Search Results for: surveillance – Page 3


Here’s What They’re Planning Now: The 2023 World Economic Forum

The 2023 World Economic Forum in Davos revealed the authoritarian plans that the "elite" have for the rest of us. ...

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Have a Good Weekend? Atlanta Didn’t.

There’s been another Antifa autonomous zone set up in the US, and it’s been allowed to exist for months. In ...

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An Unholy Government-Corporate Alliance Implemented a Psy-Op on Americans

Government and corporate alliances have destroyed free speech in favor of creating narratives. We talk about propaganda in other countries, ...

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Are CLIMATE LOCKDOWNS Beginning? An English County Will Require Permits to Drive Through Other Neighborhoods

Are we watching the beginning of climate lockdowns? Drivers in one English county will face fines if they drive through ...

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Books & Entertainment

Want to be Gray in the Modern World? Check Out Michael Bazzell

Want to make your privacy bulletproof despite the internet and constant surveillance? Then you need to check out Michael Bazzell. ...

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If Americans Have Lost Faith in the Election Process, Does the Outcome Really Mean Anything?

When a large portion of the population feels every time that the election process is flawed, illegitimate, and not to ...

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Steadfast Noon: There’s a NATO Nuke Response Drill This Week

As the war in Ukraine rages, NATO has started its annual nuclear response drill: Steadfast Noon. Poor timing? Here's what ...

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Could the EARN IT Act Destroy Encrypted Messaging?

The EARN IT Act seems to be gaining speed. If it passes, could encrypted messaging apps like Signal be outlawed? ...

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Ultra-Wealthy Preppers Ponder Shock Collars to Keep SHTF Security Personnel In Line

Imagine a world in which people think fitting shock collars on their security teams is a reasonable course of action. ...

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Why Are Russian Spy Planes Probing Close to Alaskan Airspace?

As the world stands on the brink of WW3, Russian spy planes are probing Alaskan airspace. What are the possibilities? ...

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Transhumanism: Utopian Fantasy and Totalitarian Fact

Is transhumanism simply a myth, fringe science, or even a nonsensical "conspiracy theory?" Or is this a philosophy that will ...

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Self-Reliance & Skills

Green Beret Tips on Land Navigation

Living with a questionable grid means you HAVE to know the fundamentals of land navigation. And Green Berets KNOW land ...

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Jose from Venezuela

The Top 3 Mistakes I Made BEFORE the SHTF

As the world gears up for another crisis, learn from others' mistakes. These are the top three mistakes our writer ...

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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