SELCO: “The Majority Will Die in SHTF Trying to Record It on Their Phones”

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If you haven’t read Selco’s paperback, paperback, The Dark Secrets of Survival, now is the time.

Where are we right now, at what point in history?

“First they fascinate the fools, then they muzzle the intelligent.”
Bertrand Russell about how fascism started.

It is more and more each day about fascinating the fools and muzzling the intelligent.

“Fools” are fascinated with shiny and irrelevant stuff, sports, gambling, games, TV shows, irrelevant political discussions, following the “influencers,” and stuff that in general, gives them feeling about how their life is good or how they have influence over the things, or how they even can decide something. How they are supposed to be important, how they “matter.”

“Fools” are not necessarily fools, just ordinary folks with ordinary problems. Being in a situation where they have to fight for food every day and discovering they have been blind, fooled by the system that they are “important” can cause them to change.

“Intelligent” people might seem a bit more wise than fools, but they understand how stuff works, so they keep their mouths shut. If they talk too much, they’re going to be shut down or muzzled.

“War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.” (George Orwell, “1984”)

We are being played from one end of history when folks did not have too many rights and freedoms into another end of history wwhen people gonna be stripped and being stripped of rights and freedoms. And it will happen all in the name of rights and freedoms.

You are being shushed down in the name of freedom of speech. Rights are being taken away from you in the name of other people’s rights. Freedom is being slowly canceled in the name of “the fight for freedom and democracy.”

In this beautiful world of freedoms and rights, you need to stay stupid, love war, and you need to watch what you are saying (posting), or you might slowly die of unemployment.

Who is more sick, the system or the people?

To continue in the same spirit of the above, it is not only where the system and society are driving (or pushing you) but also about how modern systems work or how fragile they are.

A few weeks ago hospital network close to me (a few other institutions, too) suffered cyber attacks, some say from Russian hackers.

As a result, all data about medical records, surgeries data, donor banks data…everything was affected. Some services did not work for quite some time, some surgeries were postponed, and similar.

Officially, the problems were solved in a few days. Unofficially, they lasted much longer, and it was pretty chaotic because all data was unavailable.

A few days ago, something similar happened, but on a much, much larger scale. It is still unknown how large it is and how much it will influence everyday life, and for how many people. They say that a faulty security update caused thousands of Windows systems worldwide to crash, so a bunch of things simply do not work, impacting airports, banks, and TV broadcasters…

You may say it happens and people will continue to live, yes and it is not a big thing unless you need emergency surgery and no data available about you, or you have scheduled cancer treatment that needs to be postponed…or simply you are without food and without cash with a bank card that does not work.

And remember this (as it looks in this moment) is still a small thing, a small failure.

Can you imagine complete and worlwide failure?

The system is fragile. The system is operating in a way that you do not need to bomb it in order to destroy it. The bad guy just needs to“pull the plug“in the right place to start chaos. Maybe someone pulled a “small” plug just to test things the other day with this “blue screen of death?” Maybe someone wanted to shut down everything but they failed?

The big plug will be pulled sooner or later simply because someone will do it, and bad things will happen.

Now, about people…

You all watched the video of the shooting at Donald Trump.

Shots were fired, and how many people took cover (except Mr. Trump)? How many people at least lad down to make themselves smaller targets?

Very few.

There is active shooting. Nobody exactly knows what is happening, how many shooters there are, what kind of weapons are being used, and what more gonna be used. The majority of people are standing up, looking at what is happening, and recording scenes with cell phones.

Bit weird right?

It looks like the majority of people in SHTF will die simply because they will try to record SHTF on their phones.

It is not only about the system. It is about ordinary people too.

We become idiots mostly, with zero survival instincts, and the better and more modern life we have, the longer and more painful the fall we will have when SHTF.

Now, combine those people with times when the big plug gonna be taken out…

What do you think will happen then?

About Selco:

Selco survived the Balkan war of the 90s in a city under siege, without electricity, running water, or food distribution. 

In his online works, he gives an inside view of the reality of survival under the harshest conditions. He reviews what works and what doesn’t, tells you the hard lessons he learned, and shares how he prepares today.

He never stopped learning about survival and preparedness since the war. Regardless of what happens, chances are you will never experience extreme situations as Selco did. But you have the chance to learn from him and how he faced death for months.

Real survival is not romantic or idealistic. It is brutal, hard, and unfair. Let Selco take you into that world.

Picture of Selco


Selco survived the Balkan war of the 90s in a city under siege, without electricity, running water, or food distribution. In his online works, he gives an inside view of the reality of survival under the harshest conditions. He reviews what works and what doesn’t, tells you the hard lessons he learned, and shares how he prepares today. He never stopped learning about survival and preparedness since the war. Regardless what happens, chances are you will never experience extreme situations as Selco did. But you have the chance to learn from him and how he faced death for months. Read more of Selco's articles here. Buy his PDF books here. Take advantage of a deep and profound insight into his knowledge by signing up for his unrivaled online course. Real survival is not romantic or idealistic. It is brutal, hard and unfair. Let Selco take you into that world.

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62 Responses

  1. Cell phones are merely agents of natural selection at this point. Usually they allow mindless users to place themselves in deadly situations unknowingly due to inattention and zero peripheral vision. Other times they save someone from a miscarriage of justices ie. Rittenhouse being exonerated by well ove r a dozen videp clips uploaded directly to the internst from cellphones proving conclusively his self defense plea. I say that if thdy kill people in SHTF, those deaths improve the gene pool hopefully. If not, the deaths serve as a stark verification of the importance of actively participating in your own self-preservation.

      1. Exactly. And they’ll be mandatory for the digital ID system. Your life will literally be run through the phone. If you want to travel, or purchase anything, the system will either approve or disallow it.
        No jab this month? No lab- grown meat for you.
        Your phone is now your ball & chain.

  2. My first thought when I heard banks were impacted with the recent Crowdstrike outage was this was a trial run for when we are forced to the digital dollar and they decide to escalate the attack. Many, many people no longer carry cash. I still use mostly cash. I am trying to fight the trend. Some small business are even giving discounts for cash.

    1. Yes! I believe it was a trial run. My brother’s friend in Australia was freaking out, because his computer was affected AND his bank was down…and he had no cash. I hope some people will wake up a little from this situation. It could happen anywhere anytime.

    2. Same here. We use cash most of the time, and checks as well. Credit card used rarely, only when absolutely necessary and no other option.
      People don’t understand that they’re contributing to building the slave system (CBDC) by using plastic instead of cash.

    3. Not a real strong argument for digital currency is it? I’d like a few more outages to sour people on unneeded technologies (like digital currency). If enough people get burned with their cards and e-payments, maybe they’ll rediscover the usefulness of tangible cash.

    4. I tend to carry enough cash but since its an hours drive to an ATM for me I use a debit card pretty often and save the cash for necessary situations.

  3. Much to my wife’s annoyance, I generally leave my phone at home.
    There could be cases where the camera would be helpful, and directions but for the most part, I would be perfectly fine without it.
    I wrote an article for the OP about OPSEC and SA in the big city. I noted on the subway from the airport to downtown, everyone had their faces in their phones, except me. I was the odd one out.

    1. I recently visited Sydney and found the same. Every single face glue to a screen. It was disturbing.

    2. You’re right! People used to read books on subways, doctor waiting rooms, while getting your oil changed, etc. Now everyone has their face in their phone… usually with their thumbs flying! It’s amazing to see two or more people at a restaurant waiting on their food and everyone will be on their phones, instead of talking to each other… they got NOTHING to say… just mindless fiddling with their tracking devices… er… I mean phones.

      We live in a dumb house also. No Alexa, no Google, no Ring doorbell, no online house monitoring, no nada! We don’t want everything we say or do recorded! And if you think they’re not recording everything you say… well, you’re one of those foolish naive people mentioned in the article.

      1. I think that is one of the saddest things I have seen. People at a restaurant, not talking to each other, but texting away madly.

        Our TV finally gave up the ghost the other day, after 14 years. We mainly watch movies, comedians, a few TV shows, like Stranger Things.
        Finding a “dumb” TV was not easy! And the Best Buy employee looked at me like I was crazy when I asked for one.

        1. Did Best Buy have something that fit your needs? Recently, I was driving down a street on trash day and spotted a 42″ Vizio TV w/remote on the curb. Took it home and fired it up. Works!
          It was manufactured in 2008. Our TV is at least 10 yrs old. Not sure how long it will last, but I’m hoping this ‘new’ one is dumb so we have something ready when ours gives up the ghost! I don’t want one with any fancy bells, etc. Just basic cable. I’ve read TV’s can listen to you and track your viewing interests. What next, books?

          1. If you don’t connect a tv to your internet/wifi, is it still smart? I wouldn’t think so.

        2. Just don’t connect it to the internet-solved! We live in an era where the TVs, phones and refrigerators are smart, and the people who use them are dumb 🙂

      2. “People used to read books on subways, doctor waiting rooms, while getting your oil changed, etc. Now everyone has their face in their phone…” In the old days, everyone had his face in a newspaper, book, magazine—today people are still reading, but on electronic devices instead of dead trees. The question remains, what are they reading? Is it worth their time? In the old days, it was the sports pages, gossip columns, comics, entertainment, were those worth their time? Well, if you read such empty stuff, it is physically easier to hold an electronic reader than holding the proper page in a book or newspaper.

        As for me, I usually download a thought-provoking article or book so I don’t get bored. The electronic device is smaller and lighter than a book, without the pages flapping in the wind, but how many people are doing the same things with their devices?

    3. I certainly agree with most all the comments here about cell phones, however I also believe that it’s a great part of edc for those who carry. If for some reason someone does need to use deadly force, it makes sense to me that immediately after you make the necessary calls, document the scene. Evidence can be disrupted, moved by an anti 2a person, and photos of witnesses, etc. In addition to that, having a phone right on you lets you get the first call to first responders. Quite a few 2a attorneys say that the “side” that calls first is at a huge advantage for the initial (on scene) investigation.

      As far as the down side of having a phone with you, to minimize the impact of that, put it airplane mode and all antennas are shut off.

      1. What can save you can also convict you, you better know the self-defense laws in your state inside out, I will give you a hint, most of them will not allow you to use deadly force unless your life is really in danger and once the danger is over you stop you can’t go and hunt down the person out of rage.

    4. That’s me in a restaurant, looking around, head up watching people. It’s waaaay more interesting than anything on my phone.

      Most of the time, the elderly and me are the only ones with our heads up.

  4. It’s likely that people extinguish the normal impulse to flee danger by watching ridiculously unrealistic movies, and then denial and normalcy bias take care of the rest. A lot more people would’ve died at the Trump rally if they’d stampeded for the exit, but there’s no doubt that they should’ve hit the dirt when Trump did.

  5. I had similar thoughts watching the footage. People standing and gawking as of it were merely a spectacle to see and no comprehension of possible danger to themselves. There will be MANY with that same perplexed/curious/unaware expression when things get bad.

  6. This probably won’t go over well, but if someone gets clocked because they’re filming the speeding truck as it runs them over….good riddance.

    I was blown away when watching the fake assassination attempt that after Trump hit the ground, everybody behind him was just sitting there like a TV audience waiting to be told to clap. Same thing with the geysers going off. These fake people don’t even have the slightest sense of self-preservation.

    I honestly didn’t even notice whatever happened with Windows, which I guess just shows how disconnected I am. I would rather be hanging out in the field with my goats with my phone securely in the house.

    I was sitting at the dentist with my kid recently. He was getting x-rays and I was just sitting in the corner watching them on the screen. All of a sudden, the hygienist looks at me and says “what are you looking at?” I said “nothing really, just watching”. After a second, she said “I’ve never had a parent sit in here without being glued to their phones”. I didn’t know what to say then so I just shrugged.

    1. There was nothing “fake” about that assassination attempt or the reactions of the people sitting behind Trump when it happened. What would have been fake would have been if the people sitting behind him had all screamed, and then jumped up and stampeded for the exits or (worse) scurried around in all directions like chickens with their heads cut off the way people in a schlocky action movie typically do. See, the people and events in movies—which you have evidently allowed to shape your expectations of how such events typically play out in real life more than you should—are what’s fake.

      Hint: if you want a real primer in how people behave during shootings like this, try looking back over the pictures and video footage of some other real-life assassinations and attempted assassinations, such as when Kennedy was shot, when Lee Harvey Oswald was shot, and when Reagan was shot. Do you hear anybody screaming, see anyone hitting the deck, or see anybody behaving like movie characters? The vast majority of the time, the reactions of the people around the victim range from “Is this really happening?” dull surprise to a “Hey, what the hell are you doing!?” reaction toward the assassin.

  7. Cellphones are playing a huge part in separating the wheat from the chaff. This will be beneficial when rebuilding post-SHTF, as the vast majority of the weeds will have been pulled from the garden.

  8. Selco didn´t condemn smartphones, his point is 100% about behavior. Smartphones are good and useful, like a pistol, a knife, a map or a philips scredriver. They´re just tools. A smartphone is more likely to save lives than cause demise, but that depends on how or when it´s used.

    Survival is a matter of behavior. Those walking the streets with their senses impaired by wrong behavior and mindset – eyes on a screen, ears plugged by a phone, heads in the clouds, etc. – are much more likely to suffer an accident, get robbed/attacked, or caught in something bad.

    Those with good situational awareness and observing skills and somewhat trained to react will act in ways to improve their response and odds of surviving, in any situation.

    The same can be said about firearms or in fact anything else. It´s wrong to blame other people or worse, external things. Finding what we can do to improve our skills, habits, knowledge and awareness, how to use tools correctly and to your best advantage. That´s the mindset.

  9. These people are the expendable idiocracy … so in my mind the more that are culled out in the initial chaos the better it is for those discerning minds that are practicing onsite personal spec ops!

  10. Peru, I’m told, REQUIRES by law that each person have a cell phone. Hmmm. Let me think … why? Of course, we know why. Coming soon to your local government.
    But if the grid goes down, our phones will also go down … both good and bad. Oh dear, how will they track us??? And “selfies” will not work. They must have some sort of contigent plan.

    1. Intel from Australia talked about during the lockdowns that people were required to stay home, had to submit proof they were home (vs just leaving the phone behind) and if your phone showed you weren’t home for other than a specified time-restricted pre-approved reason, you got a visit.

  11. I have a smartphone and my husband is required to have one for his job. Both of us remember party lines which was way before even answering machines. We both survived just fine and would be fine again without the smartphones. They are a convenience that we use to make things easier.
    I have so many options turned off and even carry my own security. I know, I know, they are watching anyways. Maybe, but I do try to minimize time with this device.
    My point being that I’m gonna use it till I can’t or won’t anymore and I will be fine. I have no issue using a convenience but am very aware that I may need to do without it someday. I will actually be kinda glad when that day arrives!
    I am an outlier, always have been. I like it that way! My survival instinct is very high as is my situational awareness.
    I see people every single day who have been made incredibly dumb by “smart devices.” They seem to be completely unaware of the fact as Selco states above. Crazy times for sure:-)

  12. City dwelling liberals are going to have their world turned upside down. They will not be prepared for what is coming. They’ll suddenly wished they were pro-2A when the chaos comes.

  13. Unfortunately the ubiquitous so called smart phone has become the plague of the 21 century. Most (almost all) people don’t realize that the entities controlling the cell towers are not doing so for their own benefit.. these devices have become the equivalent of an electronic leash for the masses. Access to, or controlling interests in cellular networks, anyone?

    And this nonsense of chipping everyone..why bother? Too expensive and way too much backlash. Just give ’em a free or almost free cell phone on a monthly plan. We’ll know EVERYTHING about them in short order. Like a portal straight into their minds, people will be typing out messages to friends, family, social media, moving money between accounts, purchases online, random searches, etc. We can find all the interconnections of any individual wired into that system any time we want… just keep ’em believing that stuff is only in the movies…

    If we were REALLY diabolical, all that data could be fed into AI to give us a real time pulse of what is going on with the masses, too! Imagine! Just keep ’em thinking their data is private and secure… of those meaningless pieces of paper they’re willing sign, they haven’t read the fine print regarding 3 parties and their private information. Just give me the phone already! And just in case we missed something, better to beg for forgiveness than ask permission….

    That freight train is hurtling down the tracks straight toward them, and there should be some lovely video footage of the ensuing carnage that will result….

    Seriously though, phones have become so entrenched into our modern day society (if you can call it that) that most people will give up their natural born rights and freedoms before ever giving up their phones. In fact they will fight to keep their phones….

  14. Hey I use credit cards all the time !!!! Because I am going to F**k them over and never pay the bills ! I pay the minimum and that is it. Some months I don’t pay and tell them a BS story and they let me slide. Because I am F**king them over, before the system crashes and getting everything that I want before they F us ALL ! Screw them all ! I just don’t give a rats ass any more and what are they really going to do to me??? I am beyond well armed and I have been a martial artist for well over 30 years.
    I was smart many years ago when thing were cheap and have a virtual arsenal of weapons and I have a place to go when it really gets bad. I have a bunker and air and water purification systems. I learned from the best- THE GOVERNMENT !!! These ass H***s have been screwing us over for years and building a safe place for them to escape to using our money from taxes and other usury. Listen you can get out of every debt you have ever created just study the law that they created. Go buy a BLACKS LAW DICITONARY – it will tell you every thing that you need to know.
    You really do not exist, but your STRAWMAN does. I have won many court cases for some big bucks by using their own system against them. It works because a friend of mine was a top Attorney and he never paid taxes or filed income tax his whole life. You know how ???? Start reading and put your stupid ass Phone down and go to a LIBRARY and do some research ! When you do wake up and smell the coffee then you will realize how bad you have really been getting screwed ! So just go do it !!! F these banks and AMAZON as well I love screwing CHASE over and they roll over and take it. Do you know why ???? because you can use ever thing in BLACKS LAW DICIONARY against them !! You use their own weapon to take them down ! You can not become a BILLIONAIR without breaking the LAW. And these A-holes know that ,use the system against them. Oh I know some little D head is thinking -I’ll get in trouble-
    F them. When the fesses hits the centrifugal Blades no one will give a rats ass.
    This is one way to ensure your life and others you might be taking care of as well. War is truly War, keep that in mind and build your defense on that statement. Listen I am not stupid I have an IQ of 165 and I am dam proud of it.
    So wake the hell up and do something today about it !!! Look up what I have told you and see if I am not right !

    Keep your powder dry !

    1. But if you use a credit card you promised to pay them as per agreement. So why would you break your own agreement when you sign?
      I know what you are going to say already but the above still stands on your OWN merit.

    2. You can find Black’s on the Internet too if you know where to look including the more detailed earlier editions. Also there in one person on YT that is pretty good but he loves to rant a lot, not the type of person you think would be a lawyer but he did show in the documents he has up he does know what he speaks of

  15. Here is the thing not mentioned. When the grid goes down so will posting your videos. People will realize that very quickly and not bother doing that with their phones anymore.

  16. Everyone is videoing and uploading every inane activity of routine living and really important stuff is marginalized because of a video of a dog waterskiing in a pond being pulled by a boat piloted by a cat wearing a rainbow mask. Why? Because that’s what we do when we collectively know that everything is upside down. We seek refuge in distractions. Because we, as a whole, seem to have a really difficult time facing the truth.

    Prepping community is different. We represent the 1%.

    So I don’t spend a lot of time worrying or complaining about the 99%’s constant uploading of penguin parachutists crashing a parade in Peru. Or what made a person right frigging next to a geyser that just exploded stand there. I just hope they get the shot centered with as little shaking as possible. Mainly, because if I’d been there, I’d be running like hell past that person and will check YT back at the hotel to make sure that: 1) I see what I missed and 2) that I wasn’t in that persons shot caught running like a chicken shit while they stood intrepidly to record the event.

    Watching vids beats the hell out of suffering through the pain of the sister-in-law’s old school photo albums. Ugh… now that is misery.

  17. Fear mongering. “Who’s more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows?” Nothing you do can prepare you. You can prepare all you want for what you “think” might happen. Trust in love, and trust in your neighbors. Don’t be a fool to fear.

    1. Why on you on this forum I am suprised you are not kicked out, you are certainly the kind of person Selco is talking about

  18. in a shtf scenario, people will steal everything not nailed down for barter or scrap value. can’t afford gold, so bought some silver, then went to 1 oz
    copper coins for about $2 each. reason, who can make change for a $2K gold coin, or even a $25 to $30 1 oz silver coin. think smaller. and how about an eye glass repair kit if you wear spectacles. manual can openers, especially those that open on the sides instead of the top. good luck to all. richard s.

    1. Been doing the same thing for a while. When I come across something mechanical (butter churn, can opener etc) I buy it and tuck it away.
      As for gold v silver v copper, I’m with you. A 1 oz gold round is about $2300, silver is about $27 per 1 oz round and copper about $4 a pound. Lead is about $1 per pound and aluminum is about $1.25 a pound.

    2. Would you elaborate on why you prefer the side-opening can openers? I’m always afraid I’m going to cut myself with the sharp edges of the can.

      We gave up on electric can openers several years ago. I was going to buy a “good” one; was willing to spend close to $100 for one, but when I read the reviews, all of them were problematic. So we reverted to what we knew we could trust: a manual one, made in the U.S.A. in the old Swing-a-way style (not that brand; just that style). Got it on ebay and it works great.

    3. I think batteries are an underappreciated barter item. Just basic AA and AAA. People will likely need them, and more importantly, they don’t signal anything to anyone.

      For example, if you’re willing to trade away food, you’re signaling you have so much food you can afford to trade some away. Even more obvious is gold; if you have gold to trade away, surely you have plenty of other stuff.

      No one is going to assume you have a battery factory because you’re willing to trade some AAs away.

  19. Excellently written, except concerning the “Trump Shooting”. No one ducked because it was a fake, staged theatrical event just like Sandy Hook and George Floyd.

  20. I completely agree that people will die because they are moving towards danger. When our University police were recording a “Run, Hide, Fight” video on campus, the students in the halls were following the cops in battle gear, trying to see what was going on. They had no idea whether this was real or staged. Humans are, as a whole, pretty dumb, curious animals, and they will move towards things that seem bright and shiny. We are so desensitized by violence in video games and movies that it doesn’t seem real, it doesn’t really touch the average human. Firecrackers sound exactly like gunfire, and only a trained person knows the difference.

  21. As we breathe, the multitudes are led up the slaughterhouse ramp, joyfully taking videos and texting on their cell phones. Sadly the majority of our fellow citizens are dodo birds and the end result will be the extinction of humanity.

  22. The master OFF switch for ALL net ops and mobile phone is in a deep bunker in butt Montana guarded by reptilian Lizard 🦎 half breed people

  23. Last week worldwide travel was disrupted by an apparent computer upgrade. Makes one wonder. Was it?, or wasn’t it?, a simple poor programming upgrade? A coverup? for the canceled surgeries, grounded planes, and interrupted worldwide travel? Folks were stuck in places without accommodations and extra travel days and meals planned for. Patients scheduled for necessary surgeries or ego-boosting improvements – it didn’t matter which – were left with canceled appointments. It was potentially far worse than just being an unhandy situation. It may have easily left individuals afraid or in pain. Someone already working to overcome the fear of a suddenly canceled procedure may have been overwhelmed. I have had a repair bone surgery in the past. It would have meant more days of agony to bear if it had been canceled. What if the surgery were a lifesaving one? We may never know all the consequences of the very real situation that happened last week.
    If it were a bomb, a vicious riot, attacks on individuals, a bank run, or an empty grocery store; yup, I can just imagine folks on their phones taking pictures. Even at a Swat stand off with bullets flying someone would have captured the movie.

  24. Wow! TWO comments here dismiss the failed assassination attempt on Trump as “fake” just because the people in the audience didn’t scream and panic and go running around like chickens with their heads cut off the way crowds in movies do when somebody’s assassinated. A clue for the clueless: people in real life don’t usually act like people in the movies because movies aren’t real.

    Guns in real life don’t sound the way guns in movies do, and therefore when shots are being fired in real life, what’s happening is not always as immediately obvious to real people in the area as it typically is to movie characters. Real life is also rather unfortunately devoid of the slow motion shots and immediate zooming in on the action that movie cameras can do for the viewers’ benefit. The assassin wannabe was some 150 yards away from Trump, so not many people in the crowd were properly situated to spot the muzzle flash immediately either.

    Moreover, unlike in the movies, there is absolutely no way anyone could “stage” an assassination attempt to make live rounds fly right by the target’s ear (with one of them grazing it) and hit several people in the audience (including the late and much lamented retired firefighter Corey Comperetore) and be able to guarantee the bullets wouldn’t actually hit the target. Had the the bullet that grazed President Trump’s ear gone one inch to the left—or had President Trump happened to be standing one inch further to the right—it would have pulped his head like a ripe melon, just like what happened when President Kennedy was shot. Clearly, the assassination attempt was real beyond all shadow of a doubt; the only aspects of it in question are what the shooter’s motives were, and whether he had any outside help, active or passive (i.e. someone actively talking him into doing it, and/or some of the Secret Service security detail who were supposed to be protecting President Trump deliberately slacking off on the job to give the would-be assassin a clear shot at his target).

    1. Don’t forget; there’s also no bullet if you don’t hear the whizzing-laser-like sound before the splash of the projectile that everyone knows happens from Hollywood advanced infantry training.😉

  25. This brought to mind people standing in the streets watching the twin towers collapse. I remember watching the clips saying to myself ‘stop gawking, it’s a huge tower, it’s coming your way when it topples’.

    In fact, I DO watch too many movies 😉 so I I’d like to think I’d run SIDEWAYS away from danger not in a straight line!! 🙂

  26. I’ve bought some Rapid Radios. My kid is in South Carolina(I’m in Texas), and we can talk like he’s right beside me. They’re as close to perfect as I’ve found. And I’ve been looking for a while. They’re encrypted, any cell/LTE towers. Check them out……

    Is there anyone here that’s from the North East Texas area?

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