The Presidential Debate Debacle

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Welp, it appears that Joe Biden’s supporters finally understand how the rest of us have been feeling for four entire years watching the slow, ongoing train wreck in the White House. His performance at last night’s presidential debate against Donald Trump was absolutely horrifying.

He went from looking like a hostage being forced to speak to mumbling incoherently to slinging insults, and through no part of it did he come across the least bit presidential. I’m sure the rest of the world watched and laughed.

Trump, on the other hand, showed unusual restraint in his replies. He limited the name-calling, which must have been difficult for him. He didn’t stay on topic and didn’t always answer questions to the moderators’ satisfaction, but thanks to muted microphones when the other person was speaking, he didn’t talk over Biden or interrupt him. He made a few claims that I’d love to see fact-checked, but all in all, he comported himself lucidly, spoke clearly, and came across as far stronger physically and mentally than Biden,

It’s honestly pretty sad that all someone had to do to win a debate against Biden is to speak coherently. Against a better opponent, Trump’s digressions from the topic would have looked far worse.

I was surprised and impressed by the professionalism of the CNN moderators. I really expected them to lob softballs at Biden and hardballs at Trump, but they were really quite fair.

If Biden, as many suspect, got the questions ahead of time, it did him little good.

To be frank, as much as I dislike Biden, I felt sorry for him. He looked truly frightened a few times and very confused. I’ve said this before: it’s elder abuse, and his family should be ashamed of putting him out there like this. They should be protecting him. Instead, they’re enjoying the power of having him as president.

And remember all those recent claims that all the videos of Biden freezing, falling, or rambling were deep fakes? I think last night’s appearance has put that weak defense to rest.

There’s panic in Democrat circles, with people showing utter shock at Biden’s terrible performance. There are calls to “dump Biden” and people expressing shock that he was so infirm. The media has completely turned on him because last night’s reality check simply cannot be overcome.

It might be better for Trump if they don’t dump Biden. It’s difficult to imagine that after last night’s performance, any person who loves America could vote for a senile old man like our current president. Even if that means that Trump will serve another term.

If you missed it, you can watch the entire thing here.

What did you think of the debate debacle?

I’d love to hear your thoughts. If you watched, what did you think of last night’s debate? (Yes, I know some of you will be delighted to say you didn’t watch it and instead watched some paint dry on a wall.)  Do you think the Democrats will replace Biden? If so, who do you think they’ll replace him with?

Let’s discuss it in the comments section.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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93 Responses

  1. Isn’t it amazing how most Democrats are talking about Biden’s performance? It’s like they are truly shocked by his behavior. Where have they been the last four years? Why are they just now seeing it? That party is desperate now so I’m a little worried what they will end up doing. It’s embarrassing knowing other countries were watching this.

    1. Right?

      I guess Biden’s incompetence is another “conspiracy theory” that turned out to be a fact.

      1. When Trump was president even the republicans were working against him. He is a business man NOT a politician. He did so much right, but the haters will pick stupid minuscule things. Politicians don’t work for us but Trump did. Obama is running the country that’s why discussing Joe is beside the point. Trump was right!

    2. It’s more embarrassing that the media plays dumb when we all know they get their scripts have to stick to the orchestrated talking points like from 1984. All a show.

    3. I think the Democrats knew exactly what would happen and they already have someone else in line to take over Biden’s place. CNN never bashes their own and they did. It’s always a show. They know what they’re doing. Planned out before they debate even started.

      1. I absolutely agree with you. They have been letting the curtain slip for past few years, and if you watch how solicitously Obama led him off stage at the Hollyweird rally, you know that they are setting this up for them to place their choice in his place.

        That’s why they insisted on the early debate.

        Now it’s time to start a pool to see who the dems put in the top spot. No, it’s not Harris. But Big Mike? Gruesome? Hilary?

      2. You’re right, Audy! The Dems may have staged the whole thing! At this point, I’m not sure he’ll even get the party nomination at the convention. It would not surprise me to see Hillary stroll in and take over!

      3. My thoughts exactly. When all the media is dumping on Biden, there is an angle. Think back just a few short years ago when those awake were making many factual statements, they gaslit us.

        Do not be fooled, it’s all in the plans.

  2. Living in VT, I am friends with several people who consider themselves leftists or socialists and as far as America is concerned, there’s a strange detachment in their thinking. They’re more interested in belonging to a “world community” and they want America to lead the way in creating that community – but they want that community to be socialist – and that doesn’t jibe with the American core – so, most of the time, they express their disapproval of any sort of patriotism or traditional American values. They want to keep the name and dump what made the country great – but they don’t see it that way. They see it as making America better – they want to make America better by obliterating her.

    1. Agree totally. I have family in NH and VT and they all think the same and that way. Save the world, destroy the rich (and they are rich themselves lol), love is love, Fauci is the science and reparations for POC. I can’t even talk to them. Most still want JB some are considering RFKjr.

    2. Well said. I’m from MA. but moved to AZ 20 yrs. ago. One sister is a teacher in NH and my other sister lives in MA. They both refused to listen to my warnings about getting the C. vaccines as well as not wanting to know about the deep state corruption, lies we’ve been told, etc.etc…
      I have friends back east who are pretty liberal. Its challenging for me to have the special closeness we once shared after revealing our strong opinions on these topics.

    3. Thanks Woody for helping me understand the lefts thinking. Being a Texan, we don’t get to talk to leftist and your analysis was insightful. Still think they are crazy and many are satanic.

  3. Thanks for watching it. I just can’t stand to hear byedim’s voice. (Not exactly in love with the other voice either). Only hate for Trump allows anyone to vote for this demented disabled person.

  4. I couldn’t stand to watch. I appreciate your sound assessment that Trump might have looked bad against a better opponent, but I am sickened that these are the best two we had to offer in the first place. Politics is a big machine, and the political parties are just very powerful clubs that beat anyone who might be an actual threat into oblivion. The only reason why Trump is able to stand against them is because he is rich as Croesus. Anyone else is not even able to stand up. I hope that of the two Trump will be elected because he is at least “Pro-America”, even if he isn’t the best possible candidate, he is the best of the worst, which is what we have right now… God save us!

  5. Okay.
    Now that is over, the Democrats are in a panic for obvious reasons.
    What do they do next? Stay with Biden, and keep running? I am sure there are some in the Biden administration who would.
    The rest of the Democrats are in a scramble as to who could they replace Biden with.
    Good lord are they going to try to trot Hillary out again?
    Who has been running the presidency?

    1. Of course I’m in Canada, and may not know all the in’s and out’s, but from what I heard last night the Democrats can’t just replace Biden. Apparently he has to choose to step aside. The idea of an open convention like they had back in the 60’s was gotten rid of by the DNC. (probably in an attempt to retain control over who could be their nominee) So unless he steps down, resigns, or they 25th him before the election they may be stuck with him.

      1. My good Northern friend, just read an article pointing that out.
        The the question is, who is it who wants to retain power and is willing to stay in the race, forcing the DNC to run with Biden?

        1. I think the REAL question right now isn’t whether he can be their candidate for the next election, but rather can he even finish out his present term.

          They are all talking about the democrats panicking. I think that the population is panicking right now, realizing that this is what we have leading the country, the military, NATO, and in control of the nuclear arsenal in this time of international upheaval.

          1. He’s been just a figurehead for three and a half years, though occasionally getting and acting on his own stupid ideas. And continuing to take tens of millions under the table. He could literally be dead and the ship of state would continue to drift when it wasnt sinking whatever lay in its path.

            I did not feel sorry for him. He has been single-handedly responsible for the deaths of American soldiers in the Afghanistan rout, for the deaths and rapes of hundreds attacked by illegal immigrants, the illegal imprisonment for years of the J6 victims, the political persecution of Trump on made-up charges, leaving him with millions in legal expenses, and the suffering of many millions of Americans from inflation. Betraying Israel, doing an about-face to support Hamas and its supporters worldwide and in the US. Partial list. Malice aforethought. I would not want to be in his shoes when he is judged. He knows he is a wretched and criminal president, but his ego tells him to hold onto it, no matter how much suffering he causes.

            They could remove him under the 25th, and then we’d drift for a few months with Kamala at the helm. But then return to competence and dynamism under Trump. We had a booming economy and stock market, low unemployment, very low inflation, a closed border, peace in the Middle East and the Abraham Accords, and sanctions on Iran so strict that it couldn’t support groups like Hamas. I don’t know why some act as though he had been incompetent and corrupt. He was not.

          1. I agree. I think Michelle Obama is the only person who has a decent chance against Trump. If the Dems have any intelligence, they’ll run her.

      2. It’s the big money donators who will make the final decision. Not the DNC. Not Biden. As soon as they decide to pull their money out it is over. The only question I have is will they? Moniqueo

    2. For the past several weeks the media has not been its usual fawning self over Biden, and then they permitted an early debate, occurring even before the official nomination at the convention.

      The fix is in.

      It has become so obvious that Ol’ Joe isn’t able to be even a mere figure head that the Powers That Be have decided that he must be replaced.

      Hillary, Newsom, Mike Obama, RFK jr.?
      Someone we don’t even see coming?
      In any case, it will be decided before the convention.

      Now, the new Democrat nominee may not be permitted to win, though he or she may be set up to be the nominee again in 2028.

      It might be that Mr. Trump will be permitted to sit in the Oval again, and under his term the whole economy may be permitted to tank completely by TPTB, and we will look upon the Great Depression as the good old days.

      Then in 2028 the Democrats will “win” back the White House and finish driving this nation into the ground, probably using WW III and the Greatest Depression as both excuse and mechanism to consolidate absolute power.

      Who’s been running the country?
      Same folks as have been running most other Western nations.

      Billionaires, multinational corporations, China, major financial institutions and corporations, the MIC; anybody who hates the West and wants to destroy it and has the money to do it.

      All of them, knowingly or unknowingly, doing the work of Satan.

      I was only surprised by the adequate professionalism of the CNN moderators.
      Joe’s mental incapacity has been obvious since he was Obama’s VP.

      If you really want to know what is going on with Ol’ Joe’s mental capacity, watch the memes.
      You will see the truth.

      I like Meme the Left and Memeology.
      Very funny, very true and very scary stuff.

      1. Just the other day I read an article about how they would rather tank the economy under their conditions, blame someone else, could be Trump, could even be Biden, could be someone else.
        I would not put it past them.

        1. That is what I am afraid of. That’s what they did with convid & it worked. They’ve been destroying this economy only to have it slide into a Republican presidency then their buddies in the stock market/global markets will tank it & blame the Rep. president & it’s continual chaos blaming the right (backed by MSM) since people are so gullible & have horrible memories.

  6. THe debate was a joke, neither candidate answered the questions or presented solutions to the demise of the middle class, the poor health in America, the addiction to drugs/alcohol, the ruin of the environment, the economy, etc.

    I wonder why CNN prevented J F Kennedy from being included in the Presidential Debate. He is America’s only hope to close the borders, put Americans in prosperity again and movethis country out of it’s constipated state.

    1. No demoncrat will ever help this country. Never again. In my 84 years there has only been one demoncrat that could be called good for this country. Never since him, and never again after today will there be.

    2. The reason RFK Jr wasn’t included is simply because he is not one of the collusive twins. I liken the D & R to professional wrestlers. When the cameras are on, they’re all “I’m gonna get you,” when the cameras are off, they are eating dinner together. This is of course the decision makers, not the rank and file ones.

      The bogusness RFK Jr is dealing with, I’ve experienced this up front and personal when I was involved with state politics as well as it happened to a lesser extent when I was involved with local races.

      You’re either on board with the collusive twins machine, or the machine runs you over.

    3. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was not there because CNN and the rest of the msm are the propaganda arm of the democrat party. The democrat party blocked Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from joining the democrat party so no CNN hall pass for him. I assume they did this because they have their hands full just trying to gas light everyone in to believing Joe Biden is a great president doing a great job. And RFK may not have been a good puppet. In other words Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was “a threat to democracy” so they needed to make sure democrats won’t have him as a choice. Too many democrats still think the democrat party is the party of the people. It is not. it is the party of the oligarchs.

      We were better off under Trump than under Biden. So this is not a hard choice except for the people who still believe the msm fake news.

    4. RFK, Jr. just made a statement that he will reduce the military by 50%. I like some of his views but he lost me on this one.

  7. I watched “The Real Debate “ with RFK, Jr included. He was great & I believe our only hope. I think they will replace Biden with Gavin Newsom, big Mike or even Hillary ( if there even is an election & we are not under martial law). God help us.

  8. Many rumors were floating around about a replacement prior to this debacle of a debate. Michelle, Hillary, Gavin, Kamala….

    1. They’re all too damaged. None of those folks can recover the losses in dem voters that Biden and his handlers have lost. Folks that were once loyal will smell the b.s. It’s got to be a young dark horse that is clean and is an ardent democrat that can get them back on the reservation.

      It’ll be Josh Shapiro.

    2. Yep I think they might roll out Michelle Obama to save the day. She was well liked when Obama was president. I hope not, but they really dont have a lot of options.

      1. Michelle Obama is a radical leftist in her own right. She has always said she didn’t want to be president, and she shouldn’t be. There are many intelligent young Democrats waiting in the wings. I read last night that Clinton and Obama should ho to the WH and talk to Biden, draw up a list of five possible Democrat nominees for president, have them give speeches at the convention. Biden steps aside. That and the choosing of competent successors would be the responsible thing to do. I don’t know which way Jill would go if she were pressured by Clinton and Obama.

  9. The one thing Trump and Biden agreed on is to never utter the
    independent candidate’s Name That Shall Not Be Spoken. CNN
    held up their end of the bargain by referring to “the two
    candidates” when there are actually three.

    Well, technology can be used to cancel a voice you don’t like, but
    in this case it can also be used to un-cancel that voice. Last night
    John Stossel hosted “The Real Debate”, which included the CNN
    questions, Biden’s and Trump’s answers, and Kennedy’s answers.
    If you’re not happy with “the two choices” that the powers that be
    are offering us, or if you just don’t like the MSM telling you what
    you’re allowed to see, you can watch the three-way debate replay on (Note: the recording has a bunch of filler
    at the beginning; jump ahead to 25:30 to see the actual debate.)

    Watch it for yourself and see what you think of the three candidates.

    1. Aha! I knew there would have to be a replay because most people still don’t know about The Real Debate that got millions more viewers than CNN’s version.
      I was lucky enuf to find out about The Real Debate a few hours ahead of time and enjoyed thumbing my nose at CNN by watching that version.
      Kennedy won the Real Debate, partly because his opponents couldn’t call him out on anything. Lots of nasty stuff about him simply wasn’t mentioned.

  10. The cognitive differences between the two are alarming. However. I wish the Republican candidate had answered the moderators’ questions more than returning to previous spats with his opponent. I think Trump missed opportunities to speak directly to certain population groups that need help with inflation. Specifically he failed to address the high cost of daycare. He could have given working mothers something to hope for, and didn’t.

    1. Yes, I was frustrated by his wandering comments. He could’ve made a quick retort to anything Biden said and then answered the current question. He’s not actually a good debater (in the classical sense of the word), though not many folks are anymore. He primarily looked good because Biden looked so bad.

    2. I wonder why daycare should be a Federal concern.
      It doesn’t appear anywhere in the Constitution.

      Now, if we could return high paying manufacturing jobs to the USA, and cut taxes across the board, then maybe families could afford daycare, or even better, maybe we could go back to one income families being the norm.

      1. Val, I KNOW I am not supposed to be working outside the home while raising children. This is a spiritual issue, the government telling males to sit at home drinking and watching screens all of 2020 while I and our minor daughters WORKED. Daycare is a scam to keep mothers away from their children so the children can be brainwashed into antifamily, antiGod, anti- anything positive and good. But the males expect women to financially support their licentious adolescent self-centered behavior.

        1. There are hristian Day Care Centers but many are closing because of money and regulations. The company my daughter has worked for for decades closed finally yesterday. She was the manager. Tough Job and under paid for long hours and lots of headaches. She’s already had interviews with other jobs that will pay the same for far less hours and less headaches. Sad when good daycare is hard to come by.

  11. I think the debate was a setup to justify replacing Biden either before or during the August Democrat convention, as evidenced by Van Jones’ remarks shortly into the commentary following the debate. I suspect that almost anyone else picked by the Dems will be a problem for Trump, both in reinvigorating the Democrat base and in legitimizing the fraud they will surely try again.

    1. Ahhh, leading the witness. Show everyone how horrible Biden is (as if we needed to see any more) then they can make an excuse to do whatever they want anyways. Yep, that’s the left.

  12. I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes or be contrary, but RFK, Jr. has flip flopped so many times that I can’t trust him. First he was for a ban on abortions except for the first several weeks, then he was all in with women getting abortions at full term, now after being blasted for that comment, he’s walked it back. He’s been quoted in the past supporting jailing people who dissent from the dominant view on climate change. (Jailing political opponents?). I’ve never cared for Trump but will vote for him as the best and possibly safest choice.

    1. Yep.
      RFK jr. strikes me as a Trojan horse, attractive on the outside but full of treachery waiting within.

      1. The whole Presidential race is a trojan horse every four years. Not only do they cheat, not only are the major candidates evil, but the whole screaming match is a distraction from the races that matter most–your state and local races. Especially local.

        1. Abso-*******-lutely spot on. Dang! The ladies on this thread are all over this! Proud of you tough women peeling off the veneer of crap and getting right into the red meat.👍🏻

  13. The whole thing could be considered bread and circus. Sure kept a lot of people hooked for however long it was broadcast.
    Our next President has already been chosen by the various elites who are pretty close to running the entire world. It matters not what those two actually looked like last night.
    Honestly, if letting the American people vote actually mattered, they wouldn’t let us do it.
    I completely agree with Daisy’s statement about elder abuse although Biden has been a part of the deep state for many years so perhaps this is karma biting his hindparts!
    Almost any politicians these days are bought and paid for and cannot be trusted. Especially those on the big stage looking at a Presidency. Dig deep, question everything and don’t depend on gov’t for anything. They are NOT the American peoples friend in any way shape or form.

    1. Government – the enemy of the people, paid and bought, satanists, pedos, druggies, scum, the lowest of the low our “leaders”. Can’t think of any punishment that would be sufficient for these hybrid psychopaths.

    2. missouri patriot the PTP definitely do not want us to choose Donald Trump which is why there is this unprecedented banana republic lawfare and 24/7 msm propaganda against him and his supporters. We are seeing a power struggle of the people versus the globalists. Have some faith. See the Steve Turley you tube channel for some encouragement.

      TRUMPISM Is TAKING OVER The World!!!

      Dr. Steve Turley Jun 18, 2024

  14. I watched The Real Debate simultaneously streamed with RFK Jr. included. He gave We, The People real answers. Plus it had double the viewers!

  15. Unfortunately our enemies saw what we all saw last night, and will only be encouraged to continue whatever nefarious plots they’re working on. In all honesty, I think the world is too far down the rabbit hole for any president, whether it be Trump, Biden or some other unknown candidate, to change the trajectory we’re already on. They’ll be the one to blame, no matter who it is.

    There’s 130 days til the General Election. A lot can happen in that time. I know I can’t change things on a global or national level, so I’m going to prep like that’s all the time we have left.

    1. Oh, I think our enemies saw how bad Biden was a long time ago. No better time to attack then when we have a weak president and his admin.

      1. Agreed. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some type of EMP or nuclear event sooner rather than later.

  16. With RFK, Jr’s history of flip-flopping as mentioned above … that strengthens my suspicion that his real purpose is to suck away as many votes from Trump as possible — just one of several strategies (including massive vote counting fraud) in the Dem-Sheviks’ plans. Recall the Biden administration bragged to Brazil how it had helped rig their election to get socialist Lula into office.

    How effective can such a third party run be? England in 1912 used it to rig the American election for their favorite candidate Woodrow Wilson. They secretly shipped a load of cash to New York to fund Teddy Roosevelt’s third party campaign (later called the Bull Moose party) in order to suck enough votes away from Taft so that the utterly corrupt Wilson would win — AND dependably do everything possible to involve America in the European civil war … per England’s wishes. Sadly that strategy worked. One example of Wilson’s corruption was trying to maximize the number of American casualties by shutting down all but two or three of the 30-some newspaper warning ads the German government paid for to warn Americans not to sail on the ocean liner Lusitania in 1915 because German intelligence had learned there were munitions on board (illegal under international law) that had to be destroyed by torpedo.

    Regardless of whoever carries the Dems’ banner this November …we can be sure of multiple strategies to maintain deep state power … including 3rd party vote sucking plus massive vote counting fraud.


  17. It is elder abuse for a purpose – to protect the family from criminal prosecution. They know what they have done. They know that if good investigators were put on the case then their goose would be cooked. They did this to keep themselves out of jail for their pay-to-play efforts. What’s a little elder abuse when you are looking at jail time?

  18. I watched the entire debate at “”, which was produced by the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for president campaign and included a huge screen showing the CNN debate production and RFK Jr. standing to one side of the screen answering the same questions given to Biden and Trump with John Stossel as moderator. It was a really well done, in real-time production that made me understand why Robert Kennedy was not allowed to be included in the debate last night…he mopped the floor with the Republican and Democrat clowns on the CNN stage and that is something the powerbrokers, who run our government, do not want the voters and the rest of the world to see.

    RFK Jr. was the only candidate who addressed the issues with knowledge, wisdom, compassion and thoughtfulness. He was the only candidate who discussed plans for change, instead of engaging in character assassination, designed to instill fear in the electorate, if they voted for the other guy.

    Robert Kennedy’s message, on the other hand, engenders trust and hope for a better future…a future that does not include perpetual war, enhancing the bottom line of the pharmaceutical industry, or the oil companies, etc.

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has the experience, knowledge, stamina and skillset required to be our next President. Please take a look at his web-site and decide for yourself, so we can get our great country back on track.

  19. I was busy watching paint dry, but in between tasks I came in sat down and turned on CBS (Remember that old Smothers brothers skit CBS stands for censorship and bull shit???) , anyhow I don’t watch the Contrived News Network, because, I get my tv with an antenna, and it was on that channel… I got to see the last exchange…. Anyone honest would have to agree that Joe looks horrible, and the elder abuse comments are particularly apt.
    I was however suprised when there was hardly any follow up from the debate, and it shifted right to CBS where Norah O’Donnell launched into a short diatribe where dear old grampa Joe had a cold and his voice showed it; them right into a scathing account of Drumps [?] Lies and how the kindly old senior citizen should have fact checked him… I figured I’d see what RU tv had to say about it later, as what I had just seen was sponsored by the drooling union goons of Amerika and the CPUSA… It should be interesting to see if Joe Bin Laden lives to when the election is scheduled for… and what sort of War Powers foolishness Dwight’s Military industrial Complex comes up with…

  20. Great article Daisy. Thank You.

    I don’t feel sorry for Joe Biden at all. He is the real Hitler. Tens of thousands of Americans die every year because of fentanyl and other drugs being brought across Biden’s open borders. The puppet masters can create mass riots for George Floyd’s death using the msm. But there are no mass riots or protests against Biden’s open borders policies that are causing the fentanyl epidemic. Why, because the globalist puppet masters haven’t ordered the fake news msm to create any riots.

    Notice how the CNN hosts cleverly tried to bypass Biden’s fentanyl epidemic issue with this question:
    “What will you do to help Americans right now in the throes of addiction, who are struggling to get the treatment they need? ”

    Drug treatment centers are overwhelmed. That is not the problem CNN. The problem is Biden’s open borders and Trump gave the right answer that the real problem is the flood of drugs being brought across the open borders. The Biden puppet replied to Trump’s point with nonsense about needing “fentanyl machines to detect drugs” and his red herring “bipartisan deal” that he accused Trump of being against because it would hurt Trump “politically”. Biden reversed all of the border policies that Trump had in place that gave us record lows in illegal immigration and put in place policies that actually encouraged and rewarded illegal immigration. We don’t need new laws against illegal immigration we need Biden to enforce the laws already in place. But he has no intention of doing so. Biden’s illegal immigration “bipartisan deal” was a head fake, a political stunt to make it look like Biden is more Trump than Trump is on illegal immigration.

    For those of you disappointed with some of Trump’s non answers to CNN questions. What kind of answers were you looking for?

    Example CNN question:
    “What would you do to make child care more affordable?”

    Biden: We should significantly increase the child care tax credit.

    Is Trump then suppose to say I would increase the child care tax credit by much more than it is now under Biden.

    The hidden premise behind those kinds of CNN questions was how much free stuff are you going to give voters so they will choose you for president. That is not the kind of answer you should be looking for. The reason everything not just child care, costs so much more is the poor economy. And Joe Biden and the democrat party are the reason. Donald Trump’s first 3 years of presidency were the best 3 years for the economy of any president. COVID in year 4 was disaster for the entire world. If you want things to be more affordable then Donald Trump is the solution.

    See the below James Hickman article on whether tax cuts hurt or help the economy.

    CNN has turned against Biden which means the puppet masters have decided to get rid of the Biden puppet and put a new puppet in place. When will democrat voters get it through their thick heads that it doesn’t matter which democrat the puppet masters choose for them. Nothing will have changed except the face. Donald Trump is someone who will work for the people. A real patriot not a traitor actively trying to destroy the country and our military with DEI woke idiocy and unachievable green energy mandates. And this is why the globalists have tried to destroy Donald Trump with banana republic lawfare and 24/7 msm propaganda against him and his supporters.

    Are fentanyl overdose deaths rising in the US?
    In 2022, fentanyl was responsible for 200 deaths every day. Over a quarter of a million Americans have died from a fentanyl overdose since 2018.
    Updated on Wed, September 27, 2023 by the USAFacts Team

    In 2022, 73,654 people died from a fentanyl overdose[1] in the US, more than double the amount of deaths from three years prior in 2019

    Drug Enforcement Agency
    2024 National Drug Threat Assessment (NDTA)

    The Sinaloa and Jalisco Cartels are at the heart of this crisis. These two Cartels are globalcriminal enterprises that have developed global supply chain networks. They rely on chemicalcompanies and pill press companies in China to supply the precursor chemicals and pill presses needed to manufacture the drugs.

    Comrade Lizzie is coming for your money again
    by James Hickman on June 25, 2024

    …She even fails to see how tax revenue has actually INCREASED since the tax cuts– because lower taxes promote a healthier economy.

    Biden senior Pentagon official claims policies focused on nonbinary identities essential for national security
    ‘Self-loathing, anti-Americanism masquerading as ‘DEI,’ a critic said about Kathleen Hicks’ remarks
    By Hannah Grossman Fox News Published June 25, 2024 5:00am EDT

  21. Too bad they didn’t allow RFK,Jr to participate. He would have wiped the floor with both of them.

  22. Forget these ridiculous debates. I would like to see both candidates complete one simple task unaided by their respective parties: If Trump and Biden would agree to walk into a McDonalds, fill out the application for employment, sit for an interview (assuming each could even pass the background check and meet the minimal physical and mental health standards required to be considered for a position) and successfully finish a single shift on camera for all the world to witness—I would be impressed. Neither man in my opinion possesses the stamina or the basic relational skills that anyone just entering the workforce is required to demonstrate. We can do better than this as a country. We have to…

  23. Anyone watch Glenn Beck’s take on the entire fiasco?
    It’s the nuclear football.
    Evidently, once a missile is launched, the President has less than 7 minutes to make a decision. The guru with the football, pulls out a book that they call “The Death Book”. It looks like a Cheesecake Factory menu; if you do this-that happens. If you do that-this happens. Less than 7 minutes. Joe Biden couldn’t put his shoes on in 7 minutes. I am terrified for literally the entire world. Which brings us to this question; what else are they lying about???

    1. Sandra T there is no advantage in a nuclear war between two nuclear powers. Whether Biden does the right thing in time is of little consequence to us. The other side may escape a full scale retaliation if Biden is late. But regardless of that we would suffer terribly in either case. The point of having nuclear weapons is that they are a deterrent. The war strategy is called Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). The other side won’t do it to us because we would do the same to them and therefore there is no winner. The only sane policy is not to go to war. That assumes there are sane leaders on both sides. But what happens if a Nero ends up with the nuclear button? The Biden administration has pushed the world closer to nuclear war than any other president in history. Is the leader of Iran sane? If he has nuclear weapons will he wage a nuclear jihad? You can thank Joe Biden for that.

      You ask “what else are they lying about???”. Joe Biden has faithfully carried out all of the destructive anti-American policies he was ordered to do so by the democrat party. Any puppet they come up with to replace Biden will support all of the terrible policies Biden has pursued because they are the goals of the democrat party. Open orders allowing millions of illegals in to the country and also deadly drugs that are killing tens of thousands of Americans every year. DEI woke idiocy in the military and across the nation in schools, universities, businesses and even the medical institutions. Insane unachievable green energy mandates. A culture war on American traditions and the pervasive racializing of so many issues, anti-white devisive rhetoric, lawfare against political opponents. Any Biden replacement will support these same terrible policies. So the big lie is that the replacement puppet for the Biden puppet will some how be a better president than Biden. Replacing crooked Biden’s face with Newsom’s face or Hillary’s face or Kamala’s face or whoever will not make a bit of difference The puppet masters that control the democrat party are the ones in charge not their presidential candidate.

  24. Dr (hahahaha) Jill should be arrested for elder abuse. The moron desperately wants to stay in the White House.

  25. the debate was a pathetic mess. Jill should be charged with Elder Abuse. She keeps coming to his rescue and seems to be pushing to be First Lady for another term. Sad.

  26. “To be frank, as much as I dislike Biden, I felt sorry for him.” I didn’t. I feel sorrier for Tara Reade, and all the others who have suffered as a result of his rampant incompetence. He did a horrible job raising an alcoholic, crack addict, treasonous son whose sole purpose in life seems to be sucking a crack pipe, and taking bribes so he can pay his pornhub bills and impregnate strippers. Joe can’t be sent off to Nurse Jill’s care home quickly enough.

  27. Long time reader/first time poster here. My prediction is that the Dems will approve Biden at the national convention and then he’ll bow out. At that point there’s a streamlined process to choose a new candidate, which avoids mayhem and division at the convention. I think their pick will be Michelle Obama…first black female president and a continuation of the Obama reign. Dems will vote for her.

  28. Daisy: Sorry to hear of your recent foot/leg trauma! 🫂😔

    Purchasing 3 of your Kindle books and praying for gentle, supported healing ❤️


    1. Thank you so much for looking out for me! I’m actually A-OK with people using my articles as long as they don’t change the links and give credit to the website. They followed the rules to a T 🙂

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