Sorry, But I Don’t Give Out Personal Information

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

Welcome to the wonderful world of surveillance shopping, where the most innocent purchase is documented.

Today I had to run into town to buy some boxes. I really like the U-Haul boxes for storage, because they are all exactly the same size, they’re very sturdy, and they have those nice little handle openings to make stacking things easier.

My usual place wasn’t open so I went to another one that said “Authorized U-Haul Dealer.”  It was also an auto parts store.  I went in and selected my boxes, then took them to the register to pay, something I’d done numerous times at the usual U-Haul store I patronize.

And it went downhill from there.

The gentleman behind the counter tallied it up and as I handed him a $20 bill, he said, “Your name?”

I looked at him, baffled.

He repeated himself, “What’s your name?”

I said, “Why do you ask?”

He said, “I need it to set up your account.”

I replied, “That’s okay, I don’t need an account. I’d just like to purchase these boxes.”

He said, “You have to have an account, that is how our computer system works.”

I said, “Are you telling me that I cannot purchase these boxes unless I give you my name?”

He sighed and stopped just short of rolling his eyes. “I just work here and that is the way we do things, ma’am.”

I told him, “I know it seems like I am being difficult, but I don’t give out personal information. I’m sorry, but I guess I will just have to buy my boxes elsewhere.”

The man behind the counter decided it was okay and he would go ahead and sell me the boxes, despite the limitations of his computer system.  So then he asked me, “What is your phone number?”

“Really?” I asked. “Didn’t we just basically go through this?  This is beginning to sound like that whole ‘Who’s on First’ riff.  I’m not giving you my phone number.”

He couldn’t stop himself, I detected a slight eye-roll this time. I magnanimously let it go because I hoped to leave the store sometime during this particular day.

He proceeded through his nosy computer program and then said, “Now, I really do have to have an answer here – where are you moving to?”

What?  Nope. No way.

I said, “None of your business. None of your computer’s business. Are you taking my money or not? Because either way, I am out that door in about 5 seconds. I’m very sorry to be your most difficult customer of the day, but what part of ‘I do not disclose personal information’ is not clear?”

Without another word, he handed me my change, looking incredibly uncomfortable.  I left wondering, “When did the U-Haul guy become an agent of the de facto government?”


Some people are probably reading this thinking, “That’s nuts – talk about over-reacting! The poor guy was just doing his job.”

Those people might be right – that might be the case in this particular incident. And I’m cool with that, because I would prefer to overreact and be in the habit of protecting my privacy than wish, one day down the road, that I had been more careful about the information I had innocently provided. I don’t give out my personal information: not for discounts, not for ‘points’, and not for special deals that will come to me in the mail. And as for “just doing your job”???  Well, one day a lot of people will consider it “just doing their job” when they infringe on our rights even more than they do now. It isn’t an excuse then and it isn’t an excuse now. Furthermore, in this age of rampant identity theft, why on earth would you want someone to have any personal information about you?

It has gotten to the point that going to the store, any store, is like running a gauntlet.  “Do you have an account? Are you a member of our rewards program? What is your zip code?”  You can’t just go in and buy something without being interrogated by salesclerks who honestly have no idea why they are asking these questions. All of the information that is cataloged out there about you paints a picture of your life. Don’t think that in this world of NSA data mining and information banks that everything you do is not documented and run through programs that use algorithms to classify you and track you and identify you as a potential threat to the status quo. 

  • Do you buy beans in bulk?
  • Do you stockpile ammo? How many different types?
  • Do you buy seeds and garden supplies? 
  • Do you purchase health and beauty aids in quantity?
  • Do you buy far more food than your family (also identified and catalogued) could possibly eat in a week?
  • How much fuel do you buy for your vehicle every week?
  • Is your camping gear collection particularly extensive?
  • Do you have a license for hunting, fishing, owning a gun, driving a car, or for anything else that paints a picture of your habits?
  • Do you drink alcohol? How much?
  • Do you purchase an unusually large amount of first aid and medical supplies?

I’m sure you get the picture I’m painting here.  It is time to be the pain-in-the-rear customer that refuses to answer these types of questions. It’s time to decline accounts, memberships, and point-accumulating rewards cards.  I’d rather pay a little extra and protect my personal privacy than to provide all of the information the government, the NSA, or the crazy stalker running the cash register needs to figure out that I raise my own food, I go to church, I like a particular type of ammo, my favored color for the kitchen is bright green,  my bedroom is decorated in purple, we have a penchant for sparkly band-aids, and that we have enough rice to feed ourselves for the next 2 years, 3 meals a day if we so desired. What if they think you’re buying too much? Should they be able to limit your purchases? “Sorry ma’am, but you already have a two year supply of green peas.  We aren’t going to be able to sell you that 14th case.” What about pre-crime algorithms?  Do your purchases make you look guilty of a crime you might commit? OPSEC has never been more important. Combine all of the information being gathered about your purchases with the fact that your own appliances are spying on you, and anyone with access can get a pretty alarming picture of your personal life and beliefs.

Don’t get sucked into the vortex of, “If you have nothing to hide, it shouldn’t matter.”  It should matter, and it does matter.  Way back in the 1600s, Cardinal Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis wrote of how the most innocent thing could be manipulated in the quest to demonize another person. “If one would give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in them to have him hanged.”   This video by Mark Dice explains it even more thoroughly.

Say it with me. “Sorry, but I don’t give out personal information.”

Edited to add:

A lot of people have emailed or commented some version of the following:  Why don’t you just make up a false number and name?  

My response to this is, “Why should I?”  

Why should I be put in a position where I feel I have to lie?  While I certainly understand that it would be much easier on everyone to do so, I just don’t want to. I prefer to be honest.  What if my kids are with me? Then I’m teaching them that lying is okay.  I prefer to be truthful, even if it inconveniences me or someone else.  

Also, if the person questioning me hasn’t considered how intrusive their inquiries are, my refusal to participate might make them think twice in the future. It’s a way to spread a little resistance and perhaps give someone who is sleeping a little nudge towards awareness.  

This is just my personal philosophy – but, I’ve been “difficult” since I was a small child, just ask my parents! 🙂

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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69 Responses

  1. BRAVO to you for standing your ground! Why do so may people just blindly give their life history to anyone who asks?

    1. Same happened here when I went to buy a vacuum cleaner. I was paying by credit card anyway so it would all be on file somewhere but when they started asking me my name and address, I wouldn’t give them it. They said it was for the “warranty”. I advise that it would ( or should) be covered under the sale off goods act, and it doesn’t say in the sale of goods act that you have to give your personal details- only have proof of purchase.
      I was shocked at me standing my ground but I did!

  2. This EXACT SAME THING happened to me, almost word for word. I must admit I didn’t say “sorry”, I just told them I don’t give anyone my personal information. I don’t apologize for refusing.
    My purchase amounted to $8.00 plus tax and I had the exact change, but apparently they don’t use cash registers anymore. She wanted my name, address and phone number for her computer. Our conversation went along as yours did, to the point that I was ready to walk out and not buy anything but the girl (not long out of high school, I think) relented and finally let her computer print out a receipt to “unknown”.
    You are so right. We are tracked, traced and monitored every move we make. And don’t forget the information you give to your doctors.

    1. The doctor asked my wife if we had any guns in our house! She said no. Which is the correct answer to give to all these types of questions. Do you drink alcohol? No. Do you smoke? No. Etc. etc.

      Any information you share with your doctor is no longer confidential.

      1. In order to file insurance, the doctor or his assistant has to gather this information..the insurance company wants to know if you smoke, drink alchol. etc the doctor could care less..

  3. Local Burger King is doing the same thing, to people in DRIVE THROUGH. It’s ridiculous. I want something to eat. I’m not trying to socialize with these people. It’s not FINE DINING!

  4. Geez, if you’re paying cash could you not just give them a fake name, fake phone number (they don’t know if you live in that town or not), tell them you’ve moving to N’Djamena? I just say no or I have a fake postal code that I use just so that I can get out of there (here in Canada our postal codes zero in on which side of the block you live on, so I use one from the other side of town). For loyalty cards I used to give out fake info all around (but thank goodness Safeway abandoned their loyalty program and now everyone gets their “low” prices).

    I agree, I go there to shop and not to make friends and have conversations. Geez.

    1. AnneMarie: I could give a fake name. I thought about it. But…why should I have to lie? Why should I have to be dishonest? I believe that by saying no, I’m not giving you that information, that it might make some folks pause before asking the next time, or before providing their own information. While I completely understand why people would opt to do this – I am just not a “go-with-the-flow” person. (Maybe it’s a character flaw – haha – my parents sure thought so!)


      1. Daisy

        Point well taken…

        It’s a two edged sword nowadays..collecting data for demographics,marketing which also ends up in data bases for future pre crimes perhaps?..Who knows..?

        And on the subject of why should you lie..only “we”,the serfs, the proles are supposed to be honest and trustworthy..everything else in the system is based upon lie after lie after be a good prole and do your


      2. Also, when you give out your personal info for anything like that, you’re entering into contracts and if you give fake info on a contract there’s a chance you can be held liable in the future.

        And when you refuse to give out your info, mentioning the word ‘Privacy’ keeps that concept at the top of what little minds store clerks and people “just doing their job…” have as of late.

        My recent response to a gas bar clerk trying to push a points card application on me: “My privacy is worth more than the few cents I’ll save off a bag of chips.”

        And I don’t apologize for my privacy either.

        Kudos to you for standing up and protecting your privacy & personal info. The more we refuse their temptations & pushiness, the more awareness we build 🙂

      3. You are correct. I don’t make a habit of lying, but when they insist on a postal code I give either an old one or one from where I used to work (so technically it’s not a lie of “fake” like I said). I don’t need a loyalty card anymore, so no need to make up info anymore. I did it before because I did not want Safeway and whoever else got their info to know who I was, where I live, where I shop, when I shop, what I buy, how much I spend. They wanted info and they got info; if they don’t require your driver’s license, that’s their problem, they take what they get.

        I never had to sign anything or prove who I was. That would be a different story. I would NEVER sign a document using fake information, never never ever, yikes.

        How do we know they are being honest with us? Oh, “we will never give out your personal information.” Really? I’ll bet somebody other than the retailer has that info already.

        Either way, I pay cash and I’m on my merry way.

    2. If you give a fake phone number, they’ll type it into the computer and discover it’s fake, most likely putting you on another list.

      Like OR says, just say NO, but be pleasant when doing so.

      On line sites that demand you set up an account don’t get my business and I don’t give out my phone number, since I only have a cell.

      Even ‘Oreilly’s” Auto Parts is getting to be pain in the phone number department.

  5. I wish I was that steadfast. Instead, I make up information (but always turn down the offers to sign up for rewards cards).

    1. I take the card because I like the discounts, but I don’t sign up. It is then referred to as a ghost card, but remember you’re not a ghost if you use a credit card, debit or check!

  6. I understand how you feel, but if you order products on-line, you voluntarily furnish most of this information, plus a whole lot more.

  7. This is getting everyone ready for a cashless society. When everything must be bought using cyber-money, you won’t have the option of not giving ID for EVERYTHING.

    The same will go for money you earn. Then we’ll all understand the meaning of total control. It’s coming sooner than you think.

    1. James will be proven right. Ultimately I believe prophecy will play out. The ‘ID’ or mechanism will be the ‘Mark of the Beast’. It will be required by the Antichrist for all financial transactions.

        1. Get a life! The reasons we have denominations in America is a good thing, otherwise we’d all be Anglican, Episcopalian, or Roman Catholic – borrowed from mother England.

          We, on the other hand, believed in freedom of religion – that it is NOT the denomination that will get you to heaven. That we don’t have to tow the mark for Catholicism or Anglicanism. That the central idea of Christianity is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength – and to love our neighbor as our self.

          We need to think, understand history, and come to reasonable learned conclusions.


          Son of Liberty

  8. if you use the LEGAL NAME, you are in fact commiting fraud because your parents gifted it to the CROWN CORP. in London by signing the birth certificate! Lose the name win the game. for more info visit Kate of

  9. …And yet we need to give our email address right here if we want to add to the discussion.

    Wonder what he’d have said if you gave the name Monjerone Bizwaeks and said you were moving to Queen Maud Land (That’s in Antarctica, BTW). Phone number….certainly. That’s (555) 555 5555. No, seriously, that’s it; Antarctica, you know. Do you have a problem with that?

    I always find it’s more fun to stay creatively under the radar.

    Look for a law soon that makes it a misdemeanor to provide false information to a store-clerk!

    Getting stuff from swap meets and trading with friends is always a good way to change your stuff-profile without making waves. Helped a friend move a while back and he gave me some great excess camping gear. Try tracing that!

    1. Joe –

      Just FYI – you are able to use a fake email address here to post. : ) It just has to be in the proper format: [email protected] for example.

      Great ideas in your post – have a wonderful weekend.


      1. Joe, go to “” and get yourself a new identity. It’s free. Takes less than a minute.

  10. The same thing happened to me here in Australia last year at a computer shop. I bought something small for my computer, can’t remember what it was but it the type of item that has an ID code, like almost everything for a computer. I told them where to go. Bring it on, Big Brother!

  11. You painted your kitchen green?! You are indeed a subversive. I don’t go to stores that want personal information, and I don’t use “loyalty” cards either.

    Sometimes when I’m asked for my phone number, I just tell them to make something up. It’s common for customers to refuse. The clerks just put in their own phone number.

  12. Was working temp position last year in Central Ca. Bought a phone that I could load with minutes using phone card.

    When asked my personal information (I was in what might be called a part of town where English is the second language), I gave them my name: Eddie Snodin. From Paynin, Missouri.

    It wasn’t “lying” it was simply protecting myself from UnConstitutional invasion of my PRIVACY.

  13. Here’s some information you could give:

    Name: Barack Obama
    Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20500
    Phone: 202-456-1111

    Oh, and I’m moving to Hawaii! (After 2016, of course.)

  14. As seen by the many comments here, this invasion of our personal sovereignty is out of hand. From your employer to your medical records, your purchases, the TSA, and the list goes on and on. And it boils our blood, we DONT TRUST THE GOVERNMENT..period. These worst of human slime, who use their positions to control, to dominate, EVERYONE here KNOWS. We all feel the same. When the switch is made from money to plastic, its over. Those out there that want to go along with this are truly enemies of mankind. These “behavior” specialists, shrinks, all of these human cockroaches, leeches upon humankind, dam you, as for me, give me liberty, or death. And I mean that. My spirit refuses to be broken. War is so sad, now we are at war within, against those who think our lives, are their business, yes, were in it deep, sell out your neighbor, turn in your friend, not me, no, not me. All my life, I have been able to stay clear of these tyrants, but now its getting harder, is it not? I have studied this deeply, my fear is of being a serf, look into where that word comes from, you will find your enemy.
    Daisy you hit upon what the majority is experiencing, as for me, i despise those who feel they are my keeper. I cannot speak all the words i want, out of respect for the editor. Dam the freedom takers.

    1. Excellent words, I would like to add a quote to this…

      “It has been thought a considerable advance towards establishing
      principles of Freedom, to say, that government is a compact
      between those who govern and those that are governed:
      but this cannot be true, because it is putting the effect before
      the cause; for as man must have existed before governments existed,
      there necessarily was a time when governments did not exist,
      and consequently there could originally exist no governors
      to form such a compact with. The fact therefore must be, that the
      individuals themselves, each in his own personal and sovereign right,
      entered into a compact with each other to produce a government:
      and this is the only mode in which governments have a right to arise,
      and the only principle on which they have a right to exist.”

      -Thomas Paine

  15. What I do is give them the info of my worst enemy. Same on the internet. Let them go harass him/her and put her on the no fly list , LOL

  16. Now we finally know who the terrorists are! Bush gave us the secret when he identified them as those who “hate us for our freedoms.” They hate us for our freedoms…those are the ter’rists. Dubya said so.

  17. Daisy et al are all fighting
    the last war. There’s not a freaking
    thing anybody can do about this
    ‘mission creep’ data collection.

    For man to merge w/ machine the
    Borg will gather all data unto

    A good start to avoid this
    nightmare would be to move
    out the country, escape the
    USSA prison.

    In South America, least the
    Latins throw down when the
    Borg pushes too hard.

    “Clay mingled w/ iron” is how
    Daniel (in ch 2) explained
    the culminating Beast system
    (man merging w/ machine).

    Get a dinghy and sail away.
    Stop worshipping how things were,
    get a clue and GET THE F OUT
    before TPTB collapse the dollar
    on us.

    Steve McQueen

  18. I got a kick out of the “Now, I really do have to have an answer here – where are you moving to?” People can’t just buy boxes??
    Kudos to you for denying them info that really is NONE of their business!

    I have joined some websites that provide samples of products. I’m amazed at the number of sites that demand your phone number to send you a sample. In those cases, if it’s a sample I really want, I use my area code followed by 867-5309.

  19. Good for you for standing your ground. Although, rather than the “who’s on first” skit, it’s more like the “I want some fries” Jack-in-the-box thing (check it on YouTube).

    This is nothing new, though. John D. MacDonald wrote about it in 1964 in his book The Quick Red Fox. “So what if I am hooked on the hunt? All it does is make an orderly life untenable. You trade the kiddies and fireside and regular promotions and appointment to the house committee or the greens committee for a few, a very few, clear clean moments of a savage satisfaction akin to joy. And maybe in the process you keep a little essential privacy. Our dear Uncle owns over 23,000 polygraphs, lie detectors. God alone knows how many industry owns. Not satisfied anymore with giving you the whole series of Multiphasic Personality Inventory tests, they want to make damn well certain you are not merely giving them the answers you think they want. They want to nail you into your permanent box right now, brother. Get in and lie still, and forty years from now we’ll bury you.

    I get this crazy feeling. Every once in a while I get it. I get the feeling that this is the last time in history when the offbeats like me will have a chance to live free in the nooks and crannies of the huge and rigid structure of an increasingly codified society. Fifty years from now I would be hunted down in the street. They would drill little holes in my skull and make me sensible and reliable and adjusted.”

    Let’s see, 1964, “Fifty years from now…” Can anyone do the math?

  20. While I agree with you I think what you did caused more awareness of you then if you had simply lied. I bet if the police were to question this employee a month later he could describe you to a “T”. Whenever a person asks me these kinds of questions I really enjoy making stuff up. It is after all what they deserve. I really enjoy it when a get a telephone survey caller. I truely feel obligated to misinform them. Hmmmm! Maybe that’s why Obama still has 40% approval, LOL.

  21. When they ask for tons of personal information I just give them the info of an old boss that I used to work with. He was a Grade-A ass and my dislike for him will NEVER run out.

  22. I had a very similar event happen at a Radio Shack store approximately 10 years ago. However my experience ended with me leaving without my purchase. To date, I have never done business with another Radio Shack store. I’m sure they never even missed the hundred of dollars a year I used to spend in their stores.

    1. Isn’t it kinda ironic that a post ranting about privacy and not giving out personal information will not let you post without giving a name and E-mail address?

      I never give out personal information, I never use my name on the net (or e-mail address)

      It just seems funny you don’t like to give out info, but you want our info to comment on this blog.

      I don’t know about that, a few years ago Radio Shack closed 7,000 stores so they must have pissed off a lot of people as that is a major downsize.I know I use to shop there every few weeks and now I don’t at all.

  23. Always give the false dara. The way to destroy thesurveillance state is to bog it down with too much fake info. Feel free to use my name to see who knows their classic cinema. Btw so far as i know by law you have to show id to buy a cellphonr in Australia

  24. When asked for my phone number or zip code (very common around here), I just say, “No Thank you.” Once I was given a very very hard time and they weren’t going to let me purchase my item without it. They finally relented, but really, how sick is that?

    This hard sell is not the the Dr.’s office. I not only get a letter “suggesting” what tests I should get, accompanied with forms for my convenience, but they bugged me at home about it. These are nice people. With their back against the wall, they have turned into govt shills. I told them that I would make an appointment when I am ready, told them “Thank you very much,” and hung up.

    I took my 87yr old father to the same Dr who is now pushing for vaccines. My father knows enough to say nothing and look at me. I asked, “Is this required?” No. “We will talk about it later.” My dad is savvy enough to say, “Yes, we will.” The vaccine discussion stopped at that point, but I do not see it stopping in the future.

    Our future looks bleak.

  25. “Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked” (I had to give my name and email in order to post a comment… the irony 🙂

    My name is McLovin’ and phone number is 011100001011010000011100000 001
    Post code FU5KU

  26. Next time just give them a made up name and fictional address, if they say computer says no just tell them it’s a new build.

  27. no,no wait, I think I missed a number *pulls out phone, go to address book* sorry, its a new number and I haven’t memorised it yet. *people in line shift impatiently*

  28. Re: “The poor guy was only doing his job” He was just following orders. Not so fast. History showed that to be the slippery slope leading to the murders of millions of innocent people. That was whole lesson of the Nuremberg Trials. Google it. And then those who call themselves Christians can Google ‘Bible Day of Judgment’.

  29. In years past, especially at Radio Shack (as another person mentioned here), I’ve protested the culling of info at the point of purchase. In recent times, I’ve simply made up sh!t.

    As kids we are told to “never tell a lie.” As adults, we find out the hard way that everyone lies in one form or another – some harmless; some not so harmless.

    As I’ve gone through life, it took me awhile NOT to answer prying questions honestly, especially the prying questions from strangers doing their bidding for their corporation (or government), because it was difficult to not be the “good little obedient girl” I was raised to be.


    So, if they want names and numbers, I give them anything but the actual name and numbers they request. Oh, and btw, this keeps me as a “normal” customer on their video cams, too.

    And yes, the ruckus you stirred up at the computer cash register was most likely caught on camera.

    I also have to weigh in on your requirement for comments to this blog. You require us to use a name and an email address in order to post here, but say we can offer up a fake name and fake email address, if we wish. That’s a bit disingenuous given your “edited” remarks concerning “honesty.” If you truly were concerned about “honesty” and possible object lessons, you’d make it a requirement that those who comment here must provide a valid email address, which could then operate like Craigslist. We’d have to go to the email and click on a verification link in order to comment here.

    But Internet honesty can be circumvented, always. And similarly, so can prying questions from nosy clerks doing bidding for their corporate masters. And it can all be done without drawing all that much attention to our true selves.

    1. Touche’ regarding the comments section here. 🙂

      Unfortunately, I get hundreds – literally hundreds – of spam comments per day. The software I use to deal with this, Akismet, has the requirement of an email address. There is absolutely nothing I can do about this requirement if I wish to use this software. We can always sit here and discuss hypocrisy, and perhaps my suggestion IS hypocritical in the opinion of some. But you could begin to slide down a slippery slope here. Do you believe that people who post comments on websites should be forced to use their real first and last names? Because usernames could also be considered dishonest under this criterion. I don’t use the email addresses here – I don’t sell them, collect them, distribute them, or send messages to them. If people feel compelled to use their real address that is fine. If they are uncomfortable with that, I encourage them to use something along the lines of [email protected] – that is so blatantly not a real email that I can’t imagine how it could really be considered dishonest.

      Thank you for your comments ~


  30. What is my name you ask? Suck Mahboobeh
    phone number? 8675309 * This is where you burst into song* ‘Jennie I got your number’…

  31. I totally feel for you and might well react in the same way. Since when do we need to identify ourselves to make a simple, harmless purchase?

    Having said all that, depending upon my mood, I might give out totally made-up information: wrong name, birth date, zip, phone, shoe size, sex, everything. Be forever 21!

  32. Great post. I no longer answer such questions or use a customer loyalty card. Raley’s supermarket started using a loyalty card. I used to spent hundreds a month there. Now that they have a loyalty card, all their prices increased so not only are you getting your privacy taken away, you are paying for it because the so called discounts are more than taken away with higher prices. I only shop at Raley’s if I am desperate now.

    Bank accounts are doing the same. If you use your debit card at least 10 or 15 times a month, you will get a higher interest rate.

    I used to like going to see my doctor because he took his time and was very informative. Now that he is required to “computerize” everything, he sits at the computer will talking to me. No more eye contact. So what is he typing?

    No one mentioned Common Core. My daughter is with Connections Academy. Part of Common Core is setting up a data base of information on each child from kindergarten through 12th grade. Yes, everything about your child will be put into this data-base and kept through their entire life. All testing your child takes while in school, personal information (did they get in trouble, were they on meds, etc.) will be kept. How will this information be used in the future. Will these large corporations that are funding CC be able to access these records and use the information to make hiring decisions? Read the blog Blogush written by a teacher. See links below. Excellent information on everything about Common Core.

    CC was funded by the Gates Foundation and many large corporations to train (indoctrinate) our children to be ready to work for them. Connections Academy (an online school my daughter uses) uses CC standards but I had no idea when I signed her up. My clues were how algebra and English classes were being taught. In algebra, she has to write out every step of solving a problem and if not done according to CCSS, she would get the problem wrong even if she had the right answer and the method was correct (as I learned it). In English, she spent a lot of time writing essays about herself. She asked me why she has to write so many personal essays? I said I don’t know but told her to make up stories instead of giving out personal information. Secondly, much of her English reading included information on immigration, global warming (Al Gore), and climate change. CC teaches that guns kill and capitalism is bad, and we must do something about climate change. How is this English literature? What happened to reading Fitzgerald and Hemingway? After doing some research on CCSS, I called CA and asked them if they were using CCSS. It took forever to get an answer. They finally said yes and I asked why it is not mentioned on their website. They gave me a link that went to error. I did more research and found that Pearson owns CA. Pearson Foundation is one of the contributors of CC and has developed the testing. But as stated earlier, CC is also about data-mining. The State Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) will be collecting information on every child. Each child is assigned a unique state ID allowing the states to track children from months old (if in a state funded child care facility) to adult. The states are working with many non-profits to get information to build the data-bases.

    Now I don’t want my child at CA or any public school in my state because of CC but the options are getting less and less.
    I need to home school her myself or pay for a private online school.

    We are already a socialistic/communist country in so many ways. My daughter wants to stay at CA because it is “accredited” but I told her if no one stands up for our freedoms we will lose them all.

    Sorry for the long post.

      1. I had no idea Ron Paul had homeschooling courses. I will definitely look into it. Thsnks.

        I don’t know that the HSLDA could do anything about Connections Academy because although it is homeschooling, it is still public education but I will check it out.

  33. Great article!

    This form of privacy “invasion” is becoming ever-more commonplace.

    And as you point out, there’s now a stigma associated with NOT freely giving away your information at the store.

    As if the store is merely some innocent bystander, asking a harmless question. They want to sell you something! LOL

    We ARE spying on ourselves, and are handing over boatloads of personal info that we can’t even imagine can be taken from the data trail we leave behind.

    It’s disturbing!

    “Bean counter” statisticians can now create very accurate personal profiles from the things we purchase in context with our other activities, other things we purchase (and their quantities), and when we purchase them.

    As an example, Target knew a young woman was pregnant before her dad (gleaned from her purchases in their store), and mailed “new mom” coupons to their home.

    The dad, irate that Target would promote teen pregnancy, complained.

    But Target was right.

    Now Target continues this data mining but makes sure to “hide” their coupons in with other more common coupons.

    There’s an article describing this in detail, here.

    And I pulled together some resources about how to stop this data capture and mining (or at least make YOUR info much, much more challenging to get).

    Hope it helps.

    Thanks again for a great article!


  34. What a great article Daisy! You started a fabulous discussion. Like Donna Marie, I am a Raley’s shopper. I did join their so called loyalty program, and have lived to regret it. Coupons are sent to me based on previous purchases. What if I shopped for a visiting aunt, and would never buy those things if she weren’t here? My email box is stuffed with ads, notes, notices, etc. It all seemed so harmless in the beginning. I never thought about the government’s ability to stop cash payments and issue plastic shopper cards with limits on what you can purchase. Until now!! I will probably be changing emails soon and letting all of the promotions go to dead drop-which is too bad cuz I love my email address. I am tired of being tracked like a science experiment, based on my spending habits. I do not want “anyone” knowing what I buy. It’s creepy.

  35. In line at state liquor store couple months ago, young guy in front is carded, no big deal EXCEPT that his card is scanned into a database, no doubt along with purchase details & his in store picture.

    Last week was informed that Rite-Aid will be demanding AND SCANNING ID from ALL customers for alcohol purchases, even if you are 80. Next, it will be Rx pharma, followed by OTC drugs?
    Of course, time/place/purchase details/your picture/your companions – all this will be compiled/cataloged/analyzed

    – and not for your benefit

    1. I totally see the irony. Unfortunately, the only way I can deal with the spambots is by requiring an email address – we get literally – no exaggeration – hundreds of spam comments per day. We have a plug-in that “recognizes” people who regularly comment and moderates them through automatically.

      The good news is, you can use a totally fake one and it works perfectly. 🙂 I’m sorry for any inconvenience.

  36. As someone who used to work in customer service, I would suggest that people be kind when stating your refusal to a clerk. For me, when I was ignorant of why someone would refuse to give information, had no problem with it but I had a problem with the rudeness that would commonly come with the refusal. People need to understand that these clerks are told they must ask for these questions and truly are only doing what they’re told they must do. Please don’t get upset with the clerks, get upset with the companies that enforce these rules on their employees.

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