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By Daisy Luther
I think we need a new feature, so here we are. Introducing, Survival Saturday, a weekly round-up of news, products, information, and books.
What is Survival Saturday?
I love information. It’s like my drug of choice, and I can’t get enough of it. I spend a huge part of my life learning, with books, articles, and products. Every week, I probably read nearly 100 articles. I pin them on Pinterest, link to them if I’m writing about a similar topic, and share them on Facebook.
Because of my website, I try out a lot of products too, and since I don’t want the site to be review after review, I would like to be able to share with you a paragraph and a recommendation when there are things that I think you might find beneficial. And finally, there are the books. I get so many wonderful books that I could probably do two book reviews per week. Of course, that wouldn’t leave me much time for other types of articles.
So, I’ve decided to collect this information each week and share it in a round-up format. Today is the first Survival Saturday, and if it is well-received, it will be a regular feature.
This Week’s Products
- I finally broke down and got a smaller canner to use on my smooth top stove (normally I use a Waring burner and pressure can on my counter top.) I am very happy with my 16 quart Presto Pressure Canner. I’d forgotten how much faster it is to can directly on the stove instead of using a secondary method.
- At long last, I also picked up an inexpensive sharpener for my kitchen knives. Knives are such an investment that they deserve a tool to keep them at their best. As well, dull knives are dangerous because when they aren’t working as designed, you can become reckless trying to saw through things. (Don’t ask me how I know this.) Now, my blades are all super sharp again, and I keep looking around for other stuff to sharpen.
- ***Bargain*** If you’ve been thinking about getting a sewing machine, now is the time. Singer sewing machines are 50% off (or more) as part of their Black Friday Week Sale. Save 50% on Singer Sewing
This Week in Preparedness – Articles
In the wake of the terror attacks in Paris, American politicians aren’t going to let a good crisis go to waste. Presidential candidates are throwing civil rights to the wind in the name of safety.
Nearly every person who has prepped has run into a can of food that is beyond its expiration date. Don’t be so fast to toss that food past the date, though. A lot of it is perfectly safe to eat. Here’s what you need to know about those ominous dates on packaged food.
Old fashioned kitchens are the best, from my perspective. They’re particularly appealing for those of us who prepare for times when the power might be down. It’s important that they be more than just pretty. Learn all about creating a functional vintage kitchen for your prepper dream home.
Although it seems like something from the horror sci-fi archives, it’s true. The first GMO salmon have been approved for human consumption by the FDA – and there isn’t a label telling you that you’re eating Frankenfish.
With so many horrible events in the news this week, and the holiday season quickly approaching, it’s important to be extremely observant in order to keep your family safe. Learn how to play Kim’s Game with your family to help improve your vigilance skills.
Do you involve your kids in your preparedness endeavors? It’s your obligation as a parent to teach them to survive in an increasingly dangerous world.
We’re getting packed to head out on a trip next week to visit family. Air travel is the worst for preppers, but here are the TSA-approved items that I take with me to be as prepared as I can given the restrictions.
In an upcoming program, you can learn about the journey of the Mayflower without the cute elementary school play sparkle to it. I’m hoping to find it online after it airs on television. (We don’t have cable.) This screenplay was taken from the diaries of those who made the journey, some of whom did not survive.
The Bookshelf
This week, my daughter had a cold. I tapped into Cat Ellis’s book, Prepper’s Natural Medicine, which had just arrived from the publisher. (A complete review is upcoming.) I quickly found some remedies that used items I have on hand to soothe her symptoms. This book is well-organized, simple to use, and relies on nature as opposed to the pharmacy. It’s a must-have for any prepper’s bookshelf.
I also referred to an oldie but goodie when pulling some freeze-dried food out of my pantry. If you haven’t read The Prepper’s Cookbook, by Tess Pennington, it’s a great addition to your shelf. What good is all of that preparedness food if you don’t know how to use it, right?
In fiction, I finally got a chance to finish Aftermath, by my friend LeAnn Edmondson. That woman sure knows her survival gear! Anyone who preps will feel an instant kinship with the characters that realized bad stuff was going down far in advance of the awakening of their neighbors. I enjoyed her first novel – I’m always in awe of those who can write fiction, since plotting is not my strong point. I love that the ability to self-publish allows authors who write in a genre that may not be so mainstream to reach a wider audience. One cool thing you should know about LeAnn’s book is that the readers helped to write it. The book began as a weekly “serial” on Tin Hat Ranch and became so popular that she self-published it. Readers were able to provide input throughout the writing process, and the result is a book that is chock-full of survival knowledge.
Is this something you’d like to see on a regular basis?
Let me know what you think in the comments. Do you like this round-up of information? It’s a work in progress, so help me by telling me what you would like to see shared here.
7 Responses
I like it! Please continue with it.
Don’t quit your day job.
Yes, please continue.
Yes, Daisy. This is a good article. Keep it up.
Yes – for those of us who don’t really have the time to sift through all the info, it is good to have someone knowledgeable on the lookout for useful stuff.
I enjoyed this feature a lot and look forward to the next installment. Thank you for helping to keep us all up to date.
I like this, great idea ? I enjoy your articles and look forward to the farm updates.? I will check back for the next one.