The Starvation of Children in Venezuela Is About MUCH More Than a Lack of Food

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By now, you have probably seen the articles in the mainstream media about schoolchildren in Venezuela fainting at school because of the lack of food. The lack of food is only the tip of the iceberg. The starvation of our children is about much more than that.

Consequences of an unexpected situation are, in the best of situations, serious. In our case in Venezuela, these have been devastating for the most vulnerable people, children and elders.

By unexpected I don’t mean this was sudden. On the contrary, I am firmly convinced, this was engineered and have mentioned it earlier. The reasons for this, I’ve tried to unmask it in previous articles, and the evidence I’ve collected will be released in the future.

The effects of food deprivation

Back on topic, this food deprivation has inherently generated the desired effect, though.

It has been inaccurately attacked. Regular living conditions can´t be sustained if you don´t have proper food, and please excuse my redundancy. Mental effort without food, will be largely detrimental for students in the long run. Find a good source of quality food, and then studies can start over again.

It could have been enstated 3 days week classes (some of this was done, but without any other means to cope with the hyperinflation people just stop assisting, teachers and kids), and some self-teaching assistance, but the will was just not there. They, the ruling mafia, need generations of weak, mentally inferior citizens. This started already in 2014. The plan has been running for 5 years now. Unless it´s stopped somehow…our future is gloomy.

Note from Daisy: And think about the control – what parent wouldn’t do anything asked of them to get food for their children who are literally fainting from hunger? As Henry Kissinger said, “Who controls the food supply controls the people.”

One of the ways to fight these horrendous consequences and avoid school children starving in the classroom is to instruct the community surrounding you, so they don’t wait for so long.

People wait too long to take action.

One of the most shocking things I learned about this, was that parents were sending their kids to school without any food, because they were ashamed to NOT send him or her…because then everyone would know they had nothing to eat. I believe we have to agree on this: once you don´t have anything to feed your children for breakfast before going to school…it´s already too late. Those children were (are) already doomed to starvation and malnourishment.

The same thing happened in Argentina. People just remained and stood still in the cities, waiting. Assistance was not sufficient. Entire families committed suicide according to someone I know very well, and this person was actually there those years. The sudden financial decisions of the government to devaluate their currency (sounds painfully familiar to me) wiped out years of savings and left everyone almost in bankruptcy and homelessness.

I asked recently a cousin of mine why she was still there in the city, as she has other relatives in a small countryside town far away, and she told that life there was even harder. I told her that maybe at the beginning, but if there were products to eat and clean water for a bath, it would be much better than the city. But if people believe that they are going to make a career there, of course, they will have a rough time.

Kids are fed in a charity. Photo by

Children cannot be sent out like this.

For years, I´ve been reading about kids in high school and lower grades going to class without breakfast, many times without their dinner of the previous night. This is, first of all, highly risky. People just can´t walk on the streets starving. If there is nothing left to eat, it´s too late, fellows.

Don’t misunderstand me, please. I´m not judging their parents. I know how hard some people have it. I´ve seen it too close for my liking. And I´ve experienced my own quota.

But, under the present circumstances, and I say this with entire responsibility, attending class is NOT a priority. Not at a school, at least. Although our educational system does not allow homeschooling as I´ve mentioned already, some arrangements could have been made to avoid kids going to class under these circumstances. This is extreme, and it could result in harmful situations for the youngsters. A proper approach would have been to get kids organized and provide them with high carbohydrates meals, twice a day. Block by block. Somehow could be done, surely. Fruit donations, some churches offering assistance, or an ONG to try to mitigate the impact of the collapse.

Afterward, they could attend class. I just can´t see another way. It´s impossible to pay attention to a math class or English class, with an empty belly. I know. I almost vanished once in an exam because I overslept, arrived late without having any breakfast. I never did it again. That was the beginning of my granola addiction. Skipping lunch? No problem. In my bag (I had a 1967 USMC nylon fanny pack to carry my stuff BTW…and those were the 90s, go figure. I’m still considered a bit eccentric by those who know me from those years) there was usually a half kilo in one pocket and some yogurt.

Knowledge is power.

We all have heard that. But too few people really look for knowledge. Some people look for power, but that’s another story.  Just let’s imagine that, in a hypothetical scenario, in a small semi-rural town, the economic crisis has hit, as in the big cities.

Swarms of people started to leave cities just as it happened in Venezuela. Of course, most of the people who left were those wealthy enough to migrate. Those who stood have other means to survive had no economic problems at all.

Incredibly, I’ve heard stories about Peruvians and Colombians thriving with their own businesses. And this is in my own hometown, not anonymous tales. Buying cars, buying houses and business from people fleeing away. Just as one of the Rothschilds wrote hundreds of years once: “the buying moment is when there is blood on the streets”. This is what has made me think about. Most of the teachers assist because of their vocation, but they really have some other activity to earn some money. Just like Cubans, only that much worst.

Don’t wait for too long before executing your plan.

The second thing to do to mitigate the impact of a collapse on children is to take action quickly.

I can’t avoid mentioning important facts from recent history. The same year the collapse started to get worse, prosecuting what they called “hoarders (and yes, some of them were trading food in the black market, but I always believed it was a conspiracy to take over the food processing factories all over the country, time proved me right), the official stats about education just was dismissed. They haven’t published anything in 5 years. A total informative blackout. Of course, it’s not a democracy and we all know that.

Some MS media still write about “recession” originated by “erroneous and inopportune policies”. I am a Venezuelan who WAS THERE, and a decently literate one, and I say BULL***.

This is totally artificial and engineered. This is the merciless communist leadership abroad, devastating a country to take it over. There are half a million teachers less. That is perfect. Teachers are the deadly enemies of empty brains holding guns. Literate people will fight for their freedom. The other ones won’t even know they’re not free.

Of course this is regarding public schools. Private schools are animals of a different fur, and some are still sort of dealing with everything.

And indeed, many children whose parents just can’t afford to leave the country have left school to join them and help in the daily chores to make a living in the coastal regions and the immense flatlands where cattle are part of the daily subsistence. It’s hard to go to school when you can’t afford even the bus.

My perception is, too many parents just waited for too long, and they were not aware they had to look for alternate means to secure some food supply (alternate activity, etc.) and the wrecking train just ran them over and crushed them, family and all. They still thought about “OMG what a terrible government”…believing such respectable word could be applied to a gang.

Situational awareness is key.

Here is where the proverbial situational awareness comes into play.

Mankind has always enjoyed a good degree of intuition in our natural environment. However, city life and comfort has softened us and that intuition is highly diminished nowadays. We can’t sniff out hazards as we were once able to. Our survival instinct is practically gone in many cases.

OK, this is a world that is changing much faster than before and with plenty of different variables in the game, but we’re talking about intuition…a bad feeling. Not running a simulation, and analyzing with a supercomputer all the possible scenarios and coming out with a statistic sets of graphs on a screen. Experience is the only true unique measurement you will have to decide, most of the time.

Those who want to bug out? Do it, but just make sure you have A SAFE PLACE with everything you and your companions could need to cover ALL of your basic needs for a long stay.  Bugging out sucks, especially if you have been dragged by someone else out of the location you had intended to go in the first place. Lack of awareness (or excess of paranoia, maybe even fear) causes you to make bad decisions.

Perhaps you will only realize once it’s too late.

I have a bad feeling about South America.

I write this with a hand on the heart. After the Chile and Colombia recent events, I have a very bad feeling. Chile is one of the most rock-solid democracies, and one of the strongest economies in South America. In the location I am, there have been plenty of threats against Venezuelans. That has made me be very aware as you have probably noticed already. With a different family situation, I would have already taken action.

This time, I’m not waiting for too long.

As you can imagine, this writer’s life is going to get much more worthy to read about in the next months.

Be safe, stay tuned, and thanks for your support and encouragement.

About Jose

Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has a small 4 members family, plus two cats and a dog. An old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Thanks to your help Jose has gotten his family out of Venezuela. They are currently setting up a new life in another country. Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on Patreon. Donations:

Picture of J.G. Martinez D

J.G. Martinez D

About Jose Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has a small 4 members family, plus two cats and a dog. An old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Thanks to your help Jose has gotten his family out of Venezuela. They are currently setting up a new life in another country. Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on Patreon. Donations:

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22 Responses

  1. In the US, people who cannot afford to live in the cities are moving to small rural towns. They are putting huge burdens on the local communities. Most of these people do not plan on bettering themselves but only ride the system.
    I know it sound bad to say BUT it is true. We are headed for the same conditions.

    1. Rents and other living expenses in metropolitan areas are uniformly ridiculous! In Boston, a small two bedroom apartment averaged between $2000 and $2750 PLUS UTILITIES per month. New York is even higher. Even when you consider that wages in metro areas are higher than suburban wages, it doesn’t offset the cost.
      People moving to the burbs and rural areas are more likely to be just trying to get away from the urban housing hyperinflation and the often overcrowded and indifferent schools than invading with an eye towards gaming the system in your community.

      Rather than assuming that they are all grifters and welfare cheats, give them an opportunity to work with the community at large, or set up a gardening class for people who may not know how to grow food but are interested. Sometimes it just takes reaching out to someone who might not be accustomed to the concept of a real community that helps each other, rather than being predatory or indifferent.

      1. Well said Miss Kitty. A school district in my geographic area had a majority of kids qualifying for free breakfast/lunch. At least half of the minority weren’t far over the income limits. All students get breakfast/lunch if they so choose – less bookkeeping/paperwork to offer to all students.
        I have no issue with this decision – none of us can expect children to learn (or to stay healthy) when they don’t have proper nutrition. Local organizations pick up the slack during the summer months.
        Too many small (usually rural) towns like the one where I grew up tend to be quite stand-offish to new residents. Where I grew up most residents had relatives who had been there for many generations. A constant, yet not overwhelming, number of move-ins has breathed life into what was once a dying town. New businesses have opened up. Soon a dollar store will open.

  2. Sorry, Comrade–that doesn’t fly. Venezuela WAS a major player in the world petroleum economy. Petroleum sells everywhere. Even with the US boycotting Venezuelan oil, Hugo Chavez and his successor Pedro Carmona could have continued in the game.Instead, they pocketed the Venezuelan treasury and by seizing absolute power, mismanaged the nation’s industry and economy into bankruptcy. Chavez got what he had coming, and until Carmona is out of the picture, whether by accident or design, Venezuela will continue to crash for everyone BUT Carmona and his peeps. I DO believe there is a larger agenda at work based upon the recommendations of Paul and Anne Ehrlich and John P. Holdren, whose 1977 book–a college textbook–makes the case for the ELIMINATION of 7/8 of the Earth’s population. While I can offer no support to my theory here, I believe many of those in positions of power all over the world have embraced the concepts of Ehrlich and Holdren, and see the “elimination” of large segments of their populations as a positive outcome, if only to minimize the danger of angry masses overpowering those in power and overthrowing them. The French Revolution was an example of what can happen there. Then again, long before Ehrlich and Holdren, Stalin and already had seen the beauty of population by starvation.

    1. I agree, Agenda 21/2030 depopulation plans in full swing. Get the kids malnourished then bring in the UN with a bunch of shots and soon a big measles outbreak occurs. (like they are doing in Samoa now) Get mandatory shots started and cull the herd. (Bolivia now has fines & jail time for non compliance)

  3. Communists have ALWAYS used food as a political weapon against anyone who opposes them in the slightest fashion. The Bolsheviks did this in the deliberately fostered famines of 1921-1922 (AFTER the civil war was over), the Stalin government did this in the 1930s to force peasants to join collective farms, the Maoists in China did it during the “Great Leap Foward”, Colonel Mengistu did this to his opponents inside Ethiopia during the 1980s , and the communists who run Venezuela are doing this now.

    These people are pure evil, and they have their admirers here in America: they are called antifa, and they are every bit as sick and evil as everyone else on this list.

    If we want to avoid our children starving, we must stay free. To do that, we must resist any and every form of censorship, whether its “speech codes” at colleges, the blacklisting of “controversial” (read: patriots, libertarians and religious believers) voices on social media and the continuous hate being spewed out by most of the so called “news” programs. We must also avoid being disarmed, at all costs never ever disarm. You ever see folks in other countries on your TV throwing rocks at government storm troopers? They do that because they’re desperate and they don’t have any guns. If they were armed, their tyrannical rulers wouldn’t dare to do to them the evils that make them so desperate.
    Stay free, people. Stay free

    1. You’ve hit the nail on the head, Bro. Sadly, too many young Americans are embracing socialism as its presented by the likes of Bernie Sanders and OAC. I’m glad I’m an old man and won’t be alive to see our country destroyed when the younger generation gets its wish for socialism…

      1. OMG.. the young are NOT embracing socialism of your old man definition. Democratic socialism is not USSR socialism (or whatever boogeyman country is in your mind). There is good reason for the “Ok Boomer” shade.

  4. Only way to stop this in our small town is those of us who can donate food for both elderly and kids. The kids are all get breakfast and lunch at school.

    We.use commercial kitchen to do our own version of meals on wheels. To take you need to provide food and labor if you can this includes your family it’s not just for free. It costs you effort since small we know who is in need.

    For local farmers donating an animal to slaughter one per year or some of us more. Its useful write off for.taxes as it is recognized charity. Other donate through church.

    We sort it ourselves waiting for big ole gubberment means people suffer and nothing gets done right.

    This year 100 hampers going out everyone has a turkey and a ham. Along with fresh veggies and some canned goods. Organizing the women did a wonderful job.

    On top of that the wood and metal working clubs made gifts for the hamper families along with the knitting club.

    We all feel the tightening of the economy but it is building our community. We do have welfare families that take and take. They are required to help they usually send the kids. That’s ok we are training them not to be like parents.

    In summer some of the kids from welfare families are forced by parents to come work on farms first few weeks are trying but they soon get hang of it and like the sense of community and the food. The reason they send them is the pay but also the food that comes back with them.

    1. That´s an excellent initiative. However the difference with our farming modality is vast: small farmers have no money to hire people even in crop season….among many other stuff. And people in Venezuela never liked farming work. It´s been traditionally poorly paid and hard. It can change in the future though.

      1. One of the things that amaze me about Venezuela is how no one saw it coming. Their electric infrastructure was paid for by American utilities and then nationalized. It nearly bankrupted one of them.

        In fact, most of what was “nationalized” in Venezuela was not their own. They literally stole from outside investors.

        The oil industry was just as bad as the electric utility industry in Venezuela.

        How do investors turn a billion into a million? Invest in Venezuela prior to 2007.

        There is no free lunch. Unfortunately, the rich and corrupt in Venezuela are still getting a free lunch and the regular tax paying citizens are starving.

        1. In a few areas (not nearly enough IMO) in the US there is a non-profit, non-religious group “Blessings in a Backpack”. They provide a weekend’s worth of food to kids who depend on subsidised or free school meals during the week. How do the children eat on the weekend? All volunteer, no $500,000 salary “managers”. Feed needy kids. Find a chapter near you and donate $ if you can, food and labor if you are able.

    2. Namelus this is awesome. I love that the community is stepping up to the plate AND that you aren’t throwing the baby out with the bath water. Demonstrating and working with the kids to show them how to be a productive part of society is the proof in the pudding. This is one reason I like Head Start/early education. In my mind, the less time kids spends with those who aren’t doing all they can to ensure their kids have it better than they, the better. I do wish more of us took this approach.

    3. This is amazing, Namelus. It’s proof that people are still inherently good and that we can take care of our own without money being stolen from our paychecks. Your community is very special.

    4. Sounds like an excellent program! I wish more communities had more programs like that, but especially in urban areas it’s expected that the gubment will take up the slack and give people what they need. Then the recipients invariably complain about the selection, quality, etc.

      In a shtf situation, the government will be overwhelmed with requests for aid, and they won’t be able to cope. Local communities will have to do it themselves if they want to have any sort of aid programs, but all too often the people who are there for a handout just want to take with no strings attached. I’ve seen it before, we’ll see it again.
      Best to at least try to get your own house in order and have your own preps in place.

      1. Miss Kitty I have no idea why you think urban area think “the gubment” (shows your ignorance to put it bluntly) will pick up the slack. I don’t if it is too much viewing of right wing news or what. Local communities may be urban or rural. One can choose to be part of the problem or part of the solution. Far too many posters opt not to be part of the solution. Certainly there are those who are grifters/users, pick your description. But they are the minority. So instead of acting holier than thou, perhaps you could be objective and help those want to help themselves, especially if you identify as “religious”. No one likes a hypochristian.

  5. I am the writer.

    And don´t tell ME what the problem is. I´ve been living barely surviving for years, and I know quite well what it is.

    If you´re right, then why our soldiers have NO access to ammo? Do you know our military are under control of the Cubans? Is Pompeo behind the rationing? You´re totally delusional.

    So kindly cut whatever substance is making you post this stuff.

  6. Craig, you speak the truth. Venezuelans are going hungry because of the sanctions put on them. Americans who buy into the propaganda sadly shake their head and say, “Look at what happens when you allow communists to control your country”. The truth is, this is what happens when Americans allow Elitists, who rape and pillage the world’s natural resources, to control their country. Sanctions have been an effective bludgeon to starve nations into compliance.

    1. Karen,

      Obviously you’re a millenial byproduct of some kind. The problem there are NOT the sanctions. Communist world is looting my country, just for you to know. Our gold and oil is being stolen by Russia and China. We received fair, on time payment when the “elitists” North Americans were our best customers. The pillage of military personnel and the corrupt class, protected by real convicts taken out from jail to work as their bodyguards is what has my country starving. If you don’t believe this, just get some information about what they call the ZODI zones, and make a list of the main state owned companies which once were the motor of our economy like SIDOR, PDVSA, FERROMINERA, INTERALUMINA, BAUXILUM, PEQUIVEN, and dozens of other companies. Do some research and see how many civilians are controlling this companies.

      You don’t know better than I do what it’s going on there. I was in the entrails of the monster and saw it grow.

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