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Author of Street Survivalism : A Practical Training Guide To Life In The City
During the last three weeks, a dramatic manhunt galvanized the attention of the population and the media in Brazil. As I write this, the fugitive is still on the run, eluding a powerful team of 200-plus police agents and officials, equipped with drones, helicopters, and more.
People here are dazzled and somewhat surprised by the individual’s ability to evade such an overpowering and numerous force for almost a month. However, most, including some experts I spoke with, seem not to recognize some subtle yet relevant aspects of the case, which is what I’ll try to bring to the fore here.
The background
The fugitive is a 32-year-old rural ex-worker who entered crime (allegedly) in 2009 by attacking families in semi-remote areas and farmland around the country’s capital of Federal District, in Brazil’s central plains. He’s been found guilty of similar attacks in other states too. The guy has been in and out of jail countless times thanks to legal loopholes and inefficiencies of the justice and prison systems (and partly by his own means). His record is long with multiple crimes: carjacks, hijacks, robberies, torture, rapes, and murders.
He’s been called a “serial killer,” but he’s just a ruthless thief and a violent psychopath. He’s also very skilled and cunning. Like most sociopaths and psychopaths, he can change, lie and play roles to fool people relatively efficiently. Unfortunately, he’s also charismatic, thus manipulating others in various manners to attain his objectives. It’s a terrible combination of bad character, magnetic personality, and sick psychology. Even when not openly evil as this guy, a person like that is very dangerous.
I say that because when someone is that bad and bold, it tends to come to the surface. If law and order are functional, society can deal with it. Often, these malevolent individuals are captured and brought to justice or killed in action, usually not before causing pain and suffering. Think of the many others like him that exist out there who are somewhat restrained by civilization. Now try to imagine how it would be if the system were not as functional. But, unfortunately, that’s what happens in near, mid, and full SHTF.
Many credit the fugitive’s success exclusively to authority incompetence
There has been a lot of speculation about the case as it unfolds, too. Some say he’s vanished and is already far from the search grounds. Others say he’s injured and will be captured soon. It’s even been hypothesized he’s already dead, his body lying in a ditch or cave somewhere waiting to be found (or not). All of which are plausible. Meanwhile, the manhunt goes on full-steam, with the population is terrified and in panic.
And there’s more: it’s 2021, and a public safety issue has been contaminated by political debate. Everyone is highly divided and radicalized about pretty much everything. Then, amid flaring protests, the president and his dog were thrown into the discussion as the opposition tried to gain momentum. This craziness and mass hysteria is typical of the times we’re living.
Going one or two steps further
Slightly beyond the obvious and immediate, this incident contains some particularities and even a few lessons. Most people around here see only another case of a dangerous criminal on the run. They get trapped between terror, the spectacle of the hunt, and anxiety augmented by the fear-mongering sensationalism of the press.
As always, I try to take something from situations like these. It may seem like another mundane, everyday crime occurrence. And objectively, that’s what it is – at least on the surface. Episodes like these happen all the time, everywhere. But occasionally, we have an opportunity to bypass the pointless and unproductive political debate and look deeper, perhaps extracting a few practical preparedness and survival lessons – or life lessons in general.
Lesson #1: An unarmed population is hostage to criminality
Back in 2003, the liberal government that ruled from 2002 until 2016 issued a decree that in practice turned illegal the commerce and possession of firearms by the population. The Disarmament Statute backlashed and caused a tremendous civic and political debate. So Brazil’s Congress approved a referendum in 2005 to let the people decide for or against guns.
Thanks to a well-engineered propaganda and voting strategy, the population got duped. As a result, the anti-gun decree was passed, and strict restrictions for purchase, ownership, and concealed carry of firearms were put in place. Since 2018 the right-wing government has been trying to overturn this and make it easier for the population to arm themselves.
Advancements have been made, but it’s still a red-tape nightmare to be granted a license, then another to purchase a firearm legally. Everything is tightly controlled. Usually, the whole process of countless forms and a hefty investment takes between a year or two. (An entire industry of agents sell services to deal with the stupid bureaucracy) Finally, to make things even harder for the ordinary, honest citizen, guns and ammo are taxed at 60%.
In places where guns are prohibited, people are helpless
The only instance in which the fugitive wasn’t able to invade a property (and probably kill everyone while at it) was the case in which the homeowner had an old double-barrel shotgun and fought back bravely. The criminal fled, presumably to look for easier prey. If this doesn’t evidence that having some teeth to show can prove an effective deterrent against a criminal threat, I don’t know what does.
Obviously, crime happens in countries and places where firearms are not only allowed, but commonplace. Criminality is a complex issue. But it happens a lot worse where the only ones with ample and easy access to guns are the criminals. The population can’t count on the state and the police to protect them because prevention hasn’t been a state policy for some time now (and not just here, but in many other countries as well). Daisy has written previously about why preppers need guns, and this case seems to back up her argument.
It’s an old debate, and I’m not here to enter the merits. But, being pro-gun and a practicing shooter myself, I’d hazard a guess that if a more significant portion of that population were armed and prepared, he’d at least be in a much harder predicament. Certainly, this escape attempt would be much riskier for him. Count your blessings if you live in a country that allows firearms, and keep fighting for that right. Or else, you know what awaits.
Lesson #2: No one is safe, not in the city and certainly not in rural areas
We’re always talking about the safety of rural areas when it comes to SHTF, but the fact is it’s an ample concept: “rural areas” are diverse, so it’s essential to make some distinctions. Smaller towns in rural settings tend to be safer indeed, among other things, because people know each other better, and there’s usually a stronger sense of community. But distant rural properties, like farms, plantations, and remote locations generally present some challenges when it comes to safety and defense.
Either way, safety is an illusion. The world is inherently dangerous. Even countries and places deemed safe and civilized can see violence in the form of crime, terror, mass shooting, or something else. Sociopaths, psychopaths, predators, and people with bad intentions exist everywhere. Even someone able to bank an army of private security guards three-turns can be a victim. Depending on the situation, from their own people, as we’ve seen here in many instances when someone from inside turns to criminality and against wealthy families for profit.
There are no warranties in life, but that is not what it’s about. The system – the police, the law, the justice – exists to keep the social order, not warrant safety and protection to the individuals. Not anymore. We must work on ourselves and our safeguards, our senses, our awareness, and our abilities.
Lesson #3: It doesn’t take a big group or gang to terrorize the population of an area
The Preppersphere has a fetish for gangs of marauders and psychopaths roaming and ruling (or wreaking havoc) after SHTF. We know that happens from real-life stories from Selco and others. Once law and order break down, it’s a green light for the sick-minded and evil people. But during normal times (i.e., everything but a full-scale SHTF), even a single man with some skills, terrain knowledge, boldness, and malice can terrorize an entire area or state and put the authorities against the authorities’ wall (at least for some time).
During the last few days, many in the region abandoned their properties in fear. An entire family is currently camping at the front of a Police District. Some neighbors are moving together. That’s collective panic caused by the actions of a single individual. And also by the inability of the population to defend themselves, as mentioned in Lesson #1.
Criminals do gang up. Charismatic psychopaths like this bloke can manipulate and mobilize others. Even now, people are rooting for him, as crazy and sick as this sounds. But they can act alone and wreak havoc all the same. I’m sure that if the SHTF and order broke down, he’d be the leader or part of some dangerous and violent gang. What’s worth keeping in mind is there are many like him out there, so we better watch out.
Lesson 4#: Knowing your area or neighborhood is an excellent advantage for survival
Discount the fact that he’s a criminal and only look at the survival aspect. Thanks in significant part to a deep knowledge of his habitat, he’s been able to not only escape for weeks but move around without being noticed and acquire resources. He knows the landmarks, the terrain, the roads, the people, the vegetation, the wildlife, the resources, the climate.
He could probably do well in different settings. The authorities and some experts acknowledge he’s intelligent and cunning, and he’s proved that before in other circumstances. I agree with that. Although I doubt he’d be as successful if he had to deal with such a manhunt in an area other than his backyard.
I’m not saying all that to underscore nor to downplay the fugitive’s abilities. I am acknowledging the fact that knowing where to go (or avoid) and what to do makes a difference in survival regardless of our settings and our context. That should be the takeaway, our main lesson, for both normal and SHTF times. I talk about this in my book on street survival training.
Lesson #5: Buschcrafting skills are a huge differential in the wilderness, and perhaps even in the city
There have been numerous cases of skilled criminals escaping police for months or even years in the wilderness. That is nothing new but shows that some are truly prepared to survive in the woods for long periods.
It’s not just about knowing how to find or build shelter, start fires, forage, and the like. It’s being able to navigate the terrain efficiently and safely, detecting and avoiding threats and dangers (natural and man-made), moving around without drawing attention or leaving traces, being capable of rest and replenishment while remaining in safety or hide. And more.
This guy is going against his chasers and some dangerous animals that are abundant in that environment (poisonous snakes, wild boars, jaguars, and others), weather variations (cold nights and hot days), and much more. There’s speculation that he might have been hurt (which is likely given the circumstances), so he probably has to care for wounds.
Ordinary people (a.k.a. urban dwellers) wouldn’t stand a chance. If not captured shortly, most would give up – or die. But (and this might strike some nerves), I suspect this guy would still fare considerably better than urbanites in a big city under most circumstances. Though at first thought this may seem to have little to do with wilderness skills, I’d argue it does. Again, this is not to distinguish the criminal’s behavior but rather to highlight a specific skillset and its usefulness in some contexts.
Lesson #6: Takes a hunter to hunt down another
In lessons #3 and #4, we saw a few whys and hows he’s been able to escape a significantly numerous police force and remain alive. To track, find and capture someone so skilled in outdoor survival, it’s necessary for someone with similar qualities and equivalent local knowledge to help the good guys.
That seems to have escaped the authorities somehow. It bewilders me that the task forces are still over-reliant on just numbers and technology or military supremacy to bring him down. They might come steps away and still not see him because they may not know what to look for and how to look at things. Ask any hunter or experienced buschcrafters about this. Snipers have some particular skills that go way beyond regular training.
Lesson #7: Survival can become a war of attrition
It’s been declared that they’re trying to wear him down. OK, that’s a sensible strategy. However, it doesn’t seem that way to me. I admit not being acquainted with all the details so let’s accept this possibility. Regardless, as time passes, the population is becoming more frightened, and authorities more discredited. Pressure is increasing from all sides to find and put the dangerous criminal out of action.
Everything has two sides (at least) and many consequences. There’s no way to know for sure how things are on the fugitive’s side. But morale is eroding among troops, and this counts. The odds are against the guy, but being skilled, resilient, and determined means time can also work in his favor, especially if he can rest, replenish and adapt further.
He can also evade the area indefinitely. Though he has his face all over the country and in the news, he can change appearance, lay low for some time, find a company, a job, anything. There’s no way to know how this will play out, so we’ll have to wait and see.
Lesson #8: Self-defense requires preparation and strategy
Most people attacked or who bugged out had no plan, strategy, or preparation against such dangerous and cunning criminals. This kind of mentality and behavior makes things much easier for wrongdoers and outlaws and a lot more hazardous for honest, law-abiding citizens and their families. I’m not saying this is right or that it should be like that, but it’s the reality.
Rural or urban. Remote or dense. House or apartment. Suburb or downtown. Vast, open, woody, mountainous, whatever. Each setting and context requires a different strategy for self-defense. It can’t be an afterthought or improvisation. No matter if it’s something simple or elaborate. There must be a plan in place, and execution, and tests. It’s not just about weapons either, as many think.
I must point out many of these people are simple folks who lead an arduous life of labor and hardship in a challenging environment. They already have a lot on their hands and backs and in their heads. I mentioned in #1 the hurdles to getting armed around here, too, making things even more difficult. But self-defense is critical and can’t be neglected.
There’s always a way. For example, joining forces and forming a stronger community with some shared measures and countermeasures regarding communication, weapons, detection, etc. It’s vital to give the problem at least some thought and consideration. Either way, this is a rather complex topic, enough for more than one or even two articles. For now, let’s just bring this to attention, another lesson to be taken from this sad episode.
Lesson #9: Radicalism and hysteria can lead to social breakdown
When things are crazy, all kinds of people start losing it. Sometimes it’s swift and evident. Other times it’s slow and subtle. Remember: the system is the people. Adding 2 + 2, we reach a dangerous point: creating and raising a context ripe for excesses, which can come from those who should abide by the law and those responsible for defending and enforcing it.
It’s important to pay attention to signals that things are going bad. I mentioned some people are rooting for the maniac. I also mentioned the moral of authorities wearing thin after unsuccessfully chasing down an individual for over three weeks. Now, granted, most of society is against crime and for order and justice. Simultaneously, we’re living in an authority crisis, and police are being seen as violent and anti-social by some sectors.
This messy combination has already made a victim: a guy who allegedly posted praising messages about the fugitive on social media was shot by the police – while at home. The details have yet to be disclosed and the facts clarified. Besides being perplexing and highly objectionable in itself, taken as a whole, these things signal a withering of the social contract.
Unfortunately, this takes place in other instances as well presenting challenges we must be aware of and prepared for. What are your thoughts on the manhunt in Brazil? Have you experienced something similar in your area? If so, how did it affect your fellow citizens? Did you notice neighbors taking sides or any signs of unrest? Let’s talk in the comment section below.
About Fabian
Fabian Ommar is a 50-year-old middle-class worker living in São Paulo, Brazil. Far from being the super-tactical or highly trained military survivor type, he is the average joe who since his youth has been involved with self-reliance and outdoor activities and the practical side of balancing life between a big city and rural/wilderness settings. Since the 2008 world economic crisis, he has been training and helping others in his area to become better prepared for the “constant, slow-burning SHTF” of living in a 3rd world country.
Fabian’s ebook, Street Survivalism: A Practical Training Guide To Life In The City, is a practical training method for common city dwellers based on the lifestyle of the homeless (real-life survivors) to be more psychologically, mentally, and physically prepared to deal with the harsh reality of the streets during normal or difficult times.
You can follow Fabian on Instagram @stoicsurvivor
34 Responses
Great article! I agree with most of your points. We are our own first responders and here in the States, we’re suffering from some of the same problems: propaganda persuading people that guns are bad and a police force becoming ever more unable to deal with the threats. Therefore it’s better to have a plan for oneself and one’s family because when seconds count, the police will be there in minutes.
Another thing that many fail to realize is that these people are genuinely evil and behaving according to their nature. This is how they’re wired, without a doubt, and they’re not capable of empathy or guilt any more than an AM-only radio is capable of receiving FM. And that’s reality.
Skills-yes, definitely. Skills are what we take with us no matter where we go. A pile of stuff is nice but it’ won’t help in this situation as much as the ability to remain calm and keep the mind open to opportunity. This guy must have an incredible amount of skill! Wow.
Thanks Jayne, don’t ever fall for that anti-gun crap, let’s make people aware of that and how important that is. We’re living through crazy times and yes, we’re our own first responders for almost everything. Stay well!
There was a notorious outlaw like that in the coffee mountain region of Puerto Rico back in the ’70s. He knew how to move and live off the wildernes, while evading police. Do a search on Toño Bicicleta.
Jo Bite’em made the stupid statement that one does not want to take on the Government without a F-15 or a Nuke. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t think the Vietcong or Taliban had either?
Weird how a low life /determined person like this guy can out wit a whole bunch of trained Government troops. I hope that they catch this savage.
Good stuff as usual Fabian
You’re right. History is replete with examples of government armies being held off and even defeated by lesser equipped citizens. Think Lexington and Concord.
Thanks @Seminole Wind. Precisely, it depends on many factors but in general, it can be extremely hard to beat someone at their own turf. At one point it’s not a matter of force or numbers.
Unless of course as you said you nuke the entire place, but it may not be victory in the end. Mass-destruction weapons are more a deterrent, because deploying it has serious consequences.
THE LORD SAYS,your government is ROTTEN TO THE CORE,INSIDE AND OUT,TOP TO BOTTOM,and there are NOT any good ones left,their taking bribes and stealing anything not nailed down,their ALL DIRTY,they’ve ALL changed sides to SATAN their daddy..BUT hey if you think the LORD is lieing ,well it won’t be long and you’ll learn it the hard way..good luck..
Your right on Arizona 🙂
That´s a great article Fabian.
As someone who eventually will end living in a mountain with his teenage son, those lessons are invaluable. I´ve slowly brought the issue of self-defense once we´re all set there, and kiddo is aware of that. He maybe physically weak yet, but he seems to have inherited my ability to walk silently and go unnoticed.
I hope they hunt down that psycho soon. However I will leave something for the readers imagination…you don´t necessarily need a loud gun to keep you protected. Just a few DIY “tools” that a kid can handle safely are needed. 😉
Did you say “tools”. I keep in my car, in the passenger footwell, a 22oz. Claw hammer. I believe one could actually shave with the sharp claw. It has an impressive reach; not quite a framing hammer, but longer than a regular one.
With a similar version, in my early 20s, I could pound in a 16-penny nail in two smacks. You never forget how.
Until my early 70s i could still set a 16 penny nail with three blows. Hey I’m a female. Lol. Bone surgery on my dominant arm and a plate with screws changed things. But its been 3 + years and I set 11 tee posts with one of those tools that slide over the top of the post and you pound it into the ground. This time it didn’t hurt anymore. And i prefere framing hammers. There is one under the seat in my vehicles and a long, large screwdriver beside the drivers seat as well. Often there is a very sharp antique folding tool with a hook blade that I use when flattening cardboard boxes. It stays on the Keychain I hook in my belt loop on my jeans. It’s too bulky for a pocket. Its sturdier than a pocket knife and I use it a lot. I sharpen it on a whetstone at least once a week. It locks open. Much easier to open than close. For me it’s a tool but it has posabilites…
Thanks a lot Jose, the way you’re raising and educating kiddo and with everything you’ve been going through, I’m sure he’ll be VERY skilled and prepared, and that’s great IMHO.
Yes, I agree – there are way too many options besides firearms. There are things that come before that, like the MENTALITY and MINDSET of self-defense: awareness, layers of preparation, etc.
Sure guns can be good, and an asset. Collectively, it would turn things much harder for him I’m sure. But there’s a lot that can be done in the way of WEAPONS when those aren’t available.
O mais intrigante é que os grupos de esquerda que são contra armar a população não estão entrando na mata para resolver o problema no “diálogo”. Pregam tanto o diálogo e essa é uma boa hora pra provar que estão “certos”. A imprensa começou a “endeusar” o sujeito assassino e esses inconsequentes que torcem a favor dele, mereciam estar no lugar das vítimas que ele fez. Não caiam nessa! Comprem suas armas! Atirem pra matar se estiverem sendo atacados!
Alguns grupos desses vão correr pra tirar foto com ele e prestar auxílio, quando e se ele for preso. Ou fazer o barulho de sempre se ele for abatido.
É sempre assim, se eles voltarem ao poder o acesso às armas vai ficar ainda mais difícil do que já é. Vamos torcer e trabalhar pra que isso não aconteça.
FWIW, about 20 years ago, 3 guys armed with AK-type rifles shot and killed a State Police officer and headed for the hills. Local news reporters claimed that these guys were extremely dangerous as they were “…armed and skilled at camping”. Eventually, the body of one was found where he killed himself in the desert, and another had simply died–probably from thirst. Don’t believe the third was ever found or caught…
Sounds like the manhunt in Southwest Utah near the little town of Bluff; yes, about 20 years ago. It was a strange operation consisting of military support and a task force of law enforcement officers from around the country. The manhunt started after the police officer in Colorado was killed. The Colorado National Guard flew sorties. The Utah National Guard provided aviation support, as I recall. I was detailed from the state of Utah, but spent some time with deputies from Tooele County in the search.
I remember that man Hunt. Quite some time ago.
One of the main reasons is people not BOTH armed AND trained. This is why we have the 2nd Amendment FOR a militia as required for a FREE State or you’ll end up with criminals in kontrol even as an example this psychopath controlling you all now.
Secondly, Brazil is a JUNGLE! Extremely hard to find anybody like that. But maybe a pack of dogs might make it easier and thermal imaging.
Or get pig hunters from Texas. 😉
@Leethal, precisely, hunters. We have some excellent ones here too, many who live and know that same area, which could help greatly in finding and capturing or fighting him. I have no idea why those haven’t been called to help with the chase.
As for dogs, they’re only really efficient in “fresh” areas, and that’s a region with too much “contamination” (too many humans and/or animals), it’s basically a lot of farmhouses interspersed with larger plantations and some patches of green and woods.
Still, pretty hard to find anyone (especially someone who knows the place and is skilled and determined) because it’s too large an area.
“He’s also very skilled and cunning. Like most sociopaths and psychopaths, he can change, lie and play roles to fool people relatively efficiently. Unfortunately, he’s also charismatic, thus manipulating others in various manners to attain his objectives. It’s a terrible combination of bad character, magnetic personality, and sick psychology. Even when not openly evil as this guy, a person like that is very dangerous. ” quote from article:
Sounds like a few politicians I’ve met over the years.
Well… It’s said that a great part of the politicians are indeed sociopaths, or have sociopathic tendencies. People gravitate naturally towards their careers, environments, companies, etc. I guess.
I’m living in Goiania and this chap has become a celebrity purely because the local population are laughing at the police and their ‘specialists’. They had 400 police trying to find Lazaro at one point.
Yes, the locals know he’s a really bad man but they also know there’s very little chance of stumbling across him.
Great article, I was working in Boston when the marathon bombing happened. It never failed to amaze me how two untrained bumbling idiots brought the entire state to a standstill. If they were trained or god forbid were part of a larger group it would have been far worse.
These are all good skills to have. Most of my group have hunting and bush craft skills. Tracking is less common among our group, but I’m sure that those of who do track can teach others along with some of the tracking books I have in my library. We’re well rounded as far as skills go, we’re probably lacking a few and we don’t have a doctor although we do have an RN and most of us know first aid.
I’ve tried to cover our skill gaps with books where I can. The rest of the group/family have less of an interest in prepping per se, but all have rural farming and hunting skills. Having the key skills of being able to grow, forage and hunt our own food along with preserving it is covered. We already process the deer we hunt ourselves and have experience with processing cows and pigs.
“Lesson #2: No one is safe, not in the city and certainly not in rural areas”
There’s no place that is completely safe, but there are safer places. And you can do much to improve your safety. This is one reason I prefer having a group large enough to be able to have people who perform guard / look out duty at night. One person is the bare minimum but 2 to 4 are better depending on your terrain and set up.
If it all goes to hell and we end up bugging out, talking with the neighboring farms will be high on the priority list. I’ve also planned for locations to have guard / observation areas that we could quickly build, or move an already existing deer stand to that location.
I got very lucky finding the group of people I did and the network of extended family it is part of.
Wow. Was not aware of this. Many salient points raised, tho, and lessons to be learned. I think the police (and gooberment) haven’t asked for local help cuz ‘optics’. ‘They’ are large and in charge. While they are already being laughed at, imagine the humiliation they would suffer should a ‘local’ be the one to find this guy. Had they garnered local aid early on, the ‘optics’ would be different. At this point it’s more about saving face.
A sociopath was the object of a man Hunt across the mountains where I lived in 1974 to early 1977. He was picked up on a murder charge. Within 2 days he escaped, stole impounded weapons and set the building on fire. For weeks people across the mountains reported food missing. Some came home to find tv dinners heating in the oven et. A lot of jars of peanut butter went missing. He coverd a wide area and was never caught. One day he walked up to our door demanding to come in and rest. I knew him and was alone and afraid to turn him away. He sat on the floor cross-legged. Said he’d like a glass of water. I got it. Kept him talking. He finally asked for prayer. He was tired of running. He was successful at it but it was hard. I prayed with him( he knew me from church and visits with my dad to a hippie commune). He then took off walking. Once he was going out of sight I called the sherriffs office to report he’d been at my parents home and may be headed for the commune. The next say he walked into the comnune and sat down telling them he was tired of running. Call the man. Someone did call and they must have been close but didn’t see him. It was just 2 minutes and they were there to get him. He’d threatened to find a woman to rape, someone to kill and more during the 3 hours he was alone with me. I just kept listening, kept him talking and turning the conversation to God. It seemed to calm the rants when I talked about God. I wanted to keep him relaxed and calm. But it was somewhat unnerving hearing the violence and hate. I just kept breathing slow and controlled to stay calm. I had to think about every breath and pay attention to what was being said. He remained calm but did rant about “others” and express how hard it was to stay quiet and calm when helicopters, hunters on foot with dogs ect. were close. He walked in small stream bed in shallow water. He described hiding in large dead hollow trees. He ate what he could find and broke into one cabin a day for food. Trying to avoid people seeing him. He was almost caught in homes several times. He watch the driveways carefully or walked a ways down the dirt roads while food heated to watch for returning homeowners. So he never relaxed while getting food. He grab a jar of peanut butter or fresh fruit… something to carry whiIe waiting for a warm meal. Once he was almost finished eating when the people came home. He slipped out one door while they came in the other door. He was exmilitary. Said that training kept him alive but it was exhausting. I listened as much from curiosity as fear. But I managed to remain calm. It seemed like forever. When i heard he had turned himself in by calmly walking up to the deputies, I was relieved.
Funny I don’t remember ever retelling that incident afterwards. I just was glad it was a behind me
Does this perpetrator have a military or police background? That may be why he’s been so successful in dodging capture. If he had a scanner, even a scanner app on his phone, he could be listening in on the police calls and learning what their next move is going to be.
Sociopaths also study “normal” behavior and many have perfected a charming personality in order to better dupe their victims into trusting them.
Hope they catch this guy soon!
Hi there M.K..
Just this morning he was captured. Just in. Well, in fact he was killed because he resisted arrest, and since he was considered armed and dangerous (he shot back at police before and even injured an officer during an exchange), they obviously took no chances.
As far as I’m concerned, he had no special training. He was a rural worker and he knew the area very well, had buschcrafting skills and was violent. He was always with a smartphone so he sure was following the news, perhaps even the police action as you mentioned.
It’s now being investigated if he had support from outside. He sure had some occasional help, mostly from people he made hostage. But it’s possible that he had voluntary support too.
Soy de Colombia, y de delincuentes como estos esta lleno el pais, el mas celebre y conocido por muchos, fue Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria, capo del narcotrafico que duro años huyendo de las autoridades, hasta que por fin fue dado de baja en 1993, gracias al poder del dinero y el terror que inspiraba fue que pudo evadir la justicia por muchos años, pero tambien tenemos guerrilas y jefes narcos que siembran el terror ocultandose en zonas urbanas gracias al poder del dinero del narcotrafico y al terror que infunden en las comunidades, para situaciones como estas es que debemos prepararnos constantemente y de forma muy discreta.
Sí, son más comunes de lo que la gente imagina. La política del “plomo o plata” es tan antigua como la suciedad y sabemos muy bien cómo funciona. La gente común actúa por miedo o incentivada por el dinero. Estas organizaciones e individuos son demasiado poderosos.
El criminal acaba de ser asesinado a tiros durante un intercambio con la policía, exactamente como Escobar. Este suele ser el final para estos delincuentes, la justicia y el sistema deben dar ejemplos o el orden se rompe.
May I post this on FB?
Of course!
I read this article and couldn’t help but think about the recent hunt for Brian Laundrie, a YouTuber wanted for the murder of his YouTuber fiancée Gabby Petito. The authorities have been spending a lot of time looking for him in some alligator-infested nature preserve in Florida, but there have been possible sightings of him around Kentucky.
Good they got the bad guy !