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Have you watched the documentary The Real Anthony Fauci? If you haven’t, you can go here and watch both parts for free.
I’m really curious about what you think and I have a couple of discussion questions. Please share your opinions and any discussion topics of your own in the comments!
What shocked you the most?
Was there anything that really surprised you? Is there anything you were not yet aware of that the documentary revealed?
What patterns are you noticing with Dr. Fauci?
Has Anthony Fauci been abusing the system his entire career? How do you think he’s benefitting from it?
What do you think?
Please share your opinions and any discussion topics of your own in the comments! This is really important, and I believe the more we bring this stuff to light, the better protected we are from this occurring in the future. And maybe, just maybe, if enough of us know about it, justice could prevail.
11 Responses
The thing that struck me was how the way AIDS medications were doled out and other medications were restricted felt like a test run for the pandemic.
Fauci has been doing this same thing his whole career. We’re all one giant experiment to him.
I hope he fries.
So far, I’ve been the most surprised by the atrocities committed against those poor children at the group home. How on earth can something so evil be so easily covered up?
Anyone so inclined can see what the gov’s own figures are on Vaxx mortality and morbidity here:
Is Fauci “retiring” before the end of the year so he can find a location where he can hide and not be exradited?
Not much was new to me as I have been searching diligently for the truth on all this covid stuff since Jan 2020. I had thought that AZT was the miracle drug on AIDS, however, and learning that it was in fact highly toxic and AIDS died down as a scream subject when AZT was rejected–that was new.
Make no mistake–Justice is coming! G-d Himself will help on that. AND we need to wake up more people. Walking toward a cliff with a blindfold on is not such a bright idea.
I watched it together with my mother, to make her watch it. But I had already read the book, so nothing in the movie shocked me—the book is far worse.
I saw on another source that Fauci is a Satan worshiper. Pure evil. Fauci gave public acknowledgement of that fact.
There is no way on earth to extract justice for the evil he has done. Take away all his wealth, leave his children paupers, execute him for his crimes wouldn’t begin to do justice for his many victims. Do the same to his partners in his crimes, starting with Bill Gates and anyone who worked with him. Even Bill Gates’ billions would give only a few dollars to each of his victims.
For those of us who acknowledge that there’s a God in heaven that that he’s a just God, gives us hope that Bill Gates’ and Fauci’s crimes will be avenged.
As for preventing another monster from coming, I have little hope. There’s a snake-oil salesman born every minute. And gullible victims by the second. It’s only a matter of time before another Fauci comes on the scene.
I bought and read the book. So not many surprises for me. I wish ‘we’ could get the rabid vaxxers to watch this. I just have to smdh at the sheeple. I get some had no choice but to get the shot. I get protecting the vulnerable. But what happened to critical thinking? As a retired ER nurse, I knew something was up. I had to mask at my current work, against my better judgement. I am more concerned now about ‘shedding’ from those who’ve drunk the koolaid. I also worry about possibly needing a blood transfusion in the future. In an emergent situation, can I request blood from non-vaxxed sources? And I worry so much about the babies who have missed out on the facial interactions with people because of masks. Don’t EVEN get me started on the stupidity of parents masking young children and babies. I need to stop now. Nuff said.
I heard something about a blood bank of unvaxxed being set up. I think it might have been Graith Care that’s doing it. I need to do a little more research to know for sure but thought I’d throw that out there so you can look into it.
As far as critical thinking…I was working part-time for a hospital when it all started. You should have seen the looks I got when I said the masking policy didn’t match the mandatory ppe training we did a few months prior.
All of our institutions have failed – government, schools, universities, medical profession, science, military, police, churches, journalism, courts, etc. The Constitution might as well not exist. The few people who resisted are the rightful heirs of our founding fathers. We need a new country. The one we live in now is a lost cause. The malefactors were able to hide what they were doing for a long time, but now it’s all out in the open. They don’t mind that we know. They are mocking us. “So, what are you doing to do about it, eh?” This is satanism. Lucifer is their god.
My wife and I both read the book. When all this COVID nonsense was starting, we read “Plague of Corruption” by Judy Mikovits, Kent Heckenlively, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Recommend everyone also read the second book….it is less dense and easier reading, and talks about how Big Pharma tried to ruin her life, and the fraud of Dr. Fauci going back years.
The world is overdue for a global Nuremburg 2.0 trial, and these people should be tried for premeditated mass murder. I have been doing what I can to pressure members of Congress since the start to do just that.
Agree with the previous comment – Fauci needs to fry. He is a phony, fraud, and driven by greed and who knows what else.
Full disclosure, my wife and I are both extremely well educated scientists, and we research the manure out of things like this before we start adding our voices.
I quit watching this because captioning did not keep up with audio content. I am probably better off getting the book and reading it.