4 Creative Ways Venezuelans Survived the Economic Collapse

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

Venezuelans who chose (or had to), for whatever reason, to stay put in Venezuela had to endure somehow the circumstances resulting from the collapse. How those Venezuelans survived the economic collapse might serve as inspiration for you. After interviewing several brave childhood friends from my hometown, I compiled the following experiences on how they have protected themselves, their savings, and their belongings. 

Below I disclose the advantages and disadvantages of each one of the critical elements Venezuelans used to enable their protection. 

4 Creative Ways Venezuelans Survived the Economic Collapse

Disclaimer: this is not advice.

Each of these worked for the sort of collapsed economy around here. Maybe in your neighborhood, it is very different. For instance, real estate in the middle of New York City could look appealing to some investors. However, the average prepper would surely choose some other place, 95% of the time. (I’d love to hear your comments on this one.)

I have documented this collapse and described how my countrymen have intuitively protected their patrimony (property) with as much detail as I can.

The ways these Venezuelans survived the economic collapse are as follows.

# 1 Vehicles

Contrary to other countries, in Venezuela, new cars are no longer available to the public. No vehicles are being assembled. The mafia seizing power dictated that new cars leaving the lines were only for the elite. To constantly publicly humiliate us, they wiped out the concept of the middle class to instate the “poor people revolution.”

For a “revolutionary” establishment seeking to impoverish people, the ability to buy a new car would symbolize the middle class getting ahead with hard work. This concept would lead to undesirable consequences for that establishment because poverty would be the only means of control and subjugation. 

Why is buying a used car in Venezuela better than a new one?

Well, the average Venezuelan has to learn a lot about how a car works. Services like AAA or tow truck services are no longer available. Meaning that if you get stranded in the middle of nowhere, no one will go there unless it’s a VERY good friend.

Although everyone loves a new car, crime is such that it’s not generally a good idea. The black market for brand new original parts is craving for new vehicles. Even some well-cared cars are in jeopardy even if they’re not new. Therefore, better to opt for a used car and keep it well maintained. Usually, the owner will sell the vehicle for the same price they paid upon purchase. Meaning the wear and tear cost is absorbed by the new owner. In general, this is something that is not usually negotiable. 

Venezuelans do not bargain. Or try to avoid it for some reason. My countrymen don’t like someone else thinking they are “poor.” However, most of us fail in that category, income-wise. People I know buy damaged cars, investing a few hundred, and reselling them at a profit. But these are highly skilled mechanics, usually with a garage large enough to keep two cars for sale while fixing two or even three other vehicles.

#2 Real Estate

Real estate can be a double-edged sword, depending on where you get it and your particular situation. The main advantage is real estate is difficult to steal. (However, the commies issued “laws” for that here.) If you have trusted people, you could rent the place for extra income. We all know this is not a high liquidity asset, but it surely beats bonds and shares in a deprived economy.

A Chinese-origin woman I know slowly bought one piece of real estate after another. She started with a small mom-and-pop shop (her Chinese dad never accepted her marriage to a Venezuelan guy and left her out of family business). Now she owns one of the biggest supermarkets in town and is acquiring more real estate. Because she has dual citizenship, she is not likely to be subject to asset confiscation. I’m sure the treatment for us simple Venezuelans wouldn’t be the same: they’ve made us know that enough times already.

My family never owned real estate to the levels some others have. The difference between the wealth she has accumulated and our current situation is vast. Even unproductive land 15 years ago is valuable now, because of the population growth! More developed countries have the advantage of laws to protect and defend private property. Something that won’t happen around here.

Once someone invades a patch of land, the law will protect them instead of the legitimate owner. Because of those laws, commercial space at street level, with apartments on top, is more valuable. Usually, a garage next to the local is in place. Then, one could rent underneath, live on top, upstairs, and make sure the tenant will not disappear, abandoning the business without us knowing.

#3 Crypto

The following is about two fellows who, back in the day, bought cryptocurrency to have a wealth haven. (Don’t understand crypto? Check out this free e-book that explains how it can help you survive an economic collapse.)

Guy #1

A coworker purchased some USD cash from me (I used the national currency to buy my CNC machine, believing that I would receive the investment return someday). He used that to repurchase cryptos in 2012-13. I’ve been in touch with him, and he said the best business he has made in life was his divorce and buying/holding cryptos.

His method to store wealth was way better than mine. Even though I acquired equipment to build a business from the ground up, the economic collapse stomped on that. My attempt is not the only example that ended poorly. If someone in the “government” believed the average Venezuelan would buy that fiasco, the mistake was monumental. Sure, articles like this one clarify why this happened.

Guy # 2

The other guy who invested in cryptos bought a car, and the last thing I knew about him was he was coming back from Ecuador. He had invested in cloud mining, and he was lucky with that. Personally, I never tried it, too many scammers out there. I knew he took his chances and multiplied his cryptos. Other than those two examples, I can’t say much. Understandably, people are incredibly secretive regarding their crypto ownership. 

Cryptos seem to have been working for Venezuelans, no matter the internet-related problems, power grid faults, and generally poor quality of services. This is not a topic people would talk about out in the open as there are too many curious eyes and ears. 

#4 Raw materials for business continuity

Suppose you own a tire shop, for example, and receive a currency that devalues each day. In that case, you’re in deep S. If the usage of USD or another currency is prohibited by law (as it was in Venezuela back in the day), well, it’s terrible news. I learned of people that made a few trades, and they sold everything they could to stockpile materials for their business. Those working with HVAC got tons of copper/aluminum pipe, R22 gas bottles, welding torches, seals, oil, spare HVAC gas filters, duct materials, and everything related to running their business. People told me how their living rooms held 110 volts cable brand new boxes stacked up all over, under the dining table, beds, closets, anywhere there was some free space. This was their plan for business continuity.

Those dealing with auto parts stored bearings, regulators, all sorts of car parts in their homes. Stocking up their business warehouse was NOT wise. Usually, competitors would send an NG command to their door with an anonymous call saying they were “hoarding.” No matter if the shop owner provided proof of ownership, once the command caught the poor shop owner with a ton of material on the shelves, “Money talks, paper walks.” You know what this means.

My father is an electrician, as I’ve mentioned previously. A few guys I know work well in the electric apparatus repairing business. Some of them fled. But, some others decided to stay and bravely defy the collapse. These have earned my admiration. They stocked up in materials for their business, like copper wire, isolation cardboard/paper/fabric, coatings, and many other high-duration, long shelf-life materials.

People stockpiling things to work with are not targeted

The supply chains are again on track; last year was pathetic, but they could make it and keep their raw material losses to a minimum. Meaning that they couldn’t replenish some of the stock but didn’t lose too much. 

However, doing this with food and similar staples was a risk: authorities would seize whatever they like, and people would appear in the media as “hoarders,” going to jail.

The most important part was that the businesses kept running because authorities do not target those stockpiling stuff to work with, which is a great lesson.

These Venezuelans survived the economic collapse

I know what it is like to try to start over in another country. Under the current circumstances, I wouldn’t do it again. The Great Reset and this decade is the less appropriate one to make significant, life-changing decisions. I can feel it in my gut, just like I knew what would happen when Uncle H died. 

I hope that you found some inspiration in the way these Venezuelans survived the economic collapse. There is always a way.

Thanks for your sponsoring, support, and be safe!


Does this give you some ideas for withstanding economic collapse?

Do you have some creative ideas for holding out while the economy crashes down around you? What do you think of the ideas Jose discussed here? How do you think a collapse would look different in our country than the one in Venezuela? Let’s discuss it in the comments.

Picture of J.G. Martinez D

J.G. Martinez D

About Jose Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has a small 4 members family, plus two cats and a dog. An old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Thanks to your help Jose has gotten his family out of Venezuela. They are currently setting up a new life in another country. Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on Patreon. Donations: paypal.me/JoseM151

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62 Responses

    1. It is very sad to see what’s happening, and I don’t have faith that the powers that be are trying to stop it. So we do what we can to stay prepared. We are in Texas and the border crisis is very real. That alone is highly problematic.
      Daisy, your articles are immensely helpful.

      1. Bing,
        Just read an article about how shipping and transport groups told the UN, unless they lift all the COVID mandates, a supply chain collapse was imminent.
        Think they would do something about it?
        Just keep pushing the Zero-COVID mandates and let the whole thing go kersplat!

    2. Dear Pamela,

      10 years ago I was in the best moment of my career, assisting to a three-months long total-immersion English training in a gorgeous Caribbean Island. I was close to being promoted and my responsibilities were increasing. I had my pantry stocked to the roof, a good car and a huge motorcycle, and was about to start a home-based business with my CNC machine in order to use my hobby as a productive time, and at the same time teach my kiddo to learn CNC programming, CAD (Computer-Assisted Design) and basic woodworking, as well as some etching techniques I had been working on to improve the quality of my engravings.
      The chain of events after that took us here. No regrets, though. Lots of lessons learned. Including how to appreciate the little preps, gear or real state you may have, and take the maximum advantage of all.
      Be safe and stay tuned!

  1. My husband works in IT and I asked him the other day what kind of work he could do if suddenly there was no more internet, or computers didn’t work. Of course he didn’t have an answer but it was an interesting topic to think about. I think if he has to there is a lot he could do he just doesn’t realize it. Gas prices are going up here which is going to make us want to drive less, supply chain issues have made me pay more attention to what is on the shelves and snag things when I see them. Like the hand warmers at Costco. Not sure if they will be there next time and they are really useful! I think our economic collapse is happening now, but slowly, and it is giving me time to prepare for what will be worse than what is right now. I think that is my perspective: prepare as much as I can for life that might be a little bit harder than it is right now. And keep preparing!

    1. The fact alone that you questioned your man abilities or foresaw his income in the future tells me a lot.
      You are like the rest of the women, a liability!

      1. baci–Whatever! We were having a conversation! Neither of us are a liability to each other! We are a team and we communicate with each other to become a stronger team. If you have to criticize people online, go elsewhere. This is a place for encouragement and strengthening our prepper skills and mindset. I have learned a lot here. You are not being helpful by your comment that I am a liability! Get off the internet and get a life.

      2. Baci, your comment is very telling. If preparing for the future collapse seems strange to you, then you are the problem. We all must evaluate our current situation and try to be proactive. Sounds to me like you have issues with women that far outweigh your pitiful comment. You need to work in that Buddy.

      3. Seriously? Aren’t you the touchy one. At this stage of the game, not analyzing our future strategies concerning work and survival is downright foolish. ‘Thisismyname’ should be commended for thinking about their future welfare.

  2. ohhh, comments gets deleted now. You’re just monetizing on people’s despair don’t you. You’re like the rest of those who orchestrate this mess.
    I hope you die like a pig during the SHTF Amurikan!

    1. Dear Baci –

      You need to chill the heck out. It takes more than 4 minutes for me to get comments through moderation if I’m not sitting here staring at the computer.

      Oh, and thanks for your kind wishes.


    2. Hey Baci, I have an idea, instead of trashing women, why don’t you work on your English skills? They’re terribly lacking and it would afford you an opportunity to use your time wisely. This is a wonderful website that has helped so many of us to prepare for the future. I’m very grateful to be a part of it. Thank you Daisy for all the good work you have done. You are truly a blessing and a treasure! Baci, you on the other hand are like a tick on a dog’s ass. So irritating and hard to get rid of.

    3. shut up baci or whatever the f*ck your retarded name is. go back to screwing men and sucking chode if you hate women so much and cant get laid. Faggot

      Be lucky you ain’t near me crybaby I’d stomp your f*ckin skull in with my boot and feed you to some hogs. the only good youre worth is maggot food.

    4. Baci,
      I don´t know what your problem is. It´s not like I care though. But I demand you respect for my readers.
      This is a serious website and my ONLY intention is to help people to prepare, providing information about what they could expect to happen in a collapse like the one the communist world orchestrated in MY COUNTRY.

      That sort of comments WON´T be accepted, nor tolerated.

  3. Jose, once again I must thank you for sharing this reality the way you do.

    The 80’s here was in many ways like Venezuela today, though politically things were not nearly bad I admit, because socialist and corrupt governments can be really nasty and destructive as we know.

    Everyday life was in many aspects similar so your words ring very true to me and I know exactly what you’re saying. We get squeezed when the economy goes bust but there’s always some government, some system and some order present and not being in the top is hard.

    Stay well there my friend, you and your family.

    1. Hey Fabian!

      I´m doing an extensive research these days to try to elucidate how things came to the present status quo. Many variables involved, indeed. But my parent´s historical memory has proven to be quite valuable for this.

      Those with the skills will survive. Specially healthcare and even education. There is people willing to pay private classes for their kids because the state educational apparatus is practically in ruins.

      Thanks for that, and same for you! 🙂

  4. Some folks should have gotten an eye opener during the covid shutdown and following economic roller coaster at how important their jobs really aren’t.
    The world continued while many hid at home or were unemployed.

    This article should also be a lesson to all the tacticools who believe they’ll “just show up and pull security” or to the older ones who think they’ll “just monitor the HAM”.

    Another takeaway is you only own what you can hold and protect. If you’ve got it someone will try and take it away. That holds true even in good times and escalates quickly in bad times.

    1. Matt in OK,
      Well said.

      The wife and I dinned out for our anniversary the other week. Probably the first time we have dinned out in about, 6 months. The both of us having been in food&bev at some point in our lives, truly appreciate going to a sit down restaurant, and being waited on. The service they provide. We really appreciate it. Yeah, the government might say their job is not important, but they are part of the community.

      “Pull security.” Ha! Right? My dogs provide better security.
      I keep a rifle near by, even prior to the COVID crazy, we have coyotes and other predators out here. Got a video of a young black bear on the back 40.
      If things get worse, I expect to have more than one thing on my belt.

      1. 1stMarineJarHead

        Great to hear that. I´m teaching personal defense to kiddo (he´s skinny and short, that´s why I´m teaching him some Thaibox and Karate), but we surely will have to find some means for self-defense once in the mountain house. He does have a fond for edged tools though, and that’s great.

        1. Jose M,
          Good for you and the kiddo!
          Funny observation, the Marine Corps told us, “Whatever you do, dont get into hand to hand combat!”
          Then, they taught us hand to hand combat.
          Later they said, “Whatever you do, never get into a knife fight!”
          And then they taught us how to knife fight. (For some reason, that feels natural to me. But I would still opt NOT to get into a knife fight.)
          Go figure.
          Another things the Marines taught me, be a better shot than the other guy, and distance is my friend.

          After I got out, I did Judo (felt very natural to me from my highschool wrestling days) and then Krav Maga.

  5. Great article and I can’t really add more as new laws have been passed here in Australia in regards to comments and social media. But I’ll continue to read all your great advice. Stay safe everyone!!

    1. Dear Izzy,
      Thanks! 🙂

      No biggie! Just use that “laws” to your advantage, and use that time in researching/prepping.
      Thanks for staying tuned!
      Be safe!

    2. Just remember Izzy that this website I would imagine is under American jurisdiction and is not censored as of yet, you may have other reasons to worry about posting however.

  6. Everybody’s situation is different. Have a skill or two in some kind of maintenance will help with barter or surviving on your own. Electrical, small engines, plumbing of all kinds, etc. And, of course the biggee, gardening. I’m lucky in the sense I have done at lot of things in my life. As they say, a jack-of-all-trades but a master of none. I’m in a situation where I can’t depend on anybody in my neighborhood. Remember the Alamo!

    1. @Cathbad, I recently found out that the full quote is “Jack of all trades, master of none, but better than master of one!” So own it, the more skills you have, the better! 🙂

  7. One of the things I have done is looked at any expenses I could cut. Propane, electrical, insurance. With food, we try to eat Non-GMO or better, but it helps to know what foods are not sprayed, especially important is guarding against Round-up on corn and sugar. I bought a couple of 50 lb bags of hulled whole-kernel wheat at the local grain yard that does not have any fungicide on them (not for planting, but animal consumption). These are OK to eat and are non-GMO, per my research. I have made grape nuts like cereal with them by grinding and mixing with water, cooking in a sun oven, and then regrinding in the Vitamix. I like to use stainless steel containers for this as it is hard both when being ground the first time and the second time. I soften the cereal before eating with water or milk. I have been doing a lot of blogging this year and do have a self-help category where I have some sun oven ideas. Davidkeas.com

  8. When I started work at my current employer, I was amazed that long time employees vowed that the company would always take care of them, that they needn’t worry about anything, that their employer had their best interests in mind at all times. I remember thinking “wow, this is a unique company!”, but realized their perspectives were all based on information they’d heard or experienced in the last 30 years. It wasn’t current and it wasn’t accurate. My first year, I saved the company over a $1M and my manager said that it would not be rewarded–it wasn’t valued and to stop it. I was stunned. As the company made changes to accommodate changes in the market, they were aghast at people’s comments–couldn’t believe anything had changed. They insisted it couldn’t be true while the rest of us recent hires all quietly rolled our eyes. This group is way ahead because we’ve escaped the delusion already. A bad surprise is coming for those who aren’t aware.

  9. Not only are peoples’ situations different … they tend to change over time in very unexpected ways. Brazil provided some classic history of such an example. After Abraham Lincoln’s invasion of the American South for the 1861-65 tax war, many of the Confederates on the losing side were treated horribly. It was so bad that thousands of them left this country. Some went to Mexico, some went to Cuba, some drowned in shipwrecks, and many fled to Brazil. Some estimates were around 20,000 or so but the numbers varied widely both up and down.

    The Brazilian example is fascinating for another reason. The new arrivals from the American South eventually founded a new town they named Americanos … which I understand still exists in the present day.

    The story is well covered in a book titled “The Lost Colony of the Confederacy” here on Amazon:


    I donated a copy to my local city library thinking that they would appeciate that historical record of this state’s ancestral history. They couldn’t wait to sell it off for cash. I learned my lesson about such donations.

    Anyway that Brazilian history is just one of many such examples over the centuries where living conditions have been made oppressively unfit for politicaly victimized groups.

    Is not one lesson from such tragedies that the sooner one prepares a contingency plan … the less painful is activating such a plan should the worst case become reality …while hoping the worst case never happens.


  10. Well….I think “Nero” is fiddling enough to accelerate the issues right along. We will all probably get a chance to see what skills and items we are lacking (as the coyotes howl in the background…literally in my case where I live)
    Just need a few more pushes and we all get to live what Selco and Fabian have been speaking to. America…not like your parents third world! Parts of the US are well on their way. Pacific Northwest, People’s Republic of California (the new PRC), New York (you all get to be Apostles for the Governor/High Priestess). And wait for it…we did to ourselves. We let the politicians stay too long, the schools raising our kids, the 5th column (the media) pandering, inciting fear, and spinning an alternative realty. Values? What Values! We don’t need no stinking values!
    The decent people are still playing by the rules, but when only one side is doing that it means all bets are off. Laws mean nothing when you do what you want. I laugh now when I say myself or hear other people say “that will never stand up in court.” Might have been true just a year ago, but when you just ignore the “rules” the world is your oyster! Laws are optional and an inconvenience. The Supreme can say all they want, but who enforces what they say! Right….no one nor any entity. Just find the Circuit Court that “works” for you. Guys and Gals we are well and truly in a tough spot so keep voting for the same guys/gals you always do! Somehow they will “get it.” Keep sending them emails, go to their town hall meetings, subscribe to their newsletters! They are here to help the little guy! If we just had some new legislation, oh wait that would mean Congress actually passed meaningful laws, but hey we got the next best thing – Executive Orders! Who needs this whole draft a bill and vote on it? That’s so yesterday! Let’s spin up some drama and fear so John Q. Public can be scared and want Uncle Sugar to make everything better. Those nasty people who won’t get the phlu shot! There so un-American and don’t care about anybody but themselves- got to do something about them!
    But hey as long as Wally World and Costco have everything a discerning shopper could ever want (might be coming to end soon) we just don’t care. I demand double stuff Oreos, Doritos (all flavors except the real hot one) and my right to put on an extra 20 lbs! (is that called inflation?) Hmm…if I am not careful I’ll get a “red flag” (is that a soccer reference? – we play football in Amerika!) or a new white shirt with really long sleeves in my new room with wallpaper by Goodyear! (Taking a breath now)

    1. InTheBooniesTX,

      Great post!
      Double stuff Oreos, Doritos put on an extra 20lbs. . . . outstanding!
      Now, secure that happiness!

  11. When the globalist owned government decides to kill off the population with economics, legal restrictions, vaccines, famines and military action, foreign and domestic, your survival statistics become very slim. If you have a family to help you through, then you draw attention and consume food and resources. If you try to go it alone, you don’t have anyone to help you, but at least you don’t have to watch the soldiers and crooks slaughter your family before your very eyes. The solution is to call on The Lord and uphold His standards before all of this corruption sets in.

  12. Certainly the idea of stockpiling on supplies for a necessary business is a good one. I’m making a note on that.

    1. Dear Doly,
      Thanks for your comment. It’s just little things like these which encourages me to keep writing! 🙂

      Be safe!

  13. Jose, What kind of roll did gold and silver play during that time? As in, what was its value, was it tradable, was it functionable? Thanks.

    1. Dear Russell,

      There is a VERY closed circle that is, indeed, using PM. However, this is mostly people who have been involved in areas like jewelry, coin collectors, and people linked somehow to that business niche, so to speak. However in the No Man’s Land in the SouthEast of the country you could want to check my video exhibiting what is going on there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7aphuwL8A8
      I have yet to hear about someone paying with a silver or gold coin in the supermarket. Everyone is using the paper greenback, or digital transfers of local currency.

    1. Dear SilverHawk,

      Too many scammers and crime. If you get some silver in a shop to pay for something, or anything bigger than a 10$ bill, the very own merchant attending you will send a picture of yours to a couple of thugs.
      I do know this sort of payment is reserved for larger purchases like an apartment, car, and just between closed circles where everybody knows each other. Check this video though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7aphuwL8A8

      1. That is a big concern for me, re: scammers.
        How many people will know a legit PM to a fake one?
        What will the worth be on a local, open market during SHTF?
        If I bought a gold coin, 1oz at $1700 now, and SHTF, it buys only a dozen eggs, that is quite the loss, when I could of used that money on other preps.
        How do I make change?
        I have had others tell me I would, SHTF or post-SHTF, sell my entire farm for 2 or 3 of their coins.
        Why would I? I have the means of food production. Infrastructure to support livestock. Access to fresh water. Wild game. Wood for heating and cooking.
        That coin does none of those things aside from look pretty.

        1. The “risk inflation” runs rampant in informal economies. Uncertainty has a premium. It applies to whatever is being used as currency or for trading.

          People stockpile valuables of any kind thinking they have enough for X period, but they don´t. In fact they have a lot less, less than half, most time just a fraction of what they accumulated.

          The mistake is thinking in terms of “normal economy”, or normal anything. I always recomend people watch Schindler´s List for some insights on how this work.

          1. I grew up in foster homes i had no control over my life
            Just the thought of watching that movie scares the shit out of me …..I’ve talked to others that experienced unsecure childhoods that feel the same even as adults
            fear it would bring back all the bad memories of no control of your being

      2. Can’t see video. Utube wants to update my phone with an app. I don’t do app’s. They’re used to spy on you. If I’m looking for food, will have some silver in pocket to pay. Not going around with thousands of ounces for it to be stolen in public. As for counterfeit PM’s, they’re a very small percent of all silver minted. Trained eye can tell. No Chinese coins, will insure you won’t get ripped off. On that video, if you type in the address in your reply, I can manually type the address in my address bar and view it. Thanks for reply.

    2. I wouldn’t know a kuggerand from a maple leaf but I know what a goats worth.
      In the Balkans all I saw was rich folks use it to get out at the start and never saw it on the streets.
      Any other place you flash it and you’ll disappear with it.

  14. I’ve always been a tinkerer, tearing things apart to see how they work or trying to fix things.

    I prefer to do things myself when I can instead of paying someone to do it. It may take me longer than an expert, but I learn something new and add a new skill or at least the basics of that skill. There is usually a book out there that goes beyond the basics so the skill can be improved.

    Those things I’ve learned give me the option of helping others who don’t even know the basics. They give me more options to find some sort of work or barter for something I need.

    Sure IT pays the bills, and I have one of the most stable jobs in the area due to my employer. But I plan for the day when that job is gone just like everyone else.

    If / when we end up in that position it’s back to the land. It will take people power to farm, and there is the family farm in the plan. I’ve done what I can to stock up on useful items from food to medical supplies to tools and books on as many of the skills I can think of that would be needed and useful.

    I can garden and seeds stored, I hunt, I can fish and have lots of fishing supplies for those who like it more and are better. I have snares and traps and the supplies to make more snares. I know how to can food, how to smoke and dry meat. I have lots of salt put aside for salting meat.

    I have lists of things to be scrounged so we can improve our farm. Some of those are items most people won’t think of first.

    I guess in the end it comes down to plans on what to do “IF” along with skills, knowledge and preparations and supplies to provide the most optiond available. My plans are based on the skills of the people I will be with and the resources we have. We’re lucky that we habe farm land available to us so we can provide for ourselves and have extras to trade with.

    1. Dear Thaylore,

      Yes, you are in a very good position. Supplies in order to keep the business running are, for me, these days, a top priority. I have detected a niche business that could even allow my kid to fend for himself alone in the future, if things keep going as bad abroad and he can’t study a long career overseas as it is my wish. At least he already knows English pretty well, reading and comprehension. Better than I was at his age.
      Be safe and stay tuned!

      1. I’m lucky, so far anyway. I had grandparents who lived through the Great Depression, and I took what my grandmother said to heart and did to heart.

        Hard times over the years made me glad I had supplies put away that I could tap into when needed.

        I have a good group of people to be with and we’re lucky that there is farm land in the equation. Most of my preps have been done on a very modest budget over years. I figure if I could do it anyone who puts their mind to it can.

        I’d happily have quite a few people aroumd these parts as neighbors or part of my group.

    2. Thaylore,
      I agree with Jose, you are in a good position.
      Like to have you as a neighbor (there are more than a few of The OP denizens whom I would also like to have as neighbors, Matt In OK, InTheBooniesTX, Namelus, ~Jim, Whyduh, ClergyLady [she has probably forgot more about prepping than I will ever learn] and others)

      1. 1stMarineJarHead – I’ve met quite a few people over the years I’d love to have as neighbors or friends. The problem has always been distance.

        I’ve been tempted to move a few times but I don’t think there is a perfect place, so you prepare for where you are. Besides, moving all those preps takes a lot of room.

  15. Slong as the Fed debases our fiat currency and builds an America that ensures that the top 25 % are taken care of, this is always a possibility. With the power grid under attack, I would be hesitant to put too much into crypto, but YMMV. Learning a trade or two would help, and stockpiling (safely) can venture into many other areas.

  16. The Sun Oven I ordered months was recently delivered. I’m looking forward to being comfortable with it and will appreciate David’s wisdom and experience. Perhaps Daisy could have him write about the benefits of it for preppers.

  17. Very good & insightful article, Jose. Thank you.

    I see a lot of networking here with the aim to make the area more sustainable. An example is a group that worked together to build a pier in a local lake so the community can fish more easily.

    1. Dear JB in TX.
      Thanks you very much.

      You have an advantage up there: you appreciate values. Regarding your example of that group, it would be near impossible to put together a group to build anything down here without offering good money; and even if it is built some day, those most greedy would exploit all the fish in a heartbeat, just to make money for girls and booze. The community meaning has lost someway along the road. Mind you, Venezuelans come from Hispanic conquerors. They were never interested in “colonization”, like those Englishmen that were to built a new life up there. They needed a new home. Spanyards came here to loot and were “recruited” while getting drunk in the Spain taverns.

  18. Thanks 1st MarineJarhead for your vote of confidence.

    My Grandmother 1876-1971, my parents 1904-2000, and 1907-1981 all lived as adults through the Great Depression. I took their lessons and example to heart. Each was a hardworking individual, always planning ahead and prepared for most of life’s curveballs. Homes had food to last from harvest season to harvest season.

    They all worked together as much as possible to garden, can, sun dry, and prepare ahead. Each acquired many different skills. It just seemed natural to follow their example.

    I’m still curios and I’m a bookworm. I love planning and doing but I find i’d rather barter for a lot of the construction these days. The same with working on my vehicles. Before they were all computerized I enjoyed working on them… Not so much anymore.
    My resume is varied by what was available in the many places I’ve lived over the last 6 decades since I started working. I started out building stone pathways and and hillside rosebeds at 13 and doing senior care for a while at 65. In between I owned a restaurant at 25, worked in a sewing factory, pastored mostly Indian Mission churches for over 40 years, ran a K to 12 school for 22.5 school years and more. I’ve taught gardening, sewing, trigonometry and more. All while earning an education, raising my a family plus 12 more kids, and outliving three husband’s.

    I’ve had the chance to do and learn many things.

    My little prepping community is a group of widowed grandmothers. I’m the oldest. One is raising 3 little grandkids, another is helping with 6 grandkids and still working. Some like me are retired. I’m teaching gardening and canning. Another is teaching sewing, and I’m teaching wilderness skills and the Native ladies are sharing their knowledge of local wild foods. We aim to teach the children as time allows. We encourage each other and continue to learn.

    Life is an adventure.

    1. people today will kill you for your garden and animals if u dont let them take them …way before they would do the work on their own garden …..if not out in the deep rural areas looters will be plentiful
      Cities will be will be a war zone very quickly … gangs will rule the

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