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Yesterday I made my first loaf of bread ever (okay, my first moderately successful loaf of bread ever!) Today, Rosie finished eating it so I had to make another.
After all the bread making work yesterday I was too lazy to make noodles so I opened a jar of meatballs in marinara sauce I had canned and we dipped fresh buttered bread into it. Loaf #1 was a bit over cooked,way too crusty, and kinda lumpy but it still tasted great.
Had some of the bread with eggs and a piece of fruit for breakfast this morning.
I was in a big time cooking mood this afternoon, especially since “lunch” was an apple today because I felt lazy.
I made another stab at homemade pizza and this one turned out perfectly! (Finally) I topped it with leftover marinara sauce from last night, ground beef, veggies and fresh mozzarella cheese. Then we sprinkled herbs on the top. We have plenty left over for lunches tomorrow. (I might have enough of my half for 2 days – I “poisoned” it with mushrooms so I know Rosie won’t touch it!!!!)
I had my lovely assistant help make a loaf of banana bread which was sliced and bagged up for quick snacks and lunch box goodies.
And…..I made another loaf of bread – this one was WAY better and not as funny looking either. I baked it for 5 minutes less that yesterday’s loaf. I think I could actually subtract another 5 minutes of baking time on my next attempt but I was definitely pleased.
Today I was really tired and tempted to give up on the whole “scratch” thing. Maybe partly because I was hungry after my lunchtime apple? Anyway – it’s all about preparation and planning ahead. I spent 2 hours in the kitchen this afternoon and we are well fed through tomorrow with little effort. I feel so much better and “lighter” without the processed foods, even though I was hardly eating anything processed at all. This has made it obvious to me that we all eat way more processed food than we think we do – our boxed pastas, our chips, our granola bars and snacks….this way of eating is not only more frugal – it’s a far healthier and chemical free way of life.
One Response
lol. “poisoned” ha ha. Around here I poison my pizza slices with pineapple if I want to save them from being snacked on as a midnight snack. I make enough to pack for lunches… and usually discover that someone has munched them away in the night when I get up in the morning. We refer to this mystery guest as ‘the mouse’.