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Back to my theme of yesterday, regarding wood…
Last night I got a delivery of 2 and a half cords of wood. The guy doesn’t charge as much but doesn’t have a dump truck. So, I climbed in to help and we manually pitched out all this wood.
It was coming up on dark by the time we were through so I covered it with a tarp to keep it dry.
Little did I know that I’d have a sick kiddo keeping me up all night with a horrible cough.
But, the wood doesn’t care if your kid is sick. And that wood ain’t gonna stack itself. So after taking the kiddo to the doctor, getting prescriptions and picking up some supplies since I was in town (I limit my trips to town to save on gas) I dragged my half asleep butt out there.
Later I’m going to rake up all those pieces of bark that you can see on the ground – they burn like crazy and make awesome kindling!
2 Responses
Oh I feel you! We just finished our first stacking of firewood (also having recently made a move north). We rented a splitter and devoted a weekend to making stove sized pieces. (OW my back!) I do love the wood heat, but it’s more work than I had imagined. And it’s either really hot with the windows partially open, or let the fire go out…. and start the damned thing all over again. I think I’ll be more appreciative when it gets colder out!
Hi, Emmeline! Sorry for the late reply! I had the same issue having to have the windows open and feeling as though I was living in a sauna. I’m getting better at regulating it, thank goodness, with the little dials on the outside but often I already have it blazing and then I realize it’s too hot! We’ll get it figured out! 🙂
~ D