Mexican Scientists Find a CURE for HPV (But It Wouldn’t Be PROFITABLE to Approve It in the US)
A team of scientists in Mexico found a CURE for cancer-causing HPV. But don't hold your breath on this being ...
A team of scientists in Mexico found a CURE for cancer-causing HPV. But don't hold your breath on this being ...
Rural Venezuela has become a target as people get more desperate. Here are some ideas for defending your homestead from ...
Amazon's creepy facial recognition doorbell won't just be looking at your front porch. It will surveil the WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD and ...
Corn, sausage, & beef have been recalled this week. The FDA says don't worry about the rise in recalls - ...
More than 1,400 employees, journalists, and human rights organizations are calling on Google to halt a controversial search engine project ...
China is deploying emotional surveillance technology that mines data from the minds of its citizens. Essentially, they're data mining by ...
The creepy social credit program in China just blacklisted 15 million citizens from travel. Here are 3 reasons that this ...
In this update, Jose talks about the worsening corruption, hunger, and crime in Venezuela. It's hard to imagine, but things ...
The MSM claims China has incarcerated a million people in "re-education" camps. China claims they are merely undergoing "vocational" training. ...
It only took one day of the CIBC debacle to remind people of why digital transactions are at the mercy ...
These are the best deals for preppers on Amazon Prime Day! Time to stock up! (This post will be updated ...
When looking back at the collapse of Venezuela, nothing that happened there was new. As many other countries can attest, ...
Citing a strain on "overwhelmed" health resources, an official State of Emergency has been declared in Alabama due to the ...
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