Virginia “Assault Weapons Ban” KILLED in Senate When 4 DEMOCRATS Joined Republicans in Voting Against It

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Author of The Blackout Book and the online course Bloom Where You’re Planted

The worst of the numerous anti-gun legislations in Virginia, the so-called “assault weapons ban,” was shot down (sorry, I had to) this morning by the Senate Judiciary Committee, killing any chance of that bill becoming law this year.

The alarming wording of HB961:

Prohibiting sale, transport, etc., of assault firearms, certain firearm magazines, silencers, and trigger activators; penalties. Expands the definition of “assault firearm” and prohibits any person from importing, selling, transferring, manufacturing, purchasing, or transporting an assault firearm. A violation is a Class 6 felony. The bill prohibits a dealer from selling, renting, trading, or transferring from his inventory an assault firearm to any person. The bill makes it a Class 6 felony to import, sell, transfer, manufacture, purchase, possess, or transport silencers, and trigger activators, all defined in the bill. The bill makes it a Class 6 felony to import, sell, transfer, manufacture, purchase, or transport a large-capacity firearm magazine, as defined in the bill, and a Class 1 misdemeanor to possess such large-capacity firearm magazine. Any person who legally owns a large-capacity firearm magazine, silencer, or trigger activator on July 1, 2020, may retain possession until January 1, 2021. During that time, such person shall (i) render the large-capacity firearm magazine, silencer, or trigger activator inoperable; (ii) remove the large-capacity firearm magazine, silencer, or trigger activator from the Commonwealth; (iii) transfer the large-capacity firearm magazine, silencer, or trigger activator to a person outside the Commonwealth who is not prohibited from possessing it; or (iv) surrender the large-capacity firearm magazine, silencer, or trigger activator to a state or local law-enforcement agency. (source)

It’s pretty unsettling when you watch a billionaire buy a state government.

The most recent election saw Virginia turn blue through rezoning and a whole lot of money donated by none other than presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg. It’s so blatant that even the Washington Examiner referred to this as “Bloomberg’s Gun Ban.”

Virginians protested the outrageous spate of laws by a variety of means, turning nearly the entire state into 2nd Amendment sanctuaries, municipality by municipality, with one county going so far as to form an official militia to preserve gun rights. Tens of thousands of gun owners showed up to protest at the capital on Lobby Day, a protest that was overwhelmingly peaceful despite the governor’s attempt to paint the protestors as violent white supremacists.

Initially, it looked like the efforts would fail when the House blatantly ignored the protests and advanced 9 more anti-gun bills the very same week.

Several Democrats voted to table the bill.

Fortunately, the Senate Judiciary Committee chose the wiser course of action against the most insidious of the bills, voting down HB961 with a 10-5 vote.

Lawmakers voted to table the bill Monday with little debate, while noting that there was confusion over what types of guns would constitute an assault weapon.

“There are obviously a lot of questions about definitions in this bill. Definitions do matter,” said Democratic Sen. Creigh Deeds.

The Senate has now rejected three of the governor’s eight gun-control measures. Moderate Democrats have already voted with Republicans to kill a bill that would make it a felony to “recklessly leave a loaded, unsecured firearm” in a way that endangers a minor, and a bill that would require gun owners to report the loss or theft of a gun to police. (source)

Four Democrats rejected the bill.

The move was led by Sen. Creigh Deeds, D-Bath, and backed by three other Democrats: Sen. John Edwards of Roanoke, Sen. Chap Petersen of Fairfax City, and Sen. Scott Surovell of Fairfax. (source)

The fight isn’t over.

Several other unconstitutional bills have already passed both the house and the senate, including limiting the purchase of firearms to one per month, allowing cities or counties to ban guns in specific areas, and a red flag law that allows authorities to temporarily remove people’s firearms without due process.

And keep in mind, this vote only tables the bill for the current year. Governor Northam’s office has already said it will be back.

Alena Yarmosky, a spokeswoman for the Northam administration, said in a statement: “While the governor is disappointed in today’s vote, he fully expects the crime commission to give this measure the detailed review that senators called for. We will be back next year,” she said.

“Despite today’s vote, the governor is proud of the several commonsense gun safety measures that continue to advance,” she added. “These bills represent historic steps forward in keeping Virginians safe from gun violence. Make no mistake — they will save lives.” (source)

Virginians would be wise to institute recall petitions immediately for the treasonous members of the state congress who blithely ignored the will of the people to promote the will of Micheal Bloomberg well before this next vote ever happens.

Today was a victory but the fight is far from over.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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9 Responses

  1. “red flag law that allows authorities to temporarily remove people’s firearms without due process”

    Apparently the red flag bill passed and I assume it has been, or soon will be, signed into law. My opinion is this is as bad as the “assault weapons ban”, or WORSE. This allows gestapo tactics, should the appropriate officials decide to do so. In this case you can read the word “temporarily” as “permanent” and “without due process” can be read as “whenever they want and whoever they want.”

  2. That’s four Democrats planning ahead for reelection. Once reelected, they’ll gladly vote for this legislation if reintroduced. Let’s not be fooled.

  3. Tabled for a year is not a legally binding situation. Nothing stops them from “Arranging” a mass shooting at a school and Promptly putting that Ban on Assault Weapons while “Emotions are HOT”.

    Eternal vigilance is a requirement even our forefathers spoke of.

    Term limits and NO Retirement package would cure this disease..

  4. As one of the myriads of Virginians opposing this bill, the phone calls, messages, and other means of contacting these delegates to speak our minds or hold them accountable for their statements make this event only a pause in the efforts. I encourage all to speak with their representatives and insure the events in Virginia do not duplicate themselves in other areas.

  5. Numerous bills were introduced, all but one passed… Makes you think of a blitz… run everything in front, leave the biggest one in the end. While all are looking at the big one all the little fish get through. Sucker play..

  6. Yes, it was a good day for the Second Amendment and those who believe in it in the state of Virginia. I hate to be a “party pooper”, but don’t forget the bill that allows localities to implement their own gun laws, which, if implemented, could mean a prohibition of both AR15s and their standard capacity mags. I can think of several ‘ruled’ by leftists that would do it. Charlottesville, for instance.

  7. “Virginians would be wise to institute recall petitions immediately”

    Yeah, Coonman’s Klub prepared for that, too, increasing the recall signature requirement to 250% of the previous requirement.

    Proving once again why once you vote your way into socialism, you can only shoot your way back out.

  8. I suppose we’re supposed to quietly and happily go about being their worker bees. Whole they are Increasing their allotment of the honey by selfrule.

    If we merely obey they promise to give us Food, Healthcare, and shelter, (even if shelter is a tent on a sidewalk with no where to relieve ourselves). Then a charity can feed you since you no longer have a place to prepare food so You don’t qualify for SNAP.

    WE AREN’T PEOPLE TO THEM. ESPECIALLY IF WE ARE VOTING FOR THEM. Yes we do leave paper trails. They make sure we know we aren’t one of them. If you’re a Christian, a Patriot, a Republican, or PC, then you are a danger to America as it is now.

    The slippery slope suddenly got steeper. When our Military is investigated for patriots, Republican voters, and non-conformist religious believers…. it looks like the leadership has fallen off the edge into antiAmerican Marxism. Crazy doesn’t begin to be a strong enough descriptive verb.

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