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Author of The Widow in the Woods
The MSM is in overdrive, so desperate are they to make over the images of Vice President Kamala Harris and her VP Nominee, Minnesota Governor. Tim Walz. We’ve already discussed Harris’s shiny new image, but I think we really need to talk about Tim Walz.
To borrow a word from the ultra-liberal lexicon, he is, to say the least, “problematic.”
The propaganda machine is trying to gloss over all the lies and paint him as a bastion of the “new masculinity.” Friends, if this is an example of new masculinity, please give me the old-fashioned kind. All day long and twice on Sunday.
The Salon article
It’s been a long time since I’ve read anything so utterly false, ridiculous, and nauseating as an article entitled, “Joyful Warrior Tim Walz and the End of the Patriarchy.” The subheading reads,
Tim Walz drives MAGA men nuts — he’s living proof that their tormented masculinity is yesterday’s news.
The featured image shows a cherubic-looking Walz clapping his hands and on the verge of weeping.
Don’t worry. I read this rambling discourse of ridiculousness so you don’t have to.
It was written by a high school English teacher, may heaven help the next generation. The first part of the article says nothing about Walz but speaks of the crisis that boys and men are facing in the United States. Here’s an excerpt:
Boys and men are behaving like a conquered people.
To be clear, I don’t believe that men are a conquered people. I do not feel conquered, nor do I think that men as a class are conquered. But what matters is not what is actually true, but what men and boys perceive to be true. And enough of them feel this way to have triggered this crisis.
To feel like a conquered people is a terrible thing. The psychic wounds are profound. Among some Indigenous Americans, we see much of the same evidence as in modern American men: underachievement, underemployment, alcoholism, drug addiction, despair, suicide.
In my opinion, there have always been people who wallow in bitter underachievement, both male and female. I grew up in a small Southern town, and while most folks were hardworking and honest, there were always a few sitting on a ratty couch on their front porch with a beer in hand by the early afternoon.
Anywho, the article goes into the supernatural powers of women and an ascendency, menstrual cycles, and a Lakota ghost dance. When I say rambling, I mean rambling. We’re many many paragraphs in without a mention of Walz, though his name is in the headline.
The MAGA movement is a kind of latter-day Ghost Dance: a desperate attempt to recover the supposed lost birthright of men and restore a perceived rightful power. But just as for the Lakota, who wished to make their nation great again, it’s too late. Female ascendancy is a force of history too powerful, with too much momentum — built up after centuries of slow progress and a few decades of revolutionary tsunami.
The author goes on to like Jan. 6 to the Ghost Dance of a fallen people, as well as “far-right terrorism” and “the Great Replacement Theory.” There’s more about feminism and the late Dorothy Dinnerstein, whom he refers to as a “prophet.”
There are only TWO PARAGRAPHS in the entire treatise that mention Walz, which is odd considering the thesis suggested by the title.
Much has been made lately about “joyful warrior” Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota and the Democratic vice-presidential nominee. While Walz is indeed skillful and cheerful in attack, there’s one battle hes not fighting, and it drives MAGA men nuts: he doesn’t fight the gender war, yet he does not appear the least bit defeated. His presence suggests that the battle between men and women doesn’t really exist at all.
Many commentators have noted Walz’s “dadness,” and there’s no doubt that his classic middle-American dad vibe infuriates the church fathers of MAGA. That’s because Walz is a new-school dad, essentially the type that Dinnerstein prophesied.
Anyway, the patriarchy caused climate change and has increased the possibility of nuclear annihilation. And that’s the article.
Stories of Walz’s military history appear to have been greatly exaggerated.
Walz has gone the “stolen valor” route by claiming a rank in the National Guard that he never held. He has talked about “fighting with weapons of war” even though he never saw combat. In fact, so eager was he to avoid combat that he abruptly retired right as his unit was being called to serve in Afghanistan.
Even the leftie Daily Beast has called out Walz on his dishonesty, citing an interview in which he dodged questions like a professional boxer in the ring with a toddler.
Veterans who served with him are furious about his dishonesty, using terms like “morally indefensible,” “stolen valor,” “military impersonator,” and “habitual liar.”
Any confusion that Walz has addressed he’s blamed on his “poor grammar.”
His record as governor
As governor, Walz was in charge of Minnesota during the George Floyd riots of 2020. Minneapolis literally burned, with swaths of the city utterly destroyed. He has been deeply criticized for his three-day delay in deploying the National Guard to restore order.
Walz also signed the bill that required all schools to place menstrual products in the bathrooms – including the boys’ bathrooms – for all students in grades 4-12. Grade four? Really? PolitiFact tries to blur the lines, but the actual fact of the law is that the products “must be accessible” in ALL restrooms. He also signed a “trans refuge law” to offer teens a “safe place” to transition over the protests of their parents.
He also welcomed illegal immigrants, providing them with “sanctuary.” He was responsible for giving illegals their own driver’s licenses, free medical care, and tuition-free college. He was so welcoming that an influx of immigrants from Somalia have virtually taken over the Twin Cities, where the largest community of Somali migrants in the country have settled.
Coincidentally, these neighborhoods have seen a 56% increase in violent crime. Somali gangs with names like “Somali Mafia,” “Somali Outlaws,” “Young n’ Thuggin (YNT)” and the “Taliban” have wrought havoc.
I can only imagine the chaos if he get’s the cloak and scepter of “border Czar” on a national level.
And then there are his disturbing ties to China.
While everything I’ve reported is troubling, it’s Walz’s ties to China that concern me most.
He got married intentionally on the date of the massacre at Tiananmen Square and then honeymooned in China. Yes, it’s true. There’s an adorable wedding announcement from a local newspaper at the time. What kind of person chooses a the date of a brutal massacre for a wedding, then goes to visit the guilty country afterward?
Walz has made many, many trips to China, and a large number were during his stint in the National Guard. The campaign refuses to answer questions about whether or not these trips were correctly disclosed to the military.
Walz himself has said he’s visited China “about 30 times” and he speaks fluent Mandarin. (Now, speaking a foreign language doesn’t make you a spy but it’s still notable.)
Security experts argue that Walz’s frequent trips to China would have triggered concerns within the military. Sean Bigley, a security clearance expert, noted that receiving funding from China for trips is a major red flag. “That’s almost a non-starter for a security clearance… There’s an expectation that comes with that,” he said.
Bigley explained that the Chinese government doesn’t provide funding without expecting something in return, suggesting that Walz’s acceptance of such funding would have raised serious concerns during any background investigation.
“What are you expected to do in return for that money?” said Bigley.
Former senior intelligence analyst John Schindler added that Walz’s repeated travel to China and the support he received from Chinese authorities would not have occurred without the approval of China’s Ministry of State Security, the regime’s secret police. “You don’t get to go back to China 30 times on educational exchanges unless you have the approval of the Communist Party and the secret police,” Schindler said.
But wait, there’s more Chinese money involved. Check out this report on Fox News.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has been a longtime vocal supporter of a medical research institute in his home state with a long track record of collaborating with a firm labeled by the Pentagon as a “Chinese military company” and with Chinese officials with controversial ties to the CCP.
Walz, Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate, has long been aligned with the Hormel Institute, a biomedical research center in Austin, Minnesota, within the University of Minnesota’s Research and Innovation Office…
…The Hormel Institute has done extensive work with the Beijing Genomics Institute, a group labeled by the Pentagon as a “Chinese military company,” some of which involved research on BGI machines and studies conducted with BGI laboratories in Shenzhen, China, for analysis…
…”BGI may be serving, wittingly or unwittingly, as a global collection mechanism for Chinese government gene databases, providing China with greater raw numbers and diversity of human genome samples as well as access to sensitive personal information about key individuals around the world,” The National Security Commission on AI said in 2022.
Concerns about BGI are so prevalent that Congress has weighed legislation to ban government contracts with the Chinese military subsidiary, Fox News Digital previously reported…
…Dr. Zigang Dong abruptly stepped down from his post leading the institute in 2019 after 18 years in the position. Around the same time, it was revealed Dong was involved in an FBI probe where the bureau was investigating his “possible failure to report foreign backing when applying for grants,” Austin Daily Herald reported.
In addition to serving as the executive director of the Hormel Institute, Dong established the China-US (Henan) Hormel Cancer Institute (CUHCI), a multimillion-dollar international partnership with a research facility in China, during his time with Hormel, and Walz was present to celebrate the announcement. …
…In 2014, Walz welcomed a delegation from China to the institute that included Wang Yanling, the vice governor of Henan Province and a Communist Party doctor. Yanling is listed as holding several positions in the Chinese Communist Party over the course of many decades.
Several members of the Chinese Communist Party have sat on the board of directors at the Henan Cancer Institute, according to an archived version of the organization’s website.
…FEC filings show that Dong has been a longtime and almost exclusive donor to Walz’s political career, including five donations of over $200 to Walz’s congressional campaigns dating back to 2005.
And we thought Biden’s ties with Ukraine were unsettling. This connection is pretty extreme, and it comes at exactly the same time as a Chinese spy working in both the Cuomo and Hochul administrations in New York being outed.
Do we really want someone with such close ties to China a heartbeat away from the Presidency?
There’s more, but this is enough for today.
Tim Walz is wholly unsuited for the Vice President’s office. We keep hearing about Kamala’s communist leanings, but her VP pick is neck-deep in Commie connections. He’s a proven liar, he’s super-woke, he has a concerning record on illegal immigration, and he stood by and watched for three days as a city in his state burned.
What do you think?
Are there other things that concern you about Walz? Do you think some of these worries are overblown?
Let’s talk about it in the comments section.
About Daisy
Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites. 1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2) The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.
Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand Survival.com You can find her on Facebook, Pinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.
49 Responses
This article could have been very short. I can tell you what Tampon Tim Walz is in three words. 1. FULL 2. BLOWN 3. COMMUNIST. Tampon Tim Walz makes former SF CA Mayor Willy Brown’s mattress, Kamala “Heels Up” Harris, look like a moderate.
I live in MAGA country, and I can tell you none of the men I see look or feel defeated. Tim Waltz does not drive anyone nuts. Based off the the videos of Trump rallies, all those MAGA men seem pretty dang happy and excited. There is real energy there.
Now that Biden was forced out by his own party, some calling it a “coup,” because he was unelectable, they are doing everything they can to manufacture this energy behind Harris/Waltz. Recall Harris was polling even worse than Biden before he dropped out.
I dont see any ‘dadness’ in Waltz any more so than I see ‘momala’ in Harris. Of which we need neither. What we need is real leadership of which neither has displayed.
I would have no problem voting for a woman for president if that woman was qualified.
My hat is off to you Daisy. Takes courage to wade out from prepping into the intentionally insane political landscape. Brilliant work. Shall support you as much as possible. Please keep it going. You, we, are pro-human in a time where being such is somehow reprehensible. Kudos!
Why do we have to do this every 4 years? Why do we always accept this headache? The R vs D. All that is, is to keep us divided. Government should be 10% of what it is. Why are humans the only ones who pay to live on this Earth? We’ve all been duped because we accept this. There is truly power in the people. Its a matter of waking them up to realize we are a constitutional Republic. It was never meant to be like this.
Not sure where you’re going with this, but dissatisfaction with elections every 4 years, no political parties, call for unity regardless of worldview and thinking that we shouldn’t have to pay to live on the earth? Sounds like Karl Marx to me.
“Why are humans the only ones who pay to live on this Earth? ”
Every single animal pays to live on this Earth (an odd way of saying that.. you didn’t use the word planet, but rather “this Earth”. Is there another Earth?). From the bottom dwellers of the ocean to the bacteria on Everest it’s a life and death battle every minute of every day. Mother Nature takes no prisoners. Everything pays. Most with their life.
Again, taken out of context. This planet, is that better? Close mindedness and blind trust has gotten us into this position. If you can’t answer why we are the only ones who pay monies to live on this “planet”, just say so.
Actually they did VMAN. Perhaps the real problem is your nonsensical comment.
You ask “Why are humans the only ones who pay to live on this Earth?”
Maybe because we are the only ones that have money 🙂
I saw something about Tim Treadwell and Amie Huguenard recently. I had heard about their tragedy on the news in 2003, but never knew much about it. I was horrified. A bear with broken teeth had been unable to gain enough weight to survive the coming severe Alaskan winter. It killed and ate alive the young couple, who are recorded as screaming and screaming as they were eaten. I kept thinking anout what they could have done to escape, possibly play dead for longer. There was no one to help them. Nature red in tooth and claw. It has haunted me, as well as other bear, mountain lion, and shark attacks. I think about all the prey animals, unique and individual, always on the alert, living in fear. And the predators, also personable individuals, at the mercy of hunger, accident, disease, larger predators.
I think we need to live in an orderly society, with laws and institutions to optimize the ability of each individual to prosper and seek happiness, while protecting those who literally cannot protect themselves, the old, sick, disabled.
We should be able to vote and choose those who will govern us, and up until recently we were able to do so in the US. It was not an illusion. We have chosen many worthy presidents who have made our country better.
I would agree with you here. Elections are theater for the populous to keep em busy while the ruling class gives us a choice between two evils. It is accepted by more than not because “its always been this way.”
How is it a free election if no one other than R & D can actually run and get on the final ballot? How is it cheat-free when folks have a cow about providing identification in order to vote. Not like we have a little cheating going on anywhere.
Gubmint is indeed far too large. What if the question is this:
Instead of asking how we can tax the wealthy to support the gubmint, why don’t we see how we can trim the gubmint and all the over regulations that drain the peoples wallets?
Thank you for understanding my post!
I agree with you 100%. I ask the same questions and get the same wishy washy answers. We are slaves because we didn’t stop “them” when they were small enough to stop. Now we pay the price for our parents and grandparents blindness to what was happening. No answers here, unfortunately. I have no idea what to do other than opt out of participating in the dog and pony show.
Most of our presidents have been good ones, on the whole. Not Carter, not Biden. That’s not a high dismal failure rate. You have to be careful when you promote “stopping” presidents who aren’t that bad. Order and the general good are worth a lot.
Are you kidding? If we left some of these shit heads in power more than 4 years they would destroy the country! I support voting and democracy. Heck, let’s get rid of the electoral college and let the people decide. 1 adult citizen 1 vote.
I support the electoral college, which allows representation of sparsely populated areas and representation of large groups of like-minded people.
Pure democracy is mob rule, 50%+1. Our republic is designed to protect the minority opinion.
Because nothing in this life is given to us for free. Could you build your own roads, produce all the products and services you need to live, and deal appropriately with the criminals who would try to steal everything you produced and kill the producers? We need government so as not to live as savages. But government needs to operate within responsible limits. I think we’re going to have to declare national bankruptcy and start over.
The idea of political parties is to give us a choice in the philosophy and principles of the government we choose. I’m not sure what has created the insane despotism and cruelty we see now. I hope we can go back to the way it was four years ago. Maybe back to pre-Obama.
Can you imagine the MSM headlines and stories if Trump had made 30 trips to China… or any other communist country, for that matter? Oy.
Curious, how many times has Trump been to Russia?
If he has been to Russia the clown world media would have been shoving it out faces. Silence says it all.
That is not entirely true, he has been to Russia at least a few times for business purposes.
Putin just endorsed Harris.
So what rank did he not hold? He was promoted to Sgt. Major by his unit in September 04 and by the National Guard Bureau in April 05. He didn’t get to retire as an E-9 because he didn’t go to the Sgt. Major Academy and didn’t extend his enlistment by 3 years. But he was a Sgt. Major for 8 months. This is standard policy. You usually get promoted to a senior enlisted rank and then when your enlistment period arrives, you extend or reenlist. You usually can’t reenlist or extend until you are within a year of reenlistment. So if you have already sewn on the rank and don’t reenlist or extend, they retire you at your previous rank. This happens all of the time. I have seen plenty of senior NCOs retire when they got an assignment to Korea or some other shithole assignment. They make a choice, go to Korea or retire at their previous rank. Walz put in his retirement papers 12 months before he retired. I imagine his unit tried to bribe him by promoting him to E-9. He took the promotion and then retired when he said he was retiring.
Even after he retired, he claimed he was an E-9. He even had a challenge coin made with the rank of E-9 on it.
For me the rank issues should not be the point of focus. Or, as in your example, he retired at MSGT vs. SMAJ because of a shitty post. He was combat arms in a Guard unit in his home state. He was going into combat operations, not a remote Iceland logistics post.
He retired (conveniently) after his unit was stood up for deployment. He retired during the most important time. Training. He retired when his leadership over all the NCO’s in that artillery battalion needed him the most, when his confidence and example of fearless leadership was in highest demand, he retired. Sending down through the ranks a clear message: “I have no confidence in this mission. So good luck troops. I’m staying home where it’s safe”
Tim also claimed that he retired so that he could run for office–this is a non-excuse, as there are plenty of politicians that still serve in the military. Tim’s own actions make him look less than honorable.
His many visits to China mainly concern me. I think the furor over his military claims is that people feel he implied that he had seen actual combat with his “fighting with weapons” comment. While being in the National Guard is commendable, it doesn’t rank up there with actually getting shot at. IMO.
I don’t blame him for retiring before he had to fight in a very stupid war. Just don’t use it to pull some “military shine” from it. Maybe actual vets feel differently. I have not spent a lot of time reading about him because, to me, anybody who would run with Kamala Harris is suspect already.
BTW I don’t like Trump and wish we could get some moderate candidates to run who might actually unite the country instead of putting all their energy future elections. THIS is what is going to kill us–being so divided that our legislators cannot compromise on important issues. I think we’re toast–no matter who gets in. Trillions of dollars of debt and a dangerous global scene are not going to go away.
Exactly! Our won’t need to destroy us, we will destroy ourselves from within.
Cher from TN Trump is not the one dividing this country. It’s the democrat party and their globalist propagandists the msm. Projection is their specialty. They accuse Trump of being a threat to democracy while waging lawfare to keep him off the ballot to prevent the people from being able to decide who should be president. Their one conviction of Trump is a total farce based on elevating a paperwork crime from a misdemeanor that had passed the statute of limitations to a felony and a supposed federal election crime charged by a state court with no federal jurisdiction. Their classified documents fake crime charge is more nonsense when the president is the only one who has the authority to declassify documents. Joe Biden and Mike Pence get a pass for actually committing the classified documents crime they accuse Trump of. Clearly a two tiered justice system.
Calling out real issues in this country is not divisiveness. Did Trump allow Iran to become rich enough to lavishly support anti-Israel and anti-US proxies like Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis? Did Russia start a war when Trump was in power? Did any war start while Trump was in power? Did Hamas invade Israel and then murder, rape and massacre innocent Israeli citizens while Trump was in power ? No to all questions.
Under Joe Biden the entire middle east is edging closer to all out war than it has ever been for decades. Antisemitism has increased dramatically to levels not seen since Nazi Germany. Iran is suspected of soon being able to wage nuclear jihad against Israel. Can’t you see how divisive the country has become under Joe Biden? Or has the msm convinced you it is all because of Trump and if elected things will get worse?
Putin says if Biden gives the go ahead for Ukraine to fire long range missiles deep into Russia then this is a direct threat to Russia’s national security. This bad decision by Biden looks imminent. And if Ukraine decides to fire missiles into Moscow will Putin thank the US for this escalation by firing a missile into Washington? How did foreign affairs get so bad under the man who we were suppose to trust because he had decades of foreign policy experience?
Under Trump the economy was better, record low levels of illegal immigration, lower levels of inflation, no new wars.
The globalist msm brainwashing machine that sold us Joe Biden like a new car are now promoting commie Kamala Harris and her fellow commie Tim Walz. Same party as Joe Biden, same bad policies just different faces telling lie after lie as fast as they can. We can’t take another 4 years of Joe Biden 2.0 and survive as a country.
Excellent post.
“wish we could get some moderate candidates to run who might actually unite the country”…..what issues do you want us united on? I don’t see how it’s possible. Usually what people mean when they talk about compromise and uniting is that the conservatives give up everything that’s important to them. That’s how we got where we are now.
Moderates and leftists don’t understand that the appeal of Donald Trump to us is that he fights back; he recognizes that the leftists are the ones that have drawn the line in the sand. They’re the ones that have tried to fundamentally change what America is and what we stand for. Those two sides CANNOT be united.
Why should there be compromise on important issues?
One should ALWAYS refuse to compromise on important issues.
Should someone compromise with someone who says” I am going to kill you” by negotiating and getting him to agree to beat you so severely that you will go into a permanent coma, instead?
Never negotiate with evil.
I think all you need to know about Tim Walz is that his older brother, who lives in Florida, isn’t going to vote for him and claims, “Tim isn’t the kind of man you want making decisions for your country.”
Tim’s cousins all took a pic with ‘Walz’s for Trump’ on it & are supporting Trump.
That says something.
Kamala picked him because she needed someone even worse than herself so the dems wouldn’t try to dump her before the election.
Lol. I think you’re on to something there.
I don’t think “heels up” Kamala picked anybody. Her handlers did.
Tim Walz is a Traitor to the Republic of the United States of America. He will get his just desserts someday. It may not be in my lifetime, but the truth will some day come to the fore, about just how much of a traitor that he is.
After what the Biden administration has done to my country, I consider anyone that votes for the Harris/Walz criminal conspiracy in this coming election to be traitors, too. Just my humble opinion about some partially famous criminals of this day.
Blessings to you,
Thank You Daisy Luther for this well researched article on Tim Walz.
The article on Walz by that high school English teacher says a lot about high school English teachers. The bar for becoming a high school English teacher is just a step above becoming a typing teacher when they used to teach typing in high school. Muddled confused thinking swept away by fanciful imagery devoid of facts no wonder he’s a democrat.
Crooked commie Kamala Harris chose the crooked commie Tim Walz for a running mate.
The globalist msm brainwashing machine is running 24/7 trying to convince us these two turds that have floated to the top of the democrat party punch bowl are really top sirloin steak.
Didn’t George Orwell in his book 1984 say that the Ministry of Truth had these slogans:
Not sure about the last line. But if Orwell was alive today I am sure he would have written a new book titled “2024” and it would have that line in it.
Tim Walz Was Dead Wrong About Misinformation and Free Speech
Kamala Harris’ veep should learn something about the First Amendment.
Robby Soave | 8.8.2024 10:15 AM
“Kamala Has Always Been at War with Eastasia. . .”
by James Hickman on August 23, 2024
What do you think? The media is trying “waltz in” Walz into Number One Observatory Circle.
Thank you, Daisy!
Good article. Some scary characters running for office. No one would believe the book that could be written about this time. It would read like improbable fiction. I wish so much weren’t true. The crazy names being thrown at the characters would be hilarious if they weren’t so correct.
this just popped up: https://x.com/Mirjam152/status/1831535083641086133
kamala khan picked him as a visual; another old white man to reassure the rich old white Dem base which is racist; don’t want the donors to dry up.
how about the call to prayer in minneapolis 5 times a day
Saw the Trump/Harris debate, reminded me of a couples therapy session where she hired the biased counselor. Did you see Kamala’s Nova H1 Audio ear buds, designed to look like earrings? I thought those were off limits for the debate…
I’m so tired. Just tired. The fourth turning is here.