The Second Lockdown Is HERE

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

Author of The Blackout Book and the online course Bloom Where You’re Planted

Almost half of the United States has again restricted movement and called for measures to slow down the spread of COVID-19. After a week straight of more than 100,000 cases per day being diagnosed across the country, the second lockdown of America has begun.

It’s important to note that it doesn’t really matter whether you personally believe that COVID-19 is risky or not. The issue that all of us face, regardless of our own belief system, is that another round of lockdowns is coming. And if you think the last lockdowns damaged the United States, Round #2 has the potential for even more extreme repercussions.

Consider this your early warning to go pick up any last-minute supplies at the store while you still can.

These are the states that have instituted new lockdown measures.

Best Life Online reports that governors in 22 states are beginning to enforce measures like curfews and the closures of “non-essential” businesses. If you live in one of the following states, you may find that restrictions are increasing quickly.

  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Florida
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Iowa
  • Kentucky
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Nebraska
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Wisconsin

Go here to get the details for each of the states mentioned above.

Edited to Add: After the publication of this article, Oregon announced a two-week “freeze”:

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown ordered a two-week “freeze” starting Wednesday, under which all businesses will be required to close their offices to the public and mandate work-from-home “to the greatest extent possible.”

While most Oregon stores will remain open, gyms, museums, pools, movie theaters and zoos will be forced to close, and restaurants and bars will be limited to takeout. Social gatherings will be restricted to six people.

The Democratic governor warned that violators could face fines or arrest.

“For the last eight months, I have been asking Oregonians to follow to the letter and the spirit of the law, and we have not chosen to engage law enforcement,” Brown said. “At this point in time, unfortunately, we have no other option.” (source)

Remember that the last time the United States faced lockdowns, things started off gradually as well. It wasn’t long before Americans were asked to stay home “for two weeks to flatten the curve.”

Just in time for the holidays

Some states are already issuing guidance for the holiday season and making rules about how many people you can invite to your get-togethers. California Governor Gavin Newsom offered the following guidance for your Thanksgiving dinner.

  • Gatherings that include more than 3 households are prohibited. This includes everyone present, including hosts and guests.  Remember, the smaller the number of people, the safer.
  • Keep the households that you interact with stable over time. By spending time with the same people, risk of transmission is reduced. Participating in multiple gatherings with different households or groups is strongly discouraged.
  • The host should collect names of all attendees and contact information in case contact tracing is needed later.
  • Gatherings that occur outdoors are significantly safer than indoor gatherings. All gatherings must be held outside. Attendees may go inside to use restrooms as long as the restrooms are frequently sanitized.
  • Gatherings may occur in outdoor spaces that are covered by umbrellas, canopies, awnings, roofs, and other shade structures provided that at least three sides of the space (or 75%) are open to the outdoors.
  • A gathering of no more than three households is permitted in a public park or other outdoor space, even if unrelated gatherings of other groups up to three households are also occurring in the same park or other outdoor space.  If multiple such gatherings are occurring, mixing between group gatherings is not allowed.  Additionally, multiple gatherings of three households cannot be jointly organized or coordinated to occur in the same public park or other outdoor space at the same time – this would constitute a gathering exceeding the permitted size.
  • Shared items should not be used during a gathering. As much as possible, any food or beverages at outdoor gatherings must be in single-serve disposable containers. If providing single-serve containers is not possible, food and beverages must be served by a person who washes or sanitizes their hands frequently, and wears a face covering. Self-serve items from communal containers should not be used.
  • When gathering, face coverings must be worn in accordance with the CDPH Guidance on the Use of Face Coverings (PDF), unless an exemption is applicable.
  • People at gatherings may remove their face coverings briefly to eat or drink as long as they stay at least 6 feet away from everyone outside their own household, and put their face covering back on as soon as they are done with the activity.
  • Face coverings can also be removed to meet urgent medical needs (for example, to use an asthma inhaler, take medication, or if feeling light-headed).
  • Gatherings should be two hours or less.  The longer the duration, the risk of transmission increases.
  • Singing, chanting, shouting, and physical exertion significantly increases the risk of COVID-19 transmission because these activities increase the release of respiratory droplets and fine aerosols into the air. Because of this, singing, chanting, and shouting are strongly discouraged, but if they occur, the following rules and recommendations apply:
    • All people who are singing or chanting should wear a face covering at all times while singing or chanting, including anyone who is leading a song or chant. Because these activities pose a very high risk of COVID-19 transmission, face coverings are essential to reduce the spread of respiratory droplets and fine aerosols;
    • People who are singing, shouting, chanting, or exercising are strongly encouraged to maintain physical distancing beyond 6 feet to further reduce risk.
    • People who are singing or chanting are strongly encouraged to do so quietly (at or below the volume of a normal speaking voice).
    • Instrumental music is allowed as long as the musicians maintain at least 6-foot physical distancing. Musicians must be from one of the three households.  Playing of wind instruments (any instrument played by the mouth, such as a trumpet or clarinet) is strongly discouraged.  (source)

Wow, that certainly sounds like a lot of fun.

New York’s Governor, Andrew Cuomo, recommends skipping Thanksgiving altogether.

“My personal advice is, you don’t have family gatherings – even for Thanksgiving,” the governor said as he listed off a number of smaller gatherings that have led to recent outbreaks across the state.

“My personal advice is the best way to say ‘I love you,’ this Thanksgiving, the best way to say ‘I’m thankful for you,’ is to say, ‘I love you so much, I’m so thankful for you, that I don’t want to endanger you, and I don’t want to endanger our family and I don’t want to endanger our friends. So we’ll celebrate virtually,’” he added.  (source)

For those who are eager to earn their brown shirts early, you probably won’t have long to wait. I’m sure that some kind of system will be set up in certain states to make it easy for neighbors to snitch on each other in the event that one family presumes to invite more people to the Thanksgiving festivities than are “allowed.” This is a surefire way to further erode social trust if we aren’t already having enough issues in our communities.

We could be facing even more strenuous restrictions soon.

Currently, this is happening on a state-by-state basis, but it’s possible we could be looking at restrictions on a national level. When/If (depending on your political outlook) Joe Biden is inaugurated in January, it may not take long for an even more extreme lockdown to occur. But don’t worry, they’ll give you money.

Dr. Michael Osterholm, an infectious-disease specialist and a member of Mr. Biden’s recently appointed COVID-19 advisory team, spoke with Yahoo! Finance on Wednesday about measures the U.S. could take to curtail the virus’ spread. One option he said is worth considering: Imposing a four-to-six week shutdown of the country while providing workers, small business owners and local governments with hundreds of billions in financial aid to tide them over, he noted.

“We have a big pool of money out there that we could borrow, at historic low interest rates by the federal government. We could pay for a package right now to cover all of the lost wages for individual workers, losses to small companies and medium-sized companies, for cities, states, county governments,” Osterholm said in the interview.

He continued: “If we did that then we could lock down for four to six weeks, and if we did that, we could drive the numbers down, like they did in Asia, like they did in New Zealand and Australia.” (source)

Because why not just make the national debt infinite? That’ll definitely help the United States economy recover.

It’s interesting to note that Dr. Anthony Fauci staunchly opposes another round of national lockdowns. Not only did the last lockdown cause massive economic problems and continuing unemployment, but it also caused a wave of mental health consequences that affected even prepared families.

Compliance will be an issue for the government.

According to a new Gallup Poll, published on November 11th, many Americans will not readily comply with a new round of stringent lockdowns.

About half of Americans in Gallup’s latest polling on the COVID-19 pandemic, 49%, say they would be very likely to stay home for a month if public health officials recommended it due to a serious outbreak of the virus in their community. This contrasts with solid majorities in the spring who said they were likely to comply with such shelter-in-place advice, including a high of 67% in late March/early April.

Another 18% of Americans say they would be somewhat likely to follow public health officials’ advice to stay home for a month, bringing the total inclined to comply to the majority level. But a full third say they would be very or somewhat unlikely to comply, about double the rate seen in the spring. (source)

Other countries have dealt with non-compliance through increasingly large fines and even the threat of jail time. It remains to be seen how the United States would handle such a revolt.

Get ready for Round 2

Some folks still aren’t quite cluing in on the fact that the second round of lockdowns has already begun. That means you can still acquire supplies if you don’t delay. If you are not already prepared, there’s no time to waste. Go here to get a FREE copy of The Prepper’s Workbook – the exercises in that PDF will help you get organized fast.

Remember last time around how quickly the shelves emptied?

Yeah. So will everyone else. Even the non-preppers.

So get out there and get prepped. If you wait until your state announces severe lockdown restrictions, it will be too late to really stock up because there will be purchase limits and angry crowds all trying to do the same thing. If you’ve discovered that shortages already exist, check out these less common places to get supplies. As well, here are some things to buy when the things you want are already sold out. Make sure you have food, water, prescription medications, hygiene supplies, and cleaning products. Use what you learned last time around to get better prepared this time.

We here at The Organic Prepper strongly urge you not to delay. Don’t rely solely on mail order. You may find a month down the road that your supplies are not coming. Shop locally, and shop now.

What’s happening where you live?

Do you have any advice for others? Is your area restricting activities or rationing supplies? Will you handle this round of lockdowns differently than you did the first? Share what’s going on in your neck of the woods in the comments section.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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83 Responses

  1. Ignore and fight any thing that takes away your freedoms and rights, stand up to these satanist thugs, be it a politician, cop or neighbor. If you do not stand up now and organize you will not be able to stand later.

      1. Thanks for posting the link. I checked it out for Texas because that’s where I live & I had not heard any lockdown reports. It appears an El Paso county judge is locking down that county.

        El Paso is 12 hours away but the county next to mine has recently doubled their “active” cases.

        I’ve also heard that younger people are a large part of the increase in Texas.

        Good information. Thanks Daisy.

    1. Yea I’m not tracking anything going on here in Florida. Now, if you’re referencing the the Gov is leaving it up to the counties…? Maybe. But I haven’t heard nor seen anything other than the masses watching MSM and getting a tad ruffled about facemasks

  2. Not gonna be easy. ALL of us need to push back best we can. These lockdowns are nothing more than bold faced totalitarianism for the purpose of demoralizing and enslaving humanity. All of us need to pull together to show these criminals we aren’t going to go along with their new world order.

  3. A friend texted the day before yesterday that the governator was getting ready to increase lockdowns in our state. We promptly made a Costco run! They were already out of TP!

    We’re already limited to gatherings of 5, restaurants and bars are at 25% capacity and must shut down by 10pm. If there are 4 or more incidents of a positive COVID test in your business, you’re shutdown completely for 2 weeks or until the last person tests negative. I see people, driving by themselves, with masks on. My son was recently berated for not wearing a mask outside in the middle of an empty parking lot while doing a bid for our business. The customer screamed at him and threatened to report him to the “pandemic” squad, who will restrict you to your home and levy a large fine for not wearing a mask, even outside and completely alone.

    The governator has a press conference today and will announce tighter restrictions. My place of employ, while admitting they can’t dictate what we do on our hours off, suggested we forego Thanksgiving, and if we get together with family, strongly suggested we take the following week off for vacation to ensure we’re healthy. Most of us are already working from home. Even amongst this compliant bunch of government contractors, this received a backlash (thank goodness!).

    1. Seems crazy someone screaming at you in an empty parking lot or employers asking you take a week off after Thanksgiving for gathering with family & friends? Feeling blessed we live in Texas.

  4. In South Dakota on Wednesday my Sams was out of potatoes and almost out of eggs. Toilet paper was still available, but not much.
    Thinking of making a trip to Tennessee for Thanksgiving and staying in a hotel – what do you think the implications are for traveling that far right now? Any advice?

    1. That’s a decision that may need to be made more at the last minute. You can make your plans loosely but be prepared to abandon them if it turns out that hotels aren’t accepting guests or if it looks like you might have trouble getting back home. (Read: No non-refundable payments of deposits.) Have masks for all family members as some states won’t even let you in to use the bathroom without them.

      I traveled across the country shortly after the first round of lockdowns loosened to get to my next destination and my issues were limited. I used services like Doordash for eating since dine-in restaurants were closed and made my hotel bookings the same day I was going to be staying there.

  5. Lies, lies, lies, they’re all lies…… Testing may increase the numbers of those apparently infected but that has nothing to do with the death rate. The CDC’s proclamation that hospitals and doctors use “Assumptive Diagnoses” as the criteria for what is put on the death certificate, is the stupidest idea to come down the pike. They have no idea who will fall prey to the ravages of the virus. Many feel nothing because they are already immune to general Corona Virus strains.
    When you test more people, it does not mean that the virus is becoming more communicable you idiots, it just means that they are finding more infected people during testing, it does not mean that wearing face diapers is working or not working, IT JUST MEANS THEY ARE TESTING MORE PEOPLE, AND THAT IS ALL IT MEANS !!!
    The idiots and morons pushing this stupidity should be horse whipped within an inch of their lives. We’re only going to take so much before America explodes in revolution, but apparently those idiots don’t care or give a royal “S”it if they destroy our country.

    1. When I first heard of the method of testing, I thought it sounded more like DNA collection. I could be wrong. However many years ago an Italian scientist claimed that the governments were creating bio-weapons to target certain ethnic groups. That scientist ended up dead after coming out with that warning. This could of been nothing more than a conspiracy theory, but sometimes these theories are based on facts.

    2. Testing more people doesn’t make more people positive nor increase the percentage of positive people. In fact, if the number of people who are positive remained the same, testing more people would yield a lower percentage of positives. Sadly, even as we are testing more people, and the pandemic spirals out of control, a higher percentage of people are positive. It’s not a hoax. If you want to explode from wearing a mask similar to what health care workers wear all of the time, imagine what you will want to do when your loved one dies from Covid 19 or there’s no doc to treat your heart attack.

      1. Yeah… it’s also very possible to die from a car accident! Yet we are not banning cars. Maybe if you are so afraid and indoctrinated You should start home.

    3. My state has had a total of one Covid death since this summer(an elderly individual) yet they have just pretty well shut down the whole state as of today!

      1. What state would that be, Ani? I can’t find any state with only one death since June that is locking down. My family is considering a move.

  6. Under the Ohio Dictator DeWine’s leadership, on Wednesday night, November 11th, the state was “threatened” with another lockdown, maybe as soon as next week, if our number os “COVID cases” does not go down. In the meantime, the “mask mandate” is being enforced even more. Businesses are “required” to post “No Mask, No Service” signs at the entrance to their business and force workers and patrons to wear masks at all times. If a business is “caught violating” this mask mandate, the first time they would receive a written warning and the next infraction would lead to the closure of the business for 24 hours. The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation will be the “mask police”. Another unelected agency policing us “for our safety”.

    DeWine also threatened to close down restaurants, bars, and gyms again if the “case numbers” do not go down by next week. Even though DeWine commented in his address that the case numbers are increasing due to informal gatherings/parties, he cannot “police” these areas but can enforce draconian measures on bars, restaurants, and gyms even those these places have followed guidelines and mandates thus far.

    The most egregious violation during DeWine’s November 11th state address was his insistence that gatherings be held with 10 people and these 10 people need to be seated 6 feet apart and masked at all times. DeWine also announced that there was to be “no dancing or games” during these gatherings…..WTH? Yes, because COVID is cunning and sneaky, just lurking around every corner waiting for someone to start dancing and having fun to strike at the precise moment that someone DARES to act human! Quick…..throw away those UNO cards and for goodness sake DON’T play Scrabble because COVID knows when we are playing a game! It’s all for our SAFETY of course…..


    1. According to Ohio Star, DeWine might not even allow medical exemptions (or religious) for the mask – TBD next week. My DH has a med expemption for no mask due to disability and our local Kohls store ran him out of the store Wednesday- they would not accept his medical paperwork he carries with him and even showed them (ADA violation anyone?)- this was right after DeWine announced his new mandates. Businesses are scared because they face 24 hour shut downs or worse if the new “Covid retail compliance unit” sees that they have not forced all employees and customers to comply at all times.
      Our local library system just sent out notification that as of Monday, everyone 2 and over must wear a “proper mask” – no gaiters, face shields, or other face coverings, and it must be worn “properly” at all times. We see where this is going…now they are dictatating what kind of “face covering” is acceptable.
      This overreach is completely unacceptable. No matter where you stand on the fear factor spectrum related to this virus, sooner or later common sense has to prevail. What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a difference result. Can we declare this governor insane?

      1. Library? My local library is STILL closed. I think we’ve had exactly 1 case of Covid in my town yet the library won’t open. I’d wear a mask and everything just to use it!

  7. Costco announced that if you have a medical exemption, you have to wear a shield. So, I won’t be shopping with my mother anymore. The rights you keep are the ones you fight for. I vote with my dollar.

    In Marfa, Texas the medical clinic refused to see a neighbor of mine. He had heart surgery and his discharge papers said for him to not wear a mask. The clinic did not care. This is all about control not the health of the patient.

    Quarantine camps are being built in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, etc. Remember the Jews of Nazi Germany originally went to the concentration camps without a fight. They were told that they had a disease that had to be treated. What they weren’t told that the disease was being Jewish. Even a FEMA camp is a concentration camp. I have read several articles over the years from different people talking about the treatment in FEMA camps following a hurricane. They were prisoners and were not allowed to leave.

    Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled against the governors new edict because he did not involve the state legislature . HEB, a Texas grocery chain, announced it is rationing again of certain items.

    I don’t own a mask and will not buy one or use one. It will limit my access to many things. I have already been denied an eye exam or visit to any VA facility or a mammogram because I don’t wear a mask. I won’t comply. I don’s affect much change, because it takes more than just one or two individuals. The more people that stand up, the faster the powers to be will back down.

    1. Costco will refund your membership. Here in NC, my sister and I both requested refunds last week after learning that they are now requiring face shields even for exemptions. They don’t prorate, so they have to refund the full amount! Just call and talk to your local store.

  8. I have been purchasing supplies all summer…toilet paper, paper towels, canned soups, dried soup mixes (just add water), powdered milk, shelf stable regular milk and soy milk, cereals, crackers, peanut butter, etc.
    My spare bedroom looks like a warehouse…not in the hoarder category yet because everything is neatly stacked.
    Tried to advise my friends to do the same…I’m sure they were rolling their eyes.

    1. No Kathleen they are thinking they KNOW where to go when the shelves are bare again.

      Face it friends, IF the COVID event didn’t get the idea through to the chronically unprepared Victim Class that the system is flimsy WHAT would?

      Same folks that voted in a senile sock puppet and a well known California political tyrant for the President of the USA.

      Tin Pot Dictators are always looking for a promotion from their bosses.

      Welcome to the Long Emergency where EVERYTHING is blamed on President Trump (after all it worked for Obama eh?)

  9. This makes me sad but it’s not unexpected. Arizona (Tucson, Phoenix) is going to go the same route too, they are already getting ready for it in the local news talking about the “spike” of cases and how we all need to stop this before it gets worse. I expect another lockdown shortly. This probably won’t end until they have some kind of vaccine to jab us all with.

    I’m noticing low stocks in TP in stores and have for a couple weeks, the local Fry’s (Kroger) is limiting water to 2 per customer again, and I expect more limitations shortly.

    I”m a fairly antisocial person so don’t do big family gatherings but this makes me sad for all the people who will be missing out this year.

    1. Why are people buying bottled water? As long as the faucets are on, isn’t it cheaper to put water in containers in the house, even a barrel if you are afraid of the water being turned off? I have a water filter that I use to filter all my drinking water. I could however, use a water bath method to can water in my mason jars for the shelf. Isn’t that cheaper than buying water stored in plastic?

        1. Hey Buttercup ever hear of a Boil Water Order? Right this very moment in the USA there are hundreds of thousands of families under a Boil Water Order due to a fairly minor Tropical Storm flooding their cities and towns water purification systems….

          Rule of threes WORKS pretty well buddy.

          3 minutes with out air your pretty much dead

          3 hours in really bad winter weather with out shelter your likely to be dead

          3 DAYS with out water or a few more with BAD water your weak and near death

          3 weeks with out food and so on.

          WATER, clean safe water, it’s pretty important.

          BTW please forget that one gallon per person per day stuff about water. That’s recycled from 1950’s civil defense manuals to be the MINIMUM needed not survive laying about in a fall out shelter for the two weeks they planned for. If your going to do anything aside from playing PlayStation your going to need at LEAST 2 gallons per person per day. Add a gallon extra for daily helmet baths and an extra gallon per day for cooking foods unless your only opening tin cans for dinner.

          Oh go ahead Don’t wash for a week or so, foot and crotch rot is such an avoidable pleasure.

          Think folks, It’s NOT Illegal YET.

      1. Well in the case of where I live the water got contaminated and at one point it was said covid was IN the water and was undrinkable and then when you could “drink” it again it made people sick so eh rather the box water that i know dont make people throw up etc and weaken their already fragile health but to each their own choice

      2. In my area, people buy bottled water because the water tastes like crap and not everybody has a filter system. Also many don’t trust the municipal water analyses. Personally I only use our home water for tea, bathing and cooking since it tastes disgusting if you drink it. People around here are probably somewhat worried about water shortages too since we’re in southern Arizona. One of these days I want to get a refurb Berkey or something similar.

  10. i don’t see oregon on your list, where any restrictions are based on the rate of infection over the last 2 weeks determines what, if any, restrictions. my county, like many, has many more infections than even during the summer wave of covid. we have limits like “no more than 50 persons, including staff, allowed at a business” (of a certain size). masks are needed along with social distancing’
    may i suggest that we use multiple avenues for acquiring needed goods. i am very high risk for covid, so we have instacart at 2 local grocerie. we have home delivery from a local dairy that also offers local bakery, produce, eggs, etc. we bulk buy from azure standard (which is now nearly national) with monthly deliveries. a local farm does a modified csa that is mostly produce with chicken, lamb, goat cheese, and eggs. we use chewy for animal supplies and add in some joann fabrics, amazon and walmart. my favorite teenager runs errands occasionally to fill in gaps. we buy stamps and mailing supplies from usps online. we have the biggest garden our small property allows. we have set up a decontamination station and quarantine in the garage for incoming goods.
    some of these sources may not be available, but multiple avenues, as local as possible, helps us and our local providers.

  11. I am in colorado, however not near Denver where they are in curfew mode. My small town is starting to restrict how much paper towels and toilet paper people can purchase.
    Haven’t heard about restrictions in my town as of this comment. We’ll see what happens in the coming weeks.
    Hopefully my town will stay open. The small businesses here have already been hurt by the first lockdown. ????

  12. People are so definat, they cant see the forests for the trees. The famous idea amongst the defiants ones, ” oh the government is trying to control us and take away our freedoms”….. Well, i say to those defiant.. Would you rather the government not say anything, and just let the whole nation get sick and slowly die ??”
    The bottom line of the griping people is this… THE YDONT LIKE BEING TOLD WHAT TO DO.

    If you have been steadily prepping, staying at home wouldnt bother you…

    The defiant ones are really going to crap their pants, when A FORCED VACCINE is implemented and you have to go through checkpoints , to prove you have the FORCED VACCINE. Alot of kleenex will be needed then.

    Here comes the hateful comments.

      1. JW In The Thunder,
        Why the delete?
        Different way of looking at it, but I dont see the need to delete or leave.
        If anything, please join us on the forum.

    1. I don’t live my life based on the government, nor expect them to solve any problems we have. We are self reliant, prepared people, who believe in taking charge of our lives, not cowering in fear. If you want to live that way, then fine. Just don’t force us who don’t believe that same as you. We accept the risks and want to live normal lives in this crazy, messed up world. Those who are scared should stay home and succumb to your fears and belief that your safe.

  13. These antifa snuggling scumbags broke election laws left and right to try and shove Joe Biden on us as being “President”

    If they don’t have to obey the law, why should We The People?

  14. One of the goals of Communism is to destroy the Middle Class, which they think are evil because they own businesses, go to church, and tend to be Conservative. So all a lock down will do is destroy the middle class, plain and simple, while closing churches.

    Anyone-Anyone-ANYONE who believes anything that the MSM is pumping into our Citizen’s minds as “fact” are stupid. Sure, like Joe’n da Ho were ahead by 14 points, like he is now ” President Elect”, and Covid is spread all over America. FAKE FRIGG’N NEWS !

  15. They really are making the totally inappropriate PCR test work well for their financial reset plans! If you arent organizing small local decentralized networks now its almost too late to avoid tyranny

  16. I am in Colorado Springs, and we are going to the tightest level of control below shutdown today. Paper goods are in short supply. Grocery shelves are reasonably stocked. I will be monitoring closely.

    I would hope people learned their lesson the last time around and are better stocked now. Judging by the depleted paper goods, though, I realize we have more work to do. Just keep encouraging everyone in your circle to manage to whatever the time frame is that they have chosen or can afford. Two weeks, six months…whatever.

  17. Here in Pinal county Arizona, it’s nearly always been business as usual. Hardly anyone wears a mask except in stores that require them. And even that took months to implement. Our governor does basically nothing except to close down bars and restaurants in the beginning which destroyed businesses – no one even hears from him anymore. My husband and I have done self imposed lockdown because it’s so loosey goosey around here. Our snowbird next-door neighbor has frequent unmasked gatherings, parties down the street occur regularly. Because of that, we’ve been VERY cautious since March. Cases appear to be as bad as they were in the summer so I suspect the Phoenix and Tucson areas will impose some sort of restrictions soon but for us it’s just the same old, same old. Currently I see no shortages of anything. Even so, I stocked up over the summer- prepared to ride out this damn year alive and well.

  18. We ain’t locking down anymore.
    Y’all are grown folk. Make grown folk decisions.
    That being said you should stock up still.

  19. SELFISH BEYOND BELIEF. I can’t believe you people. I am sick to death of the ME ME ME attitude that is everywhere, not just in the U.S. BUT THE WORLD. Get over yourselves. Continue to ignore all the warnings, have your parties and refuse masks in the name of personal freedom. Then cry with regrets as they are putting you or your best friend or loved on a ventilator or in the ground. Don’t worry about it. They died FREE. I’m sorry but I can’t believe the arrogance of people. Yes. I am a prepper. Yes I love my freedom as well as the next guy but wake up folks. Take precautions willingly or face forced shutdowns. This is not a summer cold. The same group that is refusing masks because of inconvenience to your personal freedom are the same bunch who will refuse a vaccine and think the elections were rigged. I am HIGH HIGH RISK. I stay home out of absolute necessity because even the fever reaction to the vaccine would kill me. I miss seeing friends , going shopping, celebrating holidays as much as anyone but I have no choice. Most of you do have a choice so at least use the choice wisely and not just selfishly and arrogantly ignore covid. It won’t ignore you. If you would just get over yourself and wear the mask, the ,life you save could be your own, or your mother. If people would just be responsible and act responsibly you would not be facing mandatory restrictions. I really don’t think the government officials are sitting in their offices plotting new ways to take away your freedom to be a#$holes. Just my opinion.

    1. It is a respiratory virus. At some point in time, unless we have a world wide, mandatory lockdown that makes what we are currently doing look like a childs game, dang near everyone is going to get it.
      To include myself.
      But I think I have already had it. IF it was it (wife got tested, came back negative, but I dont have a whole lot of faith in the PRC tests), was not that bad. By day three I was feeling better. Of those whom I DO know have HAD it, they said the same and my run around with it was very similar.
      The CDC says the survival rate for those under the age of 70 with NO preexisting conditions is 99.97%. A lot of those who do have complications have a preexisting condition. And it has been noted that those whom are obese and or diabetic tend to also have more complications or severity requiring hospitalizations.

      IF you are compromised, have a preexisting condition, or of the 70+ age group, take precautions.

      Everyone else, this is a whole lot of . . . meh.

    2. To add,
      Why am I and everyone else expected to be responsible for your well being?

      You are, to quote, “I am HIGH HIGH RISK.”

      So, now I am expected to sacrifice my economic well being, my mental well being, because you are, “I am HIGH HIGH RISK.”
      How is that my responsibility?

      How about my kids? Are they expected to sacrifice all their careers, education, life milestones, for you?

      Who is the more selfish?

    3. Having personal freedom is being selfish?

      How is hiding inside from a relatively harmless virus with a 99.99% survival rate more honorable than dying on your own terms?

      We’re all free. You are free to choose to hide out in your house because you perceive the risk of leaving an interacting with others is too great. Others analyze the same set of data and are free to choose to do the opposite because they perceive the risk of doing so to be little. Why does one person’s freedom have to get trampled by another’s?

      Risk is everywhere in life. We can minimize or transfer it, but generally speaking there is nothing we can do to completely avoid it. Risk tolerance is inherently individual, and can vary greatly because we all have a different lens through which we view and analyze life (risk, morals, what is important). Most people appear to make decisions under the context of “acceptable risk”. One person might think skydiving is an acceptable risk, while another might find it too risky of an endeavor to participate in. People can die on a walk, run, or playing golf. They don’t deliberately go out to have a heart attack or get hit by lightning, but the fact is the risk of that bad stuff happening is a function of living. People die in traffic accidents every day, but we don’t outlaw cars or mandate 10 mph speed limits. The risk of traffic death is a generally “acceptable risk” in society, so we deal with it. No matter what we do, we cannot completely eliminate most risk in life.

      For some reason people view ‘Rona differently. Maybe it’s the mass hysteria, or the constant fear mongering by the media. Whatever the cause, people seem to think there is a “cure” for the flu by hiding from it. To my knowledge, germs do not have an expiration date. Sure, we can choose to hide out in a house until February and reduce the risk of getting it during the peak of flu season, but that does not change the fact that some version of the flu will be around in March and beyond. In the end, if ‘Rona (or cancer, or whatever other version of boogey man cooties comes around) has your number, it has your number. Lockdowns only delay the inevitable. It’s kind of like eating right or exercising. Those are great habits, but they only help to delay your death, they do not prevent it.

      Call me a cynic, but I do not believe the government is not a wise a benevolent force. Nor, do I believe it can it solve everyone’s problem. I have more faith in myself than a prostituted system of “government” run by corporatists, crony capitalists, and politicians who pretend to care about the general population while only looking to enrich themselves.

      1. Never heard of a virus that acquiesced to the will of any government imposed lockdown or other “mandated” measure. Even the seasonal flu, with its magic shot offered up to the public, each year still manages to infect people.

        Take precautions if you’re vulnerable. I applaud those who are proactive about their own health, doing what is necessary for themselves and their own families without infringing on the choices of others to do likewise. Curbing and destorying liberty and livelihood will not make this virus go away any sooner. Locking down and masking those of us with healthy immune systems, however, unnaturally surpresses these systems and could very well be doing us harm (but might that be part of the agenda?)

    4. When we fly we have to take off our shoes and have our belongings and bodies x-rayed and that feels more like a loss of rights than simply wearing a mask and trying not to spread a deadly virus! I agree with you that people have made this political and it’s health and science

      1. Thank you Smith. We live with restrictions every day. Do you wear a seatbelt in your car, put your kids in a car seat to protect them, wear a helmet on a motor cycle, follow flying requirements, have your car inspected, protect your kids from pedophiles on line and in your neighborhood. All these things you do daily without thought. Do you pay taxes? If you have a business did you get a business license? Why is wearing a mask so much more of an invasion on your personal freedom when it can save a life. Just remember that life could be your own. I don’t like lockdowns. Ask Deborah from Australia but the end result is Australia is now almost covid free and the inconvenience has saved lives. But do what you want and be as selfish as you want to be in the name of your personal freedom.

        1. Agree with you. One exemple: here in France, a young woman, 18 years old. No health issues, she was in sport studies, so very good health. She had this Covid, 5 days later, coma and her doctors must cut off her leg ( blood infection). She was no at risk at all ! So nobody can say ” i will not have this covid” or ” it will be nothing more than a flu ” You don’t know how your body may react…

    5. The SURVIVAL rate of the rona is 99.75%. Are you sure we are the selfish ones here? If you have a compromised immune system, will it magically go away when the rona numbers go down or will you still have a compromised immune system? And if so, are we still being selfish because we are healthy? FYI, I am 60. When my time is up, it is up. My mother never swore, didn’t smoke or drink and died of a virus at the tender age of 37. My first husband died in a head on automobile collision at the age of 46. (I still get in a car and go.) My beautiful daughter died at the age of 28. LIVE YOUR LIFE. If you choose to live in fear, all alone, that is your personal choice and I think everyone will agree, your right to do so. But, it is not what I choose. I choose to wash my hands and exercise good hygiene like I always have. I choose to not breathe in your face and crowd your space. Just like I always have. You cannot lengthen your days by staying in your house. You have always had an expiration date.

      1. I like your thinking PA Mom. Good common sense goes a long ways with any health issue.
        Others have said it already, our personal God given freedoms are protected again by this country’s Constitution. Freedom is not a privilege granted us by gubmint, it is a basic freedom and every one of us has it. With it comes responsibility for our own choices but our choices should not trample others.

        This whole SARS-Covid-2 thing is being used as a weapon to conquer and divide people all over the world. It is a power play by the rich and we the people are the cannon fodder. It seems to be working and to further the illusion it has been politicized. Since when does gubmint have any reason to be involved in mine or anyone else’s health care choices? I can and do take care of myself and do not and will not allow the gubmint to make my choices for me.
        I am a grown up and will make grown up choices!

        I do not wear a mask but I sure don’t hassle those who choose to wear one. If it makes you happy then by all means wear one! I do however believe in informed consent and educated decisions. Anyone who blindly follows orders from any system is foolish plain and simple.
        Question everything!

        For those who want to preach, I have just lost a good friend to the medical protocol of ventilation. I understand the pain of loss and the frustration of being able to do nothing about it! His wife couldn’t even be with him as he died! Absolutely wrong wrong wrong!

        Fear is a terribly divisive motivator, leads to many mistakes and impulsive decisions. We are witnessing this on a massive scale currently.

    6. @ Frogmama

      IF Covid was a seasonal virus such as the flu, and we knew it would die out with heat and high humidity, then mask wearing and lockdowns would have helped a lot. As it’s clearly not the case, and Covid is active year-round, masks and lockdowns for the general public are useless. All we are doing with this is making people batshit, destroying the economy and driving people into poverty.

      If you are high risk then YOU need to do what you need to stay/feel safe. Stay home. Get your food etc delivered. Don’t require everyone else to do this as well. It won’t work. Unless the new vaccine is safe and effective and enough people are able to obtain it, as well as the virus not significantly mutating, we are just going to see successive waves of infection. I think Sweden had the right idea.


  21. Nothing much happening in my area -YET.
    If they do, I’ll do what I did last time.
    I’ll ignore them and go on living my life.
    I’m too old to be bothered by a bunch of idiotic control freaks.

  22. I live in Melbourne Australia. These are the lock down restrictions we have had for about 3 months.
    I have been in lock down from February. (I am high risk pregnant and asthma)
    Expect for when I gave birth in May and my husband was only allowed at the birth, which he almost missed out on. Because they wouldn’t let him in. No visitor’s and the father is allowed 1 hour a day.

    I am so glad we were prepared.
    I had small stock pile which has been used.

    Metropolitan Melbourne come under stage four restrictions.

    Plus a $5000 fine for every breech of the restrictions. So if you had 3 people in your home that shouldn’t be there everyone of them got a fine, plus you.

    Shopping for food and necessary supplies will only be allowed within 5 kilometres of home, or at the nearest available supermarket, and it will be limited to one person per household, once per day.
    There is rationing of some goods. Shortages of others. Home deliveries was suspended for a few weeks. Limits on how many people are allowed in.

    Exercise will also be limited to within 5 kilometres of a resident’s home and will be limited to once per day for a maximum of one hour. You can only exercise with one other person or a member of your household and recreational sports such as fishing, golf, boating, tennis, surfing and shooting are not allowed. Play grounds are closed.

    Residents will not be allowed to have visitors in their home, but couples will still be allowed to visit each other, even if they live more than 5 kilometres apart.

    Weddings are banned except on compassionate grounds.

    A curfew on people leaving their homes will apply from 8:00pm to 5:00am each night, with exceptions for work or medical care and caregiving.

    The Premier said police would be out “in force” stopping and questioning Victorians who were outside their houses during the curfew hours

    Employees will not be allowed to work at their business location.
    Most business are closed. And reduced production of essential supplies

    Restaurants and cafes will only be able to operate in a takeaway and delivery capacity.

    Pubs, bars, clubs and nightclubs will be closed. Bottle shops will move to takeaway only.

    Food courts will be closed, as well as hairdressers, beauty and personal care services,

    Saunas and bathhouses will be closed.

    Markets and shopping centers will be closed.

    Shops closed, Online only.

    Post offices open.

    Doctors, Online and only emergency in person.

    Pharmacy, open

    Hospitals are basically closed. Only emergency and obstetrics.

    School students, including those in year 11 and 12 and those in specialist schools, will return to remote learning.

    Same rules will apply to childcare and kinder in Melbourne.

    Higher education and TAFE will be remote learning and training only.

    Restrictions will be brought in on transport
    Night Network services will be suspended.

    Public transport services will be reduced during curfew hours.

    People will have to wear masks

    Funerals will be allowed and only 9 people

    Supermarkets, butchers and grocers will continue to operate.

    Beauty and personal services will need to close.

    Restaurants and cafes will only be able to offer takeaway and delivery service.

    If you have a covid test you and your family have to stay home until you get the result.

    Basically everything was closed.

    We are now down to 0 Cases for 14 days.

    We are slowly starting to reopen.

    1. Deborah I am EAGER to hear from you in 30 days to SEE if the COVID19 Bioweapon shows back up after your severe Lock Down.

      3 Months locked down and you have “We are now down to 0 Cases for 14 days.”??

      Again eager to hear again from you in 30 days or when the first re-lock down occurs because of a COVID19 event.

  23. I don’t usually comment. I prefer to keep my big mouth shut. But I feel that my experience should be passed on. Regardless of what you believe about Covid, the measures that are being taken will affect all of us one way or another. I hope we are ready.

    Couple weeks ago we were vacationing out of state and a family member got extremely sick with diarrhea. That was it, no other symptom. It got so bad that he was dangerously dehydrated and his heart rate was way too high. So off to the ER we went. Since his only symptom was diarrhea one would think that the first thing the hospital would do is check for some sort of intestinal issue. NOPE. They made me leave the hospital, saying that he potentially had Covid and that I probably had it too and was spreading it to everyone in the waiting room. What? Ok, I get it. Everyone is scared, I’ll leave and wait to hear from him. They test him for the flu, then covid. Both negative. They do chest xrays, a CT scan of his chest, and EKG and various other blood tests. Everything negative. They told him he was presumed Covid positive even though every single test they ran in hopes of finding Covid evidence came back negative. Do you know what they did not test him for…anything related to digestive trouble. Not one single test. They gave him 3 bags of IV fluids then sent him home with information on treating his upper respiratory infection. HUH? This is insane! We were heading back home in 2 days. We made the drive back and he called our family doctor who immediately ordered lab work done. Turns out he had Salmonella poisoning.

    The doctors and hospital staff were so focused on Covid they didn’t bother with the basics. I have heard other stories just like mine. People are not being treated for what is really wrong, all in the name of Covid. So whether or not you believe it’s real, it doesn’t matter. We are all going to be it’s victims at one point or another in one way or another. Be your own best advocate and look after each other.

    1. Exactly. This has consumed even the medical community to the point where they are neglecting their common sense. What has happened to America? We’ve lost our ability to reason and think. It’s chilling to see that we have become a nation of sheep. God have mercy!

  24. The #1 question in America is will we go Venezuela or full Stalin? Will we merely run out of money, or will the government enslave the populace? Prepping is great for the former but nearly useless for the latter. Unless you’re bugging out to the Yukon, no where will be far enough away. Personally, I plan to resist for what little it’s worth.

  25. The Governor of West Virginia has now stated there is a “mandatory” mask EO in place and everyone MUST wear a mask in ALL public buildings. And schools will be closed for a week following Thanksgiving to stop the spread. I can see this in the counties that have a high number of cases, but there are many counties here that have very low numbers and shouldn’t be included in this EO.
    I have been asking and can not get an answer as to the TPTB will not tell people the RECOVERY rate but instead continue to scare people with the positive numbers and death numbers.
    I figure its because they do not want their control and power of us to disappear and will do whatever they can to hold onto it.
    Its disgusting and I don’t know why those counties with low numbers don’t sue the state and governor to be released from those ridiculous EO’s

  26. Here in Mass, we’re starting to see runs on items already and gaps in the store shelves.
    I’m figuring that it’s not so much a matter of if but when and how much time we have before the stay at home order takes effect. My gut is telling me that our Gov. Baker, being the cautious sort, will implement some sort of additional restrictions by Christmas.
    If/when Biden takes office, it’ll for sure go nationwide…by mid February at the latest.

  27. Things are good here in the Texas Hill Country. My sister told me that although COVID cases at her hospital in San Antonio have increased, they aren’t near the level experienced before and the people are not as sick.

  28. WV governor made moves Friday towards a shutdown. Opinion of course. Strengthening the mask mandate, empowering businesses to call the police when patrons refuse and making it an obstruction misdemeanor. And a couple other restrictions for schools and sports and groups. The Walmart’s (2 here) and The sams club were all wiped out of tp, paper towels, soup, ramen and baby wipes by Saturday mid morning. Other items were getting low. Both weekend DHHR reports have had record shattering positive report of new cases. Keep an eye out.

  29. Some of my kids & grandkids moved to rural Colorado at the end of October. Covid cases spiked there shortly after Halloween so school went 100% online until after Thanksgiving.

  30. Am bloody FED UP with this tyranny! I’m not dismissing the seriousness of CV-19, however, we’ve been through many other pandemics before that did not force the world to shut down. We have listened to the wrong medical experts. The medical globalists have LIED from the beginning, how then is it that people continue to trust their ongoing lies? It’s bloody foolishness and is about complete control using fear tactics and threats. Sounds very much like WW2 Germany.

    Thomas Jefferson spoke from experience when he said, “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” As long as they can control America (and the world) through fear, people will acquiesce and comply giving our leaders continuing approval to abuse us through medical venue. After all, there’s no reason for them to fear the people. Do we seriously think that it will end when the vaccines enter the scene? Not a chance. In fact, I believe it was Fauci who predicted this would go on and on and on and on and on. Is this what we want to live under their dictates?

    It is high time for America to stand up and take our power back. Reverse Jefferson’s words and return our leaders to fearing the people. Folks, they’ve had enormous power for far too long. It’s high time we put a stop to it. But until then, they WILL without doubt, continue mandating and controlling at their whim. Let’s wake up!

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