The US Government Has Recently Issued 2 Alarming Warnings to Prep…But Is Anybody Listening?

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

By Daisy Luther

When the US government steps outside of the apple pie and baseball narrative of the American dream and issues warnings to prep, you’d better pay strict attention and start upping your preparedness game.  (Whether you believe that the threat to prep for is manufactured to engineer consent or not is, while an interesting debate, entirely beside the point of this article.)

The US government, much like the ones in Venezuela and Greece, likes to paint a rosy picture of life in our country, often to the point that those who are awake are incredulous that others accept the propaganda.  Sort of like when Obama said that anyone who claimed there was something wrong with the US economy was a peddler of fiction.  Or when Venezuelan President Maduro said last year that they were merely being environmentally friendly when they began rationing electricity.

But what does it mean when that rosy picture gets a huge rip down the center? Particularly when the rip comes straight from the government, whose usual job it is to photoshop the rips so no one sees them?

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Do you want to prep but you’re not sure how to get started?

We can help. Go on over to Preppers University and check out our Prepping Intensive course. And if you’ve been at this for a while and want to take your preparedness to the next level, check out our 6-Week Advanced Prepping Intensive.

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I can give you a recent example.  Remember how President Maduro said there was no food shortage for the longest time? Then suddenly, he announced that the country was out of food (as though the crisis hadn’t been building all along) and recommended that folks grow veggies and raise chickens on their balconies.  And then, all hell broke loose.  The country is out of positively everything and what is available is dramatically hyperinflated. (A dozen eggs for $150, anyone?)

Obama issued the first of 2 warnings to prep.

Most of us are well aware that when disaster strikes, we’re on our own. That has been proven in disaster after disaster, like when it took days to get aid to victims of Hurricane Katrina and Superstorm Sandy.  But usually, the government likes to downplay the need for independence.  When they begin telling people to get ready, you’d better be sure that you are, because that means they know – absolutely know – that they won’t have the resources to aid those in need.

First, President Obama stepped away from the golf course to address FEMA at the end of May. Here, from the White House website, is an excerpt from his speech (the emphasis is mine):

One of the things that we have learned over the course of the last seven and a half years is that government plays a vital role, but it is every citizen’s responsibility to be prepared for a disaster.  And that means taking proactive steps, like having an evacuation plan, having a fully stocked disaster supply kit.  If your local authorities ask you to evacuate, you have to do it. Don’t wait.

And so one of the biggest, most important messages that we’re going to be delivering throughout hurricane season is that you cannot judge the dangerousness of a hurricane based on the fact that in the past it dissipated or it missed you.  If your local authorities say that you need to start evacuating, you need to start evacuating and get it done…

…And what we’ve been seeing is some public complacency slipping in; a large portion of people not having preparedness kits, not having evacuation plans… If you need information about how to put together an evacuation plan, how to put together a disaster preparedness kit, as Craig said, we’ve got an app for everything now.  We have a FEMA app in English and in Spanish to help you prepare your family for a disaster.  You can update the National Weather Service alerts.  You can get safety tips for more than 20 kinds of hazards.  It provides you directions to nearby shelters.

So I would encourage every American, no matter where you live, to stay vigilant, to check — I will repeat that — that is — check that regularly to make sure your family is prepared for severe weather.

As Michael Snyder pointed out on his website, The Economic Collapse Blog, Obama seems to really be pushing the idea of a FEMA camp.

One more thing that I found particularly noteworthy about Obama’s speech was that he said that there is now “a FEMA app” that can direct you to the nearest “FEMA shelter” in the event of a major emergency…

…Could you envision yourself and your family having to take refuge in a “FEMA shelter” someday?

Once you enter the gates to Camp FEMA, you must understand that you’re completely under their control. When you eat, where you sleep, and how often you shower will all be regulated. Gee. It kind of sounds like prison, doesn’t it?  (For a look at what life in a FEMA camp might be like, check out A. American’s book, Forsaking Home.  Yes, it’s fiction, but not outside the realm of possibility.)

Obama’s statements were all couched in a speech that coincides with hurricane season. On its own, this wouldn’t be a huge deal.

Now the DHS  has followed with a warning about potential evacuations in DC.

It’s no surprise that the nation’s capital is a prime target for terrorist attacks. The DC public transit system known as “the Metro” began it’s year-long Safe Track program, performing repairs on the aging infrastructure. While the repairs are much needed, the commuter congestion wrought by the changes in service have brought to light the very real issues that would occur in the event of a rapid evacuation of the city.

DC’s Homeland Security and Emergency Management Command Center is very concerned. After Safe Track began last week, they started monitoring commuter transit and determined that “If a natural disaster or terrorist attack occurred in the city, evacuation routes would face a crush of vehicles.”  Well, we all know that’s obviously the way it happens during an evacuation. Remember the Hurricane Rita traffic jam back in 2005? Out of 113 deaths attributed to the hurricane, 107 were associated with the evacuation, where people perished of heat strokes, a bus fire, and the exacerbation of chronic health issues.

So although evacuation is always a nightmare, the limited Metro service could elevate that to crisis proportions. DC Homeland Security Director Christopher Geldart has issued a warning to residents (again, the emphasis is mine):

Everyone needs to dust off their evacuation plans, understanding Metro isn’t a reliable option over the next year.

“When we put more vehicles on the road– like an emergency happening in the middle of the day and everybody leaving at the same time– that’s going to cause backup and it’s going to take people a good time to get home,” Geldart said. “It will take longer– much longer– than they are used to. So what we’re telling folks is, you need to have a plan with your family.”

The reasons behind these warnings to prep are nothing new, but….

Does the government know something that we don’t? Is there something big coming down the pipe? Something so big that the government isn’t going to be able to manage the crisis to their own advantage? Are they washing their hands of the responsibility they willingly took on when they created organizations like FEMA to “take care” of citizens?

While the reasons behind these warnings are the backbone of every good prepper’s philosophy, the fact that the government is issuing them is rather worrisome.  It belies the “nothing to see here” philosophy that is the usual trademark and puts the ball firmly in the court of the US citizens.

Any prepper worth his or her roll of tinfoil has to immediately think that something is up when these types of warnings come out of the mouths of those who normally act like we’re enemies of the state. But here’s where a significant issue lies.

Maybe they know something is coming. Maybe they’ve organized what’s coming as a way to take greater control. But in the midst of the crisis, it doesn’t actually matter how the crisis got started. You just have to survive it. While the thought that our own government could have been responsible for some of the most heinous acts ever committed on American soil is disturbing at the very least, if you find yourself caught up in a terrorist attack,  my opinions on the culprit don’t matter and neither do yours. All that matters in those minutes,  hours, or the days of the aftermath, is surviving.

It doesn’t honestly matter HOW it happens. Whether it is an enemy attack, as in the novel One Second After, a government false flag in order to institute martial law, or a natural act, when a disaster strikes, what matters is your readiness to deal with it.

So what should we take from these warnings?

It’s imperative that you respond when the nanny government issues warnings to prep, but not from  a place of fear.

You should respond by getting prepared. Not in the government-recommended “3 days of supplies” kind of way, either.  That’s for lightweights.

Ask yourself the following questions, and don’t just gloss over the answers, because these could potentially be matters of life and death.

  1. Do you have enough food and water to care for your family for a month with no trips to the store?
  2. Do you have a back-up sanitation plan in the event that you don’t have running water in your home for an extended period of time?
  3. Do you have a route if your area were to face a mandatory evacuation? Do you have a back-up route? Do you have a route that you could take if all of the main thoroughfares were gridlocked?
  4. Do you have a plan for grabbing what you need if you had to leave your home in 15 minutes from this very second?
  5. Do you have an emergency water filtration system? A secondary source of water?
  6. Are you prepared for a power outage lasting up to a month? Could you cook? Stay warm or cool?
  7. Do you have a plan for meeting up with family if a disaster strikes when you are separated? What if communication is down? What if you are away from home and need to get home?
  8. Are you fit enough to leave home on foot, carrying what you need to survive?
  9. Do you have family members with special needs or health concerns? If so, have you prepped to take care of these needs if you have no power and can’t get to the store or pharmacy?
  10. In a situation of civil unrest due to a lack of supplies, could you keep your home and family safe? Could you take care of medical emergencies on your own if no one was answering the phone when you dialed 911?


How did you do? Could you say yes to every question or do you have some work to do?

If you can’t answer yes to every single question above, you’re not prepared.

The scenarios above aren’t even the worst that a prepper could dream up. They’re all short-term emergencies of a month or less, and every single one of them is realistic. I can cite a recent event for each and every one of them during which people most likely wished they’d paid more attention and planned ahead.

If you can’t say yes to those questions, don’t despair. Don’t feel hopeless.

Here’s what you can do.

You can get started right now. You can get prepped.  Even if your budget is tight, if your family is not on board, or if you are assailed with doubts. You can get ready for not only possible, but likely occurrences.

Don’t start out prepping for a 30-year nuclear winter or other outrageous Doomsday Prepper-style scenario. Start out with the things that are the most realistic. Look at the bad things going on in the world today and prepare for those. Start out with a week of preps and an evacuation plan and build up from there.

  • The annual hurricanes, blizzards, and tornadoes that hit the US
  • The likelihood of civil unrest in our volatile society
  • The possibility of a tainted municipal water supply
  • A personal economic crisis, like an unexpected expense or a job loss
  • A national economic collapse, like the one in Venezuela
  • A horrifying crime wave like the one in Europe due to clashes between Europeans and migrants

None of these events is unlikely. In fact, they’re all happening right now. Some in our own neighborhood. Some in other countries. But they’re all happening.

Pop-up PhotoStart out with a week of preps and an evacuation plan and build up from there. Get a good comprehensive book, stock up on some long-term emergency food, create a water plan, and build a pantry.

Or, if you are really, really motivated and ready to up your game, make a genuine, accountable commitment to it.  Take a course like the one I’m teaching with Lisa Bedford (aka the Survival Mom).  I can promise you that if you follow all of the guidelines in the Summer Prepping Intensive, you will absolutely be able to say yes to each of the questions above.


Whatever you do, don’t be paralyzed by fear. Don’t just blithely do nothing and figure it will all work out.

You have a responsibility to yourself and the ones you love to heed the warnings, watch the signs, and prepare accordingly.

Are you ready yet?

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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30 Responses

  1. Please send me a link to your course. My internet will not allow me to click on the course you are teaching, my browser wont open it up

  2. In our home we try to alway have at least 6 months supply of food and bottled water on hand at all times. Most of it canned- store bought as well as home prepared from our garden- some of it frozen, some dry goods, etc. My son is the only one with medical needs- he has hypothyroid as well as type 1 diabetes so he’s dependent on thyroid meds and insulin. Building up a supply of those was hard because you can’t just go buy those things and most doctors will only prescribe the necessary amounts so you can’t just buy refills without needing them. Also, insulin doesn’t keep forever and must be refrigerated. But, we do have a few months supply in the event of something terrible happening and he always uses up the oldest bottles first so the stock pile is refreshed each month.

    We are fortunate that we live in a VERY rural area so traffic jams and stuff like that are not likely here. If we are evacuated it would have to be because of something really terrible happening right down the road in the middle of farm country. We do live in earthquake territory so that could pose a problem if the New Madrid fault wakes up and decides to cause trouble. But what can be done about that? Our brick home would fall down around us and getting to our emergency supplies would be difficult at best.

    One thing that a lot of people don’t think about is hygiene in an emergency situation. soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, etc. Washing your hands may save your life. For some reason my husband is the food minded one and I’m the hygiene minded one. I insist on keeping huge packs of toilet paper on hand at all times, open one, buy another. I stock up on laundry detergent, bar soap, cleaning supplies, toothpaste, extra toothbrushes and bandaids. I we’re going to die in an emergency situation, we’ll be clean when it happens!! We may never need those things but if we do, we have them.

    Thanks for the great info and insight. Let’s just keep praying that it’s never needed.

  3. We are pretty much prepared to stay in place for most of the emergencies you mention. We are extremely rural so no problem with traffic jams. There is only one emergency that would make us bug out. That is wildfire. If a significant fire got going in the region I would load what preps we could in whatever vehicles we have drivers for and be ready to go if the fire moved in our direction. There are only two ways to go so it would be which ever was open. Meanwhile every year we make the homestead safer from fire.
    As far as bugging out on foot some of us are too old and damaged for that route. It is not a matter of getting in shape but rather infirmities which can reduce some one to be hard pressed to walk across the room on a bad day. Such a person’s loved one wouldn’t think of bugging out and leaving them.

    1. Howard –

      I’m with you regarding bugging out. Fire is a danger where I live, so we have an evacuation plan in place. We had a near miss with the King Fire a couple of years ago. (And by near, I mean a mere 3 miles from the fire line!)

      Aside from that or something completely unforseen, we intend to bug in.

    2. Eight years ago I’d bug-out. The reality of several health issues now make that unrealistic. We modifying our plans to bug-in. I never thought I would get old so fast. Ha!

  4. Do, or die.

    RE: ‘As far as bugging out on foot some of us are too old and damaged for that route.’

    Man, I get perturbed when I read this notion! There is this idea, it’s called, ‘Baby Steps’. A person places one foot – in front of the other – and makes way.

    I’m not putting down those who can no longer get around, I’m related to a few, I know how it is. I just can’t stand this American’t outlook on things, which isn’t confined to just, American’t’s.

    It may take a Lot longer than anticipated – but – where there’s a will, there’s a way.
    Also, wheels help, and traverses (sp?) the things with two logs and some straps which a person, horse, or dog pulls. Or, even a HoverRound, or maybe a boat?

    Imagine if you were forced to go.

    History is full of examples. [For one sample, ]

    Might you wish to have something ready to make the last days better, for you, or for someone around you whom you liked? … etc. etc. etc…

    Anyway, what prompted my comment was this: ‘Camp FEMA … Gee. It kind of sounds like prison, doesn’t it?’

    Yah, it does.

    I’m reminded once again of the descriptions of life in a FEMA camp on the webpage,

    Imho, Absolutely everyBody should read that hair raising description of life after Katrina.

    With that said, as I was reading the blog I was thinking, ‘a lot of people are going to read this and think, ‘Oh, this has to do with hurricanes, I don’t live in hurricane country, so this isn’t for me’.’
    I feel a bit sorry for those people. It seems they’ve got no notion as to what the governments are capable of in war, or the past examples of naturally occurring things (which can now be induced by the weapons of mankind, and the willingness of TPTB to use them) and the general trend of the spiral downward of an economy built on piles of mush, so to say.

    I guess I just haven’t lived long enough to have lost the enthusiasm for living. And, I cannot understand not having it.

    C’est la vie

    P.S. @Danielle,

    Are you aware of this?:

    ‘How To Achieve Diabetic Control Completely Free Of Prescription Drugs’

    Because, yeesh, ‘Metformin and Diabetic Drugs Increase Mortality’

    Your doctor and drug companies will kill ya if the other bastards don’t get ya first.

    1. You just don’t get it. No one in their right mind would take off on foot and leave a well supplied secure base with a person who can not walk a hundred yards on rough ground into the bush with no real sanctuary in sight. As I said we would bug out for wild fire by vehicle only as a last resort and you can’t out walk or out run a crowning fire in spruce forest. Fire is the only threat with any likely hood of hurting us.

      1. I totally see where you’re coming from, Howard. We don’t have any handicapped folks in our family, but we have livestock and preps that I don’t intend on leaving unless I must. I don’t want to be a refugee, that’s for sure.

      2. Nahh, Howard, I ‘get it’.
        Did you skip over the part where I said I was related to people in that very same condition?

        I, ‘know’.

        Never once did I imply taking off on foot and leaving a well supplied secure base with a person who can not walk a hundred yards on rough ground into the bush with no real sanctuary in sight ‘

        I know some people have infirmities which can reduce some one to be hard pressed to walk across the room on a bad day.

        Getting old is a drag.

        However; a person can make plans. One doesn’t have to necessarily Do anything, like putting a garden tractor with a 55 gallon fuel tank connected to a wagon in a shed,… just having a plan is, something. Alth0ug, doing that isn’t exactly bad, imho.

        One thing I Am saying is, having a narrow mindset (how ever practical)such as, that ONly a Fire is the only threat with any likely hood of hurting us’ Keyword, ‘only’. … I’m sorry I’ve run out of time to flesh out this comment. Please refer to the links I posted. I’ll end with this title:

        ‘Preparedness Is A Lifestyle That Needs To Be Done Your Way’

        Best of luck to ya.

    2. Helot,
      You need to settle down, reign it in and learn some manners. It is quite clear you posesses no empathy and/or are young and/or have led a charmed life.
      Go piss on someone else’s Post Toasties for awhile.
      Old Enough to have Earned the T shirt “been there, done that”

      1. ‘reign it in’? ‘Charmed life’ ‘no empathy’? What the heck? You’re quite presumptuous and seem kind of clueless, Anon.

        Have you got anything useful to add to the discussion?

        Your response reminds me of an attempt I once made to enlighten a very old person wearing that same worn-out t-shirt you claim to have. When told the facts, the reply was, ‘what a downer’ and the subject was quickly changed by them to something comfortable. It was like that person was hiding under a blanket and pretending things will never be bad or worse than you imagined, a.k.a. ‘Dreamtime’. Your comment has that very same quality about it.

        Best of luck to ya.

  5. Hello Daisy – I can answer yes to all questions however, I would recommend that people keep their cars topped off with fuel. When the balloon goes up there will be a run on gas and stations will be crowded with cars of those who were unprepared. I also have put together my own bug-out-bag and if you care to review the contents, just let me know and I will forward the list. It is extensive. Thank you, Tom

    1. I would love to be forwarded that list so that I may compare and make sure we have not forgotten anything. Yes there is no doubt that chaos and havoc is coming, the thing is not knowing when. I just need to know that if civil unrest becomes an issue, I have what I need to move along … TIA for any suggestions and help.

  6. This is one of the best and on time articles I have read lately. Sure they all talk about preparing but looking at the current situations is so important. Thank you for this article.

  7. be prepared yourself…you cannot guarantee that the government will provide help in an emergency……some may receive help, many will not and we all need to be prepared

  8. Obama stoking fear amongst the citizens.

    You must trust the Government, for only the government
    can save you. Relinquish all rights to the government
    and you will be saved. Your compliance is mandatory.

    You must not question, you must comply.

    The One has spoken.

    1. Which citizens do you refer to? The common sense and pragmatic persons who have a couple of weeks of food and water in case of a sudden emergency or the ones ( THE MAJORITY OF Americans ) who suffer from Normalcy bias?

      The very same Americans that voted the purple lipped Marxist in? They are going to be in the first massive wave of deaths from hunger, disease and murder all just because they didn’t get the memo or just didn’t care.

      While most Prepper posts are about surviving ( and yes, I’m all about that ) and out lasting the Golden Horde, how come we don’t leapfrog to the real issue……..what kind of new world are WE going to prepare for our children?

      I would suggest a Constitutional Republic. There won’t be many NA’s left but those of us who are still alive will be the most resourceful, hardworking and bright people who will rebuild this country.

      Wouldn’t it be super cool for the men and women of this country to be known as the second Reformed Constitutionalists that our Founders envisioned? The tough part is surviving long enough to form a new government where states rights are observed then the toughest part of all, agreeing to disagree in a polite manner as to how govern ourselves and benefit each other on the whole.

      Ah well, enough for now,

      Best and may the Lord keep you watch over you and yours.

      Snake Plisken

      1. Dear Snake,

        RE: “I would suggest a Constitutional Republic.”

        That’s already been tried. The idea failed. A monster will Never limit itself.

        …Nice thought though.

        – Yours in Liberty, Anarchist Capitalist.

  9. No likes living in a Fema camp or a Fema Trailers but when your home has been destroyed and you got nowhere else its like heaven. We here in West Virginia have been devestated by a lot of floods,wind storms, what have you,homes destroyed, posssessions gone, no water, no power for werks on end because of weather and mountainous terrain. We are grateful to have FEMA. They bring is water, food, housing, medicine, other necessaries. So while you feel some kind of way because of all the conspiracy bull take heart, if you ever really need them, they’ll be there to help even those who talked crap about them.

  10. I wanted to say that I retired as a school nurse, and around 6 years ago I attended some mandatory trainings (homeland security) that included among other things, how to convert the school into an emergency shelter, or medical facility and the procedures for small pox inoculation and how to diagnose and treat other biological warfare type infections, plague, Ebola, hemorrhagic fever to name a few. The government also required that we stock huge numbers of filtered masks and hand sanitizer. ( kind of like duct tape and plastic)? The national guard was involved and were in charge of emergency food, water, cots, ect. This was for school nurses nationwide, interesting thing to spend a lot of tax payer dollars on, don’t you think?

  11. I always get confused when I see posts like this one. We constantly complain about how the government supposedly tries to make preppers look crazy and discourages prepping, but when the government tries to tell people that they should prep, we see it is a problem.

    The reality is that there is no conspiracy; there is no secret event that is about to happen. The government has actually been actively trying to get people to prep for quite some time now. It’s just that people tend not to notice, and only write about it when they feel there is some sort of conspiracy. In NY for example, we have constant advertising about prepping, and the state constantly releases information designed to help prepping. This has been going on for years now.

  12. I prep a lot and continue to do so even though it is a fight with the wife, half the time I sneak extra 5 gallon buckets of beans and rice and misc. but on thing that worries me is my daughter just had twins and my daughter in-law is due in a month. if we can’t get formula what is the best dry milk I can stock up on that would be as good as formula?

    1. Breast feeding. Encourage them to breastfeed. Are they absolutely against it or medically incapable (after meeting with expert lactation consultants, and groups such as La Leche League, not just a disinterested pediatrician). Twins are difficult, but not impossible. And sometimes, with enough work and determination, a mother no longer lactating can begin again – but she needs awesome nutrition. I’d have vitamins for mom around – and she’s the one who gets the extra food and water.

      There are foods that increase production – whole grains, oats, the herb fenugreek, among many others, that help. If necessary, you can make emergency forumla from goats milk and a variety of other ingredients – just google “goats milk formula” for a ton of different suggestions – possibly even the WHO. And from what I remember hearing in a bind, they can consume straight goat’s milk, but don’t quote me on that one. Keeping on breast as long as possible helps their nutrition.

      When they’re ready for food, no need for baby food – they can eat what you eat, just tiny amounts, possibly prechewed, and only introduce one at a time. There are tons of lists out there about beginning feeding in more natural ways than gerber rice cereal. Also, breastfed babies may be thinner than other babies, but as long as they are consistently gaining, and are sufficiently wetting enough diapers (a properly breastfed baby may not poop as much, so that’s not as much of a concern), they are fine.

      There are a ton of resources out there. Something else to have on hand may be a manual breast pump. They’d probably balk now, but it may come in handy esp if trying to relactate. You can also always try to find another nursing mother/wet nurse (the newborn’s mom could possibly feed the twins, etc.)

      Hope that helps.

      1. Mamatype provided great advice, Mark. I think it’s essential to have supplies on hand for babies in the event that something (heaven forbid) should happen to the mother of the child. The Weston Price website has a homemade formula recipe based on goat’s milk. Here’s a link to it. If these supplies aren’t accumulated in advance of a disaster, they’ll be impossible to come by after the fact.

        As well, I recommend keeping dry cows milk on hand for later, once the baby has hit toddler age. Organic dry milk is hard to come by but it is sold on Preppers Market. Here is a link for a bulk package of this.

        Organic is very expensive, so the next option would be a hormone-free dry milk, which is far more reasonably priced. That link is here.

        I hope this helps!


  13. I believe in being prepared. I also believe that people need to be accountable to themselves and quit blaming the government for everything. If I am in my safe room and a tornado flattens my house, neighborhood, and city, I will probably need some help, since tornado warnings give you time to take shelter, not bug out. I will be thankful to FEMA and to the Red Cross for any help provided. I will have supplies for a few months in my safe room. I just won’t have a roof over my head (outside my safe room) after the tornado. Is the government at fault in this scenario? No, but I will certainly take the help offered. The fact is we never know what will happen. I think it is important to prepare for as much as you can while hoping never to need it.

  14. Great article Daisy. I too live in a very small town in the mountains of NorCal. See guys; it’s not just a bunch of liberal crazies here.

  15. Well I tell you I realize that we live in the modern world where this doctor says this and that doctor says that about child rearing. But in a dire emergency and you haven’t acquired baby Foods or proper formula or have access to goat milk. Evaporated milk mixed up, equal halves water and milk add a little syrup or honey for the bowel system. My grandmother was a hospital dietitian in the fifties and also raised 16 children of her own. You can also feed them soupy mashed potatoes and gravy, as well as other soft mashed vegetables, hot cooked cereals like Farina. You can also soften crackers and graham crackers smash and mix with milk or juice and also add a little honey or syrup. Egg yolk is great as well as canned fruit in the light syrup drained and put through a food mill, applesauce is good as well. Applesauce is great mixed with soft cereals. Here is just a few resources for items that make great baby food. Breastfeeding is by far the best choice, but if you don’t have that choice there are a lot of other options out there. Just feed your child in small doses as their system adjusts and tolerates the different food choices as you would any other baby food. These are things that people did before the Boom of the baby food industry. Get yourself a hand grind food Mill for your Preps. It’s not only good for your babies it’s also good for the elderly without the ability to chew . Anything can be ground up with a food mill, from cooked meats to vegetables. Just have plenty of liquid on hand as an additive. Low sodium broths is another good nutritional additive for softening Foods. I hope this helps. Many happy regards and good luck to all.

  16. Reminds me of N. Centuries, no one should ever suffer but when one say’s may you live in interesting times. Well, that is not a nice thing to say, really when one must unlovely live in them, and the worst of it all one must except the bullet or become it.

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In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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