10 Things About Prepping I Wish I Knew 20 Years Ago

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I’ve been a prepper for years, and as I look back over this journey, I can say that there are things I could have done better. When I first started getting into prepping, I would have loved someone to provide some guidance. All of my initial knowledge came from the fragmented and diverse information I found on the web circa 2003. This being said, here are ten things I would have liked to have known about prepping 20 years ago.

This article is a message to my past self – for that handsome, fit young man I was back then. LOL.

1. Start honing basic skills. 

Woodworking, metal sheet shaping, forging (a real workout but quite entertaining and rewarding!), car/bike mechanics, welding, plumbing, macramé, or another form of trade, is a great first step. If you are a college-graduate professional in some field and specialty, great. This means you will have a good income.

If you can use your hobby as a side income, that is great, too. Learn to master your hobby well, and get every single tool you may need while abundance exists, and you don’t have someone else to share your life and space with. Afterward, unless you find someone who really appreciates the whole combo, it is going to be more difficult to have a physical space where you can develop your activities.

Survival and prepping are not just about stockpiling stuff. It’s also about using your resources, skills, and knowledge in efficient ways too. Tuning up these skills when you have both the time and energy in the future, can serve as a potential income source that you will enjoy.

2. Set the foundations: invest in a home or bug-out location

Just be realistic, and make sure it is within your means. A mortgage these days is not a piece of cake, no matter what country you’re in. Investing in a suburban property that perhaps will lose value is not an easy choice without previous analysis. However, a good patch of land far away, solitary and peaceful, suited enough for “camping trips” and similar activities is NOT going to take you to bankruptcy at such a young age. Hesitating? Read a little bit about this: 3 Compelling Reasons Preppers Should Buy a Patch of Land.

Everybody has his or her own dreams, and perhaps your life dream is traveling the world. With things as they are, delaying travel plans until the dust settles down would be a much better idea. So, spend that hard-earned money for a dream vacation in a good patch of land where you could go full permaculture mode if you need to!

You could sell this afterwards anyway if you feel like you don’t want or need it anymore, and with some development, like a cabin or well being placed on the property, you will have profit.

I’m amazed to learn how safe the countryside is in some countries. If you checked my last video, perhaps you noticed how secluded and isolated it is. It’s not like we’re battling marauders day after day, but as bad people know that the odds of someone fighting them at gunpoint is quite low, it can be a real hazard.

In addition, here’s a piece of bonus advice: stock up with some stuff you may need. I know this sounds like something someone preparing to hide from the world would do, but, hey, maybe we have to do it someday in the future. This will work as well as a safety net for those periods of life between jobs. If this property is never used as a SHTF refuge, well…

At the end of the day, a wise investment in land will be something that generations coming after you will appreciate. And if you are lucky, with the new online renting trends, you will have way more money to develop your property, expand it, and improve it.

3. Invest in a cheap, reliable vehicle you can use to arrive at your bug-out location or to get back home.

This is not intended to be your main vehicle. If you can afford two of these vehicles, then do it. If your land is properly located, you will need a tough, sturdy and trustworthy vehicle. A bicycle, motorcycle, or even an old Jeep will work. Make sure it is cheap to ride, cheap to repair, low insurance. You know how it is. You could even get some used spare parts, like a gearbox, or brake calipers, wheels, whatever you could find used, in good shape on a bargain, and cache/stash it.

If you are a typical city youngster and feel like getting one of those Toretto-like highly modified race track speeders, then go for it. Just make sure they will make it to your land in one piece (unless it’s paved until your compound door, this is going to be difficult). The good thing is, these should have a high resale value for when you grow up and understand that you don’t need a chick magnet anymore thanks to your awesome personality, or after you have enjoyed enough the thrill of seeing how fast the fuel tank needs refilling. Whatever happens first.

After having two cars and two motorcycles at the same time, I know how it feels to maintain everything in working condition. But, knowing you have a reliable vehicle to get out of dodge provides peace of mind. This could even be an RV if you don’t want to build a cabin or if your BOL is too far away and you need some rest before arriving. It would work as a secondary dwelling, nosy neighbors won’t feel “affected” (like they would feel if you get a used camo army truck from the 70s or 80s), and you could have it already stocked up just in case.

People, I get it. Not everyone is a grease monkey, nor has the desire to grab a wrench and start tinkering with old junk. I myself try to do it as little as possible. But I rather prefer this to the alternative: spending money (which I don’t have an abundance of) and paying someone else to do something that I could do with a workshop manual, some music on my radio, and time.

4. Stop wasting money on fancy electronics.

Sure, it’s important to have some gadgets to be up to date with the technological trends. But in 3-4 years, it will be obsolete anyway. Mind you, programmed obsolescence is the norm these days. Try to overcome it somehow. Educate yourself to get the maximum out of your equipment.

My own phone, for example. It is almost five years old, and I just found out that it can be rooted and a new Android version reinstalled for free to give it a new second life. I won’t get another one until this one is completely busted, and so far, it seems to be in good shape.

Software is a different thing, though. I bought my current phone in Ecuador just because my other two phones used CDMA technology which is obsolete now. A good milspec tablet could last for five years with good care. Almost all of my equipment is now five years old and without too much chance to be replaced in the near future.

My computing needs are quite basic these days. The most demanding activity I foresee in the future is some CAD design for my CNC machining duties. In the future, sure, maybe some development of narrow AI algorithm, but that is a quite advanced project to be delayed for my Ph.D. thesis. Do you really need a 16Mp or a 24Mp camera? I highly doubt someone would like to see my face with such detail in my videos. Do you need an $800 drone?

A luxury item like a surround sound system is delightful. I got mine in the fat-cows era and have enjoyed it since. It should last forever with good care. There’s no need to update it every year. Just keep it and enjoy it until it ends by falling apart with age.

I’ve seen some 80’s and 90’s sound systems still working perfectly. Sure, a $450 GPS is nice, but if you can go with a used $100 one and use that $350 for something that will generate income instead or put it to a better use, the choice is easy. On the other hand, technology is evolving so fast that devices become obsolete in less than two years. Nowadays, not too many people are going to be able to renew gear as often as they would like.

5. Get fit now, and incorporate exercising into your life as a habit.

Being single 20 years ago and living away from home, I was not exactly living a quite healthy lifestyle. I had a demanding, stressful job that had me running around in every oil facility all over the country. Every chance I had to “rest,” I went to the beach with friends, and on Sunday night, I was usually exhausted. Just to start the routine again on Monday.

This went by for a couple of years. My only advantage was that I was much skinnier because of the long hours in the oilfields without any unhealthy snacks to chew on and the physical demands of the job itself. But the abuse of tobacco “compensated” for that, and I regret it now. Keeping healthy habits in your 20s is much easier than trying to get rid of the unhealthy ones after 40. I could have used my time in more productive activity, improving my health.

6. Learn to preserve healthy food.

And learn how to cook it properly. By doing this 20 years ago, I wouldn’t have to now dedicate my time to learning it when I need to increase my income. I had times in my life that I could have used for this, but I chose to do other stuff instead.

Just building a simple mosquito net box to dry stuff like meat, fruit, and vegetables would mean a good step. Twenty years of stockpiling glass jars to store all that stuff, and I would have had food for my family of five for three years without spending a fortune.

(For more information on learning how to preserve healthy food, check out our free QUICKSTART Guide to home canning.)

7. Start establishing bonds with like-minded people.

This is particularly important if you plan to have a permanent partner in the future. He or she should NOT be exposed suddenly to your man or woman “cave” filled up with metal shelves loaded to the roof with food containers, water barrels, and your AR, AKs, or .50cal scoped Barret hanging from the wall.

The soft approach is the right procedure here.

Maybe cuddling while watching a realistic “apo” movie (choose something with a little romance in it, not a fast-running, flesh-eating zombie movie). Try reading aloud some news of a disaster, and smartly redirect a casual conversation towards the importance of being prepared, what he or she thinks, or would do if “this” or “that” happen.

Instinct is fundamental. However, my own personal experience was a disaster. Learn from my mistakes, young people. Once the moment to execute our Bug-in Plan arrived, it was impossible to move: she wasn’t willing to go to the countryside for an entire year, even when we had EVERYTHING we needed there to make it through for three years. But that’s another story.

Make sure that once you choose that person, you won’t be disappointed later, and the information regarding your preps won’t be made available to the public. It’s not easy to keep a hidden room or even a second house secluded in the mountains filled up to the top with gear and supplies. But this could be achieved with comments like “Oh, it’s just that I always wanted to have a mountain cabin out in the woods ever since I was a kid,” or, “Oh, the city is so far away that I don’t want to be going to buy groceries every couple of days.”

Regarding the other type of relationships, I don’t suggest joining groups online nearby your physical location unless you trust them a lot. I have never been into one of those groups, but in my motorcycle group, flexibility was not a thing. They would ride at the speed they felt comfortable with, and you would get an attention call if you allowed a car to get into the bike’s group and separate it.

WTH? No thanks. 

What I do find useful is joining other types of groups that share some common activities: a hiking group and a ham radio group, for instance. It’s very likely you will find discreet but highly prepared older people there. Just keep your eyes open.

I found them even here in this country where prepping is something that (most) people just don’t have a clue about. It’s only with the TV shows and some movies that they’ve been learning about what it means. Being a Gen-X, Red DawnThe Day After guy, well, you can imagine the rest. Always start with a casual comments approach, and see how people react. “We should meet sometime to get organized just in case things get difficult and plan ahead.”

That sort of thing will involve people and motivate them to participate once the habit is present.

8. Avoid spending money on “empty calories.”

Restaurants, discos, and other forms of entertainment are important, sure. (Yes, we have discos here.) I’m not saying to avoid these things entirely! I have my own quota of healthy fun every now and then.

Not participating in fun activities would only make life miserable and would isolate you from your friends and family. This is not what I’m talking about here. Recent events have caused me to realize that life is too short for that.

But maybe cutting the frequency of these events to half of what you’re currently used to, or skipping a week, and using that money for some preps, will work. One tends to appreciate a good dinner even more when going out less.

If you can save $200 a month by optimizing your dinners out, in three years, you would have $3600, which could be the down payment for a piece of land or some used bug-out vehicle in good shape. With that, I could find a good number of 21-foot containers or a classic all-terrain bike and a toy hauler trailer to convert.

You get the idea. Just by doing so, I could have avoided using my vacation money and saved a lot…because I already had a land patch in Isla Margarita, where we usually went vacationing.

9. Start saving precious metals.

i would have liked to have known

To answer a question that some readers may be tempted to ask, I should say, yes: this was indeed a good way to store wealth as Venezuela collapsed. I should have invested a little more, but…do you have any idea how hard it is to find PM to invest these days around here?

Unless one is willing to sacrifice a little of the OPSEC, this takes some special measures to stay safe. Bartering with it, however, is not easy.

Let’s see an example: I need to repair my SUV engine, but the mechanic wants cash USD. If I pay him in local currency, he’s going to charge more. Venezuelans are used to doing things like that because of the hyperinflation effects (although that is seemingly over, the currency has been sort of stable since my arrival), and yes, it’s one of the reasons our economy went down the toilet.

But, this puts me in a position where I can take the maximum advantage: hardly anyone else will pay the guy with such valuable coins…and I can get a good edge. If the exchange partner is interested in saving for a rainy day in a valuable coin in PM, you could get a good deal. One of my pre-collapse intentions was to bring a Peruvian gold and silver coins collection, bought straight from their Central Bank. However, the crisis hit too soon, and this was not possible.

This should be done just with caution, and confidence in the exchange partner is key if the rule of law is…not exactly solid, so to speak.

However, it is risky because one can’t possibly know if the person is going to accept the silver coins (I like to call them doubloons) as a payment, and, after that, he will pass on the information to a gang and raid one’s home. If you believe I’m exaggerating, then you should learn more about how things are when people get desperate.

Hoping that something like that is going to be “investigated” by the “police” is something that anyone NOT from this country would think. Our society down here is just not wired that way. By investing in PMs 20 years ago, my stash would have increased its value, and, according to my calculations, I would have only used 20% of the initial investment to pay for our mom’s meds and care when she got the Wuhan Virus. Go figure.

10. Study about how to diversify your income in the future.

The thing with getting a romantic partner on board once you’re fully committed to prepping, even if you’re not constantly working on it, is not easy. Maybe some people have already learned that prepping is going to be a need rather than an eccentricity and will make things easier. 1940-1950s boomers seem to have been too hardened to teach properly the generations they left behind about what they went through in the Cold War, psychologically speaking.

Should I have learned more about all of this, I could have retired much earlier from my day job and started a business that could have surfed the crisis. I found that smoked products like cheese and meats always have a market here. I can’t say if this is just in Venezuela, but people who won’t stop living the good life no matter what will find it pleasant to have snacks to wash down with their beer or whiskey.

Wisdom often requires mistakes.

Just by getting a few cheap acres far away from any neighbor and a good, simple, reliable vehicle of any kind, you will be way ahead of people your age have that don’t have a clue of what they are going to do with their lives.

I met a kid I worked for a couple of weeks while I was working in the refineries, who told me his story. He was a single dad of a few months old baby and got a well-paid job for six months in a plant shutdown. With his first salary, he bought some stuff for the baby to keep him for the next six months. He could buy an old car in good shape, patch it a little bit here and there, and there was the daily ride.

Saving the most of his salary the next three months, he could afford a small house and some acres for cattle raising! He knew about this business because his grampa taught him these skills and “secrets.” One of the grampa’s friends got sick and couldn’t work the land nor take care of the cattle anymore. They settled down on an arrangement: the old man could live alone and peacefully in a separated little house already in place that was used by the laborers, and the young man, wife, and baby in the little main house.

In just six months, this financially smart young man without too much specialized education was MUCH better suited than I was, me being an engineer, but with an old car and living in a rented home…hoping the day I could save enough to buy a good (used) motorcycle.

Enjoyed the article? Are there things you wish you knew when you started prepping? Share your advice and let me know in the comments section!

Stay tuned. Much more to come!

About Jose

Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has an old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Jose and his younger kid are currently back in Venezuela, after the intention of setting up a new life in another country didn’t go well. The SARSCOV2 re-shaped the labor market and South American economy so he decided to give it a try to homestead in the mountains, and make a living as best as possible. But this time in his own land, and surrounded by family, friends and acquaintances, with all the gear and equipment collected, as the initial plan was.

 Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on Patreon. Donations: paypal.me/JoseM151

Picture of J.G. Martinez D

J.G. Martinez D

About Jose Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has a small 4 members family, plus two cats and a dog. An old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Thanks to your help Jose has gotten his family out of Venezuela. They are currently setting up a new life in another country. Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on Patreon. Donations: paypal.me/JoseM151

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  • “Things About Prepping I Wish I Knew 20 Years Ago”

    wish I’d known that nothing was going to happen for 20 years ….

  • When are people going to include “killing commies”.

    They are more deadly than abortion, and that’s sayin something.

    Might sound inflammatory, but no one can point to a time / place where getting rid of commies and communism didn’t require hunting them wholesale.

    They’re out to permanently wreck you. Time to invest in returning the favor.

    “Kill a commie for mommy.” – – Johnny Ramone

    • That would be part of self-defense. If these parasites who can’t survive except through plunder come after you or your community, well then they should be resisted with whatever force is necessary to put a stop to their threats.

  • I can recall the late 70s, early 80s inflationary environment. A lot of casseroles were made and eaten. Leftover night was once or twice a week.
    I think that is what made me a prepper at a young age, even before I have ever heard the term. Seeing ones parents worried about things beyond their control, having to take second jobs to make sure there would be a roof over our heads, clothing on our backs, food on the table, even if it was leftovers made an impression. An impression on a sub-conscience level in my early, and teens years before coming to the forefront while in the Marines.
    Point 1, yes it takes time to develop those skills. It is not some Matrix like, upload and suddenly you know Kung-Fu, or how to pilot a certain model helo. It takes time to learn and become more than a rank armature. Sometimes a degree of formal education or instruction.
    Point 2, it was not till much later that I could afford a BOL. Be nice if everyone could from the get go, but life happens while you are making other plans.
    Point 3, sure.
    Point 4, yep. My TV is over 10 years old, my current box is 7 years old. I have not IOT in my house.
    Point 5, yeah, a hangover from the Marines. Now that the snow and ice have finally melted, will get the bicycle out.
    Point 6, I have always been something of a foodie, so cooking from scratch is a good skill all the way around. Preserving is one of those old time knowledge or skill that has been forgotten for dinning out, or door dash.
    Point 7, get out there and know your neighbors. Even if you may not agree on everything political, or lifestyle, make that connection. You may not agree with their mind set, but you know where they stand. When push comes to shove, some ideals will go by the wayside, and what is really important, comes to the forefront.
    Point 8, I say to each their own. If you enjoy dinning out with friends at a restaurant, or dancing at the local disco, that gives you joy, then by all means. We dinned out with a good friend at a local restaurant and had a great time. Sometimes you need that degree of “normal.”
    Point 9, . . .
    Point 10, not sure on that one.

    • Regarding points 9 and 10, I´ve found that people who stored wealth like precious metals could buy really nice real state…and rented it at international prices. Who can afford this, I couldn´t really say; but you can get a nice almost brand new apartment in the best zoning in Caracas at a bargain if you have the coin. Point 10, well, should I have invested more time in my income-generating hobbies (mind you I had two jobs: one online and the day-to-day where I had to commute 50km away, single trip, from home) instead of wasting time dedicating it to a job that at the end of the day had to be discarded as a mean to bring the bacon home.

  • Good advice. Especially about not wasting so much money on empty calories. (Like eating out at restaurants as much). I wasted way too much money like this because I was always working, sometimes driving long distances, and too tired to cook at home. It takes some planning to avoid this trap. One suggestion that might help–get with a friend and agree to each plan two meals that can be made and frozen ahead of time. You each plan the ingredients for these two meals that will serve a family of four (double the ingredients so that it would serve 8 people). Bring the ingredients for your meals and meet once a month at your friend’s house (you can alternate the houses) and then assemble the ingredients for these meals in plastic freezer bags (separate the ingredients into sandwich bags and put all the smaller bags into one large gallon-size freezer bag–complete with directions). You can leave the house with 4 frozen meals that will serve a family. This is a cheaper way to get home-cooked meals, as you have something in the freezer to prepare. Plus it’s a lot more fun to assemble meals when you have company!

    I also like idea #10. If you can develop a skill that can lead to a side hobby–plus make money from it–you have a small income stream. I am thinking of the problems we are having finding dog groomers in my area. If you can learn how to trim your own dog, you can make money trimming other people’s dogs or at least barter that skill in exchange for something else.

    Here is an example: My father used to brew the most awful beer from corn. (I think it was corn. He had big pottery jars out in the shed, and I’m not sure I knew what exactly went into them!) Plus we had a cider press and made cider–which could also get pretty hard! I don’t drink, but I imagine in a grid-down scenario, even Dad’s beer would have found some takers! You get the idea. With you tube videos, there is so much you can learn to evelop a side hobby!

    Even if we never see a SHTF scenario, it’s pretty clear that our next decade is going to be rough economically, so saving money and surviving inflation is the name of the game for many of us.

    • That´s a great idea to hang out with friends, and putting your time to good use! Your father could have made a bunch of money in Venezuela back in the days of the general strike in 2002: everyone were desperate for a cold beer and the plants just stopped supplying. Those developing their own business distilling some sort of liquor are going to have an edge regarding other with office skills, in my opinion.

  • “This is particularly important if you plan to have a permanent partner in the future. ”..
    ..“Instinct is fundamental. However, my own personal experience was a disaster. Learn from my mistakes, young people.“

    Pearls right there kids. Listen and learn.

  • Get out of big unsustainable cities full of communists who believe that whatever you have should be theirs.

    • Got it covered…and good thing is, 90% of people down here already knows how commies are. Even a good portion of the uniforms, as their families fled away or are going through real nightmares.

  • I don’t think the wise choice of a partner could be overstated! In my situation, not only are we in the same page in the need to be prepared, but our interests and skills have allowed us to divide up areas and complement one another. Mostly, the garden and critters are my area, for example, and home defense is his. That’s not to say he can’t feed critters if I’m unavailable, or I couldn’t deal with an intruder if home alone. But we split up the major planning and purchasing decisions based on who is better or more interested or informed in that area. This is not to say the author should have done anything differently, just to draw a contrast and make the point. 🙂

    • Iowa Mom,
      Great observation and well said!
      Wife is an officer while I am just a SGT of Marines. She says she married up, I beg to differ.
      Regardless, we also have our stronger points than the other and we try to maximize on those traits.

    • Dear Iowa Mom,
      It´s a little bit late to do things differently. LOL. Thanks for that outstanding comment! I´m sure will help many youngsters to clarify their priorities upon choosing a partner. 😀

  • One of the interesting things that happened in the US during the pandemic is the purchase of a second home by those renting in the city. Houses were not rural by your definition but were compared to the large cities where the buyers rented. Low end house was in the low $200K, most were in the $600K (with the buyers having funds for “remodeling”/repairs).
    I find the first rule of life is knowing want versus need. For some, this was they way they were raised. For others, it is maturity or a major life financial upheaval (usually related to job loss).

  • My wife “tolerated” my prepping for years. Now she’s all in, and thinks I might be something of a prophet! I say “nope, just saw the signs and acted”. My friends have always kind of prepped along with me, but now they are full on, and happy at what they accidentally learned along the way from me. I have a rule 11 to go along with these 10, which are great. Rule 11: “It’s always less painful to learn from other people’s mistakes”.

      • Under the current circumstances, at least in Venezuela a quieter tool is going to be a much better deterrent agent. Thugs just LOVE taking guns from civilians and uniforms down here: brings them power and “status” in their gangs.

    • There is an entire assortment of ways to do this. It will depend at the end of the day if you´re willing to work hiding a different cache with a portion of your supplies, and leaving just the structure without nothing inside to steal. Kind of what I´m planning in the very near future. Mind you, this thing of the friendship with Russia is making every informed people more and more nervous down here.

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