We’re Not Supposed to Talk About Voting Irregularities

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Author of How to Prep When You’re Broke and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course

The result of the last election has been hotly contested to this very day, and it looks like similar discontent could be afoot in 2024. Questions about the results in 2020 were called a “conspiracy theory” by some, and truth by others. But it should be noted that already, people are complaining about voting irregularities.

First things first – this is absolutely not an accusation that Dominion is deliberately causing this to happen. I’d never dare to do this after the threat they posted on X.

On the other hand, I’ve never liked a pre-emptive effort to stifle conversation.

Let me be extremely clear: I’m only pointing out some people’s anecdotal reports of their early votes being switched. Whether or not this is true is up to the courts to determine, not for me to determine.


In Georgia, controversial Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene shared that she was told by someone who had firsthand experience with their ballot being printed out and the vote not being for the candidate they had chosen.


In Tennessee, a similar story has been circulating, though, in a twist, it was reported that people are seeing their votes changed from Democrat to Republican.

Here, the mainstream media seems to indicate that people don’t understand how to use a voting machine.


In Texas, the accusation is more forceful. Allen West, the head of the Dallas County Republican Party, issued the following statement.

So, let’s review.

At least three states of which I am aware are reporting issues with people seeing that their votes are not being attributed correctly. You can do a few things to ensure that your vote is counted correctly.

  • Follow all instructions for using voting machines. In many cases, you need to click on the candidate’s name and not the box beside their name.
  • When your ballot is printed out, don’t just blindly hand it in. Check it and make certain your choices are all displayed accurately.
  • If you have an issue, speak to both a poll worker AND a supervisor to report it. If possible, get proof that you registered your complaint.

Regardless of who we are voting for, we each bear responsibility in this election to make certain that our votes are being counted accurately.

If this election is contested…

I’ve already written an article warning that the election results could cause mayhem across the country. But there will be other effects too.

For example, if the Democratic candidate wins, the economy could respond and the prices of gold and silver could be driven up dramatically. If you are considering investing in tangible assets like precious metals, I strongly advise you do it before the election to get the best possible price. You can go here to contact ITM Trading, the only dealer of precious metals that I personally use.

Stock up at the grocery store before the election. You don’t want to have to be out there in the midst of riots grabbing a gallon of milk and some Oreos.

Order anything you might need on Amazon now, otherwise your order could be delayed due to post-election chaos.

Make sure you have subscribed to an early warning system like Alerts USA so that you know what’s going on around the country – unrest could be in your neighborhood.

Be prepared for some contention. A lot of readers have already shared that they’ve taken time off work during the election and immediately afterward, just in case either side feels they have reason to believe the results were unfairly tallied.

Regardless of how this race turns out, a whole bunch of people are going to be extremely unhappy. My advice is to prepare accordingly, check your ballot carefully, and then stay away from places prone to protests for the duration.

What about you?

Have you heard any stories about early voting not being accurate? Can you tell us about it?

Let’s discuss it in the comments, preferably without getting Daisy sued.

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.

Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand Survival.com You can find her on FacebookPinterestGabMeWeParlerInstagram, and Twitter.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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  • Was is a conspiracy when Al Gore complained about election results?
    Was it a conspiracy when Hillary Clinton complained about election results?

  • In central WI, when I vote it is on paper, I fill out my choice and put it in the counting machine myself.
    Not real hard.
    No idea why it can’t be that simple everywhere.

    No failing touch screens, no middleman.
    No lefty’s shuffling ballots in the middle of the night.

    I remember why we have no problems, It’s largely a conservative area.. go figure.
    NO vote fraud has ever been claimed in my area.

  • I am stocked up for the winter so if anything happens I will not have to go near a store. I do plan to go to work but I work in a hospital that is less than a mile from my home. Anything goes on and I will immediately go home. I know how to get out of the building even in a lock down situation. There are so many different tactics to voter fraud it will be almost impossible to know the truth.

  • I have a friend in Oregon who reports that he had four ballots imaged in USPS Informed Delivery for his household to be delivered Thursday, but only one arrived. Three of the voters in his family are registered Republican, one Independent. Guess which one made it through?

    Voter registrations are public record, so it’s not hard to picture a motivated carrier getting that info for his route and “losing” the ballots for Deplorable Wrongthinkers.

    Get your ballot in as early as you can–the sooner it’s in, the less chance for weird things to happen like the 2020 Arizona R voters who went on Election Day and were told “you can’t vote, you voted by mail, leave or be arrested” when they had never requested absentee ballots in the first place.

  • I vote in person.
    Fill in the little bubbles next to my choice, put it into the scanning machine and it is registered.
    I dont like the idea of electronic only. No paper ballots to verify if the machine was accurate.
    Also, I recall one of Dominions own cyber security expects said their own code was crap. They should not have any kind of WiFi, Bluetooth or even internet card installed.
    Read that the bookies are betting on Trump to win. So is Wall St. Polling might show a close race but I think we are seeing a repeat of 2016, where they are weighing their polling in their favor like they did Clinton.
    Also read two articles there is going to be a mental health crisis if Trump wins. What does that look like?
    Since the COVID lockdowns, we keep a well stocked pantry. Use one replace one. Would like to get some more PMs.

  • After the 2020 election, two of our friends in Phoenix AZ checked their voting record, and discovered that it showed that they had never voted. Ever. As Libertarian Party members in the 1990s, we spent every election night seeing our candidates do well initially, and then around 1-2 AM, the machines “went down” and then came back up with our candidates way behind their previous numbers. When we complained, the AZ legislature made it illegal to go back to the ballots and hand count them.

  • I’m going to vote today. We got them machines here in Texas that are touch screen then they print out ballot. Gonna check it twice. My friends are poll watchers here in my county and had to go through extensive training. My neighbor works in nursing home and said that the director pushing getting the residents registered to vote. She is watching closely so that they don’t do fraud because they r predominantly going to be mail in ballots and she feels the directors lean left because they made comments saying most elderly vote republican in texas.

  • I found this article that was saved on archive.org back in 2020 that explains the gross defects within Dominion voting machines:


    Today you have to subscribe to theepochtimes.com to read it … but not if you read the saved link via archive.org.

    Here’s an excerpt from that article’s snapshot on archive.org:

    “The Coffee County videos suggest the adjudication process can be accessed by any operator of the Dominion software regardless of whether any observers are present. The system appears to lack both transparency and auditability, based on Martin’s account.

    The software can be set to trigger adjudication for “ambiguous” ballots and overvoted ballots, but also to adjudicate all scanned ballots, Martin said. The operator would then be able to change the votes with no trace of who did it or which ballots were changed. The system would only mark that at least one ballot in the batch was adjudicated, but “it can’t be tracked to exactly what ballot it was,” she said.”

    Also … remember when the Biden administration bragged to Brazil how “we” helped rig their election so that socialist Lula would win their election.


  • I live in Ohio, which has voted overwelmingly red for the last 2 Presidential elections. The media in Cleveland, a blue dot, is trying desperately to convince everyone ( but especially themselves) that the state is still purple. It hasnt been since a proof of life fest was applied to non-active voters, and ruled to be constitutional by the previous 4-4-1 US Supreme Court. There were substantial safeguards built into it. 3/4 of a million dead and non-resident voters were eventually dropped from the rolls. 1/2 million of those were from the Cleveland metro area. That killed the purple in Ohio. Thats fact, not conspiracy.

  • Considering that nearly half of the country is convinced that the other party will ruin the country and vice versa, I expect there will be quite a few people on each major party who will not accept the results if the other side wins, and will try to take matters into their own hands, especially if the republicans win. It won’t matter how fair the voting machines are proven.

  • So pretty much any fucking truthful comment, you will censor and delete.
    Does the world know you’re a bunch of communists?
    I promise they will soon.
    I guarantee it.

  • the dictionary definition of dominion is: “Control or the exercise of control; sovereignty” so “Dominion Voting” blatantly means they controll your voting, and the results thereof..

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