The Morning News: Proving Darwin Right, One Story at a Time

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Do you ever have one of those days when you’re reading the news, and you have an epiphany?

This morning I realized, looking over the day’s information, we don’t need to be depopulated. No dramatic measures need to be taken. People are dumb enough to do it all on their own. Darwin was right – they’ll just weed themselves out.

First, I came across this little gem on Twitter.

You’ve got that right – parents have to TELL THEIR CHILDREN NOT TO SNORT CANDY UP THEIR NOSES.  My kids could be some kind of brilliant prodigies or something, but I never ever had to make this recommendation to them, nor did I need to wave the threat of maggots growing inside their nostrils to keep them from doing such a thing.

School officials said the new trend is a ‘widespread phenomenon’ that’s found on popular YouTube videos.

According to WPRI, the note sent to parents via email explains the methods in which students have been ingesting the sugary candy, including smoking and snorting.

School officials said snorting and or smoking the candy could cause nasal problems, infections, lung irritations, allergic reactions or possible maggots inside the nasal cavity. (source)

Speaking of kids, I suppose when the babysitters don’t realize it’s wrong to tattoo the pre-teen children in their care, the kids being “cared” for don’t have much of a chance at learning critical thinking.

Then I read about how the cops in New York City are working so hard to keep people safe that they’re beating the daylights out of people for breaking no-victim laws.  An elderly gentleman crossed the street outside of the crosswalk and was beaten until he was bloody by a plethora of cops.  And the reason?  You’ll love this quote from the Mayor’s office”

“We won’t sit by while lives are lost and families are torn apart. These latest crashes underscore the urgent need to make our streets safer, which is why we are moving decisively to enact ‘Vision Zero’.” (source)

The icing on this morning’s coffee cake of ignorance was a video by Mark Dice.  It’s hard to imagine that anyone in the state of California could be unaware of the radioactive disaster that is Fukushima, but Dice was able to give away bottled “Fukushima water” to dozens of passersby, with one gentleman saying he’d like a thousand bottles.

The food is poisoned by Biotech, the water is poisoned deliberately by water treatment plants and a variety of disasters, and people’s minds are poisoned by inane television programs and a constant stream of electronic interactions.

People aren’t living their lives, they are Tweeting them, Facebooking them, and Instagramming them so that everyone else can see what the person holding the cellphone is not seeing, but photographing.  They’re looking for a constant stream of approval via cyber “likes” and “thumbs up”.  They are more concerned with the Kardashians than the Constitution, more worried about the fate of The Bachelor than the fate of Bradley Manning, and fervently devoted to watching other people exercise on The Biggest Loser. Everything comes with a warning label and protective equipment because heaven forbid someone not have the common sense to realize that something is dangerous – they’ll sue the manufacturer six ways to Sunday for not protecting them from Natural Selection.

Seriously, none of these global elite eugenicists will have to do a darned thing.  Don’t worry, Bill Gates, you just relax. Darwin’s got this.

And this is before disaster strikes and our way of life has to change of a necessity.  Once hospital care isn’t easy-access, food doesn’t magically appear on grocery store shelves, and heat doesn’t happen at the turn of a rheostat, the iPhone junkies will drop like flies in a bug zapper. What are the candy-snorters going to do when welfare stops and they actually have to physically work in order to eat?

For those of us who are more aware, survival will entail staying out of the way and being ready to protect ourselves while the rest of society starves, goes through withdrawal from all of the psychiatric drugs keeping them in full-sheeple mode, and otherwise implodes.


Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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12 Responses

  1. I honestly had to say I had to chuckle a bit. I have read warning labels at times and thought it is common sense people should know not to do that. But with the current programming on television I can see where common sense has flown out the window. I read an article recently that a lady didn’t know how to unlock her car because the battery in the remote lock died and she didn’t know to use the actual key. People have become sheeple and have become the learned helpless. They have to be instructed on exactly how to do things and they no longer can think for themselves. When the SHTF, many will die waiting for someone to tell them what to do.

  2. Ain’t that the truth. In the three years I’ve had to read the daily health headlines for my job, I have come to two conclusions: 1) People will try to smoke anything (kids are raiding their spice cabinets to smoke NUTMEG for the lack-of-oxygen high gives them), and 2) There doesn’t seem to be anything on the planet kids won’t try to stick up their nose.

  3. In the 20’s or was it the thirties? swallowing live goldfish was popular. Parasites anyone?

    Without question, our nation has declined. It seems to be in a full blown avalanche right now. The mass media and educational system has accomplished their goals. I do not know how low we will go, but it will be lower and lower.

    The vast majority of people in our society–I refrain from calling it a “culture,” have permitted others to manipulate them to become a self-occupied, greedy, lovers of self, vain, ignorant, dependent, and lacking drive and creativity. Parents are watching their children grow up, allowing others, such as mass media and the educational system, to raise their children for them. (I was a public school teacher for many years and understand how the system really works. My advice is home school.)

    “There doesn’t seem to be anything on the planet kids won’t try to stick up their nose.” My daughter worked for an Otolaryngology practice for a good number of years. You would be shocked what children and adults end up getting stuck in their noses, ears, and unfortunately, their throats. While it is usually an accident for the adults, that typically isn’t the case for kids. Some of the kids were “repeat customers” with the same problem, two days in a row!

  4. My husband and I were just talking earlier about how incredibly stupid people have become. How do these people? hold a job, have children and pay their bills??? Its to the point anymore that I want to go far from everyone and not have to watch them walking into telephone poles because they are paying SO much attention to their phones! I knew there was a problem years ago when I saw that almost NO ONE can make change without a machine. Almost NO ONE can spell properly anymore. It is all on purpose is what I say, they are deprogramming us via technology.

  5. You gave me a laugh-it is so true! After working as a Home Goods holiday extra, I have had ever sad stereotype reinforced. It was chaos on a daily basis, and I wonder how some of these same sheeple will function when the S does HTF??

  6. And what about the instructions on drugs? I worked for a doctor and I asked him one time why they put on a pill bottle “take two capsules by mouth”
    He said if they didn’t put “by mouth” on it, some people would stick it in their ears.

    1. Tell me about it! I did home health care. The label clearly describes the item as a suppository, yet I’d still catch people eating it :/

  7. Oh my gosh, this is so funny. We clicked on every link just to make sure this was not a prank. It’s worse than we even realized. hehehehe.

    But Folks, on a serious note, REREAD Daisy’s last two paragraphs. One of the best ways to protect your loved ones is by being far away from these hoards of sheeple. One of the best references on safe retreat criteria is at

    1. It is rather frightening when real “news” reads like The Onion. Out of curiosity, I Googled the Smarties thing to try and understand *why* kids would do such a thing, and found a few hilarious cautions not to waste a good sugar high by sticking it in your nose.

  8. It used to be that incidents purged the stupid from the gene pool. But with the advent of safety programs, warning labels, emergency medical technicians, safety devices, etc… we have polluted the gene pool. Work in an auto parts store, the things people want to and do to their cars is frightening! Being an employer, I talk to other small business owners, who all ask, how are we going to make it when it becomes impossible to find intelligent employees.

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