Weekend Fun: Preppers Predict 2024

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What does the future hold for us in 2024? *Cue spooky music, crystal balls, and fortune-teller vibes* What will the headlines be? Who will win the Super Bowl? What movie will win awards? How will things shake out for the election?

I recently had the privilege of recording a show with Brian Duff and Chris Richards of Mind4Survival and Dale Goodwin of Survivalist Prepper. It was a lot of fun and we talked (in kind of a game show format) about the things we expect in the New Year, both humorous and serious.

Please note that while we did share our true opinions, this was done in a spirit of fun – something that we don’t see often enough in the preparedness world.

How does the Predictions Game work?

Straight from Mind4Survival, here’s how the game is played:

We are making predictions for 12 significant events or moments in 2024. Then, we will keep score throughout the year and see who comes out on top.

January: Predict the winners of the major categories at the 2024 Academy Awards:

February: Predict the winner of Super Bowl 2024 and the MVP of the game.

March: Predict progress or setbacks in resolving a high-profile global conflict.

April: Predict what Gas Prices and inflation will be by the end of April. 

May: Predict a groundbreaking technology or innovation that will capture the world’s attention in 2024.

June: Predict whether or not summer riots will start. What month? 

July: Presidential Race: Who will the Presidential candidates be? 

August: Predict the total number of gold medals for the United States in the 2024 Summer Olympics.

September: Predict the odds of a national crisis happening in the months leading to the election. What will the crisis be? 

October: Who will win the baseball World Series?  

November: Predictions on the outcome of the United States elections.

December: What will the National Debt be at the end of 2024? National debt as of right now, 12/7/2023, is $33.8T.

I want to hear your answers in the comments, too!

Not PC enough for YouTube!

Of course, considering the panelists, it’s probably no surprise our answers didn’t fit within YouTube’s community guidelines. So, instead of getting banned, Brian moved the whole shindig to Rumble.

I hope you enjoy it and get a giggle this weekend!

What do you think?

I hope you enjoyed this show. We had a blast recording it. I, of course, expect to be the champion and will graciously accept my crown at the end of the year.

Which of us will be the big winner in the game of 2024 Predictions?  Do you have any predictions you want to add to the ones we discussed? Do you think some of us were dead wrong? Most of all, did you have fun?

Let’s talk about it in the comments section.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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7 Responses

  1. Oh my gosh, that was so much fun! Just the right mix of funny and serious! I think that Daisy or Chris will win. Also, I have teenagers and thought the stuff about Taylor Swift was especially hilarious.

  2. Okay, I will play.

    January: Predict the winners of the major categories at the 2024 Academy Awards: I quit watching most Hollywood movies awhile ago. Been watching foreign movies or TV shows.

    February: Predict the winner of Super Bowl 2024 and the MVP of the game. I usually don’t even know who was playing till I read the headlines the next day.

    March: Predict progress or setbacks in resolving a high-profile global conflict. The Ukraine and Russia will have either been in the process of a cease fire or truce or about to begin one.
    Under pressure from the US and globally, Israel will have scaled back their war on Hamas. This will embolden not only Hamas, but other Iran back groups.
    Unless the US does something military, the Houthis will continue their attacks in the Red Sea.

    April: Predict what Gas Prices and inflation will be by the end of April.  Either by action or inaction, the situation in the Red Sea will send gas prices higher. Ripple effect of increased fuel prices will send inflation higher. The Fed will have to raise interest rates higher.
    More than a few economists have said the US will enter into a recession early in 2024. By some metrics the EU has already entered into a recession.

    May: Predict a groundbreaking technology or innovation that will capture the world’s attention in 2024. Another step up in nuclear fusion. But it is still decades away from being commercially viable.
    June: Predict whether or not summer riots will start. What month? SCOUS will rule on the Constitutionally of keeping a presidential candidate off the ballot without due process or that courts or unelected bureaucrat can unilaterally decide without due process.

    July: Presidential Race: Who will the Presidential candidates be? Trump and Biden.

    August: Predict the total number of gold medals for the United States in the 2024 Summer Olympics. That is this year?

    September: Predict the odds of a national crisis happening in the months leading to the election. What will the crisis be? The civil unrest and violence of the SCOUS ruling will make the George Floyd riots look like a picnic.

    October: Who will win the baseball World Series?  Who cares.

    November: Predictions on the outcome of the United States elections. There wont be an election. There will be some vague national security threat, the Russians, some other absurd challenge to the SCOUS ruling to keep Trump off the ballot, our debt and de-dollarization blows up the economy and the whole country is thrown into chaos. Pick one or all of the above.

    December: What will the National Debt be at the end of 2024? National debt as of right now, 12/7/2023, is $33.8T. The US goes bust. Hyper-inflation kicks into high gear and the FED is able to pay off the national debt. Of course the dollar is now with more as toilet paper, but hey! They paid off the national debt!!!

    1. So far Netanyahu is hanging tough on ignoring the amazingly pro-Hamas world and pounding Hamas into the ground. I think it’s more likely that by April Israel will be in the mopping up stage. I am in awe of Israel, both its ethics and its hombria.

  3. Predictions are always interesting. make enough of them and one will come as close to being right. Have enough people making predictions and the odds go up. Why are predictions never good news?

    Never seems to be positive or a benefit to humankind. if we think about it good news is never published. It just isn’t news. What happens in the USA or the world is controlled by people. It must be the efforts of the collective to dictate what will happen, and what we plan for our future. So we do have choices to make. do we sit back and live our lives as victims,

    depending upon the government to plan our every step using crisis events to dictate what we will do? these I call followers and the victims that government must have to justify its existence. The few who have the foresight and ability to lead a nation to provide a government that when used correctly will function.

    providing whoever has the drive and initiative to produce and provide the excess that may be enjoyed or invested to gain wealth are the leaders that will guide a nation. It will be their goal to be a moral leader or provide just their need for power and control. As much protection for our citizens, and as much control for government powers we shall always have people that want more.

    power corrupts. with the amount of power gathered, the amount of corruption that got them there is unavoidable or should I say inevitable. The question becomes are we to continue or force the changes that must be made to return to our Republic. I have made suggestions that are ignored, but I feel they could be a partial answer to our corruption problems.

    One I outlined was electing a president and VP for each state. the presidents in Washington provide for themselves one stand as our president with powers that are not too much different than what we have.

    The remainder serve as cabinet members and provide control of all the agencies. the VPs back in each state provide the words from the people and direct link to the president.

    the people don’t have the many filters we now have. providing what the people’s desires are. a rough draft as an explanation but the basics are there. I know that many have some good ideas and would like to hear them. I, Grampa

  4. Jan. Predict the winners of the major categories at the 2024 Academy Awards: no impact, no idea. Don’t even know what had played in theaters the past year. If Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, Whoopi Goldberg collaborated on a movie, lady GaGa sang the movie title track, and Bob Manfrenjensen was the key grip, then it’ll be a sweep for “the most iconic movie of our time”

    Feb. Predict the winner of Super Bowl 2024 and the MVP of the game. Don’t know who will win, Tom Brady is always the mvp. Always.

    Mar. Predict progress or setbacks in resolving a high-profile global conflict. A US Nuclear submarine will go missing on patrol in international waters while on either in the South China Sea or Sea of Japan. The sub and entire crew will be lost. North Korea will see themselves getting set up to take the fall and will launch an overwhelming offensive against South Korea, because..why not?

    Apr. Predict what Gas Prices and inflation will be by the end of April. If I’m correct about March, it’ll be rationed. The black market price is what matters.

    May. Predict a groundbreaking technology or innovation that will capture the world’s attention in 2024. I don’t know. Hell, I’d be happy if a bic lighter worked as advertised.

    June. Predict whether or not summer riots will start. Oh, you can bet your sweet cinnamon buns they’re going to start! Lol!

    July. Presidential Race: Who will the Presidential candidates be? Vivek and Biden. I believe President Trump will not be breathing in July (think assassination here)

    Aug. Predict the total number of gold medals for the United States in the 2024 Summer Olympics. 397. (We have the world’s best athletes that identify as women and! our women athletes ain’t no slouches either 😉)

    Sept. Predict the odds of a national crisis happening in the months leading to the election. What will the crisis be? Even money on odds. A party (maybe both without a candidate) a Congress in disarray, a Supreme Court lost in politics and the USA teetering on global thermonuclear war while civil strife is escalating towards civil war.

    Oct. Who will win the baseball World Series? This is Cleveland’s year, baby!! With the rest of the USA major cities in turmoil, Cleveland is such a crap hole that the city will never know that there’s bad times going on and they will rise up and they’ll sweep the Florida Marlins in 4.

    Nov. Predictions on the outcome of the United States elections. (Psst..) there’s not going to be any elections…

    Dec. What will the National Debt be at the end of 2024? Lol! What difference does it make!

  5. Jan–I hope The Sound of Freedom makes Best Picture and its Director gets Best Director. Jim Caviezel Best Actor. Only movie I’ve watched in years.
    March–my Ishmael HandInHand Substack will be reaching hundreds to thousands of Muslims, and they will begin resolving the Mideast by helping Judea build a heavenly 3rd Temple and beginning to attract Jewish and Christian attention to “God is Love.” By the end of the year, the Mideast will be transformed in a very very good way.
    Apr 30 Gas $2.40/gallon if deep state can help it; or $10 if they’ve already lost control. Inflation either 5% or less or 12%,
    May–Robots and AI
    June–oh, absolutely, beginning in June, to help cook 2024 elections with mail-in ballot frauds.
    July–Trump, Big Mike Obama, and RFK, Jr.
    Aug–US is always a top contender and many other nations have weird challenges, so USA. Not watching much of it.
    Sept–I predict 4 major crises at least–war, famine, disease, and civil strife.
    Nov. either Trump, announced before Midnight or RFK, Jr.
    Dec. US nat’l Debt $102T

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