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Warning: If you care about parental rights, this story will infuriate you.
On February 25, a pregnant mother took her 2-year-old son to the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine clinic in Tempe, Arizona because he had a fever of over 100. The doctor instructed the mother to take him to the emergency room because he is unvaccinated and she feared he could have meningitis.
The doctor called the emergency room at Banner Cardon Children’s Medical Center in Mesa to let them know the boy would be arriving.
But after leaving the doctor’s office, the boy showed signs of improvement. He was laughing and playing with his siblings, and his temperature moved closer to normal. Around 6:30 pm, the mother called the doctor to let her know the toddler no longer had a fever and she would not be taking him to the emergency room.
In Arizona, parents may decline vaccinations for their child based on personal, religious, or medical exemptions, but the mother was still concerned that the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS) would come after her. One can’t blame her for being afraid, as unvaccinated families have been targets of dystopian crackdowns and witch hunts of late.
The doctor assured her DCS would not come after her. According to police records, the mother then agreed to take her son to the hospital.
This is when things took a particularly nasty turn, reports AZCentral:
About three hours later, the hospital contacted the doctor to advise her that the child had not shown up and the mother wasn’t answering her phone, according to police records. The doctor contacted DCS.
A DCS caseworker called Chandler Police and “requested officers to check the welfare of a two year old infant,” according to police records. A caseworker said he was on his way to the house.
It was about 10:30 p.m. when two police officers knocked on the family’s door. The officers heard someone coughing.
Officer Tyler Cascio wrote in a police report that he knocked on the door several times but no one answered. (source)
The police then asked a neighbor to call the mother to let her know they wanted to speak to her. Meanwhile, the boy’s father contacted the police:
Police dispatch told the officers that a man at the home had called requesting that they call him. They called, and the man identified himself as the sick boy’s father.
The officer said they told the father they needed to enter the home for DCS to check on the child. The father refused, explaining that his son’s “fever broke and he was fine,” according to police records. (source)
Then things escalated.
Despite the father’s attempt to assure police his child was fine, things escalated.
The caseworker informed officers that DCS planned to obtain a “temporary custody notice” from a judge to remove the child for emergency medical aid.
Officers then consulted with the police criminal investigations bureau and SWAT.
Yes, SWAT.
I know – it is outrageous and terrifying.
After 1:00 AM, officers kicked down the family’s door.
One officer carried a shield, while another was described as having “lethal coverage.” Officers pointing guns yelled, “Chandler Police Department,” and entered the house.
The father came to the door. Officers placed him in handcuffs and took him and the mother outside. (source)
Neither of the parents was arrested.
Officials took all three children to Banner Cardon Medical Center.
Let’s pause here for a moment to reflect on something: Authorities took the children under the guise of caring about their well-being. The fact that armed strangers snatching children away from their parents and siblings in the middle of the night could be, I don’t know – TRAUMATIC – didn’t seem to cross their minds.
Then the “legal process” took 10 days.
The parents had to wait 10 days to see a judge and begin fighting to get their children back.
Attorneys for the parents said the children hadn’t seen each other since being taken from their parents’ home. The parents had only had one visit with their older children. DCS officials told the parents the toddler couldn’t make that visit because he was at a medical appointment.
The state’s attorney argued that the children shouldn’t be returned to their parents yet because they’d been hostile to DCS workers and weren’t cooperating. He said the parents had attended a DCS visit with members of Arizona DCS Oversight Group who were combative toward DCS workers. He said the grandfather had tried to videotape a meeting with DCS, and recording is not allowed to protect the privacy of the children. (source)
DCS wanted the parents to undergo psychological evaluations, the father was required to undergo drug testing, and the grandparents agreed to background checks so they could become temporary caregivers for the children.
While everything about this case is horrifying, there is a bit of good news.
The family has a powerful ally:
Rep. Kelly Townsend, R-Mesa, who helped craft legislation requiring DCS to obtain a warrant before removing a child from their parents or guardians in non-emergency circumstances, said she was outraged by the response of police and DCS officials in the case.
“It was not the intent (of the law) that the level of force after obtaining a warrant was to bring in a SWAT team,” Townsend said. “The imagery is horrifying. What has our country become that we can tear down the doorway of a family who has a child with a high fever that disagrees with their doctor?” (source)
In Arizona, DCS used to be able to remove children from their homes without warrants, but that changed last July when lawmakers designated limited circumstances for removing a child from their parent without a warrant:
DCS must have probable cause to believe a child is at imminent risk of harm and there’s no less-intrusive alternative to removal, or DCS must have probable cause to believe a child is a victim of sexual or physical abuse that can only be evaluated by trained medical personnel…
…Concern over DCS abusing loopholes in the system prompted a second round of legislation in 2018. The restrictions designated “exigent circumstances” when DCS may remove children without a warrant. Removing the child must be so dire that there’s no time to use the electronic system to gain authorization from a judge who’s on call 24/7. (source)
Townsend wants a review of this legislation.
Townsend wants lawmakers to review the procedures that led to police using force, traumatizing a family, and putting three children in state custody.
She said that the fact that DCS obtained a court-approved warrant proves there wasn’t a life-threatening emergency.
Outside the courthouse, Townsend said she didn’t know the parents personally but was disturbed by the case.
“It was brought to my attention that these parents may have been targeted by the medical community because they hadn’t vaccinated their children,” she said.
Townsend said parents who don’t vaccinate their children because of medical concerns aren’t criminals and shouldn’t be treated as such. She worried physicians were using it as a reason to refer parents to DCS.
“I think if DCS decides to use this as a factor they would be violating a parent’s right to have a personal exemption, a religious exemption and perhaps a medical exemption,” she said. (source)
The family wants to warn others about DCS.
The father sent The Republic a statement. His family is scared, he said, but they feel compelled to warn other families:
We have been through a very traumatic experience with our encounter with DCS. We would like other parents out there to know and realize the amount of power DCS has over the welfare of your children. Even though we remain confident in our innocence through our case, it is immediately an uphill struggle of what to do or not to do. Even if you do not agree with them or the process in which they follow.
We thought they did not have the right to check on our children because they were getting better, from what they last heard about from us. We were in our home tending to our sick kids and did not want to be bothered in this tough time of illness. With multiple children it is difficult to keep up their needs while they are ill, and to be bothered in the middle of the night by DCS was not something we were ready to tackle.
No matter what we though was right, it turned tragic with the removal of all of our children. The process of removal in our opinion was uncalled for and we would like to see the laws/process change when dealing with expedited removal of children.
Our children have sure been through a traumatizing experience and hope they have not been harmed psychologically or emotionally as we are a very happy family who love each other and would do anything for each other.
We hope to see a positive outcome for our trial, but worry about what the kids have been though. We would like to see some sort of public service announcement by DCS to inform other parents out there that this could happen to them, because nobody, especially children should have to go through what we are going through. We love our children and are doing everything possible to get them back to us. (source)
“What about parents’ rights to decide what’s best for their child?” Townsend said. “Parents felt the child was fine. Next thing we know, the Gestapo is at their door.”
The three children have been placed with their grandparents, and the parents are able to see them but have no idea when – or if – they will get them back.
What do you think about this case?
Do you think the parents handled things well? Do you believe the state acted properly? Please share your thoughts in the comments.
H/T to Reason
About the Author
Dagny Taggart is the pseudonym of an experienced journalist who needs to maintain anonymity to keep her job in the public eye. Dagny is non-partisan and aims to expose the half-truths, misrepresentations, and blatant lies of the MSM.
53 Responses
Even if there were cause to remove the children. I will not debate facts in the case. The way it went down in the middle of the night is concerning to me. It scares me as a parent and a citizen that the government can do what happened here.
I feel like the parents should have responded to DCS and the police. Even if it was an inconvenience, they may have avoided the the situation being escalated to such a degree. I’m studded that the SWAT Team was called in. I’m sure the kids will have trust & insecurity issue’s, probable for the rest of their lives.
Wow – just no! The parents contacted the dr and told him the kid was better. That should have been the end of it. What these gestapo-type authorities deserved, in my opinion, is to have been met at the door with a bullet. They are no different than thieves who are there for your jewelry or electronics. Who do they think they are?
If you have been keeping up with these similar situations in this state it would have been in vain to talk to the police because the same thing would of happened. It makes it so much easier to walk in and take the kids if the parents would of opened the door!!! This has been a common practice in arizona to steal kids.
VERY simply kim, what law was broken to get the police involved????????
Many years ago in the People’s Republic of Kalifornia a college professor and his wife were sitting at home with their two young sons their door was broken down by the police they were handcuffed taken outside and their house was ransacked.
The Police were layer eating pizza when the sergeant arrived. He went out to the backyard as they were reported by a neighbor who said they were growing marijuana which turned out to be tomatoe plants.
The sergeant apologized, the officers left and nothing was cleaned up nor was the door repaired.
The family sued won attorneys fees, court costs and a $100,000 settlement.
Once again this has been going on for decades.
It will happen some day if this crap doesn’t stop.A pissed off person will snipe all of the SWAT Team members one at a time after one of these mistaken raids,maybe then they will stop this foolishness.
Under construction/development. Feel free to run with it, share, develop:
It is Time for a National Memorial to Citizen Victims .
Mandatory Law needed: The Abused Citizen Victim Apology Law:
Any time the police botch a raid on the wrong house, murder a Civilian for no cause, recklessly injure, kill, a Citizen, and other false arrests where their TAXPAYER FUNDED body-cameras “just happen” to not work, and every other screw-up situation ……. EVERY cop anywhere in the area shall assemble, “Take a Knee” and cover their hearts with their covers in apology. with their cars flashing lights ……………….. The same actions will take place for Citizen funerals.
A prominent memorial to be erected in every large city dedicated to the innocent victims of abusive and corrupt police. Annually, a day of reflection and regret. on date (May 26th?) to be determined, there will be a Citizen Victim Day whereupon EVERY cop will assemble at said monument to meditate and reflect on Murdered Citizens and again kneel, doff covers, and pray to God for forgiveness.
There will be mandatory monthly ethics classes on such subjects as “Negative Effect on Society of Perjury by police” and “Sociatal impact of Murder by police”.
These acts shall be in addition to punitive damages and restitution paid.
Have you noticed there are no massive funerals with TAXPAYER FUNDED police cars/equipment and TAXPAYER PAID police saluting for the VICTIMS of police MURDERS?
Where is the recognition and apologies to the VICTIMS of their BLUNDERING???
Always remember —- these are the “HIGHLY TRAINED PROFESSIONALS” that the government says will protect you if you just be nice and give the government your guns. Police murder more Citizens every year than do terrorists.
The cowardice of hiding MURDER behind lies of “resisting arrest” and “I was in fear for my life” should immediately disqualify for life anyone from ever engaging in “law enforcement” . If you are that cowardly you should be a greeter at Walmart.
Yeah sure, the POLICE – — Currently, in the U.S., law enforcement kills around 1,200 citizens per year. Ironically, that number is actually four times higher than those who die from rifles. As has been recorded, cops have killed 450 percent more people than have died in the past forty years of mass shootings.
I don’t think the level of force used to remove these children from their home was appropriate but it seems to me that the person the parents should be most angry with is their child’s doctor. If I’m reading this article correctly, it seems that after examining the the child herself, the naturopathic doctor decided the child’s condition was serious enough to warrant the child’s being taken to a traditional allopathic hospital’s Emergency Room. The child’s temperature allegedly began to drop lower but, for some reason, the doctor apparently did not believe the mother when she called to tell the doctor that the child’s temperature had fallen. The doctor then told the mother the child should still be taken to the Emergency Room, and the mother agreed to do that. Some three hours later, the child had still not arrived at the Emergency Room so the doctor, presumably worried about the child’s safety and the safety of other people who might become infected if the child had an infectious form o meningitis, contacted DCS. What this article doesn’t tell us is why the doctor apparently didn’t believe the mother when she said the child no longer had a temperature. It feels as though there’s more to this story. Did the doctor believe the mother was lying? If so, why? Was there a past history of this mother lying to the doctor or was the doctor just being overly cautious? Then there’s the broader issue of whether it is appropriate for DCS to take the word of just one doctor before acting to remove a child from his or her home? Should the DCS be required to get a second opinion from a different doctor before taking such a drastic step?
Such great questions….this situation is terrible and reminds me of the dangers that families of unvaccinated children face, but also the new laws being considered in Congress to take the word of “anyone” that someone owns a gun and “might” be dangerous….otherwise known as Red Flag Laws. What has happened to sanity? To due process for each and every American citizen? Things are definitely getting worse….
Your absolutely right Patsy….things are going to get very bad here soon!!!
I agree. There’s more to this story than the “official” version. Another question – if the doctor was sooo concerned, why didn’t they do a HOUSECALL!!??? Surely if the doctor was that worried about the children’s condition, they could have shown up at the house with a thermometer and done an assessment at the scene. There are, unfortunately many instances of child neglect and abuse,but one wonders if there are other instances of this happening to parents who choose alternative medicine, homeschool, don’t Vax. Etc. And it begs the question “why?” Just to control the parents? To show “examples” if what will happen if you choose a non-government-approved lifestyle? Terror tactics like this need to be decried at every opportunity.
There is so much wrong here first of all but I am wondering why the naturopath called the emergency room in the first place. As far as I’m concerned that wasn’t her place. This wouldn’t have happened if the call wasn’t made. What is the normal protocol if a child has meningitis?
Hi S, I just did a quick check online of Arizona laws and regulations. It looks as though the naturopathic doctor was legally required to report any cases of “meningococcal invasive disease” (which includes some types of meningitis) because they are communicable diseases that can be deadly. If the doctor thought that it was possible that the child had infectious meningitis, and the mother was avoiding taking the child to the ER to get tested for that disease, the doctor probably felt bound by law, and her own concern for the health of the child and any other children or adults who might come into contact with that child, to report that suspected case of meningitis to the authorities.
Did the SWAT team have on haz-mat or protective medical gear? Meningitis can be extremely contagious depending on the strain, so if this was a legitimate medical emergency intervention, they absolutely would be suited up. If not, then this was a strictly punitive action and I hope this family lawyers up
I have noticed the “feel” mentioned when people attempt to make a decision regarding law. We MUST stop this terrible practice – We MUST “THINK”!!!! Rights have to do with thinking and reason. Feeling that something is right or wrong is what is destroying our freedom.
1. All the actions above were taken because people do not know LAW. All the actions by the authorities were based upon LEGAL CODE and not LAW. We out here need to learn LAW. What is the difference between “person” and “natural person”? If we place ourselves “under” them as slaves then this is what we get.
2. The “doctor” (legal title) was required by CODE to report a “confirmed” case, not a suspicion!
3. Learn to doctor yourself and avoid their medical slave system – THINK. Homeschoolers should first learn to read, then understand law and then learn natural health.
4. If you are free and you take this course of non-vaccination which we did after our 6th child you must be prepared to LEAVE at a moment’s notice and not return until smoke is settled or at all if necessary. YOU DO NOT OWE ANYTHING TO THE AUTHORITIES. All medical fear is a lie!!
Lastly – DO NOT USE THEIR LEGAL WORDS – like child and parents – difficult yes! Use sons/daughters/mother/father. DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING and if forced to always add “under duress” after it.
I will never sign the bureaucrats paperwork again. But if I’m ever forced to do so it will be under duress. I will include words such as “All rights reserved Without Prejudice” and perhaps “UCC 1-308”. I will probably also “Demand that all charges against me be brought into harmony with the Common Law”.
Unfortunately I do not believe any of this will help. The bureaucrats masquerading as “government” are absolutely insane and in too many cases downright evil. They are hell bent on obedience and compliance. They are omnicidal. They will not hesitate to kill you, or your dog, or your grandmother. They will steal your children and sell them to pedophiles and their kidneys to Israeli organ traffickers. They will burn your home to the ground for your own good. To teach you a lesson. They are pure evil.
The “Rule of Law” and “The Social Contract” were always illusions. The authoritarians have dropped their masks. They do not care to pretend anymore. Police and “government” bureaucrats are the worst form of terrorists because they hide behind a veil of benevolence. They are a threat to all of our safety and well being. As long as they roam our neighborhoods we are all at risk of imminent harm, possibly death.
I agree with you that statutes and codes are not law. All law is contract, and most of what they call law is really commerce or equity. But it doesn’t matter to the authoritarian followers who are in positions of power. It does not matter what “the law” is. They are dangerous psychopaths/sociopaths and you cannot reason with them. All they understand is force.
Bob Altemeyer is right. Authoritarian followers are the most dangerous people on earth.
This is another example of how horrifying and overstepping Child Services has gotten. This story is not the only one by far of normal children being removed from careful, loving, deserving parents. It breaks my heart that our country has allowed things to come to this Gestapo level, and that your children are no longer really your children if the government deems them otherwise. While other children are being tortured to death by rotten human beings, they choose to make decisions like this, to literally kick in a door and take away kids when clearly they are not in dangerous hands. Child Services is literally out of control when it does things at this level. I thank God I no longer have children in home that are subject to this despite having been an excellent parent to my now grown and awesome kids….because this seriously would have been me, as I don’t believe that standard medical practice is always the best or only choice we can make for our families. Shame on these power mad agencies who are seriously out of control!
When did we decide that a parent making the decisions for their children’s health care was anyone else’s business. The absurdity here is that there is zero concern for children in our society. The vaccination industry has been using them as guinea pigs for decades, they’re aborted in the mother’s womb routinely and the public education system is turning them out with pitiful levels of actual education.
I guess you never heard of smallpox? Zero concern for children is not the issue. The questions are conflict between rights of parents to act in what they believe to be their kid’s interests versus the public welfare, and the balance between efficacy of vaccinations and the side effects, taking into account the fact that all vaccines have side effects, and that not all of those vaccinated will have immunity, therefore leaving a vulnerable population to spread the disorder unless most of the population is vaccinated.
This certainly is more complex than just an unqualified pursuit of industrial profits. You miss the very real benefits of much of our vaccine system in your cynical assessment. Our capitalist system certainly encourages an awful lot of venal, self-serving greed, and rewards an awful lot of immoral behavior. But that doesn’t begin to acknowledge that there is considerable good which flows from the social contract we all live within.
Social contract? Are you kidding me? What social contract? I did not sign one. I am my own person and I make medical decisions for my health. No one else’s health comes into it. EVER!!! The idea that vaccines are good is YOUR opinion. It is not fact. You make medical for you and your family based on what you think is truth. As for everyone else BUTT OUT!!!!!
I agree wholeheartedly with Deanna? “Social” CONTRACT? What CONTRACT? I didn’t sign no steenkin’ CONTRACT!
This family was targeted for bureaucratic retaliation on a rather lame premise of infectious disease(s). Are we going to quarantine every brat that gets the sniffles? Quoting the specter of the spread of smallpox reveals your complete ignorance on the subject. I’d be all in favor of voting literacy tests being re instituted if it keeps nitwits like yourself from exercising the franchise.
Domestic terrorists and enemy combatants – nothing more nothing less. Another tragedy perpetrated by the criminal globalist tyrants. Folks, NEVER give up without a fight. My heart goes out to this family, especially the child…
Full on totalitarianism is coming. These are just the birth pangs. I hope that we can all survive it. Nothing is really left of our “freedoms” if you give a full review to the laws of our country. It is somewhat hearteining that there are still a few senators and congressmen like Rep. Townsend. So many have become socialist and, again, so many people are voting and defending the socialists — just plain scary.
You really have no idea what our national history has been. Perhaps you’ve heard of slavery? Maybe you read about Prohibition and the government and especially police corruption, bootlegger wars, and the incredible amount of alcoholism that occurred than?
I was chatting with a retired police chief in a small town. He told me that when he took over, the former chief did not know how to drive a car. He would stand at the side of the road, wait for a car to come blasting along, then flag him down. He’d tell the driver he was speeding, and told the driver that he could avoid a ticket if he just paid him a small sum right then. The Chief always got his bribe. He’d then take that money to the local bar, and spend the next couple of days drunk. When he ran out of booze and money, he’d go stand beside the road….
You could go back to Roman times and find the same issues. People can easily be corrupted. How they demonstrate that evil inclination varies from time to time, but it will continue so long as our species survives – and that may not be all that long.
Yeah, our country is headed down the tubes. But not because of issues like this. It’s much simpler: We no longer produce much that is of value and utility. And everyone wants to live the good life despite a plummeting economy. Those in control are seizing everything they can, which makes it that much harder for the rest of us. Our government has always done awful things. It’s just that living in the here and now, you focus on the here and now and lose perspective. It’ll all be the same in a hundred years. So I guess living in the here and now makes a little sense. But it would be more comfortable if you were more realistic about the evil human nature which has always consumed every society, including ours.
Have they all forgotten the constitution? Escalate this to the highest offices, hold our “democratically” elected officials accountable for their laws and vote them out! Send letters to them all, and say that you intend to vote against them if they decide to do nothing! If all they care about is re-election then hit them where it hurts! And tell all your friends and family. The only way we can beat this is if we hunker down and FIGHT!
The other side of the story …
What if the child did have meningitis?
Now what … ?
There is no harm in making sure and I do not think we should be throwing critical thinking out with the bathwater. Sometimes force is required to maintain the appropriate perspective, especially in a population where the IQ is in severe decline …
But then again, I could be all wrong, many underlying facts are missing.
Well “of course” this is an example of bureaucratically corrupt power, and police state brutality run amok. I’d guess the SWAT Team was kinda disappointed that they didn’t get to at least shoot a couple of dogs.
But this should not be a shock to anyone, because IT’S BEEN THIS WAY FOR YEARS! Yes, it should be changed. But in the meantime, we gotta deal with reality.
In this case, the parents exercised horrible judgement. First of all, if I’m worried enough about my child’s high fever to take him to a doctor, and the doctor advises to take him to the ER, I’m going to take him to the ER! Fevers can break, but it was foolish to assume the kid was “healed.” Fevers can come come raging back.
Second, when it became obvious that the whole medical and child protective systems were on their case, they should not have stonewalled them. Did the parents really think the SWAT squad was going to just go away after they begin to pound on the door…..? REALLY?
The moral of the story is to avoid getting on the red list of any of these evil “systems”……..Medical, Legal, Insurance, Banking, Child Protective, etc. Once you do, you will NOT waltz away scot free. You can only work to minimize the consequences.
If you’re on a huge crusade to correct all these wrongs, I sincerely wish you success. However my advice would be to pick your battles Very Carefully……and avoid all the rest. 🙂
OR…many parents won’t bring their kids to see the doctor, for fear that the power-drunk bureaucrats of DCS and their “muscle”, the goons with badges that look for an excuse to fulfill their childhood (and childish) fantasies to “play Army” by “going tactical” on some helpless family with young CHILDREN in the wee hours of the morning! What a goddamned irony, that in supposedly preventing ‘abuse’, the very entities commit gross abuse of this family.
Aw, but who gives a shit about these ‘ignorant rednecks’, after all, they’re not part of the elite that live in comfort inside gated communities, protected by THEIR private, armed, security, who I’m sure hell would freeze solid before the SWAT goons descend upon THEM at 1 AM!
It’s no longer okay for parents to use their best judgement. The government knows best, you don’t know jack. But, it’s okay for pedos to run loose in this country to prey upon children. As for me, this SWAT team would have gotten lead poisoning – not meningitis.
Anonymous says:
Comment ID: 3989862
March 29, 2019 at 4:02 pm
Video: “You are stealing our future”: Greta Thunberg,15, condemns the world’s inaction on climate change”).
The trouble is doctors, police, and government, etc., think they OWN YOU.
Sure, the family could have been more communicative and even respectful and police and doctors could listen better but the point is you don’t OWN anybody, OK???
He (the father) said the boy was OK. Right there you are OFF the hook. If anything else happens it’s the families problem.
It also has to do with doctor PRIDE. They hate to be wrong or humiliated. Ah, the whole thing was a mess.
I really do not go to doctors for a variety of reasons. One is their increasing attitude of ownership of you. They ask questions that are none of their business. I am very careful taking animals to the vet. I first noticed it when vets increasing pressured me to give treatments for my pets and took an air of authority with me instead of someone from whom I am purchasing a service. I have not been to a doctor for over fifteen years and my health is good and those around me who see doctors are extremely chronically ill and having to go the doctor every week. And they truly cannot see that is the doctors that are destroying their health.
Interesting how the slant of a story can change perception.
The version that I read stated that: the child had a fever of 105 degrees, which is slightly different than “over 100” . The doctor referred the mother to a hospital because the doctor did not have the ability to diagnose the child’s condition. The *mother* was afraid to take the child to the ER because the child was unvaccinated.
When the child didn’t show up at the ER the doctor got concerned and called Child Services. When the police arrived at the house the father refused to let them in to look at the child and stated that the child was feeling better. When the police gained entry to the house they found the other children in a bed “covered with stains” and “with vomit around their mouths”; also an *unsecured* shotgun was leaning up against a wall.
I suspect the truth is somewhere in the middle between these versions.
I get as outraged as anybody about government overreach, but this doesn’t appear to be a clear-cut case.
SADLY there are NO men left in america,other wise the GOVERNMENT TERRORISTS would be hunted down and HANGED FOR TERRORISUM and TREASON,,but it will take FOREIGN MILITARY TROOPS to do the job,and their bragging they will,they also plan to KILL all the pussies,girlymen,homo’s queers,and just cowards in general,ITS PASS TIME THERE WAS A BLOODBATH WAR IN AMERICA,and there will also be a massive drop in population,THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT and their friends will be hunted like the wild animals they are…
When you were 15, were you more concerned about the environment or passing your history exam? These “kids” who are so often held up as beacons of hope in a bleak and bitter world more often than not sound more like child actors reading a script written by the committee to elect so-and-so to get a good sound bite.
I don’t like Drs anymore. They have become like mechanics in that they look for something wrong to justify more money. This was just plain wrong and as a parent of an autistic daughter I suspect the medical community thinks it’s ok to damage a few kids for their benefit
The whole situation is horrific and unconscionable. Since when does the government know what’s best for our children. They have been entrusted to us by our Creator. Need I say no more. It’s outrageous. No words to describe it.
Anyone out there who still does not think we all now live in a fascist police state simply have not been paying attention!
When you have handcuffs on, you are under arrest, just not incarcerated.
American’s deliberate ignorance of their own legal system is the reason why they are becoming residents in an authoritarian totalitarian dictatorship.
this is so very Stalin/Hitler! both of whom removed children from parents who would not comply with fascist/ communist ideology- we now see this gov’t following the same tactics under corporate globalism
follow the money trail
No government agency should have the right to enter parents ‘ homes and snatch children unless thete is clear documented evidence of abuse.Sex trafficking, drug trafficking, and physical abuse and neglect cases come to mind. Documentation should provide evidence of an environment that all reasonable people would agree is harmful and cruel. By definition this would not include loving parents who are advocates for alternative medical treatments. These practices are in direct violation of a free people and our Constitution. The result will be these traumatized children will have even less reason to trust government and recommended medical treatments and rightly so.
The naturopathic physician let the family down. The mother presumably sought out the naturopathic physician because she would be sympathetic to the mother’s decision not to vaccinate. If the naturopathic physician thought the mother should take the child to the ER then she should have merely advised the mother of this. By calling the ER and stating that the child was unvaccinated she put them on alert. The mother made the correct decision subsequently not going to the ER when the child’s fever came down and he was active and laughing and definitely not showing signs of meningitis.
Time for a big time lawsuit worth millions!
Every person involved in this act of tyrannical power hungry terrorism should be answering to federal charges of kidnapping and 5 other crimes, these people belong in prison. This should NEVER happen to any America Citizen ever again.
Parents have the right to take care of their children as they see fit, without BIG BROTHER and the unconstitutional Government agencies.
This was a RICO act of Organized Domestic Terrorism.
Firstly I will make clear that I am in no position to judge whether the parents were or are lacking in some way, and I do not know if anyone at the DCS was in a position to make that call, it seems not. Even if by whatever metric they made that call, there is absolutely no evidence made for the methods used as consequence.
Now, I have been through this twice. The first time in France, a neighbour argued with the mother and set the authorities on her. The police turned up one morning without any warning and demanded to inspect the premises ( a decent appartment) , I spoke to them with the door half open, demanding a warrant (obligatory to present) and case details. They had neither with them to show me, I refused entry, so the door was pushed open on me and I was handcuffed in front of the children, they were led off seperately, I was jailed for half a day then released only after signing that I would not prosecute them. No charges of any kind were laid.
That was the end of my relationship with the mother, she had to stay behind for half a year with the youngest child for six months, the other two moved to Spain with me as I did not trust to stay in the country after that. We had done nothing wrong.
Later in Spain the relationship with the mother just did not re-establish. She was also very stressed by all of this. I seperated from her on reasonable terms and assumed charge of the children. We basically lost touch with the mother, she moved to a rural commune well away and could no longer relate to the circumstance. She felt very hard done by obviously, sometimes towards me, and was uncooperative as a whole. That was ok by me also, there was nothing more I could ask from her.
So this is already several traumatic events thrown at us all, and my place is always to contain and stabilise circumstance for the children, which I did and still do.
Don’t trust the authorities to be involved with your children in any way you can help it.
After these events we were not left alone, even though there was continual judicial supervision of our circumstance ( due to the seperation). We were left without ID for five years because the mother’s signature was missing , no one knew how to resolve this, I don’t think you would believe that side to the account. So I stood off with the authorities – if you do not provide ID we will have to leave. They delayed us and then started on us about schooling ( missed because we were preparing to leave then delayed by their promise of resolution which they did not keep). I get a note to go to a meeting about schooling which had scribbled at the bottom ‘ if you do not turn up we will use force on you’. We go and the first words to me by people I have never met ‘ you know if you did not turn up we would break down your door and take your youngesr child and send him two hundred miles away’. They then dictated to me, forced a signature to an agreement under this threat. I kept the agreement and then left the country, our home, my wider family, turning in all the info to court before leaving. You obviously don’t trust anyone when it gets to being like this. I had done nothing wrong incidentally. There is more, and it is beyond description what we have been put through.
So, I’m just speaking quietly to you all. Be good with each other, support each other. Do not live in fear, be cautious so you do not have to live in fesr.
The world should not be like this, but it is sometimes.
Understand each other, it is very very important to make that effort.
God bless.
There should be a multitude of lawsuits here.
This is legally and morally inappropriate and a precedent needs to be set to avoid the direction these people think they can take in the State.
What if the victims had started shooting?
The Doctor’s name and practice should be made public too.
Do parents no longer have the right to rear children with parental authority? Are they no longer lawful trustees for children under the age of majority? Apparently not, at least not when some state authority chooses to over-ride them on any chosen pretext. However unreasonable it may be, they answer to no-one, and mistakes like this SWAT attack carry none of the repercussions us serfs would face.
Medical infallibility is a myth having amassed huge fortunes and concessions from society. All are required to bow at the altar of this myth regardless of the fact that in all but the most dire first responses, freedom of choice is still king over other schemes for treatment of parent and child.
This is an outrage. Not only for the over-the-top force employed by the Chandler PD…a SWAT team, for enforcing a dubious warrant on a family to take custody of their children? Bad enough that this family, which seems to have their children’s welfare at heart, especially the toddler boy in question, and know their needs better than some bureaucrat, is subject to an American version of “Nacht and Nebel”!
WORSE is the arguments of DCS that the children should remain taken from their parents due to their parent’s “hostility”. Who the hell do these petty tyrants think they are, to presume to exercise authority over families that they deem guilty of “contempt of bureaucrat”? Rep Townsend should call for an investigation into this public agency that’s obviously out of control!
First I am so glad I no longer have children at home as mine are all grown. I do not go to doctors as they have become tattle tales due to “laws” passed for the better good of the country. I do not feel confident in telling a doctor anything as it will be logged into my file and a database that can be accessed by anyone in a medical setting then they do god knows what with.
If you have children tell the doctor very little beyond my kid is fine. If you are an adult tell them even less. Protect yourself from our well meaning government… I know I almost choked on the writing but am trying to still have faith that these lawmakers are simply misguided.
This is NOT the America I grew up in…
This is a national travesty! Land of the free: Never heard a bigger lie anywhere! The state attacks the family unit because they know that this is the weak spot, where they can always get you to bend your knee and get you to bow down and play their tune. There should be an international outcry and comdemnation for these abuses of human rights in this messed up country once thought of as an example of freedom to the rest of the world!
I feel that they those in control think they are walking Gods and they use the children only to terrorize people and to snatch their children away so they can do what they want to them and do bet that. I cannot stand children services anywhere in any state they are Nazis. The children that need help they let die and those that didn’t need help they snatch. Many social workers are in fact child abusers themselves only need look and see that child that was chained to the porch was cared for by a social worker. Not to mention that CSD often supplies those that love to rape children and to never heard of again ,they just fall threw the cracks as the CSD likes to say. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/child-found-dead-chicken-around-neck_n_4291746
While I certainly *do not* condone the use of force in the name of childcare, this situation could have been avoided if the family had just opened up the door. I understand feeling like your privacy would have been violated, but common sense is common sense. Makes me wonder if there’s more to this story. I hope the kids aren’t traumatized.