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Russia and China, as well as some Middle Eastern theocracies that hate the USA, are continuously taking advantage of the banana republics in South America. The real intention, of course, is to establish military posts to increase their own military effectiveness, bring in more supplies, and to assist those corrupt regimes in repressing and stomping on their own population.
I was a kid in the 80s, but I know that a movement like this back then would have been hard to imagine. Russia threatens a nuclear conflict and then quietly deploys troops to Central America a few weeks later?
Is there anyone naïve enough to believe this is some sort of “humanitarian aid” as we’re being told?
The Nicaraguan Congress has given their blessing to a “joint training exercise”, allowing Russian troops, navy ships, and warplanes into the country.
How long will they remain in Nicaragua?
The only positive point in all this is that Russia won’t be able to sustain an invasion force for too long so far away. Military specialists could speak more about this than I, but it’s one thing to invade a neighboring country, and another one to maintain bases overseas.
The reasons for such deployments are plenty. Let’s face it: drugs are the slow-motion, poor man’s atomic bomb. The drug-producing countries have been laundering money and shipping drugs to the developed countries as an effort to undermine their capabilities, steal technology, and destroy their economies. And they do all of this with the support of major countries.
Even Russia is involved with the drug-running.
Even worse, recent examples (2020) of Russian Army officers involved in high-scale drug trafficking in South America indicate that the situation is much more complex and unconventional than it may initially appear. This isn’t just about traditional weaponry. It is about keeping the drugs flowing to (and through) the Americas. It’s about providing the authoritarian regimes (like Ortega’s) the means to be a new Gadhafi. It’s about helping these regimes to stomp out any resistance movement and to slowly occupy strategic positions.
For non-Latin Americans (Canadians, British, Spanish), this may look like non-threatening events. After all, countries have military relationships with other countries all the time, don’t they?
The Russian presence in our countries is definitely something we never witnessed in large numbers before. Except for some Ukrainian migrants arriving in the 60s or 70s, the Slavs’ preferences were for other more developed countries. Some still showed up here, but the amounts were never meaningful compared to other migrants, like the Italians, Portuguese or Spanish. The “cooperation agreements” were almost irrelevant back in the 90s.
Under the circumstances, the Russian military presence in Central America is not a good sign.
The extension of the agreements includes airplanes, ships, and troops. The official approach is trying to disguise the fact that at this moment, not even one natural disaster has occurred in Nicaragua to justify troop’s deployment, nor the need for “humanitarian aid.” It seems more like an Ortega temper tantrum (but a very dangerous one).
None of these three countries was invited to the most recent Americas Summit, an event that looks to strengthen bonds between democratic countries of the Americas. Obviously, Nicaragua doesn’t belong here after the Ortega dynasty ruled the country for four consecutive periods, exiling most of their opposition and throwing what remained into jail – just like every other banana dictator does.
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They are not leaving.
One of the most concerning aspects of the treaty is the inclusion of the words “law enforcement”: With Russian forces set to enter Central America, how will the US respond?
Does this mean that Nicaraguan police are unable to do their jobs? Are they too busy? If so, doing what?
Mark my words. Any ship or number of soldiers stationed in our hemisphere won’t return to Russia. The aircraft will remain to establish an air bridge between the mother country and the military base over here. This is the reality.
This article mentions the number of “advisors” being over one hundred. Is the Nicaraguan government military so inept and unable to operate that it needs so many foreign officers to tell them what to do?
And, of course, we have the typical double speech: a threat immediately disguised as “routine operations.” When the Russian propaganda machine unfolds and starts talking about some topic, everything coming through their microphones is meaningful on some level.
In the same article, the Costa Rica president informs us that he feels uneasy about the situation. This is understandable enough. Costa Rica received a huge amount of Nicaraguan refugees after the war that Ortega and his Sadinistas unleashed on the people.
And tell me this? How can anyone mentally healthy believe that 20 T-72B tanks are going to be used to “fight drug trafficking”? Unless the trafficking routes have heavily armed spider nests all around, these tanks will very possibly be used to crush any internal resistance that could arise. Ortega was a former guerrilla warlord, so he knows better.
What are their tactics over here?
It appears the Russian forces use the same model as the South of Venezuela does: local forces surround and protect foreign operatives with a security ring. They’re brave enough to stomp on a neighboring country, but they need someone to look after them once away from home? Go figure…
The threat of war is increasing, and with the combination of soured Mexico-US relations and the Russians setting up bases throughout the world (such as in Syria), things are not going to get any better in the near future.
Although another Cuban missile crisis with Nicaragua as the main character is unlikely, the threat of Russian hypersonic missile superiority in the region is very real.
Personally, I believe that the deployment of this advanced weaponry is already a fact. Russia already supplied advanced SAM-300 to the air defense forces. The “need to defend the homeland against US imperialism” was the excuse for that huge expense back in the days of the Hugo era. The same goes for the Chinese mobile radar systems.
However, Latin America’s relationships with the rest of the world is a complex issue.
The Brazilian giant is always in a rush to become the guy in charge of South America. This means they’re not going to let any competition into the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) that could delay their further development. This makes our situation in Venezuela much more complicated. Nevertheless, this group was created because of these countries being the most solid emergent economy of that moment. Things are different now.
Latin America is definitely not a natural market for Russia. Distance, language, and cultural differences are vast to begin with. We have much more in common – and stronger bonds – with Italy, or even Germany, not to mention Spain. Former Netherlands colonies are so close to our shores that we can travel there by windsurfing. Portuguese and many other European refugees were received with an open-arms policy in Venezuela back in the 50s.
Now, we have Russians whose goal is not just mere “cooperation” but to gather intel and provide the muscle needed to crush internal free-fighter movements. The Russians look to provide these countries the means for a totalitarian militarist, long-term dictatorship: “there were discussions over the possibility of (…) inviting children of Venezuelan officers to train in Russian military schools.”
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Are they simply inert actors over here?
Reputed Scholars such as Fabiana Perera, adjunct professor at Georgetown University, confirm that the actual bonds between Nicaragua and Russia are a credible threat, including the deployment of military actors.
Something has to be very clear under this scenario: the deepening involvement of Russia with the corrupt Ortega regime is just another tool to bypass the sanctions of the free world.
After the Ukraine invasion, the sanctions bit deeper and stronger, so Russia needed a sidekick without scruples to triangulate with. A great job for a banana republic dictatorship. The second purpose is to provide the means to bark louder right outside the US door.
An important factor that many seem to oversee is this: Russia is not alone, in Nicaragua or anywhere else. China is always backing up, sometimes openly, and most of the time playing low profile.
Maybe this is not as much the public knowledge, but Russia built a GLONASS satellite comms facility in Nicaragua. I say this to point out that Nicaragua’s relationship with Russia is nothing new. On the contrary, their military cooperation comes from as long as 1979 when the leftist guerrilla Sandinistas knocked down the Somoza dictatorship. This guerrilla was armed and financed by the former URSS – meaning Nicaragua was a decades-old target.
When you combine a cruel dictatorship like Ortega’s, an experienced guerrilla warlord with nothing to lose, and the signing of an alliance with Russia you don’t end up with an end product that is good for the stability of the free world.
What are your thoughts?
Is this just another training exercise for Russia? Why is Russia diluting its troops during the war in Ukraine? Are you concerned about this proximity to the US? Let us know what you’re thinking in the comments.
About Jose
Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has an old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Jose and his younger kid are currently back in Venezuela, after the intention of setting up a new life in another country didn’t go well. The SARSCOV2 re-shaped the labor market and South American economy so he decided to give it a try to homestead in the mountains, and make a living as best as possible. But this time in his own land, and surrounded by family, friends and acquaintances, with all the gear and equipment collected, as the initial plan was.
Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on Patreon. Donations: paypal.me/JoseM151
38 Responses
This article is quite interesting, but leaves out one important factor: China is also making vast inroads into South and Central America.
Russia and China are both undermining the US influence in South America, since middle 80s, give or take. Just see the coalition BRICS: it was one way to make Brazil (our local counterbalancing superpower-wannabe) get in bed with them. Check this out:
I won’t disagree with anything stated in this article. What I did find ironic is the statements about Russia being involved in the drug trade. That should not come as any surprise to any thinking person. Hell, the US has been intricately involved in moving drugs throughout the world for at least as long as I’ve been alive. It’s what governments do. They’re all corrupt !
It is different when military personnel is directly involved with the trafficking. A civilian thug hardly can be considered “the US”…on the other hand, foreign officials and uniformed guys and gals are supposed to represent their country overseas. Mafias are everywhere. The mention is because Russians are the main subject of the article, and not everyone else.
The US military hides their drug running activities behind operations like Iran/Contra, Fast and Furious and through shell companies such as Air America and Southern Air and has been doing so since the early 1960’s to shadow fund NSA, CIA, FBI black ops around the world. Spare me the wonderful, loving, innocent, caring, and glorious USofA BS.
Russia has been cooperating with drug cartels in our hemisphere for longer than most people, especially Americans, realize. It is a cash cow for them. They have also partnered with organized crime syndicates for the exact same reason. To some degree, they are considered an extension of the Russian military, and the Russian elite who are in power.
Jose, are you saying the “devil that you know (USA) is better than the devil you don’t know(Russia/China). The USA has supported regime change throughout Central and South America for years. We’ve only wanted leaders that we could control. If they’re dictators so much the better. From what I’ve read, China has made more inroads in Nicaragua than Russia. I wish you had sited your source of information about Nicaragua. Those of us in the USA can’t easily find news sources about Central and South America. My daughter lives in Colombia so I do search. And as for the Ukraine/Russia, I suggest you study the history there and how the USA arranged for the overthrow of the elected President in 2014. The Donesk/Lugans regions didn’t support the overthrow. Those regions have strong ties to Russia. The new regime started continous attacks on those regions who asked to be reabsorbed into Russia. For 8 years Russia has tried to broker a solution for those areas but our government wouldn’t allow it to happen. We (USA politicians supported by the WEF)wanted a proxy war with Russia.
Well, I didn´t know this could be interpreted that way. My information sources about Nicaragua are the links appearing everywhere, so I don´t know exactly what you mean. What do you mean with telling you can´t find news sources about Central and South America? because I know plenty of news websites are banned in Venezuela and I do have the means to sort that out, even though I am not exactly technically skilled. Sure, the US supported questionable governments. But rest assured, the leftist propaganda machinery made it look MUCH worst of what that really was. As an example, they said the Caracazo (civilian turmoil in 1989 I lived through) was “because of the gasoline prices rising up”. Everyone in Venezuela knows this is a huge payload of BS. The almost civil war of the 1989 is rumored to be started by Cubans that came with Fidel Castro to the President Carlos Andres Perez ceremony of receiving the Chair, because there is documented evidence in the airplane listings. This is an explanation I can accept.
These cronies have made hundreds of times much more damage to our country and crushed the demonstrations in 2014-2017 with a gang of armed thugs out of the jail. Same thugs they´re now hunting down because of their immense firepower with the same guns that were given to “defend the revolutionary process”. As far as I know, Donbass region people are effectively tied to Russia, but they belonged originally to Ukraine! “The Donbas remained for the most part under the control of the Ukrainian Cossack Hetmanate and the Turkic Crimean Khanate until the mid-late 18th century, when the Russian Empire conquered the Hetmanate and annexed the Khanate” https://greekreporter.com/2022/02/22/history-donbas-donetsk-luhansk/
Russia started to mess with them in the late 19th Century. Sure, a portion of the actual population may feel affinity with Russia. That doesn´t mean that such territory actually BELONGS historically to Russia.
Vicki, if you have contacts in South America, especially friends or family, consider asking them for references to news sources. There are plenty of them throughout the region that are not aligned with either the corrupt leaders of various countries, or the government controlled media spewing propaganda. They do try to keep a low profile, but are available on the Internet. What’s happening in Nicaragua is not unique, it’s happening more widely in that region.
Your comments about 2014 and Ukraine are accurate, but many Americans are blissfully unaware.
Thanks. Noticed that this article was based off of main stream news and as such is not necessarily accurate as they use creativity with the facts.
For some reason the left in the US has constantly and without apparent evidence attacked Donald Trump over ties to Russia. Putin has always impressed me as being a strong, maybe tough leader but a RUSSIAN leader, as in he seems genuinely interested in the affairs of Russia and is not (currently) a globalist. Similarly, Trump appears as a strong, if temporarily invisible US leader as opposed to Trudeau in Canada and Biden/Obama (the man controlling Biden) who seem like globalist acolytes. The COVID debacle seems totally engineered to plunge the world into globalist hell with a NWO government and electronic control like humanity has never seen before. One possibility for the Russian position in Nicaragua is to deal with US “veterinary” biological lab work possibly linked to the engineered COVID crisis or other bioweapons efforts. This is probably not the complete picture, but I think this substack provides some support for this position: https://bioclandestine.substack.com and specifically this post: https://bioclandestine.substack.com/p/russian-military-moving-into-nicaragua I think we need to pay attention to US biological labs around the world even if they are “veterinary”. I think Putin will go home when Trump asserts his presence again. Ukrainian biological labs with US funding and support are a direct threat to Russia and the US leftists (DNC and Democrats primarily, with some RINOs) are the ones willing to violate treaties to produce bioweapons.
You mention several important points. I do believe this whole COVID thing is engineered: the hysterical management of the whole crisis was unjustified and I did noticed several “crisis” that were hoax (like when I went out back in May 2020 to a Lima hospital near the place I was living in and didn´t see anyone “dying on the stairs of the main entrance” according to a TV reporter I listened talking). Just look at the new discoveries of the autopsies. “Clots” that are not blood cells congealed, but some sort of tissue growing inside the vessels themselves. Gross, and disgusting. A lot of researchers are starting to warn about how the death rate is going to soar in the next decade. All as a direct byproduct of the mRNA inoculations disguised as “vaccines”. In Venezuela most of the inoculations were with attenuated virus vaccines (which sounds to me like the closer to a vaccine you can get). I had the disease twice already (properly diagnosed with PCR tests), and my son himself was exposed several times, barely sneezed a few times. So we are surely immunized enough and don´t need any sort of reinforcement.
No matter what they say.
Didn’t I read that there are bio-labs in Nicaragua as well? The US no longer can claim the moral high ground anywhere. This sounds like more “Putin bad” bs.
Take it easy. Putin destroyed the oil industry of MY country to take over the oil production quotas we produced, close to 2,8 Million barrels per day. So NO, Putin is NOT “good”, if you ask me. This is a FACT. Just like everything I write or talk about.
I’m curious as to how Putin destroyed Venezuela’s oil industry. I had thought that your own government destroyed it through their actions.
Yeah! I want to know what Putin did to destroy Venezuela. Please, share some solid facts. I am really curious.
Putin is corrupt to the core, and he’s in bed with a whole lot of really bad people, many worse than him. No offense intended OldTomJoad, but there is plenty of valid information on the Internet about Putin’s relationships with drug cartels and organized crime (especially in his own country). The well documented money laundering activities done by the Biden crime family might be considered amateur compared to Putin.
Last week the Russians sent 2 long range bombers, some fighter jets and transport planes. They have an agreement to BUILD a Naval Base in Nicaragua on the Caribbean side to be completed by 2026, as I understand it. The article misses those points and the Russian Air Base intended for Venezuela with a Naval option with Russia in the future, in a port they may or may not share with China and Iran to port ships and submarines by 2024 or 2025. A lot of this is blacked out in US Internet, and we need updates for exposing and addressing these US national Security concerns.
…and that’s one reason the US Navy has maintained a relatively strong presence off that coastline for quite some time. You are spot on with respect to the US Internet….but plenty of valid foreign Internet sources of information document all this…..but you still have to cross check and verify, because there’s plenty of fraudulent propaganda too…..
Very interesting and verifies Almighty Creator God Heavenly father’s vision given to a faithful man, a brother; Dumitru Duduman
way back in 1980, this is a tiny excerpt from it:
“He said, “The Russian spies have discovered where the most powerful nuclear missiles are in America. It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace’. Then there will be an internal revolution in America, started by the Communists. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Central America, Mexico, and two other countries (which I cannot remember) will attack! The Russians will bombard the nuclear missile silos in America. America will burn”.
The US is Hated globally, our Militariat run by the Demonic Pedophiles in the Pentagram who are more worried about LGBTQ than Killing our enemies. We are literally giving away All of our military equipment in Afcrapistan & now Yuckraine & of course the U)nholy S)atan & N)ationalist A)ryan T)rans O)rganization are “Punishing” Russia with “Sanctions” that are Only destroying the “West” so why is anyone surprised that Russia, China, Iran & North Korea are ready to Destroy Us?
Well, we are several years into Cold War 2.0, the Chinese are established in Ecquador and Uraguay as part of the BLT and band network. We are the reason Russia was invited into Venezuela and Nicaragua. They also block Chinese expansion northward. Of more concern was the recently thwarted Chinese-Canadian military exercises for winter operations training and the prevalence of the seaway from China to Canada.
Of course it is an humanitarian aid for Nicaragua!! What does Russia have that Nicaragua does not have……Wheat, Fuel, Weapons, etc and for sure they won’t get nuked! Other countries will be asking Russia in, in the near future.
Nicaragua could produce everything for their internal consumption, and generate enough biomass-related energy with proper education. But communists ruin everything they touch just to subjugate people at gunpoint. Their only intention is to establish a military base to threaten on the US.
Russia or China on your continent (think China in Canada or Russia in South America) is NEVER a good idea. That said we have already seen how Russia fights in Ukraine. China has never been tested and they are much more fanatical about war but both countries base their beliefs on communism which is a ball and chain on them and we can use this to our advantage.
Absolutely a terrible idea. People has forgot already (too soon) the Pol Pot Cambodia, and other horrors the Commies unchained on innocent population they wanted to rule on. The Khmer Rouge was never punished enough for their crimes. And China supported and financed those savages that sank Cambodia in a prehistorical slavery.
So, nope, former communists shouldn´t be welcomed in any country.
Georgetown university – don’t ever trust anything from them…
Well we the USA is training forces and participating in a war on Russia’s border. Nicaragua is not even close to our border. I don’t see a problem.
Hypersonic missiles delete borders.
I do see problems, and a lot of them in the next 15 years.
2012/14 time range Russians were training w/our Mil in Colo. Soon after ruskies were seen in the Smokey Mountains (also off limits to hunting and treking for civilians) and in small towns through out Tenn.
Around 2012 a young Russian 20ish installed my satellite internet.
My thoughts are that they are getting ready to invade the U.S. from the south through Mexico. Mike Adams said so a couple of weeks ago. Hope he was wrong but he hasn’t been so far.
@ Janet I just saw that 239,000 people crossed illegally in May 2022. That’s a pretty stunning number and there are a lot of criminals, bad actors and fentanyl mixed in with the genuine asylum seekers that’s for sure. From my non-expert perspective and basic reading I’m really going more in the direction of a grid-down situation than any direct invasion after seeing that Obama just had a 2500 gallon propane generator installed in Martha’s Vineyard. What does he know?
Indeed….a commercial grade propane tank that cost somewhere around $75k is what I read….the local Board of Selectman supposedly said this is the first time anyone has applied for anything like this.
I don’t know anyone who lives on Martha’s Vineyard, so I’m curious if this is fact or fiction.
If it’s fact, then unless they plan on spending winters there and want plenty of backup fuel, it doesn’t make much sense – unless they know something the rest of us don’t.
Reports are that the Obamas have already installed 3 propane storage tanks installed in an effort to prepare for rising prices.
The Edgartown Board of Selectman reportedly provided validation (in the form of an interview) to the Daily Caller.
Link to story here: https://dailycaller.com/2022/06/15/gas-former-president-obama-propane-tank-marthas-vineyard-mansion/
I wonder how long it will take these people to realize this nation is broken, and for them to en mass start returning to their countries? Of course there is a number who are here for neferious reasons and will not leave!
Sounds like RED DAWN