How Rising Gas Prices Will Impact the Money You Spend on Food

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

by the author of The Faithful Prepper and Zombie Choices.

Last week my neighbor cautioned me that I needed to fill up with gas that night. “I’m friends with the owner of the gas station. He’s bumping up prices 30 cents per gallon tonight,” my neighbor told me. I filled up and woke the next morning to find that gas was $2.90/gallon. He was right. Gas was $2.60 the day prior. Rising gas prices were escalating.

As of yesterday, gas was selling for $4.30/gallon in my area. It had jumped well over a dollar per gallon in less than seven days. And it is only going to continue to go higher.

Though Russian oil only accounted for 10% of all the oil that Americans utilize, we are now officially no longer importing Russian oil. Instead, we’re looking at getting our gas from Iran and Venezuela.

Yes, you read that right. Iran and Venezuela.

Iran, the same nation where generals say, “Death to America,” and burn the flag in Parliament.

Venezuela, the same land that brought in nuclear-capable bombers from Russia a few years ago, that received shipments of Russian military equipment, and that moved troops to the Colombian border in 2022 with Russian assistance.

Sounds like a good idea.

It bugs me that this kind of stuff doesn’t surprise me anymore. No matter that the United States could literally drill all the oil that we would ever need. We’re being told we have to do deals with our enemies now instead.

If we avoid looking at the questions of national security this poses, what can we see about how this is going to impact your prices at the local grocery store?

Let’s start with looking at how rising gas prices hurts the farmer.

On average, a tractor runs somewhere around 13-17mpg. All the tractors I’ve ever seen run off of diesel. As of this writing, diesel is running right around $4.85 on average throughout the country. Personally, I’m seeing it at well over $5.00/gallon in my area, but we’ll stick to the national average for the sake of “fairness.”

Let’s say I’m a cattle rancher growing my own hay.

I have a couple of acres of it. I grow and bale myself to feed my cows throughout the winter, and I have to sit on that tractor for 20 hours to get all of my hay cut, raked, baled, and hauled out of those fields. Let’s say my tractor burns through 13.6 gallons/hour.

By the time I get all that hay in my barns, I’ll have used 272 gallons of diesel. If diesel costs me $4.85 on average, that means I just paid $1319.20 on my diesel to get my hay in the barn. That’s not counting the cost of my time, the wear and tear on my tractor, my baling twine, or the guys I had to pay to help me get everything taken care of before the rain. Last year it cost me half that to get my hay put away.

(It’s a good time to read our free QUICKSTART Guide on how to build your 3-layer food storage plan. I’d suggest reading our nuclear war survival anthology as well.)

What just happened? My beef just became more expensive, that’s what happened.

Is the farmer going to simply absorb that cost, or is he going to pass that cost on to the consumer? As Adam Smith has pointed out, the way this works is that the cost gets passed on down the chain until it reaches the customer.

But it’s not just the cost of running a tractor in a field that’s gotten more expensive. It’s every other aspect of the food supply chain. Those groceries that were delivered to your local grocery store? They were delivered via semi-trucks that also run off diesel. Therefore, if it now costs the trucker an additional $1000 to deliver a load full of product, the rates he’s going to charge are going to go up.

If he’s running a refrigerated truck and it costs the freon man more money to deliver freon, the price to keep the truck refrigerated is going to go up. So, if the food has to be stored at a countywide distribution center before it eventually makes its way to the grocery stores of the region, there’s going to be an increase in price to keep the food refrigerated and then trucked out once more till it reaches the end destination.

These price increases get passed on to you.

And finally, when the food reaches the grocery store, the grocer is going to have to bump his prices up to atone for all of the added costs it now takes for him to get food onto his shelves.

The bottom line is that the ever-increasing price of gasoline, the continued refusal to drill our own oil, and the continued oil embargos we keep creating are only going to cost you, the American, more and more to keep your own family fed.

More of your paycheck is going to go to the grocery store, more of your money is going to go to the pump, and less of it is going to go towards your family.

Do what you can now to mitigate the effects of rising gas prices on your family.

If you don’t already have a fully stocked larder in place, now is the time to start working on it. Figure out ways to stay entertained at home that doesn’t require your driving about town. Call, send emails, and write letters to your legislators telling them the reasons all of this is idiotic. Go to your town meetings and speak. Top off your vehicle regularly (nightly?) to avoid paying more for gas tomorrow. Look at keeping gasoline in 5-gallon cans in your shed/barn with Sta-bil (a wonderful chemical I learned about from reading James Wesley Rawles) added to keep it functional longer.

Rising gas prices are only going to get worse. Prices across the board are going to go up. Do what you can now to prevent the impacts of this on your family.

How much is gas in your area?

How much are you paying right now? Let us know in the comments, along with the state. How much does it cost to fill your tank right now? Are you doing anything differently to conserve or prepare? Let’s discuss it.

About Aden

Aden Tate is a regular contributor to and Aden runs a micro-farm where he raises dairy goats, a pig, honeybees, meat chickens, laying chickens, tomatoes, mushrooms, and greens. Aden has two published books, The Faithful Prepper and Zombie Choices. You can find his podcast The Last American on Preppers’ Broadcasting Network.


Picture of Aden Tate

Aden Tate

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68 Responses

  1. $2.79 in Oklahoma and climbing like everyone else

    I use PRI-G for gas (PRI-D fir diesel). I’ve tested it to 5 yrs.

    Between fuel and fertilizer things ain’t looking good in farming and ranching

        1. The Walmart in Franklin, North Carolina has NO gas station so our cheapest is the PIT STOP and it was $4.11 yesterday, but the Marathon closest to my place was $4.19. Last nite it actually dropped down to $3.99 soooo will it stay there, probably not. I do expect to see $5.00 a gallon for regular unleaded before it’s over and possibly more. It is what it is and there is absolutely NOTHING we can do except be happy we are NOT living in California where it is over $6 and $7 a gallon…I was taught to count my blessings!!! I am daily doing just that.

      1. I tanked up at Costco on March 2nd and paid $2.95 a gallon. I griped about that. The following Sunday I went by Costco to pick up a few things and it was $3.29. I need to pick up a prescription today. I will probably tank up tonight even though I’m at half a tank and still have another 300 miles on the range gauge. I shudder to think how high it is now… I’ve been seeing $3.89 at local stations in the area.

        Crap. I just looked on the Costco web site. $3.70 a gallon. 75 cents in nine days.

        Let’s go Brandon!!

  2. I have poultry. I have 32 chickens, 59 ducks plus 12 babies and 4 turkeys. The turkeys and ducks are all going to be butchered. I have someone for the baby ducks. The older poultry will be used as dog food for my six big dogs. That still leaves chickens. I have three extra males that are being put down, but that still leaves me with 29 chickens to feed and yes feed has gone way up in the last two years.

    I have looked at different ways to start doing my own feed. I looked a meal worms, but where do I get the wheat bran if none becomes available? But that is only one aspect of their feed. Growing in a semi-desert environment is not easy. Some people do sprouts, but what happens if you get get the seeds? I will probably reduce my chickens to 8 hens and 1 rooster. I use the eggs for family and friends, but that will have to be stopped. I like giving eggs as gifts, but I won’t be able to afford that in the future. Not to mention the feed store is having problems getting enough feed in.

    1. “Growing in a semi-desert environment is not easy”

      large populations in the desert is possible only with large fuel expenditures. without the fuel only a handful of people can be supported.

  3. Yes, great description of how the process works. Everything will be more expensive.
    We were paying $3.99/gallon for regular yesterday in NW Montana.

  4. Being a Canadian that worked in the oil patch, I would Say just finish the few remaining Miles of the XL and get the oil to the Texas coast where the refining equipment was installed ten years ago to process our crude.

    1. Supposedly cheaper oil (like the US will see any savings) in exchange for contaminating drinking water. Process your own crude and ship it thru your country.

      1. Oh, look, our resident NPC shows up johnny-on-the-spot. Haven’t you and your ilk done enough damage already? Perhaps you should go sit in the corner…the adults are talking here.

  5. I went to the grocery store two days ago. Since I don’t drive and the big store I needed to hit is across town, I take a cab. My cab fare was up 60%! And yes, everything in that store was up significantly as well, except for the Purina cat food that hasn’t been on the shelf for over one year. A couple of conversations with people in the store confirmed that shelves are bare all over town, not just for cat food but pasta, meat, and other staples. My old college roommate says her stores in Milwaukee are also quite bare.

    I feel sorry for the low-wage, low-skilled worker who has to commute. There’s no way they’re going to be able to deal with this. This is the stuff of Great Depressions. Buckle up, folks. Even if we have seat belt burns in our collective hind ends! This isn’t over by a long shot.

  6. With gas at nearly $4 a gallon (San Antonio, TX), it costs a driver nearly $1 to drive six miles with an average of 25 miles per gallon. Biden continues to blame Russia, but he was the one to stop the pipeline, stop new drilling and add on new regulations to the oil producers.

    Electric cars are NOT the answer. We don’t have the infrastructure to support EVs. Driving 600 miles then recharge all night? Not feasible. That would make all trips take longer and cost more (more nights in lodging). They are expensive to drive and require battery replacement (up to $20K per vehicle – and batteries are not recyclable). The lithium come from China (our good buddies… at least Biden’s). Given that lithium batteries will catch on fire (from the inventor) how safe is having a EV in your garage? What will it cost you to add a charging station to your home? Even more if you go for a level 3 fast charger. Don’t forget the riders on your insurance for extra fire protection. And, exactly how many charging stations have you seen around town? In parking areas/shopping centers? Office locations? Don’t forget your “electric can” for when you run out of “electric” on the highway. Maybe a tow truck can bring you some.

    Neither is “going green.” Efficiency of solar panels is awful and the sun doesn’t always shine. Wind mills? Awful for the environment. Blades must be replaced and they are not recyclable – they are buried in the ground. Not to mention the danger they present to birds and bats. And the wind doesn’t always blow. There is only a limited “range” of wind speeds that can be used. Too high or low and the whole thing shuts down.

    Isn’t it wonderful to understand this is all being done on purpose.

    1. You nailed it. This is what the elites have been wanting for us peons for a long time. They want us staying home in cold houses, eating bugs and dependent on the government. They want up compliant. The virus was a trial balloon to see how much we’d tolerate. We (America; not me) tolerated the illegal restrictions on our Constitutional rights: freedom of speech, assembly, religion. If the Democrats had been more successful with ending the 2nd amendment, it would be even worse.

      Don’t tread on me. Resist the global elitists.

      1. It looks like Iran bombed our Embassy in Iraq this evening. So I imagine we won’t be getting any oil from them. At least I hope NOT!! Also, it’s time for all of us to begin planting our own Victory Gardens. I’ve had mine in full swing for a while.

        1. WhereEaglesDare,
          Spot on about the Victory gardens.
          I still got snow on the ground, but starting seedlings indoors.

      1. The City of Houston bought a bunch of Chevy Bolts a few years ago (2019, I think). Probably the entire output of the factory for a week.

        They got rid of them in 2021. Hmmmm 🙂

    2. “Isn’t it wonderful to understand this is all being done on purpose”

      knowledge is power – IF you can address the source of the problem.

  7. $4.10 is the average in the central Ohio area. I just started using Gas Buddy to find the best station within a few miles of me, but at best you can save a nickel or so per gallon it seems. The best advice I can give is to use gas containers to store extra when you fill up especially if you get fuel rewards at your grocery store.

    1. > I just started using Gas Buddy to find the best station within a few miles of me, but at best you can save a nickel or so per gallon it seems.

      Warehouse-club-type stores (think Costco or Sam’s Club) usually will save at least 30-50¢ per gallon, if not more. The gas stations just down the road from where I live (northeast corner of Las Vegas, NV) are already above $5 per gallon, or just shy of it, but the Sam’s Club where I usually gas up is still at $4.50 or so. The way things are going, it won’t take that many tankfuls for you to earn back the membership fee in gas savings.

  8. Its a sad time in America for sure.
    Gas prices here in central Ohio have gone up 66% from last year at this time, so many are limiting travel n opting for mass transit by bus to conserve.
    I ordered relays for my 10 year old van online 2 weeks ago after not finding them locally to have that order cancelled 4 days later due to unavailability. I was able to find then again at 50% higher prices just yesterday. I m grateful to have found them, but hate the new prices. Auto parts are getting higher n harder to find, so get what you can now. Auto repair shops have raised their prices to the point that I m learning new skills. $200 per hour labor seems to be the standard now. The price to replace a starter last month was $780 before tax.
    I m not due for an oil change or tuneup yet but I m getting those supplies today as well as a tire patch kit, air filter, fuel filter, extra fuses n bulbs for my van.
    I dont have cash reserves for this but feel that putting them on a CC now is wiser than not being able to get them later n pay more is more important at this time.
    I n forgoing animal protein for the most part these days other than tuns, salmon, eggs n some dairy.
    I purchased 4 months of my dogs special diet dog food n put it in storage since it was hard to find last year n will continue to do that every time I see it available.
    Please do as much as you can to prepare now since its not going to get better any time sooner.
    Thank you for this article.

  9. I live in MA and gas is about $4.15 a gallon for regular gas. My husband works an hour away and it’s costing him $200 a week to go back and forth. It’s crazy! I only drive once a week to do my errands.

  10. It almost makes me physically ill how that beautiful area of the Arbuckles in Oklahoma along I-35 has been absolutely ruined by those blasted wind turbines. I always looked forward to driving through there, but no more. Now we head over to Highway 69 to go north.

  11. I live in Maine. Diesel is $5 / gal today, regular is $4.30. Two weeks ago it was a dollar less. Last year it cost about $400 to fill my fuel oil tank. This year it’s over $600. Last year I bought sheet plastic to insulate my home at a package = $11. This year the same package is $25. Last year I bought a pack of 50 foam earplugs for $4. This year $11. Two bags of groceries this month were $81 and all I buy are INGREDIENTS, nothing prepared. Our family has prepped and prepared for decades. We are in a good position to weather these horrible changes, and still they will be horrible for even us. Most others are not in a good position. I’m actually not as worried about lack of access to materials to live – instead I am beginning to fear civil unrest and theft when people can’t get what they need. Mainers are really poor in general. We are already starting to see an increase in local crime. The latest fad is to cut catalytic converters off of parked cars and shop them for cash…..hunker down everyone, we’re in for a rough ride……

  12. I live in Western WA. Gas prices by me, range $4.65 (for the super cheap gas) – $5.09 at Shell/Chevron. In two weeks time, gas prices rose $1.

    Adding to the electric car debate – I have quite a few elitist friends saying, “We can deal with rising gas prices, guys. It’s for the Ukrainians.”. I wholeheartedly support the Ukrainians, but my gas budget can’t sustain $6-8/gallon. I’m tired of the virtue signaling. We used to have an electric car and it had 100mi range. Honestly? My family got stranded once in the mtns waiting several hours for it to charge. It was a wonderful day when we traded it in and got our gas car.

  13. Gas is $3.99 – 4.09 here in our rural county in north Texas. We were at a Sam’s Club in the Fort Worth area yesterday and got gas there for $3.88. I’ve never seen so many cars lined up to get gas. Probably because it’s likely to go higher and higher, and also, will stations start running out, as some did in the 70s?

    I agree with Texasrancher: it’s all according to plan.

  14. Gas the other day in Northern NJ was $4.55 a gal. For regular. My sister put plus in my van and it cost $70 to fill from a quarter tank. I’m hearing gas is the same or higher in PA where I live. It’s going to mean essential driving for me from now on.

  15. Was thinking exactly about this the other day: How much will hay cost me this year.
    Good job at explaining it.

    Meanwhile we got Elizabeth Warren/Biden admin claiming food producers are reaping in windfall profits. I think she is lacking education on farm economics.

    1. “Elizabeth Warren/Biden admin claiming food producers are reaping in windfall profits. I think she is lacking education on farm economics.”

      she has all the education she needs. what she means is that the producers are getting the profits, instead of her handlers.

  16. This comment has little to do with this particular article, (or maybe it does) Daisy I was very impressed with your guest appearance on EndGame! Everyone should be watching! Good info. And to stay on topic gas prices here in Central Fl. was $4.49 on Thursday 3/10/2022, probably higher today.

  17. In my own experience, the best way to mitigate the cost of food is to grow as much of it as you can from the seed that you have saved yourself. I use a broadfork rather than a tiller in my garden so the price of fuel becomes less of an influence on my life. Not only will I be able to grow my own food for less, but I’ll be able to sell excesses to those who are not as forward-thinking as I am.

    If harvest hay is an issue for you, consider alternate ways of feeding your cattle by incorporating more rotational grazing like Greg Judy of Missouri and Gabe Brown of North Dakota use and then sell your meat in the local markets at retail prices rather than to brokers at wholesale prices.

    1. “If harvest hay is an issue for you, consider alternate ways of feeding your cattle by incorporating more rotational grazing like Greg Judy of Missouri and Gabe Brown of North Dakota use and then sell your meat in the local markets at retail prices rather than to brokers at wholesale prices.”

      Really? Just like that? Simple fix, right?

      I’m in the farm to table business. My processors (must be USDA!????)had to cut back my annual slaughter of 50 prime lambs, three veal to the point that I lost my customers. Beef got cut back to one/year. Shipping crushed us during covid and now it’s unimaginably worse.

      I’m now taking processing into my own hands. I’ll raise far fewer, slaughter far fewer, and feed far fewer. Your suggestion is about five years behind the power curve.

      As far as rotational grazing, a completely grass fed/finished carcass will not grade prime for marbling. America has become addicted to fat. I get it, I don’t even have a problem with it. I sell to a different customer. It takes a special marketing angle to sell it. I know this from years of doing it. But! Only if one can get it processed.

      But to suggest it’s as simple as retooling an existing farm to all grazing and simply peddling to local retailers..please. That takes a lot of capital. And fence material is 2X today from last year. I run 150 head/ewes and cattle on a rotating pasture system of 150 acres. I switched over to this system years ago and it nearly killed us then. No way could a farmer change over quickly. Chances are his cattle aren’t suitable to a grass system. Most ranchers are breeding with bulls that are selected specifically for feed conversion rates based on corn finishing.

  18. I filled up this week at $4.66/gal. I too am concerned about hay and feed prices- the only things I can’t truly afford to stock up on with as much as I use. The past few months, livestock feed has been hit or miss and often I have to go to multiple stores to find what I need. Our local drought already has hay from 14.5-0/small square bale(100 lbs) to $22/bale and local producers are running out before the next cutting.
    As far as the pantry goes, I’ve been trying to order wheat for three months now and still can’t get it. Hoping some will be available with my order for next month.

  19. Yesterday gas rose to $4.60 here in the East Valley of Phoenix and I won’t be surprised if it’s up more today. My daughter saw a post from a long haul trucker that said it cost him over a 1000.00 dollars to fill his rig up in Tennessee. I swing from pure rage to depression about all of this. May God help us all!

  20. The price of diesel for my diesel car went over $5 a gallon a couple days ago, and the cost of a fillup is double what it was half a year ago. This means I cannot make ends meet this month, and that hurts others as well.

  21. I started shopping local for as much as possible the last few years purchasing as much as possible that we consume from local ranchers and farmers in addition to what we grow in our small garden. That food is put up to last to the next growing season. That has been very helpful so far and we plan to continue the same but in larger amounts this year in case we need to help others. We do shop once a month at a bulk warehouse for what we can’t purchase locally. Gas was $4.19 a gallon for our last fill up. We are retired and the gas prices haven’t been as painful for us because we don’t drive as much as a person that has to work daily. I do expect higher prices at the farms and from ranchers this year because their prices to grow and produce have raised dramatically in our area. It will still be less than a grocery store so is well worth my saving extra each month for when I need to. I would like to encourage everyone to fill and keep your pantries filled as I have gotten messages from farmers I respect to keep it up and don’t stop because they know what they are talked about.

  22. offset those food costs and search Grocery Salvage Stores in your area. Just look everything over good and only buy what you consume, stock up on non-perishables if you see something in these stores that you use a lot, check the date and buy a few because the merchandise they get in does not last but a day or two on the shelf. Most of these stores have a Facebook so you can take a sneak peek at what’s coming in that day. I have been dehydrating extra ground beef and veggies, storing them in mason jars.

  23. Any chance that you can raise corn, beans, sunflowers where you live? Perhaps not enough to completely cover all the feed requirements of your flock, but to really stretch out the store bought feed. And these can all be sprouted, too.

    Many ancient native peoples grew a lot of food in locations that were less than ideal. We can learn from what they did, to adapt ourselves to the land and climate.

    I have a small flock, too, and hope to raise a lot more of my feed. Fortunately, chickens will eat almost anything. I feed mine everything from cooked potatoes to sunflower seeds to an open pollinated, short season corn (Painted Mountain.) I also feed commercial feed. I am going to try storing extra feed in Mylar bags inside of 5 gallon buckets, too. Will also try fodder from different grains. Just ordered some grains on-line from Azure Standard. I’m trying to stock up now, while there are still supplies to be had.
    I don’t know about meal worms, but I may try raising earth worms in garden compost, to see if the chickens like them. Some folks are raising soldier fly larva for their chickens.

    Also, have you thought about selling your extra eggs, or raising laying hens for sale from your own chicks? I’m thinking about doing both. The extra income could help offset feed costs and perhaps introduce me to other like minded folks who want to be more food self-sufficient.
    There are lots of things each of us can do to spit ourselves out of the system, and I appreciate Daisy and the contributors on this site, as well as the commentors.

  24. It is a good thing this will encourage many to start a garden this year. It is not only about eating at all in famine, nor only a way to save money. You cannot buy at any price in any store the quality of fresh-picked food you grow yourself, especially if you work on soil quality.

    Several years ago, I learned at an Earth Day expo that gardeners do not gain much weight as they get older. That is vital to an awful lot of us. Among other things, overweight is associated with all kinds of ailments, and you won’t be able to get the meds you “need” if the supply chain gets much worse.

    Overweight is not about calories–we would be a nation of thin people if that were the answer. Same goes for exercise.

    Once, I ate a one-pound can of peas or green beans. Next day, I had gained four pounds! Oh well, must be water weight, easy come, easy go, right? Those pounds were still there months later.

    I am fat, and all fatties go on diets–lots of diets, an average of five a year. I lost weight on most of them, but a few months after, you weigh more than ever. I have been on one and only one diet where the weight was still off more than a few months later–two years later, I weighed 6 lb less than I had started. Dr. Mark Hyman’s Detox Diet. Books: The Ultra Simple Diet or The 10-Day Detox Diet.

    Poisons are stored in fat cells. Diets release a little poison, but your body does not want to die, so it overrules your stupid diet and regains the fat it need to dilute the crud. Detox it off.

    I looked at 500 bodies walking out of Health Food stores several years ago, matched with 500 walking out of regular Big Box supermarkets. Fewer huge tubbies and underweight people in the Health store, but lots of pot bellies. It’s not just “organic.” It’s everything you eat, and the water you drink, and air you breathe.

    The last decade, we learned that the gut “microbiome” (bacteria) has a lot to do with overweight. You get all kinds of beneficial bacteria from healthy soil–another reason to garden.

    See to fitness and health–very important survival items. And grow a garden, starting this week (its that time of year). Like other preps, start small and manageable.

  25. Hi Aden,
    Could you please provide the details of exactly where and how ” . . . the United States could literally drill all the oil that we would ever need. . . “?

  26. your US fuel price is about half that of Europe at the moment. Sure, we don’t need to drive the distances and our cars are usually more economical, but still.. our governments are trying to reduce the >50% taxes they cheat us out of in fuel prices.. they are so generous!
    This is all part of the “Great Reset” as it will force people to move to cities and be totally dependant on our good governments to play with their enslaved goyim.. All this will reduce carbon, that usually promotes plant growth, and ensures we cannot grow crops..
    As you can see folks, its too late to say “I did not know”, now is the time to do something like close the corporations and do things ourselves again without this global elite pulling all the strings in our lives!

  27. Aden, your title should read “How Fuel Prices Will Impact the Money You Spend on Food.” You spend as much time talking about diesel as gasoline.

    Also, if you have “a few acres” you don’t have a 310hp tractor. Maybe a 100hp tractor like a Kuboda M5. Do you really live on a “microfarm” or are you some suburban dude with access to the interwebs? Your calculation data is almost always wrong.

    Nota bene: Most of my wife’s family either farm or live on rural acreage. Me, I’m that suburban dude but I spend a lot of time with my in-laws.

  28. $4.09 this week for regular in Dalton, GA. I am retired, so drive very little. We also have a small lake house that we use a lot in warmer weather but it’s only about 15 miles away. We are lucky that way but people like my former employees are going to be hurt. They all have daily commutes of over 10 miles one way. Lots of people from Murray County work in the mills here and it’s twenty miles or so one way for them. Some of the lower income workers will find it financially more viable to just forget work and go on welfare which will only exacerbate the labor shortages in this area. Thanks, Brandon.

  29. In rural Georgia south of Atlanta, gas is going for $4.29 to $4.49. Oil changes are going up too. I got an oil change in one vehicle last Friday and paid $49 and got one from the same company on Monday for another vehicle for $52. The figures are changing almost daily. I paid a total of $106 for gasoline to do what I had to do this week. A few years ago I would have paid half of that amount. I am going to stay close to home next week.
    For certain items, food store and dollar store shelves are empty or nearly empty. When a new shipment does come in the prices are higher. I bought the last two cans of roast beef at a dollar store 10 days ago for $2.99 each. Yesterday that store had some more on the shelf for $3.79 each. In that same time period, a particular brand of bacon increased in price from $4.29 to $6.49. No store in my area has full shelves. I am glad that I have a good food stockpile.

  30. Gasoline with ethanol attracts water and goes bad quickly. Only buy non-ethanol if possible. It will last for 2 or more years without Stabil. PS Corn belongs on a dinner plate, not in your gas tank.

  31. $4.79 in Washington State

    This past week gas has risen almost daily. The worst was on Wednesday when the price went up 20 cents.

  32. fuel in casper wy is 4.65 to 5.20 a gallon. a lot of trucking outfits have closed. loads don’t cover the cost of fuel. we have so much oil here it is stupid. not aloud to drill.

  33. 18 years ago I built a wood gasofyer and installed it on my pick up truck. It’s rusting in my woods, I might have to clean it up and install it on my tractor like they did in Europe during ww2.

  34. $4.14 at Costco in Washington State. Costco is the cheapest in my area and has gone up at least 3 times each week for the last two weeks that I was able to count. Last Monday they ran out of Regular due to higher demand and two tankers that were running late.

  35. $4.49 for regular in rural middle GA. We have 1 company here that has a monopoly and I feel they are profiteering. It is cheaper if we go into Augusta to Costco. Hubs drives in his job and get paid milage, which is still at .58 a mile. I drive 17 miles into nearest town to work, so 34 miles a day. I’m topping off every couple of days.

  36. The median networth of congress members is $900,000. The median networth of senators is $3.2 million. The median networth of an entire household in America is $121,760.

    But look at all that we get in return for it!

    Treason! Tyranny! & Terrorism!

    Are you like, really super duper excited about the 2022 elections?!

    Andrea Iravani

  37. Regular is $3.93 here in the middle of Nebraska. Almost all the grocery prices have gone up. I buy in bulk from Sam’s Club, but the closest is 40 miles away. I also have to drive that 40 miles to get to the closest VA hospital. It cost almost $80 in gas to take my dad’s truck last week. Luckily I only live about 6 blocks from my job and there’s a grocery store right next to it. Now that winter is over I got out my bike and am planning on just using that to get around unless I need to go to Sam’s Club or the VA. I work in fast food and we’ve raised our prices twice in the last year. Everything is almost $1 more than it was in 2020. Our food cost is astronomical, with prices on everything having gone up almost 40% this year. I don’t think my job is going to survive too much longer. There’s just no way to make a profit. So hopefully I’ll be able to find another job soon within biking distance. Enjoy that cheap(ish) fast food while you can!

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