Let’s Play the “Switch One Word” Game with These Headlines

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Author of What to Eat When You’re Broke and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course

Do you ever feel like rabble-rousing? Today, I woke up, made coffee, and started reading the news and checking out Instagram online, just like I always do. And the very first thing I saw just about made my head explode because I am so freaking tired of being demonized.

So, I decided to start a fun game that will likely get me into all sorts of trouble. I’ve collected an assortment of headlines and memes from around the ‘net and we’re going to switch ONE WORD and imagine the response if this were published. Before anyone says, “Daisy, you’re a racist,” please let me ask you what these following headlines and memes are if not racist? Racism is not limited to the degradement of non-whites.

Racism is degrading anyone based on the color of their skin. And it’s always wrong.

Let’s begin.

Switch one word.

In the following memes and headlines, replace the word “white” with any other race and imagine the outrage.

Nevada middle school teacher calls WHITE people ‘problematic,’ claims education is racist: ‘Start a riot’

Robin DiAngelo Advises People of Color to ‘Get Away from WHITE People’

How WHITE and affluent drivers are polluting the air breathed by L.A.’s people of color

Professor lambastes WHITE people as ‘damaging’ who need to dismantle their ‘WHITENESS’

America’s problem is WHITE people keep backing the Republican Party

WHITE woman caught on video trying to steal Black youth’s bike in New York City

When the woman above showed her receipt it was still her fault though.

The WHITE population count could decrease under a new Biden proposal

Do We Really Have to Care About Miserable WHITE People?

What’s ‘digital blackface?’ And why is it wrong when WHITE people use it?

Reddit even has a meme board called “F*cking WHITE People

Social media is filled with these “jokes” and it isn’t against anyone’s community standards. It’s not against any terms and conditions. Heck, it’s downright encouraged with likes and ad revenue on TikTok and YouTube.

What do you think?

I know this can’t even really be considered a whole article. I wanted to provide some food for thought. We really need to consider Dr. Martin Luther King’s beautiful quote:

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

If you are participating in the hatred and denigration of people of any race, then perhaps you need to examine the content of your own character, no matter what color of skin you have. Personally, I’m fed up with being called a “Karen” or scoffed at for being a “middle-aged white woman” any time I call something out or voice displeasure. Why is it okay to silence or mock women now, but only if they happen to be white? Why is “middle-aged white man” a term of disparagement?

It’s not okay. None of it is okay. Dividing people up by race like this doesn’t move us forward. It takes us back, only this time, it’s a different group of people who aren’t allowed to sit at the counter or in the front of the bus. Did we learn nothing from the past?

What do you think about this? Do you believe that white people can be (or are being) discriminated against? What do you think the answer is? Is this just another cyclical pendulum swing or a looming problem?

Let’s discuss it (civilly) in the comments section.

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.

Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand Survival.com You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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62 Responses

  1. I’ve played that game before, you’re not wrong. Racism is racism and it’s wrong. You hit the mail on the head with this article; it needs called out. And let them call you racist Daisy, it’s practically lost it’s meaning at this point.

  2. I am also against racism, and am caucasian who identifies as black. I get it, you feel discrimated against. But how did blacks feel under the yolk of slavery, or in Jim Crow, where for centuries words were not used against them, but instead the whip, the lynch rope, the chains, the discrimination, the poverty, and more were imposed on them. It was not just words. And many conservatives blamed the plight of blacks on the blacks, telling them to “pull themselves up from their bootstraps” and to “stop crying” it was, and is, in the eyes of conservatives, the black man’s fault. Whitey is always pure and innocent, and blacks are brutes. And the media obeys dutifully by portraying blacks as brutes, ignorant, and criminal. And if you look up Nixon’s aid Ehrlichman, he made a statement saying that the war on drugs was initiated to demonize blacks, disrupt the civil rights movement, and incarcerate blacks. I can give you much more information regarding systemic racism targeting blacks in the justice system, which incarcerates young males, removing the bread winner from the black families. And whites cry over a few words spoken in derision. Poor boo boos.

    1. A.) I’m not a conservative.
      B.) Outrageous and immoral things have happened in our past as a nation. This is true of every nation I’ve visited. We learn from history if we don’t erase it.
      C.) I never said anything negative about black people or those from any other race.

      It would be ignorant to deny that systemic racism exists and has existed. But it’s not going to improve things to just be racist toward a different group of people.

      1. I think the honest look at history will show that slavery was on its way out before the Civil War, which was neither about slavery nor necessary to end it. Additionally, post WWII culture was well in its way toward a fair and integrated society. The Civil Rights movement was highly politicized and in some ways did much more harm, than good. (Fwiw, I do hold a Master’s in history.)

        I respectfully disagree that systemic racism currently exists in our country, except perhaps against white people. If you think back even 4 or 5 years there was nothing any race was denied, only disparities where people had made choices (and plenty of stories of people overcoming circumstances and finding a better life). What we did/ do have is victim mentality in all races. And that requires finding someone else to blame, rather than taking responsibility to solve your own problems.

        Now, we’ve had several years of intense fomenting of racial divide, including from our own government. In many ways, we now have a problem that’s been created in the last 3 years and did not exist 4 years ago. But in any event, there was nothing in our society that would be “systematic racism.”

        The main cultural problem IMHO is replacing individual rights and responsibilities with group identities, and then saying a certain group is oppressed or the oppressors. That also means all whites/ blacks / etc are lumped together instead of evaluating each individual person and their values and actions.

        1. https://www.vera.org/reimagining-prison-webumentary/the-past-is-never-dead/drug-war-confessional

          We are all aware that America embraced slavery until the civil war. Abraham Lincoln has been recorded in our school history textbooks as the slave’s emancipator. I suggest that you not think too highly of him. Much of his words, like all politicians, were empty rhetoric. It is authentically documented that when campaigning for presidency in southern states, Lincoln guaranteed the populace that he would uphold the institution of slavery.

          While his inaugural address included his expression of his morals against slavery, he declared that he had no intention to abolish it, and that neither did he have the “lawful right to”. The “Civil Rights Act of 1866,” giving sweeping rights as citizens to blacks, was vetoed by the president.

          The first several months of the Civil War had nothing to do with abolishing slavery, it was an attempt by the southern states to secede from the union. The northern soldiers did not fight with gusto, as they were not sure of the righteousness of their cause. It was an act of brilliant calculated victory-promoting strategy to infuse purpose to the north’s motivational energy by changing the reason for fighting to be the liberation of the slaves. However, of the two million union soldiers, though willing to kill for them, most northern soldiers did not back up their commitment to treating blacks well. Even most of the two hundred thousand black soldiers were treated poorly, despite their proven exemplary soldiering performance.

          The Civil war was illegitimately glamorized by both sides. I have never heard anyone express this disturbing reality, as clear and obvious as it is: The extent of some of the Christian white man’s evil has not been addressed. The southern “gentlemen” were more willing to kill hundreds of thousands of whites and blacks, have their own property decimated, and even die themselves, than to relinquish their dominance over the African peoples.

          The reconstruction era was depicted by the southern journalists as an unjust oppression by northern carpetbaggers, black politicians, and “scalawags” taking control because of their deep hatred of the south; and exploiting the southern whites in “political slavery.” This was another myth by pathological liars. Many intellectuals, including those who debunked that myth, refuse to admit to the nature of the Christian white man. They appear so polite and gentle.

          Abraham Lincoln put it gently. Here are his words: “There is an unwillingness on the part of our people, as harsh as it may be, for you free colored people to remain with us. But even when you cease to be slaves, you are yet removed from being placed on an equality with the white race…. The aspiration of men is to enjoy equality with the best when free. But on this broad continent not a single man of your race is made the equal of a single man of ours…..I cannot alter it if I would. It is a fact….It is better for us both, therefore, to be separated.”


        2. Slavery may have been “on the way out,” in the same way the Sackler family profited from the opioid pHARMa scheme, claimed bankruptcy and the “victims,” i.e., those who trusted their doctors, paid with ruined lives. To me (fwiw and imho,) same “game,” different guise. What history doesn’t tell you is the personal impact on individual lives.

    2. I couldn’t have said it any better ???…It is actually pathetic and they can’t even see it and wonder about division? ???‍♂️

    3. I am not white.
      And I pulled myself up by my bootstraps to go on to make six figures despite not having a degree.
      My not white grandparents did the same. Grandmother only had a sixth grade education, but her and grandfather achieved the American dream of home ownership. How? The worked hard. They saved their money. They paid cash and if they could not pay cash they saved till they could.
      My parents started out not with a lot. But they did the same. They passed those lessons on to me, and I passed them on to my daughter. I did well, and my daughter is doing outstanding.
      My wife has a good friend from the Air Force. He is black. Grew up in the ghetto in Philadelphia. He was determined to get out. Friends and neighbors told him he was being “uppity,” and he needed to know his place. He was not getting out of the ghetto. Again, determined, he stayed out of trouble, got good grades in high school, and joined the Air Force. He retired as a Senior Master Sergeant. He then went on as a DoD contractor making very good money.
      One thread we all have in common, we never saw ourselves as victims. Even when being discriminated against.

      1. Jarhead, now I see why you are so hateful of blacks and being hated on. You are rich. That explains the moral bankruptcy. You are a military veteran, you murdered Arabs for the lying corrupt politicians and their corporate bosses. You value bright shiny glittery stuff, you struggled for money, as that is what you value, not human life. That is, except for white lives. You don’t even have any black friends, to reference your token acquaintance with blacks, you have to pull up one who your wife knows. Regarding degrees? I am self-educated, and have penned three world-changing books, and in two of them, I make it clear and obvious that schooling programs and indoctrinates, imposes the values and mindsets to make the rich man richer, and is usually subversive. Every world system (principality) is ruled top-down by evil entities, and are designed for our destruction. The more money you make, the more you have harmed humanity. (there are exceptions). Military is basically murder for rich people. I have no respect for you or your “service” which was not for me, or any American except for the politicians and the rich men they serve. No color wipes away the guilt you carry (but don’t even feel) for murdering for evil people. Why did you not go AWOL? You would have avoided murdering, but been incarcerated. I went to prison for exposing the establishment, as I was fully aware that I probably would. I have been in hand to hand combat thirty different occasions in institutions, against bullies. That was in the past eight years. I am 65 years old. You have absolutely nothing to compare yourself to me, yet feel superior. You have no shame, much as it is deserved.

    4. If racism is wrong against one group, it is wrong against ALL groups.
      It is also wrong to blame an entire group for the actions of a few.

    5. bro, there isn’t a person alive that was a slave in America. i don’t know where you got you information on culture, but it is seriously wrong. have you ever read anything from dr walter williams, dr thomas sowell, clarence thomas, dr martin luther king jr?
      there has been racism since adam and eve and there will continue to be until there is only one person left on earth. even the same ethnic group is racist towards others in their own ethnic group.
      America has provided the opportunity for ANYONE to enrich their future by getting an education and making the effort.
      as for your comment on systemic racism targeting blacks in the justice system, you are full of it. do you even look at data, do you know anything about black history except slavery? your ignorance shines brightly.

      1. Here are two links that prove much valuable knowledge regarding cops. Scroll down a bit (or read the introductory paragraphs) to the quote of President Nixon’s aid Ehrlichman, who tells us why they started the war on drugs. The second link proves racism amongst policing.



      2. Now I have often shown how there is systemic racism in the (in)justice system, but here are links I have shown only once. The US has the highest rate of incarceration in the world. There are laws like the three strike law, which condemn without recourse some condemned felons to life in prison.

        There are also many privatized prisons, which are run for profit, and the conditions are deplorable, with many having forced labor, with which prisons profit from even more. Bribed politicians have made laws that require the states to fill the private prisons with inmates (slaves), or to compensate them with taxpayer money for not providing profit-making slaves, as police provide them the workers from amongst the urban dwellers.

        If you cannot afford a lawyer, to prison you go, and there you work literally for pennies. The police are today’s slave catchers and provide the prison industrial complex with workers, whose employment requires only a few cents of compensation. Furthermore, the people’s taxes pay for the sustenance of the slaves. The fascists (prison corporations) profit totally. These links prove that not only is there racism in the justice system, but also slavery







    6. Michael, yes injustices were done to (fill in ethnicity) My ancestors were regularly kidnapped and sold into slavery too. The slave-takers in this case were a wide mix. Some were Danes, some were from what is now England, some were from North Africa. My ancestors are Irish.
      Get a grip friend, this “social justice” stuff that you are espousing is a tool that is used (very effectively) by the would be rulers to keep us at each other’s throats while ignoring their efforts to subjugate us all.
      By the way, I have lived and worked all over this planet. I have met racists of all colours, religions, and ethnic groups. I have also met very fine people from those very same groups. They are by far the majority in every case.

  3. Denigrating people because of their color is simply racist. Those people who embrace anti-whiteness never really had a problem with previous racial prejudice; they were just jealous.

    1. I am caucasian, and admire blacks, and consider myself one also, having adopted their culture. I have lived in ghettoes and in middle class neighborhoods of whites where I was brought up. Give me poverty and company of righteous people in a ghetto, as I prefer that. You people buy the BS propaganda put out by the CIA dominated news media and Hollywood.

  4. Ethnic minorities are not the ones doing this! Rather, it is the oligarchs who want to control everything and believe they can do this through their divide-and-conquer tactics. And they are helped by the corporate media they own.

    1. I agree with KrisH. In the news if a race wasn’t mentioned, it was presumed that the people in the story were white. Only non-white people were identified by their color/race. This change is just a language change to try to make white people feel more like a sub-culture.

  5. Gal 6:7  Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 
    Welcome to a little taste of how blacks have felt for Centuries

    1. So can a person also rape a child and just say, “Sorry. It was done to me though so now you deserve it.”
      Twisted excuse, dude.

      1. Chris, I hear you that one shouldn’t repeat the harm done to them, that perpetuates the evil. But the whole anti-whitey paradigm is created by the CIA-dominated news media. IT promotes more hate aimed at minorities for being racist, while whitey and the establishment are the real perpetrators of it. White news media projects blacks and others in the worst light, and make whites feel persecuted, after and during the while that they destroy anybody else they can. They also destroy other nations under the pretext of “full-spectrum dominance” to militarily and monetarily lord over and exploit and murder other peoples. I am disgusted at the hypocrisy. The whole narrative of racism on both sides would be destroyed if conservative whites actually manned up and admitted they do what they do and repented of the evil= reversing their racist and imperialist words and actions. Then any racist remarks against whites would be neutralized, but that is not happening, as reflected in some of these posts. Respect is due to those who man up.

        1. Know what is the greatest obstacle to us minorities: White liberals like you.
          You insist we need to be given special treatment and conditions for us to be equal to our white counterparts.
          We cannot be expected to do it on our own. We cannot meet the standard of excellence. We need to have our hand held by you racist whites, while you condensed to us of our so called inadequacy to make up for your white guilt and moral superiority.
          You would rather have a lower standard as is expected of what we are truly capable of.
          As a result, I have to work twice as hard, twice as fast to not be considered the token equality box check list recipient.
          That is damn insulting.
          I have you to thank for that insult.
          If anyone needs to man up, it is you.

          1. First of all, I live in a ghetto out of choice. You have bought the BS put out on black media, which I do watch. I have no guilt over the civil rights actions I have done, and have been incarcerated due to my writings. And where did I ever say that you need special treatment? How about separate, but equal? If you insist on a label, how about black identity extremist separatist? I have studied history and have debunked most modern mindsets, including the education system, the justice system, the health system, the Bible, evolution, altered history and much much more. I am an individual with unique paradigm-changing perspectives, and am a revolutionist who thinks outside the boxes. I am not liberal, I am more radical than X was. You need to learn that both liberal AND conservative news media are dominated by the CIA and are liars, creating division, diversion, and subversion.
            Read my books


            You assume I am like the CIA dominated news media reports white liberals to be, so in your damn hypocritical generalization, you assume I am another one as they show. I do not watch television, haven’t since 2004, and research 12 hours a day as to what is really going on.

            1. I cut the cord back in 08′.
              So I have no idea of this CIA conspiracy theory you are talking about.
              I could a do admire some of what X stood for and said.
              Not you.
              If anyone is pushing for division, it is you.

              1. Try reading. I include several chapters of ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH on propaganda, as promoted by the CIA. My book EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE started the red pill movement. Regarding division, I am a black separatist. My books give names dates documents quotes sources.

                As this was being implemented and working in overdrive, the Office of Strategic Services and the Office of War Information recruited the “best and brightest” from American intelligentsia into secret “intelligence,” and after training, were placed into powerful positions of mass media, politics, and universities. In the 1950s, the CIA and the American mass media began to be interlocked, the agency feeding information to journalists in exchange for their own intelligence developed at home and abroad. Many American journalists currently work for the CIA. That is the explanation for the “fake news” in the media. Intentional fake news is very real, and manipulatively deceptive.


                William Casey had been chief counsel and original board member of CapCities, and became CIA director in 1981, later CapCities  acquired ABC during Reagan’s second term. Casey had also been Securities and Exchange Commissioner under Nixon, and owned much CapCities stock until his death in 1987. He advocated covert operations, and was part of a network of spooks who used American companies, especially mass media, as tools of espionage.

                GE, owner of NBC, had a contract with the CIA to estimate Soviet military strength-while GE accumulated huge profits as a key player in the military industrial complex. Now, they wouldn’t lie, would they?

                Ever since the CIA was formed in 1947, publishers and executive management of the media have volunteered their services for the agency- page 114. On page 115, we find some revealing quotes: “One journalist is worth 20 agents” a high-level CIA agent told investigative reporter Carl Bernstein. Former CIA Deputy Director Ray S Cline called the American news media: “the only unfettered espionage agencies in the country.”

                In exchange for career-enhancing scoops and leaks, reporters alter stories and disseminate propaganda at the request of the CIA. For decades, hundreds of journalists have maintained covert associations with the CIA, and are paid for their services to it. Former CIA director William Colby stated: “Let’s not pick on some poor reporters. Let’s go to the managements. They were witting.”


                I include much more info on it. The news media is dominated by the CIA which misinforms, misleads, destroys values, gives wrong mindsets and worldviews, and dumbs down. YOU hate on me, but have no idea who or what I am or stand for. Just because I say a little against whites. IF you read what all my entries, you would see differently. Most likely you don’t read, or you would know of me. The black community have spread word of me to most corner of the planet, but you remain ignorant. I am white, so obviously I don’t think that color is the cause of evil. We are all products of information input in our eyes and ears, what media and school teaches us, as well as parents, teachers, pastors, etc.. and how we process that information. That is why I blame the media, and especially the white establishment. In case you haven’t noticed, the establishment only allows those who prove loyalty to their agenda any power (oreobama). No radical blacks or truly reformist or revolutionists are allowed any exposure, never mind power. IN case you had not noticed, there is an intentional polarization going on, and I have exposed it. Like Assange, I have also been incarcerated for my writings, but much less so.

                1. I am fully aware of the intentional polarization and have for quite some time.
                  You are part of the intentional polarization.
                  You promoting the division and the hate.
                  In case you have not noticed, there are plenty of non-establishment media types out there who have a strong following and in some cases even more than MSM.
                  If you are the example of a revolutionist, no, you should not have any power let alone exposure.

                  You, are nothing like Assange. You are just a little man, promoting hate, division and the very polarization you claim to be fighting against. You are the kind of person who I joined the Marines to fight against.
                  Semper Fi.

                2. Good for you being so loving that you want to kill me and you have no idea what I really stand for. You believed and followed the orders of the most deceptive evil people on the planet and killed for them, probably most of your victims were civilians- and you have absolutely no courage. The US military mostly use drones, they far outweaponize other nations, and are willing murderers. Furthermore, in my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH, I prove that not only was every politician in DC complicit to 9-11 demolition job, but that Al Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, was mossad agent Simon Elliot, and that ISIS is a US and Israeli operative. You are a gullible fool who murdered innocent people and are proud of it. I have never hurt anyone, did research and published work that I knew might get me in prison, as it certainly did, exposing the government and those above it.

                  There is another reason for our ignorance. The Bush administration created the Office of Global Communication (OGC). Its mission was to “ensure consistency of messages that will promote the interests of the United States abroad, prevent misunderstanding, and build support for and among coalition partners of the United States, and inform international audiences.”

                  The operation of this agency included the daily dispatch of an email of communication points to administration officials, US embassies, congress, and others. They also organized daily telephone conferences, goals coordinating foreign policy messages among US government agencies and representatives of Britain.  This ensures consistency, making the lies more convincing. It was established in such a way as to make it possible to continue the practice after the OGC was dismantled. Emails and phone calls do not need to be credited to the OGC. This maintains and enforces a “party line,” muffling any message contradictory or opposing to the official institutional message.

                  The OGC and other government agencies spread disinformation – false statements under fabricated sources to mislead, confuse, and to discredit opposition who pick up these messages and distribute them. This type of operation is propaganda, which is defined as: attempts to manipulate or coerce the thinking of an enemy or captive population, the communications imposing the propaganda’s ideas into the minds of the target population.

                  Truly democratic agents do not use propaganda, no, a democratic approach is “dialogue,” between assumed equals. This kind of propaganda’s goal is to indoctrinate efficiently. US citizens are that “captive population.”

                  Now regarding terrorism. We have some very real and dangerous terrorist organizations in Al Queda, the Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, and others. And ISIS. But let us rethink and reconsider the situation. ISIS is clearly the most dangerous and evil organization.

                  It’s leader al-Baghdadi, is not profiled in the news. We have been told only minimal information about ISIS’ leader, and none of his origination, by the establishment media. They don’t seem to know much about him. But some people have done some research, and it is rumored that one of them was Snowden. According to viral information some time ago, somebody reported that ISIS’ leader, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is an Israeli Mossad agent born to Israeli parents by the name of Simon Elliot. Snowden’s lawyer Ben Wizner denies such claims that the information was originated by Snowden, but Snowden has not denied such.

                  Al Qaida’s leader Ayman Zawahiri said that Al Baghdadi had been a member of Al Qaida, but they broke ties with ISIS in early 2014. Supposedly they have a similar mission, so why the rejection?

                  Al Baghdadi had been “trained” in Camp Bucca, a US prison camp in Iraq. He was third in the terrorist hierarchy, and the two above him were killed by US military, yet somehow, Al Baghdadi was freed.

                  Now observe who ISIS attacks. Not Israel, not the US, but more than anyone else, they target Shiite nations. Notice that when they attack the US and its allies’ forces, they do so from within Arab citizen habitats; and in retaliation, U.S., Saudi, and Israeli (as well as others) bomb the civilian areas to rubble and dust. Syria is nothing but concrete destruction. Yemen is almost gone. Iraq is a graveyard.

                  The US forces somehow can’t defeat ISIS, but Russia and Hezbollah have success. As much as we are told that Hezbollah are evil, the truth is that they are freedom fighters that remind me of the black panthers. Defending Iran and their allies militarily, they also provide medical and social services, to their credit.

                  ISIS is a dangerous terrorist organization, and are obviously a covert US and Israeli operative. “Oh heaven forbid, how could you have the nerve to accuse the US of terrorism? They are the good guys.” “Oh yes, and they would be the first to tell you so.”

                  What is the motivation? One deeper level I mentioned already was oil, and I have spoken in my previous book of it being a show and example of military might, a warning. Now let us go to the ultimate reasons, the core root of what is happening here; the devious and unthinkable concept that is so hard to comprehend and accept.

                  I have displayed clearly that the Vatican is evil, and that the United States is an extension of Rome. First, remember what the Jesuits teach, and the meaning of INRI on their flag. Now, recall the


                3. My newsletter is read by tens of millions daily, it goes viral internationally. One or two of my comments are against whites, I am white. Obviously there is more to me than those comments. But in your lack of ability to think, all you can see is bigotry. Regarding MSM, nobody is watching them anymore, as people like myself have been discrediting them for years. You need to learn to read at a more advanced level and to think. Obviously your pride over being a murderer shows either stupidity, ignorance, or evil. Which is it?


                4. I do not want power, never did. I had been offered by the Republican party the opportunity towards governor of NJ. I refused. I have absolutely no ambition towards lording over others. I do not want to be what I hate. I simply want to install a new kind of civilization, the blueprint is in the conclusion of ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH, attached for free reading to my free newsletter. sign up here


                5. If you want to insult me again, read below, I put in an explanation of my stand to further make clear what it appears that you don’t understand.

                6. I never claimed to want to be integrated with unrighteous people. I am a black separatist. Indeed, I do not want to associate with murderers and those who value money over others’ lives and well being.

                  The European has corrupted all continents, and subverted the indigenous peoples of all lands, imposing his character on them, and it makes me sick to watch and hear people who will murder, exploit, enslave, oppress, deceive and do sundry other morally bankrupt activities and then try to claim moral ground. That was not in the character of native Americans, Indians, Africans, few Chinese, and other indigenous peoples who later regretted letting European Christians onto their homelands.

                  It appears from your comments that you have participated in the white establishment’s wars and have strived for wealth. You value money and being dominant over other people, showing no shame in having murdered innocent civilians for the damn deceiving corrupt politicians. My book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH spent about 20 pages proving 9-11 was a demolition job with every politician in DC complicit, and that ISIS was a US and Israeli operative.

                  According to a French book “Bin Laden, La Verite Interdite” (Bin Laden, the Forbidden Truth), the United States had decided to invade Afghanistan in the interest of profits, long before September 2001.

                  In February 1998, congress discussed ways to deal with Afghanistan to enable a US –held oil pipeline. Jane’s Defense Newsletter dated March 2001 revealed that an invasion of Afghanistan was being planned. July 2001 the planned invasion was reported by George Arney of the BBC. “Times of India” stated in June 2001 that the US government told India that there would be an invasion of Afghanistan in October of that year. But the US media insisted that the 9-11 terrorist attack instigated US invasion of Afghanistan and the Taliban regime.

                  The twin towers had no flag bearing responsibility. The right legitimate thing to do would have been to prove who the culprits were, and to bring them to justice. The US blamed Afghanistan, and attacked innocent people, showed no evidence of anybody’s guilt, and endeavored to install a puppet government. Then they did likewise with Iraq.

                  After much futile and senseless destruction, the death toll of Arabs fanned the flame of Islamic radicalism and anti-imperialism. Bush’s “war on terrorism” and the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan in particular were strategically successful in giving new life to Islamic radicalism and made violent resistance popular among Arabs, playing into the elite’s plan of genocide of Arab peoples. The US, after all, has to defend itself.

                  Whether it was an afterthought that developed over the years, or had been planned previously, I am not sure, but the United States had further devious designs to use Afghanistan for more of its evil purposes. The leaders of Afghanistan; the Taliban, had banned its people from producing opium, and under their rule, Afghanistan produced 3% of the world’s opium. Upon the United States taking power in 2010, it soon leaped to producing 90% of the world’s opium. Perceiving the poverty of the Afghan farmers, being such magnanimous benefactors, the US government loaned those farmers the necessary capital and means to grow poppies. For a fee, US military guard the poppy fields, while the farmers labor to earn a meager income, and the smugglers reap wild profits (as do the dealers), importing most of the opium used by Americans and many other nations. Since 2010, Afghanistan has been steadily exporting 13 million pounds of opium annually.


                7. Preach on. Michael Kahn is the most racist white person I’ve ever encountered in 83 years. What a divisionist!

    2. How dare you quote scripture to justify your own prejudice. God is not mocked. You should repent.

      1. Like many Christians, you are quick to use scripture that says what you want it to, to stroke you or praise you. But when it says something pointing out your sins or something you don’t like, it is “repent”= I have never seen a Christian repent, and that is not because they do no wrong. I guess the words strike home= you reap what you sow. It is undeniable that the Roman empire, which included England, Spain and France, continued far after the official Roman empire dismantled, and it is now under the Vatican. Think- those nations “discovered” and conquered north and south America, AFrica, China, Australia, etc.. and what did they do? Genocide, opium, slavery, oppression, separated natives from their homelands etc.. and imposed their languages and religion on the indigenous peoples.

        Christianity is the greatest enemy of mankind. IT opened the gates of hell and populated them. Satan rules the planet using the Vatican, which is the power behind the US and secretly rules over every Christian denomination.

        1. Wow. What an ego.

          You’re trying to use Scripture to cudgel your enemies. I was just warning you. What you do with the warning is up to you.

          1. Bring it on. You hated on Julian for using scripture and now me. You hate people who point out your sin. Did not prophets rail against sinners? John the baptist? Peter? I do not put my faith in any Bible or religion, but if you were a believing Christian, you would take heed, that is if you were a real and conscientious one. How dare somebody have confidence born in accomplishments and overcoming obstacles and courage. Jesus wants everybody to grovel in fear and humility, to beg God for life and forgiveness, even when one has no sin.

            1. You’re seeing things that aren’t there. I didn’t hate on Julian. If I was, I wouldn’t care what happened to him and therefore wouldn’t warn him. The same goes for you.

              However, and this is a huge however, I never take spiritual advice from non-believers. Ever. And the only hate I’m seeing in this conversation is what you’re directing at Jesus, Christians and scripture. And conservatives. If you’re 65, you’re too old to be harboring this kind of bitterness. I don’t hate you; I’m sad for you.

  6. Anti-white black folks and their supporters frequently claim racism is a mind-set that promotes white supremacy to oppress black folks.

    Looks to me like these entities claim that they are victims.

    If they are victims, aren’t they inferior?

    Are they not promoting the idea that white folks are in fact superior due to oppressing black folks?

    Don’t these entities promote white supremacy through their own racism?

    1. I agree that the white (Roman) establishment is superior. They are the best at military moves (Murder), economic advantage (exploiting) education (phony knowledge) modern technology (laziness), government (pretend democracy in reality being hegemony), policing (destroying lives and targeting minorities), and protecting their women (the ones they love most [politicians and priests] are pedophiles). They are the best at deceiving, blaming others for what they do, have imposed their contemptible religion, and have ruled oppressively. And this makes them superior in their eyes.

  7. Young people – and old hippie holdovers who refuse to grow up – desperately seek a cause/crisis. It makes them feel morally superior. Global warming, crt, queer theory, systemic racism (and yes, Daisy, I do deny that it exists; we haven’t have Jim Crow laws for a long, long time). And on and on.

    Their premise doesn’t even have to contain a speck of truth; it just has to sound caring and makes them feel morally superior.

    I’ve spent 2/3 of my life as relatively poor white, living in a trailer house, so I know about prejudice. There are no laws or corporate rules or social constraints against me and my kind being treated poorly. Okay. It would be ridiculous to advocate for any of that. But I’m not going to be coerced into kneeling at someone else’s “poor me” bandwagon because of societal pressure.

    What a mess this country is in, and it just keeps getting worse.

    1. The most monetarily wealthy part of my adult life was when I lived in a trailer. I lived in ghettoes and grw up in white suburbia, now live in one room in a basement, no stove (I use a hotplate) and no vehicle, but there is a bus stop a block away. My life is the best it has ever been, no materialist slavery, no boss to answer to, as I do work 80+ hours a week for the people unpaid, living off a small Social security check. (I am 65). I am content with my circumstance, my freedom and free thinking and being alive is a blessing, as most people with my character and history are assassinated in youth. But I am not content with the government or with capitalism or the corporations or the globalists or the Vatican. They have deliberately imposed a prison of illusion and lies and have turned one against another to keep our eyes off the real evil ones= the establishment, run by some rich globalists and the Vatican. Why do so few blame the Vatican?? shhhhhhhh .

  8. Maybe I’m too conspiratorial these days, but I constantly think of “United we stand, divided we fall”, and flipping the racism card and script in my mind happened concurrent to to the rise of BLM…
    That is to say, the unspoken tenet of Black Lives Matter(Ing) is that White Lives No Longer Matter.
    The outcome? Absolutely everyone is divided and weakened, whether they realize it or not.
    Black people are encouraged to wear a mantle of victimhood, which as 1stMarineJarhead said will weaken you. White people are effectively censored for fear of being cancelled, especially middle aged white men and women.
    By exaggerating, inventing and re-opening old wounds and divisions, and very deliberately making you “choose sides” in absolutely EVERYTHING, we are weakened, divided, pitched against one another, boxed in, silenced or vilified and cancelled…you can’t win, if you choose neutral someone else will decide for you.
    I see it as very calculated, deliberate marketing/media manipulation, a form of undermining our sanity, certainly, sense of identity and ability to speak out or defend ourselves.
    Many facets of what was strong in the past is now undermined…being white (racist), being black (victim), being Asian (unfairly smart and hardworking), being heterosexual (CISgender transphobes), middle class/small business owner (attacked on financial front thanks to Plandemic)…
    Everything is set in motion to divide and weaken us, and keep us in our box and easy to control.

    1. I was thinking more along the lines of the whole SJW thing. IIRC that started about 2014. I call it the rise of militant victimization.
      Before that, I would of called any segregation anti-Civil Rights movement, and a multitude of steps backwards from what the Civil Rights movement fought for.
      Now, we have segregated college graduations and not by just color but even “gender” identity. How to create even more division.
      As you point out, there is now discrimination against Asians that is being accepted at Ivy League universities.
      Is it really a conspiracy if a large part of academia is calling for the elimination of meritocracy and the lowering of standards in the name of equality? Seems more like a drive to reduce America to the lowest common denominator.

    2. You have bought the right-wing news media lies, which are as bad as left-wing media. BLM was not against whites, and did not intend to even imply that. The words BLACK LIVES MATTER were used because police treat blacks worse than whites, as I showed in previous comments and links, policing (not other systems) has systemic racism, and police murder blacks on the regular, and always get a paid vacation for doing it (administrative leave with pay). Other people do not take a stand for that, so blacks are trying to get the message across- “our lives matter also”- blacks have a history, like it or not, – it is just fact, that there has been slavery, Jim Crow, and now murder and slavery in the policing system, and whites give blacks the very clear message- blacks lives mean nothing to them. Whites support the police. Maybe Arabs feel the same, I don’t know, but they were not involved in 9-11, that was planned by US politicians, and I will copy and paste just a little of the proof from my book

      Yes, and the amazing way that the Patriot Act was as quickly composed as a reaction to the 9-11 “surprise.” According to a French book “Bin Laden, La Verite Interdite” (Bin Laden, the Forbidden Truth), the United States had decided to invade Afghanistan in the interest of profits, long before September 2001. In February 1998, congress discussed ways to deal with Afghanistan to enable a US –held oil pipeline.

      Jane’s Defense Newsletter dated March 2001 revealed that an invasion of Afghanistan was being planned. July 2001 the planned invasion was reported by George Arney of the BBC. “Times of India” stated in June 2001 that the US government told India that there would be an invasion of Afghanistan in October of that year.

      But the US media insisted that the 9-11 terrorist attack instigated US invasion of Afghanistan and the Taliban regime. The twin towers had no flag bearing responsibility. The right legitimate thing to do would have been to prove who the culprits were, and to bring them to justice.

      The US blamed Afghanistan, and attacked innocent people, showed no evidence of anybody’s guilt, and endeavored to install a puppet government. Then they did likewise with Iraq.

      After much futile and senseless destruction, the death toll of Arabs fanned the flame of Islamic radicalism and anti-imperialism. Bush’s “war on terrorism” and the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan in particular were strategically successful in giving new life to Islamic radicalism and made violent resistance popular among Arabs, playing into the elite’s plan of genocide of Arab peoples. The US, after all, has to defend itself.

      Whether it was an afterthought that developed over the years, or had been planned previously, I am not sure, but the United States had further devious designs to use Afghanistan for more of its evil purposes.

      The leaders of Afghanistan; the Taliban, had banned its people from producing opium, and under their rule, Afghanistan produced 3% of the world’s opium. Upon the United States taking power in 2010, it soon leaped to producing 90% of the world’s opium. Perceiving the poverty of the Afghan farmers, being such magnanimous benefactors, the US government loaned those farmers the necessary capital and means to grow poppies. For a fee, US military guard the poppy fields, while the farmers labor to earn a meager income, and the smugglers reap wild profits (as do the dealers), importing most of the opium used by Americans and many other nations. Since 2010, Afghanistan has been steadily exporting 13 million pounds of opium annually.


  9. I believe the ones who are really running this country are the ones causing discrimination, on purpose. I also feel we are now experiencing reverse discrimination.

  10. White people are demonized because nothing happens when they are.

    Try espousing anti-black sentiment. Or anti-Jewish. Or, heaven help you, anti-Muslim. There will be consequences.

    The only consequences for attacking white people: articles will be written.

  11. Make no mistake, there is racism in this country; however, the media exploits it and loves doing it, because it gains them MONEY by the number of hits they get. It’s easy to be rude online, a person can not see you, however, in person, not so much. Change one word… Remove the word WHITE and read the sentence. An example, “Nevada middle school teacher calls WHITE people ‘problematic,’ claims education is racist: ‘Start a riot’” It is the people who have problems and need help. It is the people who yell for freedom of religion. It is the people who cry for the country to get out of their healthcare. The road to taking away a “person’s” autonomy is here, that road needs to end. This is about people, not color, gender, or religion.

  12. Personally I live for the day when we give up this idea that our different skin colors make us different races. How about genetically stable variations on the same HUMAN theme?

    1. We don’t have genetically stable variations on the same HUMAN theme. Each generation is different. And with the amount of “interracial” (in quotes because I don’t believe in different human races) that variation is compounded.

  13. i was raise to believe from a young child that all men were created equal. its 77 years later now and i still stand by that and i am glad i did.

  14. I could care less what color you are. Or how fat you are. Or how old, tall, smart or wealthy, or what sex you are. All that matters to me is what lives in your heart and mind. Is it love or hate? ALL of our minds are gray and ALL of our hearts are red. What lives in them comes out your hands and mouth. So, do unto others as you would have done unto you. Love each other as you love yourself. Anything else RUINS EVERYTHING.

    1. I love myself enough to correct myself when I am wrong. But can I do that with others? I try, but most people resist and tell me not to judge. Even the bible promotes judging one another, TAKE THE PLANK OUT OF YOUR EYE, THEN TAKE THE SPEC OUT OF YOUR BROTHER’S=clean up your own act first, then do so with others. I do not believe in unconditional love, and having left the Christian religion, no longer find a need to forgive everyone or to obey authorities, or to obey slavemasters. I do try to love everyone, but I find that more difficult than loving righteousness. I love people enough to risk abuse when I find it to be the best act of love to give them truth that may be hard for them to hear.

    1. Look at my stats above. One of the links shows that all races do an equal percentage of per capital use of drugs, but that three times as many blacks are arrested for drugs as whites. There is no justice in America, and stats regarding who does crimes are manipulated. Do you really trust the FBI? I myself have been incarcerated for writing a book exposing the government and those above it, under the guise of a parole violation. It was my second conviction for the same (not repeated) crime- a few words never meant to be carried out. I was on parole for a crime I did not do. 80% of inmates are there for drug-related crimes, many were victimless. Police are brutes and liars, and ruin lives on the regular with no tweak on their consceince= sociopaths, and 95% are freemasons. (worship Lucifer knowingly)

  15. This is such a great article. Too bad the comments couldn’t have been the same. RACISM is WRONG!

    1. But only when directed at whites. That is the message I get. How many of you have participated in BLM protests? And BLM were not against whites, they were against the police murdering blacks. AS my previous submissions show, prisons are slave camps, and that blacks are represented in them in disproportionate numbers is no coincidence. That is what BLM was about, not against whitey. But conservatives all support police.

  16. I entered a multitude of comments, so I would like to qualify. I am caucasion who has done much independent research, I do not watch television, but am aware of much on it, due to my research on the internet. (I research 12 hours a day, every day). I have found that the Vatican, an extension of the ancient Roman Empire, is the greatest power, ruling over the US and secretly over every Christian denomination. They have promoted the worst values, mindsets, and worldviews, are deceptive and work in secrecy, and are aligned with the globalists, and had been the force behind the Nazis. When I use the term “white” in these comments, I am referring to the white establishment, which does the will of the Vatican. Those that fall in line with their agenda are also included. I identify as black, having been incarcerated, live in imposed poverty due to my unwillingness to conform to the establishments’ ways, and live off a small social security check (I am 65) while working 80+ hours unpaid for the people. My newsletter is circulated globally and is free, and attached to it are my books, which have been changing paradigms. I have no interest in riches, only in saving humanity and starting a new civilization of self-sustaining (do not let the rhetoric fool you, it is nothing like the great reset) agricultural communities with no modern technologies. In some ways like the Amish, but with many alterations. No rulers, shared work, no currency, community type cooepration, and all world problems resolved. Even closes the gates of hell. The complete blueprint is in the conclusion of my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH


  17. Wake up. Black ants and Red ants in a jar get along just fine until someone shakes the jar and then they proceed to kill each other.

    You’re in a damn jar and someone’s shaking it.

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