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Author of Be Ready for Anything and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course
Did you ever wonder which countries are the safest (and the most dangerous) in the world? The Global Peace Index ranks the safety of every nation. Here’s how they calculate the rankings:
In assessing peacefulness, the GPI investigates the extent to which countries are involved in ongoing domestic and international conflicts. It also seeks to evaluate the level of harmony or discord within a nation; ten indicators broadly assess what might be described as a safety and security in society. The assertion is that low crime rates, minimal incidences of terrorist acts and violent demonstrations, harmonious relations with neighboring countries, a stable political scene and a small proportion of the population being internally displaced or refugees can be suggestive of peacefulness.
In 2017, 23 indicators were used to establish each country’s peacefulness score. The indicators were originally selected with the assistance of an expert panel in 2007 and are reviewed by the expert panel on an annual basis. The scores for each indicator are normalized on a scale of 1–5, whereby qualitative indicators are banded into five groupings and quantitative ones are scored from 1–5, to the third decimal point. (source)
You can find the 23 indicators on this chart.
Here are the rankings of all the countries.
Iceland is the safest country in the world.
The safest and most peaceful country in the world is Iceland.
Iceland has ranked number one for more than a decade, mainly because it shares no borders with another country. And for those of us who love guns will be pleased to know that a third of the Icelandic population owns firearms.
The 25 safest countries in the world
Where are the safest countries in the world? According to the Global Peace Index, these are the top 25.
- Iceland
- New Zealand
- Portugal
- Austria
- Denmark
- Canada
- Singapore
- Slovenia
- Japan
- Czech Republic
- Switzerland
- Ireland
- Australia
- Finland
- Bhutan
- Malaysia
- Netherlands
- Belgium
- Sweden
- Norway
- Hungary
- Germany
- Slovakia
- Mauritius
- Romania
The United States ranks a staggering 128th out of 163 countries, down four places from last year’s still terrible ranking of 124. Considering we have five of the world’s most violent cities, this may not surprise everyone.
The most dangerous countries in the world
There are also places you should not go if you are looking for safety. According to the Global Peace Index, these are the most dangerous countries in the world.
- Cameroon
- Iran
- Mexico
- India
- Palestine
- Colombia
- Venezuela
- Mali
- Israel
- Lebanon
- Nigeria
- North Korea
- Ukraine
- Sudan
- Turkey
- Pakistan
- Russia
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Libya
- Central African Republic
- Somalia
- Iraq
- Yemen
- South Sudan
- Syria
And the most dangerous country in the world is Afghanistan.
These countries would be the safest in the event of WWIII
What if you were traveling when World War III broke out? If you needed to flee with your family in the event of war, where you should go would depend on where you were when the fighting broke out.
- If you are in the United States, Canada is the most peaceful neighboring country, ranking number 6 on the index.
- If you are in the UK, Ireland is the safest place to be, ranking number 12.
- People in France and Italy should head to Austria, the fourth safest nation.
- Those in Spain should head to Portugal, which ranks number 3.
- People in Australia should go to New Zealand, the world’s second-safest country.
- If you happen to be in Russia (not an easy feat for Americans due to visa requirements), Japan is the safest place nearby, ranking number 9.
- Folks in Eastern Europe will find the Czech Republic the safest place nearby, landing at number 10 on the safety index.
- If you are in Germany, you should head to Denmark, which is the 5th safest country.
- Those in India, Pakistan, and Southeast Asia will find the best haven in nearby Singapore, which ranks number 7.
- If you’re in Southern Europe, Slovenia is number 8 in regard to safety.
Of course, being admitted to those countries in the midst of war could prove difficult. It might be a good time to have something to trade with the folks at the border.
Were you surprised by the rankings?
Were you surprised by the rankings in any way? Did you expect the United States to be more peaceful? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
About Daisy
Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, gun-toting blogger who writes about current events, preparedness, frugality, voluntaryism, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, The Organic Prepper. She is widely republished across alternative media and she curates all the most important news links on her aggregate site, PreppersDailyNews.com. Daisy is the best-selling author of 4 books and runs a small digital publishing company. She lives in the mountains of Virginia with her family. You can find her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.
51 Responses
One thing you might want to consider on your list is that New Zealand and Australia are in the sights of the Islamic (Indonesia) and Chinese hordes. Japan and Korea are also in the sights of Russia and China. Japan may join them to save themselves.
Canada is in the same boat as the US, where the hordes of immigrants and New World Order types have taken over (the Chinese in Vancouver are an example, having purchased large parts of the city). It may be safer outside of the major cities, but they have the same problem as the US with unrestricted immigration.
I always question these kinds of studies. For example, Sweden ranks a respectable 19th, yet we hear horrific stories about women being raped and assaulted by the huge numbers of Muslim immigrants. I’ve read reports of people in Scandinavia and Germany no longer feeling safe in their own countries. And here I am, living in a rural area of the US where we still barely bother to lock our doors. Apart from the increasing risk of nuclear war, which would affect the whole world anyway, I still feel reasonably safe. But I guess part of that is my extensive preps 🙂
You’re darned right. Rapes, grenade attacks explosions, church destructions, and government and police that cover crimes in order to not cause any ill sentiment toward the “New citizens”. Global Peace Index is a POS Index. Want to know the truth? Check the stories left by tourists on various non commercial sites.
You’ve been extremely fed up with lies and fake news buddy. I live in Sweden and the immigrants are absolutely not a problem in my area. The stuff you hear about cars burning and women getting raped, yeah all that, it’s just happening in one your two cities were immigrants are packed. The rest of Sweden is beautiful. Stop assuming stuff that you’ve just seen on the news if you haven’t even been here. I bet you haven’t even once left your own country like most americans that say these things…
No need to be so disrespectful to us Americans. So it’s okay if the women in ((one your two) cities are getting raped?
Yeah just never visit Malmö, Göteborg or Stockholm… STOP lying. No go zones are from north to south. Journalists getting attacked and media helping them. This is not true about Joakim Lamotte?
Is it true or not true that train trafic and long commute personal has gotten attacked on the regular since Sweden became a Game Of Thrones country where everyone is a stranger to each other and all public servants to is protect the government in shear fear of losing their jobs if they have a differing opinion.
Global Peace Index is obviously biased with the news I have herd/read coming out of europe.
The media does much to block said news.
I don’t think that is anywhere near correct.
Possibly being stabbed to death or decapitated with a dull knife isn’t considered
bad for your health. ?, but if it involves guns.. it’s suddenly dangerous.
That list is bogus… Most countries are dangerous now…. The AGENDA has taken care of that….
Funny how South America is totally excluded from any mention in this article, save Venezuela, which is on the most dangerous list (and for good reason!).
South America is also a part of this world, you know!
Hi, JA – I only listed the top 25 and the bottom 25 and most of the countries in South America fell in the middle. Here’s a link to the complete list.
This data for the US is deceptive because the vast majority of the violence is concentrated in a relatively small number of mostly urban census tracts in places controlled for multiple generations by Democrats that have very large minority and illegal immigrant populations living in poverty and close proximity. Location matters as do demographics, politics, and gun laws.
Both lists are wrong except the places in war Like afganistan and Syria.
You will get sued because of calumniate!
No Honduras as one of the worst? Surprised. Thx
Honduras was 123rd. Here’s the complete list.
It’s nice read,but I wouldn’t put much into it.you stay out of some our big cities and you are relatively safe.i will guess our second amendment is why we are ranked so low,they think it’s the wild west.
Don’t kid yourself. Canada is a Communist country and pastors are being arrested there by SWAT teams just for calling for repentance. If you are a sodomite or a transsexual then you might be safe there temporarily, but if you are a gun totin, scripture quotin, child of God you will be jailed there and that kind of society will be quick to fall when the real conflict starts.
The Bible says that during the great Tribulation there will be no place to hide.
As an Australian woman I’m very surprised at our ranking.
We have many freedoms here and I travel by myself around the country without fear, as do young people, old people (grey nomads) and families.
But then again I have moved to Tasmania to prep because we will all be impacted by the new world order eventually..nowhere is immune.
God bless.
I have lived in the US for 26 years & have travelled many thousands of miles alone & hiked hundreds of miles in Parks by myself, no problem. I feel as safe here as I do in Australia & we don’t have crimsafe screens on our homes like we do in Australia – just ordinary old screens.
Surprised that NZ is so high on that list given the recent attack.
Lots to digest here. Safest from WHAT??
From an invasion all those countries listed at the top are the most dangerous to be in. Most disarmed their citizens and put their faith, ironically in the West specifically America to come to their aid and in the meantime can enjoy their socialist exupberance.
The most dangerous countries in the world?? Again, from what?? Ironically we made them the most dangerous by ARMING them. Their turd world nature and beliefs don’t help either. They are pagans and only answer to themselves as dictatorial countries.
Yep! Everything runs around or aground on America. Depends on how you look at it we got’em coming and going.
Well, at least it ain’t planets….yet
So it seems that the Central American countries that are sending caravans of people here for a better life are ranked safer than the US. How does that make any sense?
NZ is not safe – certainly not from its own government, despite the PR front of love, care and peacefulness. NZ is an active member of the Five Eyes alliance (US, UK, Can, Aust, NZ); it spys on its own citizens; there are facial recognition cameras on every corner; emails, texts and messages are recorded and intercepted by government agencies; privacy has been totally eroded; there is no constitution and hence, no enforcement of human rights, least of all privacy; the government will abide by the requests of other Five Eye members, such as the US, to extradite citizens. Big brother government aside, NZ has the second highest prison population in the developed world (after the US), despite being indexed as the most peaceful nation; it has one of the highest domestic violence rates in the world, and it is riddled with ethnic gangs on a scale that would leave most people in other countries aghast.
Imagine going to the safest country in the world only to die within a week. So much for safe.
I would like to see the full lists along with the ratings that got these countries the scores they did.
Oh BS. The USA is a very safe place. I’ve been in unsafe countries. FIB stats show crime is way down.
Americans don’t have to go to Canada. We have 5% of the counties accounting for 68% of the crime. Just get away from the Democrat run $h:+-holes.
That’s it – I’m moving to Iceland.
There was this guy I read about, can’t remember his name who fled to Guadalcanal just before WW2 because he thought it would be the safest place on Earth when the hostilities broke out.
In a similar vain Iceland figures prominently as the center of attention when WW3 will break out according to every Tom Clancy novel ever written.
Me? Deception island will be the safest place on earth when the Zombie apocalypse breaks forth.
“The Appointment in Samarra” For the bullet dodgers!
Do not go to Honduras it is extremely dangerous, if you are a tourist you will certainly be robbed and then killed !
Bottom line
Where citizens have easier time obtaining firearms = SAFE
Where citizens have strict or ban of gun ownership = UNSAFE
Or put another way.
Where citizens live under dictatorship or Marxist/liberal/democratic policies = UNSAFE
Note the “Most Violent” cities are most highly gun restricted, and hardly compare to the cities in South and Central America, Africa, etc.
I saw a study done a few years ago that said if you eliminated the top 5 major population centers, where you have the highest numbers of gangbangers, the U.S. is one of the safest countries on earth.
It is Colombia, not Columbia.
Whoops – thanks!
OTOH, if you were referring to the DISTRICT of Columbia….
Read the criteria list used to generate this list. Too many of the “criteria” have anything to do with the internal safety of a nation and the safety of its residents. For instance, “Financial contribution to UN peacekeeping missions.” Or “Nuclear and heavy weapons capability.” Neither is indicative of a nation’s citizens safety.
The originating organization, The Institute for Economics & Peace associates closely with Leftist NGOs like the United Nations. The reader can draw their own conclusion about the unstated intent of the messaging.
What may be once upon a time been an interesting measure has been perverted into simply more Liberal, nonsensical pap.
So far, still no major incidents in Portugal… but they created a whole new harbour section for cruise ships to dock to.
Lisbon is SWAMPED with cruisers (we talk THOUSANDS at one docking), I just wonder when something will happen…
Had friends over, they (NOT ME) went for a daytrip to Lisbon, then they returned early because: too effing CROWDED.
Could just not get anywhere and returned early to our more rural setting. Where I was more than happy to cook dinner for them… 🙂
Lesson learned: Come to Somwehere In Southern Yurrope, ole COM will keepa y’all safe… 🙂
(And YES, I do realize that our BOL’s are somehow limited, just sayin’).
Anyhoo, y’all stay safe now, hear?
COM out
I did a one year deployment in Afghanistan.
I lived in New Orleans for a spell.
I felt safer in Afghanistan.
Then again, I and everyone around me were “carrying.”
Not realistic , russia or turkey cant be in dangerous countries, votka and doner save us
So, according to the list, we ranked lower than El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
So WHY are so many people coming here from there?
Looks like Israel is just below Venezuela and Mali and above Lebanon and N. Korea in the most dangerous list. That’s a bunch of BS. Venezuela is one of the most dangerous and Israel is one of the safest.
No offense but Palestine is not recognized as a country, in my opinion you are just mixing your own values in this article and completely ignoring facts.
Being born and raised in Guatemala, currently living in Italy; having spend periods of my life in Mexico and the United States. Plus having relatives living in Iceland, Switzerland and from as far as The Seychelles. I think lists like this one are very relative and made for entertainment. Every country has it’s Pros and Cons. 🙂
This whole thing is bogus, based on presuppositions that are very likely not true.
The real danger is war. War from Russia and China. Just as the German Marxists of World War II tried to dominate Europe, so the present day Fascists of Moscow and Beijing want to conquer the world. And now is the time. Russia is in a population death-spiral that in 20 years won’t have the population to support a decent military. China is just now entering that population death-spiral that is already seeing its working-age population shrinking. So it’s either strike now, or never. What will the aftermath be like?
Add to that, famine. What has happened in the American Midwest is just the tip of the iceberg. There have been droughts and floods in many places of the world this past year, impacting food production. Add that to the political impediments to food production in places like Venezuela, South Africa and Zimbabwe, where are we to get our food? Hungry people are dangerous, because they have nothing to lose.
Now redo the map to take in these factors that the map makers didn’t consider.
There is no such country as Palestine.
From a cursory reading of your article it emerges that you are listing the safest countries for Americans to head to in the event WWIII were to break out and not for all uninvolved humanity to seek refuge in. This being so, yes Iceland, N.Z. and Mauritius would clearly be top of the list mainly because these are islands and are located in friendly regions. Greenland would also qualify but Americans would have to move in with the penguins, though. Japan and Australia though friendly larger islands are situated in potetially hostile neighbourhoods. Singapore, though a warmly welcoming island too and situated in a somewhat indifferent region would still be vulnerable as a dense and compacting target. The other top safe countries that you listed can be grouped into a few loosely homogeneous clusters: 1) West European, 2) Scandinavian and 3) Central European; all of which may still not be as safe as the remote islands. The same goes for the other disjointed safe enclaves of Bhutan, Malaysia and Canada. Canada fares worst because you have listed Russia, a superpower and an almost contigous polar state as one of the most dangerous countries for still wayward Americans to be in in the event of a war outbreak. But the Trump-Putin rub-a-dub may still prove to be useful. Anyway, clearly the listing has enormous short-comings.
Umm…, Mexico safer than Russia?, what meds are you on?
this is just a study produced for businessmen indicating where to invest their precious money, it cannot offer much to ordinary people. simply put, no one can predict how safe or unsafe a country will be next year, because something happened last year. also keep in mind that there are huge differences between rural and urban areas. In Greece where i live, life went on pretty much as usual in most rural areas in contrast with big cities like Athens and Thessaloniki.
the book “the Black Swan” by N.N. Taleb is a must read if you want to understand probability and randomness .
What if you happen to be in South America? By the way, America is a continent, not a country. It’s divided into North, Central and South America.