Sweden Warns Every Single Household to Prep for WAR

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By the author of Be Ready for Anything and the online course Bloom Where You’re Planted

The government of Sweden has produced a 20-page pamphlet which they’ll be sending to each of the 4.8 million households in the country urging them to get prepared for…WAR.

Although they haven’t been at war for over 200 years, for some reason, right now, they want their citizens to get prepped – and fast. This goes along with an article I wrote in January of 2018 when the government urged their people to be ready to cope “without help” for at least a week.

Shortly before Christmas, the Swedish government quietly published a paper called “Resilience.” Initially, the requirement had been for people to be prepared for 3 days without help, but it seems like that was a baby step. The government itself wants to be prepared for a 3-month long civil emergency and they’re urging citizens to take responsibility, too.

It really makes you wonder what is looming ahead, doesn’t it? (source)

This, however, is a direct approach, with the preparedness instructions delivered to their doors.

Here’s what the government of Sweden is recommending.

The booklet, titled, If Crisis or War Comes, is an updated version of one distributed in the 1980s. It was compiled by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) and references several potential crises that could occur, according to the Swedish media:

  • disruptions to IT systems
  • incidents occurring in the rest of the world
  • climate change
  •  increased tension in the Baltic region

The brochure warns Swedes of things that every prepper knows. “In the event of a societal emergency, help will be provided first to those who need it most. The majority must be prepared to cope on their own for some time.” Here’s what Swedish website The Local has to say about the warnings.

“Water, food and warmth” as well as an ability to obtain information from authorities are the most important things in such a scenario.

The guide provides a checklist of foodstuffs and goods it’s useful to have at home just in case, ranging from basic vegetables to long-lasting oat or soy milk, tinned protein like sardines or boiled meat, and items for providing warmth, access to communications, and for storing water.

The booklet also has a checklist to help Swedes be better prepared to cope with misleading information and influence operations, noting that “the best protection against false information and hostile propaganda is to critically appraise the source” by asking questions like “is this factual information or opinion?” and “who has put this out?”.

“We all have a responsibility for our country’s safety and preparedness, so it’s important for everyone to also have knowledge on how we can contribute if something serious occurs,” MSB General Director Dan Eliasson said in a statement.

“Sweden is safer than many other countries but threats exist.” (source)

Supply checklists are included, with suggestions for stocking up on things like mineral water, wet wipes, and tinned hummus. There are directions to bomb shelters, as well as instructions for what to do if ATMs, cellphones or the internet stop working.

Here’s the English version of the brochure, which can be downloaded. (It was published in 13 languages.)

Sweden urged citizens to be prepared to defend their country.

The preparedness brochure also reminds citizens of the possibility of conscription (the draft) for anyone between the ages of 16 and 70, because everyone has “duty to contribute to total defence.”

The mention of propaganda is repeated in this section.

“If Sweden is attacked by another country, we will never give up. All information to the effect that resistance is to cease is false.” (source)

But speaking of propaganda, there’s no mention of the unchecked immigration that has turned parts of major cities into war zones. Is it possible that the war of which they’re warning could be a civil one?

An influx of asylum seekers from the Middle East and Africa has strained the welfare system and the criminal justice system.

The crime in Malmo and Stockholm has skyrocketed. You can read about it in these articles:

Violence against women has also increased dramatically.

According to the Swedish Crime Survey, compared to 2015, attempted rape against girls 15 – 17 was up 46 percent in 2016.

Rape of teens in that same date and age range is up 19 percent.

Attempted rape of girls under 15 increased 16 percent; rape of young girls in that same age increased by 26 percent.

Rapes against adult women increased by 7 percent…

…The politically correct laws of Sweden mean that the perpetrators cannot be described to the public, including their ethnicity. The women of Sweden have had to change how they live or risk attack…

The fact that much of the crime is committed by migrants in a no-go zone is swept under the rug, which is pointed out in this article in Sputnik News (a Russian government-controlled news agency).


In the article quoted above, there are videos and quotes from police officers who are breaking their silence about the migrant crime wave.

Could it be that the real enemies are already within Sweden? Whether their worry is the Russians, the refugees, or some other threat, one thing is certain.

Sweden is getting ready for battle and we all need to pay attention.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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13 Responses

  1. We killed countless “communists” because the Commies were going to take our JOBS, Our HOMES, and Our WAY of LIFE.
    Well our treasonous politicians are GIVING them away.
    Why are we wasting TRILLION$ on weapons to fight Russia and China? Our borders are wide open to pillaging, raping, murdering invaders and the PEDOpriests & politicians “welcome” them.
    All the Russians & Chinese have to do is drop their weapons and WALK into America and Europe, demand refuge and WELFARE and make themselves at home. Our PANSY ASSED MISSleaders will give them your Social Security and Country.
    Remember that Chinese general who threatened to ship 100million peasants here? The PEDOpriests/politicians would love that.
    NATO wants to take on RUSSIA?! (and maybe China)
    NATO cannot defend it’s own people at HOME.
    NATO cannot beat ISIS-AlQueda-Taliban-AlNusra
    NATO families will be raped & murdered as NATO Troops fight far from home.
    NATO installations will be sabotaged by Refujihadi Invaders.
    NATO Troops should turn their weapons on their ENEMIES that are betraying them.

    NATO defeated itself by being invaded and overrun by the REFUJIHADIS from the wars NATO started but can’t FINISH …………. THAT has to be a FIRST in all history.
    Waffling and ranting about the Russian threat whilst the real enemy sits in our government offices and marches in our gates.
    We pay them to plot against us.
    We pay them to out breed us.
    We watch while they commit treason and sedition.
    We hand the West to them on a plate.
    Only Russia, Poland, Hungary are standing up and fighting them.

  2. The same government that supports Muslim immigration is also sending out prepare for war against the very people they are letting in? I don’t think so. Bogus article.

    1. That’s not what the article said. It mentioned many different threats but did not mention the immigrants within. I mentioned that.

  3. The most telling part of the whole article is the quote, “If Sweden is attacked by another country, we will never give up. All information to the effect that resistance is to cease is false.”

    The above statement should be headed by all in order to understand one of the many propaganda tools that the enemy will use in time of war. Also keep in mind that the enemy may in fact reside within your own borders and have far more control over communications and media than you imagined.

  4. Nope. It isn’t because of a specific threat. It’s because of a heightened threat level from many sources.
    And we’ve also been blessed with few natural disasters and have gotten lazy. Few have any preps at home whatsoever and the pamphlet is to urge people to at least have water and some food at home in case of a storm.

    The Russian bear is only one threat.

  5. It could be that all the war talk is just a cover for the natural disasters that governments may think are imminent. Amongst many other preparations that governments have made to save their own hides is the seed vault in Sweden’s neighbor, Norway. If you pay close attention to all the world-wide natural disasters and how they’re ramping up at a high speed, you could easily conclude that earth/space events have the potential to destroy us before a nuke is ever fired. The prepping for any of these events is pretty much the same. So I wouldn’t jump to the conclusion that Sweden is preparing only for war.

  6. I would imagine that if you are reading the article you are a prepared for a crisis. Maybe not a war or invasion. There are many of prepping you can only prepare for a few not all. Figure what you think might happen keep your ear to the ground and react don’t wait the the government to help.

  7. THE MINUTE all you girlymen,queers,homos,and pussys,TURNED YOUR CONTROL OVER TO THOSE FAT WHORES YOU CLAIM ARE WOMEN …YOU LOST YOUR COUNTRY,and NOW you and them will all die because of your braindead stupidity……AND you won’t see it coming till its way to late to do anything about it….KISS YOUR ASS GOOD BY…IDIOTS….

  8. Thank you for the article about Sweden Daisy. It is very enlightening and useful. We here in the USA should follow the same advice. It will probably be the same thing for us in the near future. That is probably the best reason that the dems and other anti gun groups want to disarm us. Thank You again, John Faulconer.

  9. People have figured out that they don’t need the government so the government constructs an imaginary threat that justifies their existence.

  10. Sweden is lost. Their war is already taking place in their own backyard. Russia has better things to do.

  11. SWEDEN is being attacked from within, they just let their enemies walk in and then gave them food, housing, everything that the Swedes have worked for for centuries. They won’t be attacked by another Country, but from their blind liberal ignorance.

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