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The world is a very different place than the last time we assembled one of Selco’s Anthologies. Since then, a global pandemic has changed the way of life in nearly every country in the world.
Many people believe the pandemic is a serious threat to public health, while others feel like it was a grab for control. Regardless, the spread of a virus called Covid-19 has destroyed national economies, devastated personal finances, and demolished entire industries.
Meanwhile, at least in the United States, racial tensions and political tensions have mounted to the point that many believe disaster is near.
These events make this anthology a little bit different than the previous two, because there are many mentions of current (when written) events. But simultaneously, the topics are, unfortunately, also timeless.
You’ll find that in many of the articles, Selco draws on his own personal experiences during the Balkan War of the early 1990s to predict precisely what would happen next…and he was astonishingly accurate.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
These are the articles published by Selco on the website between June 19, 2018 and March 30, 2021 and remain on the website at no charge. We have published this 193-page anthology so you can keep all of Selco’s writing in one place and so that your purchase can help support Selco’s future work.
Go here to grab your copy for $5.49.
LINK: https://learn.theorganicprepper.com/product/selco-anthologies-3/
If you missed the first two and would like all three anthologies, you can get this bundle for $12.
LINK: https://learn.theorganicprepper.com/product/shtf-anthologies-1-2/
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2 Responses
ave my name, email, and website
One thing that I have been thinking about that most preppers don’t seem to be mentioning:
The Bible talks about how those who follow Christ WILL be persecuted. Now don’t even think that the Globalists will stop with Christians, just as Hitler didn’t stop with Jews but went after Christians and Gypsies as well. When the Globalists who support the New World Order come looking for Christians, Jews, and yes even rebellious Conservatives or Patriots who don’t go along with their agenda, Social Media, especially Facebook and Twitter will make it very easy for them to be located. Think of all the “check-ins” that people do on Facebook. A Christian, even if they are sensible and keep their mouths shut about who they know, will have their friends ratted out because they are “Friends” on Facebook or “Followers” on Twitter (and other social media). Even if we use fake names and don’t use real photos, we often share too much personal information and can be located by IP addresses. We ALL need to really think about what we post on ANY social media sight. It is also wiser to use an email like Protonmail or such that is more secure than say Yahoo or Google mail.
Just my two cents for what it is worth.