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This morning we woke up to a second Trump presidency. The outcome of the election was too big to rig.
Here’s a place we can talk about it without judgment. Use the comments section to share your thoughts!
145 Responses
I finally feel like this country will turn a corner. I was feeling very unsafe if kamala won. Now that Trump won, I truely and honestly feel that we will prosper yet again.
Ashley…….honey, the fat lady has not sang yet.
How about now?
Relieved doesn’t begin to get it. Up most of the night watching this thing. Trump needs to be ready to go on inauguration day with a stack of executive orders, just like Biden did.
I was scared to death to even turn on my computer this morning. When I did, the first email I saw had the subject line of I’m so happy and then I knew. We have another chance to take back our country and I’m thrilled to death that Trump’s back in where he belongs. He cares about us and our country. Long live Trump!!!
People have no idea. Just prepare – if you can.
That’s what I keep thinking.. Different member of the same body.
You are exactly right. It doesn’t matter who won, WE lost. Amazing how many forgot all the things he promised before, that didn’t happen. The ‘swamp’ is deeper than ever. And now he’s threatened that we’ll never need to vote again? So what does that even mean? Choice is an illusion…
When did he say that “we’ll never need to vote again”? I’ve got a healthy dose of skepticism about that.
Please cite your source.
Google it. He said it to a Christian group a few months ago.
He said it in reference to worrying about your vote counting again due to the instability of the voting machines in 2020 (which were tampered with)
He said that to a group of Christians who typically dont vote. He told them to do so this time and they won’t ever have to again. The point was to get him back into office to finish what he started. I’m not a big fan of politicians at all but also not a fan of lies and propaganda spread by the media. They love to take clips of video out of context to use as scare tactics. You have to check your info these days.
Frankly I’m surprised by the outcome, it wasn’t clear to me until late. Trump had a stronger campaign (with a much better support team) than he had in 2020 and still just scraped by in the battleground states, winning by just a point or 2.
But It’s enough to put the Cabal on its heels, time for it to put its head down and go to work!
He won in battleground states by a point or two because thousands of Americans decided they had enough and managed to outvote the cheating and vote fraud from the left. It was no small feat for Trump to win PA, MI and the rest. Some credit where it is due.
In 2007 it was prophsized that Trump would be president. First as a religous president and then as a praying president. Getting shot turned him to God. You could see the differance when he did his RNC speech. God is going to use Trump to clean out the governments here and across the world.
The first meme I saw said, “It’s a boy!”. Now to pray through the transition period.
I am ecstatic! Yeah, there’s going to be bumps and chaos over the next few weeks/months/years, but today, I celebrate!
They say in the End Times, the battle between Good and Evil will be stark and plain to see. Never has the contrast been so obvious as between the Demon-Rat’s evil minions destruction of America and Western civilization in every way, and Conservative Republicans fighting for secure borders, women’s sports, putting criminals in jail, strengthening the police and US military, parents’ rights over their children, low taxes, freedom of speech, and the right to keep and bear arms. Hallelujah!!!
Amen. Pray and prepare.
Someone asked me when I thought Jesus is returning. I said “if she wins…3 1’2 years. (I’m a mid-tribber.)
Carla, you’re the best! If Daisy had a best post contest for the year, I’d give you 19 votes from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (I’m a mid-tribber also😉)
Very kind of you, ~jim. I always say I hope the pre-tribs are right, but we’d better be prepared if they’re wrong. Now is the time for the church to repent of tolerating/facilitating evil. Jesus’ messages to the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3 need to be studied in every church.
Agree. We’ve been in the End Times since Jesus died and rose again, but I think there’s a good case to make that we are now in the end of the End Times. I don’t think we have much longer to wait for His return. Come Jesus, come!
You are so right! I ve been smiling and saying Hallelujah all morning!
The disheartening aspect of the election is that almost half of the voters chose to support unconstitutional activity like open borders, participation in undeclared wars, gun confiscation, fiat CBDC and other illegal activities that caused the Republicans to feign outrage and loudly decry while doing nothing constructively in opposition.
This was my take also. How can half the country be so blind and hate us. My best friend from kindergarten ( and I’m getting ready to be a senior citizen this month Godwilling) said I was in a cult, my youngest brother cut me off completely, and I can see the hatred in people’s eyes at work for those of us conservatives. These people are demon possessed. They r far too quiet today, which troubles me.
You just said it, they are demon-possessed. They have the spirit of Babylon over them. Pray that the scales fall from their eyes before it’s too late for them.
And amen.
Talking with my dental hygienist this morning. She said we have 4 years to get as many people saved as possible. This may only be a retrieve. I hope it’s permanent but people like Jon Stewart are telling the left to double down harder. The other side has proven that they’re capable of great evil with no conscience.
It may be disheartening that half of America are Trump-Deranged psychos, but the rest of us have lived in the upside-down world of the Demon-Rats long enough. I am in one of the few states that went for Harris (VA), and frankly, I cant wait to see my purple-haired drug abusing trans freak neighbors shriek their hearts out that “Hitler” was re-elected. Hallelujah, Amen!
I was actually shocked he won my state WI. Shocked. Well, not because I have seen 10 Trump signs to every 1 Harris sign but because Milwaukee had that fubar machine situation (shocking). Madison & Milwaukee (& I thought Green Bay!) will always be blue so no surprise there.
I am relieved. But I fully believe it’s not going to be smooth this next 2 months. I think the incumbent President should vacate the White House the very next day! Not even sure if that’s a reasonable thought but I’m being honest. There is too much time to sabotage the incoming winner on so many levels.
I’m waiting for the shoe to drop.
I’m from WI too, pleasantly surprised for sure. And yes, so many more Trump signs out this cycle compared to 2020. I pray for Jesus to cover him, because I don’t think they will stop trying to take him out. Keep praying!
My husband said it was possible that biden would resign in the next 2 1/2 months so she could be sworn in as the first woman president. And he might’ve been willing to do that, except that she went along with the obama coup. The bidens probably won’t forgive that.
If I was him [[shudder]] I’d spend all of my time until Jan. 20 in Delaware in the basement and hire a food taster,.
Would there be any reason to assassinate him now? He has been put out to pasture already.
I agree but even if they really cheat and give all the votes to Harris it won’t be enough to change the overall outcome THANKFULLY! I live in corrupt AZ and we have a couple more years until we can clean out the rest…..
The amount of corruption involved with the demo side is so great if the REAL amount of votes were known I bet Trump won in the biggest landslide on record. But it is not over yet you can bet these evil ones still have more up their sleeve before he can take office. stay prepped!
Exactly. This is what I think. Pray and prepare is right. They r far too quiet
I was looking at vote totals: Harris got 66 million votes. But in 2020 Biden got 80 million. Did 14 million Dems stay home yesterday? Did they even exist in the first place?
The numbers don’t lie. There is your proof.
Correct! To the naysayers of the 2020 election that it wasn’t stolen. Proof. Haven’t heard one thing about it have we?!
I feel that our troubles aren’t over, and just yet to begin. The democrats are planning something bad for the American people. I feel it in my soul. I revel in Trumps victory, also many senate seats flipped red and the abortion ballots in 3 states were a no go. So today I pray for peace, but I still prepare. God bless you all and God bless America
Yes, the fact that the election went so smoothly makes me think they have something else planned to derail him. I won’t live in fear but I’ll be prepared for sure.
Sit back, take a deep breath and pray. Prepare like your life depends on it because it does. This counntry is still too deeply divided to ever come together. No matter the outrcome of the election it only would lead to an even more imporatant time for choosing. Choose wisely. The battle has only begun.
Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Amen. Keep praying because it’s not over yet.
When I went to bed last night, Trump was leading, but Kamala had won six states including Illinois. I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking of how Kamala destroyed the mother of a desperately ill black sickle-cell child, and how 60 thousand Amish voted for the first time in their lives because the Biden administration attacked their farms in January this year. They want their freedom back.
Just two hours later, I got up in the middle of the might, turned on the computer and looked up the election. Kamala had conceded. Republicans had made gains in Congress, so the Dems won’t be able to steal it on Jan 6. I went back to bed and slept very soundly the rest of the night.
Thanks for sharing your middle-of-the-night discovery; when I was up during the night, Trump was up to 247. God bless.
Now is the time to talk our lib spouses and relatives off the ledge. I got a whole family of sore losers to face in the next few days.
Good one. God bless.
I just went to console my dem neighbor and told her it’s going to be ok, and that I will not allow the division to destroy our friendship. She asked if CNN is propaganda, and I told her absolutely yes. She’s coming around and feels a bit better now. My youngest son is sulking in his room. He did say hi to me this morning though when he was doing the dishes. So there is hope.
My biggest thought is that I can relax a little. The present administration seems to have been hell-bent on getting us into a major conflict in at least one, if not more, geographical areas. They didn’t seem to have a financial policy other than print more money, and spend, spend, spend which was driving us to the brink of a financial collapse. I really didn’t see anything from them, in any area, that didn’t point to a near-term SHTF, and as a result my preps went into a little bit of a fever pitch.
If past performance is any indication, I can see a possibility of negotiations internationally that may lower tensions. I can see a little bit of common sense coming back into the financial system. I see a possibility that we are not looking at armageddon in the short term.
Basically this has allowed me the opportunity to take a deep breathe, which apparently I’ve been holding for a while. I feel a sense of relief that we may have someone that will be steering the ship again, rather than drifting with the tides from crisis, to crisis. I’m not saying that I will always like the direction we are being steered in, but at least we are being steered on a course that is predictable.
Good morning my Northern friend.
I agree with most of your assessment. But I wonder if not between now and Trump’s inauguration will some of enemies not try a last ditch effort to launch more attacks or even new ones in new places.
I am relieved Trump won. But. What will they do in the next 90 days? That is what concerns me greatly. Will they blow up on the people and Trump? Stay prepared and prayed up everyone!
Same here. I’m thrilled he won and celebrating that today. But, I’m worried about what Biden/Harris have planned before Trump’s inauguration.
Oh Yeah! Not only our foreign enemies, but our domestic ones as well. Many will feel they have nothing to lose at this point. Many may be looking at losing their jobs, or their little fiefdoms where they wield power over us lowly peons. I expect many acts of subtle but deliberate sabotage within our government agencies. Trump will be walking through a minefield – if he makes it to inauguration. I’m hoping that this time around he has the sense to clean house, and not allow the established bureaucracy (deep state) to remain in positions where they can betray him, like he did last time.
I bet there were plenty of Biden’s antitank missiles sitting around in Afghanistan a couple years back. Be a real shame if one of them found their way to Trump’s motorcade…
You’re advocating for his assassination?
I am very relieved but am concerned about civil unrest and bad actors in the next two months
Thanks for your insights; your comments mirror many of my thoughts. Let’s pray that Trump is successful in finding LOYAL staff and he’ll be able to do more for our country than the naysayers allowed last time. God bless.
That is a great analogy and one that I completely resonate with! We have been drifting at sea for the last 4 years. Perfect description of most of what the left does: drift with the popular thing to support, push, etc. I want an anchor. Now we have one again.
Negotiations will need to happen with honest participants. The Ukrainians have learned to their detriment that our involvement in any negotiation is poison. Russia is of the opinion that Americans are incorrigible liars and will say anything to advance neocon objectives. Trump will need to make real changes to rebuild global trust in our word.
Whew! As everyone else am breathing a sigh of relief with the National results. However, my state of North Carolina has again decided to split the state ticket and actually give most of the top positions to demoncrats;
Governor (Dem)-Stein
Lt. Gov.(Dem)-Hunt
Attorney General (Dem)-Jackson
Secretary of State(Dem)-Marshall
Superintendent of Public Education(Dem)-Green
While watching the foxes in the henhouse;
State Auditor(Rep)-Boliek
Insurance Commissioner(Rep)-Causey
State Treasurer(Rep)-Briner
Commissioner of Labor(Rep)-Farley
Commissioner of Agriculture(Rep)-Troxler
This state has so much potential but for some strange reason keeps putting demoncrats into the Governor’s spot which tends to retard positive growth. As well, the voters fell for puppet parrot press assassination of the campaign of Mark Robinson in the fake claims of racist remarks who is, BTW, black! Truly a bizarre statewide election.
NC here too and I couldn’t agree more!
NC here, as well and I agree. Part of problem is the cities of Charlotte, Asheville, Durham, their immediate suburbs and NENC. Those tend to be very, very blue. District 1 (NENC) has not had a Republican in that office (US House) since 1883. If any conservative wants to win the governorship in NC, the campaign must put added effort into winning those areas. I really wish more conservatives/constitutionalists had been elected to the court system, too.
I’m just stoked that the commie didn’t win!
I’m very surprised that for the past four years, the title of Kommie Harris was purposely NOT USED. It seemed so fitting when I first heard it. My one hope now, is that we add one simple word to the restrictions of the terms for the office of president……. consecutive. Applied properly, it could easily afford us the necessary time for President Trump to spend a full EIGHT YEARS IN OFFICE. As I understand it, the office may only be held for 8 years, total, but, if it stated 8 consecutive years, Trump’s time there would be far more productive for this country, as I fear the Left and all their cohorts will throw up all the roadblocks possible in these few short years ahead. God Bless America, and D.J. Trump.
I do not for one moment believe it’s over for those who insisted KHarris was a ‘reasonable’ choice for POTUS. It’ll simply be a resumption of the battle for each and every second going forward – just as it was previously.
I further expect events to be orchestrated by those who support this kind of treachery while continuing to blame him for each result of their actions – and of course amplified and abetted by those in the corporate media.
Savor the moment, surely, but continue to be diligent.
Our country was on the edge of falling either way – into the anti-American sorrows OR Trump would win and lead our nation back to its roots and success. It was a good vs bad contest. Am soooo very thankful Trump won. Religious websites sent out prayers for us to repeat, and they succeeded! There’s lots of wrongs we need to right but it’ll be worth it. God bless.
Looking at the polling, which I take with a gain of salt, but also other news articles talking with real, regular folks in the streets it was obvious to see that the Democrat party had lost a number of long time supporters. Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, the blue collar worker, even to a degree Muslims. Pushing LGBT+ in public schools with a Muslim community is not a winning combination. You know it is bad when Christians, Jews and Muslims all come together on an issue. Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke. But it was real. It was not all of them turning to Trump or the GOP, but many of them out of disgust with the Democrat party simply did not show up. We saw it in early voting where the GOP surged and Democrats lagged. In some states in the negative double digits.
Going forward is the question. The American people gave the Democrats a big ol slap to the face at the polling stations. Will the Democrats listen? Or will they double down on the negative? That just might fuel even more of what I read in one article this morning, a D-Exit.
Hey brother. I am going to let the past be a compass for the future, and if the past tells us anything it’s that the Dem’s will double-down or even triple-down. I never realized how real and widespread TDS was. I always thought that it was more of a joke, based on a few individuals, but this election has shown me that it is truly a real thing, and that it is deeply imbedded in the Liberal psyche. This election may actually push them even further to the left, and make them even more radical than they have been. Which to any moderate person will make them even less electable than they are now.
I don’t know if we can heal the country, when one side is so entrenched in their beliefs that they look on anybody that doesn’t agree with them as a racist/fascist that needs to be eradicated for the good of the country. It will take patience and understanding on both sides, much like the reconstruction era, but the first requirement is a willingness of both sides to at least try – which I am not seeing.
My husband and I stayed awake until 2am watching it all play out and although I only slept 4.5 hours I slept better than I have in a long time. “Too big to rig” is what Trump said we needed and that’s what we got. Just makes me wonder what their plan B is because we all know they have one. After a few days of crappy weather, this morning is beautiful and refreshing! I will revel in this feeling as long as I can because I know there are so many evil people out there who don’t enjoy the same happiness and will do everything in their power to destroy it. Misery loves company.
I am thankful! I feel our troubles aren’t over. Continue to pray and prep.
I think that our country dodged a dangerous bullet. I also think that she dodged several bullets she is incapable of dealing with, domestically and internationally. I bet that she and Emhoff are divorced within the next 6-24 months, as she is no longer useful to him as a source of investing info. Now that she will not be a Senator or in the Administration. He reads as an opputunistic reptile to me.
I am beyond happy. I prayed for this outcome and was scared of the alternative. We will survive.
My husband and I are thrilled that Trump won despite all the cheating. But the Democrats, and whoever is running the White House, have not run out of dirty tricks. The inaugural needs to be heavily guarded. Beyond that, I don’t know if anyone can save our disastrous economy. Thank God, we will not have communists hammering a stake into Lady Liberty’s heart.
I stoled this:
In truth, no political party, no new president can halt the collapse of the US empire that’s already in the cards. And no reform can stop the “beast system” of the U.S. government from carrying out its very nature, which is rooted in authoritarianism, coercion and evil.
This election may answer a temporary question of who runs the executive branch, but it won’t stop the downfall of the US empire.
Unfortunately I believe that you are correct. But if we are lucky we have postponed it a little. I do have mixed feelings on this though. I am at an age that if it all falls apart I feel that I am healthy enough to at least have a chance of making it through. One of my biggest fears is that things will go sideways when I am at a point in my life that I am to old and feeble to make a meaningful contribution to my family. Maybe it’s that “toxic masculinity” that the left is always talking about, but my role has always been the protection of my family, and the thought of being a burden rather that an asset is scary for me.
Don’t relax too much, the DNC will now unleash the antifa/code pink/BLM/occupy/deep state morons.
Head on a swivel with a song in my heart.
We’ve always had enemies.
It’s just that this newest crop have been bolder than those of the past.
Makes them easier to spot!
David: “Don’t relax too much, the DNC will now unleash the antifa/code pink/BLM/occupy/deep state morons.”
Well said. I believe they will be unleashed between now and the inaugural. I also think that if he makes it that far, Trump should have the whitehouse swept for boobytraps… (to keep him alive) and bugs, too, which can sabotage everything he may plan to do.
Obama isn’t through. There is more than one plan b for the demons.
Stay alert, keep your head about you,
I agree 100% with the spiritual situation we find ourselves in–this is far more than politics. It’s good VS evil. And I agree we are in for a dangerous next 90 days.
My additional thoughts :
We just lived to die another day. This country is still culturally/ socially rotten. Our debt is too big. Our empire is overextended. Etc. So this election really just bought us a few more years (2 before midterms?) to continue to do what we’re doing. It just bought us a little time. It didn’t save the country like some are talking about.
I think the death of legacy media has to be one of the biggest takeaways. Podcasts, X, blogs, and so in are the new media. And that’s amazing!
My local races were very important to our daily lives, including implications for our small businesses and our school choice. We have to continue to fight at the county and state level regardless of the federal level.
But those are worries for next week. Raise your glass for today!!
We won this battle and the war against the deep state continues. It’s not to early to start talking about a Vance/Ramaswamy ticket in 2028.
Or de Santis-Hawley?
I have tried to comment below 3 times. I put in my comment and then my info at the bottom and whoosh, it’s gone!
Same thing happened to me today.
I can’t help but feel hopeful for change with his re-election, but there are too many unanswered questions about his first presidency to prevent me from going all in.
You know, the sun came up today, and it will come up tomorrow no matter what the election outcome is. God is in control, and He either wants to punish this nation or prosper us, (or both) but that is up to Him! We have a LOT of repenting to do!
Personally, I believe that G. satan sor-ose is planning to plunge us into civil war no matter what the outcome of this election is. The plan is to weaken our GREAT nation by any means possible. Just stock up on the Rawlsian 3-B’s. Beans, Bullets and Band aids, keep your head together, and your eyes open. BTW, I LOVED the James Wesley, Rawles books. I think they are a pretty good look at what we might become, and what we can do about it if the rapture doesn’t happen first. Remember that we are not just prepping for ourselves, we are prepping for those who come after too.
“When the righteous increase the people rejoice.” Proverbs 29:2
Pray for the security of our country and the safety of former President Trump through the next two months and beyond.
Thankful for you, Daisy, keeping us informed and engaged on this platform.
Thank You Lord.
Help us to do Your will.
In Jesus name, amen.
I can’t believe the number of comments on here proclaiming democrats as demon possessed psychopaths. If you met a person on the street and chatted pleasantly about the weather, but then watched them walk into their home with the opposite sign in the yard, would you automatically conclude that they are evil incarnate?
The powers that shouldn’t be have been incredibly successful in dividing this country. Each side views the other as unsalvageable. For everyone claiming to be christians, way to be super judgemental!
We lost the election. We the People have collectively lost our minds and are attacking each other’s character instead of pulling together and getting rid of this ridiculous system completely. Those of you who think Trump is your savior, remember that he tried to force the jab on everyone also.
The thing is, not all of them (democrats) are demon possessed. I just went to console my democrat neighbor because she is truly terrified due to all the propaganda. She seemed to relax. I also prayed over her, silently , because she is atheist, and told her I would not allow the enemy to destroy our friendship. These people in general have not had their eyes opened yet, but I know a lot did, like my husband, who votes democrat but voted straight republican ticket this time around, and he was a never trumper. When I say demon possessed, I am speaking of the powers that are out to destroy our country, they are beyond redemption. This is a spiritual battle, whether anyone wants to believe or not and this is how I personally prepare, with my soul prepared. And speak the good news to others before it’s too late. And honestly, any politician or person that says that killing a baby or trafficking children is ok is demon possessed.
I remember staffing an RNC convention way back when, and noticed three groups; normies that like to wear hats and have fun, true believers with skin in the game and careers to lose, and bosses behind the curtain with their lidded eyes and inscrutable actions. You could almost smell the brimstone coming off that last group.
I have friends and family who are Democrats. I dont think they are demons or anything like that. I also know some of them see what policies the Democrat party has taken on and they are shocked and some are thinking about going independent. They would not vote for Trump but they said they could not in good conscience vote for the current Democrat party.
People calling Trump supporters Nazis and other just as ugly things is not better either. Would they say that to the Jews For Trump group to their faces?
Sita, I’m sorry that you are confused over the “demon-possessed’ statements. I understand whay you mean. I think so, too. But I will say this about all demon-crats: To be a democrat, you must be either: 1) demon-possessed, or 2) demon-deceived, or 3) intentionally ignorant.
All three of the above qualifications are satanically controlled.
Yes, we are a divided nation… politically. But too many are spiritually deceived, also. Trump is not the savior. Tho he might make a great attempt at making America great once again, I think that dream is just that, a dream. That job of Savior was fulfilled by the only possible Person over 2000 years ago. And Yes, we are in the last of the end times. HE is going to return soon, ( probably after about 7 or so years…) 🙂 and it won’t be a baby Jesus that returns. And at that time this present world will not be the same ever again. When HE does return, HE will have fire in his eyes, and his feet will be as burnished bronze – HE will stand and deliver. He will lock the evil one up for longer than a human life sentence could ever be. HE will be in HIS office for 1000 years, and then the final battle will take place. Stay prayed up. Stay in The Word. And yes,
Keep your head on a swivel.
Blessings to you,
So true, Sita.
Like others, happy (ecstatic really) for the Trump win. Pray that he makes it into office, evil is everywhere. I am in a SOLID blue state so the next week or longer will likely be protests and mayhem. My feeling is good has bought some time over evil but the fight will continue. Be ready and stay safe.
I am happy that happy that he won but it hasn’t erased the fears I have for our future here in the US. I worry about the next 90 days and what might happen before he takes office. Will they allow him to make real change? I fear for his safety. We are SO divided and we are SO split between good and evil. We have a lot of enemies around the globe and in our own country. Our government doesn’t care about us at all. They consider us slaves for their gain. All I can do is pray and prepare.
ALL politicians are corrupt!
ALL governments are corrupt!
Same side of a 2-sided coin.
New Boss same as the Old boss!
Do you live in the U.S.? If you believe that it’s the same everywhere, regardless of who wins, why live here?
So true, Fed Up.
Beyond happy today. Never again have to be forced to see/hear her again. I just want to shout in her face, you’re fired! You did A very poor job, now get out! Confident JDV will be an asset if anything happens in the next 4 years. Celebrating today. I thank God.
I think the country just died. RIP. I firmly believe that we will experience a major recession in the next 18 months and inflation will possibly go hyperinflation. I think you will see a lot of emigration out of the country. Most of the rich will be fleeing. Most on the left who can afford to will leave. I see the housing market crash. The left will abandon the country. That’s what I believe. Will it happen? Maybe. I do know that many Americans will go dark. Many are quitting Facebook and Twitter in droves. I see a severe splintering of society. In 2016, when Hillary lost (I didn’t vote for her), there was a sense that it couldn’t be any worse than Bush by half the country. Now, its people actively wanting to move to a new country. There is fear among the LGBTQ community and those who support them. There is fear in the non-Christian community. There is fear in the nonRepublican community. I initially wrote that I don’t think it will get violent, but people will lash out when they fear. I hope not, but it’s anybody’s guess at this point. It may become a civil war or it may just end the country. I really fear the next 2 years will have turmoil. Peace
“I think the country just died. RIP.”
I understand your suffering. Relieve yourself of your misery. Leave. Ukraine is actively recruiting. Go fight for your cherished democracy.
“I firmly believe that we will experience a major recession in the next 18 months and inflation will possibly go hyperinflation.”
In the year I’ve been watching your posts this one sentence is, perhaps, the most lucid statement you’ve ever made on this preparedness blog. I’m sure it’ll be Trumps fault in 18 months though…
“I think you will see a lot of emigration out of the country. Most of the rich will be fleeing. Most on the left who can afford to will leave.”
Wait just a fucking minute. You leftists hate the rich and want them to pay their fair share. Now you’re crying that they’re leaving? That makes no sense.
“Many are quitting Facebook and Twitter in droves.”
LOL! Conservatives and liberatarians left Facebook four years ago. Twitter will be fine without you.
“I see a severe splintering of society.”
No shit. Really? This occurred to you just today?
“There is fear among the LGBTQ community and those who support them. There is fear in the non-Christian community. There is fear in the nonRepublican community.”
Why? Most fear is self inflicted. You’re imagining a fear that most people (who get up and work their asses off every day that aren’t in those groups) see their paychecks raped by taxes and inflation don’t have the time to consider let alone cause these people to fear anything more than that. Get a grip.
Would that be the inflation created by Trump in 2020 that affected gas prices until 2022 or his printing of money at 3X the rate of Biden? That inflation? Remember it takes a while to trickle in after you dump the money in the economy. So the inflation you felt in 2021 and 2022 was from actions of both Trump and Biden, but curiously you only blame Biden. Thats the big hole in your statement. And yes the LGBTQ+ community is in fear that they will be harmed. Either by taking away their medication or by physical harm. The latter is because they have a history of harm coming from people who express the same ideology that you have. So the fear is real and definitely not self inflicted. They hear stories all the time about right wing Christians who inflict harm upon them. Many have seen right wing Christians stare at the with hate filled eyes. Instead of adopting a live and let live philosophy, right wing Christians seem to want to harm those in the LGBT+ community. They want to know what did they do to be hated so much by the right wing Christian community. As for defending our democracy (a constitutional republic is a form of democracy) I already spent my 20 years bouncing around the globe and sacrificed my body and mental health. When and where did you serve?
I don’t hate them James Gregg. I hate their sin. There’s a difference.
I can love and forgive a murderer, a thief, a liar, and a sodomite but can never forgive the sin. Sin is a cancer. Fortunately there is a cure. And it ain’t more “medication”.
James Gregg: please don’t repeat lies. The problem in our society is that the majority of our population have turned away from God and Christianity. Many still want to hang on to the societal benefits, without the beliefs. That’s the description of many called “conservatives”. From what I’ve seen of Trump, he represents that.
As for dealing the LGBTQ+ community, the relatively few Christians that still remain among us want nothing to do with violence. But many “conservatives” are furious when they see their children being groomed by LGBTQ+ members. But even they tend to eschew violence. Most violence suffered by the LGBTQ+ community is self-inflicted and in private.
The U.S. is declining. It’s multi-generational. The decline seems to be speeding up. Trump has inherited a time bomb that is ready to explode, and he will be blamed for it. That is if World War III doesn’t blow up first in the U.S. The Biden / Harris regime are communists, and have allowed over 100,000 Chinese troops into our country, ready to be activated. How many other communist inspired troops from other countries have also come in? Then we also have the gangs that they have let in. While I’m glad to see Trump elected, we’re in for a very rough ride, if we survive at all.
“They want to know what they do to make themselves so hated….” Drag time Story Hour, men in women’s sports, Bud Light, any Disney property of the past few years, we can go on. They brought public disapproval upon themselves.
@ James Gregg
You fear for the non- Christian community because Trump won? Seriously? I can assure you that a good 80% of Orthodox Jews in the US voted for Trump. They aren’t fearful of his presidency; they are all too aware of what a Democratic presidency means these days.
What say you when the Dow just went up to +1200 yesterday?? The country ISN’T hopeful after a Trump win?
No. The country did not just die. If anything we have turned a corner. From the crazy and insane that is the current Democrat party, the one that thinks there are more than two biological sexes. Uses weird pronouns. The one that thinks men in women’s sports are okay. The one that thinks math is racist. Over half of America voted against that crazy and insane.
Trump did not cause inflation. Biden did. Even former Treasury Secretary under Bill Clinton Larry Summers said Biden’s Rescue America Act will trigger inflation we have not seen in generations. The economy was on the recovery from the COVID lockdowns, led by Red States, when Biden injected more money into the economy creating the inflationary environment Summer’s said it would. Under Biden, Americans have had to spend some $12k more just to stand still.
Likely there will be a recession. Biden and Harris have all but guaranteed it. They expanded the government while stifling the private sector. With such a bloated government any attempts by Trump to reduce it will in fact cause a recession. This was by design by the Biden admin.
And it gets worse. Biden and Harris Medicare plan is expected to cost taxpayers a possible $20billion over the next three years. Costs should of raised this year, but the Biden admin has been paying insurance companies directly to off set premium costs just for the election. Now going forward, we can expect to see those costs hit seniors directly.
If Trump lowers the corporate tax rate for companies here in the US, why would they leave?
And those on the left who are rich or can afford to leave, by all means. The country will be better off. Who wants the likes of Mark Cuba insulting women?
Facebook? Who cares. X formerally known a Twitter is doing just fine.
The only people feeling fear are self inflicted. As we have already seen, there has been violence, all coming from the left as antifa riots in the streets of Seattle. Leftist in Chicago are protesting and declaring Trump and his supporters are fascists. If anyone is spreading hate and fear it is the left. The turmoil is coming from the left. The rest of us just look at them and think, “what is wrong with you?”
Oh, I have friends and family who are gay. One, she is in the Air Force. They voted for Trump. Why? They think pornography should not be in elementary schools. They think most kids who think they are trans grow out of it in their late teens early twenties and should wait till then to make an informed decision when they are adults. They voted for Trump to protect women in women’s sports. They voted against Harris and more forever wars.
The amount of destruction and disrespect heaped on US citizens over the past 3.5 years by the liberals is staggering. Open borders, missing children, sexual perversion toward children, destruction of our education system, spending beyond comprehension, except for on our own citizens when they are devestated by fire, train derailment or hurricanes. CITIZENS need to stand up and remain standing up for our rights and for our children’s rights. Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Raskin, and Cheney are probably plotting the execution of their plan to destoy us as we write this.
Your comment wasn’t listed as a direct reply to James Gregg, but it really was. You rightly addressed the efforts by the left to destroy our culture; he was singing a song right out of the Leftist Songbook: we actually do what we accuse the Right of doing.
If you vote for one of the two lamestream candidates for President, you are condoning/supporting/promoting Palestinian genocide according to both Fr. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy and Fr. Isaac Mary Releya and subsequently the so-called “Pope” won’t lift a finger to Netanyahoo, either. So you have committed a serious crime against God (you should have voted for Randall Terry or Dr. Taylor Marshall or not voted at all, instead).
I sincerely suggest you read the Bible. It directly addresses what’s in store for those who hate Israel. Pathetic that you want to destroy God’s chosen people and use His name to do it.
People who are attacked have the moral right to defend themselves.
I support Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu.
Thanks Carla. I don’t think many in the US are even aware of the endless rocket/missile and drone attacks on civilians in Israel for over a year now. Literally tens of thousands have been launched at Israel.
Praying for all of Palestine daily, especially for my brothers and sisters in Christ there. Praying that this unholy genocide end.
I still think we are aboard the Titanic, but now the sinking will be slower.
Many of the traditional democrat party base, without knowing it, ratioed Harris. Harris was their party’s bud lite candidate. Their own base treated her like many conservatives and independents treated bud lite for attempting to brand their future with Dylan Mulvaney.
There’s irony there somewhere…
As you said, too big to steal.
At this time, 3:30 PM EST, some of the down ballots are still being sorted out. Next will be the lawsuits.
Will Raskin still refuse to admit defeat? Will Harris sign the papers? We shall see.
I think the American people have spoken. I think they are tired of their hard-earned money not being used to better our country for our citizens.
It’s not who or how many voted for whom that matters, it’s what vote counters count and announce that determines outcomes.
I’m thrilled that he won but it’s only by God’s grace and mercy! That said, I don’t believe the left progressives will go quietly. I do believe they have a plan. The only saving grace is by how much he won by and both the electoral and popular vote. Not even close. God is ultimately in control so I’m praying for protection for President-elect Trump!
Because he has RFKJr, Gabbard, & Musk behind him I am hopeful he has learned a bit from the first time and is more selective of his staff appointments. However, given the number of desperate rats still in the swamp I worry this victory could be short lived.
We’ll see. He’s surrounded himself with people this year that are in his corner and know the score in DC.
Rush Limbaugh always said for years that the biggest problem with the Republican Party was that they were sore winners. After they would win a majority they would cower in terror of the leftists threats and media bias and never act like they were the majority. The leftists would roll out the same old “grandma is gonna die because the republicans are going to shut off her Social Security and Medicare.” BS and the republican majority would fold like a sheet.
Trump is fire tempered now. He knows how to win. His cabinet had better act like they have some loyalty this time, whomever he selects. And Congress had better damn well get behind him this go ‘round, or they’ll get gone too. Mitch “Tippy the Turtle” McConnell is going the way of Biden. He doesn’t have any power anymore. So there are no excuses. There’s no more time for games.
God has not lifted his hand of protection, he is giving us another chance!
I’m very, very aware of that
God bless America!
I live in an area with a lot of vacation homes. It was like a holiday weekend with all the people getting out of the city for the election.
Here in Israel much of the country is celebrating Trump’s win. The Hezbollah terrorists are not; after his win was announced they sent a rocket volley to the town in the Golan named in his honor- Ramat Trump. Fortunately no one was hurt. Hezbollah then attacked the center of the country (twice) with rockets, hitting the civilian airport while it was in operation. They went pretty ballistic over his win 🤣
Was up at 2 AM here following the news on my phone as the first polls closed on the east coast- no big surprise as my former home state of VT was immediately declared for Harris. I did get to vote for Trump overseas by email ballot which was good, even though useless in VT.
I’m hopeful that he can walk the country back from the madness. So much has happened since Biden was elected that has made the US and the world a much more violent and dysfunctional place. Where I’m living I’m being subjected to rocket and suicide drone attacks day and night; none of this would be happening if Trump was in office. “Prepping “ is interesting here needless to say…..
I’m hoping this is the start of turning the country around and walking it back from the abyss.
God bless you and God bless Israel.
I took a nap from 7 til 8 so I could stay up all night if I had to. But didn’t start watching TV til 10 because early results are misleading. I’m very happy! Corey Comperatore was my neighbor, and I know his family has to feel a special joy knowing Corey’s choice won. He was so excited to be at that really where he died. Trump has called them so many times to check on them, few people know how compassionate he is. He was the only choice this country had, he knows so much more now than the 1st time. I have 3 grandsons of draft age and 3 more to come. I don’t want them drafted and pulled out of college. I remember Vietnam too well. I pray #47 can keep us out of war because we are SO close to it. I pray daily for Trump and his family and of course for this country. I kept hearing Jesus say “trust me” as I prayed anxiously this past week. It was hard but the human “me” tried and He delivered.
However, I will continue to add to my preps. I trust my Lord but not humans so much. God bless us all.
I’ve heard some preaching against looking on Trump as some sort of messiah, which, I suspect is mostly just another form of virtue signaling and erecting yet another straw man to gaslight so many of us in the churches, especially “Evangelical-dom”. Personally, I don’t know of anyone like that, folks who think that all now will be well now that The Donald is back, but to the extent that there’s truth to it, okay, Trump ain’t no messiah, y’all, as grateful as I am for this election result!
There, I said it. Moving on.
Trump did some truly good things, especially in appointing SOTUS judges that would result in the overturning of Roe v. Wade, as well as made a start on controlling the border, keeping us out of the corporatocracy’s hobby wars, etc. (COVID policies were a bust, and I’m still waiting to see Fauci, et al , swinging from a gibbet!). However, what his reelection does now is chiefly BUY US SOME TIME (I’d prefer italics there, folks, but I don’t know if that’s available here or not)! There’s a whole lot of repentin’, praying’, and buildin’/rebuildin’ that needs to be done, and no mere election is going to save us from the wickedness and nonsense we’ve sunk to, especially in the decades since the “enlightened” ’60’s!
HINT: We need only look to our brethren in East Tennessee/Western North Carolina for the key to what’s needed, and that danged sure isn’t to be found in a politician’s, judge’s, or a bureaucrat’s office!
Oh yeah, one more thing (which undoubtedly someone has said in this thread already, but it bears repeating, nonetheless): Don’t let down your guard! Don’t be paranoid, but cultivate a relaxed vigilance, or Situational Awareness (SA), if you prefer. These leftist revolutionary jack-wagons ain’t done yet!
My question is why didn’t they cheat this time? Is the current batch too stupid?
Are they letting him win just to get him out of the way? Because after 4 years he won’t be a burr on their hide.
Is there something planned and waiting to prevent him taking office?
Things are looking up but we aren’t all clear yet.
If we as a country can pull together to vote like this we need to stop being scared that we are a widely scattered, isolated, powerless minority.
It was God’s doing. Had they allowed Trump to win in 2020 he would be leaving in January. But what we now have are a possible 30 years of conservative domination. In 4 years Vance could begin an 8 year presidency followed by another 8 years of either Eric or Don Junior Trump followed by 8 years of then 38 year old President Barron Trump.
I’m happy Trump won and that the Senate and House gained more red seats, but I’m still wary. Everything has been staged for a recession/depression, for war, and for conservatives and Trump to take the blame. January 20 next year should be an interesting day. I wonder if it will be full of riots and destruction like it was on January 20, 2017.
For the next few days/weeks, I’ll just focus on the relief and happiness I feel at possibly having some of the last 3.5 years of crazy policies cleaned up and cleared out.
Had Kamala been able to steal power it would have been the end of the USA. They would have made legal the millions of illegals here, and they would have imported millions more. Many red states would have turned blue, freedom would have been repealed.
Even here the B.S. flows. Prez Trump will MAGA.
Am thankful that Trump won the election. He’s conservative and espouses our American values and way of life. His background is perfect for being the president of America – at one time he headed over 500 companies that provided services, etc. for his many businesses.
This morning I was reading a Heavenly message from God the Father to Maureen, and he mentioned the media; We’ve heard from various media personalities that have said it’s the media’s job to shape our opinions. Our Creator said “Do not be guided by the mass media which is basically Satan’s instrument.” https://www.holylove.org/message/11582/.
One of the first messages about Donald Trump and Mike Pence indicated Trump was chosen to lead our nation at this time (11-14-2019 https://www.childrenoftherenewal.com/hfr2019). Current msgs are upbeat but God asks we pray for him because our spiritual & political enemies want him gone. God bless.
Certainly America repenting for our national sins saved us this time.
Continue praying & use the next 4 years wisely getting your life in order for when Trump leaves office.
God Bless America!