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Are You As Organized for an Emergency as You Should Be?

Does your family know what to do in case of emergencies? Do you have all of your important documents organized and easy to find? What if your phone isn’t working? Do you have the phone numbers you might need to call available in hard copy? Do you have insurance policies and account numbers at your fingertips?

Our 9-page preparedness binder printables make it super easy to organize medical, financial, identification, and educational information.

You can be better prepped tomorrow than you are today, regardless of your budget, just by getting organized.

The binder is yours FREE just for signing up for my newsletter. (Print it as many times as you want!)  I hope that you find it helpful. To get mucho free stuff and content not published on the website, sign up below. You’ll receive article links, motivational updates, and information about great deals from us and our partners!

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Every day, I send out free content you won’t get on the website.  I’ve recently committed to writing to you more frequently because I greatly appreciate the fact that you’ve subscribed to my emails. You’ll be getting added value that people who just show up on the website do not. Here are some of the benefits you can look forward to as a subscriber:

  • Daily preparedness tips and advice
  • Special offers and discounts
  • Free e-books

I strive to make the emails pertinent to the things going on in the world, like how to prep for a winter storm when a blizzard is on its way and information on financial preparedness if the market takes a hit.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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