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Author of Be Ready for Anything and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course
We’ve had all sorts of articles on this website about technology run amok, like videos that are undiscernable from reality and doorbells that monitor the entire neighborhood and China mining data from the brains of workers. But this one takes the creepy sci-fact cake.
According to MIT, (Edited to add: the website where this paper is hosted is now offline) there now exists technology that can beam a voice right into your head from a distance.
What? That’s crazy!
While it sounds like the wild claim of a person suffering from a mental illness – “The government is telling me to do stuff and only I can hear them!” – it’s all too real.
In a paper published on Friday in the journal Optics Letters, the MIT team describes how it developed two different methods to transmit tones, music, and recorded speech via a laser.
Both techniques take advantage of something called the photoacoustic effect, which is the formation of sound waves as the result of a material absorbing light. (source)
But…is this technology really new? Or are we just now finding out about it? Watch the video.
An unknowing recipient of such messages would think that they had gone insane.
Of course, they’ll only use their powers for good.
Don’t worry, though. According to MIT, this technology will only be used to help humanity. Yep.
They believe further research will allow them to scale up the transmission distance, which could make the technique useful in dangerous situations, such during a mass shooting — authorities could beam instructions directly to individuals without anyone else hearing them.
“We hope that this will eventually become a commercial technology,” researcher Ryan M. Sullenberger said. “There are a lot of exciting possibilities, and we want to develop the communication technology in ways that are useful.” (source)
Think about it – susceptible people could literally be convinced they were hearing the voice of God.
Talk about someone getting in your head.
The intrusiveness continues to get worse.
We have cameras everywhere. Facial recognition is expanding. Social media has somehow convinced people to tell everyone everything about them on platforms that can never be erased. Our phones can pinpoint our daily routines to the point that authorities (or advertisers) could figure out where we’d be at any given time.
And now someone with the right technology could talk to you secretly via lasers into your head in a way that only you could hear while you are out in public?
Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve crossed the Rubicon.
Those in charge have committed so fully to a dystopian future that I can’t imagine any way our society could turn back unless an event occurred that took us backward for centuries. Sometimes I wonder if that would be as bad a thing as people think. Is it possible that turning back the clock on “progress” is the only way any modicum of freedom survives?
What do you think about this technology?
What do you think about the idea of someone beaming a voice into your head? Would you welcome secret instructions during an emergency? Do you find this as creepy as I do?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
About Daisy
Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, gun-toting blogger who writes about current events, preparedness, frugality, voluntaryism, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, The Organic Prepper. She is widely republished across alternative media and she curates all the most important news links on her aggregate site, PreppersDailyNews.com.
Daisy is the best-selling author of 4 books and runs a small digital publishing company. She lives in the mountains of Virginia with her family. You can find her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.
34 Responses
I am to the place now when I hear about this kind of thing, I want to know what can I do to
stop or interfere with this technology! Is there anything I can do personally to protect myself
and those I know! My thought wear a beanie all the time with mesh metal woven in it!
THAT IS PROBABLY AN INSANE idea, useless, but idea is to learn how to personally protect
myself! Is there a way? I don’t know, BUT we must learn how to think for ourselves and do
all we can for ourselves. IS THERE A WAY?
Learn to worship, sing, and pray to your Creator. I was thinking about this the other day before I even saw this article, and I literally felt mild panic at the thought that my brain could be messed with, that incessant noise could beamed into my brain. Currently, I have ubiquitous tinnitus (ha! How’s that for a rhyme?), and at times it’s nerve wracking. I prayed, and I believe this is the answer I got. Learn to sing, worship, counteract with holy sounds.
For a long time the joke has been about tin foil hats… doesn’t sound so bad anymore does it? Every time I watch the news or read someone’s blog posts, sadly yours included, it darkens my view of the world, especially the U.S. I have read articles indicating that those preppers that hope for TEOTWAWKI are “not right”. And yet, more and more, it seems the only way to avoid where we’re headed.
I too have wondered what I can do to help reverse our course… the only choices I see that would accomplish anything are too drastic for me to convey, less I be labeled a terrorist 😉
So, my only hope for me and my adult family members is that this doesn’t “mature” til after we are gone, but, I hurt for those left behind. Doesn’t seem there is any way for people to stop the train because we are out numbered by those that are perfectly content with what society is doing.
Oh well….
In the Bible God said he would seal His people in their forehead? Is this what he meant to protect us> In a world of Good vs evil please repent of your sins and turn to the one who loves you Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Come soon Lord Jesus
“How to Make a Tinfoil Hat
By Kelly Sundstrom
Collect Your Materials
To make a tinfoil hat that will last, use heavy-duty aluminum foil for the base. Along with the foil, if you plan to decorate your hat, gather work gloves, a hot glue gun with hot glue sticks and any doodads you want to attach, like plastic jewels or pompoms.
Form the Base
Tear off a 3-foot-long sheet of heavy-duty aluminum foil to create the base of the hat. You can wrap the foil around your own head, a friend’s head or a mannequin’s head. As you wrap, keep the edge of the foil just above the eyebrows and wrap the foil all the way around the base of the head at its widest part. Keep the foil as taut as you can without tearing it. Use your hands to compress the tinfoil around the head and form the loose top edge of the foil into whatever shape you prefer. For example, you can squeeze the top edge together into a giant point like an antenna, or create multiple points like a crown. Remove the hat base from the head and fold 1/2 inch of the bottom edge under to make the edge more sturdy.
Embellish the Hat
If you want to add embellishments to your hat, insert a glue stick into a hot glue gun, plug the gun in and preheat it for 10 minutes. (If young children are creating a hat, adults should perform the glue gun activity, and supervise older children in use of the glue gun.) Put on work gloves to avoid burning your skin. As a metal, aluminum foil conducts heat very quickly. If you hold onto the foil while applying hot glue, you could burn your skin.
Squeeze a pea-sized dot of hot glue on the hat and gently press the decoration into the glue, holding it in place for about 30 seconds. Some suggestions for decorations: sequins, plastic jewels, metal gears, old radio antennae, pompoms and googly eyes. Allow all the hot glue and the foil of the hat itself to cool completely before wearing the hat — 10 to 15 minutes should suffice.
Store Your Hat
Foil can bend and crumple easily, so if you want to preserve your tinfoil hat for later use, store it on a foam mannequin head, inflated ball or balloon. This will help maintain the structural integrity of the hat until its next wearing. You can find a foam mannequin head at any beauty-supply shop or crafts store.”
I think this new technology has potential for good. Now… maybe, they can get the voices in my head to say the same thing. Nothing more confusing than, ” Do this/Don’t do that”
I have heard about this weapon the military has called voice of god, so same thing
WELL like usual THEIR LIEING,theres a program call TARGETED INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM,as we understand,ITS RAN BY LOCKHEED MARTIN IN CALIFORNIA,paid for by everyones tax money ,ITS designed to attack any member of the militaty who goes astray,THEY MAINLY ATTACK THEIR CHILDREN,and americans support this,MY WOMAN is under attack right now,HER FATHER WAS A COL.in the US ARMY…They tell her in her head to kill her children,to kill herself,and all kinds of typical government depravity,WE WILL find out at some point in time who it is talking to HER by SATILITE MICROWAVE and they will regret the day they were born when we do….
When I hear of this kind of device, I want to start carrying around an umbrella sized collapsable parabolic dish to reflect the signal back to the transmitter. I really pisses me off to read of engineers and technicians playing with this type of technology. When I hear of these things the first thing I think of is how to defend against such invasive jerks. I worked in stealth technology for many years and defince is the best way to discourage the development of offensive devices.
I believe this has something to do with why people get songs stuck in their heads. Something is being done to the music that makes it play over and over again with little ability to make it stop. The ad people definitely know what they are doing. If there is the tech knowledge to transmit orders directly into a persons head, the people responsible for it should be brought to justice and the procedure made illegal.
Ever hear of Project Bluebeam? Pretty scary gov’t stuff. This is NOT new technology by any means. You’re right though, we have crossed the Rubicon. Orson Well’s book “1984” is a great read if you want to blow your mind with parallels of this current world!
Orson Well?
Oh, easy mistake. Or(son)well. 🙂
Understandable mistake.
For amusement’s sake,
H.G. Wells – Herbert George Wells. Author “War of the World”.
Orson Welles – made a radio adaptation of H.G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds”.
George Orwell (Eric Arthur Blair) – author “1984”.
Note: in the peerage, middle names are family names.
“We already know Welles came from privilege, and I’m not just talking
about his great-great-grandfather being a U.S. Senator. I’m talking about his being a member of the ruling Families, related to all other famous people going back centuries.
That includes, of course, H.G. Wells, whom we can assume was a close relative of Orson and part of the reason The War of the Worlds was chosen. (A couple generations back and Orson’s family becomes Wells without the extra ‘e’.)”
“Most people don’t know that Welles was from great wealth.”
“Which leads us to check the Welles in the peerage, where we find. . . George Orson Welles.”
http://mileswmathis.com/levi.pdf See the second half of the article.
*George Orwell
Why your skull is like an egg.
Skip to 52 seconds to save time.
They’ve had this tech in the military for decades, since before the gulf war miniseries began. Consider the trillions spent on high tech weaponry in the last few decades, surely there’s some amazing weapons yet to be revealed. The question is, who are they going to use them on?
It amazes me how fast society’s mindset has changed. I use to think that if things got too crazy, the silent majority would stand up. I no longer believe this to be true. The silent majority is just that, silent. The world has changed or due to President Trump, it has effectively come out of the closet. You really do have to have a plan to protect you and your family. I wonder if the German silent majority felt the same way when the Nazis came to power. Did they merely hope things wouldn’t get that bad or perhaps they could avoid the evil events? I see President Trump is a lone soldier. The Republican Party undoubtedly see the socialists coming to power or they too believe this should be the direction of this country. I know one thing, the Republican Party are only concerned with themselves and protecting only their power. As sad as it is there is one thing that still amazes me and that is how easy it is for people in general to be manipulated in believing the socialist/ liberal agenda. Such as late term abortion, they believe this is acceptable, to murder your child in a brutal way. They church it up by calling the child a fetus. It’s truly a sad time in America, we are in a death spiral and Americans don’t have the strength or will to stop it. Maybe once we lose everything, real Americans aka Christians will stand up. Only time will true… watch your top notch!
Out of their minds…litterally
I wonder what branch of government helped fund this dandy project.
It might have been the CIA which first visited the concept in their MK Ultra project.
Jan 27, 2019 Finally Admitted! “New” Tech Can Beam Voices Directly into Your Head
This “broadcasting” has been going on for decades. Search for “microwave effect v2k.
I guarantee that this technology has been in use already for things like Project Monarch and the like. It’s how they get their false flag mind slaves to carry out the act. Las Vegas shooter, anyone? And now, they say he had no motive; of course not, because it was someone else who wanted that carried out, not him. I’m not even surprised by stuff like this anymore. Sad.
And, yes, I agree with Daisy that a huge catastrophe may be what needs to happen in order to crush the evils of this world. I believe there will be a temporary one that occurs when Israel is attacked by Gog and Magog. The Bible says that God will send a fire on the world that will blind our horses and break our spears.
Paging Nikolas Cruz…
If you’re writing about this today, then they’ve had the tech for years already.
i am a victim of this psychopathic technology which started after my first cell phone was hacked in June of 2017. it appears that at least 1 RFID device was illegally implanted in my ear while unconscious at St. Mary’s Ozaukee hospital. Initialoy, I experienced excruciatingly loud tinnitus resulting in sleep deprivation. after my 1st phone hack, it beca,e loud harrasssing non-sensical chants. i have since had 5 devices destroyed by hackers and the Stasi like terrorism includes break-ins, involving vandalism and theft and hacking into my WE energies ( Wisconsin Energy company) smart meter which hackers have remotely seized control of my house resorting to gas-lighting by remotely cobtrolling lights and appliances. Dr. John R. Hall, an Austin Texas Anaesthesiologist has verified that the medical community has resorted to the objectification of human beings via brain implants. however, i suspect that they may now simply be cochlear ( ear ) and nasal implants. It has produced the effect of an electronic lobotomy depriving me of sorrow to the extent that i have been deprived of mourning the loss of my mother in a sadistically induced state of artificial contentment preventing my bran from the ability to cry, and go through the cathartic greiving process. i used to cry frequently. Dr. Jeffrey Taxman of Mequon Clinical Associates is experimenting with TMS, Trans Magnetic Stimulation. I believe that he may be the one illegally experimentng on me without my consent.
i am a victim of this psychopathic technology which started after my first cell phone was hacked in June of 2017. it appears that at least 1 RFID device was illegally implanted in my ear while unconscious at St. Mary’s Ozaukee hospital. Initialoy, I experienced excruciatingly loud tinnitus resulting in sleep deprivation. after my 1st phone hack, it beca,e loud harrasssing non-sensical chants. i have since had 5 devices destroyed by hackers and the Stasi like terrorism includes break-ins, involving vandalism and theft and hacking into my WE energies ( Wisconsin Energy company) smart meter which hackers have remotely seized control of my house resorting to gas-lighting by remotely cobtrolling lights and appliances. Dr. John R. Hall, an Austin Texas Anaesthesiologist has verified that the medical community has resorted to the objectification of human beings via brain implants. however, i suspect that they may now simply be cochlear ( ear ) and nasal implants. It has produced the effect of an electronic lobotomy depriving me of sorrow to the extent that i have been deprived of mourning the loss of my mother in a sadistically induced state of artificial contentment preventing my bran from the ability to cry, and go through the cathartic greiving process. i used to cry frequently. Dr. Jeffrey Taxman of Mequon Clinical Associates is experimenting with TMS, Trans Magnetic Stimulation. I believe that he may be the one illegally experimentng on me without my consent.
This is a world wide phenomena of psychopathy!
Now more than ever arises the need to know thyself. Perfect your skills at controlling mind chatter through meditation, have a well established safe place you can go to when mind messages seem ‘unlike you’. I have read about people who channel and all say that ‘the voice’ comes from a different place in their mind, like from the back of their head, it is very distinct. By practicing our own mind control we can better recognize when attempts are being made to control ours from an outside source…and maybe make that aluminum hat!
I have wondered if I was a target, although I don’t know why exactly. Aluminum head covering isn’t working for what they can shoot into the house from the street or next door, or from the smoke alarm. Thanks for the idea for the collapsible parabolic dish. I am at the end of ideas. I have heard voices like chanting, that does not show up on a recording. I’ve seen lights, heard sounds, feel some sort of vibrations I am guessing are microwaves, high and low pitch frequencies, I see words and shadows with my eyes closed. My spouse doesn’t seem to be affected, so doesn’t really think what i am dealing with is legit. Our area has 5-G Internet too. I pray every day that my children would be able to live a nice life and not have this crappy matrix to have to deal with. Please write more about Targeted Individuals, and how to help ourselves and then others. It would cost me $1000 to have a “ghost” like investigation and I don’t have that kind of cash. Supposedly, they can legally attack any “civilian” they feel like testing, but we are not allowed to have self-defense? A reflector seems to be the best bet. I wish someone would invent one that would reflect in such a way that their weapons would be destroyed. Thanks for this website, God bless you and all “normal” humans. <3
Great and amazing job done by MIT. The new technology of beaming voice directly inside the head shows how creative and innovative the MIT is and how they’ve been working on to ease works and efforts of society.
It’s already in effect. I get tortured with day and night. This happened to me definitively “after” I turned in realtors for violating my civil rights in the realty market. They will also interfere with justice. I never received justice. Just this program where I’ve received death threats, etc.
i can tell you from the situation thats been forced on me it is truly torture and comes down to just because worse even is the ones i thought of as family are involved and have seen that it has caused me to cut my wrist put car battery acid in my eyes and prob 20000 in monitary loss all the while they gaslight and ridicule and make fun of me i truly loath and am discusted by the mere thought of them wishing i could put a bullet in their heads