The Ebola Outbreak in Congo Is Close to Becoming a Global Emergency

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In recent months, public health experts have claimed the deadly Ebola virus outbreak that has been ravaging the Congo will not become a global health threat.

However, recent events and updates paint a less optimistic picture.

Last week, the World Health Organization issued a statement on the ongoing Ebola outbreak in North Kivu and Ituri provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

If this Ebola outbreak isn’t stopped soon, it could become a global threat.

The recent spike of cases increases the threat that the deadly virus will spread to other countries and efforts must be redoubled to stop it, the WHO said last Friday after a meeting of its expert committee.

On April 12, the WHO claimed that while the ongoing Ebola outbreak in Congo is of “deep concern” the situation does not yet warrant being declared a global emergency.

But don’t get too comfortable.

Here are a few concerning excerpts from the statement:

However, the Committee wished to express their deep concern about the recent increase in transmission in specific areas, and therefore the potential risk of spread to neighbouring countries.

Special emphasis should be placed on addressing the rise in case numbers in the remaining epicentres, notably Butembo, Katwa, Vuhovi, and Mandima.

Because there is a very high risk of regional spread, neighbouring countries should continue to accelerate current preparedness and surveillance efforts, including vaccination of health care workers and front-line workers in surrounding countries.

Cross-border collaboration should continue to be strengthened, including timely sharing of data and alerts, cross-border community engagement and awareness raising. In addition, work should be done to better map population movements and understand social networks bridging national boundaries.

The Committee maintains its previous advice that it is particularly important that no international travel or trade restrictions should be applied. Exit screening, including at airports, ports, and land crossings, is of great importance; however, entry screening, particularly in distant airports, is not considered to be of any public health or cost-benefit value. (source)

This Ebola outbreak has no end in sight.

The outbreak has become the second-deadliest in history, behind the West African one from 2014-16 that killed more than 11,300 people.

As of April 15, the outbreak has claimed 821 lives. The total case number is 1273. Unfortunately, both numbers are soaring, and experts say it is not even close to ending:

Some health experts predicted months ago that the outbreak would end within six months’ time. As complications keep appearing, the time frame is pushed back.

“Given the average number of cases we’re seeing now, this is not going to be over for at least another six months or more,” Tariq Riebl with the International Rescue Committee said Friday.

The chair of WHO’s expert committee that unanimously decided the outbreak is not yet a global emergency, Robert Steffen, said experts were “moderately optimistic” the outbreak could be contained within a “foreseeable time.” (source)

A top Red Cross official told the Associated Press he’s “more concerned than I have ever been” about the possible regional spread of the Ebola virus in Congo after a recent spike in cases.

Emanuele Capobianco spoke by phone ahead of a key World Health Organization meeting in Geneva later Friday about whether to declare the Ebola outbreak in northeastern Congo an international health emergency.

Capobianco, head of health and care at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, cited Congolese health ministry statistics announced on Thursday showing 40 new cases over two days this week.

He called that rate unprecedented in the current eight-month outbreak. (source)

Here’s why Ebola is so dangerous.

As Daisy Luther explained in It’s Back: How to Prep for Ebola 2.0, “Part of the reason Ebola seems particularly terrifying is the graphic presentation, which is the stuff of horror movies. It is a hemorrhagic disease, which means that it can cause bleeding from the mouth, eyes, nose, and rectum.”

Here’s how it progresses:

The incubation period, that is, the time interval from infection with the virus to onset of symptoms is 2 to 21 days. Humans are not infectious until they develop symptoms. First symptoms are the sudden onset of fever fatigue, muscle pain, headache and sore throat. This is followed by vomiting, diarrhoea, rash, symptoms of impaired kidney and liver function, and in some cases, both internal and external bleeding (e.g. oozing from the gums, blood in the stools). Laboratory findings include low white blood cell and platelet counts and elevated liver enzymes. (source)

But it isn’t just the gruesome visuals. Ebola kills up to 90% of those infected, depending on the strain. This outbreak is the Zaire strain of Ebola, which is the same one that made it to America back in 2014.

Could an Ebola outbreak occur in America?

The odds of an Ebola outbreak occurring in the US have long been considered extremely low, mainly because of how the disease is transmitted. People in America usually don’t eat bushmeat, and we have much better sanitation, health education, and health care facilities.

National Geographic explains how Ebola is transmitted from animals to humans:

Ebola is a zoonosis, or a disease that can “spill over” into humans from nonhuman animals in the wild that carry the sickness. Researchers don’t know for sure which animals are Ebola carriers, but there’s evidence that fruit bats may play a role in spreading the virus to other animals, such as chimpanzees, gorillas, and duikers. Humans, in turn, can come into contact with the virus by interacting with infected animals, such as by hunting or preparing bushmeat.

Ebola spreads through contact with bodily fluids—such as blood, urine, feces, vomit, breast milk, and saliva—from people who have fallen ill or died from EVD. The virus gets into the body through breaks in the skin or through mucous membranes, such as those in the eyes, nose, or mouth. Contaminated needles or syringes also can transmit the virus, and there’s a strong chance that it can also spread via sexual contact. The virus can persist in semen, even after a man has recovered from EVD. (source)

It is possible that migrants from Africa could bring Ebola to the US.

Some independent news outlets are reporting that 20 African migrants from the Democratic Republic of the Congo were monitored for Ebola and other diseases at the border of Mexico and Laredo, Texas. Full disclosure: Those reports have been difficult to verify and may not be factual.

However, in an article dated April 16 and titled Hundreds of Africans tried to reach the United States. Now they’re stuck in Mexico, The Washington Post reported:

Although the vast majority of migrants passing through Mexico on their way to the United States come from Central America, hundreds are from African countries such as Congo, Cameroon and Ethiopia.

At the Casa Del Migrante Amar, a migrant shelter in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, on the Texas border, more than 80 African migrants have gathered. Most are from Congo, Ethi­o­pia or Eritrea.

So, we do know that migrants from Congo are trying to get to the United States, but data on how many have actually arrived – and whether any of them have been screened for Ebola – are not available.

For now, getting prepared for a possible outbreak isn’t a bad idea. To learn how, please see It’s Back: How to Prep for Ebola 2.0.

What do you think?

Do you think Ebola will eventually spread to countries outside of Africa? Are you preparing just in case?

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About the Author

Dagny Taggart is the pseudonym of an experienced journalist who needs to maintain anonymity to keep her job in the public eye. Dagny is non-partisan and aims to expose the half-truths, misrepresentations, and blatant lies of the MSM.

Picture of Dagny Taggart

Dagny Taggart

Dagny Taggart is the pseudonym of an experienced journalist who needs to maintain anonymity to keep her job in the public eye. Dagny is non-partisan and aims to expose the half-truths, misrepresentations, and blatant lies of the MSM.

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14 Responses

  1. Sorry but I do not believe anything from the …..who……and …..cdc……Seems all they do is cover for big pharma and the medical profession. Just read a story in the….health ranger….about a mold type germ that is showing up in hospitals, schools, day care, etc. There is NO way to stop it, since it has become a super bug yet the cdc and the media put nothing out about it……..Hospitals are breeding places for it, but the cdc will not list them for fear of… guessed it….panic, but if it is in the hospitals people should know they could catch it. Again they say the very young and very old are at risk and with a death rate of 41% to 81% depending on who is effected. Yet you see nothing (except one NY Times article) in the media, wonder why?

  2. I voted for Trump, the alternative option was just to awful to contemplate, somehow seeing pictures of him very chummy with the Clinton’s ,I had a gut feeling that he could not be trusted, still gave him the benefit of the doubt. Now I still see no repeal of O-care, no wall, see stories of illegals so overwhelming that they are only catching & releasing, now there are some who came from the Congo, where Ebola is spreading like wildfire. expecting to be welcomed in, Sorry I do not believe this is at all an accident, we are being invaded with bio-weaponized plagues as well. Proverbs 1:26

  3. ” never let a good crisis go to waste”
    shure it will be here like a church fire in Paris France count on it.
    ok back to the MALL of America ,please leave your kids is a safe place in case you return, and try to NOT buy products with Africans in the adds.

  4. I believe it was over 15 years ago, a group of medical doctors called doctors without boarders,had a peanut butter paste, that helped newborns and young infants. The ingredients were A, B C D,K with zinc lozenges that help these survive by preserving lung tissue from respiratory buildup. Also keeping beside lung, a growing organ called thymus located lung, dormant in adult. But growing in human infants. Perhaps this vitamins mixture could used treatments for Ebola.

  5. Thanks for putting information on here that the MSM pays no attention to. The news that the Congo is still infested with this disease is apparently not as interesting as what AOC said last week. And God forbid that we have an open discussion about the very real threat that illegal aliens pose to the general public for the simple fact that they have not been screened by ICE for communicable diseases because they bypassed the check points. The subject can no longer be rationally addressed without unfounded accusations of racism and white supremest leanings being levied at anyone who wants to keep the borders secure.

  6. Ebola is a politically protected disease. If foreign nationals infected with ebola wish to enter the U.S., they will be enthusiastically welcomed, greeted with parades and brass bands, showered with rose petals, and permitted to roam freely, until they collapse, at which point, our public hospitals will spend millions of taxpayer dollars attempting to save them so they can vote Democrat in November 2020.

  7. I offer that my comments are not meant to be incendiary, but cautions. I had to learn the technical terminology to understand what I was reading regarding Ebola. I hope it is helpful.

    The issue for all of us- How can I catch this? It is known to be transmitted by touching the patient/corpse, or touching infected bodily fluids, but what about sitting next to someone who is sick? Does it travel in the air? In layman’s terms, we think that if someone sneezes on you, and you catch it (like a cold), then it’s “airborne.” By microbiology’s definition, that is not accurate. This is a crucial distinction.

    To clear up terminology, here are the differences per microbiology/epidemiology websites: “Droplet transmission” is catching the disease by contacting it as it clings to dust/ water in the air, and it directly splats onto your vulnerable tissues- eyes, nose, mouth. Distance traveled is one meter or less. Number of infectious agents needs to be relatively high to make you sick. Larger droplets fall in seconds; smaller ones are suspended over 17 minutes. Hand washing may help. Expl: colds, flu. “Airborne” is a particle of 1-5micron size that can remain suspended in the air indefinitely by air currents, and can travel over 1 meter from the source ( some use a 2 meter cut off). It can be inhaled into the lungs, and takes a tiny amount to be infectious. Hand washing doesn’t help. Expl: Airborne anthrax, multiple drug resistant TB, smallpox

    Why does it matter? CDC and WHO along with various governmental agencies may say something is not “airborne” to squelch public outcry or panic about public spaces. Technically they are right, but in practical terms, they might be bending the truth.

    Although books like The Hot Zone claimed the Reston monkey outbreak is proof of airborne transmission of Ebola, those in the profession of epidemiology hotly contend Ebola is not airborne. That is little comfort. There were cases in previous Ebola outbreaks where close transmission occurred supposedly without direct contact- In Africa, passengers within a shared taxi contracted the disease.

    Are officials on the ball? In the past outbreaks, many ill folks died at airports, etc under suspicious circumstances. In 2014, a woman dropped dead, bleeding from her mouth, in a Brooklyn hair salon 18 days after visiting Guinea. Hazmat cleaned the place, but allowed customers and staff to freely come and go. Also in 2014, a woman from Sierra Leone died shortly after arriving in Gatwick. She was convulsing and profusely sweating on arrival. (Later claimed neg for Ebola.) 2014-2016 two of the top three nations with Ebola were Guinea and Sierre Leone. Let’s not forget the Dallas hospital debacle where they were totally unprepared. The poor Sheriff Deputies came and went without gear into the man’s apartment. Also the sick nurse, who cared for the same African patient that died, flew with CDC’s permission.

    The potential of incubating disease among detainees in ICE custody, held in closely confined quarters seems huge.

    What can we do? Watch and listen carefully to the updates, and do reasonable precautions; good hand washing, limit travel to affected areas, adequate filtration masks if your exposure warrants (like air travel), take immune boosting supplements like liposomal vitamin C, etc. Unfortunately, there are no magic bullets to protect against some things. Be quietly alert. Pray for our nation.

    1. Thanks for this careful analysis. I wondered, as well, at this distinction. I kept seeing the assertion of, “direct contact, direct contact!”, but it seems to me that when you have something so virulent and deadly, you ought to assume nothing. If you see guys in hazmat suits, don’t be walking around the area unprotected!

  8. I got the flu this year, never been sick in decades. I live in NJ, I theorize they put it in the NYC subways and let it spread to make billions on over the counter remedies.

    “The AGW is coming! Quickly! Give all your money to the UN!”

    ” The Ebola is coming! Quickly! Give all your money to the UN!”

  9. folks, this is just another ruse, developed by the globalists/satanists, to have a good reason to compel the public to be vaccinated (against the “threat du jour”), which gives them an easy way to inject the public with the evil crap they want to have inside of us, which will make it easier for them to control us. avoid vaccinations as if they were the plague.

  10. Wasn’t it the H1N1 Swine flu that first showed up in Mexico City? Perfect place to seed a respiratory disease. If you know your epidemiology you know the best ways to stop (or start) a pandemic.

  11. “…however, entry screening, particularly in distant airports, is not considered to be of any public health or cost-benefit value. (source)”
    More than a little sceptical about that assertion. ????
    Sounds more like crowd control to me.

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