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Author of The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival and the online course SHTF Survival Boot Camp
A while back, Selco asked several survival and preparedness authors and bloggers about what their biggest concerns were going forward.
In this don’t-miss-it audio clip, Selco shares a deep dive into his own top 5 concerns.
This audio has been generously donated from Selco and Toby’s Patreon account, Resilience Hub. You can subscribe to Resilience Hub for as little as $1 a month and hear directly from them. (I suggest a donation of $5 monthly because the info really is fantastic!)
NOTE: If the audio player above does not work for you go to this link in either Firefox or Chrome
What do you think? Do you share similar concerns? Do you think Selco’s worries are accurate for us here in the United States, too? Let us know what worries YOU in the comments.
About Selco
Selco survived the Balkan war of the 90s in a city under siege, without electricity, running water, or food distribution.
In his online works, he gives an inside view of the reality of survival under the harshest conditions. He reviews what works and what doesn’t, tells you the hard lessons he learned, and shares how he prepares today. He never stopped learning about survival and preparedness since the war. Regardless of what happens, chances are you will never experience extreme situations as Selco did. But you have the chance to learn from him and how he faced death for months.
- Read more of Selco’s articles here.
- Buy his PDF books here.
- Buy his best-selling paperbacks, SHTF Survival Bootcamp, SHTF Survival Stories, and The Dark Secrets of Survival here.
- Take advantage of a deep and profound insight into his knowledge by signing up for his online courses SHTF Survival Boot Camp and learn the inside story of what it was really like when the SHTF with his online course One Year in Hell.
- Find him on Patreon.
- You can donate directly to Selco at https://www.paypal.me/SHTFschool (use the dropdown arrow to select USD as the currency)
Real survival is not romantic or idealistic. It is brutal, hard, and unfair. Let Selco take you into that world.
27 Responses
Point One. Classic divide and conquer; I worry about it in the US, but it’s already here. The “normal” people of the past are not traditionally vocal; they just want safety and to go on with their lives. Maybe that will change…time will tell if they get fed up enough.
Point Two. “Just in Time Economy” is great when everyone plays together nicely. Throw in enough chaos and it breaks down; like it is now. Yes, have to focus on “local” in order to source goods and services. Large Metro will be a disaster area.
Point Three. Dare you say Nationalism? Sounds like it. People are going to care less and less about other countries.
Point Four. Yes…Point One “sheep” will comply and support in order to be left alone. “Might Makes Right?”
Never let a good crisis go to waste!
BTW…See you on the other side Selco…I don’t think we are going to change the direction of where this is all headed. Will have to ride it out until the last stop on the journey. Does not mean I will just give up…it just means I will have to adapt and overcome each and every time a new “crisis” comes up.
Texan here and I feel the same. Never thought I would see things in such a mess.
This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when first he appears, he is a protector. – Plato circa 400 B.C.
Hi Selco: I’m grateful for you insights, tempered by hard experience, and your generosity to share them with us! Feel like your comments and points are spot on for Canada. I could not have articulated it that well. I will be looking into supporting your Patreon account. Would love to have access to more insights like this!
What is my own concerns? How far the current polarization could go: possible loss of rights to employment, access to health care, property/home ownership. Potential impacts on rural areas of a mass exodus from the cities. It’s nice to have a big garden in a rural area, but what if this becomes a resource people are willing to fight for? Finally, having read much of your writings, where I am mentally in my will to survive? Do I have that fight in me?
Thanks again for sharing so much of your hard won wisdom so kindly.
Fellow Canadian here.
One day at a time. Sometimes it is one hour at a time. Selco has wisdom and insight. I am glad you have his books.
I totally agree on shortages (my number one concern) and that we may be heading to an economic depression. I also agree that all countries are going through the same process of thinking smaller and smaller, and not just nationalism, but also smaller. Think Scottish independence. Think states in the USA trying to break up.
Where I think a little different is about government separating “people that obey” and “troublemakers”. That’s likely to happen, but if things deteriorate further, at one point it may not be clear who is in power. For example, if there is a civil war, or if some areas don’t get policed for some reason, or if some local guy somehow manages to create a local fiefdom. Then the person that was a “good one” before may become a “troublemaker”, and the other way around.
I think it is the responsibility of the locals to ensure there is not a one man warlord who creates his fiefdom.
Elect a council of elders (so to speak), WITH term limits. They appoint a sheriff, someone with prior experience and a separate judge who oversees the sheriff.
Same goes with a militia, of every able bodied person and even those not so able. They can still lend support. Clear chain of command, separate from the sheriff to prevent conflict of interest.
Get as many people in the local community involved, with a say, a vote. Establish local law and order early to prevent a Mad Max situation.
1) Well, during Biden’s “my patience is wearing thin” speech, he basically announced that those unvaccinated were the trouble makers.
Glenn Greenwald had a great article out today pointing out how various people equate the unvaccinated as “stupid, ignorant, and immoral.” NY governor Hochul said, “yes, I know you’re vaccinated, you’re the smart ones.” And then proclaimed, “there’s people out there who aren’t listening to God and what God wants,” the vaccine ““is from God to us and we must say, thank you, God,”
Really? She knows the mind of God?
CNN host Don Lemon said, “it’s time to start shaming them or leave them behind.”
Read the rest of Greenwald’s article for yourself: https://greenwald.substack.com/p/an-nba-star-and-new-yorks-governor-8d1
2) That is a real concern for me. Everything is great when the supply/logistics train is running high, feeding our BAU/JIT system. Watching the strains in the supply, inflation, energy prices rising too, puts more stress on the bottom 90%. The lockdowns have put a lot of people in even worse financial positions then previously and that was not so good in the first place. Many American’s cannot afford a $600 emergency. As inflation rises, our purchasing power diminishes. More of our pay has to go toward affording the basics and less into savings or buying other things. Network now in your local economy so you can still get things. Learn to grow your own food.
3) Yep.
4) If there is one thing that can be guaranteed, more intervention by the government, even if it is under the guise of help, will only make the problem that much worse. This admin seems to have a particular knack for it (see Pull Out of Afghanistan, second day of high ranking officials and generals on the Hill, border crisis, French recall of ambassador for a few examples).
Just read they slipped enforcement mechanism to fine companies for not forcing their employees to get the jab into the 3.5t reconciliation bill.
Oppressive and authoritarian.
5) I agree with Selco, it is coming. Prep to the best of your ability. Look for holes in your preps, where you need more supplies, get more knowledge or training while you still can. Will it be like the lockdowns 2.0? Or Mad Max? Who knows. But be mentally prepared when things get wonky. Be shocked, but not surprised as it unfolds.
I heard that an item has been slipped into a bill (maybe the same reconciliation bill you mentioned?) that will require banks and credit unions to report any transactions greater than $600.00 to the IRS.
JB in TX,
I read that some 40 trade associations, some represent banking industry, pushed back against that move.
You can read it here: https://justthenews.com/nation/states/irs-would-track-all-bank-transactions-over-600-under-biden-plan-businesses-revolt
Dollar Tree just announced they are raising their prices.
Might have to change their name to $5 Dollar Tree.
motel 6 was called that because originally they charged $6 a night.
Hi Daisy, The link seems to be broken or source not found. Is there another way to access this clip.
Wow. What a nice gift to those of us wise enough to take action. Thanks Selco and Daisy and all the contributers. I shall look into the patron/donation.
For some of the issues, I have at least a bit of a plan and preps. One that I am confused about is the economic crash. I don’t have tons of savings so should it be in cash, coins, gold, barter items? Should I buy now the things I need? Tools, generator, etc?
I’m not trying to hijack the thread, so maybe this is better in another discussion.
Oh, and btw, thanks to y’all that post up in the comments. I learn a lot there too.
Tangible items. Anything you think you’ll need for basic survival. Food, water, shelter, protection. But remember the property taxes if you are a home or land owner.
Set some cash aside for discreet expenditures, or if the ATMs go down and the silver and gold for long term “savings” may be useful but you can’t eat it so it’s not the top expenditure on my list.
Anything you buy today will be more expensive tomorrow , sitting in cash (in the bank) or stocks risks a big loss if there’s a collapse and daily each dollar loses more spending power. There are fewer items to spend on with the supply chain breaking down. If you can afford some redundant items for back up it might be wise – are you set with minimal items to make light, heat and water if the grid goes down? Pay off debt. Is your car in good shape? Tires are tough to find now, as are other parts for anything.
Lumber prices are somewhat better now. Some plywood and 2×4’s stored, always come in handy.
Try to own your house or property – pre pay your taxes.
If your a renter, Is there a friend or family that has some land you can park a trailer on for a getaway option should you not be able to stay in your current home?
Bottom line – anything you can touch and have in your possession is preferable to the bank, stock market or Ethernet.
Just my two cents –
I think you are on the right track.
I myself have been getting hand tools.
The wife took one of Daisy’s articles about buying small, travel size items for trade down the road.
I would suggest skills too.
“barter items”
vitamins, infant formula, batteries. in addition to the usual stuff of course.
Thank you Selco.
Thousands have either just lost or soon will loose jobs over the vaccination question. The words against the unvaccinated are we provocative and unsettling. Pregnant women aren’t yet ordered to get vaccinated for the sake of the unborn but I we ont be shocked if we get there. Hundreds of ships sit lined up awaiting their turn to be unloaded. At one California port the news this evening showed ships sitting in line with unloading dates for some as far off as more than 700 days out. Medical personnel are under threat of firing if t g ey don’t get the shots. Now a third shot is being promoted. Shots for children are under rushed study. Items are disappearing from store shelves. Prices going up and up. SNAP benefits are increased to cover the rising food costs.
It is an unsettling time. Added to the political turmoil and economic uncertainty are natural disasters. Volcanoes are erupting, earthquakes still happen but with increasing frequency, fires of epic proportions, hurricanes, floods, drought, extreme heat… there is trouble on every side with no hint of let up. If you haven’t made some preparation for food, water, and shelter, it may soon be too late to plan ahead.
pharmacists will be required to limit dispensing of certain prescription products to 1 months’ supply at the prescribed dose, and sales of certain over-the-counter medicines to a maximum of one unit per purchase.
Selco,Daisy, fellow OP’ers,
I’m going to skip around the five points a little bit. Bear with me.
The “black swan” (point 5) event IMO has already happened. All nations fiat currencies are being propped up right now to control the collapse. Once this new $3.?TT bill passes into law, the U.S. dollar will no longer hold its reserve status and all oil producing nations will cease accepting them in exchange for Brent Crude price trade. Until a new currency is produced (because, really, all currency is just a commodity produced to be accepted in trade for real currency. (I.E. fuel,food,essential life supporting goods and services)) and accepted, the interim vacuum time period will be hell. This will lead to explosive inflation on all produced goods worldwide from apples to zebra sneezes. No nation will be immune from the fallout. Some nations will just be more extreme than others.
(point 2.5-3) yes, grow your own. Of course, but be prudent on this decision. Having livestock is nice. How will you feed them when there is no more fuel for farmers to be in the fields to produce grain and hay? Are your livestock matched to the productivity of your ground to allow them to survive as rustlers? Can you legitimately process and preserve that harvest? Are you dialed in with your neighbors to coordinate valuable and economical trade within to support others in some capacity?
Growing a garden is great. Do you have the fertilizer to have that plot produce enough food to feed your kin? Then there’s the trick of preserving that harvest over a fire of coals if the price of electricity and NG is prohibitively high.
Even if one posses both the skills and property to accomplish those tasks, how will we communicate and trade with others when there is no more gasoline (petroleum distillation needs an enormous amount of energy to be produced. Hey! It takes energy to create energy! See?)
IMO energy is the new currency (at least for now). Energy and the ability to control its distribution and use. And it is going to be weaponized against people (good and evil) worldwide. Sad thing about all this.. this world has an abundant excess of energy all around us.
Selco’s points 1-2.5 and 4 are sociological and no less important, I just lack the ability to articulately comment on them, so I just stick to what I believe.
I’m selling a good tractor today. I’m leaving on Sunday night for a horse sale. I’m taking the proceeds of that tractor sale and buying two teams of draft ponies. Already have the team gear and equipment lined up. If it seems like I’m dumping my dollars and going Amish..you’re right. Low tech. Low energy consumption. High energy output (food). I can see no other reasonable alternative right now.
First, awesome post!
Black Swan event: Read an article a few weeks ago, that they were of the opinion it was in the fall of 2020 the real financial crisis happened, and they (central banks) kept the wheels on the cart, but only to keep it going for a short time. The lockdowns kept it going as a controlled economic downswing. Now, we are seeing the wheels are seriously shaking.
Livestock: in a word, yep!
Gardening: composted livestock manure. Mix well with soil, add some compost tea and plant/seed.
Communication: No gas, communication will be by way of talking to each other. Networking. I am not trading any farther than a days walk, out and back.
Energy: Agreed. I think your going low tech is a better long term investment then trying to hold on to high tech with limited resources/energy, or no energy. Lot easier to keep horses if you have the land to feed them on, then trying to get gas for the tractor and at what cost? At some point, that tractor just might become lawn art to a time of the past.
“I am not trading any farther than a days walk, out and back”
american indians would travel over 500 miles to trade obsidian.
Yes, they did.
They also had horses, knew how to ride and care for them.
They also had their homes, teepees, all their other necessary supplies, all portable.
The average American has never ridden a horse, let alone care for one. Most have never seen one in person.
That same American has never seen a chicken, cow or hog up close and personal unless it was cellophane wrapped in a grocery store.
American Indians of the 1800s is quite a bit different from today’s Wall-Mart shopper.
Hi Selco, would you consider doing an article from the point of view of the women in your family and how they are preparing their households? Power, food, water, showering/hygiene, cooking and whatever else? Thank you for all you do.
Reviving this thread about a year later. Hey did any of you expect WWIII to pop up? Maybe the Special Military Operation of Feb 24th (and all that led up to it, and continues in ever expanding circles of evil) is the Black Swan writ large across the international scene that will engulf us all. In addition to all last year’s concerns (which are just as valid and desperate now) we’ve got the Big Boys lining up for a replay of Bonaparte’s March on Moscow, this time with atom bombs and hypersonic missiles! What a world. “Never fight a land war in Asia”. If I ever wanted to tour Europe I’d do it pronto before it’s all turned to glass. I’ve got a cat on my lap and a flock of chickens around me, and the tyrants be damned!
thank you Selco. i have always appreciated the information you have given us.
as to small events leading to larger ones, one only has to look at the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand that touched off WW1.