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We all know the quality of “justice” in countries where the communists set foot. Don´t believe for even a second that gang is defeated or is nonexistent. They just mutated and try to hide behind another fur, but their goals are the same since their infamous “leaders” roamed around spreading their poisoning words.
For those of you who don´t know, in Venezuela, farmers are being imprisoned for throwing away food that they can´t transport from the countryside to the merchant´s places. The lack of diesel from the refineries is taking a toll. In a country without a meaningful personal electric or diesel vehicle pool, fuel scarcity is hitting the economy at the core.
This is a serious problem with a strong impact on the country’s food security:
- Zanahorias, tomates y agricultores presos: crisis del campo desnuda al gobierno (elestimulo.com)
- La falta de medios pone en jaque a los agricultores venezolanos • Diario de Los Andes, noticias de Los Andes, Trujillo, Táchira y Mérida
- Diputados del PSUV piden cárcel a campesinos que boten comida (talcualdigital.com)
Please use your translation browser capabilities so you can read these articles.
Why are farmers throwing away food?
Farmers need fuel not only to harvest their crops; they need to transport them to the market. Without fuel, the transport on time gets delayed, and many products spoil, like carrots, tomatoes, and potatoes. Then they are forced to throw them away.
Of course, it would be WONDERFUL for the ruling mafia to confiscate that and “give it to the poor” because they didn´t invest a single dime or effort, and such a “generosity” gesture would be a pale attempt to wash their blood-stained hands and faces.
Another reason not known by the general public why farmers are throwing away food is the lack of infrastructure. Farmers need roads, bridges, and storage facilities to transport and store their crops. Without this infrastructure, they cannot sell their crops and are forced to throw them away. The sums of money for the maintenance of this infrastructure used to come from the oil revenues; with the company not producing even 30% of what it was once, infrastructures are going down one after another.
The farmers are being thrown in jail.
The Venezuelan ruling gang has responded to this problem by imprisoning farmers, as is usual in these sorts of Totalitarian regimes. This is the worst possible response. Farmers are not guilty of any crime. They are just trying to survive in a difficult situation, like everyone else. There is not even a single law in our legal system against that. The right to private property is over all of them, at the end of the day.
Imprisoning farmers will not solve the problem of food insecurity. It will make the problem worse. By imprisoning farmers, the government is taking away Venezuela’s most productive workers from the economy. This will only make it more difficult to produce food and will only make the food shortage worse.
They released the farmers in the term of a couple of days after “warnings” and other nonsense.
Threats and coercion were the “tools”, because of the impossibility of solving the core problems. They simply don´t care. The elite and those holding the masses at gunpoint have everything. Their future is secured with huge stolen fortunes hidden in haven countries, like Panama and Andorra. Our food insecurity in Venezuela will only get worse. This will have a devastating impact on the Venezuelan population and could lead to a NEW humanitarian crisis.
The impact of farmers’ imprisonment
The imprisonment of farmers in Venezuela is already having an impact on the country’s food security. Small-scale farmers are responsible for producing most of Venezuela’s food, and their imprisonment has led to a decrease in agricultural production as many farmers are simply selling their land and fleeing away to other countries. This will surely lead to a new series of food shortages shortly, which has led to an increase in prices and a decrease in access to food for the poorest.
The imprisonment of farmers is also harming the Venezuelan economy. Farmers are an important sector of the economy, and their imprisonment has led to a loss of jobs and income. The psychological aspect of the news of the battle between the actual ruling gang and farmers certainly doesn´t help to smooth the economic crisis that Venezuela is going through.
The imprisonment of farmers is a violation of human rights. That´s why the regime has so many problems with the International Court, it´s just that the rest of the world seems not to know this, or they are looking to the other side. Farmers are not guilty of any crime, and they are just trying to survive in a difficult situation in desperate circumstances. The logical actions are to take steps to address the problems that are causing farmers to throw away spoiled food.
The fuel crisis is complex.
We have to understand that the fuel crisis for food transportation is a complex problem with multiple causes. However, there are several steps that people could implement to address the issue:
- Improving food transportation efficiency. This can be done by using more efficient vehicles, optimizing transportation routes, and reducing food waste. Venezuelans have no clue about preserving techniques, except for some very isolated rural groups and people with European ascendence. Some of these actions have already been done, like using improvised funiculars in the mountains, but their use is limited to very rural communities. As an interesting fact, almost all of the trucks for transporting country products and consumables in my area have gas bottles (and those Patreons on my website could appreciate a picture of a truck with four bottles of gas for vehicle use already attached in the back) but we are lucky to have a huge reservoir nearby, with the processing facilities, and this eases things a lot. I have yet to see some bottles attached to a tractor, though. It´s not easy to transport gas to a crop field but whoever does it is going to have a good business running out (and yes, that´s why I have been working these last year in biodigestion processes). The local economy depends heavily on farming activity, and it is an important strategic area in the middle of the country.
- Developing alternative energy sources for food transportation. This includes the use of solar, wind, or hydroelectric power. Easier said than done in a country like this where people don´t invest in their own farms other than the strictly necessary: fencing, cattle medicines, and other consumables. They are used instead to the government subsidizing everything they need, including installing power lines in places so far away that it´s not even profitable. However things have changed, and those who don´t bow to the omnipotent power of the “State” (a de facto powerhouse ruled by those holding the guns) don´t get anything from these subsidies.
- Creating incentives for farmers and transporters to use more efficient fuels. This could be done by reducing the pressure to produce inefficient fuels and promoting more efficient fuels like GNV or Natural Gas for Vehicles. For us, the employees of the oil and gas companies, there was a program where the installation of the gas bottles and all the needed systems to operate it was free. Of course; by doing so they ensured that a lot of more liquid fuel was available to cover the export quotas. 10.000 employees using gas meant savings of close to 100.000 liters of fuel per month, maybe more. Only in my state, and that is a conservative approach. In the whole country that could mean close to one million liters per month to sell abroad, maybe more.
- Providing financial support to farmers and transporters who are affected by the fuel crisis. This could include loans, grants, or subsidies. However, with our current draconian laws that allow a little town major to confiscate whatever he or she feels like, there are not too many people brave enough to ask for a loan to expand their businesses. Fast-growing businesses immediately call for the attention of the undesirable kind of people: the ones working for the “official’ party. Much better to fight a gang of outlaws and mobsters than these “party” people who claim to be working “for the poorest” and for the “Revolution”.
These are just some of the steps that can be taken to address the fuel crisis for food transportation in Venezuela. If these steps are taken, they can help to ensure that food reaches the people who need it, on time and at decent prices. We have a huge advantage, and it´s our stable weather conditions. Seasonal crops are few.
In addition to the steps mentioned above, it is also important to address the underlying causes of the fuel crisis, such as corruption, mismanagement, and lack of investment in energy infrastructure. By addressing these causes, a more favorable environment can be created for the development of a sustainable and efficient energy industry.
How to help
There are several things you can do to help people struggling in Venezuela. You can donate to independent media like ourselves. You can help those writers whose articles you value. Guys like me risk our heads being put in a chop block day after day, but we know that in the long run, justice will prevail, and nothing is more important than our freedom.
You can also write to your government representatives and ask them to pressure the Venezuelan government to cease its grip on the civilian population, cease the shady collaboration with rogue republics like Iran and North Korea, and take steps to address the problems that are causing farmers to throw away food.
The ruling thugs insist that the “sanctioning” is what is generating problems. It’s a big lie. Sanctions are for those who have stolen over 30 billion dollars without a trace. They don’t affect the citizens. The sanctions affect THEM, those who move millions of dollars from here to there with a signature and a phone call, because they are an obstacle to keep deviating our funds, that instead of going to the maintenance of the oil industry and the rest of the country including hospitals and schools, are deviated to safe havens all over the world, like Andorra and Panama.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the truth.
Stay safe, and keep tuned!
What are your thoughts?
What are your thoughts on Venezuela imprisoning farmers? What do you feel is a possible solution to food distribution issues? Do you blame communist philosophies for this downfall? Do you think that food insecurity may become even worse?
Could you foresee such a thing happening here?
Let’s discuss it in the comments section.
About Jose
Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has an old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Jose and his younger kid are currently back in Venezuela, after the intention of setting up a new life in another country didn’t go well. The SARSCOV2 re-shaped the labor market and South American economy so he decided to give it a try to homestead in the mountains, and make a living as best as possible. But this time in his own land, and surrounded by family, friends and acquaintances, with all the gear and equipment collected, as the initial plan was.
Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on Patreon. Donations: paypal.me/JoseM151
10 Responses
It would be great to do the things outlined in the article, but I wonder what the people can do themselves to alleviate the problem?
During the World Wars in the US and Great Britain, people had Victory gardens, even in the cities. Every piece of ground that could be planted grew something. Container gardening was also used.
People in the old Soviet Union did the same thing.
People raised rabbits and pigeons for food, even in the cities, because these animals were quiet and therefore easily raised in a stealthy fashion, and didn’t require store bought food.
The US and other nations also depend upon government run and giant corporate infrastructure to raise and transport food. I fear that we will soon be in the same boat as Venezuela, with all this talk of agriculture being a source of pollution, and the “need” to eliminate farms.
I think it would be wise for everyone to not only stockpile food, but to figure out how to raise food right where you are. Lots of helpful Youtube videos and internet articles. Learn to do something starting today. Tomorrow may be too late.
Dear Val,
Sadly, not too much to alleviate the effects. Very few Venezuelans are used to growing their own stuff. Most of our population is located in the cities. That’s why so many million people migrated. And there is a lot of European-like minded, like “having chickens on my terrace?? that is not fashionable! what will my neighbours think?”. And city regulations don’t allow it neither. Some communist-like organizations tried to grow some stuff in “communal gardens”, a sad initiative that was quickly ravaged as the production was stolen overnight. It’s a huge cultural barrier and that’s why the concept of “prepping” is practically unknown down here. Which has been widely used by the official gangs to steal private property accusing them of being “hoarders” and labelling them as guilty of “starving the poorest”. I remember that in the worst of the scarcity I had to unload the bulk purchases slowly, like a few kilos at the same time while still dark in the morning to avoid preying eyes and getting my home invaded by uniforms and boots. Nowadays I’m working to get my mountain cabin, very well located and with a tank and underground water source nearby, but money has been insufficient to set all the infrastructure we need to make it produce, and my vehicles need serious repairs. It’s almost 20 km away from town, very safe, but vehicles are indispensable.
I think that the saddest thing about Venezuela is that they have so many resources that are being wasted because the government is so inept. They have the ability to be one of the richest countries in the world. Their oil reserves rival those of Saudi Arabia.
Information is Control. It depends on which information you have access to, and accept. When the problems under Maduro started, there were two narratives.
From the Elite-owned Main Stream Media, that Socialism is bad, Maduro mismanaged everything, Socialism is a failed system. Keep in mind that Socialism is the Capitalists’ worse nightmare.
From the independent, Alternative Press, That to help ‘The poorest of the poor’ to be able afford basic necessities, Maduro placed a ceiling on profits on basic necessities. Not no profits, only a ceiling, and only those products, not all products. The Elite responded by withholding foods and medicines, to force the population to vote in a ‘government’ that would allow them unrestricted profits.
The Capitalist ‘governments’ in the region all supported the anti-Maduro narrative because… Socialism.
Millions of ‘The poorest of the poor’ walked to neighboring countries where they caused a reduction in the price of labor, increased crime, thronged intersections begging, and were used to demonstrate that Socialism had failed.
The ‘governments’ of the hemisphere enacted sanctions on the Maduro regime, further complicating the problems.
I’m not defending or rationalising either position, only observing.
There’s no doubt that Socialist and Communist bureaucrats are heavy handed. So are Democratic bureaucrats, if you’ve ever had to deal with them.
With ‘government’, nothing is as it seems. Consider all the lies recently about the virus, that the mRNA injections were safe and effective, the supply chain problems, and more. Lying is a constant with ‘government’. To me, ‘government’, and the puppeteers that control it, are intent on killing us all, to have the planet to themselves.
‘government’ is just a euphemism for ‘Mafia’.
I always lower case and parenthesise ‘government’, to diminish the impact and supposed reality of GOVERNMENT. Don’t hesitate, don’t question, OBEY.
The problem with ‘government’ is that ‘The scum always rises to the top’. In all regimes, psychopaths are the ones that rise to the top, as they are they ones that want ‘Power Over’ other people. The majority of people just want to provide for their families and keep them safe. The US has been lucky that our psychopaths wanted ‘All the Money’, aside from some violent union busting, oppressing minorities, and generating profits by making war on smaller countries. In countries where there wasn’t so much money to be had, the psychopaths seemed to satisfy themselves with mass murder.
Dear Refuge Man,
We seem to be on the same page.
Nice to meet you amigo.
” …. Justice will prevail….” Only when Yahshua returns to earth. And HE is coming soon! These days that we are living in are described in Revelation as “the beginning of birth pangs”… meaning the birth pangs of the earth giving birth to the Return of the Son of God… It’s true. And we are now living in those times.
Old Duffer
Dear Old Duffer,
Thanks for sharing comforting words and for your blessings.
Stay safe.
You can`t treat farmers with disrespect.
Dear DennisBAnderson,
There was a farmer called Franklin Brito. He was a wealthy man, openly against Uncle Hugo. His farm was seized and it’s now just a wild forest with everything in ruins. https://www.amnesty.org/fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/amr530012010en.pdf
That’s the way South America communists work. Destroy everything in their way.