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Author of The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival and the online course SHTF Survival Boot Camp
It seems that as situation everywhere (political, economic, interracial…) gets more and more heated we have more and more people in the survival community that can be separated into several groups.
Classification of the groups is my personal classification and that does not mean it is written in stone. It is just my observation of survivalists and preppers that show up here and there, and as I said, in recent times, there are more of them appearing more often.
And I mention here only most usual “groups.” I see these groups too often not to mention this.
There are folks who are into it just for fun, or more precisely, just making fun of other people.
Then come the”tough guys” that have 5 rifles and a Jeep and they think they solved the formula of prepping and survival.
But the problem is not the Jeep or the rifles (of which I like both). The problem is that THEY think the WHOLE point of survival is in those Jeeps and rifles, and everybody else who talks about and discusses anything different than they do are wimps.
We must also include people who are ready to get into a (virtual world) fight immediately after they find out you are a Republican or a Democrat, or yellow or white, or pro something or against, or whatever goes against their own stand or opinions. They completely forgot that the point is about sharing opinions in order to learn things.
In the end, they ridicule your survival opinion because of that, or you do that because of their stand and opinion.
If somebody gave me one Euro for each time I saw someone’s knowledge and expertise or advice being thrown away or ridiculed just because his political opinion not even connected to survival was different, I would be rich.
When the SHTF, all that counts is what you know and how prepared you are.
You may find it as a surprise but nobody gives a sh*t about your political opinion once when the S hit the fan really hard.
You will remember all chances that you had to learn something, get something, know someone, back before the SHTF, but you did not because you cared for things that are in the essence useless for survival and prepping.
If I want to know how to grow tomatoes or tobacco, I do not care if the man I am going to learn from believes in global warming or not.
Do not be an asshole. Be a person who wants to learn!
Survival experts
Survival expert is a very strong word, and we may find it very often everywhere in our virtual survival world.
We find it so often that it becomes kinda misused and over the time it becomes devalued.
Who is or what is a survival expert?
Is it a guy who survived some bad event?
Nope, not necessarily. He might be a survivor, not yet an expert.
Is it a man who writes fictional books about survival and gives advice about prepping and survival?
Not necessarily again. He might be really good at what he is doing but still…
When you say “expert” it means that you will follow his advice. In today’s world where most people look for easy and quick solutions, that means that the majority of the folks will follow the “expert’s”advice blindly, because it is easy, much easier then get up off their butts and checking whether those solutions and that advice actually fit into THEIR situations and probable SHTFs.
If a survival “expert” tells you that you need to buy a specific piece of equipment because you are gonna “survive and thrive” when SHTF, maybe you gonna follow his advice because he is an expert. But you might find yourself one morning in the middle of SHTF with a strange piece of equipment that simply is not working. Maybe that piece worked for the expert but in completely different circumstances, a different part of the world, with different skills, mentality, or whatever.
Put the advice in perspective. Your perspective!
What would be really nice would be to see an expert saying more things like, “I do not know, research this and this in your surroundings and then you’ll maybe find out what to do” other than “this is the only solution”.
I do not know so many things, and I am completely aware that I am not gonna have time to learn all that I want to learn. But when I see people who are giving “best gun” advice that is completely wrong, but they are “experts” and people will listen and follow…I feel sick. I feel sorry for those people.
There are no easy solutions through advice about the best gun. You need to stand up and put in the effort acquiring skills.
Survival experts, survivors, prepping gurus, and whatnot should give you pointers, directions, maybe mental pointers and directions… but the effort of learning is yours.
Conspiracy theorists
As I get older. I find myself changing opinions about some things.
Part of that is my feelings about “conspiracy theories”.
When it comes to many things, I do believe that they are labeled by someone as a “conspiracy theory” so that others won’t take it seriously. The theory is going to be ridiculed then, and not seriously researched.
Many times through my survival and life after that I have been a witness of things that may fall into the category of conspiracy theories. Many times, I, together with a lot of other folks around me, felt like “puppets” and I felt that there were “puppet master” somewhere.
So without going into some really weird thing that I still do not believe in, I do strongly advise you not to be pushed into feeling stupid if you trust or do not trust in something being presented as the truth.
Follow your instincts, or what I like to say, “never completely trust the system.”
Use alternative ways of informing yourself about events that interest you. It may pay off very much one day.
There are good and smart people around us that are worth reading and checking out, but they are not being listened to just because they are being labeled as conspiracy theorists.
Rant over.
There you have it. My rant about the survival community. Most in it are good people, but there are those you should ignore. Other people, who you are told to ignore? Some of them might be worth listening to.
The responsibility is yours.
About Selco:
Selco survived the Balkan war of the 90s in a city under siege, without electricity, running water, or food distribution. He is currently accepting students for his next physical course here.
In his online works, he gives an inside view of the reality of survival under the harshest conditions. He reviews what works and what doesn’t, tells you the hard lessons he learned, and shares how he prepares today.
He never stopped learning about survival and preparedness since the war. Regardless of what happens, chances are you will never experience extreme situations as Selco did. But you have the chance to learn from him and how he faced death for months.
- Read more of Selco’s articles here.
- Buy his PDF books here.
- Buy his #1 New Release paperback, The Dark Secrets of Survival here.
- Take advantage of a deep and profound insight into his knowledge by signing up for his online course SHTF Survival Boot Camp.
- Learn the inside story of what it was really like when the SHTF with his online course One Year in Hell.
Real survival is not romantic or idealistic. It is brutal, hard and unfair. Let Selco take you into that world.
29 Responses
Good one SELCO!
The A@@Holes who believe you have to prep their way or you are dead!
The so-called Experts and all their firearms advice. Just because they own a AR15 or some customized bolt rifle with a $$$ scope on it, they think they are Rambo or Chris Kyle respectively. I have mentioned here before, they can shoot some good groups . . . from a bench, with a lead sled. Any other position, and suddenly there is an excuse for every shot. And watch them waddle from their truck to the firing line, winded.
You almost never hear anyone mention formal training.
Of course talking about growing things, raising small livestock is not nearly sexy. Even though those things are more likely to keep you alive than some tacti-cool piece of equipment.
Conspiracy theorists. Reading MSM news sometimes looks more like something from a tinfoil hat wearing fringe website than actual news.
And as of late, since the election, how many times has news outlets gotten something wrong in a rush to be the first?
I am skeptical, await further reporting, try to weed out the bias, and try to keep an objective, but open, point of view.
This is probably my favorite article that Selco has ever written!
It is certainly needed, especially for people who are not doing any research or training now. You will only be able to do what you know, especially when things go bad. Be your own ‘expert’.
Selco’s decision to start with an inflammatory designation is questionable. But let’s set that aside.
I question the way he downplays the significance of political opinions. Sure, I’ll take gardening tips from someone who has very different opinions. But to trust, or establish mutual support arrangements with such people is basically setting yourself up to fail.
Conspiracy theories….I believe that many of the Big Ones are mostly true, and I plan accordingly. Unfortunately, the introduction of false theories; or theories that are partly credible, but ultimately misleading is one of the most effective forms of disinformation. So Selco is basically right when he says “follow your intuition.” I’d also add…..research as much as possible. Final observation here, IMO, the more desperately the MSM tries to suppress a theory, the more likely it is to be true.
This guy has provided lots of good info and insight in the past. This post however is, as he admits, basically just a rant. Hope he feels better now. 😉 And it won’t stop me from reading his future posts.
what, are you a journalism critic? where are your articles on survival? the way Selco begins, writes and ends his article is his choice. you can either like it or not, that is your choice. political opinions are just that opinions and should be vetted to ensure they aren’t bullshit, which a lot are. i prefer facts over opinions. the fact that something grows in my climatic conditions is a better choice that someones opinion. theories are opinions, the theory of evolution. laws are factual, the law of gravity. i haven’t been through the crap Selco has, but have been through several hurricanes, enough to know that prepping is a lifestyle if you want to survive.
Excellent article! Thought provoking, hopefully. It is sad to read questions from people just beginning to explore how to be prepared with other people’s opinions stated as fact. Your advice to research based on current surroundings is spot on!
Selco’s rant concerns me. It sounds like he’s getting survivor-fatigue. I hope he doesn’t quit what he’s doing for us.
Please tell Selco we need him to carry on his mission of informing us with his hard-won advice. There are many of us ‘remnants’ and lurkers who rarely speak up, but we read him and follow his counsel. We’re out here and we need to continue hearing about Selco’s experience.
Oh, I’m positive he has no thoughts on quitting. He is just tired of the people who bring others down instead of lifting them up. A lot of us are in this community and we want to bring it to light. Too many new people are scared away by those people who heartlessly crush and overwhelm them.
Selco’s in it for the long haul and we have some plans ahead to expand things and provide even more information.
Yeah, I see a lot of new preppers join a site, ask for advise, and the so-called Experts jump on them: “FIRST! You need to buy a AR15, a handgun, a shotgun, a .22LR and 20k rounds of ammo for each! Then, a years supply of MREs for every family member! Then, buy a bunker!”
And it goes down hill from there.
Livestock of any kind? NOOB! MREs!
A garden? Saving seeds? Oh! Heck NO!
I’m a nearly life long “prepper”. I grew up with the plans for a fall out shelter on our coffee table and my Mom’s box of canned goods stored away “just in case”.
I try to stay prepared, stocked up, and I read a lot. However – being in my late 60’s and my husband in his early 70’s I have no illusions that we will be Mr. and Mrs. Rambo.
I say everyone should strive to be as prepared as they can be, given their location, state of health etc. Being prepared for us is having some medications and food stock piled, having protection, and learning new things. That Jeep and Bug Out Bag just won’t work for us.
Got to have faith in Christ to survive what is coming on the Earth. Here is my survival guide.
Psalm 91
1 Whoever lives under the shelter of the Most High will remain in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say to the LORD, “[You are] my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.”
3 He is the one who will rescue you from hunters’ traps and from deadly plagues.
4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge. His truth is your shield and armor.
5 You do not need to fear terrors of the night, arrows that fly during the day,
6 plagues that roam the dark, epidemics that strike at noon.
7 They will not come near you, even though a thousand may fall dead beside you or ten thousand at your right side.
8 You only have to look with your eyes to see the punishment of wicked people.
9 You, O LORD, are my refuge! You have made the Most High your home.
10 No harm will come to you. No sickness will come near your house.
11 He will put his angels in charge of you to protect you in all your ways.
The problem is, it’s best not to talk about prepping, and better to just do it. But Selco’s business is talking about it, so Selco is stuck.
I’m well prepped, and that’s all I have to say.
It doesn’t take a genius or “expert” to increase one’s chance of survival in a SHTF scenario, and it doesn’t take a Jeffrey Dahmer price (an arm or a leg) to get there. All it takes is some common sense.
Have a slow leak in a tire or your radiator? FIX IT!
Have an energy leak in your house or home? FIX IT!
Have a gun that doesn’t cycle properly every time? FIX IT!
Have a heat pump that’s not been serviced? FIX IT!
Get the point? It’s what we should be doing anyway.
2) GET IN SHAPE! The best-equipped prepper will fall over dead five minutes after SHTF occurs if he’s an out-of-shape fat ass couch potato while trying to load his Range Rover.
Can’t walk five miles? GET IN SHAPE!
Can’t run a mile? GET IN SHAPE!
Can’t do a push-up? GET IN SHAPE!
Can’t swim the length of an Olympic pool? GET IN SHAPE!
Get the point? Get into an exercise program, even if it’s
with ONE dumb-bell and a jump rope.
3) Get your finances in order.
Don’t have a financial plan? CREATE ONE!
Don’t have a savings account? CREATE ONE!
Don’t have an emergency cash fund? CREATE ONE!
Cut out the beer and eating-out until you have what you
4) Drive using the top quarter of your gas tank
5) Keep your auto maintenance up to date.
6) Rotate your stored food.
7) Buy some non-perishable food THAT YOU WOULD EAT
ANYWAY. Not overpriced exotic stuff that’s usually wasted. Buy some of those packaged rice or pasta sides that cook in 6 minutes. Buy canned meats with a 2-year expiration date, like canned chicken or tuna. Buy dried beans and rice, AND LEARN TO COOK. Buy this a package at a time, whenever you’re in the grocery store, and incorporate those foods into your weekly menus. That way you haven’t spent any extra money on “survival food”.
8) LEARN SOME FIRST AID! Can you imagine the horror of helplessly watching one of your kids bleed out, simply because you failed to learn first aid? Nuff said. You can get training for practically nothing from a lot of sources. Medical people are all about saving lives.
Put together a rudimentary first aid kit AFTER you’ve learned how to use it.
9) Buy batteries, preferably Lithium, with a 10-year shelf life.
10) IF YOU HAVE A FIREARM… Learn how to use it. Buy a LOT of ammo, because in a SHTF scenario, ammo also serves as currency. Notice I didn’t tell you what gun to use. USE THE GUN YOU KNOW HOW TO OPERATE. If, after a lot of range time you decide to vary or extend your selection, get what’s comfortable for YOU to use. Generally I’d recommend a decent rifle, a good pistol, and a shotgun.
11) Buy more ammo.
12) Buy yourself some simple camping gear, and get out there and enjoy it with your family. Push the envelope a little bit each trip. When you realize you need something more, buy it and learn to use it. With your new buff body, you’ll be surprised at how much fun it is.
That’s it, you’ve just multiplied your survival chances by 10X.
And it didn’t involve buying a Sherman tank or a concrete bunker in Montana.
Some of your points are more valuable than others. But I agree with every one of them! Let’s hope you don’t end up getting branded an “Expert,” or an “A**hole.
“Sometimes,” people get called “A**holes” because they are speaking uncomfortable truths that others really don’t want to hear. 😉
Good advice!
Dusty makes me smile. Amen to Dusty’s comments!
I’m one of those “lurkers” gleaning what I can from all of you great folks while caregiving an elderly loved one with dementia. Thank you all for helping me with tips for my vehicles, creating a pantry, hardening my house & health, & using better situational awareness.
…Even the A-holes helped me I.D. a scary neighbor! LOL!
10X .07 would equal 1 in 15 odds of survival.
Sounds high to me especially when you consider that the bulk of the surviving meat heads will be hired help [the cost of your chip will be deducted from your account]. How’s that for a conspiracy theory. 🙂
I appreciate Selco’s perspective, rant or not. When it comes to the proverbial SHTF, he’s been there, done that. Most of us can only guess what might happen. Other than natural disasters, which are a constant in one form or another, I don’t think SHTF will happen like most people, including preppers are expecting.
I’m glad Selco is willing to change his opinion now and then. It shows he’s teachable, as we all should be.
When it comes to “conspiracy theories,” discernment is the order of the day, just as it is when we’re bombarded by the MSM. The operative principle must be to keep in mind that things are not what they seem.
Many useful insights have come forth from Mr. Selco. He holds back nothing. Some messages presented are very austere, yet serve as essential knowledge, i.e., how to deal with dead bodies and sanitation issues. There is much more to surviving than beans and guns.
I absolutely treasure his articles knowing they come from a man who has walked the walk and earned the right to talk the talk.
I totally agree that the multitudes of “experts” is ridiculous and I generally tune them out because it has become a popularity contest and who can horde the most toys.
Living 20 miles north of the Gulf of Mexico is a survival experience in itself. I work in disaster relief and cherish the words of those who actually know what they speak of.
As I’m not an Expert or a Conspiracy Theorist, hopefully I’m not the first. Heck, I’m not even a Prepper, I read Selco’s writings for his humane perspective and hard-earned knowledge.
Perhaps the following website may give a brief background insight into “shifting alliances”. It gives a quick flyover view of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia. It stops at the M’s so Serbia would be a future video.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
My opinion only: From the little understanding I have, Bosnia was unfortunately between Croatia and Serbia geographically, ethnically and in other ways. It was not a homogenous region so there was also infighting. At one-time Croatia was fighting Bosnia, then Serbia. There was an embargo imposed on Bosna so it was unable to defend itself. Throw in some smurfs to muck things up, land grabbing and the list goes on.
You may be allied with someone one day then fighting them the following day. This ‘principle’ applies to everyone. In Afghanistan there’s a saying “You rent your allies by the week.”. (There was a recent article regarding a combat veteran with thirteen deployments who was shot by Afghan Security Forces, “Friendly Fire”.).
Reading Selco’s advice that you can learn something, growing tomatoes, from someone with differing politics is pragmatic as all his articles have been. On the flip side you become who you fight. The U.S. military after fighting the German military during WWII became more like them, down to the helmut shape. Either way you’re gonna learn something, hopefully useful. Better now.
On a daily basis, dealing with people on an “one to one” basis works, until they may prove otherwise. But … have to say, growing up in a neighborhood when referring to someone by group association is “Iz Azzh*le.” and suffixed by splitting on the ground because of personnel historical context and bad memories suffered also has be considered. That would be where the “until proven otherwise” part comes in. Forgiving and forgetting is easier said than done, actions speak louder than words, however it is phased. Good people get hurt. Or, in my view, as said in another article, Peace may not be what you had hoped for.
“Controlled Opposition” is a term of someone pretending to be a member of a group his is against, up to the point of doing something to discredit them. Acting like a clown to bring derision down on the people you claim to represent is one way.
It’s nice people in crisis had a place to flee to. However, when America goes shtf, there won’t be a place to flee to with running water, stable electricity, food on store shelves at fair prices, etc. When America shtf, it may be the result of someplace else shtf first, say the euro collapses and thus eu collapses, the debt owned by US banks in eu banks will collapse US banks, US banks will steal US citizen deposits to pay off their gambling losses, and corporations will follow suit in collapse as the velocity of money drops to zero. The trucks and trains stop, save for the military. That’s what I feel we’re in for in a worst case scenario.
You only have so much gas in your jeep before it runs out and leaves you somewhere, no gas stations will have gas to sell in shtf, what few aren’t torched/looted. You only have so much gun food until your guns go hungry and you’re back to bows and arrows and swords and sticks and rocks.
My point is some had a place of stability and peace to flee to in time of crisis or the crisis passed, we will have ourselves. I suspect that if America shtf, the entire world will shtf because America is the world police and then there’s no place to flee to. If we can’t get some form of economy working, from the local level up, as fast as we can get it back and running after shtf, doing whatever we can, with everything we have, to get trade going, we’re all screwed.
Reason being is there are far too many of those without the skillsets needed to live amish, neither do they have the land or the seed or the time it takes to farm, they will eventually overwhelm those with the skillsets, land, and seed. Are you going to go hungry for the months it takes to grow enough wheat to make a loaf of bread? The folks who haven’t planned for shtf will be out of food immediately with no prospect for additional food save by scrounging or stealing or barter.
Sure some “preppers” can make it for a year or more on what they’ve stored up, and that is a good thing, but if we don’t get an economy going, it will all come to an end rather quickly. From what I’ve read of people who have had visions of shtf in USA, people will commit suicide in record numbers, entire families slaughtered by the parents, etc horrors as you can imagine the millennials lose connectivity via their ipads and iwatches and everything they took for granted vanishes. In the bible it mentions men throwing gold and silver into the gutters as their world collapses. I know I’m a cheerful soul and enliven you guys with my mirth (that was sarcasm), but he can save us if we trust him, and by him I mean Yahshuah, son of YHWH. He will save us just like he saved the children who where thrown into the furnace by Nebuchadnezzar. We will need a few Jobs in shtf, and by that I mean the Job of the biblical kind.
Meanwhile have fun with your jeeps and guns.
Well, Josh!
Won’t get into the second half of your views, but the first half – yeah, agreed.
I travel for work to the US about 3-4 months of the year. The possibilities you mention are on my mind. I am as well prepped as affordable Back Home (although only 2 double-barrel 12Gs between my bride and I – the youngster still at home knows how to use it in my absence – and zero jeeps 🙂 ).
But, if SHTF badly enough while I am in the US, I don’t expect I’ll make it all the way back home, any time soon or even at all. So in my travel-preps I’ve identified some BOLs nearby where I work and travel – but not too near the Big Smoke City. Earlier this year found a great piece of land I could afford (<3K) with a nearby stream in a small town in AZ, but, I got outbid. I be still looking though.
My point (I did have one) is that – speaking for myself – I don't prep for my own survival for very long (already done the threescore if not the ten); rather I prefer to be able to choose a somewhat dignified and planned exit, if it comes to that.
If / when SHTF I hope to be able to say (1) I expected this but not so soon and (2) a bit disappointed I am, surprised I am not.
Great one, Selco! I really like your point about not rejecting information just because it is coming from someone with a different political opinion. I’ll happily learn survival, for example, from a confirmed statist – but I won’t ask him for advice on how to build society. It’s just a matter of realizing what people’s strengths are.
I like the thought that someone actually asked the question” where will you have the necessities needed to survive when SHTF. I am no expert. I have done my research into the more likely events we would consider SHTF. I believe the 2 most credible threats are the radioactivity of the northern Pacific Ocean and the very real possibility of a GSM. Sorry Grand Solar Minimum. Most of the scientists who won’t cowtoe to the establishment diatribe of global warming/climate change or whatever it is called because almost none of the disasters and rise of temperatures happened that they predicted . This group of scientists are predicting an event way worse than most other things short of WW3. The planet has entered into a cooling phase because of a NORMAL cycle of changing sun spot/ solar flare activity which can be proven with hard facts and yes science. According to some renowned scientists the northern hemisphere will become cool enough by the year 2021-2022 and lasting from 30 to 70 years, the possibility of not being able to count on growing food crops north of the 45th parallel. which means the wheat, corn, soybean, lentil and many other crops now growing the northern 1/4 of the US and all of Canada will not be. The 45th parallel runs east and west just north of Green Bay Wi., the northern 1/2 of Europe, a good chunk of Russia and China. Can you say starvation on a global scale. Can you say 4″ of snow in Chicago on the 4th of July. The data shows that for every 1 degree in temperature drop the corn line (climate able to grow 95 day corn ) will move south 100 miles. A 5 degree drop in temps will take the corn line from northern Wisconsin to lower Illinois. I for one don’t want to deal with being cold AND hungry during my twilight years. I made a run for the border, yes south, way south. I chose the southern hemisphere for my getaway. If this GSM happens and even if it’s not as bad as they are predicting at best food prices will skyrocket and shortages will be ongoing for years. the only 2 logical places are Africa and the northern 2/3 of South America. I chose Ecuador and where I am right now the weather forcast for the next year is one sentence. It will be partly cloudy with a slight chance of rain with a high of 75 and the evening dipping into the lower 60s. Food growing EVERYWHERE on a 365 day growing cycle. Plus Ecuador has been rated for numerous years as one of the best places on the planet to retire. Look at the numbers, 90% of the population lives in the northern hemisphere. Do you want to be there when SHTF?
One question I have about your location: When things really do down, are you still secure there in Ecuador? Guessing you weren’t born there, and are not truly “one of them”. Having been in the Third World now and then (learning a lot BTW) it is all fine when money is flowing and the US is a respected power. When all collapses, what then?
Good thoughts, Selco. I laugh when I see some adv for “the ultimate survival tool” which is not much more than a toy…and ‘reality’ shows that are anything but. Like another post, I have no illusions as to our survival at our ages. I am 77 and my disabled husband turned 70. However, he is brilliant when it comes to assessing security and strategy as well as behavioral analysis, having spent many years with a firm dealing with violent strikes and environmental terrorism. He is quiet and thoughtful so few think he is an ‘expert’ in anything. He taught me handgun shooting and many other skills, most of all mindset. Yes, we have some preps and many skills…and also have done a lot of mission work in the Third World where I learned about basic survival as a way of life when you have no resources, no money. Grew up rural poor so can deal with stuff most of the US cannot. So, we will see what God has for our futures…and be ready to meet the challenges, adapt if we can, die in the middle of a pile of brass if we cannot. I think one thing Selco keeps saying, is to adapt to your own specific situation. Learn to use the tools that you have set aside, so you are not caught with blisters and confusion when you need to use them. When things go down, it will NOT be what we expect, and we have to be fast on our mental feet. I read all his posts with great interest and learn from each one. Thank you, Selco!
Good and valid points. I too have been in this “group” for a long time. I come from a family that has lived and survived in the hills of Eastern Kentucky for 200 years. Commonly called “hillbillies”, who had to scratch a living out of the hard ground and make anything they had, by hand. An old saying is that we learn from the survivors, of wars, battles, famine, civil wars, life, etc. for the simple reason that the non-survivors didn’t survive to teach anything. The survivors did. I too have some pet peeves about “Survival groups”. Some think that at a SHTF they’ll be marauders. Or that they will have the perfect BO place and be a dictator or king. Those are my pet peeves. Folks, when the SHTF, the U.S. Constitution will NOT go away. We will still be the rule of law. Murder will still be murder, etc. Anyone who thinks that a group will tolerate a dictator is out of touch with reality. Especially Americans, who are used to a democratic republic. Nope, that will go on. To me, a survivor does not have to be someone who has survived a civil war but can be someone who survived a car crash or cancer or a cat 4-5 hurricane or tornado, etc. IMO, Survival is the ability to make ALL the right decisions, all the time. ONE wrong decision can be fatal. A series of wrong decisions will most likely be fatal. Being in touch with reality si vital to making the right decisions. I have videos on YT talking more about that. YMMV
“Conspiracy theorists concentrate their time on transmuting the “base matter” of current events, official stories, propaganda and public relations into the gleaming golden truth buried within. They do this through the very right-brained activity of uncovering and inventing connections between disparate elements.
They create story-systems to understand and explain events – essentially a religious activity. For whatever reason, it’s much easier for us to deal with our internal contents by projecting them into the world around us. These outward signs inevitably become carriers of the archetypal content and psychodrama latent in the seeker.
Conspiracy theory also overcomes the strictures of literalism and the problems of simplistic thinking by experimenting with multiplicity of meaning. Ordinary events, people and signs become symbols bristling with complex, malleable, even contradictory meanings. Mystery is revived and idealized. Facts become more than the sum of their parts. Theory becomes poetry and even theology.” [from http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/%5D
Having received virtually nothing but mild-to-harsh ridicule for my “conspiracy theories” these last nearly twenty years, without ridicule I wouldn’t get any feedback at all. Even the naughtiest comments are in some way an expression of an alternative viewpoint with value as such.
…or so it seems to me at this moment
That sums it up nicely. Great Rant and on point.
The Problem with Survival and Prepping is like, in life. No two people are exactly the same.
No two Survival or Prepping scenarios are exactly alike.
Although they can have much in common, so we can learn some things that might be useful from someone else’s experience or opinions. But everyone’s potential scenario is different and we need to understand and accept that.