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Author of Be Ready for Anything and The Bug Out Book
Islamic terror is in the headlines again, along with deadly vaccines. A puzzling story demonstrating just how far away our society has actually gotten from the original “Land of Opportunity” roots of our nation also made the rounds.
Survival Saturday is back after a brief hiatus. Here’s this week’s round-up of news and recommended reading material for folks interested in being prepared.
Deadly Terror Attack in Belgium Blamed on ISIS
300 people were wounded and 31 people were killed in horrifying coordinated attacks in Brussels, Belgium. An airport and a subway station were bombed, and ISIS has taken credit for the attacks.
But don’t blame Islam. It’s the religion of peace, remember? At least one source says that the real culprit is a leadership that is unwilling to criticize Islam for fear of being politically incorrect. Judith Bergman wrote, “Western political and military establishments, as well as media and cultural elites, refuse to examine the political and military doctrines of Islam, and make them a subject of honest intellectual inquiry. When they are facing an enemy that uses these very doctrines as its reason for being, this refusal can only be described as gross malfeasance and reckless endangerment.” Many reports say that there were sufficient warnings before these attacks, but they were ignored, perhaps purposely.
According to some predictions, the terror in Belgium may not be over. The badge of a murdered security guard for the Tihange Nuclear Plant was stolen, the security at the plant has been said to be lax, and the ingredients for a dirty bomb have also gone missing in recent weeks. This article puts together a chilling, credible theory. (Prosecutors in Belgium have “ruled out” any “militant link” in the murder of the guard, so rest easy.)
Of course, every time there’s a terror attack, people scramble to try to guess the next target, and thus far, are never correct. While the experts may not be able to predict the next target, one thing is nearly certain: there will be a next target. More than 400 trained fighters have been dispatched to Europe with instructions to conduct attacks.
President Obama doesn’t think that Isis represents an “existential threat,” if that sets your mind at ease.
Do you know what to do if you are among the unfortunate souls in the midst of a terror attack? Read this politically incorrect article, because someone, somewhere wishes you were dead.
Boy Mows Lawn, Media Goes Wild
Let me preface this little rant by saying, “Good for you, son” to the boy who mowed the neighbor’s lawn to earn money to take his girl out on a date. I’m a huge proponent of kids who work to earn money and this is by no means an attempt to belittle what he did.
Let me continue by saying, “How the heck is this even news?” A 14-year-old boy hit up the neighbors to earn some money to take his girlfriend out to lunch, and somehow it made not only the local newspapers, but also got featured on Buzzfeed.
Have we become so far removed from actual work that it’s a huge deal when a kid cuts the neighbor’s grass to make money? Isn’t that how kids have always made money since the advent of lawnmowers, lawns, and money? That’s actually how one of my friends in high school bought his first car. My kids have raked leaves, mowed lawns, walked dogs, and shoveled manure to earn money and we never, ever realized that this was newsworthy. Heck, most of the things we did for fun when we were kids would get someone arrested today.
If mowing the neighbor’s lawn to take a girl on a date is this big of a deal, then I feel that we’re probably in big trouble when this generation takes the reins of the country. There are no news articles and freebie meals in the real world, kids. How can kids who never work to earn money function in the real world? The greatest gift we can give our children to prepare them for the future is the knowledge they need to handle their finances wisely. (Hat-tip to my hard-working 15-year-old daughter, who was also aghast that this was news and brought this story to my attention. She was particularly stunned that no Buzzfeed articles have been written about her, since she cleans poop out of barns to earn her shopping and cell phone money.)
Batch of Vaccines Kill, Injure 75% of the Mexican Babies Who Received Them
Out of 52 children vaccinated for tuberculosis, rotavirus and hepatitis B in a small Mexican town, two babies have died and 37 more have been hospitalized. This article reports some very grim statistics on vaccine injuries and discusses the current drama being endured by the families in Mexico.
In other news on the vaccine debate, Robert de Niro, the father of a child with autism, pushed the Tribeca Film Festival to screen an anti-vax documentary by none other than Andrew Wakefield, amid much hullabaloo from the mainstream media. The film is called “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe,” Wakefield, if you remember, was the doctor who first made the link between vaccines and autism. He subsequently had has life ruined by Big Pharma, but Wakefield has fought back for years, even though his medical license was taken. Wakefield’s theories were recently supported by a CDC whistleblower who claims that studies proving the link between vaccines and autism were deliberately covered up.
UPDATE: Tribeca and De Niro bowed to pressure from the vaccine companies and, disappointingly, pulled the film from the festival roster. There are some very compelling allegations that de Niro may have been personally threatened to add to the pressure.
PS: My goal is not to convince you whether or not to vaccinate your children. I just hope that I can bring awareness to the fact that not all vaxxes are created equally, that everyone has an agenda, and that you need to be informed of the risks before making your choices. Regardless of whether or not you choose to vaccinate your children, do your research about the risks of either decision. This is an excellent book with thorough and less biased information.
Do you have any news links you want to share?
Now’s the time! You are absolutely welcome to post your links in the comments below. (PS: I missed you guys over the past two weeks while I was moving!)
9 Responses
I think we need to get your daughter on Buzzfeed. She can say she’s saving up for a trip to Wisconsin for her arranged date with one of my guys. The internet will go nuts!
Can you imagine? She needs to get on that! 🙂
I am interested in the new manna freeze-dried foods, but I can’t find any nutritional information on them where can I find that?
Thanks, Tex
Tex, for some reason the page with the nutritional information isn’t showing up. I need to get ahold of my computer guru to help me fix it. With this being a holiday weekend it may take me a day or two – can I message you when it’s fixed?
Last Dec. we woke up to 8″ of snow & my 14 yr. old grandson went out to shovel our sidewalks. While out there he went on to shovel the sidewalk & walkways for several of our elderly and/or disabled neighbors. A few days later another neighbor asked what my grandson had done to get in trouble. I had no idea what she was talking about, of course. She said, “Well, we saw him out shoveling people’s walks & figured he was being punished”. Wow. It never crossed her mind a teenager might have a kind thought for others and might act on it? That’s ridiculous.
It sounds like you have a wonderful grandson! I agree with you – it’s mindboggling that kids performing physical work is so unfathomable to people!
Good article. I am particularly worried that vaccines being developed for zika and ebola will be used as either a kill agent or a sterilization agent after a false flag outbreak
The US keeps trying to deny Isis involvement in some mass killings. Also there have been two train wrecks in the last couple days that have disapeared off the news feeds very rapidly. One involved a propane truck on the tracks. The other dissapeared while my son was reading it so I don’t know anything more!.
On emergency food. I personally prefer to store staples that we regularly eat. These include dried beans, lentils, split peas, rice, oatmeal, flour, sugar, powdered milk, etc. With garden and local meat we could last a very long time without major changes in our diet if we could not resupply. Of course we have a supply of home canned ingredients.
Daisy, For a gal who is hip to the tricks of big pharma your knowledge of Globalist agenda and the tactics and strategies they employ is woefullu inadequate. The latest attack in Brussels is a Globalist NATO Gladio B (FBI named when uncovered in their investigation) large casualty producing event. One must always ask who benefits? One must always play the detective, motive, opportunity and means. To help you become aware I share this link which will provide some background leading to their latest murderous outrage. Please inform yourself so that you may integrate your valuable posting with a wider view on overall objectives of those you oppose. Cheers….
I’m incredibly excited to see this Prepper Market, I’ll have to check out!
Have you tried any of the Epic Bars? The Turkey Craisin Almond one is delicious. As is the Bison one. Epic makes bars for the paleo diet, using real stuffs. I can’t recommend the lamb one though, I just didn’t like the taste.