I Have a Few Questions About the Second Trump Assassination Attempt

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Author of How to Prep When You’re Broke and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course

Friends, I have a few questions about the second Trump assassination attempt in as many months. I don’t have answers for these questions (though I do have some theories – but not enough evidence to voice most of them.)

My questions

Here goes…

  • Why, shortly after the first assassination attempt, was a second would-be assassin able to get within 400 feet of where Mr. Trump was about to be?
  • How did this fellow, Ryan Routh, who is from North Carolina but now lives in Hawaii know precisely when Mr. Trump would decide to play a last-minute round of golf?
  • How did Ryan Routh end up getting a gun legally, especially after this incident with a gun in 2002?
  • Does it seem oddly coincidental that Ryan Routh was ALSO in a Black Rock commercial, just like Thomas Matthew Crooks, the first guy to take a crack at Mr. Trump?
  • Why the heck are the lefties still screaming that Trump and his supporters are a “threat to democracy” when they keep trying to KILL the dude running for president? Who’s the real threat here?
  • What kind of a**-backward thinking is it to BLAME TRUMP for people trying to shoot him? From NBC: “Today’s apparent assassination attempt comes amid increasingly fierce rhetoric on the campaign trail. Mr. Trump, his running mate JD Vance continue to make baseless claims about Haitian immigrants” in Springfield, Ohio, resulting in bomb threats.”
  • What kind of country are we going to have if the third attempt succeeds? We’ll have a president who never won any kind of primary and just got put on the ballot without any due process, after the guy who won a primary was murdered? Can you say “banana republic?” Which of these is the REAL threat to democracy?
  • Why was Ryan Routh the star of this article from a Polish website?
  • On that note, why, oh why, don’t career politicians know that we have a constitutional republic?
  • Why is the media pretending they have no idea what Ryan Routh’s political ideology is?


I’m thankful that Gov. Ron DeSantis has taken over the investigation. Perhaps this time, we’ll get some answers.

My conclusion: Our media is the biggest threat to truth and “democracy” in this country.

What do you think?

Do you have more questions to add to the list? Do you have answers to any of these questions?

Let’s discuss it in the comments section.

While we still can.

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.

Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand Survival.com You can find her on FacebookPinterestGabMeWeParlerInstagram, and Twitter.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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80 Responses

  1. The purpose of Kill Trump Effort #2 at the golf course is to launder the Secret Service. After #1 in Butler, PA they need to look competent and conscientious. This way, when attempt #3 comes along in a few weeks, they don’t look so totally inept. Basically they are dummying up the numbers on their public scoreboard.

  2. Based on his prior social media posts, it appears that the suspect Routh (who seems to be a real “crackpot”) supported Trump in 2016 but later turned against him in part because of Trump’s perceived lack of support for Ukraine.

  3. I agree with all said above including why virtually all supposedly knowledgeable people keep calling our country a democracy. That really irks me.

    In addition to that, I cannot for the life of me figure out why so many people hate Trump. He was a good president and did so many good things for us and our country.

    1. For one, redefining a word is a well-known tactic of the left. Their aim is to destroy the republic and one way to do that is to repeatedly define the current corruption as democracy. Half of the people of this country will believe whatever they are told by the “authorities”.

      Secondly, the people who are incapable on independent thought are told by the media and the left what to think and feel. If the media suddenly started fawning over Trump, the entire nation would suddenly love Trump.

  4. A whistle blower story about how ABC pretty much set up the debate in Cackleberry’s favor broke at roughly the same time as this assignation attempt.
    I think the reason you have so many thoughtful questions may be because media is seeking to bury the whistle blower story. It’s a doozy!
    The link is for the Times Daily.


    1. Thank You missouri patriot for the link. The msm is just a propaganda machine for the democrat party. It was a 3 person tag team against Donald Trump in that Trump-Harris debate and Donald Trump still was able to give people the most important reasons why they should vote for him. And that was that Americans were better off economically and safer under him than under the Biden/Harris administration?

  5. Ya know, part of me just wants him to stay at Mar-a-Lago & stay out of the limelight until we vote & stop giving the insane the opportunity to attempt to kill him the third time. Those who are loyal to him will vote for him no matter what. Rallies are unnecessary at this point (in my opinion), few are swayed.

    He should make a point of their rhetoric has put his life in danger & therefore he must make this choice. I’m sure I’m wrong, I’m just so dang angry of all of this in your face corruption.

    It would stink that he’d have to live like a hermit but at least he’d be alive.

    1. I agree and just said that to a friend. It’s only about six weeks? He’d be happy and comfortable just staying home. I don’t want to find out what happens if he’s killed before Election Day.

  6. Speaking with the darkly cynical take one can only get from growing up among politicians and being educated BY them alongside their own children… I’m not going to say this IS the case just noting it as a POSSIBLE scenario.

    Item: USSS has MASSIVE PR problems, and needs some WINS quick to stave off the critics calling for their dissolution and the portfolio being transferred to another agency. Item: The guy in charge now was the guy who actively MADE the day-to-day decisions running the agency that led to J13.

    If you run an agency protecting someone you despise and would rather see in the dirt, and you know plenty of people on your own side that are violently inclined and hate that person with a homicidal, even suicidal, passion, and you need a high-profile Win to keep your job… isn’t it plausible that one in that position might consider setting one or two such True Believers up as patsies in a few Pawn Sacrifices for the greater good of The Glorious Cause?

    I’m not saying that necessarily IS how anybody at the top was thinking despite my abyssally-low opinion of Rowe and the rest of current USSS “leadership”*snort* as a former protective professional myself… but we’ve seen far less plausible in newspaper headlines.

  7. I’m tired of the argument people have between whether the US is a democracy and republic. No one is going to win that argument! Can’t we just say we have a country? I think the powers that be don’t want us to use that word anymore though, because last time I checked countries have borders. Which means we are falling right into their hands. RIP USA

    1. What is the difference between a democracy and a republic (political parties have nothin to do with it)?
      Somebody should ask Trump that question.
      And all other politicians.

  8. Woke up this morning, checked the news and saw headlines about a second attempt and was like,
    This guy looks like all kind of special.
    Did he get within 400 feet? I read it was between 400-500 yards with a AK-47.
    Going to give it another day or so for more information to come out, do the analysis and then make a conclusion.
    At least the SS did disrupt the plot before zippy could of taken a shot.

  9. The Mainstream Media AND all ignorant leftists are responsible for being the biggest threats to Truth in our Constitutional Republic.
    Keep your heads on a swivel, because things are only going to get worse – never better.
    Blessings to you,

  10. “What kind of country are we going to have if the third attempt succeeds? We’ll have a president who never won any kind of primary and just got put on the ballot without any due process, after the guy who won a primary was murdered?” ~ If a third attempt on his life succeeds, we will surely be in an uncival war, between leftists and patriots in this nation.
    It will never be proven but the left has paid off the secret service, and that is the reason that Trump is left exposed to the assassins. Trump needs to kick the secret service out of town, and locate some real patriots to protect him.

    1. There is a possibility that this is not coming from the left. The left thinks they can beat Trump. So the question has to be asked, who else benefits. So far we have two assassins linked to the Republicans and the Democrats. He has enemies on both sides.

    2. Old Duffer if the globalists succeed in murdering Donald Trump the brainwashed democrats will be cheering and we will be a giant step closer to a the kind of dystopia George Orwell wrote about in 1984. The msm will of course blame Trump for what they did and shed few if any crocodile tears for his death.

    3. if Trump were to be assassinated then the people who just want to be left alone will come out of the woodwork. 100 million pissed off, well armed Americans saying’ this is enough, and this may be the Dems plan to stop the elections. but it will backfire on them.

  11. I wonder where this would be assassin got the money to fly from Hawaii to Ukraine and promise $1200/month to folks willing to fight for Ukraine?

    Who paid for his lodging and food while there?

    And some Ukrainians seemed willing to listen to his proposal of bringing in Afghanis to fight for Ukraine, though evidently nothing came of it.

    Why would a foreign government take time to listen to a random crackpot?
    Unless maybe he was sent by an intelligence agency?

    I wish someone would “follow the money” on this guy.
    We would likely learn who is behind him.
    Same with Crooks.

    I don’t believe in the “lone crackpot theory.”

    1. Val more than likely Routh is a state sponsored terrorist like the last one. I am glad DeSantis has taken over the investigation. The Biden/globalist federal agencies cannot be trusted.

  12. Harris would not automatically become president with no election if, God forbid, Trump were assassinated. I don’t know what the procedure would be. But I know that his assassin would not be crowned.

    1. Actually if Trump was assassinated, J. D. would become the Republican candidate. One does have to wonder from which direction the assassins are coming.

      1. This is your second comment about the attempts not being from Democrats, despite both of the would-be assassins being Trump-hating Democrats. And now you’re implying that it’s J.D. Vance behind it.

        That’s twisted.

        1. Actually both are linked to Republicans. One was a registered Republican and the other was a disillusioned Trump voter who wanted Ramaswamy and Haley for the presidency. They only registered for the Democratic Primary after Trump took the Republican Primary. And yes JD is a possible suspect since he is tight with the Heritage Foundation. Democrats think they can beat Trump. So possibly assassinating him doesn’t make much sense.

  13. Apparently the commercial is a promotional video by an American/Ukrainian lobbying group on Capitol Hill depicting protesters. There are said to be many other photos of Routh attempting to influence Congress.

  14. Well from all the clues given so far, the would be assassin was a disillusioned Trump supporter who seems to be all over the map politically. In 2016 he voted for Trump. By 2020 he didn’t vote for Trump but wrote him a letter saying why he couldn’t vote for Trump. He was a Haley and Ramaswamy supporter until they dropped out of the race. And later on registered as a Democrat for the primary. Now it is possible he is far left member of the Republican Party ie “I didn’t leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me” type or George W. Bush Republican. Just trying to figure out his anger mostly. Is he angry from Democrat talking points or is he angry because he feels abandoned by the Republican Party.

    1. 1. Rhino’s are not the Rep. base….they are the go along to get along that “claim” they are Republican’s during election years…have controlled the party at least post Reagan and thus “not left behind” by the party.
      2. What was the “Blue Dog Democrat has totally been abandoned by current Dems probably earlier than Clinton ( not Hilary), but at least since.
      3. Something fishy about Butler and is “ just incompetence”. I say this as someone who assisted as local LEO in various political visits in 80’-90’s…. Protocols evolve and Improve…not get worse…..
      4. Propaganda info from news is repetitive, escalated and constant…telling you indirectly that is the side with the agenda…not the right (am not discounting Rhinos here either)
      5. An awful lot of $$$ expenses in flying all over and being a whack job, not to mention criminal charges with no apparent actions taken.
      6. # something weird about #1 too…why release body so soon, why erase crime scene so soon….especially when “conveniently incompetent” seems to be the SS excuse and FBI assisting.
      I realize those agencies often took credit for locals hard work in past, and here seemed to want to blame them and throw ( wrongly) under the bus, but something smells…..

  15. It’s said that the attempted assassin had an AK-47. If that were a true AK-47, that is a machine gun, illegal (per ATF rules) for a civilian to have without special permission. How and where did he get his hands on one of those? It is known that the Chinese have smuggled in thousands of AK-47 rifles (10,000 in two containers were stopped, how many thousands got by when only one in fifty containers were being checked?) so did he get his rifle from the Chinese? It’s reported that Crooks also had an AK-47.

    1. To take the argument further, how many of those unchecked containers hold Iskander missiles or biological pathogens? Putin has been warning everybody that DC’s actions will provoke a response from any of a number of proxies with an axe to grind. DC’s illusion of invulnerability can be shattered at any time.

  16. There are three distinct groups that profit from a Trump assassination. Democrats, RINOs and Far Right/Project 2025. Democrats of course are the ones most likely blamed. But many Democrats think Harris will beat Trump. Of course with him out of the way, Harris would definitely beat Vance.

    RINOs. Because Trump has taken the party to the right, RINOs can be Never Trumpers but they could also be Bush/Reagan Republicans. The Establishment Republicans. There are already rumors that some Republicans want Trump to lose in a landslide to return the Republican Party back to the Bush Republicans. Taking out Trump could accomplish the same thing if Vance loses.Plus face it, how many people like being insultingly called RINOs.

    Far Right/Project 2025. If Trump was gone, Vance would be the Presidential candidate. Perhaps a MAGA VP candidate would be added. Vance is already tight with the Heritage Foundation and Trump has already pushed back on Project 2025. Additionally, Trump has softened his stances on abortion and LGBTQ. And lets go down one more rabbit hole. Many were shocked that Trump picked Vance. But what if Vance was put in because Trump was slated to be assassinated by the Far Right and they knew the Left would be automatically blamed. So its not cut and dried.

    1. Trump did not take the GOP to the far right. He took it to the center with his America first policies, no more new forever wars which is what Republican neocons want. Trump is forcing the GOP to change, which many old establishment Republicans are fight but losing. Even if Trump were assassinated, the party has been changed and is not going back.
      The modern Democrat party has gone so far Left, they make traditional Democrats look like Republicans. They are not the party of JFK any more.
      All projections show Harris losing the electoral college. That is why far left Democrats are calling for it to be abolished. No other party has ever tried to keep people off ballots as much as the Democrats have. From Trump, to RFK, to Jill Stein. How very un-democratic of them.

      1. Most of the world sees the Democrats and Republicans as both right wing with Democrats as Center Right. Just saying.

        1. Then why are so many traditional Democrats calling out how the far left wing progressives have taken over the Democrat party? It was Elon Musk who said he did not leave the party, the party left him. Since then, many prominent Democrats have called on various agencies to censor or even arrest Musk on BS charges. Why is the far left wing Democrats suddenly embraced censorship on the level of Stalin? It is the far left wing of the Democrat party that is anti-women rights. It is the far left wing of the Democrat party that is demanding pornography be available to elementary aged children in public school elementary libraries. It is the far left wing of the Democrat party who are passing laws to allow the state to come between a parent and their child. What you are “just saying” is a lie.

          1. None of what you posted makes sense or is true for that matter. Most of the Democratic Party sees themselves as Centrist. Most Democrats see themselves as Pro Women. Most Democrats see Republicans as censoring content and banning books. Democrats aren’t promoting porn. And its the Republican Party that is getting between a parent and their child. But you already knew that.

            1. Superb service Comrade Commissar Gregg. Please continue your excellent work and effort toward the Central Parties propaganda goals on this site. Your tireless efforts will not go unrewarded. We usually recognize hard work and devoted service without fanfare in a soundproof room with sloping concrete leading to a drain in the center of the floor. For you, however, we will allow a chair.

              1. Another person who doesn’t know what a communist is, or a socialist, or how the rest of the world classifies the various political groups of the world. Here’s a hint. Communism is far left. Marxist socialism is just to the right of that. Socialism runs from Marxism to Toryism. Marxists hate Democratic Socialists and vice versa. Democrats are currently halfway in between Democratic Socialism and Toryism. Fascism is far right wing. Communists hate Fascists and vice versa. Republicans are between Toryism and Fascism. These facts are recognized by most of the world. Try to stay informed.

                1. James Gregg communism is socialism. Look up The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx if you want to be informed on the subject,

                  The communists and socialists have the exact same goal, namely state ownership and control of the means of production. The only difference is in how they want to achieve that goal. The communists through violence and the socialists voluntarily.

                  Your left, right paradigm is flawed. Typically you will see communism placed on the left and fascism placed on the right. But this separation is a fantasy.

                  On the scale of personal freedom both are on the far left. Both are authoritarian tyrannical forms of government where the people must serve and obey the state and dissenters are censored, jailed or murdered. Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Mao, Mussolini all belong on the left. The communist versus fascists rivalry can be be viewed in the same way that the Leon Trotsky versus Joseph Stalin rivalry can be viewed. Trotsky and Stalin were both communists but they disagreed on different policies. Stalin had Trotsky murdered because he considered Trotsky a threat to his power. But both believed in state control of the means of production. Think of the Crips versus the Bloods versus MS13. These are all criminal gangs. But you would say the Crips hate the Bloods and MS13 hates them both. And that MS13 is to the left of the Crips and the Bloods.

                  Your left right distinctions between the various political groups is like putting lip stick on a pig. The MAGA Republicans believe in returning power to the people both economic and political. The democrat party wants the opposite.

                  Your supposed “facts recognized by most of the world” is an example of a classical logical fallacy called bandwagon.

                  Are you a socialist James Gregg?

                2. Socialism runs from Marxism to Toryism. Toryism is the conservative form of socialism enacted by the British in the 1950s. Fascism is far right wing. It has always been far right wing. It was created to fight communism. Only Republicans seem to think it isn’t far right wing. Authoritarian governments are on the right and the left. And currently Democrats are Centrists and Republicans are closer to the far right. Sorry to burst your bubble, but these are the facts that the rest if the world understands.

                3. Comrade Commissar James Gregg, your competency as a Commissar is evident in your application of your training. However, please use caution with overuse of the word “most” in your glorious posts. One capitalist pig in particular (John Adams) is wise to our intellectual shaming and “bandwagon” tactics.

                  Carry on Comrade.

            2. More lies. Most Democrats see themselves as centrist. But it is the far left wing progressives who are the ones running the party. They are the ones who are anti-women’s rights with their promoting biological men competing in women’s sports. They are the ones who are for biological men in women’s locker rooms. They are the ones promoting teaching far left wing indoctrination in schools. They are the ones who want pornography, like the graphic novel, Gender Queer that depicts sexual acts. Republicans are trying to keep far left wing indoctrination out of schools and focus on education. Republicans are the ones trying to keep pornography like the graphic novel, Gender Queer out of elementary schools. We all know it is the far left wing Democrats who are the ones getting in between a parent and their child by the laws they pass to allow the state to take a child from a parent if they do not recognize pronouns. And you know it.

              1. Most of what Progressives want is already seen as normal by the rest of the world ie the center of a political spectrum.

              2. Republicans are seen as anti-women because they don’t allow women to make choices with their bodies. Left wing indoctrination is not taught in schools. The only thing taught in schools are science and other non religious courses. Banning any books is wring as is banning content. Don’t like it, don’t read it. Parents want their children to read certain books. And Republicans are the ones getting between a parent and their children in healthcare. First it was birth control, then sex education and now they are pushing their religious morals between parents and their transgender children.

            3. Parents launch court battle after state removes child from home over improper pronoun use

              Mom who lost custody of daughter sounds alarm on bill requiring parents to ‘affirm’ child’s gender identity

              A Maryland Couple Lost Custody Of Their Autistic Son After Refusing To Transition His Gender. Now They’re Suing.

              1. Probably because when you deny children the chance to talk about sexual orientation and gender identity, you are bullying them into something they feel they are not. But giving them the freedom to express themselves without being bullied makes happier kids. We are talking about 5% of the population. Most kids are male or female. But some are not.

                1. I’m not sure what world you are living in but it is not the same as the rest of us. Possibly a leftist media inspired delusional utopia? You are speaking of the Western world and that is the region of Earth that is slowly succumbing to the progressive, WEF control. Republicans are NOT trying to ban books. They are trying to keep inappropriate books, like pornographic Gender Queer, out of elementary schools. You can have them at home and shower your children with porn all you want, although it will make them addicts and nonfunctioning in society. Also, going against a parent to allow a child to make decisions with lifelong ramifications is evil, irresponsible, violates every level of morality and should not be the decision of politicians. As a reminder, anything involving tax dollars means we all have a say in how they are used and that includes school funding and healthcare spending. NO I AM NOT OK FOR MY TAX DOLLARS TO BE USED IN THE DRIVE THRU ABORTION CLINICS CONVENIENTLY PLOPPED IN THE MAJORITY OF EVERY POOR INNER CITY AND RURAL NEIGHBORHOOD IN THIS COUNTRY. See Gregg, that’s how a Constitutional Republic works. We ALL have a say, despite what the far left, center left, far right or any other dipshit wants. And for the record, I’m a Cuban and I am very well aware of the motives of America’s modern “Democrat” party (aka American Communist Party). America does not want it and will not stand for it and things will get very ugly for those who side with it. Fyi, I’m also not a Republican.

                2. Well said Iamnotyourproperty. I just couldn’t be civil to Ole boy, james greg, or whatever gender he/she/it is. So best me not say anything else.

                3. Are you a Democrat? Because it sure sounds like it. Sounds like you are ok with children being transitioned and taken away by the state. There are 2 genders, male and female. See this is why I don’t reply on here much, because we got leftwing nutcase thinking there are 152 different genders, godless gutless and I just can’t go on… I just want to tell you James Greg that God loves you and I hope you get your head out your are before it’s too late.

                4. I doubt he’s a Democrat because I think he’s not an American. Sounds like a European socialist/globalist with all his what-the-rest-of-the-world-thinks-of-America garbage.

                5. James Gregg your statement
                  “when you deny children the chance to talk about sexual orientation and gender identity, you are bullying them into something they feel they are not” is just so wrong.

                  Parents pay for schools to teach their children the basic subjects they need to know to be productive citizens. It is not the schools job to indoctrinate children with sexual orientation and gender identity nonsense subjects that radical gay people want in schools. There is no freedom of speech conflict here. If you pay someone to teach your kid math and they instead teach your child basketball that is just plain wrong.

                  Children can talk all they want about almost anything they want unless the school is controlled by a far left extremist school administration. Bullying and denying children the right to speak is a practice of the left and so is projection which is what you are doing here.

                6. Didn’t say the school was teaching them. I said the kids were talking about. Republicans want to censor kids free speech.

                1. Amazing is the denial of reality of what far left wing progressives say and do. We all see it. After laws have been passed in Florida to prevent far left wing indoctrination, they were having meetings on how to get around the law.
                  That one doctor got busted on video for discussing how transgender care was a money maker for hospitals and drug companies. Studies have shown transgender are really confused kids who most grow out of it by their late teens or early twenties. But far left wing progressives want surgeries to cut off healthy body organs, give children gender chemicals even chemical castration. Other studies show these kids then become depressed, anxious and even suicidal.

        2. My parents were staunch Democrats…have a photo of my Dad with JFK…that said…my Fad insisted Johnson was a crook. My Dad-was WWII vet, union, but staunchly proud, don’t take handouts kind of person…he would never have voted for current Dems

    2. Actually James Gregg there is only one group that benefits from the assassination of their prime political opponent. You are over thinking this. Look up banana republic politics.

    3. Have you actually read project 2025?
      A lot of it is simply like many of past platforms…but then that was when flags, the pledge and God were desired at BOTH conventions….not portable abortion clinics etc
      Also should point out…MANY Dems are NOT confident Harris could beat Trump or Vance….that seems to be the “Drink the Cool-aid” propagandists “news” line.
      Also Agenda 2025 was a diverse pool of groups, think tanks etc and they didn’t give it to Trump, but once leaked the “News” has tried to use it

  17. Martin County Sheriff William Snyder wants to know how the would be assassin knew of Trump’s unannounced publicly plans to play golf. He hid out on the edge of the golf course, his cell phone pinged 12 hours in advance. Who tipped him off?

    1. This guy (Routh), ain’t gonna live to see a trial. He’s going to be Oswalded when he meets his Jack Ruby. He’s a groomed “Patzi”

  18. They can’t let President Trump live. They know Harris’ true numbers (~9%) and that she can not win, even with all of the cheating. It’s the only way they can stay in power.
    The plot looks more like JFK 2.0 every day.

  19. If TPTB wanted him dead, he’d be dead. They’d not have hired two-bit players. Alleged assassin #1 was living with the parental unit. Alleged assassin #2 was a former supporter upset with former-we-hope-remains-former “president” is in a bromance with Putin.

  20. What Second Trump Assassination Attempt?

    MSNBC says it was a “Trump golf club incident”. And if Donald Trump did get assassinated would they say he died “in a golf cub accident”? Probably.

    The real fascists, extremists and threat to democracy is the globalist controlled mainstream brainwashing machine and the democrat party leaders.

    Man in custody after Trump golf club incident was once convicted of possessing a machine gun
    MSNBC Sep 16, 2024

  21. The left think that republicans, conservative Christian Trump supporters are to stupid to see what is going on. It’s easy to see who the stupid ones are!

  22. I’m just tired of folks who can’t tell a representative republic from a democracy.
    Who thinks discussion about sex with pictures on sexuality and its mechanics are ok clear down to preschool.
    What’s the problem with a well defined, enforced border?
    And does anyone actually believe a Marxist would have a good take on food leadership or a happy life?
    I can think of enough reasons ( non of which I agree with) to asinate a political rival. And enough reactions to that to wish for a really good invisible hiddy hole. Or an invisibility cloning device. Or an invisible island on an alternative reality planet. In other words, a quiet escape from the reality of here.
    I’m finding life on planet earth 2024 to be an unbelievable reality. If we could travel back a few short years no one would believe our report of what is coming. And Whoopi…. We get to live in it. It barely even even resembles the planet I was born on in the 1940s. Growing up in the ‘50s and 60s was wonderful mixed into strange. Each decade has seemingly become wilder and and more far fetched than the last. We watched nation after nation either work to modify Marxism and make it more survivable it free ones fell headlong into it. We are just a vote away from being or not being full fledged Marxists. We’ve seen the economic destruction it brings. We watched as religion- the natural enemy of Communism/ Marxism- is put down, feared, and displaced. We forget it is “God given” human rights that made America great. Yet our people are swallowing the opposite philosophy as truth.
    I don’t know anything to do but tell it as I see it. And hope and pray we stay free.

  23. Why the heck are the lefties still screaming that Trump and his supporters are a “threat to democracy” when they keep trying to KILL the dude running for president? Who’s the real threat here? ANSWER: Trump really is a threat to ‘democracy’ as defined by the left, because the USA is not a democracy…IT’S A REPUBLIC!!!!!! The left can not tolerate a republic they cannot control.

  24. Crooks wasn’t the real shooter. Just a patsy. He was spotted the show could start. The USSS agent will probably be reprimanded for being over zealous at doing his job

  25. My mind is a jumble over all of this. There are so many lies, so much deception, so much gaslighting from the Dems. They call him a liar, they say he’s dangerous, wants to destroy democracy. What are they seeing that we don’t see? Are they all drugged?? Has he lied? Oh I’m sure he has, or exaggerated at the very least. We all do at times, be honest. Jesus didn’t die on a cross for saints, he died for us sinners. But when has he ever wanted to do anything but GOOD for this country?? HOW would he be dangerous? Hmmm, I think there are things that have been done in that White House that he’d find out about when he goes back, and that’s dangerous for all those evil people. He’d fire so many corrupt government workers. He’d undo everything Joe undid when he went in there and half destroyed this country.

    I live in Butler County, PA. Corey Comperatore’s widow lives 2 miles away and I pass her house almost every day. Sadly, I did not know them in person. I saw him outside around the house for years, saw his 2 dogs. Our fire station is just down the hill from them where he was a firefighter. Those are the firefighters I’ve counted on when we had a problem. I just dropped off cases of water and Gatorade a week or 2 before Corey died – I also used to be a part of a fire company 37 years ago, when I was an EMT. I know what they do, I know they need fluids when it’s 90 outside, and I support every company in our radius.

    Sorry, got off track. My 17 year old grandson and 3 friends were going to the rally that day, but a friend and I were talking and we both felt a little weirded out somehow about it – we didn’t like the location. Last time, they had it at an airport in Butler and it was much easier to keep safe. We weren’t feeling it that day, just wayyy too many buildings around the Farm Show grounds. I never thought of that building where it happened from. I told my boy it was going to be so hot, they had to go early and stand in long lines, and would be melted. It worked, the others were feeling that way too. So we sat at our daughter’s house and watched it – in horror. Corey and Helen were out in the crowd and texted a girl from our church (all had graduated together) that someone came and asked if they’d like to sit behind Trump. SO excited!! Now we know how that ended. I believe it was God’s will for Trump to be saved that day, but on the other hand, why was it Corey’s last day? One day, in Heaven, maybe we’ll get answers to all life’s questions.

    I was busy with church Sunday til 2:30, then a granddaughter came over, we had no news on. Then the Steelers were playing, I didn’t turn news on til about 7:00 and couldn’t believe it had happened again. At the very least, the grounds should’ve been looked at ahead of time. A drone should’ve been up doing the same. Why not? People look through those bushes ALL the time to get pictures of him golfing – it’s way too easy for a whacko to do what he did. He waited 12 hours there and no one saw him?? And no one can explain just where he parked his car.

    As for the Black Rock commercial, I clicked your link – I don’t follow X but read from readers that it wasn’t a BR commercial, but a video in support of the Azov battalion, put out in 2022. Azov – is that Ukranian? Don’t know without Googling it. I saw many pictures on TV of him standing at protests with Azov on his shirt and had no idea what that was.

    I’m very glad Florida is conducting their own investigation. There are so many crooked people in government, including Florida, who want to take him down. I hope that is addressed and dealt with.

    I’m sorry, the rest of this is totally unrelated – I have to say that in my retirement I was a van driver for our school district (just retired). The end of May, a beautiful 12 year old boy was killed on his bicycle while riding with a friend. He was a student I drove and loved so much, as everyone – he was a good Christian boy and so good to everyone. The man who hit him was totally, completely blinded by the sun. Before it happened, a neighbor called out to the boys to get off the road because drivers wouldn’t see them – there was a reputation of sun hitting there they knew too well. An 86 year old man who was my parents’ friend was the driver and he will be devastated for life. He never saw them and he was a very slow driver.
    Less than a month later, a co-worker and part owner of the business I worked for was struck by an 18 year old boy while working in his yard – the boy fell asleep at the wheel. The man killed was the absolute best son, father, brother and friend any of us had – he was so loved, like that boy. The driver wasn’t arrested, but his mind is messed up for life. He’s my cousin’s grandson and that only added to my pain.
    Then came July 13 and what happened here. I stood on the narrow country road by my house and watched about 250 firetrucks go in a procession with Corey’s body on the back of our local firetruck, tears streaming the whole time. My heart cannot take one more thing – it is broken into a million pieces. Really good people have died and been hurt. “Please God, help me, and help our country. Father, please please keep watching over Donald Trump, and thank you for what you’ve already done. Please lead him back into the White House. We need him, Israel needs him, this whole world needs him. Please Father, heal our hearts and make us stronger, let us get through what is coming. Please weaken Satan’s grip on people’s hearts, and protect us from evil. Amen.” I feel something big is coming and we need to be ready, with God’s help.

    Sorry for such a long post. God bless you, Daisy.

  26. I enjoy your no nonsense investigative journalism. It always leads to answers and more questions. Keep up the good work and fight the good fight 🙏🏻

  27. Ms Luther a Republic if you can keep it
    Benjamin Franklin
    1976 the summer high school Government class
    Democracy was said over an over by the communist teacher
    16 years old i fought the fool
    Using the Pledge of Allegiance, justice for all and we pledge Allegiance to the REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES
    Today ONE PEOPLE
    SEE An Hear
    The sound of fury and it does SIGNIFY WAR
    They donkey /rino
    Have a very RED ARMY inside the wire
    Ms Luther uncivil war and the army of the
    DRAGON is ensconced a 20 minute run into the back door of
    Camp Pendleton Calif
    War is now a reality
    This daytime drama of hiring a POTUS
    Is a made for tv by Central CASTING
    Even TRUMP sayS so over and over
    Bottom line
    My fellow Americans the war drums are beating
    Here in commiefornia is now fooling infected by a very
    PSALM 91
    Bend the knee pray as the FOUNDERS DID
    It will step into the LIGHT
    My fellow Americans do not surrender to them
    They are not going to take Prisoners

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