Search Results for: surveillance – Page 12

Health & MindsetPandemic Watch

What We Can Learn 100 Years After the Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918

It has been 100 years since the Spanish flu infected 500 million people around the globe and wiped out an ...

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Survival Saturday

Survival Saturday: Chaos Erupts in St. Louis, London, and the Caribbean

This week on Survival Saturday, we'll talk about the terror attack in the UK, the riots in St. Louis, and ...

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Survival Saturday

When the Culture of Glamorous Helplessness Meets Cold Reality

This week on Survival Saturday, we'll discuss what happens when a culture that glamorizes helplessness meets cold, hard reality. ...

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AllSurvival Saturday

3 Stories About Our Government We Can All Agree Are Bad News

Despite all the division in America right now, here are 3 stories that we can all agree are bad news. ...

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AllCommentarySurvival Saturday

Denial is a River in the USA: No to Tiny Homes, Veggie Gardens, the Words “Islamic Terror,” Old Remedies

In this week's Survival Saturday round-up, the news topics are all about denial: saying no and burying our heads in ...

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AllPrepping & Survival

Should You Trust Your Bank? 43% of Americans Don’t. Here’s Why.

There are a lot of reasons why putting your money in a savings account may not be a good idea. ...

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Police Checkpoints: I’m Not Doing Anything Wrong, But I Definitely Have Something to Worry About

You might be "safe" from drunk drivers, but who is going to keep you safe from the State?

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AllHealth & Mindset

Are We Worrying About the Wrong Virus?

Last week in New Jersey, a little boy died suddenly, with no previous signs of being ill. He just went ...

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What Would Happen If a Thug WITHOUT a Badge Threw a Grenade on Top of a Baby?

What if you woke up at 3 am to realize that you were the victim of a violent home invasion? ...

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AllPrepping & Survival

Sorry, But I Don’t Give Out Personal Information

Welcome to the wonderful world of surveillance shopping, where the most innocent purchase is documented.

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AllPrepping & Survival

Night Vision: Own the Night

Guest Post by John Q. Public Introduction And in vain do they worship me, teaching doctrines and commandments of men…. ...

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AllHealth & MindsetPandemic Watch

What’s the Scoop on Genetically-engineered and Pandemic Viruses?

by Catherine Frompovich Originally published at Activist Post Something vaccine safety advocates have wondered about, and even questioned if it ...

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Bigger, Badder NDAA 2014 Quietly Passed the House and Senate – and It Is On the Way to Obama’s Desk

While everyone is distracted with the holiday festivities, Congress has been hard at work, screwing us over in the name ...

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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