Here’s Why the US Should NOT Intervene in Venezuela

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But a few weeks ago, the South American country found itself on the front page after the American-backed “opposition” leader, Juan Guaido,’ claimed that he was the legitimate President of Venezuela and was immediately recognized by the United States and a host of Central and South American neighbors.

The stories regarding Venezuela are now circulating the possibility of “regime change” and even outright war against the Maduro government on the part of the “opposition” as well as neighboring countries beholden to the United States and the Western financier oligarchy.

But while most Americans do not support foreign interventions, there is a stunning level of ignorance on the part of the general public as to why the United States is so eager to destroy Venezuela’s government.

Supporters of the Venezuelan regime change

The most recent events to have taken place in Venezuela involve the declaration made by Juan Guaido, the American-backed opposition candidate, to be the legitimate president of the country.

Guaido’s claim to the presidency was almost immediately recognized by the United States as well as Israel and a host of American influenced countries such as Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, and Panama. Western Europe also joined the chorus with the UK, France, Germany, and Spain announcing that they would recognize Guaido as President of Venezuela unless new elections were held.

French President Macron even laughably stated that Venezuelan President Maduro was illegitimate and that France “welcomes the courage of the hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans who march for their freedom.” This, of course, was despite the fact that his own country is seeing a massive protest movement against its government with himself as the lightning rod and the head of the rather intense crackdown on those protesters.

Government in Exile

The anti-Venezuela coalition’s recognition of Guaido as President has thus created a “government in exile” or “government in waiting” situation with the coalition (mainly the United States) dealing only with Guaido instead of the actual elected President Maduro. This setup puts increasing pressure on President Maduro who has been under fire since his first inauguration through political and diplomatic means, sanctions, attempted coups and color revolutions, as well as threats of direct military action against the country.

It also comes fresh on the heels of an attempted military insurrection that took place days before Guaido’s announcement. In this instance, a number of Venezuelan military personnel attempted to steal arms from weapons depots and launch an insurrection against the government. However, the soldiers’ mutiny was put down quickly.

As a response to the open assault on the government of Venezuela, Maduro announced that American diplomats had 72 hours to leave the country. However, since the U.S. no longer recognizes Maduro as President, the world’s bully refused to comply and warned a response to anything that might endanger its diplomatic staff. This put Maduro in a tight spot – should he back down and allow the diplomats to stay despite the war being waged by them and the country they represent or should he arrest them and risk a military assault by the United States?

Maduro chose the former and subsequently extended the deadline to one month and stated that he would be willing to negotiate and work with the United States in regards to the American diplomatic staff.

Is the Venezuelan (Maduro) Government Good Or Bad?

Many people unfamiliar with the situation in Venezuela are confused. Most are asking themselves what they see as the most important question – is the Venezuelan government good or bad? As most audiences in the West, they want a simple answer to a simple question. Unfortunately, the answer is much more complex.

To be sure, Venezuela has experienced a massive economic decline since the days of Chavez’s administration. The country that was once riding high on petrol revenues has now collapsed economically and food lines, food scarcity, economic stagnation, unemployment, and soaring crime have all replaced the boom years.

That is in part due to the manipulation of the world’s oil supplies by the West, intense political pressure and economic sanctions imposed by the United States and the GCC as well as Chavez/Maduro’s adherence to socialism as an economic model. There is also little doubt that both the Chavez/Maduro governments were incredibly corrupt and authoritarian, having disarmed the population in the early years of power.

That being said, Venezuela has also stood firm against Western imperialist aims in their country and the rest of the world. It has resisted private central banking, Western corporate interests (such as Monsanto) and has flatly refused to participate and take money from the IMF.

The US has funded political opposition within Venezuela

It is also important to point out that ever since Chavez took power, the United States has funded political opposition inside Venezuela, imposed crippling sanctions on the country, and engaged in oil market manipulation so as to cut off sources of revenue for the government’s social programs. The economic crisis in Venezuela is partly one of Chavez/Maduro’s making but it is mostly because the largest economic and military power in the world has set its sights on the country and done everything short of direct military intervention to destroy it.

As Tony Cartalucci writes:

Attempts to claim Venezuela’s crisis was precipitated by “socialism” – even if one is able to ignore the voluminous amounts of evidence proving US subversion has instead – still doesn’t add up. . . . . . For Venezuela, its failures are a direct and clear result of US imperialism. And only through exposing and rolling back US meddling, can Venezuela’s fortunes be reversed. (source)

Venezuela’s economic troubles are now known the world over. Lack of jobs, low wages, poor working conditions, food shortages, and the like are now becoming synonymous with the nation itself.

But what is the source of such economic hardship?

Western corporate media outlets tend to blame government corruption and a lack of adequate free trade neo-liberalism and privatization of services and the Venezuelan national bank. Many alternative media outlets are jumping on the bandwagon too, claiming that Venezuela’s troubles are a result of socialism and the lack of a free market.

The corporate media argument should be dismissed out of hand. After decades of “free trade” and neoliberal economics of privatization, lack of tariffs, and lowering of wages and working standards, any lucid person should be able to realize that WTO Free Trade economics not only doesn’t work but that they are a cancer on the world that has done nothing but reap unemployment, low living standards, and social unrest.

The alternative media’s blame-placing on socialism and corruption, while making more valid points, should also be looked at with scrutiny. Certainly, corruption is a major issue in Venezuela. What Venezuelans (and many other countries) accept as the normal cost of doing business has traditionally been better concealed in Western countries, thus Americans and Europeans are often convinced that their countries are somewhere free of the corruption so openly seen in “third world” nations.

However, it is still a fact of life that Venezuela suffers under a level of corruption greater than many other countries across the world which contributes to the difficulty in accomplishing anything, economic and otherwise, positive.

It isn’t just about socialism.

Socialism, likewise, poses its own set of problems. A flawed economic ideology at its root, higher taxation, more and more governmental control over everyday aspects of life, and greater citizen dependency on the government for basic needs tends to choke off economic activity and, once the central government experiences problems, those problems are felt throughout the rest of society, making more problems and compounding the original issue.

However, one cannot simply reduce the Venezuelan economic crisis down to a Capitalist vs. Socialist economic battle with Venezuela doing poorly simply because it didn’t adhere to the similarly deeply flawed ideology of capitalism.

The fact is that Venezuela has been suffering for around a decade and a half from intense American sanctions, crippling the ability of the government to function properly and the economy to operate at its own pace and effectively implement its own economic policy in the way that other countries are able to do.

In 2006, the United States applied sanctions on Venezuela, four years after attempting a coup on the Venezuelan president, and it has added more sanctions almost every year. In the past several days, the U.S. has also added sanctions against the state-owned oil company, PDVSA, essentially the only base of income for the country. How can socialism be blamed for Venezuela’s hardship when the country is under an economic blitzkrieg from one of the largest economies on the face of the planet? If Venezuela does fall, it won’t be because socialism brought it down. It will be because the United States underwent great financial and logistical expense to destabilize, starve, and undermine it.

When analyzing the government of Venezuela, one thing that must always be kept in mind is that Venezuela is a sovereign country. It does not threaten the United States, has not demonstrated that it wants to do so, and, even if it did, it is incapable of seriously delivering on any real military operation against the U.S. Thus, Venezuelan domestic affairs are just that, Venezuelan. Venezuelan they should remain.

An American hatred of socialism or Maduro does not justify American intervention in Venezuela or American influence over domestic Venezuelan affairs. Likewise, the opposition to America’s imperialism does not make Maduro a great leader or Venezuela’s government a great system. It is possible to oppose Maduro and America’s influence simultaneously. It is also possible to oppose Maduro while opposing American intervention in Venezuelan affairs.

US Meddling In Venezuela

Tony Cartalucci, in his article, “US Regime Change in Venezuela: The Documented Evidence,” summarizes the history and methodology of American meddling in Venezuelan affairs. He writes,

Even the Western media has admitted that the US has long meddled in Venezuela’s internal affairs by funding the opposition.

The UK Independent in a recent article titled, “Venezuela military chief declares loyalty to Maduro and warns US not to intervene,” would admit (emphasis added):

The US has a long history of interfering with democratically elected governments in Latin America and in Venezuela it has sought to weaken the elected governments of both Mr Maduro and Mr Chavez.

Some of the effort has been in distributing funds to opposition groups through organisations such as the National Endowment for Democracy, while some has been in the form of simple propaganda.

Mark Weisbrot, co-director of the Centre for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, said that for the past 20 years it had been US policy to seek a change of government in Caracas. Mr Trump’s recognition of Mr Guaido was the most obvious effort to undermine the government.

The US National Endowment for Democracy’s (NED) own current webpage admits to extensively interfering in every imaginable aspect of Venezuela’s internal political affairs with funds directed at:

Building Strategic Capacity for Local Democratic Actors
Cohesive Strategic Communications
Defending Human Rights Victims
Developing Tools for Agile Communication
Empowering Citizens through Local and National Policy Dialogue
Facilitating Humanitarian Aid Relief
Formulating a Comprehensive Public Policy Reform Package
Fostering Scenario Planning and Strategic Analysis
Fostering Small Business Enterprise in Defense of Democracy and Free Markets
Improving Democratic Governance in Venezuela
Improving Local Democratic Governance
Leadership Empowerment and Socio-Political Participation
Monitoring Human Rights Conditions
Monitoring the Human Rights Situation
Promoting Access to Justice and Public Services
Promoting Checks and Balances
Promoting Citizen Journalism
Promoting Citizen Participation and Freedom of Expression
Promoting Democratic Governance
Promoting Democratic Values
Promoting Dialogue and Reconciliation
Promoting Freedom of Association
Promoting Freedom of Expression and Access to Information
Promoting Human Rights
Promoting Independent Journalism
Promoting Political Engagement and Advocacy
Promoting the Rule of Law

It is clear that the US is funding virtually every aspect of opposition operations – from media and legal affairs, to indoctrination and political planning, to interference in the economy and the leveraging of “human rights” to shield US-funded agitators from any attempt to arrest them.

At one point during US regime change efforts, NED-funded front, Sumate, would even organize a recall referendum against President Chavez – which he won. The Washington Post in a 2006 article titled, “Chavez Government Probes U.S. Funding,” would admit:

[Sumate] organized a recall referendum in 2004 that Chavez won and also is a vociferous critic of the government and the electoral system.

The article also admits that:

USAID which hired the Maryland-based company Development Alternatives Inc. to administer the grants has declined to identify many Venezuelan recipients, saying they could be intimidated or prosecuted.

While the nature of the US government’s extensive meddling in Venezuela remains intentionally covert – admissions surrounding Sumate’s activities illustrate how even entire referendums are organized through the use of US money and guided by US directives.

NED and other organizations operating in parallel – including convicted financial criminal George Soros’ Open Society Foundations – seek to entirely overwrite Venezuelan institutions, governance, and law, replacing it with an obedient US-sponsored client regime and system of administration.

US support is not confined to broad efforts to build up the opposition – but also specific efforts to aid senior opposition leaders.

A leaked 2004 US State Department document titled, “Status of Capriles and Sumate Cases,” made it clear that NED funding was ongoing even then, and that the US State Department was required to provide aid to NED-funded front Sumate being prosecuted for the very obvious treason they were engaged in. It also illustrated US State Department support for senior opposition leader Henrique Capriles Radonski.

Capriles – along with Leopoldo Lopez – served as mentors to current opposition leader Juan Guaido who is now openly being offered some $20 million by the US State Department in aid. (source)

Why Venezuela?

As mentioned above, under the leadership of former President Hugo Chavez, Venezuela was a stalwart source of resistance to the plans of the Anglo-Americans for years, particularly since the George W. Bush administration and, like the imperialist policies the Venezuelan government was initially responding to, continued through the Obama administration.

Likewise, for just as long, both Chavez’ government and the current Venezuelan administration has been the target of US/NATO-backed destabilization efforts, covert operations, and political pressure.

Venezuela has consistently resisted the imposition of American multi-national corporations like Monsanto from sinking their tentacles into the country. It has retained its state-owned central bank and refused money from the IMF as well as opposed American imperialism across the globe.


Anyone who has observed the Syrian situation or the crisis in Ukraine in recent years can clearly see a parallel between that of Venezuela in the sense that NGO groups, Western media, intelligence, and State Department related organizations initially create or nurture an “opposition” party based on real, exaggerated, or entirely imagined concerns which are then thrust into the streets with claims of oppression, violence, stolen elections, and human rights violations.

The country is then thrown into disarray when protests are stoked further and the government responds. Eventually, the introduction of violence on the part of the protesters threatens to either grind the country to a standstill (as in Egypt) or plunge it into a civil war (as in Syria).

If Venezuela is to crumble under the weight of socialism, the only appropriate response of the United States is to remove sanctions and deal with Venezuela on par with the dignity afforded to any other nation.

If socialism causes Venezuela to fall, let it be the fault of socialism, not decades of crippling sanctions, political meddling, and threats of military invasion.

About Brandon

Brandon Turbeville writes for and his own website, He is the author of ten books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President, and Resisting The Empire: The Plan To Destroy Syria And How The Future Of The World Depends On The Outcome. His books can be found in the bookstore at and on Amazon.

Turbeville has published over 1500 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, civil liberties and, most notably, geopolitics and the Syrian crisis. His most recent release is a book of poetry, “Dance, Amputee.”


Picture of Brandon Turbeville

Brandon Turbeville

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23 Responses

  1. I did not even read the article. I didn’t have too. Enough is enough. We have ABSOLUTELY NO BUSINESS IN VENEZUELA!! My opinion is we need to go into Venezuela like we need another hole in our head. It would further the act of keeping our military, already exhausted, in a state of perpetual war. My answer is ABSOLUTELY NO.

    1. Before everyone jumps on my post, just understand that as a Vietnam vet, when I see any headline that even hints at our troops being sent to another …..hole of a country to fight their war, it really makes me see red. Especially with the way our troops are hand tied by the bone heads in Washington these days. If we go any where, we should go in to win, and win as quickly as possible. To hell with hurt feelings. Just win. We should also have the goal of being rewarded for American blood. I see no sense in the US being the police force for the world. I’m no isolationist, but I cannot see sending out troops somewhere to fight someone else’s war.

      1. Oren, I completely agree with you. The US needs to mind its own business. Venezuela is no threat to the US. Using our troops for regime change to benefit the central banksters is disgraceful. I’m sure that is the true reason for our intervention in Iraq and Libya. I am an isolationist; we have no business getting into a war with another country unless its troops are landing on US soil.

  2. Yee haw!!! The elites in Venezuela want corruption, while the common people elected Maduro by 56%. Florida Maquis has been covering this extensively on YouTube. There others, but this guy has my attention. He makes very good points, and he reads the Venezuelan CONSTITUTION. The imperialist undermining of this SOVEREIGN NATION is shameful. When has CNN and the gang EVER agreed with Trump?? When it comes to WAR and Regime change its kumbaya time. This is all part of the plan! Well done!! Check out Florida Maquis, and start a couple months back.

    1. Yeah, who wouldn’t win an election if they were the only person on the ballot. What about all the candidates who were harassed or jailed thereby preventing their continued running? Not to mention the vote fixing. Just like Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Yeah he won the elections because no one else could run against him with any effect because the people knew there would be repercussions if they voted otherwise.

  3. “It has resisted private central banking, Western corporate interests (such as Monsanto) and has flatly refused to participate and take money from the IMF.” Ahhh. I read this and the lightbulb clicked on inside my head. Yes, now I get it, now I understand. No nation may be allowed to resist the central bankers. Thank you for an excellent article.

    1. Don’t forget Venezuela owes billions to Russia and China. So yes nstead of going to the IMF, they use Russia and China as a piggy bank. We can’t be deluded that they are independent and on their own. No no, they are borrowing like crazy.

  4. “Meet our new staff writer, Brandon Turbeville. I’m really excited to have him on board because he is a brilliant geopolitical analyst. Brandon firmly believes we should not, and his case is very convincing.”

    I am not sure where you are coming from, but Mr. Brandon Turbeville appears to have an axe to grind with the United States and capitalism. Some of his comments do not leave me feeling all warm and fuzzy on the inside. I read his article very carefully and also his source documents. Especially troubling is one source, Tony Cartalucci. Mr. Cartalucci is especially critical of Western values and presents what he prefers to claim is the truth about Islam at the expense of the West. A rebuttal by Hugh Fitzgerald sets the record straight with facts and figures. The point of this, is that Mr. Turbeville uses Cartalucci as a source to establish his argument.
    I don’t think I want anything from Mr. Turbeville. I find his argument flawed and deeply biased. He does not represent anything I believe nor will support. I am sorry to see you use this individual for a contributor and I feel I will be better to discontinue my subscription to your most often very beneficial site.

    1. Dear Mr. Player:

      I certainly would be sorry to see you go. What I want to set my website apart from others is a wide variety of perspectives. While I love my country, I do see a lot of corruption and things that have been done wrong to enrich special interests and risk the lives of our young soldiers. These young men and women signed up to protect the United States, and seeing them in endless wars in Syria, Afghanistan, and other places put their lives at risk in ways that I don’t feel our directly beneficial to our country.

      One of the things that I believe sets my website apart is the discussion of things we may not all agree with. I open up my comments section for exactly that purpose. I know that in the past, I have written things with which others have disagreed. Through discussions in the comments section, I have found myself altering my original opinion on more than one occasion. And other people learn from this too. Open discussion is a privilege that can really help us to all become more thoughtful people.

      I would be very saddened if you unsubscribed due to one contributor with whom you disagree, as I find you to be such an asset to the comments section. There are still 8 other regular contributors with whom you do benefit. I sincerely hope that you’ll reconsider.

      Either way, I wish you the very best.


      1. Brandon was dead on with this article. I hope that people take away the clear message that the US has been intervening in Venezuela for years. Daisy, thank you for posting it.

    2. Yes, true or even closet socialists always, always gloss over the bad parts of socialism and blame someone else. In this case it is the US. Any other time the weeping socialists are on TV crying, can’t we do something to help those poor people? Then show some starving babies. Just like they do with those caravans of criminals that come from the south.

  5. The US has been addicted to the foreign regime change / territory takeover game for most of its history. From the War of 1812 that targeted Canada to the 1846-48 Mexican War (which the ABBA song “Fernando” was all about, per its composer), to the takeover of Hawaii to the bogus excuses for the 1898 Spanish American War (where President McKinley concealed from the US Congress that Spain has already agreed to most US demands as McKinley asked for a declaration of war). The US ripped a piece of Panama away from Colombia before building the Panama Canal.

    Wall Street money was bundled with more from England and Germany’s General Staff in order to provide the gold that went with Lenin so he could fund the ultra-bloody 1917 Bolshevik takeover of Kerensky’s Russian Revolution. The western payoff was to extract various trade monopolies inside of Russia for western oligarchs, which they exploited at least through WWII. (See Antony C Sutton’s book “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution”).

    68 more modern regime change histories are mentioned in this new article from the Ron Paul Institute, but with much emphasis on Venezuela. Most offensive to the global central banking counterfeiting racket have been proposals for gold-backed currencies. Qaddafi tried that for an Africa-wide gold dinar. Saddam Hussain proposed roughly the same thing. We know how both were murdered. Maduro, take heed.

    Venezuela: The US’s 68th Regime Change Disaster, written by medea benjamin and nicolas j. s. davies

    Also, both books by John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man plus the updated version (both on Amazon), explain well how the blatant military-enforced colonialism of France, Great Britain, Spain et al has been replaced by iron-fisted financial racketeering.


    1. So, whenever is regime change a bad thing? Even in the US, it is a citizens duty to change a regime if it is perceived by the people the country is taking the wrong course. Something about the blood of patriots or so it says. I our case we have the duty to vote someone out if we feel they are taking us in the wrong direction. A hypothetical, what if Hillary was the only person on the ballot? Is that a free an clear election system? Of course not, but we have that choice. Most of those corrupt countries the people do not have that choice.

      1. There would be quite a number of American citizens pleased as a peach if Macron and them would recognize Hillary as the winner of the last election, and then provide military aid to enforce that choice. I suppose the only reason they don’t is they lack the economic might.

    1. Russia has significant military interests in Venezuela. So, YES, we should stay out and let Russia put a few nuclear tipped ICBM’s there. Benjamin, 100% right.

  6. If you look at the history of Venezuela you will see that a generation ago they were largely capitalist with a thriving middle class. Then they got greedy and started nationalizing things, usually foreign-owned, to “take back their country”. Well, corruption, cronyism, and greed does not combine successfully. Especially if there is no way to correct failure.

    Anyone remember what happened to Greece? Egypt? What is happening in Turkey? There is a pattern to all of them.

  7. Anyone remember a little country called Viet Nam? We have to cease & desist being the police force of the world. We have plenty of problems to work on right here.

  8. Is this an early April fools joke. The article basically says the problem is the West (US) and is making the problem worse. It says yes there is corruption and socialism is kinda bad. Let’s not mention that almost every industry has been nationalized (socialism) and soon after an industry is taken over it quickly goes into decay and most quit producing entirely after at time. People pick through the garbage and don’t even have diapers for their babies. Now 3 million–YES 3 million have left that country where many women become prostitutes so they can send money back to their families. If life is so great there, why don’t those women just stay in Venezuela and whore themselves out there. It’s because nobody else has any money either. So, why should we not intervene to help the 3 million who left and the countless millions not able to leave. You all that say that we should do nothing, take a trip there and live like the locals and tell me if you change your mind after being there for a month. If socialism is so great, how come it has never worked?

    1. INprepper. We have a very large picture to look at here. Saddam have weapons of mass destruction. WE sold them to him. The bills were found coming out of the Carolinas and shipped to Iraq. The river tested positive for them before we got there. Saddam thought the STATE DEPT. had given him the go ahead. The corruption in our government continues unabated, and continues to pick up speed. Look into how many bombs each President allows to be dropped every day.
      There are two sides to every story. The one we are getting from Venezuela is sad and sounds tragic, but please remember ASSAD in SYRIA gassing all those innocent children was proven false repeatedly. When has lying MSM ever agreed with DONALD TRUMP?? They started jumping right on the bandwagon when eardrums started beating. The protesters you saw on TV were NOT in Venezuela. These stories are holier than Swiss Cheese. has a gal talking to both groups of people on the ground in Venezuela. London is refusing to give Venezuela back billions of THEIR gold, and VALERO gas stations are not giving Venezuela back their money. The sanctions against Venezuela are the reason they are struggling, and they are refusing American meddling. Chavez threw out US corporations and the sanctions began. I have been a proud HOOSIER since 1972, fiercely independent and I thought I was free! Our founding FATHERS wouldn’t imagine what our nation has become. We have no business in Venezuela, Syria,Afghanistan, or the rest of the ARAB SPRING countries we are presently dropping bombs.
      Daisy, I am glad, and grateful for this piece. The person from Venezuela you had writing about things down there mentioned products that starving people wouldn’t consider. I have learned a lot since. Guido didn’t even run against Maduro, Redondo did and was soundly defeated. The poor Venezuelan people do not want help from above like Columbia, Argentina, or Brazil. They want nothing to do with US morality, let alone doing to THEIR CONSTITUTION what we are doing to our own

  9. This article makes me think about all the things I have learned about what’s going on in Venezuela from Jose. He has an opinion based on foot on the ground experience. I’m not sure how much of this article was savory salt.

  10. Daisy, I agree that military intervention in Venezuela is a bad idea. But where did this Russian shill come from? Never saw his articles in your site before, now two in one day as a Putin apologist. As a commenter said on the Ukraine article, I don’t have to agree with someone to read and enjoy their articles. But when he calls the US the world’s bully…. He’s on the wrong side of history. Hopefully your site got hacked by the FSB, and will be back to normal soon. Otherwise, I’ll be a former reader.

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