Anti-Trump Protest Tanks

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By Daisy Luther

UPDATE: Nov. 4, 9 pm Eastern

November 4th, It Begins…or maybe not. Heck, maybe Trump isn’t that bad after all.

It looks like Antifa and Refuse Fascism really don’t mind the current administration as much as they kept saying they did because hardly anyone showed up. A couple of arrests were made for minor infringements but most people just went to Starbucks for a pumpkin spice latte.

Here are some videos of the lackluster rallies across the nation.


Here’s an updated list of Antifa protest locations from the Refuse Fascism website.  Several locations have changed from the original list I posted and more have been added. We can probably expect other events that are not listed on their site.

UPDATE Nov. 4th: St. Louis has now been added.

Antifa Protest Locations

Akron, November 4
4:00 pm

  • Gather in front of the Mitchell UFCW Building
  • 1655 West Market Str. & North Hawkins Ave.

Atlanta, November 4
6:00 pm

  • Euclid & Moreland Ave NE
  • Little 5 Points/Findley Plaza, Atlanta
  • Bring pots and pans, flashlights, glow sticks, lanterns, signs, banners, and everyone you know.  The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
    Facebook Event

Austin, November 4
1:00 pm

Boston, November 4
4:00 pm

  • Due to permit negotiations, the November 4th demonstration “This Nightmare Must End” The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!” has been moved from Shoppers’ Plaza to the Parkman Bandstand in the Boston Commons.
  • Facebook event page

Chicago, November 4
1:00 pm

Cincinnati, November 4
1:00 pm

Cleveland, November 4
1:00 pm

Falmouth, MA, November 4
10:30 am

  • Move to Remove
  • Falmouth Town Green, Falmouth, MA

Honolulu, November 4
9:30 am

  • 9:30am: Gather at Ala Moana Park (across from Pi`ikoi St.)
  • 11:00 am: Rally at Thomas Square
  • Facebook event page

Indianapolis, November 4
12 pm

Los Angeles, November 4
1:00 pm

Miami, November 4
12:00 PM

Minneapolis, November 4
12:00 PM

New York City, November 4
2:00 pm

Philadelphia, November 4
2:00 pm

Pittsfield, MA November 4
1:00 pm

Portland, Oregon November 4
2:00 pm

Salem, OR, November 4
3:00 pm

San Francisco, November 4
3:00 PM

Union Square, San Francisco
Facebook Event

Seattle, November 4
12:00 pm

  • Gather at Seattle City Hall Plaza, 4th Avenue & James Street
  • Facebook Event

St. Louis, November 4

  • 12 PM
  • 12th & Market Streets, St. Louis, MO.

Tucson, November 4
2:00 PM

Stay aware

As I find more information, I’ll continue to keep you updated. Sign up for my daily newsletter – when I know, you’ll know.

Most folks are hoping that these end up being peaceful events. But, considering some of the rhetoric on both sides (protesters and counterprotesters) it’s best to be prepared. This article talks about what to do if all hell breaks loose tomorrow, November 4th.


Threatening one another, calling names, and making ad hominem attacks is not productive. I strongly encourage civil debate and don’t expect everyone to hold hands and sing Kumbaya, but some folks take advantage of this policy.

Does your comment add to the conversation or is it simply a list of racial slurs, profanity, and insults? If so, they will be redacted. I hate having to do this, so kindly follow the advisement above and we’ll have no problem.

And lack of civility aside, there can be other ramifications. Certain ill-thought-out statements can catch the attention of the authorities and I have no interest in being subpoenaed.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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11 Responses

  1. What’s scary is that I live in austin and have to work tomorrow. When I clicked on the austin facebook page it looked like it had been removed. That’s the even scarier part. It brings up the question of what are they planning that they would have to remove the page? Just food for thought. Thank you Daisy for keeping us informed. I always know that I can trust the information that you provide over big news stations in order the get the the truth.

    1. Wow, I feel for you. I would not be in Berkeley on the Brazos tomorrow if my life depended on it. No way you can call in sick? Used to live there, when I was a kid, aka 60 years ago, and it used to be a wonderful city. We lived up by Camp Maybree (sp?) and most of my neighbor kid’s fathers were professors at the University. How times have changed. Good luck, hope this thing fizzles out and no one ends up hurt or arrested.

    1. Ken…

      Analyzing the lame-stream media’s narrative per Anitfa”s manifesto & tactics, in conjunction w/ their anti-Western Civilization (i.e. White) paradigm…
      I have concluded that I / we must consider the following three concepts:

      1.) …as Caucasians were screwed.

      2.) …there’s gonna be a fight..sooner or later.

      3.) …let’s win!!!!!

      ..’cuz otherwise, we’re doomed to attempting to survive in the left’s / progressive’s “low sperm-count” meta-sexual-male utopia.
      Be expensive, sir!

      Let them come and get…all they can stand!!!!!

      1. Ultimately, the genius female running this site, advocates preparedness as an extension of it should be!!!
        That said, logic demands the intelligent to look further “down the road”..which in my opinion, envisions DOMESTIC CONFLICT..!!!

        Funny how everything tends to point to a..collapse of civilization itself..amid the baggage of social / economic / financial & the trashing of morality, honor & the worship of a Christian GOD!!!!!

        Said ”conflict” here, will in the end, be waged between the haves and have nots.. (i.e.) those who heard GOD’s voice and those who’re deaf to such..per their intransigence of self pursuit / instant satisfaction of desire..(fill in the blank)..but know this:

        Politics,ideology,religion,skin color and sexual preferences, all go straight into the shitter, when you don’t have food,water,shelter or security.
        The luxury of debate, opinions and opposing views disappears, when one is reduced to eating your neighbors dogs, cats / kids and / or grass soup.
        People with nothing… do not discuss politics and philosophy. They discuss how they are going to kill you and take your shit.
        The current rage against the injustice and corruption endemic in our govt / society, is merely a precursor, feeding the backlash that’s on the horizon.

        In the end, once the balloon goes up.. it comes down to this…are you, as an individual willing to be a stone cold killer?

        ..plumb the depths of “what if” ..then make adjustments as deemed necessary, per survival of kith & kin.

  2. Interesting to see Akron OH added to the list. No mention of Columbus OH surprisingly…a very liberal leaning city, that I live too close to…thankfully it’s the weekend and no need to be in the city….Hope it turns out to be more hype than substance, but also hope everyone can stay safe!

  3. The left vs right paradigm has been given to us to distract us and divide us. Do not buy into it. Our enemy is not the people. Our enemy is one who controls both the left and the right.

    Imagine this: There is a group of people concerned about their health. Together they try to be as healthy as possible. Then 2 McDonalds representatives come along. One convinces one half of the group that McFries are the ultimate health food, and the other convinces the other half that Big Macs are the ultimate health food. Then the two halves are going to fight each other about which is better for ones health, McFries or Big Macs.

    Our political system works similar to this.

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