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By Daisy Luther
The National Institute of Health has placed a massive order for protective clothing and supplies that could make it impossible for you to procure your own gear.
And by massive, I mean a year’s supply for employees of facilities across the country, replenished throughout the year no matter what happens, and taking priority over any personal orders.
Here’s some of the text of the solicitation, entitled “EMERGENCY DISASTER EVENT PREPARATION FOR PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE)”. Some portions are bold for emphasis.
The Contract will consist of a base year with four (4) option years. In addition to establishing and maintaining PPE as an emergency and disaster resource, the vendor must provide high quality laboratory PPE that meet the specifications as outlined below. Since PPE products have a definitive shelf life, to maintain the integrity of the stocked items the vendor shall deliver requested items from the reserve to the facility on a routine basis or upon request as outlined below. In addition, the vendor shall reestablish the reserve as directed by the Government on a monthly basis. It is the vendor’s responsibility to manage the reserve to ensure the continued rotation of product to protect the integrity of the resource.
Project requirements:
Therefore, the vendor must be able to supply the following goods or services:
1. Provide PPE products identical or equivalent to Life Science SMS Lab Coats, Polypropylene Coveralls, SMS Coveralls, Suntech Microporous Film Coveralls, the Non-Skid/Water Resistant shoe covers, Guardian Nitrile Gloves, and Rhino Shield Latex Medical Grade Gloves. PPE items may be added, subtracted, or otherwise modified at the discretion of the Government to meet evolving program requirements;
2. Ensure that the lab coats and coveralls meet the sizing specifications, salient characteristics and physical properties as outline below;
3. Ensure that the gloves meet the salient characteristic as outline below;
4. Provide a specialized temperature, humidity, and vermin controlled storage/warehouse, as outlined below;
5. Provide routine deliveries to our research facility. Deliveries will be made Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM (excluding Federal Holidays);
6. Provide emergency deliveries and services in the event of an emergency or disaster;
7. Ensure that the integrity of the products is maintained throughout storage and delivery. This includes, but is not limited to, protection from moisture and dust which may carry unwanted pathogens;
8. Ensure that less than five percent (<5%) of boxes/items are torn, ripped, or damaged upon delivery; to include faulty zippers within the coveralls.
9. Provide a credit/replacement, at the contractor’s expense, for all broken, torn, ripped, or damaged PPE items;
10. Provide return trips to correct an incorrect product delivery/order or replace damaged items within 24 hours of the original required delivery date and time;
11. Unload pallets from the delivery truck and place them on the designated animal facility loading dock;
12. Maintain current and accurate product inventory details and controls to ensure the rotation of stock, timely dating, and delivery;
13. Supply a copy of the current inventory, including inventory numbers of each product by manufacturer and production dates, to the COTR on a monthly basis, at the end of each month, or upon request;
14. Provide an Operations Statement which includes the vendors program for maintaining the integrity of the stored and delivered products, as well as product rotation and inventory programs; and
15. Provide a Disaster Plan to include how the contractor shall ensure the provision of services and transportation of required supplies in the event of an emergency or disaster.
But don’t worry, the solicitation, dated October 14, says that the PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) is needed because of the danger of working in animal laboratories. This has NOTHING to do with Ebola.
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2. The Building 49 Central Animal Facility (CAF) located on the Bethesda campus of the National Institutes of Health contributes to the advancement of biomedical research by providing professional and technical support services related to laboratory animal care and use, and housing laboratory animals in support of eight institute’s intramural research program. In order to support our animals and the critical research programs they represent, we must ensure consistent supply PPE materials, even during emergency and disaster situations. Due to the critical nature of these supplies our program requirements have been incorporated into both our Facility and Institute disaster preparedness plans.
3. The value of disaster preparedness to laboratory animal facilities has been highlighted in recent years, because of several large scale disasters that have impacted the U.S. research investment. Disaster preparedness in the workplace seeks to reduce direct and indirect losses resulting from disasters. Losses are smallest when the disruptions to animal care and research are minimized. During emergency/disaster events, the normal supply and distribution channels will most likely be unavailable/or protracted due to the impact of the emergency and the rush of immediate orders. Our program’s disaster plan takes these factors into account; it is therefore our intention is to establish an offsite source of critical supplies with an established, laboratory animal PPE vendor with a proven track record of providing quality products and services. As outlined in our emergency plan it is the intention of our program to be able to house up to a one year’s supply of PPE products with a local vendor within a 90 mile radius of NIH in Bethesda, Maryland. The ideal vendor will need a strong disaster plan and have arrangements made with the state and federal agencies in the event of an emergency and or disaster to be able to arranged deliveries to the NIH. As a secondary backup, in the event that the vendor is not able to transport the required supplies we will work with the local vendor to directly pick up the required items.
4. The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (8th Edition) defines animal biosecurity as “all measures taken to identify, contain, prevent and eradicate known or unknown infections that may cause clinical disease or alter physiologic and behavioral responses or otherwise make the animals unsuitable for research”. The National Animal Health Emergency Management System Guidelines define biosecurity for animal production facilities similarly as “a series of management practices designed to prevent the introduction of and spread of disease agents.” Therefore, as part of our program’s “Biosecurity Program” we must ensure the provision of an uninterrupted supply of essential supplies, this plan is a shared responsibility between our program and the selected vendor to ensure the consistent availability of high quality PPE products and services.
Gosh, that’s a relief. At first I was concerned that the government was expecting a pandemic or something. Although, for some silly reason, I keep thinking about The Stand, by Stephen King.
If you are NOT relieved by this soothing information about animal laboratories, NOW is the time to make your purchases. When I checked Amazon this morning, supplies were running low. A reader commented on The Organic Prepper that his order for 3M N100 masks was not going to be filled:
I tried to order the N100 masks and I received an email yesterday that 3M is placing a national backorder on all of these masks. They said it had to do with “government obligations”. Just wanted to let you know!
Here’s the list. At the time of publication, these items were still available. I’ve made some updates based on the solicitation above.
- First choice for masks: N100 masks (3M Particulate Respirator 8233, N100
, Moldex 2730 N100 Respirator Mask with Handy Strap Bx/5 Each
, 3M 8233 N100 Particulate Respirator – Case of 20
- Second choice for masks: N95 masks (3M 1860 Health Care N95 Particulate Respirator and Surgical Mask, Small Adult, 20/Bx, 3M 8511 Particulate N95 Respirator with Valve, 10-Pack
, and 3M 8000 Particle Respirator N95, 30-Pack
- Nitrile gloves (Dynarex Black Nitrile Exam Gloves, Heavy-Duty, Powder Free, Large, Box/100
, Liberty T2010W Nitrile Industrial Glove, Powder Free, Disposable, 4 mil Thickness, Large, Blue (Box of 100)
,SafeTouch Nitrile Exam Gloves, Non Latex, Powder Free, Large, Box/100
- Safety goggles with an elastic band to ensure a snug fit (Pyramex V2G Safety Eyewear, Clear Anti-Fog Lens With Black Strap/Temples
), DEWALT DPG82-11C Concealer Clear Anti-Fog Dual Mold Safety Goggle
, DEWALT DPG82-11C Concealer Clear Anti-Fog Dual Mold Safety Goggle
, Neiko 53875B ANSI Z87.1 Anti-Fog Approved Wide-Vision Extra-Soft Lab Safety Goggle
- Tychem protective clothing (non-permeable and your best choice):Dupont X-Large Yellow Tychem QC Chemical Protection Coveralls
, Dupont Large Yellow Tychem Qc Chemical Protection Coveralls
, DuPont QC127S Tychem Fabric Protective Coverall with Hood, Disposable, Elastic Cuff, 2X-Large, Yellow
- If you can’t acquire Tychem, this is your next option for protective clothing: DuPont TY122S Disposable Elastic Wrist, Bootie & Hood White Tyvek Coverall Suit 1414, Size Large, Sold by the Each, Dupont TY120S L Large Tyvek Coveralls Suit, Sold By Each
, DuPont Tyvek TY122S Disposable Coverall with Hood and Boots, Elastic Cuff, White, X-Large (Pack of 25)
- First choice for masks: N100 masks (3M Particulate Respirator 8233, N100
To learn more about pandemic preparedness, check out these books and articles:
The Prepper’s Blueprint: The Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Through Any Disaster
The Pantry Primer: How to Build a One Year Food Supply in Three Months
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Information to help you get started prepping
How to Build a 30 Day Food Supply…Fast
When Should I Go Into a Full Pandemic Lockdown Mode And Self Quarantine?
Updated: Prepping for an Ebola Lockdown
Recommended Preparedness Websites
18 Responses
I guess I’m out of luck. I can’t afford anything anyway. Maybe I should start thinking of ways to make my own gear with plastic and stuff? Is it possible? I feel helpless and I don’t like it. I have masks and goggles and gloves, no suits though. Is there a next best thing? Cheap or free? Ugh.
In my opinion, the very safest prevention is NOT donning protective clothing. It’s staying home and doing everything possible to avoid contagions. I do have protective gear, but in my ideal plan, I’ll absolutely never use it. I’ll stay in, and so will my family members. Please don’t despair, because I honestly do feel the safest option is the free one of not being exposed if you can help it at all. The reasons that you would need those suits would be to cover up if you had to go out in the midst of a pandemic, or to wear if you had to provide care for a sick person.
There WAS a woman in Africa that I read about who nursed 3 family members with Ebola and never became ill herself. I don’t have the link. But, there’s no way to know if her homemade protective clothing prevented her from contracting the disease, or whether she had some type of natural immunity. With any disease, there’s a small portion of the population who will just mysteriously be immune to it.
Hang in there and make plans to shelter in place if things get rough.
I understand the need to just stay out of contact with people and I do have a decent amount of stuff to shelter in place. I was thinking we need the protective gear in case we need to care for a sick person. My spouse does not think this is a big deal and so he wouldn’t be willing to isolate. My adult kids who still live with us also wouldn’t be willing to take that step, at least one of them is more prepper minded than the other, but I’m still not sure how seriously he takes it. I consider the possibility of having to care for them a real one, but no gear. I also can’t figure out where in our tiny house to put a sick room! I am trying so hard not to fret. I try to remind myself that we are a lot better prepared for shtf than the average person.
here is the link about the nursing student in Africa who nursed and saved her family from Ebola. She made her own protective clothing using heavy duty trash bags, rubber boots and a thick rain coat.
In Liberia, a 22-year-old nursing student, named Fatu Kekula, improvised her own protective suit (used trash bags) and nursed her entire family through Ebola.
There’s also the possibility that having an abundance of protective gear will make some folks overly confident if things go bad. “I’ve got N95 masks and Tyvek suits, therefore I have nothing to fear.” I don’t think any of these things serve as magic charms against infection, although obviously they’ll help. I’m with Daisy here. The more important possession will be your own smarts and sense of self-preservation while others are losing their heads or waiting for the government to save them. Stay out of harm’s way as much as possible and treat every new report and morsel of advice with a bit of healthy skepticism. That’s going to be your first line of defense. Good luck to everybody, whether this proves to be the real thing or just another sick false flag.
Agree with others – the best ‘HazMat’ suit is to avoid the need to wear one. Get a good supply of food and basic supplies so you do not need to go out into the pandemic. If you have to go out to work get spray bottles and bleach and gloves and respirators first – then use your brain to avoid unnecessary contact. If Ebola or other pandemic starts spreading then save up vacation and sick days to use if you need to stay home for your own protection.
I started getting gear at the end of July and got stocked up well via Amazon but lost out on the N100 masks. Check your local stores like Home depot, Lowes, the dollar stores for basic gloves and masks. You might check out specialty stores Like Sherwin Williams for basic protective gear if you want it on hand. While Ebola is in the news there are still other nasty colds/flus and viruses that need to be prepped for.
Stocking a 3-6 month supply for bugging in or being prepared to bug out to your retreat might be a better use of your funds.
An option to continue such massive orders for up to four years? Interesting. So much for a quick containment.
A great example of how they are using our money (tax payer dollars) against us while taking care of themselves even as they attack us for taking care of ourselves. Or make it illegal. Pure hypocrisy.
B-I-N-G-O! And might I add the word ‘evil’.
America (as a country) abandoned God and is now reaping what it sowed.
I stocked up on N95 masks and nitrile gloves a couple of months back. Not that I was anticipating an Ebola pandemic, just adding to my preps.
Personally, i would be OK for a 3 to 6 month shelter in place scenario but I’d still have to run out for certain items most likely kerosene to keep the house warm.
I don’t like mingling with people anyway so I avoid the big box stores as much as possible and only visit them in the off hours when the human traffic is reduced. Not sure if that will be adequate to reduce my exposure to flu or ebola but at least it’s a rudimentary plan of sorts.
Tyvek suits? Meh, I live in a semi rural area and am kind of a loner with only a few close friends and I don’t think I would need the suit. My concern is the friends I do have also have several children and of course they attend public school which could be a flu/ebola vector. From what i’ve researched,the flu and ebola have very similar symptoms at the out set and that’s kind of scary.
Personally, i believe my ( or any American ) threat of Ebola is fairly low percentage wise unless you are handling the disease ridden bodies of loved ones who have succumbed to the virus.
I read the other day that Islamic death rituals require the family to cleanse the body and purge it of food and waste in the intestines prior to burial. Not sure if that is correct but if it is then what an exposure to those who’ve passed of any hemmoragic ( sp) fever! Islam is on the rampage in Western Africa BTW.
I’ve already experienced a downturn in parts of my business that requires my employees and co workers who have to travel worldwide to service or sell our machines. Long gone are the days of me cautioning my peeps to drink only bottled water in foreign countries ( or beer! ). Suddenly the people i rely on to service our clients are asking for more domestic travel. This is a tough call. I understand their concerns and somehow we’ll figure it out. I guess we’ll have to hire more locals in Asia, mexico and South America and they will require a great deal of training and an additional cost to the bottom line.
Here’s what I’m trying to impart to ya’ll: we haven’t even considered the economic or panic impact of Ebola!!!! A vast majority of people around the world HAVE to show up at a job everyday or go to a crowded market. Some of us do have the luxury of working from home, most don’t, especially in second or third world countries.
Bottom line: stock up on bleach, water, food ( cat and dog food for out pets!) and DON’T PANIC!
Snake Plisken
I looked at the solicitation and the attachments and did not see any specific quantities or even a range of quantities listed… did I miss something?
Government employees, nothing like them, always safe at taxpayer’s expense. When they can’t take anything else they can always live safe and secure while we die.
The massive order for all the protective clothing and supplies must be ONLY for special government agencies.
American military men and women (including active duty, reserves and national guard) are being sent to Africa. Yet, I have read they are NOT being given full protective clothing.
Obama’s latest executive order is sending the National Guard & Army Reserves to AFRICA to Fight Ebola
“Troops from the 101st Airborne Division are “being sent to West Africa – but WON’T get full protective Hazmat suits.”
Told they “will ONLY need gloves and masks to protect themselves…”
Told they “will primarily be building hospitals” and housed in “tent cities.”
Could it be the pandemic the shadow gov is planning for won’t be Ebola after all, but instead a man-made livestock or crop rust pandemic? America’s beef pipeline, for example, is only several days, maybe one week long, if I’m not mistaken. Man-made, massive food shortages would take down this country nearly as fast as a human pandemic and serve as well for the imposition of martial law.
Animal labs – there is currently an epidemic of hoof-and-mouth disease in southern California, having devastating effects on the cattle population. You won’t hear that on the national news.
But, I did not find any mention of quantities of supplies needed in the solicitation, so I do not know where people are getting that the feds have placed a “massive” order for these supplies. If this is a scare tactic I think it’s shameful.
seems to me they did the same thing with ammo…caused massive shortages just when everyone was gearing up their anti-gun control arsenals….
heard on some talk show the other day that DHS spent some billion dollars to destroy some million dollars of ammo because of “administrative/record keeping error” and they had purchased more than they had storage for.
Hopefully, at least as far as preparing for a real or “hoped for” pandemic, they are just blowing more little market bubbles.
Well here we are a little more than a month down the road and ebola is no longer in the news. And N-100 masks are once again plentiful at Amazon.
The public seems to have two modes when dealing with any threat: complacency or panic.
It is essential preppers don’t fall into the the C or P modes. Get some gear, plan a strategy. Don’t plan for some specific disaster, plan for a generic one. Figure out how to deal with one pandemic, and you can pretty much deal with any of them.