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Yesterday, former President Donald Trump was found guilty on all charges after the jury deliberated for only two days. He had been on trial for a hush money scandal that many believe was a weaponization of the court system to try and take down a candidate who was likely to beat current President Joe Biden. There is a huge variety of responses to the Trump verdict: everything from celebration to condemnation.
How commentators reacted to the Trump verdict
Independent candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr was appalled by the entire courtroom fiasco.
The Democratic Party’s strategy is to beat President Trump in the courtroom rather than the ballot box. This will backfire in November. Even worse, it is profoundly undemocratic.
America deserves a President who can win at the ballot box without compromising our government’s…
— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) May 30, 2024
Other commentators have said this is a call for civil war.
Even some Democrats are outraged. Shaun Maguire, the big kahuna at Sequoia Capital, immediately donated $300,000 to Trump’s campaign. He wrote:
I just donated $300k to Trump. I’m prepared to lose friends. Here’s why.
Back in 2016 I had drunk the media Kool-Aid and was scared out of my mind about Trump. As such I donated to Hilary Clinton’s campaign and voted for her.
By 2020 I was disillusioned and didn’t vote – I didn’t like either option.
Now, in 2024, I believe this is one of the most important elections of my lifetime, and I’m supporting Trump.
I know that I’ll lose friends for this. Some will refuse to do business with me. The media will probably demonize me, as they have so many others before me. But despite this, I still believe it’s the right thing to do.
I refuse to live in a society where people are afraid to speak.
He’s not the only one putting his money where his mouth is. So many people flocked to donate that Trump’s website crashed. Commentator Colin Rugg summarized:
HAPPENING NOW: President Donald Trump receives massive wave of support after he was found guilty in the New York City trial, crashing his donation page.
Sequoia Capital’s Shaun Maguire: Donated $300,000 to Trump’s campaign.
Lee Zeldin: Secured an $800k donation for Trump’s Joint Fundraising Committee.
Tim Pool: “I have just donated the maximum to Donald Trump.”
Tucker Carlson: “Import the Third World, become the Third World. That’s what we just saw. This won’t stop Trump. He’ll win the election if he’s not k*lled first.”
Megyn Kelly: “Guilty on all counts. The country is disgraced. Alvin Bragg should be disbarred. They will rue the day they unleashed this lawfare to corrupt a presidential election.”
Scott Adams: “I just donated to Trump. The donation page crashed from traffic. This is the hill to die on.”
Tristan Tate: “Trump donation page? Link?”
Piers Morgan: “Trump’s donation websites are crashing… my guess is this verdict will propel him back into the White House.”
Supporters on X: Donating amounts of $3300 and $1000.
But it doesn’t really matter what the pundits think.
I’m curious what YOU think about this verdict. Do you feel it was just? Do you feel the courts have been weaponized? Has this made you change your mind in either direction about supporting Trump in the presidential election? Will this help him or hinder him in the upcoming election?
Clearly, we won’t all agree, but let’s remain civil and discuss it in the comments section.
172 Responses
The verdict did not surprise me at all.
They took a state level charge that had expired the statue of limitations, could not and would not name the second charge till well after the trial had started, the judge was clearly biased favoring the prosecution and hamstringing the defense.
Most people I know so far have a similar reaction I did: Meh. We all knew this was going to be the result.
I have read more than a few people commenting this just might have guaranteed Trump wining in November. The question I have, if Trump does win, what are the Democrats going to do?
Exactly my thought. No surprises with this verdict. Complete & total mockery of our judicial system.
Has this been enough to sway enough people to come over to the side of reason, fairness, sensibility & the law? Dunno. There are some pretty ignorant, blinded people out there that refuse to admit they believed Biden’s lies.
This is just the beginning of what I think will be a humongous tantrum the left will finish with up to & including this next election. The next plandemic of some sort, ‘peaceful protests’, lighting cities on fire, etc.
Just disgusting but I cannot let this affect my health again. I refuse.
Probably do what they did to JFK. Seems the laws are bent to serve others instead of the whole. Politicians have turned into Pimps and Whores.
As I said to the wife. They didn’t go through all of this to take even the smallest chance that he wouldn’t be found guilty.
The Marxist Party will figure out a way to rig the election for a Democrat victory in November while the Republicans sit among themselves and twiddle their thumbs.
Sadly agree
Hara-kiri would be appropriate, though nothing would restore their honor.
I think think this is all planned by the uniparty and just more soap opera style theatre these criminals love to use on Americans so they can keep most of us from paying attention to the real issues. I also think they are going to retire Biden from the election this summer and throw in the other Obama (as people have speculated all along). Then the country will sigh in relief to a “decent candidate” to choose instead of a “two time impeached and now convicted criminal” as they love to puppet all over media. Living in a swing state, I also believe it will be rigged again.
Unfortunate I agree:(
I’m an attorney, and everything about this trial was unconstitutional and irregular.
These are just the problems I can identify, there may be more:
– The Soros funded DA elevated a misdemeanor to a felony despite lowering 60% of all felonies for actual criminals in his jurisdiction
– The lead prosecutor resigned his position as the 3rd highest ranking member of Biden’s DOJ to join Alvin Bragg’s team going after Trump.
– The judge donated to Joe Biden and has a daughter who raised millions of dollars for Democrats off the Trump prosecutions
– The other lead prosecutor also donated to Joe Biden
– The lead witness that the whole case relies on is a convicted perjurer and serial liar who admitted during the trial to stealing money from the Trump organization
– The judge put a gag order on Donald Trump for pointing out the political conflicts of interest of the people prosecuting him
– The “crime” relies on the idea that Trump paid off Stormy Daniels to conceal another crime, which is not mentioned in the indictment.
– The judge barred Trump’s defense from explaining to jury that no campaign finance violation occurred but allowed prosecutors to assert as fact in their closing that there was.
– The judge cleared out the court room when Michael Cohen’s former attorney was exonerating Trump but allowed the prosecution to bring in Stormy Daniels to talk about whether or not Trump used a condom.
– The judge barred a former FEC commissioner from testifying that Donald Trump did nothing wrong.
– The judge is allowing the jury to not have to reach a unanimous verdict on the underlying, unnamed crime Trump committed.
Thank you for that summary and your experience as a lawyer.
A marine is thanking a lawyer for his service?
It was an excellent summary. Do you disagree?
It is common for women who want money to make false accusations against men with money because they know that most men with money don’t have the time or desire to fight. Most men simply pay up to get rid of the “problem”. And women take advantage of that. The whole case is bogus.
If you are implying that Stormy Daniels made false accusations, I believe you are wrong. Other golfers, at the event where this incident happened, can testify that Trump boasted of his evening with Daniels.
The false accusation isn’t that it did or didn’t happen. The false accusation is that it was 100% consensual like she apparently forgot she stated in a previous interview. So yes, she did make a false accusation during her testimony.
Why would he sleep with a prostitute when he could get any beautiful woman he wants? And why would he sleep with a prostitute when we all know how much a germaphobe he is? And if he did sleep with her why is not ok for him to pay her off and make her go away but okay for slick willie Clinton to payoff all the woman he slept with? And lie about it and what the meaning of the word “it” is lol..
First – Stormy Daniels is NOT a prostitute. That has been stated over and over again. She is a porn star. She made/makes movies. Trump chose NOT to use a condom, so he cannot be that much of a germaphobe. It is ok, in all states, to pay for silence. I don’t know about Clinton.
Daniels testimony had nothing to do with the charges. Daniels testimony amounted to nothing to do with proving the charges.
Why was the prosecution allowed to even have her testify?
1stMarineJarHead, Daniels testifying was suppose to make people think the trial was legitimate when in fact the trial was not legitimate. Trump was charged and found guilty of non existent crimes.
Nothing about the trial was about following the law. It was all about keeping Trump from being elected with an illegal politically motivated show trial a classic example of smoke and mirrors with the full cooperation of the msm.
Alan Dershowitz said they could not find a crime committed by Donald Trump so they “made up a crime”.
And now the msm has got everyone focused on the question “what do you think of the verdict” instead of “do you think the 34 felonies Trump has been found guilty of are actual crimes”. See my previous posts for an explanation.
Alan Dershowitz: People are thrilled courts violated the Constitution to get Trump
The definition I believe for prostitution is to be paid to have sex with men. A porn star is paid to have sex with men or women while it is being video taped. I really don’t see much difference. Michael Cohen applied for a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) for $130 thousand dollars to make Stormy Daniels go away. She stated four times, she never had an sex with Trump. She signed a sworn affidavit meaning all of this. She said it never happened!!!
Agree and didn’t she write and sign a letter that she did not have a relationship with him…?
Michael Towns the biggest problem with the trial was that all of the supposed crimes are imaginary.
They convicted Trump of 34 felony counts of “Falsifying business records in the first degree”
But falsifying business records is a misdemeanor in New York and the statute of limitations had run out.
Paying hush money is not a crime. So all of the salacious show and tell, who paid who and when nonsense with Stormy is completely irrelevant propaganda for the masses.
And trying to tie the case to the 2016 election is also nonsense because state courts have no jurisdiction over federal crimes.
Even Alan Dershowitz Harvard Law School professor emeritus says the case was rigged and unconstitutional. Alan is a democrat who voted for Hillary and is no fan of Trump.
He’s going to rehire Nikki Haley. He supports abortion for rape, incest and health of the mother. He supports IVF. He locked down the country and he destroyed the economy. He supports gays at Mar-a-Lago and he appointed a gay to his previous cabinet. He calls himself the king of debt. He’s anti-gun. Read David Stockman or Paul Craig Roberts.
The jury in this case was collectively stupid. Where’s the crime and what about the credibility of the witnesses?
Trump is going to re-hire Haley?
I support abortion in cases of rape, incest or the health of the mother.
He got dragged into locking down the economy. IIRC he said something about the cure being worse than the disease.
What is wrong with gays? I have family and good friends who are gay.
If he is the king of debt, why did he pay off all those loans, with interest and the banks that made loans to him, want to continue to do business with him?
If he is anti-gun, then why did he give the key note speech at the NRA convention? Why did the NRA endorse him for presidential candidate?
Abortion for rape and incest? Since when do we execute a child for her father’s crime?
Trump is not perfect and I do agree with you about the injustice of punishing an innocent child for the crime of his father.
But King David was not perfect, either and he had the husband of his mistress murdered.
God was still able to use him.
I believe that the Lord used President Trump in his first term and can use him in his second.
I will support and vote for Trump.
God bless you.
May we be at peace with each other.
@Val. I agree!!
Since we decided as a society that standing for life (written into our constitution) was more embarrassing than standing against poor parental control of children and feral common behavior.
Just so long as people keep baiting up for the rape/incest argument then the convenient slaughter shall continue.
Sad but true
Trump did support Red Flag laws, which violate the 5th Amendment.
And getting rid of bump stocks.
True. Thank you.
Exactly, lol 😉
If we only allowed abortion for rape, incest and to save the life of the mother abortion would decline by 99%. Very few of these situation occur.
Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime. Laventiy Beria, Head of the Soviet secret police. We are living in 3rd world socialist/communist territory. Sad day for the country.
First thing my husband said to me was, “We live in a banana republic.” He was not referring to a trendy clothing store.
I’m certain the jury was tainted & threatened.
I saw that every member of the Jury was a white collar person … engineer , school teacher etc…not one blue collar worker…typical NYC Lberals
And bribed.
I’m disgusted by this verdict. But not surprised. I will vote for Trump just as I had planned. My concern is who is next!? You? Me? The lady next door? They went after Trump because they knew they could not control all the voters. Now I believe they will try even harder.
If Trump does not win we will know they got to the voters. Not to mention stacking the ballots and voter fraud.
So much for the “Land of the free, home of the brave”. So much for actual justice… I appreciate what Michael Towns shared below, and shared it out to my friends (without your name, to protect your identity)
Funny how we have a nation that holds “celebrations” surrounding the wrongful death of George Floyd, who was on drugs, not cooperating, and was resisting arrest, (Nope, that cop should not have had his knee in the man’s back, he should have forced him into the car and closed the door, which would have effectively restrained him!) but we can provide an utterly corrupt judicial system that convicts someone with a felony that should not be a felony. I am in despair for our nation. Fortunately, God is IN CONTROL, and HIS plan will ultimately come to pass, regardless of the idiocy of us mere mortals.
I agree with you 100%. This is ridiculous and I will still vote for Trump and as always God has the Final say!!
We are watching the cratering of the rule of law in service of actual election interference. I will always side with America, never with this. I was debating the candidates for the November election, yesterday ended that debate. Forever.
You were considering Joe Biden? Wow 😮
The weponization of our society is an obvious fact. It has been for a long time. This outrageous verdict sets the stage for alien disclosure. I am now convinced that it was in fact Donald Trump who included the UAP Clause in the Covid omnibus bill, because you can’t top Disclosure. Better prepare yourselves, because our world IS NEVER GOING TO BE THE SAME. And the American public are the victims. Don’t be the stigma that will be eliminated. Smarten up.
Any other “joe blow” wouldn’t have been tried, let alone convicted, because of the “overworked” justice system in New York. Real criminals are not charged for their crimes because of the difficulties of schedules and convictions. Still, the notoriously extremely liberal state of New York decided to prosecute a former president and presumptive presidential candidate fully? Someone’s pockets are full and I really hope that this backfires into their faces. I, for one, will vote for Trump, again! Even if he is in jail, or is not on the ballot, he gets my vote.
If I have to crawl through broken glass with my hair on fire, while there is sniper fire all around me, in order to get to the polling place, I will vote for Donald J. Trump.
This is the most dangerous moment in American history that I’ve known during my lifetime, and I was alive during the Cold War and the Cuban missile crisis.
+1 on all. Remember those things well. I fear these marxists have become so brazen they will “find” however many fake/illegal ballots they need – regardless of “safeguards” or laws broken. Peaceful people comply with “the law” even when it’s corrupt or wrong to the point where TPTB don’t fear the people. Think marxist-tool/dem poll workers ejecting repub poll watchers then covering the glass as in Detroit – with cops standing by repressing repub frustration. Add pulling off the suspension of counting in 6 or 9 swing states where Trump was ahead – then magically showing Biden ahead when counting resumed – and by the same ratio of votes – with very little to no consequence. By the time any of these egregious acts wend their way thru the courts, the damage is done and it’s game over, with the courts rigged just in case… So the ballot box is stolen, the courts are corrupt, the legal system and law enforcement are weaponized against “we the people,” antifa/blm anarchist types are employed as thugs, paid for by foreign enemies and abetted by our “law enforcement,” plus we have 20-30 million illegals floating about, including maybe a few hundred thousand military age men from enemy nations – China and hostile islamic nations chief among them. Yes – we’re in more danger than ever in our history and while led by a cabal as incompetent as it is corrupt. We can only pray for God’s direction and mercy while trusting in Him alone.
It was a mockery. Hard to believe it .
This was an absolute mockery of the judicial system. These demoncrats will stop at nothing to keep Trump out of the white house again,including (in my opinion) assassination. If we make it to November’s elections I will be voting for Trump, as I’ve done in last 2 elections, but I believe (again my opinion) that we’ll have some Demoncrat Soros NWO triggered events that will be black swan events that will be demoncrat soros funded anarchists posing as conservatives like they did on j6. Pray and prepare is all I can say. I don’t see this country making it to November
Trump voters will only press a little harder when they fill-in the bubble next to President Trump’s name on the ballot. The never-Trump’ers will never vote for President Trump. The people between these two poles who truly value America the beautiful, the United States Consitution, the Declaration of Independence, and every founding principle upon which America was born, will see this prostitution of the American justice system as the full-frontal assault it is, and will help President Trump “Grover Cleveland” the 2024 election on November 5! Just remember, in the end, God wins!
I am the only one who keeps thinking 1913, 1913, Creation of the Federal Reserve, 1913.
This was “The Creature from Jekyll Island” Big Bankers who fund all the wars because they make money on interest from the debts that wars create.
The bankers knew the public rightly hated them, so several big bankers wrote editorials for the big newspapers on what a bad idea the Federal Reserve was.
Reminds me of Uncle Remus’s story about Brer Rabbit and the Briar Patch.
For anybody who missed the childhood favorite, Brer Rabbit got caught by his enemies. They were thinking of various ways to torture and kill him, and Brer Rabbit kept saying “throw me in the fire, but doooon’t throw me in the briar patch.” ” Tie me up and skewer me with knives, but doooon’t throw me in the briar patch!”
So they threw him in the briar patch and Brer Rabbit laughed. “Born and bred in the briar patch” he chortled, safe and free.
Oh how the Deep State and SuperRich Cabal hate Trump. Do they?
Yes. They do. And they hate his voters just as much as they hate him. Just like the plandemic, this is the trial balloon.
I, for one will be proud to vote for a “convicted felon” in November.🇺🇸🇺🇸
It’s lawfare and nothing more. There are so many appealable issues the hole is big enough to drive a Mack truck through. Trump needs to get in there and now has a new issue to deal with: reforming the justice system. It won’t change my vote. Biden was unthinkable in 2020. He is still unthinkable. He has murdered millions worldwide. He needs to be put away.
Agree, we will not survive another 4 years of obiden in the WH 🙁
To be honest I am still in shock and awe and I am angry. My thoughts have not stopped spinning on this event. It is scarry that this kind of unjust power is in control.
I cannot wait for the day that we the people rise up and are heard. I only hope it is soon.
Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.
Totally unfair and corrupt. There is no way this man would get a fair trial in ANY liberal city. Trial should have been moved to Topeka Kansas!!! And EVERYONE should be afraid – these people will NOT go quietly into the night and if you think it will get better with a second Biden term, I honestly question your ability to think logically.
We can’t afford to give President Trump very much, but we did give him another small donation yesterday, and we will continue to give each time the communists attempt to pull off another travesty.
Our country and the predominantly White countries in Europe are obstacles to the New World Order (NWO). Our country and our politicians are owned by super-rich globalists who are pushing globalism as a prelude to the dictatorship of the NWO. Donald Trump, like Russian President Putin, is a nationalist and, therefore, a threat to our rulers.
We (and the European countries) are being destroyed in many ways but open borders guarantee multiculturalism which serves to dilute and weaken the people. A Trump presidency might cause the deportation of many illegals and reduce the negative impact of multiculturalism.
When Trump raised import tariffs on goods that our wealthy families have produced in China, he caused great financial pain for our rulers. Although wealthy himself, Trump is not part of the ruling elite. His populist approach to politics is opposite of the collectivist desires of those owning the country.
I was already going to vote for President Trump but this was the absolute disgrace of America. Our constitution our country’s doctrine has been thrown away. We no longer are a free country. So many people don’t understand how our government is supposed to work and are now walking freely to the slaughter.
If the dead could, there would be Dancing & Partying in the Graves of Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin & Moa Tse-Tung. We need Trump to win and play hard ball fast and furious.
I’m appalled at the verdict. The prosecution took misdemeanor charges, for which the statute of limitations had expire, and tried to string them together and call them a felony. The whole trial was a miscarriage of justice and a terrible perversion of the legal system. I continue to support Trump and I will vote for him in November.
Our flag has been flipped to show “a nation in distress” as a result of blatant communism on display in America.
I expect that Trump will not spend a day in jail. There were so many legal irregularities in the trial that it is a target rich environment for legal challenges that will last beyond November. Then, as elected president, what will the anti-democratic democrats do then?
I have never been a fan of Trump, still not. The only thing I can say for certain about my vote in November, if there is an election, is that I’ll vote against Biden, just like I voted against Obama, Hillary, and Biden once. In 2020 the Republicans were shocked and unprepared for the sheer scope of the voter fraud, they’ll be much better prepared this time.
I wrote, “…if there is an election, …” I read from another source that Biden’s master in Beijing who bought him plans a major action in the U.S. in October at the latest to stop the election. Mentioned in the comments. https://jrnyquist.blog/2024/05/27/memorial-day-remembering-those-who-have-fallen-and-an-interview-with-nevin/
I’m concerned that he really will be put behind bars, and if he is, God forbid, there won’t be any way to protect him. Just look what they’re doing to the J6ers. And I hesitate to mention an evil-doer like Jeffrey Epstein, but HE DIDN’T KILL HIMSELF. Only the demons in hell and the DNC know what they already have planned for PRESIDENT Trump.
You are the Bravest Woman on the Planet, Daisy! Not many would open this up on their forum!!
Yes, I voted for Trump and will again. But that isn’t the crux of the problem; the outright lying, deception, and obvious ham-handedness is. I just finished reading a book called “The Final Analysis” by Mantik and Corsi on the assignation of JFK. It was very obvious that JFK was murdered in plain sight by government agents and then, starting with his autopsy, everything was done to back up their “official” story. It is astounding that 60+ years later, we are about to take the same journey. The official story is, that this is about two things as old as time; money and power. Who has it, who doesn’t, and those who lust after it. I have been watching several YouTube channels on folks who have moved to Russia. Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Africans-all have similar reasons. Russia is now a freer country to live in than any “Western” country. Once the communists were removed, Russia is on her way back to church, family, and country. We are headed the opposite way, much to our detriment.
JFK got too close to the truth! That’s why the Deep state HAD to take him out. They couldn’t control him. Then they had a puppet in place until the next election. Outta no where Nixon got in and a pawn himself Watergate insued. The same thing will happen this next election! Just watch! Pay attention NOT to the magician’s hand waving around saying “look at me! Look at me!” Pay attention to the other hand that’s trying to keep the curtain closed!
Biden’s a pawn as well. Should have never got in but they had no one else better to control!
Last minute Biden will step back, Harris will step up and the new election will bring forth another pawn. Then scandle will ensue and another “mild manored” leader will step forward in the settling dust.
Wash repeat!
The chaos is HIDING the crazy right in front of everyone’s eyes! But their too busy wondering how the magician does his tricks.
You have been watching too much Russian propaganda. Russia is still ruled by communists—Putin is a communist. It is also one of the most, if not the most, anti-Christian and corrupt nations in Europe. Any psychopath like Putin can pretend to be a Christian and pro-family while murdering reporters and his political enemies. Ukraine wanted simply to live in peace so they could clean up the corruption left behind by the Soviets, so in 2014 Russia started its invasion.
As for Trump, I don’t trust the man. Biden has already sold out the country to the communists in Beijing and Moscow. Biden and his cabal have been trying to start a civil war for years, but sane people have refused to take the bait. What sort of choice does that leave to us voters? Will there be an election in November?
For a different view of Russia, you may want to go to The Conservative Treehouse website.
The fellow who runs it has very recently been in Russia and is also of a Conservative political bent.
Eye opening.
She may or may not be right about Russia, but you’re flat out wrong. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on earth.
Carla, after over 90 years of Soviet corruption, do you expect that Ukraine can clean out all that filth in one year? Ukraine may be corrupt, but both Russia and China have got more corruption.
Actually Putin is a fascist.
Fascism and communism are two sides of the same Marxist coin.
The conviction plus the complete unaccountability of anyone in the Biden administration is the beginning of a civil war, and it may be unavoidable. Read the book Savage Continent about Europe in the aftermath of WWII. In many nations, the fighters “convicted” and executed fascist members of governments immediately after the war because they had no confidence of finding justice in court. And they were correct. Those responsible who escaped the vigilantes were almost never held accountable, since many of them (or other sympathetic) politicians were in charge afterwards. When courts refuse to deliver justice, there will be some who take justice into their own hands. A loss of confidence in our system of courts will not end well (not to mention a loss of confidence in the election process).
Despicable indictment and more despicable verdict. Speak out people.
This cements my vote for Trump in November but even if the Demonrats don’t steal the election as I suspect or assassinate the man, it is only four years. The US is over and done with as a free country under a wonderful constitution. I supported TEXIT before this but this is proof positive that Texas needs to go its own way as a shining fredd country on the plain. God bless Trump the patriot and God bless Texas.
Yes. I’m so thankful that I live in Texas. Over 40 years ago when my husband was job searching after a big lay-off, I said that I’d move anywhere but Dallas. We ended up in the Ft. Worth area. Close enough. Lol. God has a sense of humor and a wonderful plan. I’d rather live here than any other state, but even Texas has some serious house-cleaning to do. john cornyn, the “former” Democrat has to go, and needs to take dade phelan (rino speaker of the Texas house) and the conservative-lite, Greg Abbott, with him. We need really good leaders now more than ever.
This whole thing is weaponized. They are already doing this against every day citizens almost daily now. So not new. Just they are going after a President which has happened before too! People are losing confidence in most of our institutions.
Most people will not agree on every policy of every candidate. This is not a personality contest for President. Vote on policies that will bring our Republic back. The current policies will not but will bring our country further into a nosedive into the abyss. The never Trumpers would rather have what we have now just because of their dislike for a personality and not actually voting for policies.
Oh I bet the comments are ROLLING in… just like all the money to Trump!
Let’s remove the fact that he was president. Let’s go back to when he WAS a big influence in Atlantic City and his “businesses” in both NJ and NY. Go back to that time. Let’s put ourselves there. Now, a story comes out about a businessman pushing his financial weight around, paying people off (illegally), having people lie, etc etc etc. The judgement against Trump would be the exact same as it was for Madoff, Martin Grass (of Rite-Aid), Walter Forbes (Cendant), Jeff Skilling (Enron), recently Guo Wengui.
I don’t recall ANYONE getting this upset over Martha Steward’s guilty verdict and jail time!
If some average Joe/Jane goes and does some crazy $h!t and goes to jail everyone shrugs their shoulders “They deserve it”. Most of my business examples above “They deserved it”. Trump is JUST as guilty of his fraudulent financial dealings as any of the others…. but because he’s put up on some UNdeserved pedestal people go bonkers and lose their $h!t over a guilty verdict. Hhhmmm… if I’m not mistaken this SAME behavior was exhibited by a certain Rodney King verdict and LA broke out in SENSELESS rioting and UNNECESSARY harm to the very people who working in and supported those very same communities!
People FAIL to realize that it does not matter – Right wing, Left wing… it’s the SAME DAMN BIRD! Not one political person gives a rats @ss about us “little people” but they sure as $h!t stinks, get us to do their “dirty work” while they sit in opulent luxury pointing their fingers exclaiming “My people! I worked so hard… at controling my people!” all the while WE give them our HARD EARNED money so that they can do what? Continue to be opulent while WE get pushed further and further into poverty!
This November I’ll be voting for “We… the People” and not a singely aligned party or person. THEY do not deserve to tear down this country when they do not even believe in our Constitution and out Rights under it!
Thank you. Well said.
Sorry don’t agree with your comments re DJT. Native NYer here and DJT has done so many good things for the city when he was a businessman. He has also done things behind the scenes for the forgotten and common folk that you obviously have no idea about. I know people personally helped by him. Every single person on this planet tries to pay as little taxes as possible don’t kid yourself. DJT was/is/has been a target of the unibird since 2016, not before….hmmmm
You’re right.
Clearly anyone who has owned a business understands you always try to use all the business tax laws there are to save taxes. Period. As a small biz owner, I was paying roughly 40% in taxes & SS. I decided to cut down my accounts because I was basically just turning over money & it wasn’t worth it.
And don’t act so self righteous as a non business owner , no one ever said, ‘Yes, I’d like to pay as much tax as I can. Please take out more than the tax code tells my employer to take out’.
I’m so tired of this argument that the rich pay less taxes. It’s cherry picking.
Even if Trump lied and was “guilty”, the blatant unconstitutional actions of the judge and prosecutor was a dagger in the heart of the Constitution and it’s bleeding badly. Every single person who loves this country should want blind justice, not a “get Trump at all costs” crusade. The rights enshrined in our Constitution go back to the Magna Carta in 1216. No man is worth destroying that.
Trump has been polarizing our country the minute he became a presidential candidate. I consider myself a centrist which means I vote issues not party lines. I’ve voted republican and democrat whenever I felt the best candidate was a good fit for the country. Common sense dictates to me that trump has no morals. The things he says verses the things he does does not fit for the most powerful office in the world. Also I might add that the law of our land is the constitution. We, the common people, are held to the laws that have been set up to standardize our lives. If you or I were to break any of these laws we would be expected to pay the penalty for that transgression. Full stop. Trump is a citizen not a god or royalty and is accountable to same laws that govern you or me. He was found guilty of crimes and he should pay just like everyone else. If not then his actions will dilute the very foundation this country is based upon. Are we to believe laws only apply to those under a certain pay bracket? Are the super rich allowed to flaunt the law for financial gain? Are they allowed to lie cheat and steal with impunity while the common man continues to bear the brunt because he can’t afford millions in attorney fees? No man is above the constitution. That is the very premise this country is built upon and if we’re only going to punish the poor and lift the rich to immunity status then this is no longer a free country, it’s a banana republic.
Perfect answer.
I guess I have to ask, exactly what was the crime here?
Being DJT was the crime
Good question. Just like in his earlier trial when he had to pay millions for supposedly overvaluing his real estate. Who got the millions he paid? He is clearly a hated man in NY. How can anyone be hated so much? People are insane….hating kills you, not the other person. From what I’m seeing and hearing, even of his morals are questionable, he’s done nothing compared to the evils the Bidens, Obamas, Bushes, Clinton’s have done. Why aren’t they all in prison?
Because they are democrats.
How do you feel
About the DOJ and FBI hiding Hunter Biden’s disgusting and corrupt laptop so Joe didn’t get any negative press before and during the election?
Actually, I think Obama was far more polarizing than Trump.
Witness the greater prosperity for Blacks and Hispanics under Trump, along with Whites.
Also witness the increasing poll numbers of Blacks, Hispanics and Whites supporting Trump.
He seems to be unifying the country.
Your side ushered in the banana republic. And I hope my side has the guts to fight fire with fire. You might not be so happy with the precedents your marxists-in-Democrat-clothing have set.
You should change channels. If you think the democratic presidents have been above board & above the law you are sorely misguided.
There are no laws or rules for the left. If life for you or your family are better today than they were when Trump was president I welcome your insights.
Biden’s military hates him if that says anything. My kids get daily briefings & have nothing good to say about him. Same goes for their fellow active duty coworkers. No one wants to re-enlist.
Trump is being attacked because he can’t be bought or persuaded & that pisses off the corrupt politicians. He is a threat to the status quo. He will stand up to the bully & has since 2015. He may be a jerk at times but he is for us little people. No one else could have the weight of his shoulders & still be standing.
We have the gestapo breaking in doors in the early morning hours, while the leaders persecute their political enemies. Most of us are cautious about voicing our concerns because we don’t want to be flagged. What happened to freedom and democracy? This is a travesty and justice is dead.
My family and friends will tell you that I’m no great fan of Trump. I think he’s egotistical and narcissistic. But I’ve never doubted that he loved this country and is dedicated to preserving the Constitution and our individual rights. The ruling of the court didn’t surprise me a bit but while the jurors and pundits are hopping around in celebration, I don’t think they understand that they not only put the corruption of the courts on full display, they also made Trump into a political martyr. I shudder to think what comes next – what will happen as a result of this verdict. Will we look back and see this decision as a Black Swan that resulted in a chain reaction of events? We can only wait and pray.
Who could have imagined such a banana republic show trial in this country? And even with a jury selected only from Manhattan (87% for Biden), the judge and prosecutors had to keep piling on one unConstitutional outrage after another. Yes, I’m very disappointed that Trump hasn’t apologized for Operation Warp Speed, but only a fool would not have learned from that. With Bobby Kennedy picking an outright leftist for his VP, and the Libertarian Party picking an outright leftist for President, that leaves Trump as the only viable candidate. Anyone the left hates enough to harass so viciously is a good guy. I respect his gutsiness, and I intend to vote for him. Let’s make the Trump wave too big to rig this election! If we don’t, God help us.
I believe he’ll be taken to Riker’s Island, red tape will tie the Secret Service detail up as Trump is delivered alone to a cell, where he’ll be Epsteined within moments.
There is no way the Dem Marxists do not want and intend to kill Trump. It’s the only way to keep him from winning election 2024, besides something preventing the election (is that why the Cabal is trying to goad Russia into nuclear war?).
There is no way Trump and his security detail do not know that. Therefore, they know exactly what they will do.
This article titled “Number of assassinations and attempts to assassinate U.S. presidents 1835-2005“, Published by Aaron O’Neill, Feb 2, 2024
is relevant to assessing Trump’s risk of being assassinated. The article is not perfect. It still professes the bogus government story of Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone assassin. It does not mention the evidence (that Trump declassified during his first Presidency) of two US army trained crypto operators (stationed in France and Scotland) who both (three weeks before JFK’s murder) independently picked up communication discussing the planning of the JFK hit and debating who to blame that assassination on. The article also does not mention that the CIA slapped a classified label on those two independent crypto operators’ reports … nor does it mention that the CIA in the early 1950s created an assassinations how-to manual (that’s downloadable via today’s internet) that emphasized such hits should be blamed on a patsy who then must be killed in order to rule out any later courtroom search for evidence that might clear him. Recall that the arrested Oswald said before a live TV camera that “I’m just a patsy.”
It’s worth knowing that the deep state of that day hated JFK … for multiple reasons. He was trying to shut down our growing involvement in the Vietnam war, he was crosswise with the Federal Reserve over their “funny money”, and he had even shut down the military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff plan to attack and destroy various civilian targets in the South Eastern parts of America — to be blamed on Castro in order to justify an invasion of Cuba.
So why all this detail about the JFK hit? It’s because Trump is very much crosswise with much of today’s deep state that has a long history of knocking off various political opponents around the world. So I hope that Trump has a way-better-than-average security organization … given the possibility that he might win the next election despite the expected vote fraud I expect the DemSheviks will try again.
Thanks for the info, Lewis!
They plan to assassinate Donald Trump, Lewis as you and others suspect.
The assassination of Donald Trump is being set up out in the open with the globalist puppet msm press running cover.
On the TV show The View. Sunny Hostin revealed that someone in DA Alvin Bragg’s office told her they plan to send Trump to the notorious New York Riker Island jail. Sunny Hostin is an attorney and former federal prosecutor, While this case will be overturned on appeal the appeal will not happen soon enough to prevent Donald Trump from being sent to jail.
Here is the clip from the show.
Time stamp 1:25
Will Trump Serve Time In Prison? | The View
The View May 31, 2024
See below Stephen Gardner video on this leak to Sunny Hostin of The View. Stephen also says
“Member’s of the January 6 committee are working in Washington DC to remove Secret Service from any president who is labeled a felon.”
So they are planning to remove Secret Service protection for Donald Trump send him to the most dangerous jail in New York where he will be Jeffrey Epsteined and then with a straight face the msm jackals will report that Donald Trump committed suicide.
Stephen Gardner Jun 3, 2024
See my previous post explaining why all of these so called “falsification of business records” felonies that they claim Donald Trump is guilty of are imaginary crimes. In fact the below liberal article “Donald Trump doubles down on a false narrative” admits that “the falsification of business records in New York is a misdemeanour” and admits the payment of hush money is not illegal. But then says the “violations of campaign finance law are a felony” but leaves out the important fact that state courts have no jurisdiction over federal elections. This is the false narrative being gleefully promoted by the mass media to the gullible masses.
The democrat party is no better than the communist party. They will go to any length to remain in power and will even assassinate their political opponents.
The Standard View: Donald Trump doubles down on a false narrative
5 April 2023
I feel like I’m living in one of my beloved “post apocalyptic” fiction novels, only it’s moving in slow motion. One has to wonder how far the cabal will go, and most importantly how this will affect us all in the end. What does the future hold for our country and its citizens? There are people I know (family) who believe I’ve been wearing my tin foil hat too tight for the past 20 years, because I prep and talk about the downfalls that can befall us all. I can only pray they see what’s really happening now that they’ve found our president guilty. I think things will go downhill quickly from here and we all must be prepared for it.
What happened is a travesty and it’s also very dangerous. They have opened Pandora’s Box and there will be severe consequences for our country.
Daisy as always is a great source for preparedness and we must always remember her reminders that a national or global disaster can present itself in many ways. I have a feeling it won’t be global war, an EMP, the climate or a CME. Our catastrophe will be politically motivated and possible civil war within our own nation. God bless everyone and keep preparing.
I feel Patrick Wood summed it up best here: https://patrickwood.substack.com/p/whats-going-on-with-the-political?utm_source=%2Fsearch%2Fpatrick%2520wood&utm_medium=reader2
It’s not about who wins the presidency….it’s about Technocrats destroying every possible institution and system in our country. We MUST PRAY for our nation as we have never prayed before.
So many opinions here. Everyone has the right to their own. Here is what I see. Donald Trump is a convicted felon – finally. I know you disagree with me. But here is my opinion – and it is just as valid as yours.
First – I am a Prepper. Always have been. I have several scenarios that I “favor” as being the one to cause catastrophic events in our country. Second – I believe that each of us has value no matter where we stand on any spectrum. I support YOUR right to your opinion, even if I disagree.
Third – I am for fiscal responsibility. I abhor our nation’s debt. I personally have no debt and live within my means.
Fourth – I have voted for both Republicans and Democrats based on what I felt was best for our country.
Fifth – Guilty. You and I would already be in jail.
The justice system was fair. The judge went out of his way to be cautious leaning in Trumps favor to ensure no possibility of a mistrial. No president has the right, or privilege, to interfere in any legal procedure, and the Biden Administration is staying clear. Yes, moving to a different venue would have made the verdict more palatable. I do not understand the elevation to criminal. I did follow the trial and evidence. What I heard was fair. The defense did not try very hard. Even Trump’s attorney admitted that they expected a guilty verdict. It is clear that no one told the “Stormy payoff team” that these payments were illegal. If someone did – it was ignored because Trump thinks he can get away with anything. (Yes, it is not illegal to have sex outside marriage. Yes, it is not illegal to pay hush money. This trial was about HOW it was recorded. It seems minor in the great scheme of things.)
Trump is not fit for office, he is a liar, conman, selfish, and Dangerous. – I am only going by the facts!
He relied on his great financial abilities, empire, and status of a businessman to become president. Really? He was given far more than $1M by his father to get started. He suffered six bankruptcies – including a casino! How can a casino go bankrupt? He constantly refused to pay his vendors. Testimony in the trial stated – they were to negotiate every price that was owed-down, and that was after the contract was signed and the work was done. Under President Trump, our nation added $8 TRILLION to the national debt. Where is the fiscal responsibility? Are we supposed to tell the other countries that hold our debt, sorry, we must default and you will let us because we are stronger than you? Selfish and Rude- He constantly insults people; rarely says anything to complement someone unless that person is flattering him or he needs something from them. No matter what, he puts himself first. My parents would have confined me to my room if I spoke as he did.
Conman – His famous business was built on a house of cards. Yes, wealthy people are not cash rich, but D.T. was working with a stacked deck to begin with. Loopholes were found everywhere and he took advantage of them, leading to the state trial about his tax records and owing 1/2 billion dollars and going up daily. He has been found guilty in other cases, including Trump University. What good are his trading cards? Selling his suit? Golden shoes? Token? Just souvenirs. He is raising money because he is broke. Because he is not a good manager.
He is dangerous for our country. He does not know how to negotiate for a reasonable solution (unless it suits him). Leaders of other nations do not trust him because he does not stand on the values of our country. He aligns himself with leaders of some countries who have already taken freedoms from their people. Operation 2025? Trump wants to do away with the constitution. If he does – where will we be? Our country will be destroyed. Trump hides nothing.
Yes, Trump is guilty. This trial may not have been the best one to use, there are many more examples that would make a better case. I hope he goes away. There are better candidates.
Again, exactly what was the crime?
With all due respect, Trump loves this country. One of the first things he did in office is give our military raises (after something like a 10 year freeze). Pride enlisting was back. You can’t dispute this because it is personal for me. No one wants to enlist the same now & from what I hear Biden’s own military hate him & can’t wait to get out because they do not trust the bumbling idiot.
Trump donated his salary all 4 years to various places (can’t recall). He is the rule of law president. This current idiot is not. I am shocked you support this current traitor anarchist.
I can’t stand when Trump talks most of the time due to his narcissism & arrogance but I do like his speak your mind unapologetic approach to running this country like a business. AND HE DID.
Absolutely agree. Let’s not forget he destroyed ISIS and we did not have any wars under his watch, just the enemy from within wars.
We are still fighting ISIS in Iraq. Its the main reason we still have troops in Iran. Trump and the coalition destroyed the Levant ie ISIS’s territory/state. But ISIS and its subgroup ISIS-K (Afghanistan) are still fighting US troops all over the Middle East.
Since when did we put our troops in Iran?
Military gets raises every year. Sometimes its high and sometimes it aint. And like most things, Congress is the one who comes up with the number. Presidents can suggest, but Congress controls the money. Just like Congress writes the law. Blaming Presidents for laws or money is just plain ignorant. Presidents don’t have much control on them. They can refuse to sign the bill. But most don’t as the bills are needed.
When I was in, I only got one raise.
Not every year.
I don’t think so my guy. I have one vet son & 2 active duty son & daughter. Stop.
My reply was to James not you 1st Marine! 😉
Actually he said he was going to donate his wages, but his tax returns said different. Of course he might not have filed for the tax benefits. So no one knows.
Respectfully, – you are wrong. See: https://www.navycs.com/charts/
The military had pay raises each year. They were just very small
U.S. Department of Defense (.gov)
https://militarypay.defense.gov › Pay › Basic Pay
1 January 2016: 1.3% 1 January 2017: 2.1% 1 January 2018: 2.4% 1 January 2019: 2.6% 1 January 2020: 3.1% 1 January 2021: 3.0% 1 January 2022: 2.7%
“Does the military get a raise every year?
Basic pay, which is taxable, makes up the largest portion of most service members’ paychecks. Basic pay is determined by rank and length of service, and is set in law in a pay table. All service members get at least one raise each year that is approved by Congress.”
Military Times.
“What is the military pay raise for 2024? This year’s military pay raise will be 5.2 percent, making it one of the biggest annual pay raises in the last 40 years. Military retirees and disabled veterans will also see a cost-of-living increase of 3.2 percent in their monthly checks.Dec 22, 2023
2024 Military Pay Raise Breakdown – First Command
First Command
https://www.firstcommand.com › financial-resources”
I cannot comment about enlisting. I do not know how the military establishment feels about its president. Mr. Biden prefers diplomacy to military. That will always set the military in another point of view because the military, by training, thinks of fighting first.
I do know that the military is told they may NOT post any political signs in their yards. (Ten years with my husband in the Air Force.)
I stand corrected. I just asked my military kids. One said 1-4%. Big whoop. Thanks for your service to fight for us. 😉 Apparently are increasing that raise next year to 15% to bribe those staying in since the retention is embarrassingly low. Who wants to lay down their life for a marxist government getting into wars everywhere you turn?
And believe me when I say, they despise this idiot. He’s dangerous. Diplomacy you say?? Treason you mean?? Very few go in wanting to kick ass or wanting to kill someone.
Junior enlisted are getting 15% raises.
What better candidates?
And ps I thought DJT was the best POTUS this country has ever had. Sorry to disagree with you, no one is perfect and I don’t vote on personality. What I saw him accomplish and keep us out of wars and irradiate Isis and start peace agreements in the Middle East was plenty of good. Debt I did not as do not like so we agree there 👍
Amen Cinnamon Grammy!
I wonder what your ‘opinion’ of Biden is?
I believe in our country and that our system will succeed. I try to support any president and pray for them to do the best for our country no matter who I voted for. Mr. Biden is having issues getting things done because both houses of Congress are so polarized. When Congress purposely votes down a bill that was worked on and supported by conservative members of each party, purely for political purposes, then I am sorely disappointed in our ability to work together. (Border Bill.). As a country we have forgotten to talk to each other so we can solve problems and better our country. We need to open our hearts and work together.
Why do we need a border bill?
Obama did not need a border bill and he actually had a higher deportation rate then Trump.
But now we have Biden, and suddenly he needs a border bill?
The border mess is one of Biden’s own creation.
I agree with you on this! 😉
On working together & praying for the country.
Biden is just now signing a EO to do something about the border mess he caused.
” President Biden has engineered a wide-open southern border and is now trying to convince Americans that he wants to address the chaos he created.
The American people know better. He intentionally created this crisis and an executive order won’t change that.” pic.twitter.com/4CsnkmG0Cl
— Speaker Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) June 3, 2024
1stMarineJarHead, now that Biden has decided he is more Trump than Trump is on the border crisis maybe he can also be a magnanimous Caesar. Instead of sending Trump to Riker Island jail to be murdered like an unarmed gladiator at a Roman coliseum Biden can pardon Trump.
If Biden only had a brain he would do this. Why? Because he would not only score points for being a magnanimous Caesar. But Trump would still have the black mark of being an ex-felon. An ex-felon who no longer can win his case on appeal and vindicate himself. An ex-felon whose rants against Biden would make him look like the dog that bites the hand that feeds him, an ingrate. Biden in a sense becomes the better man who lives up to the American ideals of fairness and generosity. Biden’s polls as low as they are would certainly improve. But Biden and his puppet masters have no brains. Turning this country into a banana republic with no rule of law appears to be their goal. A country ruled by rich oligarchs who control the mass media and the levers of power.
You might want to read this for clarity on what really happened in the courtroom, https://jonathanturley.org/2024/06/03/buzz-kill-the-trump-conviction-presents-a-target-rich-environment-for-appeal/
Thanks for the link 1stMarineJarHead. Jonathan Turley is right Trump will get the case overturned on appeal eventually after failing an appeal in the New York supreme court. The entire case was a fraud. Alvin Bragg and the judge Juan Merchan should be disbarred. They accomplished their mission to get Donald Trump labeled a felon for imaginary crimes.
Between now and the election Trump will be stuck with that fake label. Many believe and I agree that their next goal is to send Donald Trump to Riker Island jail with no secret service protection where he will be Jeffrey Epsteined. This country has sunk to a new low I could not have imagined would ever happen.
Having witnessed the inversion of law for well over 20 years now, nothing seems to surprise me. When the people who work in government believe they have unlimited power and act upon those beliefs, it is the people at the bottom who are falsely accused and offered “plea agreements” by the ubiquitous parasites who profit from human suffering. They know they are at liberty to “disappear” any enemies real or perceived because the people really don’t believe in the founding charters of freedom like the Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Right should be applied to all within this geographic location called America. What is and is not “Lawful” has become simply a matter of opinion, regardless of how immoral and unethical it may be. Law-fare has reduced my family and I beyond recovery because some social workers opinion wanted to re-write our history according to their liking, and they have the force of government at their disposal. I don’t think you can vote your way out of American perfidy, but you might be able to pray for their repentance before the final curtain call.
I haven’t called it the “Justice” system for 25 years. I address it as a legal system that I feel has been corrupt for many years before this incident. I know exactly how Trump feels. I was a victim of a corrupt unjust judgment also. It’s all about who you know. When I went to my divorce trial, my ex’s lawyer came out of the judge’s chambers, laughing, and hugging the judge! I knew I was in trouble. And I was judged severely having to pay my ex for 20 years and he never worked. He was a cheat and he was abusive and I just wanted to divorce. I got custody full custody of three children, and never got one penny of child support yet I had to pay spousal support to a man who said he had PTSD from the divorce, and could never work again. Again, just using the system for personal gain is just a sick thing to see. My ex continued to harass me and over 5 years took me to court 15 times! It cost me financially, emotionally , and physically. Even 20 years later, when I tried to sell my house, that same judge Letourneau (yes his sister is Mary Kay Letourneau American sex offender and teacher who pleaded guilty in 1997 to two counts of felony second-degree rape of a child), put a lien on my house that I didn’t know about and I had to get another lawyer 20 years later to prove that I did make all my spousal support payments for 20 years and I had paid everything according to the judgement against me! I raised those 3 children on my own working two or three jobs and paying the ex. I talked to 10 lawyers trying to appeal and they all said I got shafted by a rotten judge, and there was nothing I could do.
So I don’t trust any lawyers, politicians or judges. At least in Oregon it’s really “The good ole boys” club. And you know a couple years later, my lawyer ran into that judge Letourneau at a party, and that judge remembered me and told my lawyer what he did to me was wrong! If you can believe that.
Like my new wonderful husband says, “ how do you know when a car salesman is lying? “…
When his lips are moving.
And he compares these judges and politicians to car salesmen.
Wow so sorry to hear about your troubles! You are a strong woman. Agree with all you’ve said.
I knew it was going to be a finding of guilty when I read that the judge would not allow the jury to have the 50+ pages of complicated jury instructions in the room with them to refer back to. And when he also would not let them have transcripts of witness testimony in the jury room with them while they were deliberating. If they had any questions about those items, they were told that they could come back into the courtroom and listen to the the verbal instructions again and hear the recorded testimony – but no written pages would be given to them to refer back to. The jury was up a creek with no resources for deliberation that is normally given to other juries. And with all of them being liberals, there was no way they were going to throw up their hands in surrender and vote not guilty. So they threw up their hands in surrender and voted guilty; not knowing that they may have just propelled Trump into the White House again. Actions have consequences…..
I think you are being charitable to the jury.
Is anyone really surprised?
After all, isn’t the NY court system the most corrupt in the country?
I think Washington DC still holds the lead, but by a narrow margin.
I can clearly see some people are still easily influenced, mostly by the msm. When you only see one sided views it’s time to wake up and change the channel. I am still dumbfounded to see so many people blinded by what’s going on right now in the current administration. I don’t personally know many people who voted for Biden in 2020 but those who did refuse to make that mistake again. They feel like they’ve been betrayed. Also, I would like to know how exactly Trump is trying to destroy the constitution as someone stated.
This fraudulent verdict for non existent crimes means World War III Daisy. How you may ask?
Yesterday May 30, 2024 in a typical msm sleight of hand, while the whole world was focused on a former president and the number one candidate running against Joe Biden being convicted of 34 felonies. Joe Biden lit the fuse for the start of World War III.
In the past Biden has said “that any attack on Russian territory risked violating his mandate to “avoid World War III.” Yesterday he reversed that policy and gave the green light for Ukraine to use US weapons to strike inside Russia itself. How many people knew that happened when on the same day Donald Trump’s guilty verdict was announced. Remember when the msm jackals were howling that Donald Trump was going to start World War III. The Biden puppet gets cover for doing exactly what they accused Donald Trump of doing.
Perhaps they see that their lawfare against Trump has backfired. So their next bag of tricks is to start World War III so they can cancel the election to prevent Trump from becoming president. The four horsemen of the apocalypse comes to mind.
For those who think Donald Trump is not above the law, that the trial was fair and that he deserves a guilty verdict for the “34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up a payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election.” You might consider this. Falsifying business records is a misdemeanor in New York and the statute of limitations has run out. Paying hush money is not a crime. There are a lot of conflicting he said she said stories going around.
The bottom line is that there is one fake crime that was Frankensteined together to add up to 34 felonies. Don’t believe me. Then see below where they list the 34 x “Count 1: Falsifying business records in the first degree” felonies. This country has become the Soviet Union/Nazi Germany.
Corker: Trump setting US ‘on the path to World War III’
By Daniella Diaz, CNN Updated 1:44 PM EDT, Mon October 9, 2017
Under Pressure, Biden Allows Ukraine to Use U.S. Weapons to Strike Inside Russia
By David E. Sanger and Edward Wong Published May 30, 2024Updated May 31, 2024, 1:36 a.m. ET
American officials said that the change in policy went into effect on Thursday.
Though the White House cast the decision as a narrow one, allowing the Ukrainians to strike pre-emptively if they see evidence of preparations for an attack
The US allows Ukraine to use its weapons to strike inside Russia, but it is unlikely to be a game-changer
Analysis by Christian Edwards, CNN Published 12:37 PM EDT, Fri May 31, 2024
Kateryna Stepanenko, an analyst at the Institute for the Study of War in Washington, told CNN the policy change will “blunt” Russia’s offensive in Kharkiv, but still “preserves the majority of Russia’s sanctuary space.”
Putin had made veiled nuclear threats to countries considering allowing Ukraine to strike Russia with their weapons. He warned the move could lead to “serious consequences,” particularly for “small and densely populated countries.”
As well as making nuclear threats, Putin also signaled earlier this month that he was open to peace talks.
“All of these false narratives deliberately aimed to discourage Western decisionmakers from allowing Ukraine to preempt Russia’s attack on Kharkiv city,” Stepanenko said.
See the jury’s verdict on each of the 34 counts against Trump in hush money trial
By Annette Choi and Amy O’Kruk, CNN Updated 7:01 PM EDT, Thu May 30, 2024
Jurors have reached a guilty verdict on all of former President Donald Trump’s charges in his hush money criminal trial — 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up a payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election.
“Count 1: Falsifying business records in the first degree” x 34
Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels: What you need to know
The $130,000 hush-money payment made to Stormy Daniels was first revealed in January 2018
Brooke Singman By Brooke Singman Fox News Published March 31, 2023 4:06pm EDT
Oh, was that today? Pfft..
Could not give a ****.
Too busy prepping.
Ms Luther this Trial is Proof Positive of EVIL in FOOL
Give the Infamous THEY a pound of his Fat verysimple genius
NOD to look the other way an shout
My fellow Americans
Holly Weird is all over this treason
J6 and all involved holly weird ,bad acting
The so-called Trial of the century
FAKE and come on man FJB SNEER After making a clear
Freedom of speech statement not worth repeating
Trump can’t be this stupid in his hiring of lawyers
,but he sure has no common sense in all the people in his
CABINET also , best man A BRAIN DOCTOR
No where to be seen during GERM WARFARE
Ms Luther the ODDS over and over that this nonsense has so much
SOUND OF FURY Signifying nothing
Over an over nonsense
45 over an over surrounds himself close to EVIL
His comment on a real person Epstein
He likes them young
Caught on tape
Gee golly Wally ,60’s sitcom leave it to beaver
All of this is FAKE and TRUMPS pictured Next to all these
Players over an over
At a wedding of the CLINTONS
Caught on tape saying he can get away grabbing women
Many say gee golly Wally chit happens
He was dancing with the devil
Really he has been at best very silly
And if this Show Trial proves at least to me
His time in the sun
Is Just about over
The INFAMOUS they have their POUND of orange man
Same day FJB is in the AIR
Sum of all fears happens
Camel toe becomes
Surrenders the land of the free to the
MS Luther
With a lot of
RED DAWN to ice the end of their democracy
Something has been tickling the back of my brain for a while now…
Does anyone else wonder if this is Kabuki theater?
I’ve been watching this ‘kangaroo court’ from Australia, and I can’t believe they are getting away with it. I do believe it will backfire magnificently and ensure Donald Trump’s win in the upcoming election.
The judicial system works. Falsely classifying business expenses – hence not paying taxes, against the law. Capone went to jail for not paying taxes. How far do you thing Gotti, – who IMHO is far more intelligent than our former, emphasis on former, president – would have gotten had he threatened the judge, prosecutors, their family members, and or the jurors?
So to those sending money, a fool and his/her money are soon parted. Doonesbury had an excellent strip re: we can’t pay our bills but we’ll manage to send $17 and change, less than last month, to “help” the former president pay his legal bills.
But “falsely classifying business expenses-” the prosecution did not prove.
The judge was clearly biased, did everything he could to help the prosecution and hinder the defense.
Daniels testimony amounted to nothing.
Cohen was not a credible witness.
The jury was selected from an area that voted 87% for Biden. They would of convicted a ham sandwich if it was called a Trump Special.
And the judge would of swapped out any jurors who did not rule guilty with an alternate.
This was a miscarriage of justice.
The good news is Trump is now polling better, and his fundraising has exploded. See the crowds he gets at his rallies? Compare them to Biden who cannot fill a gym.
It has also been reported that 27% of the donations Trump has received since the ruling, are new, first time donors. They are also small donations whereas Biden is relying on big donations from the ultra rich, which is a reflection of where the Democrats are today, the party of the rich and powerful.
Daisy I made a comment a few hours ago that never got posted. But my second one to Michael Towns did get posted. What happened to the first one?
Hi, John!
The first comment had some links in it. All comments with links must be approved manually to prevent spam. I was asleep when it came in, thus the delay. Thank you for your thought-provoking comments!
You are very welcome Daisy. And Thank You for your “thought-provoking articles”.
As others have pointed out this is the most important and best article you have published. and you have published many great articles.
The republic is on the brink of becoming a “Dictatorship of the Oligarchs” and this sham trial will go down in history as our crossing of the Rubicon. If Donald Trump ends up sitting in jail while crooked Joe Biden and crooked Hunter Biden are running around free as a bird I dread thinking what will happen next.
If you want to hear some encouraging news in this battle with the globalist puppet masters then you can watch Dr. Steve Turley on You Tube.
Odd thing is that Trump is one of the elite class, so would naturally be in the game. This whole thing smells of fakery, just to rile up the untermenschen. In a few years I expect them all partying down at Mar-a-lago with the Orange Menace, enjoying a good laugh at their antics.
No, it wasn’t a just trial. We have become a banana republic because it’s those countries where the party in power uses the law to take down it’s opponents.
I think we really need to research subjects and not just parrot the talking points of others. The first thing we need to acknowledge is this was a state court issue. Biden for the most part did not interfere or push for this judgment. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect him or that he gets nothing from it. But Biden didn’t order the Manhattan DA to pursue the case. This is not the weaponization of the DOJ. This was the Manhattan DA’s battle.
Now I keep hearing about the weaponization of the DOJ. Every President since at least Clinton has weaponized the DOJ to a certain degree. It certainly happened under Trump. So accusing Biden of weaponizing the DOJ must be taken in the context that all Presidents in the last 28 years (at least) are guilty of weaponizing.
Another thing, like all state cases, it went through the proper process. A grand jury was established and evidence was brought forth. They voted on it and preferred charges. That’s the way these things go. All elected officials run on prosecuting the other party. This is nothing new. So saying the Manhattan DA ran on the subject of trying to prosecute Trump is normal. Thats how people get elected. Do we say Trump is wrong for saying that he wanted to lock up Hillary? Or do we recognize that every politician says the exact same things to get elected. The Manhattan DA said what he needed to get elected. Trump had been under investigation since 2016, long before Biden even thought of running. And long before Bragg started running either. Remember when he started his term he actually dropped the case because it wasnt ready. That takes time. So he finally got it ready. Do we give politicians a pass because they are running for office? If thats the case, then the Republican House shouldn’t be investigating Biden since he is running for office as well. Or are you saying that Biden should be investigated but not Trump. Seems a little biased. So we investigate both and see where it takes us. Some are saying that what Trump did wasn’t illegal. Well a grand jury thought so, and they are probably more educated on the subject than us.
This country is set up as a nation of laws. Which means no one is above it. So this court case was brought by a grand jury by an elected DA and a jury of Trump’s peers have come back and said he is guilty. Thats the law. If you want to blame someone, blame Trump’s lawyers for not getting him off. Blaming people for doing their jobs just seems petty.
You might want to read this, https://jonathanturley.org/2024/06/03/buzz-kill-the-trump-conviction-presents-a-target-rich-environment-for-appeal/
It was/is a sham show trial.
They arrested President Trump and convicted him on 34 bogus charges of transferring his own money.
This shows how bad our “justice system” is in the U.S.
I can see the future; When Daisy does her top ten articles at the end of the year, this article will be numero uno.
I just hope we make it to her end of year wrap-up. I fear a lot of good folks (here and in my physical circles of associates) are falling hard for this 24 hour a day, kabuki theatre, reality tv show, polarizing media blitz. It’s making people angry and the psy-op has to eventually unify the collective rage and direct it onto a new (preferred) target.
This, none of this Trump stuff (in any state) smells right. I don’t see how we can have an election now. We are too close to WWIII for there to be a peaceful transfer of power. One way or another Trump had to go, or at least it had to appear that way. JMO
Not guilty!!!! So many laws were broke during the trial by the judge. It needs to go to the supreme courts!!!! The jury was selected is a very unusual way and they were clearly looking for never Trumpers.
The 34 convictions on Trump are ridiculous. He should ONLY be convicted of solicitation and she should be convicted of prostitution. End of story!!!!
This trial is all theater just to create more division. The ruling elite own Trump and that is easily proved by who he had in his cabinet and in the White House during his previous stay there. The goal is to divide and distract and Trump won’t fix a thing if he makes it back in office. Bill Barr, Steve Manuich, Wilbur Ross where all SWAMP creatures that surrounded him during his last stay in the WH.
Can’t believe that people can’t see obvious role plays by all those involved. The ruling elite are just waiting for THEIR TIME that THEY will bring the WESTERN COUNTRIES down.
The sooner we realize that Trump is just their pawn the better off we all will be.