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Author of The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival and the online course SHTF Survival Boot Camp
Words are important, to be sure that we are talking about the same things and situations. We need them so that we can somehow “categorize” things.
Because we are living in a world where we want to have reasons and “boxes” where we can put all those reasons for everything. We want to then file away the actions that we are going to take because of those reasons.
We want everything to make sense because it is easier to work in a situation where everything has sense and reason, and where there is a clear and clean solution to everything. Not to mention we want to live in a world in which we want to make a stand – a hard stand – because we live by norms and rules that most people think are written in the stone.
It will not work in that way.
Not in a real and serious SHTF.
Right here I want to make a point that I do not classify myself as ‘better than the average prepper’ in anyway, because I do not live with such a strong need for reasoning and structures, I do not have a higher quality of daily life because of this,
I do feel better prepared for serious situations because I do not ‘need’ to always have structures and clear reasoning for my actions. This enables me to decide and act more impulsively and intuitively because I do not need to engage in a lengthy or detailed ‘reasoning’ process.
WROL vs DROL…where to start?
WROL is a word that most people imagine describes something like complete anarchy, absence of rules, law, and everything that makes up a society. Does this mean a society where human rights are absent, dictatorship rules, no freedom at all. Is that WROL?
RELATED: There’s No Such Thing As “Without Rule of Law” – WROL vs. DROL
No. It is not.
They still have laws, rules, police, and maybe courts. But their “rule of law” is not anything that you understand it to be. For example, they may have a law written where you could be jailed and detained without proper court case for months or years, simply because you criticized the government. Or, even because you wear something “improper”.
So basically it is still a world with society and order and laws. Everything is governed by the law. However, this law is absolutely different from any law that most of you imagined. You may call it lawlessness, but it is not. It is not WROL.
It is a Different Rule of Law (DROL)
In essence, for you, it might feel the same though. It will feel like hell because it is so far from what you thought it would be.
What is it really like?
Well, it could be something like we see in movies: hordes of people fighting in the complete absence of any rules for resources or whatever. But, that is a movie.
In reality, it happened, and it may well happen again, but only as a specific stage, it can be a shorter or longer stage,. It is almost always very short.
Rarely is there a vacuum of power at any level of society, and keep in mind that I talk from the experience of urban survival in an extremely broken down societal situation. As I have written many times before, we currently live in a society where the system is running, and because the system is running we do not see parts of society that are running on the “edge” or ‘fringe’ of that system.
There’s always someone ready to jump in.
We might see it as a “glimpses” in news, movies, or in the image of a local drug dealer that is somewhere standing, maybe on the corner close to your living place. That drug dealer is part of something larger, and rarely we think a lot about that larger part. There is usually a highly organized “system” behind him.
It is an example only, but those kinds of people or organizations are there, living today around us, on the fringes of the ‘normal’ system.
And guess what? Usually, they will be there ready to jump and fill the gaps as soon as they appear.
That is the reason there is no ‘power vacuum’ (or WROL). Even if, in extremes, there is going to be one it is going to be a very short time until those established and effective organizations outside of normal society “jump in”. Keep in mind that it does not necessarily have to be a criminal organization out there that will fill the vacuum, at least not criminal organizations as we see it.
There are other forces who are in the system, and who are enough organized and ready to fill the vacuum. Paramilitary organizations, political fractions, etc.
Understand, in some cases, fringe organizations, or even you and your structures at a local level, jumping in can be a good thing. It prevents even more extreme elements or total anarchy from taking hold, that otherwise would happen. And then you are not going to have mayhem, chaos, lawlessness like in apocalypse movies maybe, then you are going to have a different rule of law – DROL.
Words are important, but it is also important to think outside of the box.
Yes, words are important. But if someone has a bag with all the essential things inside for surviving running away from home, then it is a good thing. A great thing. It is not important that he or she does not use word BOB for that bag, or does not know what that word it is.
It served the purpose or solve the problem, everything else is semantics.
On the other hand, if you are prepping for the WROL based on fantasies that are out there for years and decades, and if you are sticking hard to it, then words are important, and it is good to think about the word DROL.
There will almost certainly be little-to-no time without rules of governance. There will almost always be rules that you have to be aware of quickly and obey in order to stay safe. Usually, the more challenging the event or time, the more oppression will be used to establish ‘order’. Alternatively, you will make the conscious choice to avoid the rules, hide from them, or fight against the rules AND the structures that enforce them.
Or to suffer under them in order to live one more day and fight tomorrow maybe.
Even if you find yourself in a time where there is an absolute absence of rules, rulers, and laws, be prepared for someone or something who is coming, very quickly, who will try to impose rules, most probably by more divisions, factions, parties, or separation.
We can call it the collapse, chaos, WROL, SHTF which essentially is the truth. But make no mistake. Someone will always try to be above us, to rule.
27 Responses
People do not comprehend what the BLOOD of their Forefathers purchased, the power that they have been given and possess, through the 2nd Amendment, beyond the right to bear arms, which is the Constitutional MILITIA. As if their brains gel and the eyes glaze over, they have been PROGRAMMED to overlook it and push it out of their conscience as if it is some nasty and hateful term rejected by society. Like many Mind Control campaigns, the MEDIA is responsible for this intentional “programming”, waged against the Constitutional 2nd Amendment Militia – because they are owned by our ENEMIES, and work to Subvert our Nation to destroy it, as has become so glaringly apparent with the advent of Donald Trump. An active attack against the term “Militia” began in the 1990’s under Billy Boy RAPIST TRAITOR SELL-OUT Clinton. Ruby Ridge and Waco are 2 good examples of the term “Militia” being associated with crazies by the Media, even if these People were not actually crazy, but the campaign was to paint it as such whether they were or not, with one goal to make the term Militia appear as repulsive, and an outright crazy man’s thoughts . Subtle Mind Manipulation, as the Media is well versed – in SELLING what they want to sell.
The fact of the matter is this. The 2nd Amendment Constitutional Militia is “Well Regulated” BY the Constitution alone. Nobody can argue this fact, or try to say that there is any aspect of the Govt. that has authority above it, to “Regulate” or command the Militia, but the Constitution itself BY the People. The People ARE the Law BY the Constitution. THEY Govern America BY the Constitution. States possess no Powers Above the People concerning points not addressed by the Constitution, and can not annul, limit or malign the Will of the People according to basic Common Law or Constitutional Rights. Neither does ANY aspect of the Govt. OF the People, BY the People FOR the People possess ANY Powers to suspend, negate or limit ANY part of the Constitution. Those CRIMINALS who attempt to do so will likely get “Suspended” from the end of a ROPE, sooner than later.
The 2nd Amendment Militia has much more Power than what the People realize or comprehend, in that the Constitution itself can be Upheld, Preserved and Enforced BY that Militia. Having those precepts as the foundation and premise whereupon it operates. No other assembly of “Armed” People within America has any Lawful or legitimate purpose, and is therefore Criminal, unless they are directed BY the People according to the Constitution. Only the 2nd Amendment Constitutional Militia has the Authority and Legitimacy to assemble and Operate to Preserve, Uphold and ENFORCE the Constitution against those Usurpers of the People and the Supreme Law of the Land, especially those within our Govt. that seek to Subvert it. No other Force has authority over it – ONLY the Constitution itself. In all reality the Constitutional Militia has authority over ALL other Military Forces within America. How is it not? It is quite the contrary to what is suggested and perceived. No authority can be determined to surpass the Militia. None can be determined that stands above. None does.
This is the entire point, which has gone unrealized for so long. Nothing stands above the Constitutional Militia in ENFORCING the Constitution, and nothing ever should.
This is how We the People overcome the Enemies within that seek our destruction. It is time the People had better come to this realization. Time to activate this Absolute RIGHT and Establish it’s preeminence among the People and within their minds.
Wish I could say it better, but time to wake up to what the Blood of your Forefathers gave you. The Law and Power is Of the People, By the People and For the People BY the Constitution. The People are Sovereign over it all, and the 2nd Amendment Militia existing within the Constitution demonstrates and confirms that perfectly.
Gawd, Dude-did you never hear of a paragraph?? NOBODY is gonna read a wall of text like that even if what you have written is excellent-
Guess I’m a nobody.
To tinfoilhattt…You are correct, b/c I am a writer and a reader as well even for me it was way to much all at once. For the person that doesn’t LOVE to read or WRITE they would be blown away and just keep going…SO good for you to notice. Maybe he (DDRAJE) will make his comments a tad shorter next time. KITTEN
Looks to me like he wrote SIX paragraphs. What’s your problem with his paragraphs? You can’t deal with the fact that he didn’t space the ‘graphs? That is not an uncommon thing to do, and says nothing about his breakup of his text into ‘graph groupings.
I read it. Paragraphs be damned..
Look at where the sentences end short. That’s your paragraph break.
Ddrake, I get what you are saying I’ve recently had my awakening to all that’s happening. Which I’m sure many are. But we are or I , are just waking up we are lost confused and totally unprepared for such a waking. What can one do when they have nothing, no one per say, I’m far from a leader, organizer, but I do care for our country , are morals ( we had some still do) , our rights, most important is our FREEDOM! But when your just waking up , with no strong backing, with responsibility what how does one do it.
I will take a crack at answering your question. It won’t be a complete answer because I don’t know what your situation is beyond what you’ve written. Also, it may not be a thoroughly satisfactory answer if it pushes you in a direction that you aren’t comfortable with.
First, what Ddrake says is true and I would take it a step further: Every American citizen that is legally and physically able has a moral responsibility to be armed. The 2nd Amendment is the Federal Government’s guarantee (forever) of an inalienable right to self defense. With that right comes the very serious responsibility to learn how to safely use a firearm. If you do not presently own a pistol, revolver, rifle or shotgun, seek out an accredited gun range in your area and talk with the range safety officers and their knowledgeable customers. You may be very pleasantly surprised at how helpful they will be in getting you to a firearms decision that is right for you.
Second, READ and RESEARCH. Most Americans are woefully ignorant of what the Constitution and Bill of Rights says, much less what they mean. Read the Federalist papers, written by Hamilton, Madison and Jay. These documents enshrine what it means to be an American in a Constitutional Republic. There are many other resource materials that you will inevitably find, but these will get you started down the right path.
Third, ENGAGE. Perhaps you are not a leader or organizer today, but I’m sure you know people that have grown or been thrust into positions of leadership in various capacities. The world is full of mentors, including many that don’t know they are fulfilling that role. Find good role models.
Fourth, be CONFIDENT. As you do the things listed above, you will surely develop associations that will expand and reinforce what you have come to learn.
And finally, what Selco has written provides a wealth of wisdom gained from the school of very hard knocks. If you read all of his material you will understand that we are very fortunate to have him with us, even if only in a virtual sense. What he endured is the equivalent of DEFCON 4, while most Americans aren’t even at DEFCON 1, or don’t even know what that term means. No one, and especially Selco, would wish that his experiences should be repeated upon the rest of civilization.
I don’t know if my comments are of any specific help to you, but I wish you the very best in your journey of awakening.
“Well regulated” in 1776 simply meant “well equipped,” not a stack of rules and regulations. Plenty of powder, balls, patches, muskets, rifles, flint, and whatever else is needed for firearms. And even canon and all that makes them work.
Yes, Bill Clinton hates militias. The good news is, Hillary Clinton LOVES militias! Ordinarily, US Embassies are protect by US Marines. Not the embassy in Benghazi. Hillary hired a local muslim militia to protect that installation–which is why things ended so well there. Read about it in the book (won’t see it watching the movie) 13 Hours.
People do not comprehend what the BLOOD of their Forefathers purchased, the power that they have been given and possess, through the 2nd Amendment, beyond the right to bear arms, which is the Constitutional MILITIA. As if their brains gel and the eyes glaze over, they have been PROGRAMMED to overlook it and push it out of their conscience as if it is some nasty and hateful term rejected by society.
Like many Mind Control campaigns, the MEDIA is responsible for this intentional “programming”, waged against the Constitutional 2nd Amendment Militia – because they are owned by our ENEMIES, and work to Subvert our Nation to destroy it, as has become so glaringly apparent with the advent of Donald Trump. An active attack against the term “Militia” began in the 1990’s under Billy Boy RAPIST TRAITOR SELL-OUT Clinton. Ruby Ridge and Waco are 2 good examples of the term “Militia” being associated with crazies by the Media, even if these People were not actually crazy, but the campaign was to paint it as such whether they were or not, with one goal to make the term Militia appear as repulsive, and an outright crazy man’s thoughts . Subtle Mind Manipulation, as the Media is well versed – in SELLING what they want to sell.
The fact of the matter is this. The 2nd Amendment Constitutional Militia is “Well Regulated” BY the Constitution alone. Nobody can argue this fact or try to say that there is any aspect of the Govt. that has authority above it, to “Regulate” or command the Militia, but the Constitution itself BY the People. The People ARE the Law BY the Constitution. THEY Govern America BY the Constitution. States possess no Powers Above the People concerning points not addressed by the Constitution, and cannot annul, limit or malign the Will of the People according to basic Common Law or Constitutional Rights. Neither does ANY aspect of the Govt. OF the People, BY the People FOR the People possess ANY Powers to suspend, negate or limit ANY part of the Constitution. Those CRIMINALS who attempt to do so will likely get “Suspended” from the end of a ROPE, sooner than later.
The 2nd Amendment Militia has much more Power than what the People realize or comprehend, in that the Constitution itself can be Upheld, Preserved and Enforced BY that Militia. Having those precepts as the foundation and premise whereupon it operates. No other assembly of “Armed” People within America has any Lawful or legitimate purpose, and is therefore Criminal, unless they are directed BY the People according to the Constitution. Only the 2nd Amendment Constitutional Militia has the Authority and Legitimacy to assemble and Operate to Preserve, Uphold and ENFORCE the Constitution against those Usurpers of the People and the Supreme Law of the Land, especially those within our Govt. that seek to Subvert it. No other Force has authority over it – ONLY the Constitution itself. In all reality the Constitutional Militia has authority over ALL other Military Forces within America. How is it not? It is quite the contrary to what is suggested and perceived. No authority can be determined to surpass the Militia. None can be determined that stands above. None does.
This is the entire point, which has gone unrealized for so long. Nothing stands above the Constitutional Militia in ENFORCING the Constitution, and nothing ever should.
This is how We the People overcome the Enemies within that seek our destruction. It is time the People had better come to this realization. Time to activate this Absolute RIGHT and Establish its preeminence among the People and within their minds.
Wish I could say it better, but time to wake up to what the Blood of your Forefathers gave you. The Law and Power is Of the People, By the People and For the People BY the Constitution. The People are Sovereign over it all, and the 2nd Amendment Militia existing within the Constitution demonstrates and confirms that perfectly. (Amen, editor)
My experience has been that, except for brief moments of chaos, there’s always someone with a big stick that enforces some sort of rules on those around them, until someone(s) with a bigger stick comes along to subjugate them along with the rest. Power vacuums are almost always quite brief. At the least, you will end up with a Darwinian style anarchy where the strongest and most capable will take over in the absence of any other leadership emerging. It is at these moments where you must pay close attention to what’s going on and be ready to adapt. Usually being the gray man in these situations is more desirable. But there may be occasion where you must take drastic action quickly, and you must be able to recognize the difference. It is one of those street skills you have to pick up on or you could be put in peril before you are able to respond. My life experience says things almost never go as planned, so factor that into any situation you might imagine. You never want to get caught in a confrontation you can’t control.
We see DROL all the time. It’s not an unusual concept. It’s just on a smaller scale or a less violent one.
It’s a simple as a gang getting busted and thrown in jail but the next day someone is selling dope on their “turf” under their own rules. At the job worksite Linda, on the top floor, gets hit by a car tomorrow Nancy is measuring her office for the new couch and implementing policy. A politician dies of Alzheimers and in a few days someone is sitting in the seat doing their thing instead of the recently passed propositions.
Okie Matt…good observations. Yes, you’re right about the system behind the drug dealer…it is quite organized and has a set of rules. Also, corporations don’t hesitate to replace their “human” resources quickly. Good examples of DROL.
Part of my personal view:
The BIG difference between where Selco has been and where the world is going is that in the future there will be no outside sources of energy dribbling sustenance into the void. That small but steady drip is what allowed Selco to stay alive.
There will be a small number of developed pockets worldwide [elite life boats, I call them] with the remainder of the world in dieoff with some scattered individuals or small groups speeding back to the stone age.
About three months after “they” take away the electrical power, it will be a world that Selco has never seen [but probably imagined often].
Interesting, I’m not saying that is impossible (also considering the possibility of EMPs, CMEs and all that), but I keep wondering who will provide and operate for this elite? I mean… can’t see Bill and Melinda or Elon gardening, fixing the leaks in the roof, chopping wood or shooting the invading hordes from the window of their bunkers.
Yeah they could bring paid hands but either way, sustaining even a small a community takes a lot of work and resources, especially at the ‘elite’ level they’re used to, and in normal times. Is it possible to be fully prepared for that? Of course, when you’re a multi billionaire everything is possible. But I keep thinking about all the details and developments,how such thing could be.
Both you and Selco have good points.
I think the WROL time in America, will be in 2 parts. the Local timing and a more National one. Which is where we have to make a distinction.
The local one will be shorter and will become DROL.
Don’t expect the Good guys, Militia, etc. to be the ones in control here. At least not at first. Especially in the Cities, there expect the criminals organizations, political or religious groups or even street gangs to rule. At first it will probably be different groups controlling different pats of the city.
In the outer towns and rural areas, you are more likely to find local groups setting up the ROL for their areas, rather quickly.
Now these will likely change from time to time, as different groups fight it out for ultimate control of that area.
Eventually these will band together to in to larger areas (States or national maybe), all having common rules.
So expect an ever changing landscape of; WROL, then DROL then possible a new shorter WROL as groups fight for control, to set up a new DROL again.
Rinse and repeat, until you get a new “statewide” or larger universal ROL established.
Now these new “states” probably will not resemble current ones, with different borders, laws and even customs or populations.
Not everyone is happy with the Current Model of Government. There are many communists and other groups out there, So don’t be surprised (regardless of the Militia’s), that you won’t ever get back to the system we currently know.
Although I agree in part. This is a oversimplification of it and these Acronyms get in the way.
One ” size” never really fits all. In this case it does not cover all scenarios.
Basically, WROL is Anarchy. Now Anarchy is not a stable social/political construct.
It always is fairly quickly replaced by something else, But here is the key and the qualifier: in group dynamics. Out where there are few people, a form of WROL,may exist for some length time.
Let me spell that out; when you get a group of people( ie Survival group), a close knit community, city, town, Etc, a structure of leadership will evolve. Be it a War Lord, a Dictator or a Council of leaders.
People crave structure, Some people crave power, Put those two together in an Anarchy scenario and some form of structured government will arise. That is a fact. History proves it.
This can become a real DROL, but then again, it may not be that different. No more so than we currently have different laws, from state to state or city to city.
Now the scope of this new system will vary. It might be very local or “state wide” or larger. Yet there may still be areas outside of that area of control, that are basically WROL.
The size of these areas of control will vary and may change over time. Which is another variable that must be considered.
These are very complex, social/ political constructs that are hard to define or predict.
The out come of a SHTF( ie Anarchy).,will depend in part on what the people had in the form of a former government. If they lived under an Authoritarian form, they are much more likely to accept a Dictatorship, War Lord, etc, than those who formerly lived under a form of democracy.
Even though the people of a former democracy might accept a dictatorship for a time, it is likely to be overthrown, in favor of a more democratic government.
So this is a very complex subject, with lots of variables and subject to changes over time. So beware in accepting or making simplistic assumptions.
You say, “people crave structure”.
I say, despite appearances, people crave structure no more than wolves or cheetahs crave structure.
Simply because human societies appear to ubiquitously thrive on structure does not translate as an innate characteristic of the species.
Shall we include with structure that humans crave subjugation, abuse, and elite privilege, all of which seem to thrive in human societies?
“…beware in… making simplistic assumptions.”
I disagree–I certainly crave “structure”. I may not always have it, but I like to sleep in the same place, same bed. I like to prepare and consume my meals in the same place. I like to hunt/fish/trap in the same, familiar places. I like to garden in the same place. I like to look out of my windows for the same street views I presently have. I do NOT crave “…subjugation, abuse, and elite privilege…”. That’s why I’ve armed myself…
Who do you know that isn’t living within structure?
You submitted to structure by commenting on a blog forum in a language without breaking the rules. You crave to be heard and submit to structure to accomplish it.
Both examples of wolves and cheetahs use a lot of structure. Watch either hunt, establish pecking order, raise young or interact. A lot of structure.
The lone wolf is pushed out rather than opting out.
Great article Selco, and very appropriate for the changing times ahead.
Lots of room for speculation regarding what sort of “law” would be imposed, but we all do know one thing and that’s that nature hates a vacuum. Someone or some thing will fill any power void. In fact, there is likely to be a succession of DROLs as bigger fish replace smaller fish and implement their own idea of law. An emerging authority will have to be able to do three things – do favors for supporters, successfully control, manage, and distribute resources, and have the means to enforce the laws they implement. Those of us having to exist in this “new normal”, to steal a phrase, probably won’t like it very much.
All one has to do is work in a correctional facility/jail to see that there is never a vacuum in power.
If the “heavy” leaves then either a new one or small group takes over. Alliances and allegiances can constantly shift because people have to “survive” on the range.
People too often get caught up in the “verbals”.
Words put things nicely in a “box”, but actions are always louder and have more meaning.
Those who can think outside the box, adapt, and “move” with those around them will always be in a better situation than those who stick to rigid thinking and wanting things the “way they were”.
Knowledge is power, and adaptability lets you harness that power to its greatest level.
There’s no mystery of who will fill the power vacuum. It’s been preplanned. The war we’re fighting now is an extension of our War for Independence. It’s the same old European powers. You can bet they will show up, just after collapsing the U.S. government.
We’re going to need all able-bodied Americans to defend our system and way of life. After we kick their butts once more, follow them back across the ocean and finish the job.
I’ve been planning for DROL or the initial anarchy (warlord ROL). Mostly, mental preparation, as most of my physical preparations keep undoing themselves. (Tame way to say “what I did a year ago to prepare to address X, apparently didn’t happen ‘then’, according to ‘now’.” Either interpretation of this issue (it’s real, it’s in my head) means that I (!) can’t rely on physical preparations. Instead, I’m relegated to emulating Tae Kwon Do’s “adapt ‘your situation now’ to ‘your needs now’ to win”.)
PS: The ongoing reduction of Gulf Stream flow is going to color your 10-20 year future. The cold latitudes are going to move closer to the Equator.
PPS: The potential Earth wobble, and potential solar micronova, will likewise color your 10-40 year future. The wobble may trigger worldwide tsunamis. The micronova may substitute for a brief Nuclear Winter.
PPPS: The ongoing reduction in Earth’s magnetic field, confirmed to be hastening as of late 2020, will likewise affect your future, especially if the field fails for 100 years – compasses will be unreliable from year to year.