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I’ll start by outlining a few events you may or (may not be) aware of taking place worldwide right now. Then we’ll see the connections between these, the crisis we’re going through, and how the different circles, as proposed by Selco, interact with each other. Let’s dive in and study the ripple effect of the SHTF.
Mexico’s Southwestern region of Michoacán
The local population abandoned their homes in droves. The stuff is hitting the fan with the ongoing war between the Cartel Jalisco Nuevo Generacion (CJNG) and Carteles Unidos (CU). The situation has reached a boiling point, with various towns and villages engulfed in a wave of chaos, blood, and violence.
Civilians are attacking the Guarda Nacional (GN) agents deployed to control the situation, turning the life of the government into hell and adding to the confusion. Blockades, attacks, vehicles on fire, arson, and constant crossfire are instilling fear in the local population. In Anguilla, estimates say more than 1,500 residents have already fled the municipality in fear. That’s 10% of the city’s population.
Rio de Janeiro
Drug and militia fights are frequent in the suburbs and favelas in the town’s hills. Last month Brazil shocked the international community (once again) when 28 people in the Jacarezinho favela in Rio were killed during a police operation to fight traffic and firearm smuggling and illegal commerce.
The UN issued a note condemning the action and the violence. There’s a heated debate on whether those victims were the dangerous criminals that appear all the time on the internet heavily armed with powerful semi-autos and pistols or innocent workers and family members. I honestly have no idea about that. But I see an escalation of deadly violence scaring the community.
The manifestations in Colombia are reaching a tipping point. Dozens have already died since the protests against Ivan Duque’s government broke out a month ago. Experts and insiders say there’s no end in sight. Things could get worse and spread to other regions, maybe even contaminating neighboring countries.
Here too, there’s a lot of chaos and confusion as to who is responsible for the deaths, who’s right or who’s wrong: the police and the soldiers deployed to contain the demonstrators or the more violent portions of protestors fighting each other and the authorities. For those suffering, does it matter?
The situation in many western countries is not looking good
I’m not trying to directly connect drug cartel wars in Mexico, police action in Brazil, protesters in Colombia, or crime waves in the U.S. But civil unrest manifests in many forms and various places, with increasing intensity and frequency as time passes. That’s what should matter.
I’m constantly touching on the topic of crime because it’s a very present threat. If not in every SHTF, at least in the majority of instances. When the situation goes crazy, things become unstable and more people get desperate. The institutions are cracking and under attack by a growing unsatisfied part of the population, and this is a common point in most situations currently underway.
Confidence in the institutions is eroding at a fast pace
Authority is now openly challenged everywhere. No one seems to believe in the capacity of the politicians, bankers, regulators, and leaders, elected or not, to lead us. With a few notable exceptions, leadership has explicitly been lacking and abysmal for some time now worldwide. Worse yet: the sentiment is that all these high players deliberately manipulate the system to their benefit.
Many theories are floating around. Conspiratorial or real, it’s hard to say. I have my own. I don’t see a highly coordinated or intentional action to cause these situations. In other words, I’m not sure this is by design any more than it is the mechanic of things, the natural cycle of history.
I’m not trying to excuse the elites and governments of anything here, just observing the dynamics with an eye in history. That has been the way of the world since forever. Other institutions such as church (and even religion itself), family structure, traditions, education, and science are also on the low. Maybe it’s all interconnected.
Is the system rigged?
Yes. But we must look at our role in all this.
There is a higher instance coordinating some of the policies, as always. But each part of the system is taking advantage of the context as they can, without much consideration of their actions’ potential consequences. And the ones at the top always have more power and resources, so they do what they can to keep their status quo.
There’s no fixing the problem just by pointing fingers and casting blames. Each of us is a cog in that exact mechanism, and the victim mentality is precisely what these elites want for us. It does no good, so we should be against it and favor taking responsibility no matter what.
The truth is things have been building towards this situation for decades
That’s how the world is. The pandemic has accelerated things, and the compressed timeline makes everything more visible and clear.
There’s a conjunction of factors creating the conditions for the spreading and worsening violence everywhere: the economic downturn, the large-scale political movements, the social divisiveness, the widening of the wealth gap, geopolitical issues flaring up, and of course, the pandemic. Nothing of that is new. It all has happened many times before in history. And it won’t go away soon.
I know about all that. What does it have to do with me, my family, my lifestyle?
The answer is: everything.
If we live in a connected world, and there are conditions in place for these situations to happen and get worse, how do you imagine staying untouched by what’s going on?
I have never been in war like Selco. But I agree with him on many things, two of which apply very specifically to the current topic:
- We have no power over the big picture (the big circles) but must follow the situation, so we are not surprised or caught off-guard.
- In doing so, we must act and work on our level (small circle) in any way we can, be prepared, and do our best to lessen the impacts.
Do you see a wave of discontent building?
As things accelerate, a resolution of some sort seems imminent. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with it all. And, even more so by all the work necessary to be somewhat ready and have some preparations in place.
It is our duty to harden the f*** up and face the challenges as they present themselves.
We should expect manifestations will grow and spread, perhaps turning more serious everywhere. No one has to be a genius to forecast similarly violent, increasingly tyrannical responses by the authorities to counter and contain that, as governments and the elites try to keep the situation under control. This kind of response also seems to be common and generalized, regardless of the location, and it’s also something typical of the times we’re living.
With this in mind, I’ll present my overall analysis of the situation and how I plan to deal with this ripple effect going forward.
The ripple effect of SHTF is vast
As widespread as these phenomenon are, places get affected differently. If we think about the major conflicts of the last century, war took place in Europe and never reached the Americas directly. But the production, economy, and politics were affected, which had consequences to the populations everywhere. Switzerland remained neutral. Brazil went under a dictatorship. The U.S. became a superpower, got entangled in a Cold War for decades, and entered multiple conflicts worldwide. Japan had two cities nuked. And so on.
This dynamic repeats at lower levels, or smaller circles, too: thanks to the concentration of people and limitations of resources (among other factors), big cities are usually hit worse during crises. Cali and Bogota are the epicenters of the manifestations in Colombia, and it’s there that the situation is more unstable and violent.
It does not matter where you live, SHTF can happen anywhere
Some kinds of crises can erupt at or reach smaller towns and rural areas. Which is precisely what the situation in Mexico shows us. Protests, insurrections, and common crime can spread to these areas depending on how things unfold. We should never rule that out. It’s essential to be aware and never fall into a false sense of security just because you live in a perfect place.
Since everything is interconnected, significant disruptions in production, distribution, and overall supply chains can also spread out and reach rural areas and smaller communities. In keeping with the mid-level “circle,” when we think of a country, no state or city is an island. Food, water, fuel, and energy are produced in distant places most of the time. And very few (if any) locations are genuinely independent of The Grid.
Climate can also be part of the problem
Mother Nature does not discriminate. Take, for example, the Texas freeze and the droughts going on in the western U.S., and all other natural disasters potentially hitting anywhere, anytime. Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. Many cities in the region and even other states were affected as people fled the area looking for resources and safety. Tensions and crime rose in these places for months after as a result.
When the system is stressed out everywhere and dealing with multiple threats simultaneously (again, the economy, pandemic, instabilities, etc.), the disaster response capacity is significantly affected – to worse, of course. Anything can become proportionately larger with ineffective (or inexistent) support, delayed response. You’re a prepper, and you know that, but maybe it’s important to make others aware of this as well.
Mass migration due to conflicts, crime, or natural disasters is another issue
I mentioned the mass bug-out in the Michoacán region due to the cartel war. But what about the areas where all those people are going? What are the effects on the population and resources of these places? How much do the migrations from Syria and other conflicted areas affect Europe? How do the five million-plus refugees from Venezuela affect nearby countries? Unfortunately, no one says much about this, but it’s a factor all the same.
The same dynamics apply internally, for instance, the mass movement in the U.S. between red and blue states and from city to rural locations. Of course, with time, things tend to accommodate, regardless of the cause ceasing or continuing to be present. WWI and II had similar movements with lasting effects. These shifts and movements directly impact the situation of the areas receiving the migrants.
Prolonged crises of any nature can also contribute to migration
If the drought persists for long enough, people living in the affected areas will lose hope of returning to normal. They will start moving in larger quantities and definitely to other places, completely changing the life in both ends of the migration movement.
When it comes to migration, we either live in a place directly affected by a severe or prolonged crisis (a bad place) or in an area that is potentially a target for migrants (a good one). Which one do you want to live in when it comes to a country, state, city, and neighborhood? A most honest analysis of that is something that everyone should be doing right now.
Connect the dots…see the ripple effect
The objective of this exercise is to stimulate connection between large, mid, and smaller circles around us. I don’t know if I’m right or wrong in my analysis. I follow the developments and try to make the connections necessary to guide me for the best course of action.
I’m not trying to predict the future. That’s impossible, and anyone who tells otherwise is lying or trying to sell fear (or something else). We do have history as an indication. Being aware and informed without giving in to paranoia is vital to have a clearer picture of things and keep a level head as much as possible.
Perhaps the most important, though, is not worrying or fearing the developments in the larger spheres but instead focusing efforts in the smaller circles. That’s where we can do something. Will this work? I don’t know. It’s not about the results, but the grind.
Here are some other initiatives that have proven effective on the individual front, each time we find ourselves in a difficult situation.
Look at the bigger picture
Zoom out and take a distanced perspective of things to help reduce anxiety and put things in their real place. We suffer more in imagination than in reality (Sêneca). There is no evil that lasts forever, nor good that never ends. It’s cliché Portuguese saying, but also true. A hundred years from now, none of us will be around, so why bother with unimportant things, big events, and the distant future?
Focus on sensible, proven, real-life-based preparations. Get away from the echo chamber of fear, doom porn, and fantasy prepping. Take proven measures to harden your safety (home, family, personal), improve your health, sharpen your mind. Those are perhaps the only things that are really under our control.
Get out of your comfort zone but stay connected
Practice going out of your comfort zone more frequently. If (or when) things get bad, the shock and impact will be lessened and the reaction quicker. Embrace the suck every once in a while. Go out in nature, hit the streets, see the world.
Stay connected to your community and help others when possible and always according to your possibilities. It can be through material support or by sharing knowledge and information. Bringing awareness and emotional support becomes more and more important as the situation gets worse.
Self-sufficiency is key
Work hard on becoming more self-sufficient and reliant. Work harder to become more useful not only for your family but also for your community and, on a broader level, humankind.
During normal times it’s not wise to expect or rely on government support. This is even more critical during difficult times when the entire system is tapped.
Choose your battles wisely
Don’t allow yourself to get drawn into useless debates. And, don’t get attached to titles and categories. (Left, Right, blue, red, rich, poor, black, white.) None of that matters much in reality, and what’s worse: the control-freak elites, politicians, the media, the government, the big tech, and corporations use it to manipulate, alienate, divide, control, tame, and subdue us.
I understand it isn’t easy to see some things and not take a stance. The above is not about that, but rather about not waste energy punching walls. If a situation presents something essential to manifest and take a position, take a step back, breathe, and look beyond tags and rushed judgments. Concentrate on the practical results.
Really, we don’t pick our fights: they choose us.
Declutter your space and your soul
Maybe there has never been a better time to think things through and make a list of everything that drags us down. Get rid of all stuff that has no use, stands in the way, or demands unnecessary attention. Donate, sell, whatever. Cut expenses, save as much as possible, simplify your lifestyle. Basic is light, and light is nimble.
Remove toxic friendships and relationships that “vampirize” us. Get closer to and surrounded by better company. Dedicate more to the ones who love and care for us and inspire us to be our better selves.
Finally, enjoy life as it is now
We can change others not by words but by action: being good, positive, acting with integrity, and doing what’s right is the way of salvation and even more important (and impactful) during challenging and difficult times. Find comfort and joy in what you can.
If things are still good for you, don’t turn it into SHTF by preparing or expecting SHTF. If things are not good, focus on improvement and march on. We don’t know what’s ahead, but if we can turn the bad into good, we can also ruin ourselves by doing the opposite, so just don’t.
How are things going for you right now? Let’s discuss it in the comments.
About Fabian
Fabian Ommar is a 50-year-old middle-class worker living in São Paulo, Brazil. Far from being the super-tactical or highly trained military survivor type, he is the average joe who since his youth has been involved with self-reliance and outdoor activities and the practical side of balancing life between a big city and rural/wilderness settings. Since the 2008 world economic crisis, he has been training and helping others in his area to become better prepared for the “constant, slow-burning SHTF” of living in a 3rd world country.
Fabian’s ebook, Street Survivalism: A Practical Training Guide To Life In The City, is a practical training method for common city dwellers based on the lifestyle of the homeless (real-life survivors) to be more psychologically, mentally, and physically prepared to deal with the harsh reality of the streets during normal or difficult times.
You can follow Fabian on Instagram @stoicsurvivor
41 Responses
Everybody is angry right now and tired of being belittled by the MSM, Hollyweird, and the politicians! All of them are trying to start a race war right now as it was shown this weekend in Tulsa, OK. The politicians and the MSM think they are safe and will not face any repercussions for their actions. One day the people are going to rise up and the people who are creating these problems will be taken out. Jan 6th did not go far enough, if it had we would probably be in better shape than we currently are.
“I don’t see a highly coordinated or intentional action to cause these situations.”
I think Mr. Ommar needs to expand his world view, everything that has happened since the beginning of the 20th century to date is a demonic Globalist script leading to the end of humans as a species.
I sure do William, I’m constantly working on that. Anyway it’s just my view, and I admit it’s limited. But as I said, I acknowledge a higher instance, or instances, coordinating initiatives at some level to create their desired outcome or scenario (the Illuminati, WEF, UN, central bankers, or however you want to call it, it’s always the same elites with different names).
These elites are constantly working to manipulate things, and they won’t let a good crisis go to waste as it’s been noted. They have higher capacity of coordination than the masses, they hijack or co-opt corporations, big media, governments and institutions to achieve their goals.
I know that. What I meant, and maybe I didn’t make myself clear, is that this has been how things happen not just since the beginning of the 20th century, but since the dawn of times. Every civilization has seen this in some form. It’s a natural cycle, each part just playing their role, their program.
This is just how human beings act. From time to time this comes to a point that a resolution is inevitable. Even these elites don’t have total control of things, of everything, or to the level we (and they) think. And there’s always unintended consequences, even to their highly elaborate schemes. See all the revolutions in history as examples of this.
Anyway, that’s my view, based exactly on history, and not just now or the 20th century history. I believe it goes way beyond that. But again it’s just my limited opinion.
FABIAN..I believe you really need to TALK TO OUR LORD JESUS,he would set you straight on whats really going on,and ITS FAR WORSE THEN THE PEOPLE ON EARTH THINK IT IS,get on your knees FABIAN,talk to the BOSS,you’ll be shocked at the devils plan…
The mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart. Check your heart my friend. Might not be as pure as you think.
Read today that Gen. Flynn, at an event this weekend, stated that the U.S. should have a military Coup to replace the stolen office of President.
Had an idea for a movie. A political hack, along with some Domestic Enemies, steal an election to “Fundamentally Transform” the U.S. from a Republic to a Communist country. He open the borders to drugs, gangs, and terrorists. Purges Patriots from the military, wrecks the economy, and pushes a racist ideology.
Suddenly a “Ghost Army” appears made up of all the fallen veterans commanded by Washington, Grant, Pershing, and Patton. The Evil Ones are captured and put on trial by Jefferson and Lincoln.
Of course, there are no “Ghost Armies” but the American Spirit lives within the hearts of all Patriots, so Civil Unrest may be coming soon?
It appears the media twisted what Gen. Flynn said.
Here is a statement put out by Gen. Flynn,
“For all the fake news ‘journalists’: Let me be VERY CLEAR — There is NO reason whatsoever for any coup in America, and I do not and have not at any time called for any action of that sort. Any reporting of any other belief by me is a boldface fabrication based on twisted reporting at a lively panel at a conference of Patriotic Americans who love this country, just as I do. I am no stranger to media manipulating my words and therefore let me repeat my response to a question asked at the conference: There is no reason it (a coup) should happen here (in America),” said Flynn in a Monday statement on Parler.
“There is NO reason whatsoever for any coup in America”
and emperor for life xi does not look exactly like winnie the pooh.
Don’t insult Winnie the Pooh.
Mr. Marine, of course you might be correct. As I understood it, he first made a pro coup remark but when attack by the MSM he did a tactical retreat. Either way Flynn is a great American in my book, and we both know that the Republic is in serious trouble.
@Seminole Wind,
Well said.
“he first made a pro coup remark but when attack by the MSM he did a tactical retreat”
(snort) he should have said the coup had already happened.
“the American Spirit lives within the hearts of all Patriots”
in the soviet union those were called “C” units – formations with equipment that was 20 years out of date and personnel in their late 40’s to late 50’s and 40 to 50 pounds overweight ….
Don’t be so hard on yourself. Just because you are old and out of shape does not mean you are a worthless troll. Try posting your own thoughts instead of sniping at the rest of us here.
Last of all, I hear that a bullet fired from a 20 year old gun by an old fart like yourself, can still do harm.
“Try posting your own thoughts”
I do (as you can see below). they are seldom answered. but everyone likes talking about their own ideas, so I comment on what others say so they can respond.
“instead of sniping at the rest of us”
I must be on target ….
“a bullet fired from a 20 year old gun by an old fart like yourself, can still do harm”
and that is what many peppers/survivalists plan – to operate from some fixed hidey-ole, sniping at The Evil from 1000 yards while they themselves relax in the shade.
probably won’t work out quite the way they anticipate ….
The difference is in how they are used and how they fight.
If you try to play the regular military playbook, they are not worth much. The “lets line up in a line and shoot at each other until one side kills off most of the other side”, is assnine.
But as part of resistance units, they can be terribly effective.
Your ” C” units describes a lot of the Taliban fighters. You know the ones who have kicked our asses in Afghanistan for 18 yrs and now control more of the country, than we held when we “invaded” them.
Never underestimate the old.
And BTW it was the ” C” units that really stopped the German advance in WW2. Because most of the original “A” and ‘B” units were dead or captured.
The difference is in how they are used and how they fight … But as part of resistance units, they can be terribly effective”
sure, in certain environments. but I think they will lack the environment to be effective.
“The institutions are cracking and under attack by a growing unsatisfied part of the population”
you have it backwards. the institutions are captured and coopted and attacking the citizens.
“Do you see a wave of discontent building?”
clausewitz said that war begins with defense. I see a wave of self-defense building.
“Choose your battles wisely”
if you stand around passively waiting for it to come to you, it will come to you full force. sometimes choosing means you don’t wait.
“it’s not wise to expect or rely on government support”
it will be mandated. those not supported directly and solely by government will be deprecated.
So, are we clear to indulge and bask in total hedonism like there’s no tomorrow? Because apparently there isn’t and all hope is lost, we’re wasting time here.
“like there’s no tomorrow? Because apparently there isn’t and all hope is lost”
dude. just pointing out what’s coming, in the interest of clarity. can’t deal with a problem if it’s not seen and understood and faced.
Dude. I’m sorry but you’re not pointing anything. There are no certainties, just probabilities.
Or do you see something the rest of us don’t? If you have a crystal ball in high-res, please, I’m all ears.
So in the interest of clarity, be clear: you foresee total tyranny? Zero freedom? Global, in US only, in other places? In what, 3, 5, 50 years?
And most important: how do we prepare for it? Fight it? Should we even bother, if that’s the end?
“There are no certainties, just probabilities”
sure. but it’s not random. there are identifiable forces and identifiable groups pushing in identifiable ways towards identifiable goals. one may not know the date and time of any successful or unsuccessful eventuation but the trend is clear and some outcomes are fairly likely. none of this is mysterious.
“crystal ball … do you see something the rest of us don’t?”
more like I’m willing to see certain things, while others … have been trained not to.
“you foresee total tyranny? Zero freedom?”
oh they’re gonna try, for all they’re worth. (deleted a bunch of stuff) they have control of the money system and the surveillance systems, but not everywhere, and THIS time there will be considerably more resistance – “how we burned later in the camps” – and the human tools they best control are too weak and too dangerous to themselves for a long-term effort. furthermore success on their part will eliminate (slowly or quickly) the technology on which they’ll rely, so they’ll have to succeed quickly or fail entirely.
“And most important: how do we prepare for it?”
recognize who is behind all this. resist everything they push, both to avoid it and to weaken it. to ride out the initial wave, independence, defensibility, cultural/tribal network (almost all preppers/survivalists are unsurvivable on that last one). after the wave crests, you’ll all have to go on the offensive to restore your nation. this is tribal warfare, they won’t quit until you’re dead or enslaved.
“Fight it?”
you’ll know if/when.
“Should we even bother, if that’s the end?”
everybody dies. do what’s right.
OK I’ll tell you what I believe.
Yes there’s a push for tyranny, central planning, great reset and all that. It’s the last scream of a dying model. They’re not aware of this, so they’ll try to accelerate and force and shove that crap on everyone.
But every action has a reaction, and there’s also a push for individuality and freedom. We’re also not aware, but we sense it and we push back.
This will build and build as the ruling agenda is forced onto the people. It’s the cycle of history. From this clash, a lot of volatility and instability. That’s what we’re living, and the worsening of it (until there’s a resolution) is what we should prepare for.
But it’ll happen as it’ll happen. Both forces will move as they should, because that’s how it is.
As for “everybody dies, do what’s right”: 100% agree, that’s my motto.
Stay safe 😉
Hello Aunt7,
I am curious how you see this- “it will be mandated. those not supported directly and solely by government will be deprecated.” coming to pass in American society, and if you can share, how do you come by the insight of this?
I don’t think it is wise to count on help from the government, banking on mandated support is not a plan unless you have been raised for several generations as a prole.
Delta Mike
“I am curious how you see this- ‘it will be mandated. those not supported directly and solely by government will be deprecated.’ coming to pass in American society”
through several efforts. 1) getting rid of american society. “america is inherently a racist sexist bigoted pedophobic society by design (heh) that must be torn down and rebuilt.” to goal is to eliminate the nation proper in favor of the new state. 2) by getting rid of any national consciousness – deprecating national history in favor of oppressor/oppressed memes, deprecating law and law enforcement in favor of “social justice” (which is nothing more than dressed-up criminal culture), pushing only black lives matter and whites shut up. etc and so on. the goal is to eliminate any attachment to the existing nation and preclude any attachment to any new nation (“YOU’RE NAZIS! YOU’RE NAZIS!”) in favor of the new order. 3) by getting rid of personal independence – by overloading private business with taxes and restrictions while subsidizing state-controllable entities such as cnn and walmart, and by printing trillions of debt dollars that are handed out to ever-expanding millions of natives and newcomers for free. the goal is to make impossible the existence of any nation – or any entity at all – independent of the cabal, leaving the cabal as the sole source and justification of all human activity.
“how do you come by the insight of this?”
simple. the cabal behind all this see themselves as the humans, and the rest of us as not – the rest of us as talking animals, as resources put here by god to serve them, to be eliminated if we don’t. their goal is total ownership and total control, which they think is their righteous due. they seek to implement the same system they had in the soviet union – no-one is independent of the state, everyone is part of the state, everyone is assigned work by the state alone, everyone is paid by the state alone, no-one has any control over the state, the state has total control over everyone. and the state is nothing more or less or other than that cabal and all their relatives and descendants. “the party is The People”, and the people themselves are not, and anyone who says anything different is disappeared.
@Delta Mike,
Aunt7 (gman) is our resident troll, as noted by Seminole Wind.
He makes drive by comments with absolutely no support of his point of view, makes asinine observations as if he is witty or something, has no real world experience and is a known racist and anti-Semite. As a result, most do not reply to his comments for no one wants to be associated with a known racist and anti-Semite.
He has quite the following on Citizen Free Press in the negative sense (as he does here) and on other sites as well.
“comments with absolutely no support of his point of view”
frequently true. most people aren’t interested in support, they only look for agreement and reject out of hand anything that doesn’t agree. so most of the time I don’t bother with support, unless it is asked for.
Well said, Marine jarhead.
First, ever since Gen. Flynn was pardoned, the MSM and lefties were out to get him and Trump and anyone else who doesn’t to their line. Which means just about everyone. Theirs is the politics of personal destruction. Second, yes, even events as far away as Mexico,Brazil,Columbia,et al, will affect us when they start showing up at our border. By then,it will be too late to do anything about it.
“Theirs is the politics of” …
… tribal warfare.
Spoken like someone without a tribe. (Raises eyebrow) I wonder why?
We are seeing more push back from people on various things: Masks, social distancing, government over reach, CRT being taught to children in public and private education.
America was divided pre-covid and seems to be more so than ever.
Mr. Ommar is right, that big circle stuff is out of my circle of influence.
But I can influence my inner circle and do what I can to be self-reliant and self-resilient.
“We are seeing more push back from people on various things: Masks, social distancing”
and have you noticed how this push-back is being dealt with? by “honor system” – “if anyone is not wearing a mask you are not to ask but to presume that they’ve been vaccinated”. really very smart of them – bypasses any confrontation while leaving intact the principle that they can give such orders and while simultaneously impugning the “honor” of anyone who doesn’t do what they say.
What kind of word salad is that?
I recall a certain politician recently making a comment about “Neanderthal” thinking of a certain state governor when that governor lifted the mask mandate in his state. No honor system there, the state is fully re-opened.
And there are more than just that one state. Matt in OK has been living mask free for quite sometime now.
So, yes, there is push back and not some ohhh, look at what the all controlling, all seeing, all knowing TPTB allow us to do.
You push some serious Blue Anon stuff.
Thanks for sharing, Fabian. Very insightful and a lot of food for thought.
Over the last several years I’ve continued to not rely on the government and continuing to do what needs to be done on the home front in order to be self sufficient no matter what should happen.
In addition, it’s important to pay attention to what is going on around me and continue to attempt to connect with others, helping however I am able. Sometimes it’s just with information/encouragement to deal with situations at hand.
Thanks for the very informative article. You have done a wonderful job outlining what we need to do to not let the situation dictate our behavior. We need to stay focused on what matters the most. I really like you suggestion to zoom out and look at the bigger picture. Focusing on the smaller battles rather than the war seems to make the situation worse.
Fabian: I absolutely love that you included this:
“Declutter your space and your soul. … Get rid of all stuff that has no use, stands in the way, or demands unnecessary attention. Donate, sell, whatever. Cut expenses, save as much as possible, simplify your lifestyle. Basic is light, and light is nimble.
“Remove toxic friendships and relationships that “vampirize” us. Get closer to and surrounded by better company. Dedicate more to the ones who love and care for us and inspire us to be our better selves.
“Finally, enjoy life as it is now.”
These are excellent words to live by and what I’ve embraced during the last year and a half. Not only does it free my soul and space to be rid of the useless excess, but it helps those who need items, too. Plus, if one gives it away now, then it cannot be taken away later. And one doesn’t have to worry about dragging or protecting all that stuff. As Selco has said many times, none of the “stuff” is important! Only your life and your family and loved ones.
The lockdowns also taught us that many can be manipulated into fear and hopelessness and inaction. Hear, hear to enjoying life as it is now!! Now may be all we have.
Thanks for this great article and perspective. All of it is good, but I wanted to touch on this point since it wasn’t yet in the comments.
Excellent Article!
“Focus on sensible, proven, real-life-based preparations. Get away from the echo chamber of fear, doom porn, and fantasy prepping.”
Exactly! I scan my news feeds once a day (before noon) and read in depth only the ones that interest or impact me. I don’t do doom porn or fantasy prepping. I do realistic/basic prepping. I try to practice my some of my bushcraft skills at least once a month. I’ve been “trying” to lose some excess weight (56 and pudgy (not overweight)) I’ve lost 35 lbs without really trying. Long ago, I cut my spending down (no cable but OTA, TracPhone, only 1 credit card with under $1,000 balance) and recently I’ve been selling stuff I don’t real use or need. As my wife calls it, “keep it simple, stupid”. (Did she call me stupid?). I left the Social Media World about 3 years ago. What been nice is my wife has been on-board the whole time.
If I and my wife can do all of the above….so can you, just focus on one thing at a time. Don’t get overwhelmed & give up. Celebrate each milestone and move to the next issue.