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Sanctuary cities aren’t just for immigrants anymore.
A growing number of states, counties, cities, and towns are declaring themselves “Second Amendment Sanctuaries” and are refusing to enforce gun-control laws that infringe on the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
While adopting ordinances and resolutions to defy gun laws isn’t a new tactic, momentum is rapidly building – likely in response to increasing calls for more gun control at state and federal levels.
Sheriffs in several states say they will NOT enforce gun control laws.
Sanctuary counties and towns are passing resolutions that state no funding will be used to enforce unconstitutional laws and that the sheriff will uphold his oath to the Constitution instead of enforcing laws that violate the Second Amendment.
County sheriffs are, legally speaking, the last line of defense in the battle for gun rights:
Federal agencies do not have state powers. Due to the Constitution’s structure of dual sovereignty, the feds have no authority to enforce state laws. Furthermore, states cannot be compelled to enforce federal laws. (source)
Here’s a rundown of the states with jurisdictions that have adopted Second Amendment Sanctuary resolutions.
In Colorado, 23 out of 64 counties have adopted Second Amendment Sanctuary resolutions, and others are considering implementing similar resolutions. Legislators and sheriffs in the state are pushing back against House Bill 19-1177, a red flag bill that will likely become law soon. For a full analysis and critique of this bill, give this a read: Kopel and Greenlee: Plenty of red flags in Colorado’s ‘extreme risk’ protection order bill.
Officially called Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO), “red flag” laws permit police, healthcare providers, or family members to petition a state court to order the temporary removal of firearms from a person who may present a danger to others or themselves.
Weld County recently joined the growing list of counties in Colorado that have passed Second Amendment Sanctuary resolutions in response to the impending red flag law.
Commissioner Barbara Kirkmeyer, one of HB 19-1177’s harshest critics, said “The severity of this bill cannot be overstated. The name of this bill is the Extreme Risk Protection Orders. I think that’s a façade, and I think it’s fraudulent. I think actually, this bill should have been titled: ‘The Extreme Order to Confiscate Your Firearms, Eliminate Due Process, and Violate your Constitutional Rights Bill.”
Weld County Sheriff Steve Reams agrees:
“The bill is so riddled with constitutional problems that it makes it hard to understand how professional lawmakers could have constructed something so terrible,” Reams said, adding the bill, “raises some serious concerns about due process, in that a person can have their guns taken away and their rights violated, all without ever having a chance to appear in an initial court hearing and cross examine accusers and witnesses in person. In legal terms, this is an exparte hearing.” (source)
Reams added that one of the biggest problems with the law is it does not address actual mental health issues – it only allows for guns to be taken away, leaving the person in the same position and without medical help.
To date, 63 out of 102 counties or municipalities in Illinois have adopted Second Amendment Sanctuary resolutions, and more are expected.
To date, 3 out of 23 counties have adopted Second Amendment Sanctuary resolutions.
Sheriffs in Nye County and Eureka County have said they oppose new gun laws in the state and will not enforce them.
Nye County Sheriff Sharon Wehrly and Sheriff Jesse Watts of Eureka County both wrote separate letters to Sisolak and Attorney General Aaron Ford expressing their opposition to the law.
“In Germany prior to WWII, we saw Hitler place restrictions on the public’s right to bear arms,” Wehrly said in his letter. “I agree with Sheriff Watts. I will not participate in the enforcement of this new law and certainly won’t stand silent.”
Watts wrote in his letter that he would not stand by while “citizens are turned into criminals due to the unconstitutional actions of misguided politicians.” (source)
Elko County may soon join Nye and Eureka – commissioners there plan to vote on a resolution to become a Second Amendment sanctuary county at a meeting on March 20.
New Mexico
When New Mexico’s new Democratic governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham, was sworn into office on January 1, Democrats in the state rushed to expand gun control. Those bills were met with opposition from most of New Mexico’s sheriffs:
Of the 33 sheriffs in the state, 29 have voiced disapproval of the package of anti-gun legislation by issuing a declaration through the state sheriffs’ association, stating that the “rush to react to the violence by proposing controls on guns is ill-conceived and is truly a distraction to the real problems proliferating violence in our counties and our state.” (source)
New York
After the NY SAFE Act was passed in 2013, some New York counties passed resolutions in opposition. There are currently 52 out of 62 counties with such resolutions, and the New York State Sheriffs Association sued to block the law.
North Carolina
Just days ago, a county in North Carolina joined the resistance:
Cherokee County passed the three-page resolution with a slim 3-2 vote, after resolution author Dan Eichenbaum told fellow commissioners that the “first thing dictators do is confiscate guns,” reported the Cherokee Scout.
Among the provisions is a warning that Cherokee County “will not authorize or appropriate government funds, resources, employees, agencies, contractors, buildings, detention centers or offices for the purpose of enforcing…laws, orders, mandates, rules or regulations that infringe on the right by the people to keep and bear arms.” (source)
Of the 36 counties in the state, 13 have adopted Second Amendment Sanctuary resolutions, and there are surely more to come, according to a recent report by Reuters:
Organizers in Oregon plan to put even more defiant “sanctuary ordinance” measures on county ballots in 2020 that will direct their officials to resist state gun laws.
In late January, the state of Washington made the news when several sheriffs in the state publicly vowed not to enforce the new unconstitutional gun laws that were passed in November. As of February 2019, the sheriffs of more than a dozen of the state’s 39 counties have publicly stated they will not enforce the law, though some said they will only refuse to do so until the final adjudication of pending lawsuits against the legislation.
There are even 3 sanctuary STATES.
Three states have passed bills to protect 2A rights at the state level.
In 2013, Alaska passed HB 69, which declares certain gun control measures to be unconstitutional, and made it unlawful for any state assets to go toward the enforcement of federal gun laws:
It declares that guns and ammunition possessed by Alaskans are exempt from federal gun laws. It also subjects federal agents to felony charges if they try to enforce any future federal ban on semi-automatic weapons or ammunition or enforce any new federal requirement for gun registration.
Republicans said they are willing to let the courts sort out the issues. They said that they must stand up for Second Amendment gun rights and won’t bow down to the federal government on this. A number said they heard from constituents who back the bill.
Some Democrats argued that the measure puts Alaskans at risk of criminal prosecution if they ignore federal gun laws. While the bill allows the state to defend Alaskans charged with violating a federal gun law, there’s no guarantee of that help or any sign the federal government will back off. (source)
On March 14, 2014, Idaho Governor Butch Otter signed a bill prohibiting state enforcement of any future federal act relating to personal firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition – effectively nullifying future federal gun laws.
Erich Pratt, Director of Communications for Gun Owners of America, cheered the governor’s action. “By signing this nullification bill into law, Idaho has joined an elite class of states that are telling the feds to ‘get lost’ — especially when it comes to unconstitutional gun control infringements.”
James Madison, the “Father of the Constitution,” also advised this very tactic. Madison supplied the blueprint for resisting federal power in Federalist 46. He outlined several steps that states can take to effective stop “an unwarrantable measure,” or “even a warrantable measure” of the federal government. Madison called for “refusal to cooperate with officers of the Union” as a way to successfully thwart federal acts. (source)
In 2013, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback signed Senate Bill 102, also known as the Second Amendment Protection Act, into law. Michael Boldin of the Tenth Amendment Center called the law “the most comprehensive nullification of such acts thus far”:
The new law nullifies a wide range of federal attacks on the right to keep and bear arms in the State of Kansas. It states, in part:
Any act, law, treaty, order, rule or regulation of the government of the United States which violates the second amendment to the constitution of the United States is null, void and unenforceable in the state of Kansas
In conjunction with Section 6a (quoted above), the bill defines what is meant by “the second amendment to the constitution of the United States,” and that it isn’t based off a decision of the supreme court.
The second amendment to the constitution of the United States reserves to the people, individually, the right to keep and bear arms as that right was understood at the time that Kansas was admitted to statehood in 1861, and the guaranty of that right is a matter of contract between the state and people of Kansas and the United States as of the time that the compact with the United States was agreed upon and adopted by Kansas in 1859 and the United States in 1861. (source)
What do you think about Second Amendment Sanctuary resolutions?
Do you believe they will protect the rights of gun owners? Or, do you think the government will ultimately find ways to confiscate guns anyway? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
About the Author
Dagny Taggart is the pseudonym of an experienced journalist who needs to maintain anonymity to keep her job in the public eye. Dagny is non-partisan and aims to expose the half-truths, misrepresentations, and blatant lies of the MSM.
64 Responses
The 2ed amendment has presidents over any state laws. I applod any county that rejects anti constitional and illegal laws. We loose our guns, we loose our freedom, Period.
Hello Jim! No offense, but it’s “2nd” and “precedents” and “applaud”. Please try to use correct words and spellings so as to remove ammunition from the “leftists/socialists” that say we’re a bunch of uneducated hicks. No insult intended.
and “lose”
The word you are looking for is precedent, but I agree with with you.
The liberals and the communist will not stop trying to confiscate our firearms until they are dead and in hell.
They want us enslaved.
Totally impossible to find ALL of the guns that people own. They will NEVER do it. They’ll rot first…To many farmers, to many so called “rednecks” to many ranches, barns, caves, underground hidden places…They’re NEVER gonna get the guns no matter how hard they try or how bad they want them. Many people will NEVER give up their right to bear arms. When we lose our guns, we lose our freedom and that doesn’t sit well with these people who want to be “FREE”. They know the truth and the truth has set them free!!! THEY want to protect themselves, their families and their property and they WILL do that at all cost, even if it means giving their own lives in the process…
Uhhhh…..Wandakate??? So if we bury our guns or give up our lioves, haven’t the tyrants accomplished the same thing as if we had let them take the guns??? The real value of guns, is to secure and protect our freedom and property and lives! If they are not used for such, they are essentially silenced, and the goal of the tyrants accomplished. It’s “To keep and BEAR arms”…..
We need more journalists like Dagny Taggart who will report on those who would steal our Constitutional Rights as well as those who would defend them. An informed public is the surest guarantee of our freedoms so long as the information is provided without bias. Anything less is a failure of journalistic ethics.
Our current Mainstream Media is extremely biased and their output is nothing but propaganda.
santa Rosa Cty.in FL. best do it due to a lot of hunters and gun owners.This should save a lot of lives.
Absolutely follow the law. If they take away this one. Another one is next. Government has no right to violate the constitution. Such action should be punished. They are the criminals. I think everyone knows by now that there is a diabolical agenda behind all of this
I’m so sick, of the anti 2nd amendment people out there. If they had a clue what
our Fore Fathers had in mind, they would keep their mouths SHUT.
I don’t think simplistic confiscation is the biggest worry. It’s this social credit score idea, compliments of communist China. Think of your bank refusing to give you a mortgage loan if they found through information sharing that you’ve pur hased a firearm, or even posted pro gun sentiment, such as this page. Banks refusing to do business with the NRA, etc. It’s devious, incideous, and it’s happening now with increasing frequency. I have not seen a strategy to counter this. Please spread the word, we need to wrap our heads around this to prevent this leftist mob from succeeding.
Also, staying off social media as much as possible can’t be a bad thing;).
We cannot stand by and let our second amendment rights be taken away thru “back-door” left wing legislation. As has been mentioned many, many times the first thing Hitler did was take away gun rights. And then look what happened.
History and the Constitution are on my side. The rest is just noise…and there is a lot of noise.
Good article, as one that lives in NM, land of the Socialist Governor, I can appreciate the courage of these Sheriffs and States.
BTW, love the Screen Name, who is John Galt?
The real question is “Where is John Galt”? Perhaps the answer is “Within each of us that believes in, supports and will fight for our Freedom.”
Read the book “ATLAS SHRUGGED” by Ayn Rand. There is also a great, 3 part, recent movie series by the same name. Very worth your time. Also, read ALL her books. Should be required reading for all US citizens, lest they become “subjects.”
For all it’s Alamo bravado, I’m surprised Texas is not anywhere on the list. Perhaps it’s already a given?
But hurrah for the Sheriffs! As it should be.
“A free people ought to be armed.” George Washington, 1790. This present so-called political correctness is not a newly evolved Enlightenment. The Second Amendment is as sound as it ever was. The toxic anti-gun rights nostrums that masquerade as moral imperatives are manipulatives straight out of the Marxist ideology handbook. The new tolerance dispensation is, “I disapprove of you having a gun, therefore, you may not have it.” The old idea of tolerance was, ” I don’t like guns, but I defend to the death your right to have one.”
Those inebriated of their own virtue-defining will continue to make us negotiate for our freedoms. If we have to rouse ourselves county by county, state by state to fight back, then the partisans of freedom will have a chance. Between the entrenched towers of academic virtue and a “Free Press,” the battle of defining rights for the hearts and minds of the next generation makes it very close to annihilating freedom. Parents must win their children or it is lost.
Remember the comment George Bush made after the attacks of 9/11? “They hate us for our freedoms.” Now we know who are the real terrorists and they now have declared Islam as a peaceful religion as they turn their backs on the Living God. Meanwhile we’re living under a total Police State.
Unfortunately, we’ll have to fight as our enemies never give us any quarters. Ponder on these NWO quotes:
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.” -Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961
“We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money.” —Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., historian, special assistant to John F. Kennedy
John, many of the comments I read here are simply spewing anger, although they are, nonetheless, justifiably valid. The anger they contain resonates with many of us. On the other hand, your remarks delve more deeply into the essence of what is happening to our society without the anger, which can be off putting. I appreciate and applaud your efforts.
Most of the people in high positions in government and big business are socialists and communists and are working for the globalist agenda.
They are not following the laws of our land, they are trying to trash our constitution.
They are following the UN Small Arms Treaty, you can tell by the laws they are passing.
Their goal is to bring down America.
And controlling our freedom of speech so that we can’t warn people of what’s going on and our right to keep and bear arms so that we can’t defend ourselves from a genocide of certain classes of people is instrumental to their plans.
We must keep our firearms by any means necessary.
It is much better to negotiate from a position of strength rather than a position of weakness from being disarmed.
Things you must do now.
1st make sure you have food and water with purification devices.
2nd while you still can, make sure you have a pistol and rifle for every family member, with lots of spare parts lots of high-capacity magazines and lots of ammo.
3rd get military gear & equipment.
All gear should be in earth-tone colors.
Team up and train with like thinking people near you family, friends, Neighbors.
4th Everyone needs radio communication that works with one another your cell
phone will not work when things get bad.
If you can afford it have night vision. All this will be made illegal to purchase or even have at some point.
Get a big biting barking dog for Home Security.
Locate a militia in your area and and talk with them what to do.
The situation in our country is deteriorating rapidly.
We must not count on President Trump to stop what is coming, we can’t depend on government agencies to stop what is coming, we the people are going to be responsible for keeping America together.
There are many forces working to destroy America from within and are already in position inside our country.
Additional forces are converging on America and have been for some time now.
We must be ready to fight for our country now, or lose it forever.
May the Lord watch down over us and protect us, it is now time to beat your plowshares into swords, if you haven’t a ploughshare to beat into a sword then sell your cloak and with the money buy a sword.
Most of the people in high positions in government and big business are socialists and communists and are working for the globalist agenda.
They are not following the laws of our land, they are following the UN Small Arms Treaty to do away with small arms and all countries. They are trying to trash our constitution.
Their goal is to bring down America.
And controlling our freedom of speech so that we can’t warn people of what’s going on and our right to keep and bear arms so that we can’t defend ourselves from a genocide of certain classes of people is instrumental to their plans.
We must keep our firearms by any means necessary.
It is much better to negotiate from a position of strength than a position of weakness from being disarmed.
Things you must do now.
1st make sure you have food and water with purification devices.
2nd while you still can, make sure you have a pistol and rifle for every family member, with lots of spare parts lots of high-capacity magazines and lots of ammo.
3rd get military gear & equipment.
All gear should be in earth-tone colors.
Team up and train with like thinking people near you family, friends, Neighbors.
4th Everyone needs radio communication that works with one another your cell
phone will not work when things get bad.
If you can afford it have night vision. All this will be made illegal to purchase or even have at some point.
Get a big biting barking dog for Home Security.
Locate a militia in your area and and talk with them what to do.
The situation in our country is deteriorating rapidly.
We must not count on President Trump to stop what is coming, we can’t depend on government agencies to stop what is coming, we the people are going to be responsible for keeping America together.
There are many forces working to destroy America from within and are already in position inside our country.
Additional forces are converging on America and have been for some time now.
We must be ready to fight for our country now, or lose it forever.
May the Lord watch down over us and protect us, it is now time to beat your plowshares into swords, if you haven’t a ploughshare to beat into a sword then sell your cloak and with the money buy a sword.
Bill is right, we have forgotten what our forefathers had in mind.
The Second Amendment has two parts—the first lists a responsibility, the second half demands that the tools to fulfill the first half are not denied the people.
Firearms are merely a tool. A tool to be wielded for good by responsible people. A tool to be used to benefit our neighbors and neighborhood.
Too many people focus merely on the second half, “I wanna gun” without taking into mind the responsibilities involved.
Not recognizing responsibilities is a far bigger problem. The leftist elitists want us to be irresponsible serfs dependent on the state for everything. Prepping is already one form of rebellion against the leftist elitists. Staying out of debt is another. Don’t go to college, unless your profession absolutely demands the technical learning that can come only from college, then do so as far as possible without student loans. There are plenty of other examples of responsibility that could be brought up. Living responsibly comes first.
For you gun grabbers out there, here are couple of other thoughts:
Years ago I read, I don’t remember where, that a person in the late 1800s living on the frontier, with Indian wars, range wars, shootouts in the streets, wild animals, was more likely to die of old age in his own bed than a person living in New York City. The dangers that faced late 1800s New York City denizens are still there, as well as the reasons for responsible gun ownership.
Second thought: the basic design for a gun hasn’t changed for over a thousand years. Therefore, it’s easy to make a gun. One design, which is being made world wide, is for a fully automatic machine gun made out of common plumbing supplies. That gun scares me because it looks wildly inaccurate. Anyone with access to common machine tools and knowledge of how to use them, can make quality firearms. I’m not talking about 3D printing, that’s just a scare tactic to mention them. I mean quality with metal parts. There are tens of thousands of quality home-made guns, not counting old guns that are still good; those are the real “ghost guns” of which there are no public records.
Because guns are so easy to make, not counting even easier to obtain on the black market, all the more reason for responsible people to be armed for the protection of their neighbors and neighborhoods.
To add a little levity to the conversation; from a ‘cartoon’ at Patriot Post.
Don’t call them “Illegal Firearms”.
Call them “Undocumented Weapons” and allow them to live in “Sanctuary Homes”.
LOVE it!
You don’t even NEED a sanctuary and if you ask me you are just ENFARCING the communist belief you cannot own a gun. Every town, county and State need not even obey ANY gun law as the Constitution states you have a right to own a weapon as a MILITIA. <-This is hardly mentioned.
If you had created a MILITIA in every State as the 2nd Amendment states, they (the communist Democraps) would not even bother you because they are not dealing with individuals to PICK on anymore.
As you know communist Democraps are cowards and you being, an individual just emboldens these scaredy cats to harass and annoy you to no end in disarming you.
Can a group of like-minded people get together and form their own militia? Legally?
Not actually. It’s supposed to be started by each State government. With your governor as Commander in Chief in your own State. But since liberals have taken over in many State governments I don’t see how this is possible.
But still, the 2nd Amendment calls for a well-regulated Militia but how can this be when many State governments have become the enemy of the people?
But it is curious since the beginning no State government has ever created their own working Militia that I know of.
What a farce and conundrum. Then you got the NRA (Nobody Reads Amendments) that do not EVEN mention creating a Militia!
Sorry, but when one looks as the definition of “militia” as used by the writers of the Constitution, it referred to every able-bodied man able to carry and shoot a weapon. I would extend that also to widows out to protect their daughters.
When militia refers to all able-bodied men, not just those in the organized militia (how many of organized militia groups are not infiltrated by the FBI?), how much harder is it to track down all the members of the unorganized militia who are armed and ready to fight?
It is about time that we stood up to the anti- gun crown in force and proved that they bare working to a specific agenda of socialist/communist disregard for the Constitution as a whole.
The 2nd amendment is a Bill of right. Any laws that goes against the Constitution and the Bill of rights is null and void. Nuff said.
Might be important reading.
And meanwhile, in the lovely state of OH, the mayor of Columbus, the state capital city, (you guessed it, a demonrat), is suing the state for infringing on ‘his’ ability to enact ‘stricter’ gun laws. There’s a lot of mumbo jumbo around the issue, but basically ‘he’ is saying that ‘he’ has the right to decide what is best for ‘his’ citizens. The thing that really stinks is that the ‘big cities’ lean left and have the highest population centers, while the rest of us have to suffer from their idiocy. Thankfully, the sheriffs who represent the bulk of the lesser populated counties can be counted on to uphold their oaths. I believe that OH will soon join this list of states. We also currently have a governor who is pro 2A, thankfully.
Aaron, I agree to a point. The best way to control people is to keep them unarmed and frightened – off balance. If violence is erupting around you and your family, you are more likely to cooperate with federal troops come to”restore order”. If you are armed and sheltering in place with plenty of food, water and medicine you won’t be so interested in relocating to a shelter. If the government wanted to clear an area quickly, they would likely declare martial law, perhaps siting a chemical spill or other natural disaster. Having a good scanner/multi-band radio is a must as much as ammo and ramen.
Another thing we should all be mindful of is that armed death squads going door to door and rounding up you and your neighbors in the dead of night is unlikely on a large scale. It’s simply way to time consuming and risky to the rounder uppers. Large scale population subjection would be far more easily accomplished by shutting off the water supply -or poisoning it- and cutting off food supplies. Hungry, thirsty people will agree to anything when they and their families are dying.
It’s one thing to not participate with the State or Federal government. It’s another to also protect the citizens by standing in the way of the State or Federal government. All these Sheriffs have done is to say they’ll not assist or expend funds. What mechanisms, other than citizens standing up, are there to actually prevent the Feds (or State) from going after citizens directly?
Love your concept of “Civilian Disarmament”. We should call it what it is.
On a related note, look up annavonreitz.com
One caution – Be careful about a term like “Sovereign Citizen”. The term you want is “State National”, or a civilian non-combatant “national”.
Because citizen means “public servant, either state or federal”, a sovereign citizen is a literal impossibility.
As in, impossible to be a “sovereign” and a “citizen” at the same time. “Sovereign citizen” is an oxymoron. The term “sovereign” cancels out the term “citizen” and vice versa. Look up the legal definition of these two words and it will be absolutely, glaringly, and forever apparent.
1. The sovereignty of America is vested in fifty nation-states. Both states and nations are political entities. Nations control the land jurisdiction. States control the sea jurisdiction.
2. People receive their nationality from where on the land they are born. We are Virginians, Ohioans, Wisconsinites and so on as a result. That is our “nationality”.
3. “Citizenship” is an entirely different thing. A “citizen” is subject (as in subject to a King or a government) to which they give allegiance.
4. You don’t have to be a “citizen”— that is, a subject, of anything.
5. When people agree to take up a public office or public employment, they agree to act as “citizens” for the term of their office.
6. Thus, if you work for or act as an elected official of the federal government, you agree to be a citizen of the United States. If you agree to work for the state government of Virginia, you are agreeing to be a “State Citizen” of Virginia for the term of your employment or office.
7. Joe Blow who is just working at a job in the private sector as a mechanic or a bank teller or a carpenter or in other professions and all the millions of small business owners are NOT naturally “citizens” of the United States and are not “citizens” of Virginia or Texas or any other state.
8. When you claim to be a “citizen” you are obligating yourself to obey all the laws and statutes of the corporation operating as the “United States” or the “United States of America” of the “State of Virginia” or whatever. This is essentially an employment contract. You have to obey the laws of this corporation because you agreed to be employed by them or because you were elected to an office in their organization, just like you might hold such an office in the hierarchy of Sears, or JC Penny or Walmart.
But wait, there’s more! Here in KY. they just passed a bill restoring the right to carry concealed without a permit (As has long been the case in VT.).
I guess we know where Texas stands. How many thought more southern states would be on that list. Everything i knew is a lie.
Nevada has just added two more Counties. Douglas and Lyon County Commissioners voted unanimously to uphold the second amendment, and not to enforce unconstitutional gun laws.
It’s real simple…if government is going to break the law to either make, or enforce a law, don’t expect those affected by it to follow it. Real simple.
Good news! Socialist do-gooders have destroyed gun rights in California, New York and Illinois, so I applaud the counties that have the courage to stand up for the rights of law-abiding firearm owners. (Keep in mind that New York’s anti-gun Sullivan Law was created by organized crime).
L.A., There is no such thing as a socialist “do-gooder”, the sooner everyone realizes that the better. I appreciate the analogy they think they are dong good, they are just wrong. I predict these new AOC type commies will devolve into a combination of the Khmer Rouge and Children of the Corn. Be Righteous and fear not. WWG1WGA
In Alaska even ex-cons can use firearms for subsistence hunting. Others Alaskans can open or concealed carry handguns without a CCW. If you do have a CCW it is recognized, the CCW holder has already been vetted for NICS checks when purchasing guns. They are available at places that are grocery chains in other parts of the nation. Having said all that, we do not very many problems with firearms being used in nefarious ways. Please get same “common-sense” reforms for your state and do not move here.
God Bless these Sheriffs. The only elected Law Enforcement in this nation. Support them and vote out the ones that don’t support the 2A ASAP.
Note that New Hampshire was a sanctuary state before it was cool. In our constitution it is illegal for guns to be confiscated.
I Love you & the sherrifs Cagney.
PS I also love john tarlor gatto,s Underground History Lesson video.
John Galt doesn’t love you as much as I do
Eddie Willers
I agree 100%. No freedom if we can’t defend ourselves against Socialist Democrats. Even the EX Australian prime minister regrets all the deaths & skyrocketing crime. New Zealand is about to make the same mistake. Ask Sweden, not armed & crime is out of control, due to the invasion of criminals!
Assume, Is the distance between you and your firearm in hostile territory.
There is no such place as non hostile territory.
You may Assume there is non hostile territory, once, but never twice.
The value of your life should never be based on an assumption.
It is not a gun fight unless two guns are fired.
The best gun fight is the one you avoid.
What about 2008 – DC v. Heller – The Supreme Court held that the second amendment protects an individuals right to possess a firearm such as self defense within the home and that DC’s handgun ban and requirement that rifles and shotguns be kept unloaded and disassembled or bound by trigger lock banned this guarantee.
Then again in 2010 – McDonald v. Chicago; Supreme Court found that the right of an individual to keep and bear arms as protected under the second amendment. Is incorporated by the due proocess clause of the Fourteenth Amendment against the states. The decision cleared up the uncertainty left in the wake of D.C. v. Heller as to the scope of gun rights in regard to the States. Also, the protection of the Second Amendment to keep and bear arms for self-defense in ones home apply AGAINST state governments and their Political Subdivisions.
That’s right my fellow citizen schmucks, someone earned their pay twice and I am so glad the common sense Sheriffs did their homework because for some reason many in academia and media can’t.
I happened to have my old notes from studying corrupt New York’s gun laws that break more than the laws you see above that they justify with legal loophole mumbo jumbo. I myself have a healthy fear of being the next victim on one of the numerous true crime shows we watch as do most with common sense. It is the rest we need to fear as dangerous dysfunctional evil government is the reason we have the right to bear arms in the first place. Pretty sure our’s fit these qualifications years ago. Be Safe.
I just found this, several months late. I especially like the questions to pose to others, as well as your rules for civil discourse. Do you mind if I post some of these questions on other websites? If you don’t mind, would you rather be credited with them or not? Thank you!
thank you for this article as I will be putting forth this effort at my BOS this Wed. for my county,
I believe the majority of Americans do not want to surrender their right to own a gun. Even if they do not own a gun now, they want the right to obtain one in the future with the least interference.
And most realize you will never confiscate enough guns to stop the shootings. Probably not stop a single shooting. These characters will find a way to get guns. The Sandy Hook shooter killed his mother and took her gun. I can site
I don’t think your picking up on the idea of what it means to be willing to fight and die for your rights… Lol I guess more directly, ” I am willing to fight for my rights, and those of my fellow Americans, and if needs be I’m willing to die in that fight to protect the rights of my children and my fellow Americans. ” Does that make more sense, because there are no words spoken or written that could possibly be more clear, concise, or serious than those words, and they are meant to be taken litterly and without hesitation.
A few counties in TN have joined this list as well, and over half of VA. I would love to see every single state in the entire USA do the same as Alaska and outlaw any and all infringement laws.
Not only should we declare our Rights as sovereign, but when these dictator wannabe’s try to infringe upon our Rights we should impeach, charge, try, and convict them of treason. And then hang them publicly to dissuade anyone else to ever try it again.
Why in the world is my state, Oklahoma, not a 2ASS!!?? I thought it was…is! I will now be getting to the bottom of this unbelievably disturbing situation.
OkC Mom,
Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean you don’t have to do it. If there are regulations in your job that you have to follow you just don’t decide not to. I feel sorry for communities that signed up to be sanctuaries because they basically say the law doesn’t apply. I don’t want to live in a lawless community.
Thank God for Sanitary states
Americans need to learn the history of communism.
They use propaganda (fake news) to get public support for a takeover of there existing Government. Then they take power, confiscate guns, and slaughter the patriates of the country. EVERYBODY then regrets there evil ways, after it is to late. Seriously, look into communism people.
If they take our guns, America, the Declaration of independents, and the constitution will be gone forever.
Any state that does not protect its residents from federal gun laws will loose all authority over those people the moment that they use state resources to enforce those laws.
Time to update! Yesterday (April 14,2021) Nebraska became the 20th (?) 2nd Amendment State.
I think resolutions are a powerful way to let those who are elected in your county to be reelected then uphold our 2nd amendment right. More counties in your state becoming a 2nd sanctuary before long your state reps must make the right decision or face defeat the next election, #Nullify the Feds
In light of the recent ruling (6/3/21 ) by Federal judge Roger Benitez overturning a California firearms ban on assault weapons where he ruled it violates the Constitutional right to bear arms, his words, referring to the Second Amendment, I have a suggestion. In my thesis regarding the Second Amendment I think it will prove his ruling right to bear arms” has everything to do with a “militia” and nothing to do with a “person” or individual, which the following will suggest..
Justice Amy Coney Barrett Second Amendment dilemma
In some 225 years neither law professors, academic scholars, teachers, students, lawyers or congressional legislators after much debate have not been able to satisfactorily explain or demonstrate the Framers intended purpose of Second Amendment of the Constitution. I had taken up that challenge allowing Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s dilemma to understand the true intent of the Second Amendment.
I will relate further by demonstration, the intent of the Framers, my understanding using the associated wording to explain. The Second Amendment states, “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
Militia, a body of citizens organized for military service.
If, as some may argue, the Second Amendment’s “militia” meaning is that every person has a right to keep and bear arms, the only way to describe ones right as a private individual is not as a “militia” but as a “person.” (The individual personality of a human being: self)
The 4th Amendment reminds us, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons….”
The Article of Confederation lists eleven (11) references to“person/s.” The Constitution lists “person” or “persons” 49 times to explicitly describe, clarify and mandate a constitutional legal standing as to a “person” his or her constitutional duty and rights, what he or she can do or not do.
It’s not enough to just say “person/s” is mentioned in the United States Constitution 49 times, but to see it for yourself (forgo listing), and the realization was for the concern envisioned by the Framers that every person be secure in these rights explicitly spelled out, referenced and understood how these rights were to be applied to that “person.”
Whereas, in the Second Amendment any reference to “person” is not to be found. Was there a reason? Which leaves the obvious question, why did the Framers use the noun “person/s” as liberally as they did throughout the Constitution 49 times and not apply this understanding to explicitly convey the same legal standard in defining an individual “persons” right to bear arms as a person?
Justice Amy Coney Barrett dissent in Barr v Kanter (2019) Second Amendment argument acquiesced to 42 references to “person/s, of which 13 characterize either a gun or firearm. Her Second Amendment, “textualism” approach having zero reference to “person/s. Justice Barrett’s view only recognizes “person/s” in Barr, as well in her many other 7th circuit rulings. It is her refusal to acknowledge, recognize or connect the U.S. Constitution benchmark legislative interpretive precept language of “person/s,” mandated in our Constitution 49 times, to the Second Amendment.
Leaving Supreme Court Justice Barrett’s judgment in question.
In the entire U.S. Constitution “militia” is mentioned 5 times. In these references there is no mention of “person” or “persons.” One reference to “people” in the Second Amendment. People, meaning not a person but persons in describing militia.
Now comes the word “shall” mentioned in the Constitution 100 times. SHALL; ought to, must ..
And interestingly, the word “shall” appears in the Second Amendment. “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, and shall not be infringed.”
“[S]hall not be infringed.” Adding another word “infringed” to clarify any misunderstanding as to the intent of the Second Amendment. Infringe. To encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another;
The condition “Infringe” has put a stop as to any counter thoughts regarding the Second Amendment, as you shall not infringe or encroach on beliefs other to what is evident as to the subject “Militia.”
Finally, clarifying “..the right of the people to keep and bear arms…
People. Human beings making up a group or assembly or linked by a common interest.
In closing, I am not against guns, everybody has them. I’m against using the Second Amendment illogically as a crutch. If it makes those feel better so be it. Just what it deserves, use it with a wink.
William Heino Sr
What about Florida? Governor D says we are a 2A state, too.