Hacks, Lies, and Censorship of the Non-PC

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

By Daisy Luther

Survival Saturday is  a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being prepared.

This Week in the News

This week on Survival Saturday, we’ll discuss the latest hacks, the latest lies from the mainstream, and the censorship of the non-politically correct voices.

Remember the Ministry of Truth in 1984, the classic prophecy of George Orwell? It was the propaganda wing of Oceania, and its purpose was to rewrite history to fit with the government’s narrative, going so far as to falsely create archived documents to support their version of “the Truth.” Only the government-approved version of events was allowed to be disseminated and the slogan, “Ignorance is Truth” couldn’t possibly be more apt than it is today.

Facebook Censorship: The Truth About CNN’s Misrepresentation of Milwaukee Uprising Is Hate Speech

This week, I wrote an article about the riots going on in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The riots were in response to another police shooting of a black man – but in this particular case, the man shot was pointing a gun at the officer who shot him. Oh – and both the perpetrator and the police officer were black.

Somehow, though, this still escalated into a “race” issue and the subsequent protesting, rioting, and burning followed the all-too-familiar path of Ferguson and Baltimore. There are many hands at work making these situations worse than they have to be – politicos make a fortune by “pimping” the race issue. Race grievance has become an industry and a tool for manipulation, and although many of the people who want to effect change do have good intentions, they’re being exploited by those who fuel the racial tension fires in order to gain money and power.

The crux of my article was some tricky editing by CNN. The network made it seem as though the shooting victim’s sister was calling for peace with some nifty editing, but the real, uncut video showed that she was simply telling people not to riot in their own neighborhoods, but to, instead, “Take that sh*t to the suburbs.”  (You can see both videos here for comparison.) The only inflammatory language in my article was when I quoted the woman who wanted the white suburbs of Milwaukee to be burned down. However, Facebook locked down my post and made it where most people couldn’t see it or if they could, they couldn’t share or comment on it.

Here’s what my “hateful” post said.

“Did you hear about CNN’s fancy editing to make it sound like the sister of the man shot in Milwaukee was calling for peace? Here’s what she ACTUALLY said, and it’s why you need to get prepped for civil unrest, no matter where you live. (PS: Don’t expect any warnings from the mainstream, either.)”

-7 The Organic Prepper

Facebook censorship of non-liberal opinions is nothing new. Fox News documented 10 times when Facebook blatantly censored conservative or libertarian opinions. They cracked down on harmless, arbitrary content while allowing hate-filled content from groups like the Black Panthers, too. The game is rigged and the truth, it seems, really does hurt.

The Zika Scare

This whole Zika thing has seemed strange to me since the very beginning. There are many things about it that simply don’t add up. (You can find a list of the 6 strangest things here, in this article.)

This virus, that was thought of as relatively harmless up until about a year ago, is capturing scary headlines everywhere – check out all of the alarmist articles here on this Google News page. Be watching for a terrifying “cure” that they’ll want to inject into everyone soon.

Zika virus


For some down-to-earth, no-nonsense information about the Zika virus – because despite the hype, there actually is a virus – check out The Zika Virus Handbook, by Joe Alton (aka Dr. Bones).

So Now America DOES Negotiate with Terrorists

Do you remember when I said that the $400 million dollar payment that Obama made was obviously a ransom payment, even though the administration denied it? Yep. They lied. It was a ransom payment. Or what they now call it, “deliberately leveraging the moment.”  Mmmhmmm….

I move that all future and current presidents must watch Air Force One at least annually, or as a refresher any time they feel the urge to put a price tag on the heads of American travelers by paying a ransom.

Hack of the Week: Soros

At this point, I think at this point “Hack of the Week” could become a recurring segment of Survival Saturday.

This week’s hack was brought to us by DC Leaks, who uncovered part of George Soros’ mad dictator plot to take over the world. DC Leaks hacked into the records of Soros’s foundation and discovered (big shock) that he has indeed been pulling the strings in much of the civil unrest here in America. (Here’s a synopsis of what the hack exposed.) What’s more, he has been the puppetmaster behind “almost every revolution and coup around the world for the last 25 years,” including the destabilization of Europe due to the influx of Middle Eastern immigrants who refuse to assimilate into their culture.

This hack exposed the entire scheme, but yet again, the mainstream media is blaming the hackers and not the people doing the awful things that got exposed. (Continue reading the article linked above to learn about how the media is calling the hackers “dangerous.) Raise your hand if you’re surprised – anyone? Hello???

The Bookshelf


Race Pimping: The Multi-Trillion Dollar Business of Liberalism

Black Lies Matter: Why Lies Matter to the Race Grievance Industry

The Zika Virus Handbook

Announcing the Newsblog

Because Survival Saturday has been so popular, I’ve started a second website. This site is news and opinion, and much like Survival Saturday, will be brief updates with lots of links for more information. Some readers come here strictly for preparedness and self=reliance information and have no interest (or flatly dislike) discussion of politics, conspiracies, and current events. Out of respect for the folks who have been reading this information and supporting my site since the beginning, 3 years ago, I decided to separate this information into two websites so that Organic Prepper can remain true to its original purpose and focus on food, preparedness, and self-reliance.

After this week, Survival Saturday will move to the new site.

Please check out DaisyLuther.com and let me know what you think. (Warning: It’s very different! But kinda cool!)

This Week on the Newsblog:

Monsanto’s Illegal Poison Kills Neighbors’ Crops *SHOCK UPDATE* The EPA Does Nothing

The Salt Gun: Bringing Hot Sauce to a Gun Fight

6 Weird Things About Zika That Don’t Add Up

This Week in Preparedness…

This week, Louisiana is facing flooding of historic proportions. Early in the week, supplies had to be air-dropped to over a thousand motorists who became stranded for more than 24 hours by floodwaters as they were trying to evacuate the area. (This highlights the importance of a survival kit in your vehicle so that you don’t have to starve while waiting for things to be air-dropped to you.)

More than 40,000 homes in Louisiana have been damaged and 4000 people remain in shelters because they can’t go back to their homes. 13 people have died due to the flooding and 75% of the homes in Livingston Parish have been completely destroyed. Presidential hopeful Donald Trump canceled a fund-raiser in New York to fly to Louisiana with his running mate, Mike Pence, where they were warmly welcomed by flood victims.  Trump and Pence were snubbed by the state’s governor, who called it a photo-op. Meanwhile, President Obama did not cut short his New England golfing vacation to visit Louisiana. The White House said that “President Barack Obama was unlikely to break from a New England vacation to survey the damage, despite calls for him to visit and meet with responders and victims.”  Priorities, you know. He’ll go next week when he’s finished vacationing. Hillary Clinton has also been a no-show, but after Trump’s visit, she did call for an update.

Of Interest to Preppers

Learn How to Be Prepared for Civil Unrest If It Comes to Your Neighborhood

How to Prep Your Vehicle for Emergencies

Venezuela Confiscates Guns as Murder Rates Soar

Check out the Aqua Pail, a new filtration device that will remove or deactivate virtually all harmful substances from any non-salt water source

Which Items Will Disappear First During A Major National Emergency?

Anything to add to Survival Saturday?

Do you have any news links you want to share? Now’s the time! Please post your links in the comments below and join the discussion!

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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9 Responses

  1. I didn’t see chloramine on the list of substances the Aqua Pail removes. I doubt that any filter removes that stuff, not to mention fire retardants. That said, it looks like a practical and useful product that won’t raise too many eyebrows or cause eyes to roll when they see it. People might be more receptive to getting one as a gift as opposed to some of the other filters out there?

    I like it that your new webpage doesn’t have a huge banner at the top which hogs up all my screen space like The Organic Prepper does. It loads fast, too.

    The move seems a bit like a dee-vorce. I noticed Claire Wolfe made a similar move away from BWH. Is it a trend of sorts?

    Here’s something I’m reading now which some people might find of interest:

    Natural Treatments Reverse Kidney Disease


    Have you been following the currency market developments and considering how they will impact you? It kind of reminds me of the young persons game of, ‘Keep Away’:

    Dollar Disaster Looms? China and Russian Currencies Break Away


    I imagine most people have no clue. If things play out the way many say they will, a Lot of people may be in for a rude and sudden surprise down the road. But, you know, it’s ‘conspiracy talk’ stuff and I can understand why people don’t even want to see it mentioned, facts aren’t really important either, ‘Happy Talk’ is the order of the day. Ah well, it’s their choice. ‘Unfunded Liabilities’ is a similar dirty set of words most don’t want to hear about so I won’t post a link.

    BTW, did you know that Chuck Norris has been writing about Geoengineering?
    If you read only one article about this subject, I recommend this one:


    I wonder if more will people sit up and take notice as this lawsuit thing picks up speed? I hope so. It’s bizarre how people freak out about Zika (or second-hand smoke) but scoff, mock (and actually plug their ears and run away!)or look down when it comes to the subject of Geoengineering.

    Anyway, have you tried out any of the competitors to FaceBook? I’m surprised so many young people still use it seeing as how their parents use it, too. I remember, back-in-the-day, paying money to keep my telephone number – Out – of the PhoneBook, funny how times have changed.

    The NSA Built a Secret, Warrantless, Shadow “Social Network” and You’re Already On It


  2. Thank you! for all the work you do to get as all this information. You are amazing here and on your new site and with Prepper University. Everyone should sign up for that! Priceless!!!

  3. Daisy –

    I’m making this comment here because I can’t find a way on your site to e-mail you.

    Just read this a.m. that Germany will tell its citizens to stockpile 10 days worth of food, water, medications and cash.

    Sounds scary.

    Thanks for your articles. I’ll check out your new site!

  4. Dang. Your new blog must use Disaquis or something similar for the comment section, my outdated browser cannot open that stuff up.

    The blog entries have been pretty good so far though.

  5. Separating the political stuff from the preparedness stuff is a terrific thing. Well done! Thanks!

    Those who want to read both can do so; those who don’t can read their area of interest without wasting their time going through items they are not interested in. Or dislike, as you have indicated.


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