Universal CANCELS Release of “The Hunt”, a Controversial Movie About “Elite Liberals” Hunting and Killing “MAGA Types”

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Author of Be Ready for Anything and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course

Last week, we reported that Universal Studios was releasing an inflammatory movie called “The Hunt,” in which “liberal elites” hunted and brutally murdered so-called “MAGA types.” After a massive public outcry, Universal today announced that they’ve canceled their plans to release the “satirical film” in September. This comes after the studio temporarily halted marketing following two politically motivated mass shootings in one weekend.

The statement from Universal

The official website for the movie has only the following statement.

While Universal Pictures had already paused the marketing campaign for The Hunt, after thoughtful consideration, the studio has decided to cancel our plans to release the film. We stand by our filmmakers and will continue to distribute films in partnership with bold and visionary creators, like those associated with this satirical social thriller, but we understand that now is not the right time to release this film. (source)

Variety reports:

Insiders tell Variety that the studio came to the decision alongside “The Hunt” filmmakers. They also said it was a tough decision for the company, but studio leadership ultimately determined that the film could wait. (source)

Perhaps their decision had something to do with all the people who vowed to boycott the film – and even other films by Universal – after hearing about the outrageously divisive plot of the movie.

What was the movie about?

The “satirical” movie was initially titled Red State vs. Blue State. Go here to see the horrifying trailer while you still can.

NBC Universal is still pushing ahead with plans to release the movie The Hunt despite mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, Dayton, Ohio, and Gilroy, California

The violent, R-rated film from producer Jason Blum’s Blumhouse follows a dozen MAGA types who wake up in a clearing and realize they are being stalked for sport by elite liberals…

The Hunt stars Betty Gilpin from GLOW and Hilary Swank, representing opposite sides of the political divide. It features guns blazing along with other ultra-violent killings as the elites pick off their prey. The script from Damon Lindelof and Nick Cuse reviewed by The Hollywood Reporter revolves around third-rail political themes.  (source)

As I wrote previously, this kind of movie would only be made with conservatives as the bad guy.

The horrifying plot features liberal “elites” who go to a resort called The Manor where they are able to hunt down and brutally murder a dozen “deplorables…”

…Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot and “liberal snowflakes” were being hunted by a bunch of red-hat wearing rednecks. The media would go wild and reasonably so.

But when conservatives are in the crosshairs? Crickets.

Even as a person who is apolitical – neither Republican nor Democrat, I’m truly sickened by this, particularly in these divisive times. It’s important to note that I don’t believe most Democrats would find this movie acceptable either. Despite what the media would have us believe, most Americans don’t loathe everyone of a different political party. This will appeal to extremists, however, and extremists are the ones that turn into actual domestic terrorists. (source)

The controversial film was divisive back in May 2018 when film chief Donna Langley acquired the script and fast tracked it on a $18 million budget

The nation dodged a bullet.

In a country where teenagers eat Tide pods and try to go viral on social media by recording themselves urinating on or licking food, it’s no stretch of the imagination that a movie with this type of plot could easily incite politically-motivated violence. Many people are already expecting the next election to be even more divisive than the last one.

Who can forget the hostility during the 2016 election? The battle between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump caused the ends of friendships, strained family relationships, and set the tone for an angry new “normal” in the United States. And Steve Bannon, who was in the thick of the fray, predicts that this next election will be even worse … and that the problems will start this year, in 2019…

As bad as the previous election was for the morale of our country, Steve Bannon believes that the 2020 election will be even worse. He voiced his thoughts during an interview with CBS…

“I think that 2019 is going to be the most vitriolic year in American politics since before the Civil War,” Bannon said in an interview with CBS News correspondent Seth Doane on Saturday. “And I include Vietnam in that. I think we’re in, I think we’re in for a very nasty 2019.” (source)

We already know things are going to get bad during the 2020 election cycle. At least now someone has shown the common sense not to fan the flames with a movie that glamorizes the brutal murder of one’s political opponents.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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5 Responses

  1. This is so silly. If you watch the trailer, it’s obvious that the liberal elites are over the top caricature bad guys, and the red state “conservatives” in it are portrayed as the salt of the earth heroes that are going to come out ahead by the end.

    You could just as easily say that this movies puts liberals in the cross hairs by portraying them as over the top sadistic, amoral sociopaths.

    I can’t believe that someone who claims to be ‘apolitical’ is devoting time and energy to parroting talking points that are deepening divisions in this country.

  2. I think it’s interesting news that a public outcry of people who don’t want more violence helped get this movie canceled. You obviously thought it was newsworthy enough to read it.

  3. I continue wondering what the spark will be to set off Civil War 2.0. Now, I’m not interested in debate over what 1.0 was about; just track with me concerning the dynamics preceding it, please!

    I’d say the John Brown raid and his subsequent execution were the final nail in the coffin. Here in the South, regardless whether you were pro or anti-slavery, you knew that Brown’s goal was to arm slaves and murder the white population.

    Okay, so you’ve got one wack-job, and he was captured and dealt with. So what?

    The problem became that when you as a Southerner – even as an anti-slavery Southerner – subsequently heard of the widespread approval of Brown’s goals up North (or at least widespread enough). At that point, it no longer mattered whether you were anti or pro-slavery; you realized that the Union was now a hostile place to be! You felt hated! Why stick around, then, with such people?

    Fast-forward to the present, we’re talking about a stupid MOVIE, y’all, right?

    Maybe not.

    If this attitude towards us Deplorables is so widespread among enough folks on the other side, whether they be in the majority or are simply a vocal, albeit committed, minority, this sort of thing may well spell the doom for any peaceful coexistence!

    Interesting times!

  4. This movie is on the shelf until the powers to be think it will help their cause by releasing the movie to stir the pot.

  5. A movie like that, whatever its actual plot or moral, is just asking to be misinterpreted. In an environment like today’s, that’s pretty much dousing fire with gasoline while throwing oxygen tanks on top.

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