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By Daisy Luther
Survival Saturday is a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being prepared.
This Week in the News
The news of late makes me wonder if we are watching the fall of America in real time. Rage is being deliberately stoked by the mainstream media. No longer is the dissension just arguments online – it’s beginning to bubble over into the streets, in real actions like shootings, vandalism, and beatings. Protests easily turn into battles in our cities, American against American. Meanwhile, our economy is collapsing all around us and the wealthy are preparing. But, we’re too distracted by fighting with our neighbors to notice.
Are we witnessing the fall of our civilization?
Why is ANYONE surprised about the baseball shooting?
With the political rage and disrespect for the opinions of others that has been ongoing since the election, this shooting is just the beginning.
For the record, I an neither a conservative nor a liberal. I’m a libertarian. I’m in my late 40s and I’ve loved politics and current events since I was a girl. I’ve never seen anything like our current environment. No matter how much people disliked a president, there wasn’t this blatant, palpable hatred and divisiveness.
How can anyone be surprised that the violence has come to a boil when it’s considered “art” for a B-list comedian to pose for a photo holding what appears to be the bloody, severed head of the President? How can you feign shock when a play featuring the assassination of someone who looks exactly like Trump is sponsored by one of the biggest media companies in the country? A major website (I don’t know how the Huffington Post has an ounce of credibility, but they do) even published an op-ed about why Trump and his people should all be executed. You can’t see the original one on HuffPo because it was pulled, but the cached version of this diatribe is here. Sorry, HuffPo. The internet is forever.
Is anyone really that stunned that someone unbalanced actually took steps to enact violence against those they consider the enemy? That he had an assassination list of Republicans in his pocket?
And this is an action that we’re hearing about because those involved were members of Congress. There have been many other attacks against people who were Trump supporters. The Daily Caller News Foundation compiled a” close but non-exhaustive list of violent acts against conservatives in months following the Republican National Convention.” Go here to read the full list – it is extensive. And the crimes are increasing. See the chart below? The only reason that June is lower is that the month was only half over when this compilation was created.
And conservatives are fighting back. Last night, a group rushed the stage in Central Park where that repugnant assassination play is taking place. Groups have organized to protect speakers and protesters from those who want to silence everyone with a different opinion, like the AntiFa, an incredibly violent organization who thinks anything is justified in their resistance against Trump.
A strategist for the Democratic Party even started the trending hashtags #HuntRepublicans and #HuntRepublicanCongressmen. What the heck, America?
Violence begets violence. Extremism on either side begets extremism on the opposite side. People are responding to each other. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
Because the left has the microphone, it seems like all of America loathes Trump, but that isn’t the case. His national approval rating is currently at 50%. President Obama’s averaged out throughout his presidency was only 47.9%. But to read a newspaper, you’d never imagine those two things to be facts. Even Susan Sanders, the wife of Congressman and former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, called out the mainstream media in an interview with Wolf Blitzer of CNN for their part in this debacle. (Wolf vehemently disagreed and cut the interview short.)
I wrote last week that this was only going to get worse. If there is not a dramatic change, we could be looking at a full-on Civil War, propelled by the media and Hollywood.
If there is not a dramatic change, we could be looking at a full-on Civil War, propelled by the media, political correctness, and Hollywood. Heck, many people believe that it’s already here.
Civil Unrest Alert for St. Paul, Minnesota
Those living in or near St. Paul, Minnesota should be on their toes this weekend.
The police officer who shot Philando Castile last year has just been acquitted.
Quick refresher: Castile’s girlfriend live-streamed the entire incident, including the shooting.
The St. Paul police force dismissed Officer Yanez after his acquittal in what some saw as an effort to keep peace, but that didn’t stop protesters. Thousands of them stopped traffic on the freeways and 18 people were arrested last night. Protests will probably peak this evening.
And let’s heap some financial uncertainty to the fire.
Just in case political disagreements and racial conflict aren’t enough in America, we are at a seriously worrisome point economically and hardly anyone is talking about it aside from the usual voices.
Brandon Smith of Alt-Market, whose analyses and predictions have been uncannily accurate, wrote:
Bloomberg laments the sudden tide of negative predictions for their beloved Dow Jones and other exchanges from people who have the ear of the larger mainstream. Instead of considering their warnings and looking at the available evidence, Bloomberg instead decides to craft a conspiracy theory in which bond traders and hedge fund managers like Gross and Singer feel jilted by the unnatural rise in stocks and now scheme to lure investors away from the infinite fountain of wealth. Yes, that’s right, Bloomberg accuses Gross and Singer of “stock envy”.
I say, Bloomberg is a modern day shoe shine boy.
Some might argue that Bloomberg is perfectly cognizant of the fact that the economy is in severe decline and that they are helping their central banker buddies keep the public in the dark through misinformation. While this may be true for Bloomberg himself and media elites like him, I think the average analyst at Bloomberg news is just as ignorant of the fiscal situation as most people. I think they are legitimately biased and will conjure whatever story they need to help them and others believe that the system is in ascendance rather than decline. (source)
Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse Blog wrote:
“Immediately prior to the last seven recessions, we have seen an inverted yield curve, and it looks like it is about to happen again for the very first time since the last financial crisis. For those of you that are not familiar with this terminology, when we are talking about a yield curve we are typically talking about the spread between two-year and ten-year U.S. Treasury bond yields. Normally, long-term rates are higher than short-term rates, but when investors get spooked about the economy this can reverse. Just before every single recession since 1960 the yield curve has “inverted”, and now we are getting dangerously close to it happening again for the first time in a decade.
On Thursday, the spread between two-year and ten-year Treasuries dropped to just 79 basis points… this is almost the tightest that the yield curve has been since 2007…” (source)
The signs are all around us, but most people don’t want to pay attention. The retail industry is on its last gasp, with nearly 9000 stores slated to close or go bankrupt this year.
Some experts predict that one in four malls will be closed within the next five years.
The retail apocalypse is real.
So real, in fact, that 20 to 25% of all U.S. malls will close by 2022, according to new research from Credit Suisse.
That translates to 220 to 275 of the nation’s 1,100 shopping malls, the research note said, according to Fortune. (source)
With online empires like Amazon acquiring companies like Whole Foods, Wal-Mart trying to take their empire online to compete with Amazon, and Big Box stores ruling the economy, the forthcoming monopoly on goods will mean that a few rich people will get much richer as the rest of us struggle to afford basic necessities.
And speaking of those super-rich people, billionaires are buying up hundreds of thousands of acres of property in the middle of the country, some calling the land grab “apocalypse insurance.” (source) What exactly do they know that the rest of us don’t?
This Week in Preparedness…
Time is running out to get in on the knowledge being dropped at the Home Grown Food Summit, but it’s not too late. You can catch today’s and tomorrow’s speakers still, and then, on Monday, you can catch some encore presentations. Now, more than ever, it’s vital to take control of your own food supply as well as your health. Register here – this doesn’t cost you a penny.
Here are today’s speakers and topics:
• Geoff Lawton (One of THE TOP Premier online permaculture instructors)
• Paul Wheaton (hosting the LARGEST online permaculture community at Permies.com)
• Diana Rodgers (blending home-scale farming with deep nutritional science)
• Paul Munsen (sharing the world’s most sustainable DIY cooking appliance)
• Dr. Patrick Jones (turning your backyard into a certified herbal pharmacopia)
• Andrew Cook (showing what you REALLY need to know about greenhouses)
[thrive_link color=’teal’ link=’ddddddd.ontraport.com/t?orid=147&opid=163′ target=’_blank’ size=’medium’ align=’aligncenter’]Sign up for FREE[/thrive_link]
Preparedness Articles of Interest
- The Prepper’s Guide to Making Homemade Baby Food (without a Blender or Food Processor) (making your own baby food is more important than ever now that 20% of commercial baby food has been found to contain dangerously high levels of lead.)
- Almost 9000 Retail Stores Will Close This Year: Here’s the List of Businesses in Trouble
- The 12 Best Summer Vacation Activities for Preppers
- Creative Ways to Prepare for Power Outages
- How to Infuse Herbs in Oil, Water, Vinegar, Alcohol or Honey
- How to Build a Compost Pile
- 5 Worst American States To Be In During a Collapse
- Must Watch Movies for Independence Day
- The 5 Fire Starting Tools That I Always Carry
Other Articles of Interest
- Massive Government Preparations and Stockpiling Point To One Thing: “An Event Is Going To Happen”
- High Schools Drop “Valedictorian” Distinction Fearing Lower-Ranked Kids May Feel ‘Triggered’
- How Much Do People Actually Make From “Gigs” Like Uber And Airbnb
- Kids Horrified After Cops Hold Mock Child Sex Trafficking Drill, Without Saying It’s A Drill
- Here’s What The Rise of Fidget Spinners Says About The State of America
- Soon People Will Line Up Like Lemmings to Get Their Brains Hacked
Anything to add to Survival Saturday?
Do you have any news links you want to share? What are your thoughts on the topics above? Now’s the time! Please post your links in the comments section below and join the discussion!
4 Responses
I just finished reading your case study about the collapse of Venezuela. It was an interesting read with some good information and notes. Thanks for the tips.
Thank you! I’m really glad that you found it beneficial. 🙂 Welcome to the website, Charisse!
I think a lot of our nation’s problems are represented in your opening statement about the baseball shooting and how bad the disrespect has gotten since the election……just election. Not before but just since. That’s when you see disrespect. I could name a number of instances before the election and normally I would but I have come to a “what’s the point’ place in discussions about America. Those who wish to conquer us have won. But for the record, our last president was disrespected quite often as was the one before him. I fully don’t expect you to see it that way but some remaining breath of true patriotism drives me to so much as even read this stuff anymore, let alone comment. It would save everyone a lot of time if writers of this things just came out and said which team they play for so the others would stop reading right there because you’re just playing to your crowd with no attempt to repair anything. Well, when we are all in this fallen to the ground crap hole together you can brag about how right you all were and look at what the other side did to America..
Hi Daisy Luther! Been a while since I have posted here and am glad to see you are doing well.
I really don’t think the USA is coming apart at the seams. Yeah, there are some serious problems especially with the invective and violence perpetrated against normal, peaceful Americans on behalf of the perpetually pissed off folks of all stripes and most certainly, the radicals on either side of the political coin are fanning the passions and emotional states of our people.
Personally, as a non violent person, I feel that we are at the threshold of a new country and it’s going to be very tough for the next few years and we have to be vigilant , teach our children to think for themselves, love G-d, and work hard to be self sufficient.
WE produce the tools, food and products that the big city freaks make fun of us about. Do they actually realize that we in fly over country provide them with the products that make their lives easier and nourishes their families? No, I think not ( rhetorical question 🙂 ) . I’d like to see a liberal city dweller who espouses violence in the holy name of their misguided cause butcher a chicken, plant a garden or repair a lawn mower.
I see the great cataclysmic divide in our country as an opportunity for a better country in the future. Oh yeah, there is going to be a great tribulation in our country in the next few years however, I DO believe that we are one country and one people. WE ARE exceptional in all ways. As much as it pains me to say this, there will have to be a watering of the tree of liberty.
I don’t want a civil war. Nope, not one bit. I will not have my family or our American values or my belief in our fore fathers/mothers compromised.
I guess the next best thing that we can do is hope for the best and prepare for the worst so we can weather this coming storm. Support each other and keep our chin up!
Pat Jay Flynn
Baton Rouge La./formerly of N Ohio