P95s protect from oil.
Daisy, I saw on your list that you had elderberry syrup. We always have some on hand but something else is even better & it’s called Master Tonic. It is a natural antibiotic, an anti-viral & so on. It basically has no expiration date once made. It has garlic, onion, horseradish root, cayenne peppers & raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar. It takes about 2 weeks before ready to strain. The blog The Healthy Home Economist has the recipe & more info on it.
Question about logistics of lockdown: no one goes in, no one comes out. What about my Golden Retriever? How would I handle it when she needs to “go out”? Would she just have to learn to go in the house on a total lockdown? I live in the suburbs with houses all around me.
We don’t know a whole lot about how “airborn” this virus is. I am assuming – but do not know for sure – as long as you are not in sneezing/coughing distance to your neighbors, it’ll be fine to let the dog out to do her business. Hopefully someone who knows a bit more about the transmission will chime in. But at this point, I’m planning to let my dog into the fenced backyard to do her thing.
Animals CAN transmit the virus if they sneeze on you or lick you. I think if you keep them on your own property you should be fine but run off any visiting dogs or cats.
Thank you for that clarification.
I think the best site for Covid-19 Virus upadates is Dr. Chris Martenson at… https://www.youtube.com/user/ChrisMartensondotcom/videos
What… no TP? I think I would rather have a good supply of TP than cases of N95 masks if/when I decide to self-quarantine.
A couple of 25# bags of white rice and a few of those multi-box containers of pasta from Sam’s could also be handy since I can whip together a fast meal by adding a few extra ingredients.
Pray none of us will have to make that choice. But, I think we will.
There are still several places with N95 masks that haven’t been raided by the masses yet. The local big box stores in my area are out. Smaller mom and pop hardware stores and out of the Way Tru Valu and Ace have them. I was at Tractor Supply earlier to pick up dog food on sale. They have Stanley N95 masks. 2 packs were 8.97 a piece (yikes). They had boxes of 20 for 28.99.
a solution of Chlorine bleach is what you see them spraying on surface areas in China. But it’s too toxic to spray on yourself unless somebody who obviously has the virus just sneezed right in your face. If that happens you can try to hold your breath until you can thoroughly wash down your face but you’ll likely still have something like this. If you don’t have an M-95 mask you can make an improvised one by taking a bandana, rag, towel etc. to use over your face and tape a piece of folded paper towel over the mouth and nose area and carry a can of sanitizing Disinfecting Spray that says it kills 99.? percent of germs viruses, etc. and carry it with you and if you are about to come closer than 20 feet to someone flash spray a shot over the paper towel on your improvised mask, and that should cover you well enough. The stuff in the ‘disinfecting sprays’ (found in all the dollar stores) is not as caustic as chlorine bleach.
Another way if you’re handy with crafting hacking is to vector over to the office supply sections of Walmart while everybody else is in the Raman Noodle and peanut butter aisles, (cheap great and decently nutritious for emergencies in a soup together with hot sauce, onions, etc.) and find some clear plastic folders/sheets –like to protect a document, some rubber bands, Duct tape. Fold and bend or cut it with scissors it under a baseball cap visor so it looks like a complete face shield going down from your forehead to below your chin. So it is a couple inches of your nose so you won’t steam it up. Easy to fabricate and excellent protection. Another one is a plastic bucket, or some kind of container that fits over your entire head down to your shoulders Cut a window in front and tape a piece of clear document plastic over that. My opinion is that just as much will be transmitted by touching something and then picking your nose. Try to force a ‘no-touch’, or only with nitrile gloves (or any kind) that you also spray before you take them off.
Daisy, you just about have everything covered except the government’s wanton stupidity. So just remember everyone, Here in the ‘land of the free’ they can’t and won’t try to enforce martial law type lock-downs , at least not until it’s probably too late. And police will likely not be around in the usual way either? They have family concerns also. So nit wit scavengers will ignore just about everything except their own chances to get away with bad behavior. Don’t let your opsec lapse! Good Luck, All…but we know it has nothing at all to do with luck.
P.S. Don’t forget to stock up on some libation also???